5 minute read
Implementing the German dual vocational education and training system in Thailand
Dr. Kamonsak Suradom
Germany's dual vocational education and training system is one of the best and most effective systems in the world, as evidenced by the fact that Germany has the lowest youth unemployment rate in the EU. Nowadays, technology advances related to Industrial 4.0 are enhancing the need to develop the young generation to support the industrial sector. Therefore, the German dual vocational education and training system is now being implemented in many countries in the development of young people as qualified skills workers.

With the support of the German government, Thailand established the Thai-German Technical School in 1959. The school used the German education paradigm, known as the “dual system,” to teach and develop students with the skills required by the industrial sector. The vocational study programme consisted of two days of theoretical study and three days of practical workshop training under the supervision of German experts each week.
The Department of Vocational Education established a vocational education system for technical institutions called “School- Factory” in 1984, with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). Later on, in 1995, the “School-Factory” programme was renamed “Dual Vocational Training” (DVT). Thailand's dual vocational training policy went into operation in 2008.
The German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) / AHK Thailand and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) launched the German-Thai Dual Excellence Education (GTDEE) project in 2013 in cooperation with partner companies B.Grimm Group, BMW Group Thailand, and Robert Bosch Packaging Limited Thailand, as well as vocational schools, with the support of the Thai Ministry of Education.
Until September 2018, GTDEE was a part of the Vocational Education and Training Network (VETnet), supported by the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This network aimed to integrate dual elements into local vocational training systems in eleven AHK locations, including China, Greece, India, Italy, Russia, and the United States of America.
Dual training is a popular style of education in Germany, and has gained international recognition. A company's practical training combines theoretical classroom knowledge with professional practice inside the training company. Through practical applications at the training company, trainees deepen their theoretical knowledge gained at vocational schools. The trainees spend 70% of their time at the company and 30% at a vocational school during their training. They learn about the situations that they will face in their working life right from the start. This is a valuable experience that inspires a sense of responsibility and independence in the trainees. Companies benefit from dual training since it allows them to retain their own skilled workers.
GTCC serves as the facilitator, providing all necessary support to partner companies and vocational colleges during the programme. The cooperation is built on the foundation of curriculum and a general training plan that are inextricably linked. The GTCC has brought the PAL examination to Thailand based on this vocational training policy. PAL is Germany's examination questions development center for technical professions. To get a GTCC certificate, apprentices must acquire all job-related qualifications. Trainees who get this certificate become highly qualified specialists in high demand by companies.
In cooperation with partner industries and vocational colleges, the GTCC continues to provide training in the following technical professions: industrial mechanic technician, mechatronics technician, industrial electronics technician, motor vehicle mechatronics technician – specialising in motorcycle technology, warehouse logistics specialist, and machine and plant operator with a focus on metal and plastics technology.
GTCC currently works with German companies BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Robert Bosch Automotive Technologies, Bosch Automotive, Grohe, and local companies Amata B.Grimm Power, Boon Rawd Brewery (Singha Cooperation), and their subsidiaries, as well as a new SME named Thai Technic Electric.
GTCC has been organising and coordinating central final examinations Part 1 and Part 2 in the professions provided since 2016. 948 trainees have completed their final examinations and received DIHK - AHK certificates by 2021. At King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, GTCC advises and supports the implementation of Meister training.
10 highlights of GTDEE activities:
• Establishment of a quality analysis for vocational training institutions since 2017
• Implementation of international trainer training since 2018
• With BMW, Mercedes Benz, and Boon Rawd Brewery (Singha Cooperation), the DIHK quality category “German dual vocational training abroad” has been achieved since 2018
• Thai Ministry of Education’s official recognition for the implementation and certification of German dual vocational training, trainer training, and quality analyses in Thai vocational training institutions as of 2019
• Chonburi's Eastern Technological College (E.Tech) developed and launched a vocational training programme for mechatronics technician in 2019
• Coordination of school collaborations between Chonburi's Eastern Technological College (E.Tech) and Mönchengladbach's Vocational College for Technology and Media since 2020
• The Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (TPQI) has officially recognised the DIHK and GTCC credentials since 2020
• Establishment and implementation of technical teacher training - additional professional development for vocational school teachers since 2021
• “Mechatronics” textbook, “Examination Preparation”, and “Examination Preparation with Solutions” of the Europa- Lehrmittel publishing company have been translated into Thai. Translation from German to English for mechatronics instruction, action-oriented guiding textbooks on handling devices, electrical engineering, and control technology was completed in 2021. From 2022, the “Mechatronics” textbook will be available for the Thai VET market.
• The Don Bosco Technological College has been providing mechatronics VET regarding German standard since 2021

Contact details: Dr. Kamonsak Suradom GTDEE Senior Manager German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) kamonsak@gtcc.org