Ingenious Ideas: May 2013

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Service Projects

Award Spotlight

IV Ornaments You will need: Construction paper, glue, markers, and glitter (optional) Description: Make cards, signs for children in hospitals. Instead of "get well soon," write encouraging messages.

Decorate Lunch Bags You will need: Lunch bags, markers, crayons, stickers, and other decorative material. Description: Decorate lunch bags with fun designs or words that will uplift the spirits of the person receiving it. This is not time consuming, easy to do, and inexpensive. This service initiative helps CKI Service partners STUFH and DSI HEALTHY.  Service Chair Victoria Byrd

In this issue: Service Project Idea Awards Spotlight Icebreaker Recruitment Tip Fundraising Ideas

The Club Newsletter Award is awarded to the Circle K club with the best overall newsletter for the Circle K year. All clubs in good standing and with all CMRs turned in may apply for this award. Rated on four sections:  General appearance: layout, design, typography (25 points)  Editorial content: variety, originality (25 points)  Value to members and club (25 points)  Inclusion of Circle K International programs [i.e. CKI week, International Service Initiative] (25 points) Keep in mind:  Newsletters can be printed or electronic.  All phases of publication (excluding professional services for printing/ posting) must be performed by a Circle K member. The following are considered when judging the award:  Number of issues produced, pages per issue, and copies published Newsletter distribution: members, district board, faculty advisor, Kiwanis club, etc. œ Awards Chair Julie Meigs

Georgia District of Circle K International ·

May 2013

Recruitment Tip The Question Web Goal: Show importance of each individual who makes up a group. Materials: yarn, people, space Directions: Ask people to stand in a circle. One person holds on to the end of the string and chooses a number that corresponds to a secret list of questions. Then this person throws the ball to another group member. Then the catcher answers another question, and so on. Each person answers one question and holds on to a piece of the yarn. Eventually this creates a web as well as learning some interesting things about each other! At the end of the game you could comment that we all played a part in creating this unique web and if one person was gone it would look different. In the same way it's important that we all take part to make the group what it is, unique and special.

Recruitment Made Easy Or at least easier With the promise of less school (for some) and vacation that comes with summer, doesn’t seem like a big deal to think about fall recruitment, but there is no better time than now to start planning for the upcoming semester year for Circle K. Here is a tip that hopefully will help you out with recruitment. Move-In Weekend: Most schools also ask for student volunteers for move-in day and weekend. This is a great opportunity to get the word out to incoming freshmen about Circle K. While you are wondering if the packed bricks in that box you are lugging upstairs, you can talk to them about why you are there and when you meet and all. œ Lt. Kristi Parker

Fundraising Ideas College Campus Fundraisers Bachelor and Bachelorette Auctions Especially for fraternities and sororities, auctioning off dates with eligible bachelors and bachelorettes can sometimes provide a low-cost, fun way to raise funds. Make sure to get the campus newspaper involved in order to generate buzz ahead of time. Battle of the bands By sponsoring a music competition and offering a small cash prize to the winning band, your organization can raise a sizable amount of money for your activities. Depending on the size of your campus, you may even be able to charge a small entry fee for the competing bands to boost your fundraising results beyond just ticket sales. Rummage sales One of the best college fundraising ideas is the tried and true rummage sale. By getting rid of unwanted and outdated items, you can clear out space while raising money for planned activities and goals. District Treasurer Virginia Byrd

œLt. Governor Lori Gonzalez

Georgia District of Circle K International ·

May 2013

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