LESSON PLAN EXAMPLE Key words list: Organization, Company, Chairman , COO = Chief Organization Officer PreSale Manager, CEO = Chief Executive Officer CTO = Chief Technology Officer, CFO = Chief Financial Officer IT Manager Mintberg’ s structure Strategic Apex, Operating Core, Middle Line , Techno-structure (staff), Support Org chart, Raci Matrix Accountable ,Responsible ,Informed ,Consulted Some tasks to give the students Answer the following questions 1) What happens to you when you are organizing an activity of your real life ? Describe it using the above key words. 2) The students are divided into groups of 3 Think about an organization, answer the interviewer's questions (given on a card only to the interviewer); one of the group writes down note (note-taking activity) because he is the speaker who will report back to the whole class. For instance: 1.What is Mintzberg’ s structure ? 2. How many terms does Mintzberg use to describe the organization? 3. How are these terms used? 4. What are the terms of an organization? 5. How do you represent them? 6. How can you a rr a n g e a n o rg a n i z a t i o n ( w h a t p e o p l e ?)? 7. What is an org chart 8. How do you represent the organization by a RACI matrix? 9. What organization would you like simulate with your schoolmates ? 3) Students in pairs, have to formulate their own definition of terms: organization - org chart raci matrix 4) Plan and perform some exercises in the lab an share suggestions about results of the performed exercises with those of other groups and compare your results one another.