Georgia Today Education #25 - September 2019

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EDUCATION Issue no: 025 georgiatoday



In this issue...

FOCUS ON CLEANING UP The world’s youth want a cleaner planet - Georgia too!


La Journée européenne des langues PAGE 2


British Council, British Embassy Launch ‘UK Season in Georgia 2019’ PAGE 3

150 Schools to Be Rehabilitated/ Constructed in Georgia PAGE 4

Georgian and Swedish Governments to Launch ‘Keep Georgia Tidy’ Project PAGE 8

The Niko Ketskhoveli School Award 2020 PAGE 14

მიიღე ამერიკული განათლება შენს ქალაქში პროგრესი შენი შესაძლებლობაა


ქართულ-ამერიკული სკოლა “პროგრესი” Tel.: +995 599 90 80 41


თბილისი, ქუთაისი, ბათუმი





La Journée européenne des langues


e 26 septembre les pays européens célèbrent la journée européenne des langues (JEL). L’objectif c’est de promouvoir la diversité linguistique et culturelle de l’Europe et encourager le plurilinguisme des citoyens.

LES ORIGINES DE CETTE CÉLÉBRATION À l’initiative du Conseil de l’Europe et de la Commission européenne, cette journée est organisée depuis l’Année européenne des langues en 2001. Elle a lieu dans les 47 États membres du Conseil de l’Europe ainsi qu’ailleurs dans le monde.

LES OBJECTIFS La diversité des langues et des cultures est une des richesses de l’Europe, qu’elle souhaite valoriser et protéger lors de la Journée européenne des langues. Toutes les langues parlées en Europe ainsi que les langues officielles, régionales et celles des migrants, sont promues afin de les faire découvrir au grand public et favoriser leur apprentissage. Le Conseil de l’Europe encourage l’apprentissage des langues tout au long de la vie car le plurilinguisme des individus garantit la rencontre et la compréhension mutuelle entre les peuples en constituant un fondement de la citoyenneté.

diverses structures comme: les écoles, les universités, les associations, les instituts linguistiques et culturels organisent des événements (activités ludiques, émissions de radio et de télévision, cours de langues et conférences ...). En France, des manifestations auront lieu dans différentes villes, notamment à Paris, avec un rallye: «L’Europe et ses langues » testant les connaissances du public sur les langues européennes, ainsi qu’à Chambéry où se tiendra un colloque LES ÉVÉNEMENTS EN 2019 intitulé: «Les langues, moyen de À l’occasion de cette Journée, rapprochement des peuples»

Et en Géorgie? L’Institut Français de Géorgie et la Délégation de l’UE invitent le public à célébrer cette Journée à l’Ecole Française du Caucase le samedi 28 septembre (76, avenue Chachavadzé, Vake Park). L’événement aura lieu de 10h à 16h. Il débutera de 10h à 11h avec l’enregistrement des participants. Puis de nombreuses activités seront proposées tout au long de l’aprèsmidi pour présenter le patrimoine culturel de l’Europe (quizz, ateliers de langues étrangères, karaoké…).

Mots clés: - la diversité : მრავალფეროვნება - le plurilinguisme : მრავალენიანობა - valoriser : დაფასება - promouvoir (les langues sont promues) : პოპულარიზაცია - apprentissage : სწავლა - la compréhension mutuelle :ორმხრივი გაგება - la citoyenneté : მოქალაქეობა - le patrimoine : მემკვიდრეობა Sites utiles: L’Institut français de Géorgie: La Journée européenne des langues: tabid/1455/language/fr-FR/Default.aspx Pour en savoir davantage sur la diversité linguistique en Europe:

Matière à réflexion  Et toi parles-tu plusieurs langues? Lesquelles? Aimerais-tu apprendre d’autres langues étrangères? Lesquelles et pourquoi?




British Council, British Embassy Launch ‘UK Season in Georgia 2019’ Info Box



he British Council and British Embassy in Georgia were joined by Georgian government officials and many British, Georgian and other nationalities at the opening ceremony of the ‘UK Season in Georgia 2019’ in Stamba hotel, Tbilisi, on September 13. The three-month UK Season will have 60 different events celebrating relations between Georgia and Great Britain (the UK). The courtyard in Stamba and the area next to Rustaveli Metro were decorated with giant Union Jack letters spelling the word ‘GREAT’ (and in small printed letters ‘Britain

& Northern Ireland’). Stamba also hosted a delicious healthy buffet made by its team and special “British” areas- fish’n’chips wrapped in pages of our beloved Georgia Today, a tea shop serving cakes and fruit, an ice cream parlor and videos showing Great Britain. Ambassador Justin McKenzie Smith opened the season, welcoming guests first in Georgian, then in English. “Over the next three months, across Georgia, we will celebrate the special friendship that exists between Britain and Georgia and we will put in place the building blocks for future friendship,” the Ambassador said. “From the 12th century coin of King David the Builder to the very best of 21st century music and dance from Britain:

In an interview with Georgia Today in 2017, Ambassador Smith said this: “Britain was among the countries which recognized Georgia’s independence in 1919 during the first Georgian Republic. And there is evidence of our friendship which goes back to the 19th century and before. Today, in our ‘modern friendship,’ there are three main pillars. First, stability: Britain strongly supports Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and is supporting the Georgian people and Georgian government to reestablish both. We are helping to develop democratic institutions within Georgian society, be they in government, parliament, or society. Thirdly, there are some very exciting people-to-people connections. In the education sphere, in culture, in sport, and in rugby too.” we hope that the UK Season in Georgia will find a place in everyone’s hearts.” Adjara Group Hospitality, Wissol Group, Alma, BP, Bank of Georgia and Georgia Capital are involved in the roll out of UK Season in Georgia 2019. One of the 60 events we can already enjoy is a remarkable coin from the time of King David the Builder on loan to Georgia from the British Museum and now on display

to the public for the first time at the Georgian National Museum. The coin has the inscription: ‘Lord, help David, king of Abkhazians, Kartvelians, Rans, Kakhs, Armenians.’ Posters about the UK can now be seen at bus stops and on buses in Tbilisi, showing off everything that makes Britain GREAT. For more news on the 59 other events you can look forward to in the next three months, follow the news with

What’s That?

Food for Thought  What do you know about Great Britain? Try to find some information about it (history, people, food, culture, kings and queens…) and present it to your friends.

courtyard – შიდა ეზო Union Jack – “იუნიონ ჯეკი” დიდი ბრიტანეთის სახელმწიფო დროშა hosted – უმასპინძლა delicious – ძალიან გემრიელი, საუცხოო building blocks – სამშენებლო ბლოკები (კონტექსტიდან: საძირკველი) coin – მონეტა remarkable – ღირშესანიშნავი, გამორჩეული, დიდებული on loan – დროებითი გადაცემით on display – გამოფენილი showing off – კვეხნა; ტრაბახი (კონტექსტიდან: წარმოჩენა) stability – მდგრადობა, სტაბილურობა sovereignty – სუვერენიტეტი, დამოუკიდებლობა territorial integrity – ტერიტორიული ხელშეუხებლობა, ტერიტორიული მთლიანობა





Tbilisi Kids’ Festival 2019 – What’s On at Mtatsminda Park? also be a Kids’ Book Festival! There will be so many fun things to do, play, read and learn that you won’t know where to start! Enjoy concerts from the students of art schools and discover the products of some new Georgian companies. And if you’re a parent- you can BY KETEVAN KVARATSKHELIYA


he Tbilisi Kids’ Festival is an annual event which will take place for the 2nd time this year. There’ll be everything that children and parents love there, with companies

grab some special offers and discounts from the companies on display. Concerts, tournaments, games, sport activities, sales-exhibitions and more: a great celebration awaits you and your kids at Mtatsminda Park on September 28 from 11 AM to 7 PM.

from the sectors of education, sport, health, entertainment and toy-making presenting their products to guests. Head along to the Kid’s Festival 2019 to find out more about different schools, find the best sport schools, give some games a try, learn more about camping and find out what’s good for your health. There’ll

150 Schools to Be Rehabilitated/ Constructed in Georgia Info Box Draw and write about your perfect school here. Think about the classrooms, the colors, the equipment, the outside and the teachers.



ithin the frames of the Rehabilitation Program for Infrastructure of Education, the Municipal Development Fund (MDF) of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia is set to implement a large-scale countrywide project for the total renovation and construction of nearly 150 schools. The Ministry stated that 63 new schools will be built in different regions of Georgia and 88 educational buildings will be renovated in 2019-2020. The planning and construction work for 48 new schools, as well as the design works for reconstruction of 83 schools, have already started. Pupils in many regional schools have been studying in extremely bad conditions- with school buildings that are old, cold, damp or damaged. However, after the completion of the project these pupils will be able to continue studying in well-developed facilities, designed and equipped in accordance with international standards. In addition, the schools will be adapted for persons with disabilities.

Food for Thought  What condition is YOUR school in?  What does your school need?  Is there anything YOU can do to make your school a better place to study in?




The Kutaisi International University is Presented Info Box Founded by Ludwig II of Bavaria in 1868, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is one of Europe’s top universities. In 2017, it had 41,000 students. It is committed to excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinary education and the active promotion of promising young scientists. The university also makes strong links with companies and scientific institutions across the world. TUM was one of the first universities in Germany to be named a University of Excellence. TUM regularly ranks among the best European universities in international rankings. BY ANA DUMBADZE


n September 18, Cartu Fund and Kutaisi International University held a presentation about the new educational space at the Sheraton Grand Metekhi Palace hotel in Tbilisi. The future university is “one of the most important and largest-scale projects in the modern history of Georgia in the field of education,” and it is the first state university to be founded since Georgia regained independence. There will be 170,000 square meters of infrastructure, including three academic buildings, three student dormitories, a residential building for faculty members, a library and a dining hall. Two more academic buildings, a Hadron Therapy Center, a university clinic, laboratories, and other scientific research facilities will be constructed later.

Bidzina Ivanishvili, the former Prime Minister and the Founder of the Georgian Dream party, spoke about the construction of the Kutaisi International University. He first said Kutaisi should be a “University City” in 2012. “In 2012, I promised Georgia that we would construct a university in Kutaisi and that we would bring back the educational function of the city,” Ivanishivili said. “Today, we see that the first phase of construction is finishing. The university will welcome its first students in September 2020. Georgia needs not just another university, but one where the quality of education is in accordance with international standards and one that is recognized internationally. That is why we have been working on this project with the best specialists in this field for a very long time.” He noted that Cartu Fund will be a private sponsor of the university but not the owner of the university complex. “It will be a state univer-

Food for Thought  What do students think about when choosing which university to go to?  Why do so many people study at university?  How could being a “University City” make Kutaisi a better place?

Image source: Kutaisi International University/Facebook

sity and the property of the entire country,” he said, adding that the management system of the International University of Kutaisi will comply with the management system of the Technical University of Munich, partner of the Kutaisi University since 2017. Kutaisi International University will have modern infrastructure and

technologies, guaranteeing that both Georgian and foreign students can get high quality higher education in Georgia. The Kutaisi International University project was officially presented on 8 September 2016. The total budget of the project amounts to one billion Euros, funded by Ivanishvili through Cartu Fund.

What’s That? field – სფერო, დარგი founded – დაარსებული regained – დაიბრუნა dormitories – საერთო საცხოვრებლები, საერთო საწოლი ოთახები residential – საცხოვრებელი constructed – აშენებული in accordance with – შესაბამისად, მიხედვით recognized – აღიარებული owner – მესაკუთრე, მფლობელი property – ქონება, საკუთრება comply with – შეესაბამება





Proving the Pessimists Wrong – A Georgian Cycles to Scotland What’s That? impressive – შთამბეჭდავი wondered – უნდოდა სცოდნოდა inspiring – შთამაგონებელი rather than – ნაცვლად adventures – თავგადასავლები set them an example – მაგალითის ჩვენება overcome – დაძლევა, გადალახვა accomplish – შესრულება, მიღწევა announced – გამოცხადდა, გამოცხადებული encouragement – გამოწვევა, წახალისება annoying – საწყენი, გამაღიზიანებელი empowerment – რწმუნება, უფლებამოსილება


carefully and learn from those who have done it before.

one year before I left, so that was psychological training of a kind. Me believing in myself and my mission helped me most through the difficulties on the road. About the physical training – I didn’t have time to do much because of my job. I bought my bike a few months before I left Tbilisi! So, not much training, but I had a well-planned route, which made it easier to travel.

Each kind person I met is a good memory. The biggest accomplishment is the relationships I formed through this experience.



andro Datishvili is a 25-year-old Georgian architect who cycled from Tbilisi to Scotland through Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Luxemburg, Belgium and France. He left Tbilisi on June 1 and arrived in Scotland on September 4, two days before the rugby match between Scotland and Georgia. While he was in the UK, the BBC wrote an article about Sandro and his impressive 113-day bike journey. Now he is back to his normal life in Tbilisi, GEORGIA TODAY went to talk to him about the fun and difficulties of his journey across Europe. “Cycling is something I enjoy doing, though it’s not so popular in Georgia, and I always wondered about cycling to another country. I find travel inspiring. But here, many people are pessimistic,” he told us. “People might have creative ideas,

but rather than support them, most Georgians like to focus on the negatives that could happen. When I talked to people about cycling across Europe, they talked more about the dangers than the adventures I might have! So, I decided to set them an example of how to overcome difficulties and how to have a goal and accomplish it.”

DID YOU EXPECT YOUR STORY TO BE IN THE NEWS? Even before I started, I was sure the project would be interesting for people, but it was never my main goal.

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE A DID YOU EVER WANT RUGBY MATCH AS YOUR TO GIVE UP? WHY IS CYCLING NOT SO FINAL DESTINATION? I was always confident I would reach POPULAR IN GEORGIA? I’ve been a big fan of rugby for a long time. So, when the match was announced, I got my second important motivation to make my cycling adventure a reality.

my goal. I never thought about giving up, even in difficult times. I just took a break and then carried on. The rugby match between Scotland and Georgia was something that kept me focused – I knew I had to get to Scotland in time for the game!

WHAT WERE THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES YOU FACED WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE ON YOUR JOURNEY? The pessimism of society. No-one TO THOSE WHO believed I would get to Scotland MIGHT WANT TO DO and that’s why it was difficult to SOMETHING SIMILAR?

The biggest things needed here are self-improvement, empowerment and more experience. There are many interesting sights to see in Georgia, beautiful nature and historical monuments, but many cycle routes are in bad shape. That, plus people here are lazy!


Right now, I’m getting my strength find sponsors or encouragement. My advice is to get to really know back and getting back to my normal People would try to change my mind yourself, your abilities and your life. But I can’t imagine life without or stop me. It was very annoying. dreams. Be realistic. Plan the route change and novelty.



The World Is Fighting to Save the Planet

Image source: Georgian Young Greens

Info Box The Georgian Young Greens Climate Strike Message for the Government: “Our future is in your hands and you are destroying it! You are not taking care of our environment, and so you are not taking care of us! In response to your negligence and greed we are striking! We are striking for our city, a city that is being bought by greedy investors and bad politicians; a city with streets that suffocate people stuck in traffic; a city with no green areas to walk and relax in. We are striking for our country, a country that has seen floods, wildfires, desertification and many more disasters caused by irresponsible humans only interested in money. We are striking for our environment. We do not believe there is nothing you can do to prevent “natural disasters”. There is nothing natural in building big hydropower plants, replacing green areas with concrete, cutting down trees, changing landscapes, cutting hills, polluting the air, exploiting the resources of the country and taking our future from us. We demand policy change! We demand sustainable development! We demand state actions based on objective research and consultation with non-biased specialists instead of business interests! Our future is unclear. Climate change is happening here and now. Climate change and a destroyed environment is our reality and part of our life! It must be stopped. We, the young people, are standing in solidarity with the Global Climate Movement.”

the problems in the city and country, BY KETEVAN KVARATSKHELIYA the activists demanded protection for Dighomi Wood and Batumi park, limate change, one where there are construction proof the biggest issues jects for tower blocks, and for the t o d a y, b r o u g h t government to stop construction of together thousands hydropower plants in Svaneti to save of people for Global the historic villages of the region Climate Strikes in different cities and prevent natural disasters like around the world on September 20. floods and landslides. Georgia also joined in. More than The Global Climate Strike was 100 people of different ages and jobs, inspired by Greta Thunberg a including kindergarten and school 16-year-old Swedish climate activchildren, met outside Tbilisi City ist, who in 2018 became famous for ment of Sweden. Her ideas soon Hall. Singing songs and talking about her solo protests outside the Parliaunited millions of young people around the world who demanded their governments better protect the planet from global warming, deforestation and other environmental issues. Aside from school climate change – კლიმატის ცვლილება children, the campaign has also issues – საკითხი, პრობლემა been joined by organizations and strikes – გაფიცვა some major brands, including Amademanded – მოითხოვდნენ zon and Microsoft. Millions of people came out onto protection – დაცვა the streets in other countries on construction – მშენებლობა, სამშენებლო September 20, and protests contower blocks – მაღალსართულიანი კორპუსები tinued until September 27. The prevent – აღმოფხვრა, გაფრთხილება, პრევენცია strike started in Australia with 300,000 Australians “meeting at global warming – გლობალური დათბობა climate change rallies around the deforestation – ტყის გაჩეხვა, განადგურება country in one of the largest protake time off – კონტექსტიდან: შესვენების აღება


What’s That?

responsibility – პასუხისმგებლობა, ვალდებულება negligence – დაუდევრობა, უყურადღებობა, უგულისყურობა greed – სიხარბე, გაუმაძღრობა suffocate – გაგუდვა, სულის შეხუთვა exploiting – ექსპლუატაცია


test events in the nation’s history.” On September 23, the UN Emergency Climate Action Summit met in New York to talk about global climate challenges. Georgia’s president spoke there too! In Georgia, the September 20 protest was organized by the ‘Georgian Young Greens,’ who invited pupils, students and adults to take time off school or work to help make politicians take responsibility- to protect the environment rather than focus on the money they can make selling land to big companies. Children at the Tbilisi protest held posters saying: “Our planet, our future,” “Don’t cut trees, don’t kill animals,” and “We want clean air!”

Food for Thought  What damage do people do to the planet? How can we and the government change the situation?





Georgian and Swedish Governments to Launch ‘Keep Georgia Tidy’ Project Info Box

Image source: Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia



n September 10, the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia hosted the representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as media, to announce a future project ‘Keep Georgia Tidy’. The 4-year project will be organized by the Ministry, the Greens Movement of Georgia and the NGO Keep Georgia Tidy (KGT), with the support of the Government of Sweden, in 20192023. Ulrik Tideström, the Ambassador of Sweden to Georgia and Armenia, spoke to guests about how important it is to protect the environment and how important this new project will be for improving the waste management system in Georgia. “The main aim of the project is to reduce pollution of the environment and greenhouse gases by 2030, promoting sustainable environmental education and a circular economy,” stated Tideström. The project plans to educate 700,000 Georgians, including schoolchildren, on sustainable development.

“Keep Georgia Tidy” was created by scientists, professionals, environmental activists and volunteers interested in protecting the environment. The goals are: - Conservation and improvement of Georgia’s nature, ecology and eco-systems; - Anti-waste campaigns (to help the community understand the importance of a clean environment); - Educating children and young people with fun and active programs to teach them how to demand change and protect the environment; - Raising awareness of the negative impacts of agricultural and hazardous waste; - Development of modern and international methods to reduce waste (checking pollution in cities, villages, on beaches and in parks); - Environmental awards for projects and events which work to reduce environmental impact; - Cooperation with international organizations.

What’s That? hosted – უმასპინძლა announce – გამოცხადება, შეტყობინება, განცხადება waste management system – ნარჩენების მართვის სისტემა reduce – შემცირება pollution – დაბინძურება greenhouse gases – სათბურის გაზები promoting – რეკლამის შექმნა, ხელის შეწყობა sustainable – მდგრადი circular economy – ცირკულარული ეკონომიკა conservation – კონსერვირება, ბუნების დაცვა improvement – გაუმჯობესება, სრულყოფა impacts – ზემოქმედება, გავლენა, ეფექტი hazardous – სახიფათო

Food for Thought  What happens to the waste that you and your family make?  What problems does Georgia have with waste?  What changes can we make to improve the situation in Georgia? Work in pairs and design a poster telling people about your ideas.




Up and Running: Mestia, Svaneti Info Box



ow I can cross off “eat cake with a printed icing top” from my bucket list. Also, “meet an ambassador from Japan”. Both happened at the same time: the official opening of the Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities in Mestia, named after Kakha Paliani. This center, the dream of Ruta Casabianca, who runs the ‘Together for Real Changes’ (TRC) organization, and many local families with members with disabilities, is now open. They can help over 100 people and have room for individuals and families to stay for rehabilitation and

training. It is the first such center in all Georgia! It has a large and well-equipped kitchen and bathroom and different rooms for different types of rehabilitation. It was funded by the ‘Grassroots and Human Security Grant Assistance Program’ of the Government of Japan. Mr Tadaharu Uehara, Ambassador Extraordinary of Japan to Georgia, came to Mestia for the opening. 10 of the famous Riho Svan singing ensemble opened the day with their best songs. The Mayor of Mestia, Kapiton Zhorzholiani, and his deputy, the Ambassador, TRC Board head Nana Lomadze and Ruta all spoke to guests about the importance of the center. Two local boys with special needs enter-

The ‘Grassroots and Human Security Grant Assistance Program’ of the Government of Japan’ supports projects from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local governments. The focus is on primary healthcare, primary education, poverty relief, public welfare and the environment. Some projects they have funded in the past include renovation and equipment for primary schools, renovation and medical equipment for hospitals, excavation of wells and vocational training for the disabled. tained us with some Svan dancing. We toured the center and had cake and champagne with families of disabled children. It is encouraging to see such centers being opened here in the far regions of Georgia, away from the big urban areas with their infrastructure and help for the disabled. And those who are disabled, traditionally hidden from society, can finally come into the light, receive help, and have their families trained and supported for their heroic work. As I watched the Ambassador sitting down to eat cake with the chil-

dren, I was impressed. He has a real interest in what is happening here, and he is not the only one. Where 20 plus years ago, special needs children in Georgian orphanages were dying of malnutrition, unschooled and unloved, now some of them can stay at home and in society, cared for. The Georgian government and people of Japan, along with those of Bulgaria and others who have helped the construction and running of centers like this, are to be thanked for their humanitarian work to improve life in Georgia for many of its most vulnerable citizens.

What’s That? bucket list – კონტექსტიდან: სურვილების სია runs – მართავს rehabilitation – აღდგენა, რეკონსტრუქცია disabilities – შეზღუდული შესაძლებლობები individuals – ცალკეული პირები well-equipped – კარგად აღჭურვილი funded – დაფინანსებული special needs – სპეციალური (განსაკუთრებული) საჭიროებები entertained – გაგვართო, გაგვახალისა encouraging – გამამხნევებელი, წამახალისებელი urban – ქალაქური, ურბანული receive – მიღება supported – მხარდაჭერილი impressed – შთაბეჭდილების ქვეშ, მოხიბლული orphanages – ობოლთა თავშესაფრები malnutrition – არასაკმარისი, ღარიბული კვება, საზრდოობა cared for – მზრუნველობის ქვეშ ყოფნა vulnerable – მოწყვლადი poverty relief – სიღატაკის შემსუბუქება

Food for Thought  What difficulties do people with disabilities have where you live?  Why is it important to include people with special needs in society? How can we do this?  Write your own life bucket list.





Urban Makeover: Tbilisi is Next in Line first Georgian city to do it with the annual Batumi Grafikart Festival between 2013 and 2017, which invited 15 artists from Europe and Georgia to cover different walls across the Street art goes back to ancient Rome, but urban graffiti city. The festival was supported by the Ministry of Education, Cul(painting by spray on walls) first appeared in New York ture and Sport of Ajara and Batumi City in the 1960s on subway trains. Georgia was late on City Hall. the scene but it already has some famous and talented The development of Georgian street art artists, such as Dr.Love, Gagosh, Tamoonz and street art festivals came to Tbilisi in 2015, thanks to Fabrika, a popular Lamb. place for social events and now Street artist Tamuna Tsakhnakia, who paints under the giant artworks. After, street art pseudonym “Tamoonz” illustrates books, makes animabecame popular all over the capital tions for games and does a lot of interesting things. Her city, seen in the underground tunnels and on different walls. paintings can be found around Tbilisi, in the Sairme mounDudana Mazmanishvili is a piatain resort, and even in London (UK). She also painted nist and former cultural attaché decorative pianos which were placed in public spots in at the Georgian Embassy to Berlin, Batumi. and her husband Besik Mazmanishvili is an artist. They helped “These artworks are messages to make people wake up,” create an long list of public and artist Gagosh says. “That’s why it’s so important for Georprivate sponsors for the Tbilisi gian people and their cultural lives.” Mural Fest and worked with City “Georgian people need positives and I always try to send Hall to choose the designs. The aim is to include as many neighpositive messages to them,” says Dr. Love. borhoods as possible and each But while artists say street art is a way to express themnew festival will have new areas selves creatively in society, not everybody likes it. of the city to decorate. So, what did we get at the 2019 space. For this edition of the Tbilisi Tbilisi Mural Fest? The final art- painting,” Mazmanishvili said. works were of course surprising “Street art has always been a way Mural Fest, environmental issues because the Tbilisi Mural Fest has to protest, with artists often bring- got some spotlight,” Mazmanishvili ing social issues into the public added. no guidelines or limitations! “Some of the artists are more spontaneous than others. Artists might have a sketch, but they also work with the space, the environment and the vibe of the city, so the initial idea can change when they are

Info Box

Image Source: Tbilisi Mural Fest Facebook



rom September 17 - 25, the Tbilisi Mural Fest invited Georgian, German and Dutch artists to decorate 10 walls in different Tbilisi neighborhoods with monumental paintings. Street art is an important part of the urban identity of capital cities and of their beauty: Batumi was the

What’s That?

Food for Thought  What do you think of street art?  Which building or place would YOU choose to decorate with street art?

decorate – მორთვა, დეკორის გაკეთება neighborhoods – სამეზობლოები monumental – მონუმენტური urban – ქალაქური, ურბანული identity – იდენტურობა supported – მხარდაჭერილი development – განვითარება underground – მიწისქვეშა sponsors – სპონსორი, პირი რომელიც აფინანსებს spontaneous – სპონტანური sketch – სქემა, ესკიზი vibe – ვიბრაცია





Gamarjoba! I’m the Editor-inChief of the Georgian edition of Entrepreneur magazine and I’m here to share the top Entrepreneurial news with you:

The first crypto café is to be launched in Tbilisi. Founder Alex Sudadze says that high demand served as his main inspiration. Having worked in the field for many years, needing to find interesting locations to host foreign guests also operating in the same sector led him to open a thematic café which would solve his problems. The café has an innovative concept, boasting a techno-style interior suited for holding numerous events on different themes- as ideal for the public as professionals, investors, and entrepreneurs. The café serves Georgian and European dishes and offers thematic products, such as Bitcoin coffee, Blockchain Chakafuli, Monero Khachapuri and Satoshi Burgers.

The first wine bar and library has been launched in Tusheti. An economist by profession, Mari Lavilava was inspired to do more with her husband’s century-old house, which has been serving as a guest house for years. The bar was named Odila and the founders say they wanted to create a pleasant environ for tourists and promote local viticulturists. Plans for the future move beyond the limits of the region: guests of Odila will soon be able to taste wines from different regions of Georgia. To add more comfort to the venue, a library was also launched on site.

In the village of Sadmeli, Ambrolauri, Racha, check out a family winery run by Mariam Margveladze, a young lady actively involved in ensuring its functioning and appropriate management, along with other members of her family. At the wine cellar, a 5-minute drive from Ambrolauri Airport, ancient traditions are continued and developed. The winery is close to the forest, overlooking the wonderful Rioni Gorge. The Margveladze family winery is distinguished for its historic and ethno items, which almost give the venue a museum-like function. They started bottling wines this year, thus making a first step in their future wine business.

Meet Izolda Kvitsiani, a Georgian emigrant, has launched a Georgian restaurant with Georgian spirit in the city of The Hague, The Netherlands, and named it Sokhumi. Kvitsiani was displaced from Abkhazia and carries a very difficult story. However, after moving to The Netherlands, life improved. She is a great cook and her choice of career came easy. Hard work for 18 hours a day made it possible to launch the idea inspired by her homeland’s national spirit. As a result, the restaurant has already gained popularity among the residents of The Hague, as well as guests of the city.

Have you been to K2 yet, a popular café hidden in a Batumi yard, in a Meet Lia Megrelidze, whose love and part of the city packed with terraced interest in tea set her to revive the famhouses? Founders Levan Khujadze, ily tradition and launch Komli at her Paata Dzidziguri and Vladimer 150-year-old homestead. Komli integrates Todadze had a strong belief that the a guest house, organic vegetable garden café would establish itself as one of and tea garden providing tea picking and the best places for meetings and agro-tourist services. The business, barely making new friends. And it has! a year old, is already a success, seeing a When a construction company was denied permission to build a resiconstant increase in the number of visidential block on the site, the authors of K2 set to making the territory tors. Along with the accommodation, guests can try their hand at tea picking, help process the leaves, and ideal for music festivals and other arty events. They created the art-dive then taste the result for quality. Thailand, China, Russia, England, Ger- interior with the help of friends, keeping the genuine feel of the original many, the Netherlands and the USA are among the countries guests building. It is the modest environ that attracts guests most of all. come there from. Construction of glamping facilities is now underway GuestMe, a Georgian gastronomic platform and on the territory, adding to the appeal. a startup launched for tourists, is set to begin operating this September. It will enable houseIn a contest launched by the British Council and bringing together 90 wives to host tourists with their own cooking participants from 7 countries, Georgian startup SAPO was named the and give visitors the chance to discover genuine winner. The innovative concept of Naili Vakhania and Tengiz Kavkasidze. local cuisine and gastro-culture in the heart of SAPO is handmade soap made of natural ingredients, aiming to encourage children to love handwashing. The soap comes in the shape of an Georgian families, taste specialties and participate in the preparation animal, each with its own character process. In addition, the service is to be pocket-friendly. Founders story in a booklet. The stories are Tornike Pkhovelishvili and Tinatin Dekanoidze were inspired by the missing the last page, which are rolled idea of establishing effective communication between tourists and their up and hidden in the soap. To find out hosts and offering something new for those seeking unique experiences. how the story ends, children are motivated to use the soap frequently. SAPO Follow the Entrepreneur Georgia Instagram page to get the latest updates from Georgian Entrepreneurs. was launched on the base of the Art For doing business with Georgian Entrepreneurs, Incubator at the Business and Techwrite us on nology University.




Oldest DNA from Animal Remains Found in Dmanisi Info Box Dmanisi is a town and archaeological site in the Kvemo Kartli region of Georgia approximately 93 km southwest of the nation’s capital Tbilisi. The hominin (early human) site is dated to 1.8 million years ago. It was the earliest known evidence of hominins outside Africa before stone tools dating back 2.1 million years were discovered in 2018 in Shangchen, China. bones of a horse dated back 700,000 years and found in north-western Canada. An article from the University of Cambridge called the Dmanisi disImage source: Georgian National Museum



he world’s leading scientific journal ‘Nature’ wrote an article about a new discovery in Dmanisi, South Georgia, named ‘Early Pleistocene enamel proteome from Dmanisi resolves Stephanorhinus phylogeny.’ The article says that scientists took

DNA data from the tooth of an ancient rhinoceros found at the Dmanisi archaeological site. The discovery moves the date of the oldest DNA taken from animal fossils back by a million years. “Our findings…push the reconstruction of evolution further back into the Early Pleistocene era, beyond the current limits of ancient DNA preservation,” the scientists say. Until now, the earliest DNA taken from animal fossils came from the

Food for Thought  Do you think archaeology is important? Why (not)?

covery a “breakthrough in the field of ancient biomolecular studies” which “could solve some of the biggest mysteries of animal and human biology.”

What’s That? article – სტატია discovery – აღმოჩენა DNA – დეზოქსირიბონუკლეინის მჟავა, დნმ archaeological – არქეოლოგიური fossils – ნამარხები reconstruction – რეკონსტრუქცია, აღდგენა evolution – ევოლუცია breakthrough - გარღვევა, აღმოჩენა field – სფერო, დარგი solve – ამოხსნილი mysteries – საიდუმლოებები evidence – მტკიცებულება, სამხილი tools – ხელსაწყოები, ინსტრუმენტები, სამუშაო იარაღები



ნიკო კეცხოველის სასკოლო პრემია 2020



The Niko Ketskhoveli School Award 2020


f solidarity, cooperation and a responsible attitude towards the environment are among your major values; if you want to help protect and look after your surroundings and community, then the Niko Ketskhoveli School Award competition is for you! The Niko Ketskhoveli School Award is so much more than a contest - it will help you progress as a person and develop your team work and organizational skills, all essential skills in day-to-day life. ‘Cooperation for the Sustainable Development Goals’ is the theme of the 2020 Niko Ketskhoveli School Award. Join the Niko Ketskhoveli School Award youth environmental contest, get involved in important social issues, make new friends and win unforgettable prizes!!! Don’t wait! Establish an eco-club at your school, register it on and start collecting contest points.

ოლიდარობა, თანამშრომლობა და პასუხისმგებლიანი დამოკიდებულება გარემოსადმი შენთვის მთავარი ღირებულებებია? გსურს შენი წვლილი შეიტანო გარემოს გაუმჯობესების საქმეში? მაშინ აუცილებლად უნდა მიიღო მონაწილეობა კონკურსში - ნიკო კეცხოველის სასკოლო პრემია 2020. გახდი იმ უწყვეტი პროცესის ნაწილი, რომელიც პიროვნული ზრდისა და განვითარების საშუალებას მოგცემს. ნიკო კეცხოველის სასკოლო პრემია 2020-ის თემაა - თანამშრომლობა მდგრადი განვითარების მიზნებისათვის (SDGs). მიიღე მონაწილეობა ახალგაზრდულ გარემოსდაცვით კონკურსში ნიკო კეცხოველის სასკოლო პრემია, გახდი მნიშვნელოვანი საკითხის ნაწილი, შეიძინე ახალი მეგობრები და მიიღე დაუვიწყარი პრიზები. არ გადადო, შექმენი სკოლაში ეკოკლუბი, დარეგისტრირდიზე და დაიწყე საკონკურსო ქულების დაგროვება.

რა არის ეკოკლუბი? ეკოკლუბი არის მოხალისეების გუნდი (მოსწავლეები, პედაგოგები), რომელიც ქმნის ორგანიზაციულ ერთეულს, ეხმარება სკოლასა და თემს, გაიაზროს მდგრადი ცხოვრების წესის მნიშვნელობა და შეამციროს გარემოზე მავნე ზეგავლენა. სკოლის ეკოკლუბს, შესაძლოა, ჰყავდეს არჩეული ლიდერი/ლიდერები, ჰქონდეს საკუთარი წესდება და სამოქმედო გეგმა. სასურველია, სამოქმედო გეგმაში გაწერილი იყოს, თუ რა სიხშირით ხდება ეკოკლუბის წევრების შეკრება.

What is an Eco-Club? An Eco-club is a team of volunteers (teachers and students), who create an organizational unit, help the school and community rethink the importance of a sustainable lifestyle and decrease harmful impacts on the environment. The school eco-club can have a leader/leaders, its own regulations and activity plan. The activity plan should specify the frequency of meetings.




What’s That?

GeoArtMood Creator: “Art is my way to tell you about Georgia” EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW BY NINI DAKHUNDARIDZE


nspired by the GeoArtMood images so popular on social media, GEORGIA TODAY went to meet their creator, Tsiko Shamrelashvili, to find out more. “I started the photo project ‘GeoArtMood’ in the summer of 2018 on Instagram,” she tells us. “While working, I knew the images would be interesting for people, but I had no idea how big it could become. I wanted to popularize Georgia, and uploaded information in English about the historical places, food and other parts of Georgian culture that I used in my art. I got more non-Georgian followers with each new artwork. It motivated me to keep going.”

ber. In school, I created collages and uploaded them to different photographic websites. I chose Public Management as my major in university and didn’t have time to do much artwork, but I watched lessons on graphic design on Youtube. In summer 2018, I visited Svaneti for the first time. The photos I took in Svaneti were my inspiration for the project and I put them in the style of GeoArtMood. Then I decided to create more artworks showing all parts of our beautiful country. I came up with the slogan “Art is my way to tell you about Georgia.”

An example is the photo artwork of ‘Samaia.’ At first, it’s hard to see why Frida Kahlo is dancing a Georgian dance, but Kahlo was fascinated by strong women and her works focused on the beauty and grace of female nature. Connecting her to Samaia was logical as the dance shows these female qualities. What’s more, the costumes of Samaia were inspired by Queen (‘King’) Tamar, who in Georgia is a real example of female strength.


I started connecting international art and parts of Georgia piece by piece. Finding or building bridges between the imaginary world of an WHAT IS YOUR artist and real places or things is the INSPIRATION? most interesting part. Sometimes, the I’ve been interested in graphic design connection works so well that, in the and photography since I can remem- end, even I am surprised.

Food for Thought  Have a look at Tsiko’s images (see Info Box). Choose one image and say what people can learn about Georgia from the image.  What kind of art do you like?  Talk about your favorite piece of art. Describe it and say why you like it and how it makes you feel. PUBLISHER & GM


Commercial Director: Iva Merabishvili Marketing Manager: Sofo Bochoidze


inspired – ინსპირირებული, შთაგონებული created – შევქმენი, შექმნილი collages – კოლაჟი major – სპეციალიზაციის მთავარი საგანი (უნივერსიტეტში) graphic design – გრაფიკული დიზაინი came up with – მიგნება, მივაგენი slogan – ლოზუნგი, დევიზი connecting – დაკავშირება imaginary – წარმოსახვითი, არარეალური grace – დიდებულება female – მდედრობითი სქესის წარმომადგენელი field – სფერო, დარგი overseeing – განმახორციელებელი intern – ინტერნი, სტაჟიორი


Editor-In-Chief: Katie Ruth Davies

Journalists: Tony Hanmer, Zaza Jgarkava, Maka Bibilashvili, Dimitri Dolaberidze, Vazha Tavberidze, Nugzar B. Ruhadze, Thea Morrison, Samantha Guthrie, Amy Jones, Ketevan Kvaratskheliya Photographer: Irakli Dolidze

I just finished Geolab’s course in graphic design. That’s the field I want to work in and I will continue my studies in commercialization and graphic design. I have plans for GeoArtMood, too. I want to make and sell different products and start my own print company. Now, I’m busy with ‘Europe’s Georgia’ - I’m the leader of a digital group overseeing graphic design for the company. I’m an intern at ‘GLOW

Georgia’ in social media, and I’m doing many different, important activities that focus on female leadership and women’s rights.

HOW CAN ART HELP PROMOTE GEORGIA? Art has no age limit. It has no category for society- no race, religion, gender… It gives each person the chance to understand art freely. That’s why I think art is one of Georgia’s biggest resources to develop tourism and we should use it to open innovative museums and organize exhibitions in the capital and the regions to help people learn more about our artists. Georgia could become one of the leading countries in Eastern Europe. Different studies show that 70% of tourists choose their holiday by cultural events more than sights. As Robert Lynch of ‘Americans for the Arts’ put it: ‘Art has the power to transform society. After this transformation, we get better children, better cities, better nations, and a better world.’

Info Box Check out some of Tsiko’s work at and Website Manager/Editor: Katie Ruth Davies Layout: Misha Mchedlishvili Webmaster: Sergey Gevenov Circulation Managers: David Kerdikashvili, David Djandjgava


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Reproducing material, photos and advertisements without prior editorial permission is strictly forbidden. The author is responsible for all material. Rights of authors are preserved. The newspaper is registered in Mtatsminda district court. Reg. # 06/4-309

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