3 minute read
Why - Firmly Rooted Flower Farm

by Tori Carver – Firmly Rooted Flower Farm
often get asked why I started growing flowers. I usually say I just stumbled into it, and there is truth in that, but honestly, I was searching for something. For me, the first seed of an idea was born out of grief and a life long desire to own my own business. My mother, with whom I was very close, died the summer of 2019 and a few months later, I turned 50. When you lose a loved one and turn 50 within a short span of time, you seriously begin to question your life’s purpose. I knew I needed to find something to occupy my heart, my brain, and my body. I have always found comfort in gardening, cooking, arts & crafts, and sewing. (I was the nerdy, fair-skinned, freckled face girl who took sewing classes instead of playing sports). In my quest, I stumbled upon “cut flowers” and the idea of flower farming. I became obsessed. Truly obsessed. Obsessed with starting seeds, obsessed with nurturing each little seedling, and don’t even get me started on Dahlias. I had no idea Dahlias were so colorful and diverse. This year I plan on growing around 100 different varieties and am focusing on increasing my stock as a whole to over 300. I also saw flower farming as an opportunity to bring joy to others. Flowers are such an integral part of who we are as humans. Flowers are with us when we celebrate and they are with us when we mourn. Life can be difficult and even lonely at times and it amazes me how the simple gift of a bouquet of flowers can bring such joy and happiness to a person when words sometimes fall short. I would be lying if I didn’t say flower farming was hard. I have had moments of complete and utter exhaustion and told myself it was the stupidest idea I’ve ever had and swore I’d never plant another seed as long as I live. But then, after a few good nights of sleep, I’m back at it. I still work my day job as a paralegal and I am trying to raise active teenagers and keep a household running, but let me tell you.... when I walk out in the garden with a bucket of water and flower snips after a long and stressful day at work, it is the most calming and peaceful part of the day. I’m always sad when the darkness overtakes me and I have to go inside. I think flowers are truly a gift from God. Do you know what is funny about this flower farming journey? It has been with me the entire time and I never saw it before now. Twenty years ago, I used to cross-stitch and my all-time favorite projects are two little houses with beautiful flower gardens because I always dreamt of a yard full of flowers. And, my absolute favorite painting is a painting my mother bought me many, many years ago of a woman tending the most glorious flower garden. I always wanted to be the lady in the painting. Now, because I finally listened to what the Lord has been trying to tell me for years, I am and I couldn’t be more thankful.
I hope to be at the Community Market this summer and will be offering subscription bouquets as well. As always, you can find updates and information about my flower availability on Instagram at @firmlyrootedflowerfarm and Facebook. I sincerely appreciate everyone’s support and encouragement as I figure out this new venture and how to best serve this wonderful community.