Organization managmentbesta

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Organization Managment basics

What is an Organization ? For organization we mean a set of people united for one equal purpose.They are divided for activities to be performed and the roles are interconnected in a hierarchical way.

What is a Company ? A company is a association whose production activity is designed essentially to the market to make a profit. A company then has the peculiarity of producing and exchanging goods for genereting wealth in the form of income

What are the difference between organization and company ? ďż˝ A company is any form of business whether it is small or large. Generally the term <company> indicates a particular kind of business dealing a specific product.

�An organization is the larger form and generally consists of a number of companies. Simply, a company is an organization.

Which are the main peaple involved in an organization ? There are many figures in an organization, the following ones are the most important : �Chief Executive officer (CEO): the head of the top-management in an organization, which he is responsibile for. �Chief Technology Officer (CIO or CTO): the current technology’s overseer in an organization. �Chief Financial Officer (CFO): the person who manages the organization’s financial balance. �Chief Organization Officer (COO): the responsible of the day to day operations in an organization.

Mintzberg’s structure Herni Mintzberg created, in the early 1980s, a model of structuring of organizations, which he presented in his book. His structure was divided in 5 parts : �Strategic apex there are the figures who are responsible for the organization and whose tasks is to decide the strategies to adopt to reach the goal. �Middle line is below the apex and it has an intermediary role between the top managment and the operating core. �Technostructure has the role to increase the organization’s efficenty. �Support staff isn’t always related to the organization’s mission and it is engaged into inderected tasks for the company. �Operating core is the last group ,usually the largest, which is composed by the staff that works directly on the production of goods and services.

What is a R.A.C.I matrix ? The RACI model is a straightforward tool used for identifying roles and responsibilities during a project. The acronym RACI stands for: �Responsible: The person who does the work to reach the task. They have responsibility for getting the work done or decision made. As a rule this is one person; examples might be a business analyst, application developer or technical architect. �Accountable: The person who is accountable for the correct and thorough completion of the task. This must be one person and is often the project executive or project sponsor. This is the role that responsible is accountable to and approves their work. �Consulted: The people who provide information for the project and with whom there is two-way communication. This is usually several people, often subject matter experts. �Informed: The people kept informed of progress and with whom there is one-way communication. These are people that are affected by the outcome of the tasks, so need to be kept up-to-date.

What is an organizational chart ? An organizational chart is a diagram that outlines the internal structure of a company. It is the most common visual rappresentation of how an organization is structured. It outlines the roles, responsibilities and relationships between individuals within an organization. An organizational chart can be used to depict the structure of an organization as a whole, or broken down by department or unit.

Focus on organizational chart Organizations are set up in specific ways to accomplish different goals, and the structure of an organization can help or hinder its progress toward accomplishing these goals. Organizations large and small can achieve higher sales and other profit by properly matching their needs with the structure they use to operate. There are three main types of organizational structure: functional, divisional and matrix structure.

Simple structure It has only two hierarchical levels and usually consists of a contractor who gathers itself the top management, technostructure and staff. The operating core consists of few members who communicate directly with the contractor.

Fuctional structure It is a hierarchical type of organization structure wherein people are grouped as per their area of specialization. These people are supervised by a functional manager who has expertise in the same field, which helps him to effectively utilize the skills of employees, which ultimately helps him in achieving the organization’s business objectives.

Divisional structure When a company expands to supply goods or services to a variety of customers, offers a variety of different products or are engaged in business in several different markets, the company could adopt a divisional organizational structure. A divisional structure groups its divisions according to the specific demands of products, markets or customers. Unlike the functional organizational structure, where the different organizational functions of the company conduct activities satisfying all customers, markets and products, the divisional structure focuses on a higher degree of specialization within a specific division, so that each division is given the resources, and autonomy, to swiftly react to changes in their specific business environment.

Matrix Structure The matrix structure is an organizational design that groups employees by both function and product. The organizational structure is very flat, and the structure of the matrix is differentiated into whatever functions are needed to accomplish certain goals. Each functional worker usually reports to the functional heads, but do not normally work directly under their supervision. Instead, the worker is controlled by the membership of a certain project, and each functional worker usually works under the supervision of a project manager. When work is accomplished, the project team may get dissolved, and workers from different functional areas may get reassigned to other projects and tasks. Strengths of a matrix structure: The cross functional teams of a matrix structure reduce the functional barriers between departments, and increase the integration of functions. Matrix structures open up for communication, and may provide an opportunity for team members to learn from each ther - thus distributing valuable knowledge laterally within the organization. Weaknesses of a Matrix Structure: A matrix structure lacks the effectiveness of bureaucracy, and will potentially not work if the organization does not need to react swiftly to changes The flat hierarchy may be the cause of conflict, and different stakeholders may pursue entirely different goals. The great focus on integration between functional areas requires a great amount of lateral communication, and it may require great resources to get information distributed efficiently between team members.


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