Beads of Courage You will need: Members and everything you need to make the Beads of Courage. Description: Beads of Courage is a program based in Tucson, Arizona, that aims to support children recovering from various ailments. For each night spent in the hospital or every procedure undergone or shot taken, children are encouraged to add a bead to their recovery bracelet. By the end of their hospital stay, children have both a beautiful reminder of their strength and courage, and complete ownership in their recovery. Raise funds to purchase beads to donate, or spend some time at an upcoming meeting creating starter bracelets to take to a local children’s hospital. For more information, visit This is a great service project to incorporate into a club meeting. Service Chair Victoria Byrd
The Outstanding Club Secretary Award is presented to the Circle K Club Secretary who best helps the organization run efficiently by the maintaining of records, correspondences, and club communication; who submits regular reports in a timely manner in addition to his/her duties as a member. Please note: All club monthly reports (CMRs) from April 2013 to January 2014 must be turned in to be eligible for this award. Tips for winning this award: Attend club member and board meetings Take minutes at all meetings Participate in club projects Turn in CMRs on time Attend district events Promote conventions and conferences Be an enthusiastic and dedicated Circle K
*For more information, contact Awards chair Julie Meigs at œ œ Awards Chair Julie Meigs
“What Am I?” Directions: To play, you need to have, before the meeting, written several different nouns on index cards. Have each person come up and get a card taped to their back. The people then go around the room and ask questions about what they are. Questions can be anything from "Am I edible?" "What shape am I?" or "Can I fit in your book bag?" The only stipulation is that whoever you ask a question, you have to write their name down beside the answer they give you. After everyone has asked 10 questions, they get to go to the front of the room, introduce themselves, and tell what they think is written on their cards. This can be a good way to break the ice and get everyone comfortable talking to one another. Lt. Governor Kristi Parker
Recruiting new members is essential to keeping Circle K clubs fresh; new faces means new ideas! But if they don’t know where to find you, they can’t join the club. Get your name out there! Flyers, word of mouth, Facebook, and a website are all great ways for students to find out when and where to find your club. But what about something they can take with them? Something they will look at often? And most importantly something they won’t throw away at the next trash can. Buttons and bookmarks recruitment drive is a simple and cost effective choice. All you need are the buttons, bookmarks, markers or letter stickers, and small amount of creativity to make the information fit on the item. And there you go, something that college students will actually use, that will remind them of when they can visit your club. Lt. Governor Lori Gonzales
Eliminate Fundraisers to Supplement Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF Host a horrorfest. Obtain the rights to show a scary or wickedly funny Halloween film at your high school through Ask area grocers and restaurants to donate concession foods and supplies. Recruit parents and teachers to chaperone and assist with running the event. Then publicize your movie night well in advance at school, in the community and on social media outlets. Host a “spooktacular” festival. Put on a Halloween-themed carnival like the Key Club at Pinnacle High School did. Charge small fees for tickets to play games, make crafts and eat spooky snacks. Include family-friendly activities for younger children as well as traditional scary activities for older kids and teens. Host a Trunk-or-Treat. Partner with Kiwanis family clubs from your district to host a Halloween tailgate. Find an appropriate parking lot with good lighting and determine activities. Decorate your rides with dangling spiders, cobwebs and other festive materials. Invite community members to visit each vehicle or booth for fun treats and concoctions in exchange for a donation to help save moms and babies. District Treasurer Virginia Byrd