The North Georgia Arts Guild By Susan Brewer
Artists – Artists make art and hope that someone will see it and believe that comes back to the artist… when someone does believe in you… when someone is keenly aware of your vision and that acceptance, that gift coming back, it isn’t always there. Rejection is a vital part of the process, too—strange as it may
dark and lonely journey and a little crazy making because the exercise involves being unsure, plagued, or puzzled before and stay in a safe harbor and never venture back out. Others venture out time and again. There’s wonder in that. The Guild –
No matter. The artists who are members of the North Georgia Arts Guild work hard and learn and grow. They are curious. They are willing to make mistakes. They return again and again to the task at hand. They take risks. These creatives are full of ideas and imagery and the desire to mold, move and manipulate media such as paints, steel, silver, clay, paper,
The artists who become guild members are mostly retired and
interior space that they visit over and over again, where a
of downtown Clayton the last weekend in April. The show promotes the arts, the town, and is a fundraiser for yearly
14 GML - September 2020
completely to the doing of art. The guild’s board members and