Georgia Mountain Laurel September 20

Page 20

Eileen Braun’s Art as a Process

“I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost


he artistic road is one often fraught with hills, curves, bumps, and more, yet many artists admit that the

own creative path has been anything but straight. However, experimentation and exploration have resulted in a distinct medium that the nationally recognized, Dunwoody, Georgia based ceramic sculptor describes as “skeletal hulls and Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Braun has lived and worked many years working with clay as a preferred medium. From her fully equipped home clay studio, Braun created and

When starting out in the encaustic wax medium, Braun the experimenting and permission to fail, which is really

in coloration. As she delved into the medium, forms became more complex and she included encaustic wax applications both on the interior and exterior. Braun’s artistic process begins with a sketch. She, like many other artists, keeps a sketchbook to draw in when creative

bowl forms. She has received national attention and awards – in space. The shadows they create are informed by the

Center for the Arts and Sciences in Rabun Gap, Georgia.

from a ceramic artist to a sculptor of encaustic wax. colored pigments to heated beeswax . Traditionally, the liquid or paste is then applied to a surface, such as prepared wood, canvas, etc. Not so for Braun. Her encaustic wax art is entirely her own.

were a blend of my mother attending to our growing family’s

18 GML - September 2020

She settled on reed from the inside of the rattan plant as the material she uses to shape and build her sculptural forms. Then she applies the encaustic wax. “Because wax is used as the pigment binder, encaustics can be sculpted as well or collaged into the surface, or layered, using the encaustic She also has implemented the method of accretion, a constant application of wax to the surface heated and set by countless number of passes with the brush to create a craggy surface that resembles a stalactite or stalagmite. She added, “My materials are selected to guide your eyes

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Articles inside

What a Wonderful World

pages 76-84

e Rabun County Historical Society

pages 72-75

e Not So Empty Nest

pages 68-69

By the Way

pages 70-71

Waterfall Home is Key to Family Living

pages 66-67

Insurance - What is UM/UIM Coverage and Why You Should Have It

pages 64-65

Time to Pass On “Our Happy Place

pages 62-63

Cage Free Boutique

pages 52-57

River Garden

pages 50-51

Habitat for Humanity - Raise the Roof Auction

page 47

Live Healthy & Be Well

pages 58-61

Life is a Blessing

pages 48-49

Rabun for the Gospel - Planning Our Future

page 46

Madison’s on Main

pages 44-45

Bon Appétit

pages 30-35

Lovin’ the Journey - Short Treks

pages 26-29

Rabun County Car Show a Success

pages 40-43

Featured Artist - Eileen Braun

pages 20-23

North Georgia Arts Guild

pages 16-19

Adventure Out

pages 24-25

Cover Artist - Hollie Steil

pages 12-15

e Family Table

pages 36-39
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