Sp r i n g k r o n i c l e
So long, Farewell. See you next year!
Cir cl e K I nt er nat ional devel ops col l ege and univer sit y st udent s int o a gl obal net wor k of r esponsibl e cit izens and l eader s wit h a l if el ong commit ment t o
St at e of t h e Dist r ict For the last time as your Governor, I come to you with a State of the District address. For anyone I may not have met yet, or is a first time reader, my name is Drew Kelley, and it has truly been an honor to serve YOU as Governor of the Georgia District of Circle K International. I can honestly never thank you, the members of this incredible district, enough for allowing me this privilege. The Circle K year begins April 1 and ends March 31. As we RAPIDLY approach the end of this year please keep the following district goals in mind and make active strides in helping the district achieve them: <![if !supportLists]>1)
<![endif]>The Georgia District will have 375 members by March 31, 2017.
<![if !supportLists]>2) <![endif]>The Georgia District will have 10 Circle K clubs represented at the Fall Membership Retreat and 13 Circle K clubs represented at the District Convention. <![if !supportLists]>3) 2017.
<![endif]>The Georgia District will have 3 reactivated and/or chartered clubs by March 31,
<![if !supportLists]>4)
<![endif]>The Georgia District will have 3750 service hours by March 31, 2017.
<![if !supportLists]>5) 2017.
<![endif]>The Georgia District will raise $4000 for St. Baldrick?s Foundation by March 31,
To get an accurate number of members, our clubs must pay their district and international dues! Dues payment was due November 1, so if you need to pay you are very behind! If you have any questions or concerns about the status of your dues payment or the process, email District Treasurer Kylie Wilson! treasurer@georgiacirclek.org The Georgia District has completed 2945 service hours so far this year as of our January Reports! Our goal is 3750 by the end of our year! These numbers do not count SST. Our calculations for numbers like service hours and fundraising dollars comes from your Club Monthly Reports (CMRs)! Your secretary should be filling out and turning in CMRs by the fifth of each month, reporting totals for the previous month! If you have any questions about your clubs missing reports, email District Secretary Kylie Wilson, ASAP! secretary@georgiacirclek.org 6 members from the Georgia District, Lucy Zheng (Team Captain), Tyler Wan, and Ben Suter from Georgia Tech, and Destini Tobias,
Kylie Wilson, and myself from UWG, shaved our heads at a local event for St. Baldricks! With the funds raised from Pie-In-The-Face and from our shave team fundraising, we very much so exceeded our $4,000 goal, by raising a grand total of $5,798 for the Foundation to Conquer Childhood Cancers! A warm welcome is in order! The Circle K Club at Dalton State College is chartered! A big shoutout to their club president and Mountains Lieutenant Governor Courtney Green for putting in the work to make this possible! This means we have met our Club Chartering and Reactivation goal for the year! Summer sometimes means a lull in our service year, but we have a great opportunity for you! International Convention is like DCON, but for the entire organization, and you are all invited to go! July 5-9, for only $200! You should be receiving emails from the district about it! More information later on in this Kronicle! Or visit the following link for more information: circlek.org/ckix Again, I am always beyond words with how incredible it is to serve you all. Being your Governor has been an experience I never expected to be so rewarding, fulfilling, and astounding. I am in awe at the work you do to better your communities and the world. I am in awe at how hard your officers work to provide those opportunities. I am in awe of how incredible my District Board is every day of their terms. I am in awe of this district, and all the things we have and surely will accomplish. Thank you so much for being awesome! I do not deserve it, but I am forever so grateful for GACKI! Much Love,
Dr ew Kelley District Governor Georgia District of Circle K International University of West Georgia (678) 551-0126 "What you share with the world is what it keeps of you." -Noah and the Whale
Gover n or Far ew ell I had so much fun being your Governor, it was honestly an honor! The ending of this term is bittersweet, but I hope you all are a fraction as proud of the year I had as I am proud of the year you all had! We reached new heights, and that is a result of incredible membership. I love you guys! To my board, you are all rock stars and I could not have had the year I did without literally all of you. I love y?all to the moon and I am proud to call you all my friends! To my successor, Kylie, you are my best friend and watching you battle it out with my other best friend was difficult, to say the least. You are going to do an amazing job, and your board is stacked already. You were the best Sec/Treas I could have imagined, so Shelby has some big shoes to fill! I am so proud of you, seriously. To Rey, you are probably the most inspiring person I have met through this organization. I can?t wait to see what roles you play in the next year, because I know it will be great no matter where you are placed. I am inspired to strengthen my own passions by experiencing the intensity of yours. I love you! You?re gonna go far, kid. I love ya, Georgia Circle K, and I am proud to be a part of something like this! Here?s to plenty more years even better than this one!
Bu dget in g f or Next Year Hello fellow Circle K?ers! It?s Claire again and I wanted to share some tips on how to make a club budget. Budgeting can be hard to do but is imperative in order to stay afloat financially. Obviously, your club treasurer should report how much money you have. You should then make a list of any events or fundraisers you plan to have that require money. Under each event, you need to list out the supplies needed. From there, check what you have and what you need. After that, come up with a budget that does not drain the bank account. Always make sure you don?t spend too much money on an event because the goal is to make a profit. One helpful tip for creating a club budget is sitting down with your Kiwanis advisor and discussing how much money your Kiwanis club is willing to give you for the year. I hope this helps your club reach their goals! Your friend in service, Claire Wells ? Fall Membership Retreat Chair and District Convention Chair
Hello Georgia District! I cannot believe I am addressing you for the last time as your District Secretary-Treasurer. It has been an amazing year. I am really proud of all the accomplishments we have made, and all of the goals we exceeded. This was my third year on the District Board, and it will definitely be a memorable one. As Secretary-Treasurer I tried to make it as easy as possible to remember club monthly reports and dues deadlines. I am happy to say we have had the most submissions (out of any year) to date! Also, I am sorry if I was annoying with the constant emails. Shout-out to Georgia Southern for having such incredible service hours and Georgia College and State University for always turning their monthly reports in early! You all did an outstanding job with your deadlines. I hope you all found your reports easier and more accessible, and if you have any recommendations or comments for us we would love to have them! For those of you who attended events: I am so glad we were able to have those opportunities, and I hope you enjoyed them! I know I enjoyed being pied in the face with THREE pies? haha. I know that I had a great time getting to know you all more through service, fellowship and leadership. For those who were not able to attend an event: I hate that we missed you, and I hope to see you this next year! CKIx is coming up, and I hope you are all planning to attend with us in San Antonio, Texas! I know it is going to be an amazing trip, especially with Georgia Circle K members in attendance. It has been one great year, and I expect nothing but greatness from the year approaching! Thank you all! District Secretary-Treasurer Kylie Wilson
Hey everyone! There has been so much happening in the mountains division! I am so thankful to have been able to serve you guys these past few months. I am so thankful to have had the ability to meet so many of you. I'm excited to announce that not only have we gained contact with Berry College, but we also have Dalton College reactivating! The mountains division is so up and coming that it makes my heart so happy. Congrats on everything you've done! Courtney Greene
M ou n t ain s Division Updat e
Per im et er Division Updat e Hey everyone! March has come and thus brings the end of another incredible service year. I have had the privilege of serving as the Perimeter Division Lieutenant Governor this past year, and I have loved every minute of it! My passion is for service and the Kiwanis Family, and there is no better way I can imagine my first year in Circle K going. In the past year, our division has grown in number with the reactivation of two clubs, the University of Georgia and Kennesaw State University. We have grown in strength as well, and many of our members were recognized as outstanding members or distinguished officers. In addition, we have had two of our members elected to the district board and several apply for committee chair positions! All of the growth and the improvements within our division are a result of you, the members, so thank YOU for all that you have done. As I finish up both my first year of college and my term as Lieutenant Governor, I've had some time to reflect on my transition through the Kiwanis Family. I came straight out of Key Club and right into Circle K, and it was 1) hard and 2) amazing. Circle K and Key Club are two branches of the same organization, yet they are completely different. This year in Georgia Key Club, they had over 60 clubs submit their dues early. This is over triple the amount of chartered Circle K clubs that we have in Georgia. The size difference of the two was a lot to get used to at first because I didn't realize how drastic it was. Being in a smaller branch of the Kiwanis Family, there are certain limits to what we can do, but after a few short months, I was blindsided by how these limits did not stop the members of Circle K from serving. As a district board, we set a goal of raising $4,000 for the St. Baldrick?s Foundation, and as of last weekend we have raised over $5,000, completely blowing our goal out of the water! The passion that you as Circle K members have for service and for this organization caused my transition to be amazing, and I couldn't be prouder of all that we have accomplished together. Every day, I am more and more inspired by all of you, and every day, I am thankful to call Circle K my home. Emmie Landford
M et r o Division Updat e
The Metro Division had a great time at DCON! There were members from Georgia Tech, UWG, and Columbus State in attendance, and I think that our large turnout was really felt. During House of Delegates Saturday night, three members from the Metro Division were elected to district board positions. Additionally, our very own Drew Kelley received unanimous endorsement from our district to run for International Trustee. It?s safe to say that Metro is off to a great start for the upcoming service year! Another great achievement at DCON was the fact that we reached our district fundraising goal of $4000. This money will go to the St. Baldrick?s Foundation, whose annual head-shaving event was easily an instant highlight of the year. On March 4, the six participants on our St. Baldrick?s website (all from the Metro Division) finally followed through on their commitment and shaved their heads in what became a great district event and divisional meeting. As it turned out, our district governor-elect Kylie Wilson from UWG and two more of her friends decided to also shave their heads, meaning that Circle K had a total of NINE individuals brave the shave for childhood cancer research, five of whom were female.
And there?s still more to come. Remember how I said that we elected three of our own to the district board? Well, one of those happens to be Tiarra Murphy, who will replace me as Metro Division LTG on April 1. Together, we are planning to start a team to participate in Georgia Tech?s Relay for Life, which will take place on Saturday, April 8, from 4 to 11 PM. The idea of the event, which is organized by the American Cancer Society, is to walk around a track that symbolizes the never-ending fight against cancer. The project will be fun, meaningful, and a great way to welcome Tiarra as our new LTG! Finally, I?d just like to recognize the phenomenal work that our Metro clubs have been doing over the entire year. We had a strong group of club officers to lead our division, and I?m sure that as we elect our new executive boards for the next service year, leaders will step up to continue our success as a division, district, and international club. Tyler Wan Metro Division LTG
Coast al an d Plain s Division Updat es
Georgia Circle K, It has been an honor to serve you as your 2016-2017 Kiwanis Family Chair, Service Chair, Coastal Division Lieutenant Governor, and Plains Division Lieutenant Governor. I am very proud of everything that we accomplished this year. As Coastal Plains LTG I am glad to have been able to work with the schools that I worked with. I am amazed by all the work y?all did this year and the impact that y?all head in y?all?s communities. I know that y?all will be in good hands, with Erin Martin as Coastal LTG and Dana Hamrick as Plains LTG. I look forward to hearing about all the great work y?all will accomplish next year. Rey del Toro
Dear fellow Circle K?ers, It has been an honor to serve as your Fall Membership Retreat chair and District Convention chair for the 2016-2017 term. I had so much fun planning these events for you all and I hope they were fun. These two events are my favorite because it allows everyone to come together and engage in service, fellowship, and leadership. You all, the members, are what makes Circle K International great. Your passion for service shows every year when we meet up for district events. We get to celebrate our accomplishments as individual clubs and as a district. I am so proud to be a part of the might Georgia district. I hope to see you all at FMR and DCON next year! Your friend in service, Claire Wells
Hey everyone!
Aw ar ds!!
And a big congratulations to all of the award recipients for this year! I am very happy to see you all get recognized for all the hard work that you do. Here are some of the highlights from this Georgia Tech took home the Club Achievement Award, the Outstanding Club President Award, the Outstanding Vice President Award, the Outstanding Club Treasurer Award, Outstanding K-Family Relations, and the Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor Award was awarded to their Kiwanis Advisor Len Phillips; they also placed first in Club T-Shirt, Website, and Newsletter. Great job, guys! VSU took home the interclub award, as well as the most improved club award. Props to them! UGA won the Outstanding New/Reactivated Club award; welcome back to the Circle K family, guys! GCSU took home the scrapbook award, as well as the Outstanding Club Secretary award. Way to go! University of West Georgia?s sponsoring Kiwanis Club, the Carrollton Golden K, won the award for Outstanding Sponsoring Kiwanis Club. Their faculty advisor, Samantha Dukes White, also took home the Outstanding Faculty Advisor award. Thank you guys for all you have done for your home club! The Alice D. Stacey Passion for Service Award was given to Dezmon Scott from Oxford College. Congratulations! The George ?Dad? Grey Scholarship was awarded to Karina Guevara from Georgia Southern. Congratulations on your accomplishments! Georgia Tech, Oxford, Georgia Southern, University of Georgia, and West Georgia were recognized
for their involvement in HOME. Georgia Tech, Georgia College, Georgia Southern, and West Georgia were recognized for their involvement in HEALTHY. Greg Johnston was awarded the Katie Hunley Willis Service Award. Awesome job, Greg! Finally, Claire Wells, Jimmy McCorlew, Christine Farsi, and James Braswell were inducted into the Circle K Hall of Fame. This is a huge honor; they have done much for this organization, and we appreciate the time and dedication that they have given us. Thank you, from all of GACKI I encourage everyone to apply again next year! If you did not win what you wanted this year, then I have a few tips for increasing your chances next year. Start early, and get any questions that you might have to your awards chair next year. Make sure everything is filled out fully and neatly, and that you have all of the required signatures to make you eligible for awards. Connect with your local Kiwanis club, Key Club, or other Circle K clubs and make connections for, bigger, better service projects and ideas! Lastly, I encourage you to talk to some of the winners of awards, and see what you can do to improve your awards or service projects for this year. You all did an amazing job this year; GACKI is proud of all that you have given back to your communities! Keep it up guys!
Shelby Munyan
This year 's Service Social Tour was a complete success! I was so happy that everyone had a great time! We spent some time outside becoming one with nature and getting to learn a few things about horticulture and sustainability. I had such a great time planning this event and was very happy with the turn out. Thanks to everyone who came! Erin Martin
This past year being my first year on the district board and I must say that this experience has been one of the most amazing times of my life. I?ve met some absolutely amazing people and made connections that I wouldn?t have otherwise made. I have also gained better leadership skills that have helped me on the club level as well as in my classes at school. While this isn?t goodbye for me, it is for some, and they will be greatly missed. I look forward to the upcoming year and am excited to see where the board goes this next year. Erin Martin
As Service Chair and Kiwanis Family Chair, I saw all the great things that we were able to accomplish in those fields. We were able to exceed our $4000 goal for St. Baldrick?s! It is always a proud moment to exceed goals and to raised that much money for a project during DCON. This year I also saw as our organization grew closer with the other branches of the Kiwanis Family, especially Key Club. Individual Clubs worked more with key clubs and board members were more active with their board members. I am proud to have been part of that growth. Thank you so much for allowing me to serve you this year. It has been a great privilege to be a part of y?all?s year. Thank you, good luck, and much love! Rey del Toro
I can?t believe that the end of the Circle K year is already here. This has been a great year for Georgia CKI ? we?ve had a lot of fun, but as a district we have also accomplished a lot. Thank you for all of your hard work, and I?m looking forward to seeing all of you again next year! Speaking of next year, I have a few tips for how to achieve your club?s goals for next year: Confirm that your goals are sound. One way to do this is to check that your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. It would be a shame to set out towards achieving your goals, only to realize halfway through the year that some of your goals have been misguided in some way! Start early! Make sure that everyone on your club?s new board understands what they need to be doing (coming to Club Officer Leadership Training will be helpful for this!), and then start planning for the coming semesters. The earlier you start, the easier it will be to deal with unexpected problems and plan great events. If you?re not on your club?s board, you can help your club achieve its goals by getting more involved with your club, whether by participating in recruitment drives, fundraisers, or other types of service, or by visiting other Circle K, Key Club, or Kiwanis clubs. If you have the option of applying to be a committee chair for your club, that?s another great way to help out! Greg Johnston
Thank you all for an amazing Circle K year. At first I was a little hesitant to accept the position of District Bulletin Editor, but seeing everyone?s dedication and enthusiasm made me want to work hard for all of you. I?m so proud of every single member and how you all have made this year fantastic. I have reached all of my goals as your bulletin editor and I have you all to thank. I can?t wait to see what Marissa has in store for the Kronicle, and I hope to serve you well as a Lieutenant Governor. Dana Hamrick This has been a long and wonderful year. I am so thankful for the chance that I got by being chosen to be on the District Board. I just want to say thank you to everyone who made this year so fantastic! I can?t wait to see what is next for Circle K. Once again thank you for everything. Peace out Fam Destini Tobias
The story is a pretty common one. Last year, down in Jekyll Island for DCON 2016, we found ourselves vastly lacking in LTG candidates. I didn?t really have much interest in the position, but Nick, our past Metro LTG, convinced me to run. I was promptly elected, and now over a year later, here I still am. I have really enjoyed my role as LTG. Not only was the job itself amazing, but the experiences were invaluable to me. I got to travel, visited different schools, and even went to Toronto last summer for CKIx. I met a lot of great Circle K-ers across the Metro Division, and we worked hard to strengthen our clubs. I am proud of what we?ve accomplished. Thank you to the district board for keeping this year entertaining. Thank you to my Metro presidents for openly accepting me and working with me. Thank you to Georgia Tech Circle K for supporting me. Thank you to Marisa for succeeding me as president and doing just the best possible job (under my unfaltering guidance, of course). Lastly, thank you to the Georgia District for giving me this opportunity. As the great Kanye West once said, ?goodbye.? Live to Serve, Love to Serve. Tyler Wan Metro Division LTG
District Convention was so much fun, but in case you missed it, here is your recap: On February 17, members from clubs all over our great district came together for our 58th Annual District Convention. Our opening session consisted of a welcome, our annual club roll call, and opening nominations for every elected position on the district board. Governor Drew then held the district-wide caucus of the candidates! Once the members had the opportunity to hear from every nominated candidate, the evenings activities were adjourned, and members spent the rest of their night freely traveling to waffle house, staying in to study, or just hanging around the hotel making friends! On Saturday, we hosted our annual K-Family Breakfast where we heard speeches from our Georgia Kiwanis Governor, Carol Wisdom, and our Georgia Key Club Governor, Minyoung Kim! Shortly after Breakfast, Lieutenant Governors hosted divisional caucusing, so members could further educate themselves on the candidates?view points and platforms. After caucusing, we moved in to free time for the evening. During free time, Membership Development & Education Chair Kylie Wilson hosted a service fair, where members got to meet with Action Ministries and DKMS, and learn about ways to serve those causes! Many members even got their cheek swabbed to be put in a database to be a potential bone marrow donor! DCON Chair Claire Wells and Social Media Chair Destini Tobias hosted our service project making Homeless Helping Bags which are little kits of essentials that are passed out to the urban homeless in the area! After free time, we reconvened for the Governor ?s Reception, followed by our Presidents?Banquet, where we celebrate our year by honoring our Club Presidents, and handing out many awards! The Highest Honor the Georgia District of Circle K can give is to be inducted into the David A. Kelly Hall of Fame. This year we had the privilege of inducting FOUR new members: Jimmy McCorlew, Christine Farsi, James Braswell, and Claire Wells! To finish our Banquet, we continued the Georgia District tradition of auctioning off board members to be pied in the face as a fundraiser for the Governor ?s Project! This year we set a goal to raise $4,000 for the St. Baldrick?s foundation, and by the conclusion of District Convention, had REACHED that goal! After the banquet, we held our annual House of Delegates to
elect our next Georgia Circle K District Board, then everyone had a blast pie-ing their friends in the face for a cause! Sunday morning, we held our Governor ?s Farewell Banquet. This session is always a little bittersweet. Kylie Wilson and Rey del Toro gave a video presentation to honor Governor Drew, with members from all over the country showing some love for being in his life. They then, for the last time, introduced him as Governor of the Georgia District of Circle K International, to address the district once more! During the speech, the Governor can hand out some very personal awards; not surprisingly, he awarded these to Destini Tobias, Rey del Toro, Kylie Wilson, and his family. His speech discussed successes and failures, and focused on a quote by Winston Churchill, ?Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.? To conclude our convention, District Administrator Brent Leslie retired the 2016-17 District Board. Kiwanis Governor-Elect Juanita Edwards then installed the following members as the 2017-18 elected board of the Georgia District of Circle K International: Governor ? Kylie Wilson, UWG Secretary-Treasurer ? Shelby Munyan, GCSU Bulletin Editor ? Marisa Hoenig, Georgia Tech Lieutenant Governor ? Courtney Green, UGA Lieutenant Governor ? Brianna Blevins, UGA Lieutenant Governor ? Tiarra Murphy, UWG Lieutenant Governor ? Erin Martin, GCSU Lieutenant Governor ? Dana Hamrick, Valdosta