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People culture
Staff survey
Our annual Staff Survey, Exchange Ideas, measures the engagement and performance of the organisation. The findings represent the views of approximately 80 per cent of the workforce.
Of the same 110 questions staff responded to in 2019, responses to 92 of those questions improved, nine stayed the same and nine were lower. The top five questions that were favourable, compared to 2019 and compared to industry reflect our approach to improve the employee experience.
Top 5 questions favourable
I understand how my job contributes to the overall success of Georges River Council 92 + 3 + 5
I am effective in work on a day-to-day basis % favourable 2019 difference % Local government difference %
92 + 1
Sexual harassment is prevented and discouraged 92 + 1 + 6
I understand my goals and objectives and what is required of my in my job 89 + 1 + 3
I have good working relationships with my co-workers 89 + 1 + 1
Top 5 questions compared to 2019
I received feedback about the results of the previous survey I completed at Georges River Council 70 + 18 + 9
I am satisfied with the benefits I receive % favourable 2019 difference % Local government difference %
80 + 12 + 10
When people start in new jobs here, they are given enough guidance and training 60 + 11 + 7
Georges River Council is environmentally responsible 81 + 10 + 8
I have easy access to all the information I need to do my job well 71 + 9 + 5
Top 5 questions compared to industry % favourable 2019 difference Local government difference
I am aware of the vision for the future of Georges River Council 70 + 5 + 21
Georges River Council is innovative 67 + 8 + 19
The Executive Team keep people informed of what’s going on 63 + 4 + 16
I have confidence in the ability of the Executive Team
Georges River Council has a strong focus on achieving positive results 71 + 3 + 16
83 + 6 + 15
Our response to COVID-19 has been strong compared to our local government counterparts – most between 1-6 percentage points higher than the industry benchmark. Comparative to all industries (of which there are 110 organisations) while results were not as high, in some areas there has been a notable outcome in how our staff responded.
Covid-19 specific questions % favourable Local gov. Difference % All industries difference %
Georges River Council’s communication about COVID-19 has been clear and timely We are given all necessary safety information and safety equipment to manage the risk of COVID-19 88% + 1 + 1
83% 0 - 1
My co-workers are taking appropriate precautions to protect themselves and others (physical distancing, cleaning etc.) 82% - 2 - 4
I am aware of the processes to follow should I become unwell 97% + 5 + 5
I am aware of the processes to follow should someone I have been in contact with becomes unwell Senior management are making effective decisions in response to COVID-19 My team has been able to work together effectively during the disruption caused by COVID-19 95% + 6 + 6
84% + 3 0
87% + 1 - 2
I am coping well with the disruption due to COVID-19 81% + 3 + 4
Workplace changes associated with COVID-19 have been managed well 81% + 1 - 3
We have continued to enhance our social media communications particularly on professional platforms such as LinkedIn. These platforms attract the right talent to our organisation, which adds to our thriving culture and retains high quality services and customer experiences.
The launch of LEAP included a week-long festival of learning events called LEAP FEST. The post attracted 2,581 impressions (the total number of times our post was seen) with a click through rate of 24 per cent and engagement rate of 26 per cent (made up of reactions, comments, shares and clicks). With experts considering a two per cent LinkedIn engagement rate as good, a rate well above that is performing exceptionally well.
Our cultural awareness training shared on LinkedIn to celebrate Reconciliation Week attracted 1,115 impressions, a click through rate of 29 per cent and engagement rate of 30 per cent.
Raising awareness of winning the People, Workplace, Wellbeing category at the LG Professionals NSW Local Government Awards; and achieving highly commended in the Special Project Initiative Award for THRIVE! and the Environmental Leadership Award for the Gannons Park Water Quality Improvement and Stormwater Harvesting Scheme attracted 4,626 impressions, a click through rate of 36 per cent and engagement rate of 37 per cent.
We launched the BENE-FIT 360 Program in October 2020. Upheld by three core pillars, BENE-FIT 360 builds on our wellness and belonging initiatives (WELLFIT) and highlights our commitment to mental health (M-FIT) and flexible work practice (FLEX-FIT).
Engagement of a new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has seen 168 hours of support accessed by staff. This is a an almost 250 per cent increase on the previous year’s usage over a nine-month period, and can be attributed to an improved service, better awareness and accessibility through the onsite wellness consultants particularly when staff transitioned back to the office after months of remote working.
We partnered with the Mental Health Movement (MHM) to deliver our M-FIT strategy and create and maintain a mentally healthy and supportive workplace. Under the first stage, 540 staff undertook awareness training and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive with many resonating with the personal stories and journeys shared by the facilitators. Staff received a mental health cup as a practical tool to check-in with their mental health every day.
In conjunction with the training, a mental health workplace audit found that 75 per cent of staff felt
our organisation is a mentally healthy and supportive workplace – this compares to the national average of 52 per cent identified in Beyond Blue’s State of Workplace Health in Australia report. The audit has informed our next stages of M-FIT focusing on uplifting people leader capabilities in managing their team’s mental health, building resilience and establishing M-FIT champions to provide a peer-to-peer support network.
Nearly 34 per cent of the workforce utilised a Health and Wellbeing (H&WB) day in the past 12 months, a positive indicator of staff utilising support mechanisms that encourage wellness. Further, approximately 300 staff had taken up a flu vaccination and 230 staff undertook skin checks.
The staff stories through our Diversity and Inclusion Series spotlights our diverse workforce and nurtures belonging through the experiences our staff have lived; challenges they have overcome and their achievements.
Recognising our people
We continued to celebrate 46 staff service milestones during COVID-19 lockdowns via virtual events. Our Saluting Service program celebrates staff who have served with Council for more than 10 years and every five years thereafter. We also continue to recognise staff for behaviours that role model our values, contribute to the achievement of our vision, exemplify a commitment to safety, demonstrate improvement and innovation or deliver outstanding customer service through our Shine Bright Rewards program.

Our Shine Bright Rewards program recognises outstanding service, performance, innovation and demonstration of our Mission, Vision and Values. This program respects the individual and is built on personal choice. Nominees can choose their own rewards and how they receive their recognition.
In the past 12 months, 183 staff were nominated by their managers or by a peer and received a reward; 22 for achieving the vision, 2 for commitment to safety, 32 for customer experience, 26 for improvement and innovation and 101 for living the values.
The adoption of the Flex-Fit Policy in November 2020 acknowledges that our business and operational requirements vary just as each employee’s needs are unique. The Policy provides flexible work practices and a framework for remote working. More than 150 staff took up ongoing remote working arrangements when staff transitioned back to the office.