A MESSAGE FROM JIM JOHNSON Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Annually, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors and Staff review our mission statement to ensure it still creates alignment of the organization. Each portion of the mission is key to driving the direction of the Chamber. Our mission continues to be:
To facilitate economic success for our community through advocacy, education and collaboration. We must understand that economic success is different for each member and how we facilitate that will drive our programs. Advocacy, Education and Collaboration are the key values we must engage in to ensure that members have success. These areas are discussed among our leadership, but one-word drives all of these areas – Community. Community was deliberately added to our mission statement in 2018. We might be a membership organization, but our actions impact our community. The Chamber must continue to recognize that a strong community will benefit our businesses and vice versa – strong businesses create a strong community. A community focused on economic development, education, healthcare and public safety is a community that will attract businesses and talent that will continue to grow our economy. Georgetown has a rich history of a strong community. This is on display each year with large community events like Red Poppy Festival, Christmas on the Square and Field of Honor. This is why Georgetown was the first Purple Heart City in Texas and continues to be recognized for its efforts in beautification and the “Most Beautiful Town Square in Texas.”
All the things that make Georgetown amazing are because of the unity between different segments of our community.”
This year our community was challenged with COVID-19. Businesses were challenged with shutdowns and reduced clients but because of our community, they are working towards their success. Clothing stores sold groceries; restaurants added outside dining and multiple companies began delivery of their products. Businesses were able to continue to operate because of the support of Georgetown and our sales tax was record high because of partnership between business and community. This partnership is best described by Georgetown Police Chief Wayne Nero. This year his department focused on the word community but with an emphasis on the UNITY to create commUNITY. All the things that make Georgetown amazing are because of the unity between different segments of our community. The Chamber describes these as the Cornerstones of a Chamber of Excellence— Economic Development, Education, Healthcare and Public Safety. As we move together in unison in 2021, I remind our members and citizens that we will continue to strive because of our community which recognizes the importance of our businesses and the cornerstones of our community.