The Tidings - February 2016

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February 2016

Table of Contents 4-6 GUMC Life 7





Older Adult


Children’s Ministry/OLEC

13 14


15-16 16 17-18 19

Adult Education Youth Special Events Events Calendar

Ministry Contacts Children’s Ministry Lisa Pierce - Director of Children’s Ministry 758-6512 • Kristin Dickerson - Associate Director 754-7216 • Callie Beaver - Associate Director 758-6525 • Older Adults Beverly Rhoads - Elder Care Health Ministry Coordinator 758-6513 • Luci Cromer • 755-0803 •

Adult Education Mary Groh - Director of Adult Education and Membership 754-5093 • Youth Ministry Sue Hyland - Youth & Confirmation Director 758-6516 • Brian Richards - Associate Youth Director 758-6515 • Health and Recreation Tiffany Griffin - Director of Health & Recreation 753-3100 • See full staff listing at


February Sermons February 7 “Lessons from the Book of James” II Passages from James February 14 (8:30 & 11 a.m.) “Following Jesus Regardless” Mark 10:46-52 February 21 “A Man Named Peter” Mark 1:16-20; Matthew 16:13-20 February 28 Guest: Bishop Joe Pennel

The Season of Lent Our Lenten series for 2016, beginning Ash Wednesday Feb. 10, is titled, “Encounters With Jesus” and will focus on several enlightening scenarios. It will begin with a sermon on Ash Wednesday titled, “Jesus’ Encounter With Himself.” Some of the more revealing segments of the Gospel accounts are the encounters Jesus had with men and women as he made his way on the pathways of Palestine for the three years of his itinerant ministry. This series will actually continue to the early part of Eastertide, after Easter Sunday, March 27. I hope you will commit yourself to a faithful Lenten journey. At the heart of this journey is making every worship opportunity a priority. It is a special season in which we each can go deeper in our discipleship. 3

GUMC Life General Conference 2016 Bishop Joe Pennel Discusses General Conference 2016 THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH AT A CROSSROADS

Friday, February 26 6 - 8 p.m. Saturday, February 27 12 - 4 p.m. We will be privileged on the weekend of February 27-28 to have Bishop Joe Pennel with us for a look at the critical issues coming before the General Conference of our denomination May 10-20. By now, each of you should have received a letter from me giving attention to the purpose of this experience and helping to define the nature of General Conference in our United Methodist tradition. In this space here, let me simply say I hope you will avail yourself of this particular event and be in prayer for it to provide a healthy conversation for us people called Methodists here at GUMC. Joe E. Pennel, Jr., is a graduate of Lambuth College, and earned both M.A. and D.Min. degrees from Vanderbilt University Divinity School. Ordained deacon and elder by Bishop Marvin A. Franklin, Joe served parishes located in rural areas, university settings, inner cities, and the suburbs. The congregations ranged from 25 to 4,500, and were all in the Memphis and Tennessee Conferences. Joe E. Pennel, Jr., was elected to the episcopacy by the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference in July of 1996 and assigned to the Richmond area where he served until his retirement in 2004. Bishop Pennel is presently Professor of the Practice of Leadership at Vanderbilt Divinity School. - Rev. Richard Smith, Senior Pastor


Finding My Way to Pray “There are many ways to pray. When we are serious about prayer and no longer consider it one of the many things people do in their lives but, rather, the basic receptive attitude out of which all of life can receive new vitality, we will, sooner or later, raise the question: “What is my way to pray, what is the prayer of my heart?” Just as artists search for the style that is most their own, so people who pray search for the prayer of their heart. What is most profound in life, and therefore most dear to us, always needs to be properly protected as well as expressed. It, therefore, is not surprising that prayer is often surrounded by carefully prescribed gestures and words, by detailed rituals and elaborate ceremonies.” Henri Nouwen, author of Reaching Out

Solos February Social Ladies! Solo’s will enjoy an afternoon Valentine Tea on Sunday, Feb. 14 at 3:30 p.m. at the home of Kay Lindamood, 2067 West Arden Oaks Dr., Germantown. You may want to meet at the church and carpool. Bring finger foods or desserts. Call Kay at 754-6033 to R.S.V.P.

GUMC Life Counselor of the Year Dr. Dewaine Rice Named Mental Health Counselor of the Year Join us in congratulating our own Dr. Dewaine Rice, Ed.D., LPC-MHSP, NBCCH (fellow) for being named the Mental Health Counselor of the year for 201415 by the West Tennessee Counseling Association. He received this prestigious award late last fall. We are very fortunate and proud to have Dr. Rice as the Founder and Director of the McVay Counseling Center. The Counseling Center is sponsored by Germantown United Methodist Church and is located one block from the church at 2305 McVay Road. During its 15 year history, the McVay Counseling Center has experienced significant growth and now employs three licensed professional counselors (Dr. Rice, Christina Burns, and Dr. Bill Walker).

General Conference 2016 Making Decisions at the 2016 General Conference What is the Annual Conference?

Dr. Rice also currently holds the position of Interim Department Chair of the Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research Department at the University of Memphis.

The Annual Conference is to Methodists what the Diocese is to Catholics or Episcopalians. It is a geographically based group of churches that work together to achieve the goals of the entire UMC.

Again, congratulations Dr. Rice!

Normally, a Conference must have enough United Methodists to support the costs associated with running itself and helping support the larger church. That means that sometimes one state may contain several Annual Conferences. North Carolina has two, Tennessee has three. Sometimes one Annual Conference has several states. The Great Plains Conference covers both Kansas and Nebraska. The New England Conference covers all of five and half of another state. The Annual Conference as the basic unit of the UMC is grounded in our history when all of the United States was one Conference that met annually. What is decided at General Conference impacts local churches because what is decided there is church law for all UMC congregations. To learn more, visit: 5

GUMC Life How does UMCOR Help During Repeat Disasters? By Susan Kim December 8, 2015—In Navarro County, Texas, where there was little history of disaster, residents have just experienced their third round of storms and flooding this year. In May, October, and November, central Texas bore the brunt of bad weather that has left not only physical damage but frustration among residents who are wondering when the rain will stop. Navarro County is just one of many counties across Texas and Oklahoma that have experienced flooding, tornadoes, and straight-line winds. At the end of November, a presidential disaster declaration made federal assistance available to eligible individuals and business owners in 15 Texas counties. Although the declaration was a piece of good news, residents are feeling the effects of multiple disasters, said Laraine Waughtal, disaster response coordinator for the Central Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church. “Many are starting all over again,” she said. “They are frustrated.” Trained Early Response Teams were an important part of response, completing muck-outs and tarping roofs, said Waughtal. The United Methodist Church has been one of the largest organizations — along with the American Red Cross — to respond, she added. Waughtal urged people to contribute to a recovery that will likely take years. “Resources are running out and agencies are running out of money because of the widespread flooding across the state,” she said. Long-term recovery is just beginning, and volunteer teams will be needed in central Texas for months to come, said Waughtal. With support from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), long-term recovery will bring a sense of new normalcy back to Texas, she said. “We have also been blessed with


a generous gift from the Louisiana Conference in support of our recovery and also out of gratitude when we have sent them money helping them after the storms. The connectional system is wonderful!” Repeat disasters are difficult both in terms of physical damage and psychological toll, said Greg Forrester, UMCOR executive in charge of U.S. Disaster Response. “Three disasters in five months — flooding, tornadoes, flooding once again. It’s not only one community — it’s multiple communities in that region,” he said, “and we are finding that many residents were severely under-insured or had no flood insurance.” As long-term recovery begins, Forrester is already envisioning how UMCOR will support disaster risk reduction efforts to help protect these communities from further damage. “There is no reason these homes have to flood again and again,” he said. Susan Kim is a journalist and a regular contributor to Reprinted from

Enrichment Days • TN Licensed Flexible Days • Full Curriculum Germantown United Methodist Preschool G.R.A.C.E. Class GUMP Recognizes All Can Excel Germantown United Methodist Preschool is excited to announce a new classroom designed to serve and enrich the lives of children with special needs. This class will be called “G.R.A.C.E.,” and will be coming to GUMP in the fall of 2016. G.R.A.C.E. will range in ages from 2-5 years, and will serve children identified as having a disability, including developmental delay.

This specialty classroom will for the ermantown, TN 38138 | allow 901-753-3109 individualized teaching and care necessary to help enhance the child’s developmental growth, while adjusting to a preschool environment. GUMP will work in partnership with Le Bonheur’s L.E.A.D. program to promote an environment that will encourage independence for the child while providing additional support to the classroom teacher. The lead teacher for GUMP’s G.R.A.C.E. Class is Special Education Certified. GUMP believes that the parents are their child’s first teachers, therefore GUMP teachers/staff will work closely with parents through daily collaboration and communication to ensure the most success for their child. Therapists that are arranged and paid for by the family are welcome

to serve the child during the preschool day. This collaborative approach will allow for sharing of therapeutic ideas/suggestions, so that teachers can carry over these ideas into the classroom setting. Children enrolled in G.R.A.C.E. will have inclusive opportunities to participate in activities such as outdoor play, music, gym, and chapel.


The G.R.A.C.E. class will offer a 2, 3 and 5 day options for families. It is important to understand this classroom option is being offered as a commitment from August through May. Parents are encouraged to call GUMP to inquire about tuition and fees, and to set up a tour and parent interview. Spaces are limited, so call soon. We look forward to being a part of your child’s educational journey. For more information contact Sarah Sutton, Director of Germantown United Methodist Preschool at 753-3109 or


United Methodist Women Lent by Candlelight A Special Event for Women Tuesday, February 16 6:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall/Chapel Join us for the seventh annual Lent by Candlelight. During this 40-day period between Ash Wednesday and Easter we return to God and re-focus our lives in order to be line with Jesus. It’s a time we may change some aspect of our behavior and allow God to change our hearts. We celebrate the beginning of this reflective time by fellowshipping and enjoying scrumptious desserts and coffee in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. Afterwards we convene in the Chapel for special


music, quiet reflection, and devotion, led this year by Mary Groh, the GUMC Director of Adult Education and Membership. All women are invited! Childcare is available. This is a free event. Register online at or pick up a registration form from the Welcome Desk or contact Yolanda Toney at ytoney@ Completed registration forms should be placed in the United Methodist Women’s box outside of the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall or you may mail them to the address on the form.

United Methodist Women “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...” 2 PETER 3:18

February Luncheon “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…” – 2 Peter 3:18

Every woman who is a member of GUMC is a member of the United Methodist Women even if you are not a member of a Circle (small group). However, any of the Circles would welcome you. If you wish to join a Circle and would like information, please contact Anna Graunke, or Yolanda Toney,

Shelby County District Attorney, General Amy Weirich, will be the speaker at the February UMW Luncheon on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 in the Owings Life Enrichment Center (OLEC) at 11:30 a.m. General Weirich joined the District Attorney’s Office in 1991 as a courtroom prosecutor. She was appointed District Attorney General by Gov. Bill Haslam, and then was elected on August 3, 2012 to serve the remaining two years of the term of her predecessor. She was re-elected to a full eightyear term on August 7, 2014. General Weirich is the first woman to serve as District Attorney General in Shelby County. A graduate of Germantown High School, Gen. Weirich earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Tennessee at Martin, and a law degree from the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law at the University of Memphis. Gen. Weirich and her husband, Chuck, have four children. Don’t miss what is sure to be a momentous event with the lunch lovingly prepared by Celebration Circle. All women are invited to attend, and please invite your friends! Reserve your spot by calling the church at 754-7216 on or before Thursday, February 4. If you need childcare, please indicate this when making your reservation. The cost for the luncheon is $10, and you may pay at the door.


United Methodist Women Upcoming GUMW Events

Children’s Clothing Boutique Shop Friday and Saturday

April 12: Bridge Benefit & Unique Boutique, OLEC, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. May 10: UMW Luncheon, Fellowship Hall, 11:30 a.m.

March 18 & 19 It's that time of year again! Clean out the closets, rummage through the attic, sort through the garage—clothing, furniture, toys, baby equipment, and more. GUMW Children's Clothing Boutique preparation is underway! Go to gumwclothingsale. com to review guidelines and find details about consigning, volunteering, and shopping. Registration deadline/inventory entry is Tuesday, March 15, at midnight. Refer to the website for complete information about accepted merchandise and consignment instructions. All proceeds from this sale benefit GUMW missions. Thanks in advance for your support!


Drop off: Wed., March 16, 5-8 p.m. and Th., March 17, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Pre-sale: Th., March 17, 5:30-8 p.m. Volunteers who work 8 + hours may shop at 5:30 p.m. Those who volunteer 4 + hours may shop at 6 p.m. Consignors may shop at 6:30 p.m. Public Sale: Fri., March 18, 8 a.m. -3 p.m. Half-price Pre-sale: Fri., March 18, 4-6 p.m. (consignors and volunteers only) Public Half-price Sale: Sat., Mar. 19, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Pick-up: Sun., March 20, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.


Older Adult Ministry XYZs in April XYZs Travel to Mississippi in April! Come with us as we travel through the Mississippi Delta on the way to Merigold to see McCartys Pottery. We will hear the story of Merigold and how the McCartys started their business, get a tour of the barn and studio, and, weather permitting, wander through the gardens. Of course, there will be time for shopping for some unique and unusual pieces in their gift shop. We then will walk to McCartys Gallery Restaurant where will have a delicious lunch, including their signature Chocolate Cobbler for dessert. We then we will take a short trip to Cleveland, Mississippi, where we will tour the newly-opened GRAMMY Museum Mississippi—the only one outside of Hollywood. This 27,000 sq. ft. facility, the world’s most technologically advanced music museum, tells the history of recorded music and brings the story of the GRAMMY awards to the birthplace of American music. There is something for everyone on this trip—sign up now!

WHERE: Merigold and Cleveland, Mississippi WHEN: Thursday, April 7, 2016 COST: $55 per person includes luxury motor coach transportation, lunch, and tours. This trip is being subsidized by a generous donation to the XYZs. DEPARTURE: 8 a.m. from OLEC parking lot. (Be there by 7:45 a.m.) This is an all-day trip. RESERVATIONS: Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, or Nancy Arnold, 754-6326. You must make your reservation before paying. DEADLINE FOR MONEY and RESERVATIONS: Monday March 7. This trip is almost full and space is limited, so make your reservation NOW.

Febrary Brown Bag Lunch Charlie Lambert, attorney, author, and film reviewer, will present “Hollywood’s Golden Age—the Studio System and a Glimpse at Oscar.” This presentation will be Friday, February 5, in the Fellowship Hall. The program starts at 11 a.m. with lunch at noon. Bring your own sack lunch; the church will supply the beverages. Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, for more information. No reservations are needed. There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking. 11

Older Adult Ministry March Brown Bag Lunch Shelby County Game Warden Will Talk About his Most Unusual Experiences at the March Brown Bag Lunch! Andy Tweed is the Game Warden for Shelby County. That means he enforces all fish and wildlife laws, sometimes patrolling difficult terrain or remote areas using alternative modes of transportation. But, sometimes he encounters wildlife that is not from Shelby County or that people have set free here—remember the manatee in the Mississippi River? Andy is going to tell us about the animals that live here, what he does on his job, and share some memorable stories with us at the March Brown Bag Lunch Series, an adventure in learning sponsored by the Older Adult Council. There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking. TOPIC: “Being a Cosmopolitan Game Warden” SPEAKER: Andy Tweed, Wildlife Officer, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency WHERE: Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall WHEN: Mar. 4, 2016. Starts at 11 a.m.; lunch at 12. COST: FREE—the church will supply beverages. RESERVATIONS: No reservations are needed. Just bring your sack lunch and enjoy the program and the fellowship. QUESTIONS? Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, or Beverly Rhoads, 754-7216, ext. 107.

AARP SmartDriver™ Course Germantown United Methodist Church and AARP will present the “AARP Smart Driver™ Course”, the nation’s largest driving refresher course. This 8-hour course is scheduled for March 21 & 22 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Successful completion entitles participants to a discount on their auto insurance premiums for three years. There is no driving test or written exam. Register early because the class will be closed at 28 participants. The results of taking these classes have been proven—class participants have few accidents and tickets. Check your calendar and register now. Your check is your ticket to this class. The objectives of the course are to help you: •B e independent, safe, and confident while on the road •K eep up with changes so you don’t put yourself and others at risk •L earn state-specific information throughout the course •F ocus on areas such as roundabouts, pavement markings, stop-sign compliance, red-light running, and safety issues such as speeding and seatbelt and turn-signal use WHERE: Room 339 (Fellowship Forum classroom) in the Ministry Center. WHEN: Monday and Tuesday, March 21 & 22, 2016, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. COST: $15 fee for AARP members ($20 for nonmembers) payable to AARP RESERVATIONS: Call Ray Malone at 309-5966 DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS: Reservations will be taken until class is full.


OLEC Youth Basketball ESCRA (East Shelby Church Recreation Association) Youth Basketball started Saturday, January 9, with great success and even a vfrom Grizz. Youth basketball games will continue on Saturdays and Sundays at the Owings Life Enrichment Center through March 5. This year we have 19 teams ranging in age from kindergarten through 18 years and a host of volunteer coaches who have been practicing since early November.

Massage Therapy Special For the month of February, please enjoy a one hour massage for only $50. Please schedule your appointment by calling Carol Panasuk at 2925913. Gift certificates are available for purchase at the OLEC and make fantastic gifts! Please see OLEC staff to purchase a gift certificate or call Carol directly.

Pictured with Health & Recreation Director Tiffany Griffin: Mary Lou Johns, GUMC member & former head coach of University of Memphis Women's Basketball serves as one of our volunteer coaches this season.

Spring Soccer Registration is now open for spring soccer for children ages 3-10. More information will be available at when available.

Children’s Ministry Created by God 5th and 6th grade students are invited to participate in “Created by God” on Feb. 19 and 20. We will meet Friday night from 6 to 8 p.m. and then again on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. “Created by God” as described by Cokesbury: Human sexuality is one of God’s greatest gifts to people. Created by God is a program resource designed to communicate to fifth and sixth graders that we are a fantastic creation made by God.

The topics of human sexuality, values, and relationships are approached in a frank, honest, and Bible-based manner. Parent involvement is essential to this process; parents will need to attend a meeting on Friday evening as well as the last session on Saturday. Please contact Lisa Pierce if you are interested in this opportunity for your child. Cost is $20 and covers student book, parent book, and food. Please register online by noon Tuesday, Feb. 16. 13

United Methodist Men Valentine’s Breakfast Saturday, February 13 at 9 a.m. Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. This will be a time to honor our spouses and significant others. There will be a special presentation by our own Rev. Gabriel and musical entertainment provided by Kenny Lackey. Cost is $5, paid at the door. Register by contacting Renee Pearl at 758-6519 or by Wednesday, February 10.

Missions Mission Moment “Welcome is one of the signs that a community is alive. To invite others to live with us is a sign that we aren’t afraid; that we have a treasure of truth and of peace to share.”

Communities in which hospitality is a vibrant practice tap into deep human longings to belong, find a place to share one’s gifts, and be valued. The practice of hospitality reflects a willingness on the part of a community of people to be open to others and to their insights, needs, and contributions. Hospitable communities recognize that they are incomplete without other folks but also that they have a treasure to share with them.” Jean Vanier, author of Community and Growth


Adult Education Wednesday Night Dinners Wednesday Night Dinners run through March 16, skipping February 10 for Ash Wednesday, at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The cost of all dinners is $8 for adults, $4 for children (4-10), free for children 3 and under. You may register online at or come by the Welcome Center. February 3 (reservation with payment due Monday Noon, Feb. 1) Beef Brisket, new potatoes, mixed vegetables, corn, Brussels sprouts with sauce, rolls, green salad, fruit, and assorted desserts. February 17 (reservation with payment due Monday Noon, Feb. 15) Pork Tenderloin, wild rice, black-eyed peas, broccoli medley, beets, rolls, green salad, fruit, and assorted desserts. February 24 (reservation with payment due Monday Noon, Feb. 22) Hawaiian Chicken, rice, oriental vegetables, peas, baby carrots, rolls, green salad, fruit, and assorted desserts. A dinner card for the second set of dinners (Feb. 24, March 2, 9, 16) will be available in early February.

Monday Monthly Book Club Meet kindred book lovers in our monthly book group! We are an informal group of men and women who enjoy reading and discussing books. We meet on the fourth Monday of each month from 10:00-12:00 noon in Room 338. There is no need to register, just purchase the book (or check-out from the library) and join us for a lively discussion! The books we have chosen for the winter/spring are: 2/22 Poisonwood Bible...............Barbara Kingsolver 3/28 A Year on Ladybug Farm.................. Donna Ball 4/25 Everything I Never Told You............ Celeste Ng 5/23 Where’d You Go Bernadette....... Maria Semple

Clergy Bible Study Friends For Our Journey continues on Wednesday evenings, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Room 339 (skipping Feb. 10 for our Ash Wednesday service). Join Rev. Dr. Brad Gabriel and Rev. Ryan Boatright as we will look at faithful individuals in both the Old and New Testaments who demonstrated behavior that we can use to pattern our own lives. We will read about men and women who struggled with sin, experienced grace, and overcame doubt with faith. We will study examples of family, friendship, community and partnership that we can carry with us on our journey. February schedule: Feb. 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barnabas - Rev. Gabriel Feb. 10. Ash Wednesday Service, Sanctuary, 7 p.m. Feb. 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timothy - Rev. Gabriel Feb. 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zacchaeus - Rev. Boatright You do not need to register for this study, just bring your Bible and join us for a thoughtprovoking discussion!


Adult Education New Adult Small Group Studies Start in March We know Germantown UMC is a large church and it can be difficult to find a place where you feel you can ask questions, listen to ideas, or explore more of what you hear in worship. That’s why we have small groups! Small groups of Christians caring for one another, praying, studying and serving together are a foundation of Methodism and allow us to grow in our faith with the help of other people who can provide encouragement and support.

Set Apart Wednesdays, March 16–April 20, 9:45-10:45 a.m. A 6-week study of the Beatitudes found in Matthew.

The small group studies include:

The Faith of a Mockingbird Tuesdays, March 29–April 26, 1-2:30 p.m. We will discuss Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, through the perspective and experiences of four key characters and what it means to live out a hopeful faith in a broken world.

God Heard Their Cry Tuesdays, March 8–April 12, 6:30-8 p.m. Discover how God answered the cry of the Israelites in Egypt and proclaimed himself Lord to them and their oppressors.

Methodist Traditions and Beliefs March 2 & 9, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Join Rev. Richard Smith as he discusses history, traditions, beliefs, and social issues of the United Methodist Church.

Youth Discovery Weekend 2016 February 12-14 “REAL TALK” We invite you to join us in the GUMC tradition of Discovery Weekend. This Spring retreat is youthled high energy weekend filled with great worship, hilarious skits, dynamic games, and deep group discussions. This by far is the best event that we do and you do not want to miss it. This year’s theme is “Real Talk.” Over the course of the weekend we’ll be looking at what it means to be “REAL” or authentic in all of life’s relationships and situations. We’ll talk most importantly about


how we must have a “REAL” relationship with God in order to have Christ-like relationships with others. Don’t miss what is sure to the be a life-changing weekend!! If you would like to volunteer for the weekend please contact Sue Hyland at

Adult Education Special Events A Weekend with Storyteller Rev. Michael Williams April 15-17 Rev. Michael Williams is Senior Pastor of West End UMC in Nashville and a frequent guest speaker and workshop leader at regional, national, and international events. He has been a featured storyteller at the National Storytelling Festival and has taught at the National Institutes of Storytelling. He is the author of numerous articles, stories, and books and serves as General Editor of The Storyteller’s Companion to the Bible series. Rev. Williams will bring his scholarship and craft to GUMC in the form of a weekend experience entitled “Deep Delight: Storytelling as Spiritual Adventure.” This informative weekend will begin on Friday night with dinner and a lecture “Everybody Has a Story,” where you’ll discover everyone is a storyteller. That’s right . . . everyone. It doesn’t matter if you tell it to your children or grandchildren or a crowd of thousands. What holds us back from admitting that we are all storytellers is that we have not been given permission to gather up our stories and prepare ourselves to tell them. This opening session will do just that, give you the tools to claim your identity as a storyteller. Saturday will follow with a morning seminar to help us understand how as Christians we live between God’s stories as collected in scripture and the stories of our lives. Each shapes how we understand the other. Rev. Williams will close the weekend by sharing his insights in a sermon at all 3 worship services on Sunday morning. Rev. Williams is being sponsored through a grant from our Endowment. GUMC members and guests are encouraged to join us for a wonderful weekend of spiritual enrichment. Save the date! Registration information coming soon.


Special Events

Adult Education

February Communion Offering Will Support Africa University Communion Offering Goal: $1,400 In 1991, the volunteers who showed up at the bare site that would become the Africa University campus knew their work would serve students. However, could they have imagined how the service of those students would affect others? Those early local and international volunteers — through United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) — refurbished old farm buildings. Though the work was not glamorous, the volunteers were motivated to serve the 40 students who would arrive at the Mutare, Zimbabwe, campus in March 1992. The university, the volunteers knew, would equip students to serve the church and the world.

Today’s volunteers The UMVIM teams have never stopped coming. Most remarkable, more than two decades later, is how their presence and witness have inspired Africa University students to volunteer. These remarkable students give time and skills to others to honor the blessings they have received. They are buddies to orphans at the Fairfield Children’s home across the road from the campus in Mutare. They do clean-up campaigns in Mutare. They visit and care for older adults. Ivan Milosi, an Africa University graduate student, said that they helped two local congregations to build their churches, both with supplies and labor. One of the churches is being built on a foundation poured 20 years ago. Because the church lacked financial resources and its members were elderly, the project never progressed until Africa University students got involved.

Seizing new opportunities The Rev. Mary Beth Byrne, a retired deacon of the Indiana Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, recently served as a short-term 18

volunteer at Africa University. “Africa University,” she said, “is a microcosm of the global nature of The United Methodist Church, and I affirm that ‘The Dream is Alive!’ “As we get to know individuals as our brothers and sisters in Christ, barriers of nationality, race, tribe, language, gender, dress, customs and traditions come tumbling down, and we see new opportunities to bring peace to a war-torn continent and world.” The rippling effects of those early UMVIM volunteers in 1991 continues to bless communities today. One of seven apportioned giving opportunities of The United Methodist Church, the Africa University Fund transforms Africa by educating and empowering students from across the continent through Africa University, the first fully accredited, United Methodistrelated educational institution on the continent. The Africa University Fund supports the general operating expenses of Africa University including faculty and staff salaries and vital infrastructure. Money from the communion offering over our apportioned amount for Africa University will go to support Historic Black United Methodist Colleges and Universities. Our apportionment for that amount is $6,300.00.

February Events February 1-6 Monday, February 1 Soccer registration begins for children ages 3-10 Tuesday, February 2 6:30 a.m. - Sonrise Men’s Group 11:00 a.m. - Jillian Michaels BodyShred™ Wednesday, February 3 5:30 p.m. - Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30 p.m. - Clergy Bible Study 6:30 p.m. - Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday, February 4 9:00 a.m. - Jillian Michaels BodyShred™ Friday, February 5 11:00 a.m. - Older Adults Brown Bag Lunch Series

February 7-13 Sunday, February 7 6:00 a.m. - Youth Community Breakfast 8:30, 9:40 & 11:00 a.m. - Worship Services Tuesday, February 9 6:30 a.m. - Sonrise Men’s Group 11:00 a.m. - Jillian Michaels BodyShred™ 11:30 a.m. - UMW Celebration Luncheon Wednesday, February 10 (Ash Wednesday) 7:00 p.m. - Ash Wednesday Service Wednesday Night Dinner - Cancelled Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Cancelled Thursday, February 11 9:00 a.m. - Jillian Michaels BodyShred™ Friday, February 12 Discovery Weekend begins GUMP & OLEC Closed Saturday, February 13 Discovery Weekend Continues 9:00 a.m. - UMM Breakfast OLEC Closed

Sunday, February 14 (Cont) 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening Communion Service Discovery Weekend Ends Monday, February 15 GUMP Closed - Presidents Day Tuesday, February 16 6:30 a.m. - Sonrise Men’s Group 11:00 a.m. - Jillian Michaels BodyShred™ 6:30 p.m. - Lent By Candlelight Wednesday, February 17 5:00 p.m. - Wednesday Lenten Communion 5:30 p.m. - Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30 p.m. - Clergy Bible Study 6:30 p.m. - Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday, February 18 9:00 a.m. - Jillian Michaels BodyShred™ 11:30 a.m. - Healthy Boundaries Class (OLEC) Friday-Saturday, February 19-20 “Created by God” (5th & 7th graders)

February 21-27 Sunday, February 21 8:30, 9:40 & 11:00 a.m. - Worship Services 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Evening Communion Service Tuesday, February 23 6:30 a.m. - Rutherford Men’s Prayer Group 11:00 a.m. - Jillian Michaels BodyShred™ Wednesday, February 24 5:00 p.m. - Wednesday Lentn Communion 5:30 p.m. - Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30 a.m. - Sonrise Men’s Prayer Group 6:30 p.m. - Chancel Choir Rehearsal 6:30 p.m. - Clergy Bible Study Thursday, February 25 9:00 a.m. - Jillian Michaels BodyShred™

February 14-20

Friday, February 26 6-8 p.m. - Bishop Joe Pennel

Sunday, February 14 8:30, 9:40 & 11:00 a.m. - Worship Services

Saturday, February 27 12-4 p.m. - Bishop Joe Pennel


GERMANTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2331 South Germantown Rd, Germantown, TN 38138 Phone: (901) 754-7216 • Fax: (901) 753-3112 • Sunday Worship: 8:30, 9:40, & 11 a.m.

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