Issue 15
ArtsEntertainment A tour of Georgetown College - Mad Lib
September 26, 2018 Page 9
Welcome to beautiful Georgetown College! The home of the (1)________! We are so happy you are here! Now, let’s take the tour. First, we see historic (2)__________ Lawn, where your time at Georgetown will begin and end. Notice the big (3)______ (4)________ in the middle of the Lawn. We really like to show off our Gtown Pride! Next, we will show you the Student Center. This contains the Caf where you will eat most of your meals. The great thing about the Caf is there are lots of (5)_______, so you can always find something that you would want to (6)_______. Also, here is the Student Life Department. They are really (7)________; they really (8)______ the students here! To close the tour, we wanted to show you what a class at Georgetown might seem like. So we are going to be going to (9)___________ Hall where most of our (10)_________ classes are taught. This class is called ‘Introduction to (11)______ and it is taught by (12)__________. Thank you so much for coming to visit us. We (13)_________ await your next visit or seeing you on campus next (14)_________. Goodbye and remember: here at Georgetown we see (15)________! 1. Plural Animal: 2. Last Name of Someone Famous: 3. Color: 4. Singular Noun: 5. Plural Noun: 6. Present Tense Verb: 7. Adjective: 8. Present Tense Verb:
9. Different Last Name of Someone Famous: 10. Subject in School: 11. Singular Noun: 12. Professor at Georgetown: 13. Adverb: 14. Measurement of Time: 15. Singular Noun:
Want to be featured on the official Georgetonian Instagram page? Fill in your answers to the Mad Lib and submit them to Lauren Parkinson at The funniest submission will be chosen to be featured on our Instagram page!
Dare to be different, dare to be indie By DEMETRIUS HARRISON News Editor The term “indie” is shortened for independent art, which refers to the arts, music, film and literature culture. At its core, this means allowing yourself to discover your personal pleasures. What makes you happy? Anything can be classified as independent art: a hike, blogging and journalism, cooking, even creative craftwork. An independent lifestyle absorbs an inner concept of what is now being referred to as a hippie lifestyle: not following trends, projecting your inner creativity. What makes you feel at peace? The interesting abstraction with an indie fate is there are no guidelines or restrictions. Converting into “indieism” means you are inheriting rituals such as being a patron of local arts,
businesses and vendors, purchasing vintage or second-hand clothing and products for your wardrobe and residence and spending your money on what you consider things of value, not on fads. A primary benefit of expressing an indie lifestyle is that you will have some individuality, which goes a long way in physical and personal attractiveness. It is almost similar to involving yourself in a lifestyle of minimalism: is your closet stuffed with Ralph Lauren logos or fabrics that carry memories? What makes you different? However, diving into the indie lifestyle isn’t something you can drown yourself in overnight. It takes time to collect a lifestyle of things that you truly see a story behind and things you see worth in physically and emotionally: collect memories that aren’t cap-
tured digitally. Leave your phone at the campsite and go hiking or go out on the boat for a day. Go on a night walk: a breath of fresh air is an energy boost you never knew you needed. Have a heart-to-heart with someone about personal or controversial topics. It’s the simple things that matter. Regarding music, the indie lifestyle comes with its own unique sound. Sure, that may cause you to generalize yourself which is contradictory to an independent lifestyle; however, indie music is about the art and passion behind it. While the genre is multi-faceted (indie pop, indie rock, branching out into folk), it is extremely unique and personal. Most indie music tells a story, similar to country, but has a very relaxing feel to it. You will find that indie music gets you through struggles, extends your happiness and even con-
nects you with yourself. Indie music is not only different with sound by incorporating a lot of acoustics and string instruments, but it is appreciated more due to the artist putting more effort into it than mainstream talents. For example, indie artists typically produce their own music and write majority of their own lyrics. You do not find this in mainstream artists pushed behind major record labels like Sony, Universal or Warner. Indie serves a purpose and projects the time and effort spent making it through its quality, which resonates with each listener. Even if you do not enjoy indie music, take the time to transition into an independent lifestyle because it caters to everyone! Find what makes you happy and start living for yourself.