UAC Safety School
What do your employees need to know right now?
Keep your employees safe this summer.
Every work day comes with safety concerns. As a business-level UAC member, did you know that you have ready-to-go safety training available to you through UAC's Safety School? Sponsored by Snellings-Walters Insurance Agency, Safety School makes it easier to keep your employees - and your company - safe.
Each Safety School topic includes a trainer document, which guides the instructor through the training session, and a slide presentation to show your employees. All of this is available in both English and Spanish. Also included is an attendance sheet so you have a record of who received the training and when. Here are just some of the topics available to you:
Outsmarting mosquitos
Job hazard analysis
OBJECTIVE: To make all employees aware of how and where mosquitos breed, what diseases they carry and how to prevent bites.
OBJECTIVE: To explain a job hazard analysis and encourage employees to recognize and evaluate workplace hazards.
Biting, stinging hazards
Hazard communication
OBJECTIVE: To be able to identify and avoid the hazards associated with poisonous plants, animals, reptiles, and insects in Georgia and know how to administer first aid when necessary.
OBJECTIVE: To inform employees about the chemical hazards they face in the workplace, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and labeling requirements.