Ingenious Ideas: September 2013

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Book drive You will need: Members and books. Description: Old books, new books, kids’ books, comic books, there’s a use for them all. Hold a drive to collect gently used books in your school district’s elementary, middle, and/or high schools and distribute the books to needy libraries or students. Making new pieces of literature available to the children in your area will open doors for them like no other project. This is a great Kiwanis family inter-club opportunity.

Concessions You will need: Members and the things you will need to sell at the concessions. Description: Set up a snack bar at your school’s next sporting, fine arts or other extracurricular event. Selling snacks, drinks, food and souvenirs to attendees can rank in the chance for your favorite charity fast! Pick a good location, one with access to electricity and water. Know your customers. Buy products you know spectators will like in bulk to save on overhead costs. Service Chair Victoria Byrd

The Outstanding Club Treasurer Award is presented to the Circle K Club Treasurer who excels in bookkeeping, keeping members and his/her sponsoring Kiwanis club informed of the club’s financial status, and helping to encourage and maintain the financial health of the club. Tips for winning this award: · Attend club member and board meetings · Participate in club projects · Ensure the club’s dues are paid on time · Help recruit new Circle K members · Help members understand what their dues are used for · Set up a club budget and keep records of expenditures · Attend district events · Maintain contact with sponsoring Kiwanis club and district treasure.

*For more information, contact Awards chair Julie Meigs at œ œ Awards Chair Julie Meigs

People Bingo Make a 20 square bingo card (smaller or larger as appropriate for your group), with descriptions in each square (ex: has brown hair, speaks a foreign language). Find someone in the group who fits the description, and have them sign the square. Encourage the group to mix, talk to everyone to try, and complete their card. First person to complete their card wins. Lt. Governor Lori Gonzales

College Campus Fundraisers Recruitment is the way that you first catch attention of potential members, so it is a good idea that when you are out recruiting to be set to make a good first impression of the organization and the club. This is the time of the year that colleges are having club days, block parties, and such. When you are trying to recruit members at events, it is important to present the club as a fun, service loving, and awesome way to meet new people and make friends. Do not assign people to man the tables who are going to sit there looking bored the whole time. Make sure that the table or booth is full of energy and excitement. Remember the reasons you joined Circle K back when it first caught your attention and show that kind of excitement and enthusiasm to every potential Circle K’er. That will draw them in and help keep them interested! Lt. Governor Kristi Parker

Dunkin' Booth/Photo Booth You can rent these type of facilities or perhaps even have them donated for use. Then your program can collect the money or a percentage of the money based on the relationship developed with the rental company.

Face Painting You can do this at carnivals or before sporting events to add to the spirit of those die-hard fans. Charging a minimal fee and enlisting the talent of program participants is a must for this type of fundraiser.

Jail and Bail This event requires setting up a "jail cell" somewhere on your campus. The next step will be having campus members pay money to have people "arrested" and put in jail. Volunteer police persons will then take the suspect individual into custody. The "prisoner" then must come up with a pre-determined amount of bail money by using a telephone and the phone book. There are a number of twists you can put on this idea, however, one of the key facets to the success of this event is publicity. District Treasurer Virginia Byrd

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