The official publication of the Georgia District of Circle K International
Spring has sprung & a new service year has nearly begun!
Kroni cl e IV: T he Farewells
Table of Contents 3
Letter from the Editor
Club Officer Leadership Training Information
Governor’s Farewell
District Convention Recap
DCON Awards
Penny Wars & WASH
10 Service Hours & Fundraising
11 Presidents of Georgia Circle K 12 Divisional Updates 16 Service Ideas 17 Outstanding Member & Club
17 CKIx Promotion 18 Subregion Update 19 International Preferred Charities & Service Partners
Letter from the Editor
Thank you so much for reading The Kronicle this year! It has been an honor to serve as your Bulletin Editor & Webmaster this year, connecting members to information about the club, district, and international levels. If you missed any of the previous Kronicles, check them out here. Thank you to our wonderful board members who continually contribute articles to make each Kronicle interesting. Our District Board has done an incredible job this year, from planning fun events to raising money for WASH to connecting to all members in Georgia! This issue summarizes the work we’ve done and has a message from each board member. This is the Georgia Circle K 2017-2018 Farewell Issue, as the new service year begins on April 1. My favorite memories this year were making new friends at FMR and serving as a team leader at the Kiwanis Family Conference. I am excited to announce that I will be serving as the 2018-2019 Georgia District Governor and cannot wait to begin! Yours in Caring & Service, Marisa Hoenig
2018-2019 Committee Chair Applications Due March 27, 2018
Provide Feedback For the Upcoming Service Year
Club Officer Leadership Training (COLT) will be taking place on April 14 at the Fairfield Inn in Warner Robins, GA for all new club officers and committee chairs. Clubs should plan to arrive by 11:45 AM as we will begin at noon. We will begin with lunch and proceed with the training from there. We are usually done by 4:30 PM. Registration ends on April 10.
Register Here!
Hello Georgia Circle K and friends!
Governor’s Farewell
My name is Kylie Wilson, and this is my last time addressing you as the Governor of Georgia Circle K. It has truly been an honor to lead such an incredible District. While running for Governor my campaign was called FUN. F was for family, to do more with the other branches of our Kiwanis family. U was for You, the members. I wanted to work on our growth and current members. N was for International. I wanted to bridge the gap between our district and other districts, as well as getting those international resources to the rest of our district more effectively. I am proud to say that we followed through with FUN. For family, we made better connections with our Georgia Key Club, we had several members attend the Kiwanis Family Conference in North Carolina, we attended a few family events, we had a brand-new event this year called Kiwanis Family Reunion, and we had a joint District Convention with Key Club. I would say our bond grew with our Kiwanis family this year. Working on you, the members, we chartered the Circle K club at Emory University, and had first time club attendees to our Fall Membership Retreat. Although our membership numbers are down this year, they are down all across international, and I am confident the new leaders you just elected will work on our membership going forward. I am also really excited to see what I can do for our membership development this upcoming year. For our international relations growth, we started our year with the most International Convention attendees from Georgia that we have ever had. I hope we can have an even bigger number this upcoming international convention. We also had nine guests from other districts come to our Fall Membership Retreat, and two of them were Justin Crofoot, our International President, and Eric Yan, our International Vice President. Several of our members also visited other districts this year to broaden our international relations. The other districts that were visited by our members were: Alabama, Carolinas, Caribbean, Florida, Kentucky Tennessee, Louisiana-MississippiWest Tennessee, and The Rocky Mountains, Districts. We also have an International Committee Member, Lucy Zheng, and an International Trustee, Drew Kelley, on our District Board. I am proud to say that we have really branched out this year and we have grown as a District because of it. My campaign was FUN, and I hope you all have had fun this Circle K year. Being Governor has been an incredible opportunity that I feel so lucky to have been able to experience. I could not have done it without my incredible board, and all the amazing members we have. I am very proud of our year, and for what is to come. Our District elected Marisa Hoenig as the 2018-2019 Georgia District Governor. I am so proud of her, and I know she will help our District grow and flourish. As Until CKIx, this upcoming year will be my last in Circle K, I am excited to Your District Governor, help make it the best year yet. It has been my pleasure to serve you, and I cannot wait to see what the future of Georgia Kylie Wilson Circle K has in store!
District Convention Recap
We had a busy, servicefilled day Saturday, starting with a Key Club fundraising walk for Georgia Sheriffs’ Youth Homes. Our Circle K members woke up bright and early to help raise money for a great local cause.
On Friday, February 23, the members of Georgia Circle K convened in Macon for the 59th annual Georgia District Convention. That night, district board members dressed up as Dr. Seuss characters and gave the members a warm welcome. We had the opportunity to sit in on Georgia Key Club’s opening session, where Georgia Key Club district administrator Brad Malone was inducted into the GACKI Hall of Fame.
After honoring Kiwanis family members at breakfast, we attended workshops about the WASH project and resumebuilding. Club presidents were given the chance to speak to Key Clubbers in the Key to College workshop during this time!
After the workshop sessions, we split up into divisional rooms for caucusing, where district board candidates, nominated earlier that weekend, were able to speak to the members of GACKI on a more personal level and answer any questions and concerns about their plans for their position if elected.
We kept up the service even during our free time! A blood drive, hosted by LifeSouth, went spectacularly well; 15 people donated blood in a 4 hour period! Members attended a service organization fair and learned about volunteer opportunities with organizations such as Make-A-Wish and the Methodist Home. To wrap up the service for the day, our members packed coloring book kits for children in hospitals, and spent the remainder of the service project coloring in bookmarks to give hope! On Saturday evening, clubs attended the Presidents’ Banquet, where award winners were announced. Following this, we convened for the House of Delegates where we elected our 2018-2019 district board. Our newly elected board officers for the 2018-2019 service year are: -Governor: Marisa Hoenig, Georgia Tech -Secretary-Treasurer: Leah Reiser, Georgia Southern -Lieutenant Governors: Trey Dolder, UGA Linda Qiu, Oxford Emory Olivia Harris, UWG Congratulations to the new district board, and we’re looking forward to an amazing year of service!
After the excitement of elections, we moved onto the most highly anticipated event of the night: Pie in the Face! Our district board members were all subjected to a cold plate of whipped cream to raise $2080 for WASH.
On Sunday morning, the 2017-2018 district board was retired and the new board was installed in front of the members. There was a little surprise for our outgoing governor Kylie Wilson in the form of a farewell video with Circle K members from all over Subregion G! Thank you to all our friends from sister districts who made this video so special!
Want more photos? Click here to see the official DCON Facebook album!
Click here to watch our Video Recap!
Overall, the weekend was an exciting end to the 2017-2018 Circle K Year, and we are grateful to the members of our district who made this year great by consistently doing community service and working hard to fulfill our tenets of service, leadership, and fellowship! Here’s to a new Circle K year, may it be even greater than the last!
Awards Congratulations to the following 2017-18 District Convention Award Recipients:
David A. Kelly Hall of Fame: Brad Malone George “Dad” Gray Scholarship: Emmie Landford, UGA Alice D. Stacey Passion for Service Award: Marisa Hoenig, Georgia Tech Katie Hunley Service Recognition Award: Shelby Munyan, GCSU Carolyn B. Richar Outstanding Board Member Award: Marisa Hoenig, Bulletin Editor Dia Stokes Kelly Outstanding Committee Chair Award: Lucy Zheng, FMR & DCON Chair Georgia Kiwanis Leadership Medallion: Kylie Wilson, Governor Interclub Award: Valdosta State University Outstanding Kiwanis Family Relations Award: Georgia Tech Outstanding Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Award: Kiwanis Club of Northside Atlanta, sponsor to Georgia Tech George Martin Outstanding Faculty Advisor: Theresa Duggar, Georgia Southern George Martin Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor: Tom Kenyon, UGA Club Newsletter Award: Julia Tang, Georgia Tech Outstanding Club Website: Colleen Fenton, Georgia Tech Jack E. McGraw Club Achievement: UGA & Georgia Tech Distinguished Club Vice President: Alan Hoang, Georgia Tech Ali D. Tabatabai Outstanding Vice President: Ashley Owusu, Georgia Southern Distinguished Club Treasurer: Abigail May So, UGA Distinguished Club Secretary: Abigail May So, UGA & Jayson Jordan, Georgia Southern Outstanding Club Secretary: Julia Tang, Georgia Tech Distinguished Club President: Mina Jeong, UGA Keith Bailey Outstanding Club President: Lucy Zheng, Georgia Tech Georgia Sherriff’s Youth Homes Recognition: Valdosta State University Governor’s Project Recognition for the WASH Project: University of West Georgia Georgia Southern University University of Georgia Georgia College and State University Georgia Institute of Technology Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Young Harris College Berry College John C. Thompson Distinguished Circle K Member: Valdosta State University: Jasmine Harris, Jonathan Osaghae, Rachel Lott Georgia Tech: Amanda Lang, Amanda Stewart, Colleen Fenton, Tamara Tsubota University of Georgia: Trey Dolder, Emma Matthews, Jenny Kim, David Rizo, Annalisa Botchway Georgia Southern University: Leah Reiser, Mohammed Abdallah, Braden Vaughn Georgia District Governor’s Cup: Claire Wells, Drew Kelley, John & Marie Waldon, Tammy Simmons, & Wanda Shelby
CLUBS CAN ALSO APPLY FOR INTERNATIONAL AWARDS TO BE RECOGNIZED AT CKIX! The awards will be submitted online by June 1! International club awards available include Club Achievement, Outstanding Kiwanis Family Relations, Outstanding Single Service, Preferred Charities & Service Partners, Club Promotional Video, and New Member of the Year! For more information visit and click the “Contests and Awards” tab!
Penny Wars & Fundraising Emmie Landford, Service Chair From November to January, our members participated in the Penny Wars fundraising initiative which paired up clubs as rivals to raise money for the WASH Project. During these months alone, the Georgia District raised $503.77! This is enough to provide a reliable hand pump that will bring clean water to an entire community, 50,000 liters of clean water, and 1,400 deworming tablets to prevent infections. Congratulations to the Circle K Club at the University of Georgia who raised the most money for the WASH Project during the Penny Wars initiative by contributing $248.18! At the end of February, Georgia members attended District Convention and participated in our annual fundraiser: Pie in the Face. This year, all money raised went to the WASH Project, and we raised just over $2,000 which is enough to provide five reliable hand pumps to communities in need! Thank you for all that you have done and the impact you have made! You are changing people’s lives.
Throughout the month of March, Circle K clubs around the globe will be participating in the gradual build up to World Water Day on March 22, 2018- March Water Madness! Join this event page to see how YOU can implement what you’ve learned about WASH and get involved with this year’s campaign theme: #WASHUSMakeADifference
Service Hours by Club for 2017-2018 Congratulations on such an amazing year! The impact that you all has been amazing on our community, and the numbers show it! Here is a breakdown of service hours by club!
Fundraising Update
Georgia Tech
University of Georgia
Oxford College of Emory
Georgia College
Young Harris
Georgia Southern
West Georgia
Valdosta State University
Thanks to everyone’s contributions during our Pie in the Face event at District Convention, we raised $2,080 for the WASH project. Great job guys! Just to put things in perspective, here is some of the ways the money can be spent to help people in Haiti:
$1: 10 Rehydration Packets
$23: 700 Deworming Tablets for Children
$66: Purification tablets for 50,000 liters of water
$217: Safe water kits for 10 families who were victims of natural disasters
$397: A reliable hand pump for a whole community
$1,500: An emergency water storage tank
Nearly 1000 children die each day due to unclean water and sanitation conditions. In Haiti, nearly 4 million people do not have access to these clean water resources. Our contributions help to combat this, so thank you for everyone’s hard work this year! All this being said, our year isn’t over yet! I strongly encourage you all to continue to fundraise for WASH until the end of our service year on March 31. If you are raising more money or have additional funds that your club raised to donate, please email me at so that we may transfer those donations to the district. Thanks all, and congrats on the work done this year for our new project!
Secretary-Treasurer Farewell Thank you everyone for an amazing year! The last four years in Circle K have been the most memorable in my life. The passion that everyone has for serving their community and the bonds that we form with one another is what made me fall in love with Circle K. I have become a stronger leader thanks to Circle K, and for that I am thankful. After graduation, I plan to go on to eventually attend grad school and earn my doctorates so that I can come back and teach college students like us. Thank you for an amazing experience in an amazing organization! - Shelby Munyan, Secretary-Treasurer
Thank you to our club presidents for doing a phenomenal job this year! Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College: Dale Spicer Berry College: Seth Read Brewton-Parker College: Augusto Naccarato Columbus State University: Emily Clement Dalton State College: Dalia Hernandez Rebecca Selem & Dale Spicer
East Georgia State College: Allison Durden Emory University: Long Di Georgia College & State University: Rebecca Selem Georgia Institute of Technology: Lucy Zheng
Georgia Southern University: Karina Guevara LaGrange College: Breann Pritchett
Lucy Zheng
Oxford College at Emory University: Eric Zeng University of Georgia: Mina Jeong University of West Georgia: Olivia Harris Valdosta State University: Javier Clark Young Harris College: Aliyah Karriem Karina Guevara
Javier Clark
Mina Jeong
Olivia Harris
The Coastal Division LTG Erin Martin My clubs are doing great! We recently had our District Convention and it was nice seeing my clubs all together and seeing how well they are doing. As far as presidents go, none of my clubs have had elections yet, but I am almost certain one of my clubs will be keeping their current president next year as well. A big piece of advice I would give to the next LTGs is to try and develop a strong personal relationship with your presidents. If they see you as more than just a district board member it will make things easier for them and you. Communication is key! It has been an amazing year, and I have had the time of my life. I am sad to graduate but excited to see where I go. Hopefully I’ll be working as a health inspector for Gwinnett County (fingers crossed I get the job). If I don’t get that job then I’ll try and live my lifelong dream as a garlic bread expert. I’m going to miss my Circle K family, but I know I made bonds in this club that will last a lifetime. So long Circle K!
The Metro Division LTG Tiarra Murphy At DCON, we had members from UWG and Georgia Tech, with 7 and 12 respectively. Also, Marisa Hoenig from Georgia Tech was elected Governor and Olivia Harris from UWG was elected as a Lieutenant Governor. For March, both Tech and UWG are fundraising for Pi Day to benefit the WASH Project. The Metro Division clubs will continue volunteering in their communities and making a difference! My favorite memory on board was DCON! I taught a workshop, and I helped plan for the event. I encouraged my current home club president, Olivia Harris, to run for LTG for the new Circle K year, and I am so excited for her! Now, my goal is to focus back on my club at the University of West Georgia before I graduate!
The Mountains Division LTG Courtney Green It has been a crazy past year and a half being the Mountains LTG, but I have loved every minute of it. Our Division has grown so much in the past year. Berry and Young Harris have both become more involved at the district level, which is very different from the previous year. They’ve also grown closer through service as a club. Even though neither Berry nor Young Harris have elected new officials, they are both determined to work on growth in the next school year. Until their upcoming elections, both clubs have continued to be passionate about service. Berry College teamed up with other organizations on campus to host an immigration event. Young Harris has been working with the Castoff Pet Rescue and cleaning up Corn Creek. Who doesn’t want to serve by hanging out with pets? For the next LTG, I recommend being persistent and caring with all things involving both of these clubs. They both need time, but they will definitely be flourishing in the next few years. As for me, I will be graduating in a few months and beginning graduate school in the fall. Who knows where yet! Maybe you’ll be seeing me on your campus in the fall! Thank you for letting me serve you guys so well. I’ve learned patience and the importance of constant reminders. Good luck with the next year. I know that you guys will do great.
The Perimeter Division LTG Brianna Blevins The University of Georgia and Oxford College of Emory Circle K clubs have had an amazing year. DCON was a success with both clubs winning awards. UGA's Trey Dolder and Oxford College of Emory's Linda Qiu were elected as Lieutenant Governors for the 2018-2019 year. The new UGA president will be Abbey May So, and Oxford College of Emory's ne president will be announced after their elections in late March. Our Division has greatly improved this year with both clubs becoming more active. A big congratulations is in order for both clubs for the service and fundraising they have accomplished this year. It was a great experience being your LTG, and I am very thankful for the time I have spent with both clubs. As my undergraduate career comes to an end and my graduate school career begins in the Fall, I look back and see my time in CKI as one of my greatest college experiences. For the next Perimeter Division LTG, I want you to know that we are powerful service force. I encourage you to plan more chances for interclubs because our locations are close and our willingness to service is strong. You will do great things, and I trust that you will bring our division closer in service and fellowship.
The Plains Division LTG Dana Hamrick The Plains division has improved this year in terms of district event attendance. There were three ABAC and three VSU members at DCON! I hope the next LTG pays close attention to the Plains division and helps it continue to grow. Valdosta State University is in the process of holding elections for their upcoming officers. Their most recent service projects include working with the Georgia Sheriff's Youth Home and reading to elementary school children for Dr. Seuss' birthday. ABAC elected Wesley Helms as their new President. His board's main goal is to grow their club through attaining more members. Lately, ABAC has been cleaning roads and have plans to help Kiwanis with an upcoming fundraiser. I sincerely hope everyone had an amazing Circle K year. I know I became better at goal setting and working on long-term goals with short-term expectations. Next year, I am planning on being in a Master’s of Social Work program at an undetermined school!
Club Development LTG Reynaldo del Toro Club Development LTG is a very special position. Throughout the year, I have worked with LaGrange and Reinhardt to get them up and running as clubs. Though they were not able to get chartered next year, they will be ready to charter. This year they have worked hard to attract new members and introducing Circle K to their community. For the new LTG's that end up working with these schools, I look forward to seeing what y'all can accomplish with them. LaGrange and Reinhardt, I enjoyed working with you this year and I cannot wait to have y'all as official members of our family. This year was a great year. I loved working with Key Club and Kiwanis and all the clubs I got a chance to work with. Thank you.
Committee Chair Farewells DREW KELLEY, Awards Chair As the service year comes to a close on March 31, I am saddened to be finishing my year as Awards chair! However, I will be continuing service as Trustee until CKIx! I am super excited for the transition and to be able to assist GACKI in kick starting the positive momentum of the 2018-19 service year! Who knows what I’ll be up to next year?
EMMIE LANDFORD, Service & Multimedia Chair Thank you for an incredible Circle K year! I have truly loved serving as Service Chair and Multimedia Chair this year. One of my main goals was to host Kiwanis Family Reunion, and it was a smashing success and definitely one of my favorite memories from Circle K this year. Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing, and I'm so glad that I was able to serve again on the district board. See everyone at events next year!
LINDA QIU, Membership Development & Education Chair My favorite memory this Circle K year was the team-building activities at FMR. I was able to learn a lot about Circle K and grow a strong connection with our district this year. I will continue to serve on the board this year, as Lieutenant Governor.
LUCY ZHENG, FMR & DCON Chair This year on district board was a life-changing experience for me, from exploring the safari of service at FMR to seeing the places I'd go at DCON. My favorite memory this year was playing Poncho at FMR (except when my team did the worm because I am physically incapable of that particular maneuver) during team games. Next year, I plan to serve again on the district board as a chair, and I am running for an international office in the hopes of connecting with our sister districts that I've grown so close to. Thank you for a great Circle K year!
End-of-the-Year Service Projects While it may not feel like it, the end of the semester is coming quickly, but that doesn’t mean that your service has to end! Circle K International is all about serving others, so take this finals season to reach out to those on your campus. A great way to do this can be by tabling in popular areas on campus and giving out homemade stress balls to fellow students! Here’s what you need: Balloons Flour Funnel Sharpie Take time at your meeting to put these together by filling the balloons with flour and drawing silly faces or writing encouraging notes on the filled balloons. It’s a fun project, and the encouragement goes a long way! In addition, spring is just around the corner, and with it comes spring cleaning and fun times outdoors! Use these to your club’s advantage! You can host a clothing drive during the spring months and donate any clothes collected to your local Salvation Army, Goodwill, or homeless shelter. You can also use the nice weather to take the time to connect with your local environmental groups to organize a clean-up whether it be along the road, a trail, or a creek. Everything that you can do to help will make a difference!
How do you get members excited about service? 1. INFORM members about the meaning/ reason behind their service so that volunteers see a direct correlation between their actions and the difference they’re contributing.
Example: Raking leaves on a nature trail for 1-2 hours can be tedious and tiring. However, if you tell the volunteers that this nature trail needs to be promptly cleaned after the damaging effects of Hurricane Irma, it may make a huge difference. People will be more likely to sign up knowing that their efforts have meaning. 2. FOLLOW UP w ith volunteers so they know specifically w hat they accomplished and how it made a difference to the organization/community. Example: We were able to raise over $1,200 from our Walkathon event. 3. APPLY the results to a bigger cause. Example: This $,1200 will be donated to the WASH Project and will provide 3 reliable hand pumps, serving 3 entire communities. 4. ASK members for service projects/ fundraising ideas they are passionate about to get them excited to participate.
Outstanding Member Congratulations to Javier “JC” Clark, President of Valdosta State University Circle K, for being our Outstanding Member! JC has done a great job as President since the club was first chartered in 2015. Service & Multimedia Chair, Emmie Landford, says "Javier devotes countless hours to Georgia Circle K and his club. He always has the best intentions and works hard to make sure his club thrives." JC looks for ways to improve the club and its service projects, and we are so happy to have him in the Georgia District! Keep up the great work, JC!
Outstanding Club Our Outstanding Club is Georgia Southern University! They had 7 members in attendance at DCON, and their member, Leah Reiser, was elected SecretaryTreasurer for the 2018-2019 service year. They also contributed $500 to the WASH Project and completed 100 hours of service this year! Great job, Georgia Southern!
Are you ready for CKIx? Circle K International Convention in Chicago is July 4-8 this year, and we hope to see you there! Registration costs $250 before May 1 and raises to $300 for the June 1 deadline. For the schedule, awards, and more information, please check out the official CKIx website! If you’re interested in attending, we can help you plan transportation and book your hotel room with us! Email Kylie at to let us know you will be or are interested in attending!
Hello Again, GACKI!
Subregion Update
I seriously hope I have met most of you reading by now, but if not, I am Drew Kelley, and I have the privilege and honor to serve as your International Trustee! As Trustee I represent the Georgia District as well as the Alabama, Caribbean, Carolinas, and Florida Districts! So far, it has been incredible! Some great things from International:
Spark! acceptances have been sent out! I f you nominated someone and they have not heard back, please let me know! Also, reach out and congratulate those who were accepted. We are excited to have several members from our
Subregion attend!
March 1-22 we are celebrating March Water Madness! Throughout the month of March, we are challenging Circle K members to be as vocal and active with the wash project as possible! Raising funds or spreading awareness! Be sure to check out the WASH guide! President Justin has started a #6kfor6k challenge where he is running a 6k a day and challenging people daily to do the same or donate or BOTH and challenge new people! I was challenged Day 1, so it is already spreading in GACKI!
March of Dimes is hosting March for Babies all over the country! Circle K members are encouraged to participate find one near you at!
Many districts and members are getting involved with the St. Baldrick’s foundation and shaving their head! International St. Baldrick’s Ambassador, Lucy Zheng, and myself went to LaMissTenn DCON and shaved our heads and assisted the district in raising over $3,000 for Childhood Cancer! You check it out on the CKI Facebook where Lucy went live!
The Circle K International Experience or CKIx is the combination of our Circle K International Convention and our annual Day of Service where we do project to impact our host community! This year CKIx will be in Chicago, IL from July 4-8! Register today at or to learn more!
All of your sister districts also just finished their conventions, except the Caribbean who will host theirs March 23-25! Congrats to Racheal Fairley from Alabama, Kelvin Pineda from Carolinas, Diamond Pichardo from Florida, and Marisa
Much love,
Hoenig from Georgia for being elected as the 201819 governors of their respective districts! Love you Sub G! Drew Kelley Subregion G International Trustee Service Committee Liaison
International Preferred Charities The March of Dimes is a nonprofit organization to help improve the health for mothers and their babies by working to prevent birth defects, infant mortality, and premature births. Throughout the year, Circle K members raise money to help prevent premature births. In addition to collecting money, CKI members can participate in the annual March for BaThe United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is an organization that works to improve the lives of children in over 190 countries. Its main goal is to help children all over the world survive and reach their full potential by providing medicine, clean water, vaccines, and educational opportunities. The Kiwanis family worked in partnership with UNICEF to raise $110 million by 2015 to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus and continues to work alongside the organization today.
International Service Partners Better World Books is an online nonprofit organization that uses books primarily collected through book drives and resells them online. Each time a book is purchased from their website, a book is donated to someone in need. CKI members can get involved by visiting the Book Drive research center on the website and signing up to hold a book drive on their college campus. Students Team up to Fight Against Hunger (STUFH) is a national nonprofit organization whose main goal is to feed the hungry and raise awareness among college students about food insecurity. CKI members can get involved by organizing food drives on their campus, donating money to the local food banks, and visiting the STUFH website and signing up!
St. Baldrick’s Foundation is a volunteer-powered charity organization whose goal is to fund promising research to find cures to childhood cancers. The organization takes funds raised by their supporters and donates it to carefully selected research grants. CKI members can get involved by participating in the head shaving events, which allow a member to take donations “on their head” and then go bald for the cause.
Thank you for a fantastic service year! Circle K International develops college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders.
Live to Serve.
Love to Serve.