Fall Kronicle 2017

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The official publication of the Georgia District of Circle K International

get involved.

lend a hand. meet new people. make a difference.

fall in love with service.

Picked just for you...


State of the District


District 5

Fall Membership Retreat


Kiwanis Family Reunion


Map & LTGs

10 Committees & Service 11 Club 12 MRFs & Dues 13 Media & Recruitment 14 Service Project Ideas 16 Club Goals 18 International 19 Subregion Update 20 International Update 20 UNICEF, St. Baldrick's, & WASH 22 Preferred Charities & Service Partners 23 Member & Club Spotlights

Hello Georgia District! My name is Kylie Wilson, and I am your 2017-2018 Georgia District Governor! For those of you who hold an officer position, your terms are already half over! This has been an amazing start to our year so far, and I am looking forward to our upcoming district events. It is November, and many of our clubs recently participated in TRICK-OR-TREAT for UNICEF! All funds raised through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF will be used toward our goal for the WASH project. WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) is a UNICEF project and my Governor’s project that raises funds to help provide safe water habits to communities in Haiti. Registration for Fall Membership Retreat (FMR) has closed, and we are SO excited to see all of you there! Our theme this year is Service is Wild, and we have planned an amazing event for our members and potential members to attend! The event will be November 10th-12th in Covington, Georgia. You can meet other Circle K members from all over Georgia and beyond, attend workshops, participate in service projects, and take a break from your studies. Attendees will also meet some of our International representatives! Also, November is Prematurity Awareness Month, and November 17th is World Prematurity Day. Boost your club raise awareness, and raise money for our partner, March of Dimes. According to March of Dimes, there will be more than 350,000 babies born prematurely this year. Get your club involved, and seek out ways to help! February 23rd-25th is the Georgia District Convention held in Macon, GA! We will recognize all the amazing things our members have accomplished. We also retire this year’s District Board and elect the new board. If you have any questions about a position, you can find information about our board on our website and can contact the person who is currently in the position you are interested in. We are always excited about the work you do with your clubs and in your communities and want to let people know what you are doing. If you want to recognize someone for their outstanding service, fellowship, and leadership, make sure to let us know! International wants spotlight submissions for “Membership Mondays,” “Social Saturdays,” and “Service Sundays.” Submit pictures here. If your club needs fundraising ideas, resources, or information about upcoming events you can find them on our Georgia Circle K Facebook page, at georgiacirclek.org, or circlek.org! Don’t let these upcoming dates pass by without getting involved. Live to Serve, Love to Serve!

Georgia District Governor

Fall Membership Retreat N o v e m b er 1 0 - 1 2 , 2 0 1 7 It is that time of year again: leaves are falling, the weather is getting cooler, and our annual Fall Membership Retreat is just around the corner! If you are someone who loves meeting new people, roasting marshmallows over a bonfire, and serving the community, this is perfect for you!

FMR is a time for Circle K’ers from all over Georgia, as well as some members from other districts, to socialize, attend workshops, do service, and learn how to improve our clubs and communities. During the weekend-long conference, all attendees are housed in cabins on the camp grounds. Lodging, four meals, meeting space, conference activities, workshop materials, conference t-shirt, and recreational activities are all included! Attendees should bring their own pillows, blankets, sheets, and toiletries as needed. An official packing list and instructions will be emailed to participants before the event! We hope to see everyone there!

when November 10 - 12

where FFA/FCCLA Campgrounds


Covington, Georgia

Georgia FFA FCCLA Center


720 FFA FHA Camp Road

“Service is Wild!”

Covington, GA 30014

Kiwanis Family Reunion

On October 7, Georgia Circle K, Key Club, and Kiwanis gathered for our Kiwanis Family Reunion at Hardigree Wildlife Sanctuary. As our service project, we separated into teams and weeded and mulched around new trees. Then, we ate pizza and bonded with members of the Kiwanis Family. We played several team games, like a water balloon toss, three-legged race, sack race, hula hoop challenge, and other relays.

University of Georgia Circle K brought 13 members!

“Recently our Service committee, led by Service Chair, Emmie Landford, put together our first ever Kiwanis Family Reunion. This event was a great success! Kiwanians, Key Clubbers, and Circle K’ers met up in Watkinsville, Georgia, for this wonderful event. Even our Georgia Kiwanis Governor, Juanita Edwards, was there! Everyone had such a great time and the Service committee deserves to be recognized for their hard work. It definitely paid off! “ - Governor Kylie

Click here to view more photos in our Facebook album!

How do you stay up-to-date on District events and goals? Who should you go to for ideas on improving your club or new service projects? Contact your LTG! An LTG is your Lieutenant Governor, who stays in contact with all the clubs in your division. We’re here to help your clubs become the best they can be! Host an interclub! If you meet up with at least one other club and each present club has 2+ members, this counts toward the Interclub Award at DCON.

Erin Martin Coastal LTG

Brianna Blevins Courtney Green Mountains LTG


Perimeter LTG perimeterltg@georgiacirclek.org


Reynaldo Del Toro Guevara III

Dana Hamrick Plains LTG Tiarra Murphy

Club Development LTG clubdevelopmentltg@georgiacirclek.org


Metro LTG metroltg@georgiacirclek.org

Our district has a Club Development LTG in charge of growing new and upcoming clubs. If you know of any college where we could build a new club, please contact Rey so we can start working on getting Circle K interest at that college.

District Committees Our district board has 7 committees that our board members serve on. These committees meet at each district board meeting and help our district function and improve. Find out about our committee goals for the year! Communications Committee Chair: Marisa Hoenig 1. Publish at least 4 editions of the Kronicle throughout the year. 2. Ensure all members are on the district mailing list and keep information up-to-date. Kiwanis Family Committee Chair: Reynaldo del Toro Guevara III 1. Increase the number of Kiwanis Family interactions. 2. Encourage more Key Clubbers and Circle K’ers to join Kiwanis. Policies & Procedures Committee Chair: Dana Hamrick 1. Update policies to fit the current members of the organization. 2. Look at international bylaws to make sure they remain up-todate.

Convention & Conferences Committee Chair: Lucy Zheng 1. Plan amazing district events with service, leadership, & fellowship 2. Achieve record attendance at events Membership Development & Education Committee Chair: Linda Qiu 1. Work with the Service Chair to create educational workshops on the new WASH Project. 2. Update at least 3 portions of the GACKI website to keep members updated.

Service Social Tour Committee Chair: Emily Clement 1. Increase total attendance and number of clubs present at SST 2018. 2. Incorporate elements of service, fellowship, and leadership into SST to make a rewarding and fun event for all members.

Technology Committee Chair: Marisa Hoenig 1. Update the website with new information and designs. 2. Post on social media to keep members interested and involved.

District Service Projects District Events allow other members to connect with one another, but they also provide the opportunity to serve. Through these service projects, members gain insight to the needs in their communities. Last year at FMR, we raked leaves and cleaned up the campgrounds. We also sorted items at Salvation Army. At DCON, we made personal care bags for donation to those in need. At Kiwanis Family Reunion, we weeded and mulched around new trees at a wildlife sanctuary. These opportunities connected us with different communities and allowed our district to make a bigger impact together. Circle K members’ opportunity to serve extends beyond district events which is why these service projects are a model for clubs throughout the Georgia District to implement on their own. Clubs are encouraged to work together throughout the year to increase the impact Circle K has on various communities!

Just as a reminder to all club secretaries and presidents, the new CMR system is now in working order via the Circle K International website. The aim of this system is to provide an easier way for clubs to report their activities to International, so that we have a better, more accurate record of all the great things you do! Here is a quick rundown of the system:   

 

For club secretaries to gain access, the officer information must be updated in the Membership Update Center (MUC). They must also have an account with the MUC to access the form. Once secretaries log into the MUC, the option to fill out a report (called a Monthly Report Form) will become available. Service hour, Kiwanis Family Relation, and Interclub information can be filled out. The form will eventually become more customized for our district, but we will let you know of any changes that occur! For service hours, the total number of hours must be reported (How long the event lasted multiplied by the number of people in attendance; then add them all together). Once you submit the forms, they should be available for viewing and editing.

If any problems arise with logging into the MUC, please contact Kiwanis Membership Services or your faculty advisor; both should be able to grant you access. Also, make sure to go back and submit any forms starting in April; if you submitted your numbers via an old form you should have received an email receipt. I also have them on file, so if you need that information, let me know! In order to be eligible for awards during District Convention, all CMR’s must be submitted, so please keep that in mind! Resources: MRF Walkthrough, MRF Quick Guide Just a reminder that dues are, well, due! Please remember the following amounts need to be paid depending on the size of your school:  All clubs must pay $12 per member as part of their dues to the district  For all 2 year schools, regardless of school size, the international club fee is $350  For all 4 year schools with less than 5,000 people, the international club fee is $450  For all 4 year schools with more than 5,000 people, the international club fee is $600

Early bird deadline: November 1st Final deadline: December 1st

Pay your dues on time to stay in good standing with International. Remember that you need access to the Membership Update Center to input your new members, and you can pay via check or card online. Paying dues is important! Only members who have paid dues can attend our annual District Convention as well as the International Convention. Dues also go toward paying for activities that we provide for members, so make sure to get them in! As always, please feel free to email me at sectreas@georgiacirclek.org with any questions. Hope you all have a great fall semester, and see you at Fall Membership Retreat! Shelby Munyan, Secretary-Treasurer

Trick or Tweet Are you trying to spread the word about your club on campus? Try social media! Students love interacting on social media, and having club accounts will help increase your presence on campus. You can pique the interest of other students by highlighting your service projects as well! Show how involved you are in your community by posting high quality photos of your members doing service. Spread the word about what you are doing and why through graphics, emails, or social media. Canva.com and other graphic design websites are free and easy to use. They can help you create material that will peak people’s interests and help them learn more about your club! Click a logo to get connected with Circle K International!

Find Your (pump)Kin! At your Recruitment Fair, create an eye-catching poster! Items to include: Short Introduction: “largest collegiate service organization in the world” Mission Statement: “To develop college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.” 3 tenets: Service, Leadership and Fellowship. Motto: “Live to Serve, Love to Serve” Statistics like: “Largest service club on campus with over 250 members” and “Raised over $1000 last year for St. Baldrick’s” Recruitment at the Oxford College of Emory Photos: Past service projects, executive board, members, and logos of our international partners Interest Meeting/First General Meeting (if applicable and scheduled by Club Fair) with Date/Time/Location Create flyers, small tags, or cards with meeting information Besides making a great poster, make sure to have club representatives and be friendly and approachable. Members should be knowledgeable and wellverses in your home club and Circle K International as a whole. Don’t forget to bring food incentives and wear a smile! For more ideas and flyers, check out the Resources page on our website! Recruitment at Georgia Tech

Superheroes of Service It's time to spice up your club meetings in the name of service! Check out how you can incorporate a quick service project into your meetings by making care kits for the homeless! Supplies: How To:  Gallon Ziploc bags  You can get these supplies at any local store or  Soap get donations from community members!  Washcloth  Lay out supplies and form an assembly line.  Water bottle  Put one of each item in a Ziploc bag and seal.  Granola bars  Toothbrush  Toothpaste Where do you donate them? These care kits will be greatly appreciated by the homeless in your community! To ensure delivery, you can drop them off at local homeless shelters. This is the perfect opportunity to bring a little bit of service to your meeting while creating a positive impact in the community around you, and it only takes about 20-30 minutes to complete! Happy packing!

What’s your favorite service project?

We asked our District Board members about their favorite service projects. Find out what they like to do and how you can implement the projects for your own clubs!

“One of my favorite service projects is Miracle League, which helps disabled children in the community. They hold frequent baseball games for these children so they can enjoy the fun and competitiveness of playing sports. Volunteers are paired up with a player as their “buddy” and their job is to keep them safe but help them have fun. Interested clubs should reach out to their local Miracle League to get connected and involved.” - Linda Qiu "My favorite service project is the Special Olympics. It's a fun time and I love being with the kids. You're able to entertain them and make them smile. When you see them happy, it makes you happy, and it's all worth it." - Rey del Toro “I love volunteering with Trees Atlanta because we spend 3 hours on a Saturday morning planting trees. It’s a good workout and extremely satisfying to know you planted a few trees in the morning! I encourage clubs to research Trees Atlanta and help us plant trees!” - Marisa Hoenig "My favorite service project is creating Care Bags for the homeless population around our communities. Food and water are required to live, and it means so much to me to be able to give these necessary items for survival to people who cannot get these things for themselves. I am glad we will be able to make some of these Care Bags during our Fall Membership Retreat!" - Kylie Wilson “My favorite service project is the FrogWarts event at a local environmental learning center in which kids can participate in science projects with a Harry Potter twist. Clubs can contact a local wildlife center if they are interested in a similar project.” - Emily Clement

“My favorite service project is working with the homeless in my local community. This is a wonderful way to get involved in your community because you get to help these people in such a tangible way. If you are interested in doing this, I recommend collecting things and taking them to people that you see downtown!” - Courtney Green “My favorite project is working with the Hardigree Wildlife Sanctuary. I love doing hands-on projects that help people learn about the importance of wildlife and environmental conservation.” - Brianna Blevins “I love doing small projects, like making cards for hospital patients. It doesn’t take much time, but they can really brighten people's days.” - Dana Hamrick “My favorite service project is volunteering at our local animal shelter called Animal Rescue Foundation. We get to walk the dogs and play with both the dogs and kittens. Volunteering at a shelter is something that really brings members in for us. People love animals and are always happy to play with dogs and cats!” - Erin Martin “My favorite service project is sorting food at the Atlanta Community Food Bank. I love going there with my members because even if it’s your first time there, it doesn’t take long to learn about the process and jump right into the sorting! The sheer amount of product that a shift goes through in just two hours always amazes me. There are food banks and pantries in need of volunteers everywhere you look, so please contact your local facility!” - Lucy Zheng “My favorite project was planning a Senior prom for senior citizens. But more recently would be playing bingo with them!” - Tiarra Murphy “My favorite service project is helping out with the Special Olympics in Tifton. I love the atmosphere as well as working with the amazing athletes who are competing. Other clubs can implement this by researching to see if their towns nearby them hold this event. Then, they can message the organizers and volunteer their time. I promise it is worth it!” - Hailey Glover “My favorite service project is definitely anything having to do with the environment! At the Kiwanis Family Reunion, we weeded and laid mulch around newly planted oak trees. It was a wonderful time and definitely one of my favorite service projects I've done this semester!” - Emmie Landford

“One main goal for Oxford Circle K this year is to become more prominent in our local communities of Covington and Conyers. We have college essay workshops, field days, and clean ups tentatively planned and are excited to see how these events turn out!” - Eric Zeng, Emory Oxford President

Together ABAC and VSU are working concession stands to earn service hours. They have completed one fundraiser to raise money for the WASH project. ABAC is working hard to do more service than last year.

VSU is working to get a mile of road to help clean up around Valdosta. Also, they are working with the Georgia Sherriff’s Youth Home to volunteer. “Our goal is to increase membership and participation amongst our members” - JC Clark, VSU President

- Dale Spicer, ABAC President

"This year, Georgia Tech wants to establish lasting relationships with nearby schools by participating in lots of interclubs!" - Lucy Zheng, Georgia Tech President

"Our main goals is to maintain our status as a club and to promote service on campus.” - Seth Read, Berry College President One of Columbus State’s goals is to increase club attendance at district events.

"UWG’s goal is to have people stay active in our club by volunteering more, and for each year, have our volunteer time increase from the past year." - Olivia Harris, UWG President One goal for GCSU is to have each board member log at least 100 service hours by March 31, 2017 so their board members can receive a presidential service award from their school.

“UGA Circle K is trying to reach 10 service hours per member, and I am hoping that we can reach 40 members by the end of this year. We are still working on a $100 fundraising goal for WASH and are currently promoting 'each one reach one' for membership increase.” - Mina Jeong, UGA President "One our main goals is to get back to the roots of Circle K's mission, which focuses on children. We're doing this by starting several membership programs with local Atlanta schools as well as a mentorship program with the Emory Autism Center." - Long Di, Emory President GSU hopes to increase membership since there are many similar organizations on campus. They hope to do interclubs with other clubs in Atlanta, and they enjoy doing the beautification project at Centennial Olympic Park.

"We want to have more fun, do more activities, and increase involvement on campus." - Aliyah Karriem, YHC President LaGrange hopes to increase their membership and enjoys volunteering at the local animal shelter.

Hello Georgia! If we haven’t met, and you haven’t read the last Kronicle, my name is Drew Kelley, and YOU should read the August Kronicle too! I was elected at our International Convention back in July to serve as your Subregion G International Trustee! As Trustee, I represent the Alabama, Caribbean, Carolinas, Florida, and Georgia Districts of CKI on the International Board, as well as the International Service Committee! Subregion G is having a great year: Alabama is focusing on recruitment and the Kiwanis Family so far this year! They had a successful Kiwanis Family Service Day in Opelika, and they have started planning another amazing Alabama Leadership Academy! I can’t wait to join them, November 17-19 in Gulf Shores for this transformational event! When asked about Georgia Circle K, Governor Cody said, “The Alabama District loves being neighbors to the Georgia District. We hope we are able to do more service together in the future!” The Caribbean is focused on recruitment, and the work is paying off! UWI West Jamaica recruited 120 potential new members at their fall fair! The district board is hosted their District Leadership & Fellowship Conference Oct. 27-29 in Montego Bay, and I am very happy I had the chance to attend! Governor Yashel said, “The Caribbean District is pleased to be a part of such an amazing organization and we look forward to interaction between districts!” The Carolinas has a super busy Fall! They held a President’s Retreat and their Fall Call Conference already, and their Fall Call was very transformational and emotional. Trustee at-Large Sebastian said the Carolinas “had so much love for CKI” when he visited the event. They are also collaborating with Key Club and Kiwanis to host the Kiwanis Family Conference! I am stoked to join them November 3-5 in Black Mountain for this international K-Fam event! Governor Julia said, “Greetings from the Carolinas! Here, the concepts of K-Family and fellowship are very important to us. We hope you will join us bringing this subregion together as we continue to work with each other, cheer each other on, and travel to see each other! On that note, I can’t wait to see you at your FMR! From all of us, we hope you have an amazing fall!” Florida CKI is such a fun district! They work hard with their Kiwanis Family by visiting Key Club Kick-Off Conferences as well as organizing Regional LSSPs for the Kiwanis Family! FLACKI hosted their annual Leadership Training Conference October 6-8 at Camp Kiwanis in Ocala! When I attended, I felt all the love and energy this district has to offer. Expect big things from Florida this year! Governor Phoebe said, “Being in Florida is like being at a giant family reunion: you never know what’s going to happen, but you know you’re going to have a blast!”

Drew gets pied in the face by Florida CKI Governor Phoebe

Keep your inboxes open to general updates from me as well as get prepared for our Subregion G Open Forum! Thursday, November 16 @ 8pm EST / 7pm CST! The link will be shared on our Facebook group, as well as dispersed via email to my mailing list! Also, be sure to keep your eyes on our International Social Mediums for updates and opportunities! I hope everyone had an amazing CKI week, and I look forward to what we continue to do as a Subregion! See ya at FMR, GACKI! Much love, Drew Kelley, Subregion G International Trustee

We have a BIG year ahead!

Ghouls & International News

Circle K International is in for an exciting year! This year, Circle K is starting our five year journey with the WASH program. WASH stands for Water Sanitation and Hygiene—a serious problem across the world. Circle K is going to raise $240,000 toward WASH efforts in Haiti in partnership with UNICEF. This first year we are looking to spread awareness as well as get the jump on fundraising! The WASH program is an incredible effort that all of Circle K International should be excited to work with. The Kiwanis Family will also be switching from having a Kiwanis Family Month to having Celebration Weeks for each individual branch of our organization. This will give every branch an opportunity to be in the spotlight for a week this year. We look forward to seeing how each individual club highlights our counterparts in the Kiwanis Family. Circle K International Celebration week is October 22nd-28th, concluding with Kiwanis One Day on October 28th. If you thought this year could not get any more exciting, the service year will conclude with our International Convention in Chicago, IL. If you’ve never been to Chicago, it is an incredible destination with tons for everyone to do. Go to a baseball game at historic Wrigley Field, have a slice of deep dish pizza, or go to one of the many world class museums in the city. Whether you are a foodie, sports junkie, or a history buff, there is sure to be something for everyone. This year, Circle K International is going to accomplish big things, and we are going to conclude with an even bigger celebration! I look forward to seeing everything the Georgia District can accomplish this year and look forward to seeing you all in Chicago. Yours in Service, Justin Crofoot Circle K International President

Our clubs participated in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF throughout October by asking for spare change for the WASH project instead of candy. It’s a fun way to raise money for our district project while still rocking spooky Halloween costumes! Continue collecting change to fundraise for WASH!

Hi, I’m Lucy Zheng, a member of the district board! I also serve on the International Service Committee as the St. Baldrick’s Service Ambassador. The St. Baldrick’s Foundation is a volunteer -powered organization dedicated to funding research to find cures for childhood cancers and give survivors long, healthy lives. One of its most successful fundraisers is the Brave the Shave event, where participants compete to raise the most money and then shave their head!

Members of Georgia Tech Circle K get their heads shaved at a Brave the Shave event in March 2017.

The International Service Committee works hard all year to promote its service partners and preferred charities, from executing social media campaigns to planning large-scale service projects! As a member of the committee, I hope to help my fellow Circle K’ers in the Georgia District get involved in international initiatives through education and maybe even a district Brave the Shave event!

The Georgia District Governor’s Project for 2017-2018 is the new project produced by UNICEF called WASH. WASH stands for Water Sanitation and Hygiene. WASH funds will provide safe drinking water, basic toilets systems, and education on simple practices such as washing hands. The Georgia District will assist UNICEF with WASH by raising funds in our district with various service projects throughout the year. Each club in the district will pick a fundraiser or project devoted to WASH. Our goal for the year is to raise at least $2,500 for the WASH project. Here is what the money we raise can do:

Subregion G Trustee Drew at the Experience UNICEF Event in Atlanta.

$10 provides 100 sachets of oral rehydration packets

$23 provides deworming packets to 700 children

$67 provides 50,000 liters of safe water

$217 provides 10 families with safe water kits

$397 provides a reliable hand pump

$1,500 provides an emergency water storage tank

The March of Dimes is a nonprofit organization to help improve the health for mothers and their babies by working to prevent birth defects, infant mortality, and premature births. Throughout the year, Circle K members raise money to help prevent premature births. In addition to collecting money, CKI members can participate in the annual March for BaThe United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is an organization that works to improve the lives of children in over 190 countries. Its main goal is to help children all over the world survive and reach their full potential by providing medicine, clean water, vaccines, and educational opportunities. The Kiwanis family worked in partnership with UNICEF to raise $110 million by 2015 to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus and continues to work alongside the organization today.

Better World Books is an online nonprofit organization that uses books primarily collected through book drives and resells them online. Each time a book is purchased from their website, a book is donated to someone in need. CKI members can get involved by visiting the Book Drive research center on the website and signing up to hold a book drive on their college campus. Students Team up to Fight Against Hunger (STUFH) is a national nonprofit organization whose main goal is to feed the hungry and raise awareness among college students about food insecurity. CKI members can get involved by organizing food drives on their campus, donating money to the local food banks, and visiting the STUFH website and signing up!

St. Baldrick’s Foundation is a volunteer-powered charity organization whose goal is to fund promising research to find cures to childhood cancers. The organization takes funds raised by their supporters and donates it to carefully selected research grants. CKI members can get involved by participating in the head shaving events, which allow a member to take donations “on their head” and then go bald for the cause.

Spotlights Outstanding Member Trey Dolder is a second-year chemistry major at the University of Georgia. This is his first year in Circle K, but he has quickly become a fantastic member. He promotes his club and his love for service around UGA’s campus and everywhere he goes. He attends several of his home club events and recently attended the Kiwanis Family Reunion. “He is super enthusiastic and crazy and cool. He was on my team at KFR. He got us super hyped, and we ended up winning the games.” - Governor Kylie Wilson “He truly cares about others, and he finds a way to make every situation fun and entertaining. Trey is an amazing person and an outstanding Circle K member!” - Perimeter Division LTG Brianna Blevins Trey embodies the Circle K spirit and often uses the phrase, “The best way to find yourself is to get lost in the service of others.” We look forward to seeing the work that Trey does throughout his Kiwanis Family journey. We are proud to have him as a Georgia District member!

Outstanding Clubs Currently, Georgia Tech and the University of Georgia have the most service hours in the district! Both clubs are doing a great job at recruiting, hosting social events, and helping their communities! Thank you to both clubs for their service, and keep up the great work!

Georgia Tech

University of Georgia

President: Lucy Zheng

President: Mina Jeong

Division: Metro

Division: Perimeter

Service Projects include: Food Bank, Boys & Girls Club, Trees Atlanta

Service Projects include: Humane Society, Books for Keeps, & Food Bank

Circle K International develops college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.

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