Ingenious Ideas: February 2014

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Pay it forward You will need: Members and the business cards. Description: Turn service into a traded commodity at your school by pledging to pay it forward. Begin by printing business cards with inspirational sayings, interesting facts and of course the Circle K logo, and your new motto, "pay it forward." Then, as you help a fellow student pick up their books, pay for the next car’s fast food at the window, etc., pass along one of your cards and urge the recipient to show their thanks by performing another act of kindness and passing along the card. This is a great service project to introduce at a club meeting. Service Chair Victoria Byrd

2013 – 2014 District Convention (DCON) is right around the corner, which means it’s time to finalize your awards packets in order to turn them in at DCON registration on February 21, 2014! There are many awesome awards to apply for, including awards for service, outstanding officer, distinguished member, outstanding advisor, outstanding t-shirt, outstanding website, club newsletter, and more! Please Note:  Awards packets must be signed by your sponsoring Kiwanis Club President and your Kiwanis or faculty advisor.  Your club must be in good standing. This means:  All CMRs from April 2013 to January 2014 must be turned in.  All club dues must be paid.  Club must meet minimum membership requirements.  Activities described within the awards packet must have occurred since 2013 DCON. The awards packet can be found at Good luck, and I can’t wait to see you at DCON! *For more information, contact Awards chair Julie Meigs at œ Awards Chair Julie Meigs

Student Organization Fair Display

Facts 4 Candy Supplies: 1 bag of candy Room of people Instructions: To begin your meeting, have everyone take turns telling their name, major, year, and an interesting face about themselves. The sillier the fact, the better (personally I have used that I once realized I could open a soda with my toes). For each fact they give, they receive a piece of candy, up to three facts. Then you have successfully satisfied a sweet tooth and gotten everyone talking. Lt. Governor Kristi Parker

Having a well-organized display table is essential when recruiting new members for Circle K. There are many things you can do to spruce up a recruitment table. To add a splash of color, start off with a table cloth, and then add some pictures. These pictures can be on a poster, tri board, or trying a little something new have a slide show going on a tablet of all the wonderful service and social activities your club has done. Try your best to have a variety of people in the pictures. Another great option to dress up the table is to frame some key pictures. In introduction, Circle K is a service organization, but pictures help you explain all the great aspects of Circle K. Lt. Governor Lori Gonzales

College Campus Fundraisers Show Your Love, Save a Life Fundraisers Sell origami foam roses in blue Instead of selling real roses that can wilt, create origami foam roses and advertise that they will last forever. Consider adding chocolates to the side. To save money, ask a local grocery store or chocolate maker to donate items or sell them at a reduced price to maximize funds raised for The Eliminate Project.

Sell flower/candy grams to club members The grams can be small, for US$0.60 each, or three for US$1.80 or US$2. Coordinate with other Kiwanis-family clubs implement this fundraiser and raise even more money to help moms and babies. Who doesn’t love candy grams?! Send funds to: The Eliminate Project: Campaign Office Kiwanis International Foundation 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA ATTN: Show your love, Save a life District Treasurer Virginia Byrd

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