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Pillar 4 Our built environment

Goal 4.1: New development should make Georges River more liveable, vibrant and sustainable.

Goal 4.2: Affordable and quality housing options are available.

Goal 4.3: There are a range of transport options and increased walkability and cycling to connect people, goods and businesses.

Goal 4.4: Everyone has access to quality parks and open space and active and passive recreation facilities.

Goal 4.5: Council-led development and assets provide quality, long term benefits to everyone.

4 Year Deliverables

Pillar 4 deliverables for 2022-2026 are:

4.1.1A Complete a Master Plan for Beverly Hills and Mortdale Local Centre that will revitalise the centre and respond to the community's ideas and aspirations for the future of the centre.

4.1.1B Prepare a Master Plan for the Riverwood Local Centre in association with the Riverwood community and Canterbury-Bankstown Council.

4.1.1C Include the Hurstville Civic Centre site in the Georges River Local Environmental Plan 2021.

4.1.1D Develop and implement planning controls to protect the scenic character of the foreshore.

4.1.2A Monitor and standardise DA assessment reports and templates.

4.1.2B Provide ongoing education to the community about controls to the development and building approval processes.

4.2.1A Develop and implement an Affordable Rental Housing Scheme.

4.2.1B Provide affordable housing in one of Council's redevelopments.

4.3.1A Pursue State Government priority for express trains on the T4 line stop at Kogarah and T8 line to the CBD, the River Rail and Hurstville (or Kogarah) to Macquarie Park via Rhodes (through Burwood or Strathfield) rail line.

4.3.2A Maintain Council's footpath network to be functional and safe.

4.3.2B Continue to maintain Council’s walkways and cycleways to be functional and safe.

4.4.1A Maintain Council's buildings and open space to be functional and safe.

4.4.1B Incorporate design principles for parks and open spaces that promote resilience.

4.4.1C Implement the GRC Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.

4.4.2A Research and plan for active and passive recreation opportunities within the Georges River Local Government Area.

4.4.2B Progress construction of a new aquatic facility in the LGA.

4.4.3A Ensure our parks and reserves have updated Plans of Management and Master Plans.

4.5.1A Plan for and implement a purchasing program for property requiring compulsory acquisition in the comprehensive LEP.

4.5.1B Achieve service delivery outcomes through a 10 year Capital Works Program driven by Council Strategies.

4.5.1C Deliver Asset Management Plans for each Asset Class (Roads, Buildings, Open Space and Stormwater) which plan for the long term sustainability of Council’s Infrastructure assets.

4.5.1D Provide new and updated community assets such as new library services to the western part of our LGA.

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