Let’s Get Physical! 10 Questions for Cherisse Sansone, PT, MLD
herisse Sansone, PT, MLD is the owner of Mountain Physical Therapy in Clayton, Georgia and Franklin, North Carolina. Cherisse graduated from Western Carolina University in 2000. She specializes in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Lymphedema. At her practice she and her staff offer Orthopedic Rehabilitation, treatment for neck and back pain, post surgical rehabilitation, joint replacement therapy and therapeutic massage. Cherisse is a Veteran of the US Army and an incredible human being. We are pleased that she would take time to answer a few questions for us about her specialty and her business. GML - What is Physical Therapy and what is its purpose? Cherisse Sansone - Physical Therapy is treatment involving a wide variety of rehabilitation techniques. It can involve rehabilitation of every part of the body from muscles, bone, nerves, lymphatic system. The purpose is if someone has trauma, surgery, stroke, or just wear and tear on the body, Physical Therapy can rehabilitate and get that person back to a level of function and the goal of staying independent and improving Quality of Life. GML - Why choose physical therapy care over another type of provider? Cherisse Sansone - Why should I try physical therapy over another type of treatment? I always say what works for one person may not work for you. I always recommend that you try a conservative approach before you try an aggressive treatment. Most people have imbalances within their bodies: weak muscles, muscles that are to tight, poor posture and body mechanics that lead to pain and break down of the tissue. This is where physical therapy can help, so that you can regain that balance and keep the body happy and functioning. GML - What kind of training does a Physical Therapist have? Cherisse Sansone - A physical therapist now has to complete a three year Doctorate Degree and pass the national exam. A physical therapy assistant must have a two year Associate
Degree and pass the national exam. We must take continuing education to stay abreast of the new and exciting techniques that come out within our profession. GML - Can my Physical Therapist provide me with a diagnosis? Cherisse Sansone - When a patient comes to physical therapy, that patient usually has been to a doctor which gives them a referral for PT. This referral usually has a diagnosis that states what the patient is coming to be treated for. Sometimes the doctor may just state for us to evaluate and treat. This means we will do an evaluation and decide the best plan of care for that patient. GML - What can I expect on my first visit? Cherisse Sansone - On your first visit you can expect to be evaluated. We will talk and gather your history about your problem. We will then run you through a series of testing and measurements to gain more information about your limitations; whether it be decreased strength, decreased Range of Motion, Pain, decreased Balance, any limitation that may be affecting your Quality of Life. GML - Is an at-home regime necessary to achieve optimal results? Cherisse Sansone - During your visits to Physical therapy I like to say we are going to find a recipe for you to perform a series of exercises. This plan of exercises will be given to you to perform at home which is so important for recovery. This is a maintenance program that will help keep your body from reverting back to why you came to physical therapy in the first place. GML - Is a referral from my Doctor necessary to begin Physical Therapy? Cherisse Sansone - A referral from your doctor is necessary if you want your medical insurance to pay for your treatment. Some people may opt for paying privately if they have extremely high deductibles and copays (Medicare is the exception to this).
Mountain Physical Therapy is located at 1218 North Main Street in Clayton, Georgia 30525. You may schedule an appointment by calling 706-782-2585. Their second location is 225 Riverview Street in Franklin, North Carolina 28734. Appointments and information are available by calling 828-349-6161.
48 GML - April 2021