New Year of Service
Service To Go! Service Project Ideas brought to you by the Georgia District!
2011 Service Projects
January 2011
Happy New Year Circle K’ers! Let’s start the year off right by doing what we do best! SERVICE! Here are more service ideas for you and your clubs! Happy serving! Georgia Governor, Ashleey Davis
8. Trail Clean-up —Love nature? Well, enjoy the outside while cleaning up a nature trail!
9. Books on Tape – Read and record popular short stories on tape for the blind and the visually impaired.
1. Homemade Dog Toys — Make some dog toys out
10. Simple crafts — Make tray favors, scrapbooks,
stuff you can find around your house! Pass your new homemade toys to neighbors with dogs or donate them to an animal shelter! See how easy it is to make homemade toys at!!
napkin rings, or easy crafts for children in hospitals. Make someone’s day!
2. “Clowning Around”— Arrange to make, buy, or rent some clown suits and nominate club members to be clowns. Take your CKI Club to a hospital with balloons for sick children.
3. Field Day — During the school year, invite elementary school students to a field day, but don’t limit it just to track and field. Instead, conduct math contests, art shows, spelling bees, reading contests, etc. Your Circle K club can donate trophies for the winners. No money needs to be charged, just let the kids have fun!
4. Curb Painting —Grab some friends and paint the town! Show off your artistic skills and paint street addresses on curbs!
5. Trash Can Painting — In line with a cleanup campaign, paint all the campus trash barrels in the school’s colors and print the name of your school Circle K club on it.
6. Teacher of the Month — Sponsor a “Teacher-of-theMonth” competition. During each month of the school year, cite outstanding teachers for special activities, particularly their participation in extracurricular events. 7. Help a senior —Rake leaves, shovel snow, clean gutters or wash windows for a senior citizen.
11. K-family Support —When was the last time you visited a club from the Kiwanis Family? Go to a meeting, social or service event held by the Aktion club, K-Kids, Builder’s Club, Key Club, another Circle K club or a Kiwanis Club! We are family!! So, go show your support!
12. Music Instruments —Make music instruments for or with a group of younger kids! Check out this site on how to make instruments such as a tambourine, chimes, a drum and more!
13. Lifebooks —Help a child in foster care have greater sense of identity and something they can put their life memories in by creating a Lifebook!
14. Pancake Breakfast —Get the cooking and host a pancake breakfast! All the money donated can go to your club’s favorite charity!
15. Book bags with the Basics —Stuff book bags with a variety of school supplies and donate them to a great organization called Book bags with the Basics! Also check out their website! (