Summer Kronicle 2017

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The official publication of the Georgia District of Circle K International SUMMER 2017

3 Governor’s Welcome 4 District Goals & Events 5 International Trustee Introduction; Spotlights

6-7 Meet the District Board 8 District Map 9-11 Divisional Updates 11 K-Family Connections

12 Understanding Circle K Terminology; Po & Pro 13 International Preferred Charities & Partners 14 CMR’s & Dues 15 Service Year Tips; Recruitment & Retention

16 Service Project Ideas; Social Media 17 Tips for New Officers 18-19 CKIx Overview 20 Subregion G’s Governors Corner

21 Letter from the Editor

Hello Georgia District and friends! My name is Kylie Wilson and I am serving as your 2017-2018 Georgia District Governor. I am a 22-year-old Senior at the University of West Georgia double majoring in Business Management and Sociology with a certificate in Cultural Diversity. I am a restaurant server at a local Chili’s, and I have a two-month-old kitten named Collins. This will be my 6th year in the Kiwanis family, 5th year in Circle K, and 4th year on the Georgia Circle K District Board. When I was elected Governor at DCON this past February, I announced my campaign as FUN. F for Family, U for You, and N for International. These are the 3 things I want to focus on during my term. I want our clubs to not only work more closely with Kiwanis clubs, but also other Kiwanis Family outside our district. Maybe find another district’s event to attend, or a service project, or try to connect with members from other districts to broaden your Kiwanis family relations. I also want the district to focus on you. You the members. Maybe you need help with fundraising ideas, help on awards questions, or training for your club. I will always be available for communication to the members for all your needs. In fact, I want to visit every single club at least once this Circle K year! The last part of FUN is for International: I want our members to be more educated on the aspects of the International level of Circle K. This is something I can cover when I visit clubs, during workshops at district events, and with updated resources on our District website. I am extremely excited about the year ahead of us, and I plan to meet as many members as possible during my term. I am always available to my fellow Circle K members, so please do not hesitate to contact me by email, social media, or phone. Let’s have FUN this year! Yours in Service,

Kylie Wilson District Governor Georgia District of Circle K International University of West Georgia (423)710-5629 The Georgia District Governor’s Project for 2017-2018 will be the new project produced by UNICEF called WASH. WASH stands for Water Sanitation and Hygiene. WASH funds will provide safe drinking water, basic toilets systems, and education on simple practices such as washing hands. The Georgia District will assist UNICEF with WASH by raising funds in our district with various service projects throughout the year. Each club in the district will pick a fundraiser or project devoted to WASH. Our goal for the year is to raise at least $2,500 for the WASH project. To put things into perspective of what the money we raise can do: $10 provides 100 sachets of oral rehydration packets $23 provides deworming packets to 700 children $67 provides 50,000 liters of safe water

$217 provides 10 families with safe water kits $397 provides a reliable hand pump $1,500 provides an emergency water storage tank


The Georgia District will have 3 reactivated and/or chartered clubs by March 31, 2018.


The Georgia District will have 400 members with 3550 cumulative service hours by March 31, 2018.


The Georgia District will have 75 registered Circle K members at the Fall Membership Retreat and 75 Circle K members at the District Convention by March 31, 2018.


The Georgia District will have 50 Kiwanis Family Relations and 230 Inter-clubs by March 31, 2018.


The Georgia District will raise $2,500 for the WASH Project by March 31, 2018.

The Kiwanis Family Reunion will be a great place to meet other Kiwanis Family members and participate in a social/ service project. Meet Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis members from throughout Georgia that are also passionate about service. Registration for this event will be available soon!

Fall Membership Retreat (FMR) is a weekend filled with fun, socials, service, and leadership. The event is for current and potential members to come learn more about CKI. Meet students from all over the Georgia District and beyond! Start preparing your clubs to attend this wonderful event. Registration will be available soon for this event as well.

Hello Georgia! My name is Drew Kelley, and I have been serving the Georgia District for the past three years in various positions, including 2016-17 District Governor! I am extremely excited to announce that this year at CKIx, I was elected by the delegation to serve as YOUR Subregion G International Trustee! As Sub G Trustee, I serve as a liaison between the district and international levels, representing the Alabama, Caribbean, Carolina, Florida, and Georgia Districts. I will also serve as a board liaison for an International Committee and as a resource to all members in and out of our Subregion. I also serve as Awards Chair for the Georgia District! I am a senior at the University of West Georgia majoring in Management and Marketing. I am focused on advertising and human resources. I have been in CKI for 4 years, and I can honestly say it has been a staple of my college career! Away from CKI, I work front-of-house at a little pizza joint in Carrollton, and when I can, at Flat Rock River YMCA Camp in Southern Indiana. I love live music, my hammock, my cat, social media, being outside, and brunch food! If there is anything else you’d like to know, I’d love to become friends! Hit me up! Much love, Drew Kelley Subregion G International Trustee Circle K International University of West Georgia (678)551-0126

Seth Read, the current President of Berry College Circle K, is doing a great job to keep his club active. As the year was coming to an end, there was no one to take over Berry College’s club. Seth stepped up to the plate, and we’re excited to see his club’s success this year!

Young Harris College of the Mountains Division and led by President Aliyah Karriem is doing an incredible job! They are not messing around, knowing that they really have to kick it into high gear this year to ensure that the club can remain active. They have submitted almost all their CMRs, and Aliyah is making Facebook events and doing everything she can for recruitment. We are super proud of their work and progress!

Kylie Wilson

Shelby Munyan

Marisa Hoenig



Bulletin Editor & Webmaster

Reynaldo Del Toro Guevara III

Brianna Blevins

Dana Hamrick

Club Development LTG & K-Family Chair

Perimeter LTG

Plains LTG and Po & Pro Chair

Hailey Glover

Lucy Zheng

Emily Clement

FMR Liaison

DCON Liaison

SST Chair

Erin Martin

Tiarra Murphy

Courtney Green

Coastal LTG

Metro LTG

Mountains LTG

Emmie Landford

Drew Kelley

Linda Qiu

Service Chair & Multimedia Chair

Awards Chair

Membership Development &

Education Chair

Brent Leslie

Anla Etheridge

Stacey Fountain

District Administrator

Assistant Administrator

Assistant Administrator

This year, our district has a Club Development LTG in charge of growing new and upcoming clubs. If you know of any college where we could build a new club, please contact Rey so we can start working on getting interest in Circle K at that college.

Hey all! My name is Courtney Green, and I am so excited to be your 2017-2018 Lieutenant Governor for the Mountains Division. I attend the University of Georgia and I will be graduating in May 2018 with a Bachelors of Science in both biology and genetics. I enjoy serving with my local Circle K club along with other community service clubs that I am involved in. I also enjoy spending lazy Saturdays curled up with my dog, Molly. I am looking forward to meeting with all of my clubs on a one-on-one basis. Division Update:  

All of our clubs are gearing up to start recruitment for the new school year!

Young Harris College is doing a fantastic job by getting all of their club monthly reports in! Please remember to keep submitting those!

My goal for this year is to continue the precedent set last year and continue to gain more clubs in our division!

Courtney Green, Mountains LTG

Thanks for all that you do! I cannot wait to continue to serve with you this year.

My name is Brianna Blevins and I am currently serving as the Perimeter Division LTG. I have been a member of the Kiwanis family since 2010 when I joined Key Club in high school my freshman year. I am currently a fourth year chemistry major at UGA. Some of my interests include Netflix, fuzzy socks, and any food involving mashed potatoes. I have lots of passion for this organization, and I have big goals for strengthening the Perimeter Division this year. I look forward to working with everyone! Division Update: 

The first Presidents’ Council Meeting included UGA and Oxford College of Emory.

We laid out goals for the year, including Membership and Fundraising

We will hold divisional rallies and interclub projects throughout the year.

Membership retention/participation and district involvement are our focus this year

UGA projects include the Food Bank, Books For Keeps, Humane Society, Homeless Shelter-babysitting, Hardigree Wildlife Sanctuary, and the Farmer’s Market.

Oxford projects include Bake sales, Meals by Grace, Car Smash, and Paws.

 

Brianna Blevins, Perimeter LTG

My name is Tiarra Tishera Murphy, and I am the Metro LTG this service year. I am majoring in Psychology and minoring in Gender and Sexuality Studies & Anthropology at the University of West Georgia. I’m originally from NJ and was Vice President of Key Club for 2 years. I also served as President of UWG CKI for 2 years. This will definitely be a learning experience, and I hope we can all meet up in my division at least twice this year and get to know everyone more personally. Division Update: 

LaGrange is working on getting its club off the ground this year.

Georgia Tech recently won 3rd place in Club Achievement at ICON and is excited to begin recruiting for the new service year!

UWG is tabling at its organization fair to recruit more members and will be working the concession stand at football games as a fundraiser.

   

Tiarra Murphy, Metro LTG

If you’re in the Metro Division, look out for my newsletters and please contact me if you have any questions!

Hello! My name is Erin Martin and I am so happy to be the Coastal Lieutenant Governor for this year. I am a fourth year senior at Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville, Georgia. My major is in public health with two minors in global health and women's studies. I have been a part of Circle K for three years now but have been in the Kiwanis family for seven. I served as my club's president for two years and held a chair position on the District Board last year. Division Update: 

Georgia College has been busy recruiting on campus during the summer!

All the clubs are preparing for the first meeting and starting their service projects for the year.

I am so excited for this year and cannot wait to see what the Georgia District of Circle K will do!

   

Erin Martin, Coastal LTG

Hello Plains Division! I am your new Lieutenant Governor, Dana Hamrick. Last year, I was your District Bulletin Editor and transferred to Valdosta State University from Georgia College and State University. I am from Marietta, Georgia, so I’ve been a southern girl all my life. I am a senior psychology major this year and trying to figure out where to go to grad school. Animals are my life and I recently got a new hamster named Mo who is my little trouble maker.

Dana Hamrick, Plains LTG

Division Updates:  ABAC is gearing up for their school’s “Town and Gown” event in which they recruit new members. This summer, they completed an Adopt-a-Mile to clean up litter on roads.  Valdosta State University is planning to joint volunteer with ABAC as soon as football season starts. They are also getting ready for new members as “The Happening” will occur during the first couple weeks of school.  Once school begins, I hope to train all officers who were unable to attend COLT. I also want to have a divisional rally sometime in late September or early October, so keep your calendars open.  We have a new division mascot, Billy the Buffalo! You can meet him when I come to your school!

by K-Family Chair Reynaldo Del Toro Guevara III

Key Club: 

Rey with a group of Key Clubbers at the Witte Museum in San Antonio, Texas during International Convention 2017.

Georgia Leadership Training Conference at Six Flags is Saturday, August 26, 2017 from 9 am to 9 pm. For those interested in attending or learning more, go to the GLTC website. This year we are going to try to work with Key Club members that want to visit certain colleges. If there is a Circle K club present, we would like to set up a partnership between the two branches so they can visit those colleges and Circle K clubs can show them around.

Kiwanis: 

Kiwanis will be celebrating their service year at District Convention from August 2527. The new District Board will be introduced.

If anyone wants to know which Kiwanis sponsors them or which are around them, please contact us and we will let you know.

Don’t forget to stay in contact with and visit your sponsoring Kiwanis club!

by DCON Liaison Lucy Zheng Feeling confused by the phrases or abbreviations you've seen? Here's a guide to the Circle K lingo so you can be in the know! 

division: multiple clubs in a region overseen by a lieutenant governor

district: multiple divisions in a region overseen by a governor

subregion: multiple districts in a region overseen by an international trustee (we are in Subregion G)

CKI: Circle K International

GACKI: Georgia District of Circle K International

SLP: service leadership program

Kiwanis Family (K-Fam): refers to Kiwanis and its sponsored SLPs (including Circle K)

service hour: an hour spent by one Circle K member performing service

interclub: a joint service event with two or more Circle K clubs (each club having 2+ members)

Kiwanis Family Relation: a joint service event with two or more branches of Kiwanis

FMR: Fall Membership Retreat, held in Covington where members throughout the district meet each other and do service together for the first time in the school year

DCON: District Convention, held in February in which members celebrate the success of the past year and elect the new district board

SST: Service Social Tour, where members perform a large-scale service project together as a district

CKIx: Circle K International Convention, where members connect with other Circle K'ers on an international level through fellowship activities and service, and the new international board is elected

COLT: Club Officer Leadership Training

DOTC: District Officer Training Conference

LTG: Lieutenant Governor

CMR: club monthly report, filled out by club secretaries

MRF: monthly report form, filled out by district board officers

IP: immediate past (ex: IP President)

policies & procedures Po and Pro is our own way of saying policies and procedures. The purpose of this committee is to review the governing documents of the district and international, and see if anything needs revamping. Last year, the committee amended the mascot kidnapping policy to allow members to kidnap mascots during free time at district events. The committee can:  present policy changes to the board  write amendments to bylaws that will be voted on at District Convention  write amendments to International bylaws that will be voted on at International Convention

Contact Po & Pro Chair Dana Hamrick with questions, suggestions, or interest to join the committee!

Service is an integral part of CKI. When looking for new service opportunities, keep our International Preferred Charities & Service Partners in mind! by FMR Liaison Hailey Glover The March of Dimes is a nonprofit organization to help improve the health for mothers and their babies by working to prevent birth defects, infant mortality, and premature births. Throughout the year, Circle K members raise money to help prevent premature births. In addition to collecting money, CKI members can participate in the annual March for Babies in April. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is an organization that works to improve the lives of children in over 190 countries. Its main goal is to help children all over the world survive and reach their full potential by providing medicine, clean water, vaccines, and educational opportunities. The Kiwanis family worked in partnership with UNICEF to raise $110 million by 2015 to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus and continues to work alongside the organization today.

Better World Books is an online nonprofit organization that uses books primarily collected through book drives and resells them online. Each time a book is purchased from their website, a book is donated to someone in need. CKI members can get involved by visiting the Book Drive research center on the website and signing up to hold a book drive on their college campus. Students Team up to Fight Against Hunger (STUFH) is a national nonprofit organization whose main goal is to feed the hungry and raise awareness among college students about food insecurity. CKI members can get involved by organizing food drives on their campus, donating money to the local food banks, and visiting the STUFH website and signing up! St. Baldrick’s Foundation is a volunteer-powered charity organization whose goal is to fund promising research to find cures to childhood cancers. The organization takes funds raised by their supporters and donates it to carefully selected research grants. CKI members can get involved by participating in the head shaving events, which allow a member to take donations “on their head” and then go bald for the cause.

Club Monthly Reports (CMR’s) are a great way to keep us updated with your events and keep track of your activities for the year. Club secretaries are required to turn in this report by the 5th of each month and is found on the Georgia Circle K website. To qualify for awards at District Convention, all CMR’s need to have been turned in for the year. So, make sure you turn them in on time so there are no issues come February! This year, one new thing through the Circle K International website is the introduction of a new system of CMR’s. They are looking to make things easier by allowing secretaries to submit a CMR through the Membership Update Center, the resource traditionally used to keep track of club membership. As of now, the system is in its beginning stages and many do not have access; so for the time being, I encourage all club secretaries to hold tight and look for news in my monthly emails. In the meantime, make sure all new club officer information is updated in the Membership Update Center. If your club has not yet done this, then past officers or your faculty advisor should have access to help you. If you still have trouble, please feel free to email me so we can help you figure things out. To all club secretaries, please feel free to contact me with any problems. I send out regular emails, so if you are not receiving those, please contact me to add you to the mailing list. If you are having troubles filling out your

CONTACT Secretary-Treasurer Shelby Munyan Assistant Administrator Stacey, Secretary-Treasurer Shelby, and Perimeter LTG Brianna at CKIx in July 2017.

As you recruit new members, remember to keep track of new membership and paying dues for your clubs. Dues help keep Circle K International and the Georgia District running and able to provide many services and events. Dues are broken down as follows:

All clubs must pay $12 per member as part of their dues to the district

For all 2 year schools, regardless of school size, the international club fee is $350

For all 4 year schools with less than 5,000 people, the international club fee is $450

For all 4 year schools with more than 5,000 people, the international club fee is $600

Club secretaries are required to update the Membership Update Center with dues-paying members for this Circle K year as part of the dues paying process. Make sure to login to the system and update your new officer information. Old officers or your faculty advisor should be able to help you update this information. If you are having trouble, please email me so we can help get the information updated! Dues open on October 1st, and the deadline for dues payment is November 1st. We strongly encourage paying your dues as soon as it is opens to ensure your club remains in good standing. If a club’s dues are still missing by December 1 st, then a club will lose their good standing status with International. Please make sure to pay your dues by November 1st! I will continue to send out information and reminders to help club treasurers through the process.

by SST Chair Emily Clement


Create a group calendar and include meeting times, socials, service projects, and recruitment drives for each month. Be consistent and provide members with all the information they need to get involved. 2. Delegate. Assign tasks to different officers and members. Form committees within the club for upcoming events, and have a suggestion box for members. 3. Have Fun. Make your club lively by hosting socials and planning events after service projects. Participate in oncampus activities as a club and make your club more than just a club. 4. Ask for Help. Circle K is unique because it’s a member of the Kiwanis Family. Don’t: hesitate to ask your sponsoring Kiwanis Club for help. Do: have joint service projects and events.

Members of Georgia Southern University Circle K perform a spontaneous club jingle at District Convention in February 2017.

by MD&E Chair Linda Qiu 1. Be prepared at the Club Fair.  Where clubs get most of their new members  Make a visual presentation (poster, trifold, etc): What circle K is, mission and values, how to get involved, benefits of joining, special activities/events in your club, leadership opportunities  Have forms/spreadsheet with Name, Grade, & Email  Know interesting facts that can capture people’s attention  Smile, be friendly and approachable, but not pushy 2. Host a separate recruitment event so that interested students have to chance to learn more about Circle K.  Filters out the chaos at the club fair  Provide incentives, like food  Advertise this event well (social media, newspaper, TV, etc.) 3. Create publicity and a pleasant image of Circle K on your campus.  Let people know about service events and meetings with date, time, location, what’s happening, and who’s welcome (ALL)  Spread the word about Circle K 4. Use the resources available for you on the Georgia District website and don’t be afraid to reach out to your club advisor or district board for help.

1. Provide service opportunities that cater to everyone’s interests. Coastal LTG Erin recruiting at Georgia  Gauge people’s interests using a survey College’s club fair this summer. 2. Require enough commitment that gives them a sense of responsibility yet doesn’t overwhelm them.  Ex. # service hour requirement to stay a member and a higher # service hours to apply to leadership positions 3. Give “rewards” to members who are involved, turn in dues, or contribute a lot of ideas.  Ex. raffle for small prize or periodic paper plate awards 4. Plan socials that bring members closer outside of the service aspect of the club.

by Service Chair Emmie Landford

Incorporating service projects into your meetings are a great way to keep your members interested and involved throughout the year! Here are some quick service projects that you can do with your club:  

Homeless Bags: fill a ziplock bag with donated supplies (toothpaste, water, snacks, etc) and take them to your local homeless shelter. Dog Toys: create dog toys for your local animal shelter using your old t-shirts. Book Drive: work with Better World Books and host a textbook drive within your club to raise money for your club, other organizations, and work with our international service partner. Coloring for Kids: download and print free online coloring sheets and put them together into a book for kids in hospitals to bring a smile to their faces. Fleece Blankets: create warm blankets for people in need by tying together the edges of yards of fleece. Need more ideas? Email me at

by Multimedia Chair Emmie Landford Using social media is important for advertising your club! To effectively communicate with your members, you need to make sure to have a regular posting schedule, engaging content, and an audience to reach. To fulfill each of these, you must:  Post Regularly- posting information during normal business hours with a consistent schedule will help you reach the largest audience!  Be Interesting- when running your club’s social media, only post things related to Circle K (service events/updates, pictures/videos from socials, etc)  Reach Everyone- you should have an account on each social media platform for members to follow (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). Advertise your club’s accounts and have all of your members follow you and invite their friends! Make sure to advertise the social media links during meetings. I hope these tips help you and your club run your social media more efficiently! If you have any questions or would like more information, email me at! Check out GACKI social media!

New to your executive board? Here’s some advice from people who have been in your shoes! President 1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. As president, there are a lot of emails to reply to, events to plan, and meetings to organize, but don’t forget to reach out to your executive board for help. They will be more than willing to assist you in any way they can! 2. Reach out to members. It’s important to make personal connections with members and not get bogged down by the executive side of things. Members really appreciate it when you make an effort to learn their names and speak to them one-on-one. 3. Be enthusiastic. When people are passionate about what they do, others get excited. If you’re enthusiastic, your members will look forward to meetings and events, participating more.

Vice President 1. Provide guidance. You are the President’s Second-in-Command, so it’s important to offer advice and new perspectives. Coming up with different ideas and suggestions is a key component of your job. 2. Attend events. One of the best ways to lead is by example. When members see you are actively involved in the club, they may be encouraged to participate more too. 3. Be available to all members. As VP, one of your duties is to lead the committee structure if one exists in your club. Make sure you are available for members’ questions. Georgia Tech’s current executive board and district board members at Club Officer Training in April 2017.

Secretary 1. Keep an agenda. Include all the dates and times for events that you hold; it makes things easier when filling out CMR's and keeping track of all you need to do. 2. Send out updates. Recap and reminder emails for your members remind them about deadlines and meeting dates. Color code them, and make them fun and interesting to read.

3. Use one document to take attendance. A master Word Document, Excel Spreadsheet, or Google Doc helps keep track of attendance at meetings. Bring it up at each meeting or service event, and have everyone sign in. 4. Take meeting notes. Compile them into a document, and save them for future reference. This can help later in the year and is a great resource for future officers to see the activities of previous years. 5. Be timely. Make it a goal to turn in CMR's on the first of each month. The due date is the fifth, so it gives you a few days to get things sorted out in case you are having a busy week.

Treasurer 1. Stay organized. Make note of every financial transaction because it’s easy to lose track of what’s happening. 2. Keep track of deadlines. Write down all district deadlines because you don’t want to miss the dues or event deadlines. 3. Fundraise. This is where you can boost your club balance and have fun. This is a also a great service project that members can participate in. 4. Create a smart budget. Look at the previous year’s budget and make adjustments based on how much your club actually spent. Don’t be afraid to speak to your school’s SGA or sponsoring Kiwanis if you need extra funds for events. by Marisa Hoenig (Georgia Tech IP President) with help from Shelby Munyan (Georgia College IP Secretary) and Nyles McLean (Georgia Tech IP VP & past Treasurer)

CKIx is an annual event combining our annual International Convention and Day of Service events. This year, members convened in wonderful San Antonio, Texas for an experience filled with service, leadership, and fellowship. Day of Service teams were assigned the first night after the opening session. Each member was placed on a team with randomly selected members from all districts. As a team, they attended team-specific events and completed a service project to serve our host community. CKIx included three large general sessions with our Key Club counterparts; these events were themed Call to Lead, Heart to Serve, and Courage to Engage with keynote speakers to match those themes. We also held our annual International House of Delegates, where we elected our next International Board, amended our International bylaws, and handled any other official business for the year as seen fit by the delegation. CKIx was an amazing experience. 10/10 Drew Kelley, Subregion G International Trustee

“My favorite part was the Day of Service at the San Antonio Food Bank. It was really fun to pick watermelons and sort home essentials. I felt like part of a huge effort as I worked alongside a bunch of new people!” - Lucy Zheng

“My favorite t how great eve to meet peop ed States and amazing to se was about Cir of an organiza around the w

“I had the chance to meet so many new people from all over the country, and see that we all shared such a huge passion for service that helped bring us all together. We learned so much from the inspirational voices of Kiwanians and other service leaders of the world. We set the foundation for a new year of Circle K service, and I am so excited for what is to come!”

- Shelby Munyan

   

thing about ICON was eryone was. I was able ple from around the Unitd beyond, and it was ee how excited everyone rcle K. I love to be a part ation that reaches so far world!” - Erin Martin

Five districts make up Subregion G of Circle K International. As sister districts, we work together and sometimes attend each other’s events. Meet the Governors of the 5 districts of Subregion G below!

Goals: Increase membership, service, and visibility of the Caribbean district; develop more relationships and gain sponsorship.

Goals: Improve district communication, spread positivity with an all-ages mentorship program for district project “Service in Sync.”

Goals: 3 activated/rechartered clubs, 3550 service hours, 75 Circle K members at FMR and DCON each, 400 registered members, and fundraising $2,500 for WASH.

Goals: Increase membership, service hours, and attendance at district events. Specifically, aim for 450 members, 4 newly chartered clubs, and 6,000 service hours.

Goals: Attend other districts’ events, start a scholarship program to help members from other districts attend Carolinas events, keep meaningful service at the core, and encourage positivity and enthusiasm. Thank you to Florida District’s Communications Chair, Jorden Irby, for gathering information on all the governors!

Hey Georgia District! Thank you so much for reading the Summer 2017 Issue of The Kronicle. My name is Marisa Hoenig, and as District Bulletin Editor, it’s my job to keep you updated on what’s happening in GACKI! I’ve been in Circle K for 2 years with 4 years in Key Club. It’s an honor to serve on the District Board this year, and I can’t wait to see what all the clubs accomplish! Also, I am currently the District Webmaster, so don’t forget to check out our website for more updates throughout the service year. The purpose of The Kronicle, as the official GACKI publication, is to keep members informed about Circle K, from club to international news. Below, I’ve outlined a few goals for The Kronicle this year: 1. Make The Kronicle appealing & engaging. I want to make all information easily accessible and cater these publications to our members’ needs. 2. Receive involvement from members throughout the district for each publication. The most important people in our organization are the general members, as they keep our clubs actively serving the community. We want your voice to be heard! We want to celebrate your accomplishments! 3. Suggest tips for success for officers throughout the year, from service projects to running meetings. Being a club officer can be difficult, but it’s our job as district officers to help you conquer these obstacles and succeed. If you’d like to submit an article or pictures to The Kronicle for the Fall Issue, please email me by October 5 with the material. We love to know how clubs are serving their communities and feature them for others to read about! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with suggestions/questions, as I love speaking to Circle K members throughout the district. I look forward to meeting all of you at district events throughout the year. Good luck with the beginning of the semester!

Yours in Caring & Service,

Marisa Hoenig District Bulletin Editor Georgia District of Circle K International

Gacki the Gecko, our district mascot

Circle K International develops college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.

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