Georgia Mountain Laurel September 20

Page 50

A place where new life springs forth out of despair, failure and death. A place where God brings physical, emotional and spiritual healing to you.

MANY PEOPLE ARE NOT HEALED There has to be a reason for this because God’s Word is true, but there is a missing link to freedom and victory. The Word of God tells us that there is a progress in learning and doing what we learn that takes us to spiritual maturity. The same is true as we progress from elementary school through high school and beyond. When we learn our ABC’s we begin to “do” what we have been taught, that is, to read and write. It is the same with Christian teachings – we DO what we are taught. If we don’t do or use what we learn, then we live in a state of ignorance. When we were in school we could not move forward to higher grades until we got a passing mark. It is the same in the Lord’s schooling of us. Let’s look at Hebrews 6:1-2. “Leaving the principals of the doctrine of Christ, let us go into perfection, not laying again the foundation…”, But many have not laid the foundation properly. The foundation is laid in a certain order. We will 1. Repentance from dead works. 2. Faith toward God. 3. Baptisms. 4. Laying on of hands We must learn and put into practice these foundational steps in the order they are given to have a solid foundation so our house (our life) will not fall. When you hear truth, you have to do something about it (be a doer). If not, you will live in a wilderness experience in a mess and die there. When we initially receive Jesus Christ as our Savior, we are born again and we are to repent for our past sins. Repentance means to turn from a thing and go in a different direction. This is the bedrock foundation of our life! We often fall back into old ways and we need to repent daily, sometimes hourly. This is the same as repairing a broken foundation on our home.

God’s nature of love. Dead work is sin and it brings death. We should ask ourselves this question: What gives the devil a legal right to my life? It is unchecked sin in our lives. It is Satan who brings death, disease, natural catastrophe, corrupt government and businesses, war, broken and ruined families, addictions, false religion, godless humanistic philosophy, no repentance in our lives from known sin, it prevents His answering our prayers. Examples of “dead work” (sin) are fear, anxiety, stress, bitterness, anger, envy, unforgiveness. The second foundation is Faith toward God. It is believing the Bible, the Word of God, and trusting that God will do what

48 GML - September 2020

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 He said He would do. Believing that God heals today and can take care of our every need. The third foundation is baptisms. There are 4 of them. It prevents success if not followed. You must be saved and be Baptized in water showing that you are dead to Satan and the world and alive to the Father, and Baptism with the Holy Spirit to set yourself apart to be used of God to do His works Lord to purge your impurities (the chaff) because we cannot do it ourselves, and Baptism into each other as one in the Body of Christ. The term baptism means that two become one, diverse but act as one in unity. You become one with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and other Believers. The fourth foundation is laying on of hands ordained by God in the church for impartation of the Holy Spirit, ordination for special service, accompany to prayer, and for healing along with anointing with oil. In James 5:14-16 repentance and confession of sins is listed as needed for healing if they had sinned. Sin is a block to healing and we know all have sinned. If we had “gone on to perfection”, as Hebrews 6:1 says, the world would be beating a path to our door, but something is wrong. Christians are just as sick and needy as the world! We do not teach a silly social gospel. We are bringing this strong message not to scare you, but to make you watchful that you strengthen the things that remain, Rev.3:2-3. The key is overcoming. This is a journey, not a one time deal. Set your sights on where God wants to take you to get out of dead religion and super-hype religion. Jesus says, “If you love me, keep my commandments”. John 14:15. His commandments say, “Love God, love others, and love yourself, period. Matt His righteousness and are pronounced clean! Receive this and rest in it! Ask the Lord to show you any areas in your life where you have sin and repent to Him, asking His forgiveness. Keep short accounts with sin so that you will stay close to Him, your prayers will be answered, and you will be healed. RIVER GARDEN P.O. Box 112, Lakemont, Georgia 30552

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Articles inside

What a Wonderful World

pages 76-84

e Rabun County Historical Society

pages 72-75

e Not So Empty Nest

pages 68-69

By the Way

pages 70-71

Waterfall Home is Key to Family Living

pages 66-67

Insurance - What is UM/UIM Coverage and Why You Should Have It

pages 64-65

Time to Pass On “Our Happy Place

pages 62-63

Cage Free Boutique

pages 52-57

River Garden

pages 50-51

Habitat for Humanity - Raise the Roof Auction

page 47

Live Healthy & Be Well

pages 58-61

Life is a Blessing

pages 48-49

Rabun for the Gospel - Planning Our Future

page 46

Madison’s on Main

pages 44-45

Bon Appétit

pages 30-35

Lovin’ the Journey - Short Treks

pages 26-29

Rabun County Car Show a Success

pages 40-43

Featured Artist - Eileen Braun

pages 20-23

North Georgia Arts Guild

pages 16-19

Adventure Out

pages 24-25

Cover Artist - Hollie Steil

pages 12-15

e Family Table

pages 36-39
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