August 2016

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August 2016

Table of Contents 4-6 GUMC Life 7


8-9 Children 10-12

Older Adults


Adult Education






Health & Recreation



Ministry Contacts Children’s Ministry Lisa Pierce - Director of Children’s Ministry 758-6512 • Kristin Dickerson - Associate Director 754-7216 • Callie Beaver - Associate Director 758-6525 • Older Adults Beverly Rhoads - Elder Care Health Ministry Coordinator 758-6513 • Luci Cromer • 755-0803 •

Adult Education Mary Groh - Director of Adult Education and Membership 754-5093 • Youth Ministry Sue Hyland - Youth & Confirmation Director 758-6516 • Brian Richards - Associate Youth Director 758-6515 • Health and Recreation Tiffany Griffin - Director of Health & Recreation 753-3100 • See full staff listing at


August Sermons

Welcome New Members!

August 7 “Lessons From The Book of James, l” Select Passages - James August 14 Dr. Tim Carpenter, Metro District Superintendent

Amanda (Max) and Adam DeCrow, June 19

August 21 “Lessons From The Book of James, Il” Select Passages - James August 28 Rev. Dr. Brad Gabriel “Mind Your Manners” Luke 14:1, 7-14 Christy and Brian Zelinski, June 26

Josh Geary, June 26 Penny McDowell, July 3

Tom Hickey, June 26


GUMC Life What is This About, Then? Called Church Conference Sunday, August 14| 9:30 a.m. | Sanctuary Germantown United Methodist Church is a mission-oriented church. GUMC prays for, pays for, and sends its people into mission action on our own campus, across the Mid-South, and around the world. This matters. This is good. The people who are GUMC may take a justified and holy pride at their decisions to be a mission-oriented church. There is a mission that we sometimes forget about. Where did we learn to be in mission? Where do we gather to hear missionaries from Central America and North Memphis, the former Soviet Republics and Room In The Inn, speak? Where do we engage in disciplined, serious Bible study that shapes our souls, enlightens our minds, and releases us to carry the gospel in word and deed everywhere? Where do classes meet on Sunday morning to learn again, and again about the improbable privilege given to us to be the hands and feet of Christ? Our mission starts here. The GUMC campus is 7 buildings on 14 acres of land. This also matters. Without this campus, without these buildings, there is a strong likelihood that few, if any of us, would be involved in the missions we treasure dearly and support faithfully. Our service in missions “there” begins with our gathering as church “here.” So we have another mission to which we must commit. The people who are GUMC must commit equally to the care and maintenance of this campus. Our mission to maintain this campus is in service to the spiritual formation and Christian education of everyone who comes here, beginning at the earliest age and continuing for as long as we live. Our mission to maintain this campus is in service to those who meet here in the communities of small groups, study and bridge playing, exercise, and presentations on matters of local interests. Our mission to maintain this campus is in service to providing the highest quality worship


from Rev. Dr. Brad Gabriel experiences. Our mission to maintain this campus is in service to keeping faith with those who came before us. They had the vision that built and maintained the earlier campus, the one we now enjoy. Our mission to maintain this campus is in service to keeping faith with those who come after us. They will need a place to praise and study, to hold each other accountable, and to hold each other in Christ-like love. To say that we have a mission to maintain this campus is not to focus on either luxury or excessive comfort when there are so many in such dire need. Our mission to maintain this campus is a claim that we will use the best, most efficient physical resources available, so that we may provide the safest, most “user-friendly” buildings; the cleanest, most ecologically integrated outside space; and the most current, accessible technology (as the church has always done, from the printing press on) to make this a house of worship, a place of spiritual formation, a center of mission preparation, a place to celebrate all of our efforts to be a people of Gospel life. To the end of accepting our mission for this campus, lay leaders and staff are working to develop a total inventory of all our major physical needs. In addition, we are exploring how to meet the actual financial costs of maintaining an excellent campus so that we continue in our mission and ministry from this corner, to the MidSouth, and around the world until Christ returns and all of earth is Eden once more. Inventories of equipment, physical needs and projected time lines will be the primary agenda items at our called Church Conference, Sunday, August 14, in the Sanctuary, at 9:30 a.m.

See you there.

GUMC Life New Neighbors for GUMC

In our continuing desire to keep the members of GUM informed as to significant conversations taking place in the wider UMC, please read a statement from Bishop Bruce R. Ough, current President of the United Methodist Council of Bishops.

A new restaurant is opening (and may be open by the time you read this) on our northern side, 2285 S. Germantown Rd. The owners have said that they plan to offer a Sunday brunch starting as early as 9:30 a.m. Please remember that the parking spaces behind the restaurant, on the north side of the low concrete barriers are for restaurant parking. The public lot to the north of the restaurant is still available for church parking to the best of our knowledge.

2017 Budget for the Memphis Annual Conference The 2017 budget for the Memphis Annual Conference has been set. GUMC will be receiving its portion of the financial support to ensure that our ministries are carried out completely. Until that time, the graphic to the right continues to be a good representation of how our offerings are spent. • $0.85 stays in the local church • $0.07 goes to jurisdictions, annual conferences and districts • $0.06 goes to Benevolent Giving (or Second Mile Giving) • $0.02 goes to general apportionments


GUMC Life Labor of Love September 5 | Various Times Labor of Love is a joint mission outreach of Germantown Presbyterian, Germantown UMC, Kingsway Christian Church, New Bethel Baptist Church and St. George’s Episcopal Church in connection with MIFA. It will be on September 5. It is an opportunity for all ages to serve in some capacity or another. We will be filling emergency baby bags, hygiene bags, and emergency food bags. There are also opportunities to help with yard work and food delivery. You can sign up for the event at What we need from you, now, is diapers, small sizes of shampoo, lotion, petroleum jelly, baby bottles, infant juice, etc. These items can be placed in a tub down by the information center outside of the fellowship hall. This is an awesome opportunity to serve alongside of other Germantown churches while making a difference in Shelby County and the Memphis area. For more information please contact Rev. Erin Beasley at 754-7216 or

Free Hearing Screening Thursday, August 4, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Did you know that nearly 2 out of 3 people with a hearing loss are below retirement age? Did you know that 80% of the people with hearing loss go undiagnosed and untreated? When was the least time you had your hearing tested? Connect Hearing is offering a FREE SCREENING at the church Thursday, August 4, from 9 a.m.–12 p.m. The screening will be held in Room 338 and will take about 10 to 15 minutes. If you would like to participate in this free evaluation, contact Beverly Rhoads to set up an appointment at 758-6513, or


Germantown United Methodist Preschool Germantown United Methodist Preschool G.U.M.P. (a weekday preschool program at GUMC) is now enrolling for the 2016-2017 school year beginning in August. GUMP’s core school day is from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. HOWEVER, we have additional options for the upcoming school year, including Before and After Care, plus a new classroom for children with special needs (“G.R.A.C.E.”).

For more information, visit

Children Promotion Sunday | August 7 The start of school is just around the corner! Please be sure to register your child in his/her respective ministry area. This registration is vital to keeping records current, alerting us to any changes (especially allergies, health alerts, and new addresses), as well as being invaluable for communication. Please drop by one of the registration tables August 7 or August 14 to ensure your family information is up to date. On August 7, rising senior kindergarteners will move to Kids Quest in the Huddle and rising sixth graders will move to the Trek area with the youth. All other children will rise within their areas to the next age/grade. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns with this transition.


Children Children’s Choir Program Begins in September I am usually in the choir loft when one of our children’s choirs opens our worship service with a musical offering. Since I cannot see the children’s faces from where I sit, I enjoy looking over the congregation and watching the expressions on people’s faces as they experience the children singing. There is no question that their singing and participation brings joy and a sense of God’s presence into our sanctuary and the children are serving the church by sharing their time and talents with us. But did you know that music learning has been proven to be of great importance to the development of a child’s thinking ability? Studies have shown that listening to music improves brain function, but participating in making music has an even more striking impact upon cognitive ability. If you watch a toddler listen to music, we see a natural ability to move and respond to rhythm and sound. Unfortunately, our culture programs this out of many young people when we are led to believe we have to be the ultimate best at everything we do. Music learning provides a lifetime of joy to those who can sing with others in a choir, congregation, or around a campfire. It opens doors of expression and increases selfconfidence and understanding of a spiritual life that words alone cannot. Finally, in a church choir,

children learn Bible stories, the great hymns of faith and contemporary anthems and songs that make worship real and meaningful to them. Our children’s choir program begins fall practices on Sunday, September 11 at 5 p.m. All rehearsals are in the children’s Sunday School wing. - Cherub Choir (ages 3, 4) Mary Groh - Alleluia Choir (K, 1, 2) Peggy Warner - Hosanna Choir (grades 3, 4, 5) Libby Schielke Our Testimony choir for students in grades 6–12 (directed by Natalie Duncan) begins in August when our Youth Ministry begins its Sunday evening programming. It is important for youth and children to have something to give when they attend worship. Worship is about bringing gifts of time and talent. Please consider giving your child the skills needed to participate in worship. Jim Thrash, Director of Music

Children Make Crafts for Missions Our children have been hard at work this summer creating crafts for missions. Each Wednesday we gathered together to make various crafts which we will turn around and sell this fall. This gave the children a chance to independently earn income to apply toward mission work. Each week, after pouring their hearts into their craft, children sacrificially left that craft behind to be sold. We have learned about doing our best, working hard, and then donating our earnings to those in need. We have also spent this time together learning about a variety of United Methodist missions. At the end of the summer, the children who participated in the weekly classes will have an opportunity to determine where they will donate the money after the sale. Please watch the fence outside the Huddle for the sale when it begins in mid-October.


Children Germantown United Methodist Preschool

CAVE QUEST – VBS Vacation Bible School took us deep into caves this year. We went spelunking with over 300 children, 70 youth, and 50 adults. We explored the power of Jesus and how He provides light to us, especially when we are scared or confused. The Spirit poured all over us as we sang songs, heard stories, created crafts, played games, enjoyed snacks, and observed science. It was remarkable to watch children respond to the message of Jesus! This was our second year for evening VBS. It has become more and more evident that this outreach has been very well received by our congregation and visitors. We had many children this year who had never been able to attend VBS before due to daytime family scheduling conflicts. What a blessing it is to watch children engage in their very first VBS! Our mission project this year was twofold. The children collected 1,027 books to donate to our friends at Project Transformation. These books

were later sorted by our Mission Campers and delivered to Centenary United Methodist Church. We also made it a goal to sponsor two friends to Lakeshore, a goal that we achieved. VBS has traditionally been a time for long-time members, new members, and visitors to come together in fellowship and service. This year, our youth and adults took it to a new level! The adults and youth brought energy, great attitude, and prayerful spirits each day. It was the greatest joy to participate with our volunteers. Thank you, we could not do it without you! Thank you to the entire congregation and staff for your support of this ministry each year. We are reaching children with the Good News, and we are grateful for your support!


Older Adult Ministry XYZs - Mamma Mia!

September BBL Andy Wise to Talk About Scams Against Seniors

Come with us as we kick off our 15th season with the ultimate feel-good show. Millions of people around the world have fallen in love with the characters, the story, and the music, and you will, too. This sunny, funny tale unfolds on a Greek island paradise. On the eve of her wedding, a daughter’s quest to discover the identity of her father brings three men from her mother’s past back to the island they last visited 20 years ago. The story-telling magic of ABBA’s timeless songs propels this enchanting tale of love, laughter, and friendship. You will have the time of your life and leave the theater dancing.

Older adults tend to be one of the highest target groups of scammers. Every day, medical, financial, disaster relief, home maintenance, and phone scams come to people through the mail, their computers, and their telephones. Identity theft has become the norm rather than the exception. Investigative reporter Andy Wise is going to alert us to what the latest scams are and how we can be more knowledgeable and aware as we go about our daily living at the September Brown Bag Lunch Series, an adventure in learning sponsored by the Older Adult Council. Join us as we kick off our 12th season! *There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking.*

WHERE: Playhouse on the Square WHEN: Saturday, September 3, 2016 COST: $25 per person includes transportation and reserved seat. DEPARTURE: 6:45 p.m. from OLEC parking lot. (Be there by 6:30 p.m.) RESERVATIONS: Call Nancy Arnold, 754-6326, Gretchen Blair, 755-0797, or Luci Cromer, 755-0803. You must make your reservation before paying. DEADLINE FOR MONEY and RESERVATIONS: Wednesday, August 3.

TOPIC: “Scams against Seniors” SPEAKER: Andy Wise, Chief Consumer Investigator, WMC Action News 5 WHERE: Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall WHEN: September 2, 2016. Program starts at 11 a.m.; lunch is at noon. COST: FREE—the church will supply beverages. RESERVATIONS: No reservations are needed. Just bring your sack lunch and enjoy the program and the fellowship. QUESTIONS? Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, or Beverly Rhoads, 754-7216, ext. 107.


Older Adult Ministry

XYZs Tour Shiloh in October! WHERE: Shiloh, Tennessee WHEN: Thursday, October 13, 2016 COST: $55 per person includes luxury motor coach transportation, lunch, and tour. This trip is being subsidized by a generous donation to the XYZs. Come with us as we travel through West Tennessee to visit Shiloh National Military Park. We will first stop at the Shiloh Battlefield Visitor Center to see the new, award-winning interpretive film, Shiloh: Fiery Trial. We then will travel a short distance for lunch with several selections at Hagy’s Catfish Hotel. Following our meal, we will return to the park and meet our park ranger who will board our bus and give us a personal tour of the park. We will make a couple of stops at notable sites to get out and walk around. After our tour we will depart for home with memories of seeing Shiloh up close and personal.

DEPARTURE: 8 a.m. from OLEC parking lot. (Be there by 7:45 a.m.) This is an all-day trip. RESERVATIONS: Call Nancy Arnold, 754-6326, Gretchen Blair, 755-0797, or Luci Cromer, 7550803. You must make your reservation before paying. DEADLINE FOR MONEY and RESERVATIONS: Tuesday, September 13. Space is limited, so make your reservation NOW.


Adult Education Fall Bible Study Classes Starting Soon!

The Adult Education Ministry is excited to announce our fall course line-up! Below you will find a list of classes starting soon. A complete list of all fall classes, descriptions, cost, and information is available online at and in our Adult Studies brochure available at the Welcome Center kiosks on August 21. Armor of God Wednesdays, Aug. 24–Oct. 5, 9:45–11:45 a.m. Facilitator: Chesley Porteous Prayers Found in the Bible Wednesdays, Sept. 7–Nov. 9, 6:30–7:30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Brad Gabriel Methodist Traditions and Beliefs Wednesday, Sept. 7 & 14, Nov. 2 & 9, 6:30–7:30 p.m. Rev. Richard Smith Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves And Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say Thursdays, Sept. 8–Oct. 6, 9:30–11:00 a.m. Facilitator: Mary Groh DISCIPLE 4: Under the Tree of Life Sundays, Sept. 11–April, 2017, 5:30–7:30 p.m. Facilitator: Dr. John Adams Invitation to Psalms Mondays, Sept. 12–Nov. 14, 1:00–2:30 p.m. Facilitator: Lisa Thurner 12

Wesleyan Theology Thursdays, Sept. 15–Oct. 6, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Guest Lecture: Dr. Michael K. Turner, Memphis Theological Seminary Covenant Bible Study–Creating the Covenant Sundays, Sept. 18–Nov. 13, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Facilitators: Rev. Julie McKenna and Laura Meanwell Living a Prayerful Life Tuesdays, Oct. 11–Nov. 15, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Rev. Erin Beasley Clothed with Power Wednesdays, Oct. 12–Nov. 16, 9:45-11:45 a.m. Facilitator: Chesley Porteous Journey with Jesus Thursdays, Oct. 13–Dec. 8, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Rev. Richard Smith Walk as Jesus Walked Thursdays, Nov. 3–Dec. 15, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Facilitator: Terry Aust

Adult Education Search Scripture . . . Find Community The DISCIPLE Bible Study program has been an active and important feature of the Christian Education ministry at Germantown UMC for 25 years and is the #1 choice for some of the most vibrant congregations in the world—transforming the lives of more than two million participants worldwide! DISCIPLE is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing strong Christian leaders. DISCIPLE Bible Study provides participants with a working knowledge of the Bible in a small group setting that becomes an experience in Christian community. The discussion format creates an opportunity for people from varied perspectives to wrestle with their questions and to share the way the Bible speaks to them. DISCIPLE 4: Under the Tree of Life Sundays, 5:30-7:30 p.m., September 11, 2016–April 2017 (breaks to be determined by the class) Facilitator: Dr. John Adams This 32-week Bible study is sometimes known as “The Revelation Study” because the participants read Old Testament writings in order to better understand the message and promise pictured in Revelation. Under the Tree of Life concentrates on the Old Testament books of Ruth, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Daniel. New Testament scriptures include eight weeks with the Gospel of John, three weeks on the letters of John, and five weeks on Revelation. Presented through the entire study is the sense of living toward completion—toward the climax of the message and the promise, extravagantly pictured in the Revelation. Your group will seek to make sense of life’s experiences through the lens of this powerful text, and together, you will learn to live as communitystrengthened disciples.

Monday Monthly Book Club 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Room 338 There is no need to register, just purchase the book (or check-out from the library) and join us on the 4th Monday for a lively and informative discussion! August 22 A Tree Grows in Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . Betty Smith September 26 The Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Paul Evans October 24 The Orphan Master’s Son . . . . . . . . . Adam Johnson November 28 The Bookseller of Kabul . . . . . . . . . . Asne Seierstad


Adult Education Sunday School Celebration Sunday August 21, 9 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Join us between worship services in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall to celebrate our wonderful Adult Sunday School classes! Classes will have pictures, information, and food to enjoy. This will be a great opportunity to learn about our many and various Sunday School classes and talk with their members. In addition, we will have our fall small group Bible study participant books available for sale (cash or check).

Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study The Armor of God

Wednesdays, Aug. 24–Oct. 5, 9:45-11:45 a.m. Facilitated by Chesley Porteous, or 268-4884 Paul tells us to take up the “whole armor of God” but what is this “armor” and how do we put it on? Is it still relevant for Christians today? In this 7-session DVD Bible study by Priscilla Shirer, we will look at those questions and challenge you to suit up, stand firm, and secure victory in your life. This study will allow you to grow spiritually as you dig deeper into Scripture and expand your understanding of prayer. Childcare is available by reservation. Cost for the class is $25. Register online.

Adult SS Classes For a description of the class, please pick up an “Adult Sunday School” brochure at our kiosks or call Mary Groh at 754-5093. Each Sunday we post a list of classes at the Welcome Center with locations and lesson/topic for the day. Please join us soon! 9:40 a.m. Classes Location Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 136 Apostles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 338 Asbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Cottage Celebration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 257 Emmaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adult Ed Bldg., Rm. 4 Fellowship Forum . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 339 Fiser Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 233 Gilbert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 232 Horizon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adult Ed Bldg., Rm. 2


Lamplighters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 342 Seekers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adult Ed Bldg., Rm. 1 Wesley 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adult Ed Bldg., Rm. 3 Women’s Bible Class . . . . . . . . Bride’s Room 11 a.m. Classes Location Agape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 338 Emmanuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 136 Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 233 Preston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 342 Trinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rm. 339

United Methodist Women Children’s Consignment It’s time to start getting ready for the Fall/Winter Children’s Consignment Sale! Get your children’s clothes, toys, furniture, baby equipment, nursery items, and more ready. Go to gumwclothingsale. com to get complete information about accepted merchandise and consignment instructions. Through this website you will also be able to sign up to volunteer. • Registration deadline/inventory entry: Tuesday, August 23, at midnight. • Drop off: Wednesday, August 24, 5–8 p.m. and Thursday, August 25, 8 a.m.–1 p.m. • Pre-sale: Thursday, August 25, 5:30–8 p.m. Volunteers who work 8 or more hours may shop at 5:30. Those who volunteer 4 or more hours may shop at 6 p.m. Consignors may shop at 6:30 p.m. • Public Sale: Friday, August 26, 8 a.m.–3 p.m. • Half-price Pre-sale: Friday, August 26, 5–8 p.m. (consignors and volunteers only) • Public Half-price Sale: Saturday, August 27, 8:00 a.m.–12 p.m. • Pick-up: Sunday, August 28, 10:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Don’t forget proceeds from this sale benefit GUMW missions. Thank you in advance for your support!

GUMW Meet and Greet Sunday, September 18 in the Fellowship Hall Come and meet the ladies of our nine GUMW circles! You are invited to attend our GUMW Meet and Greet in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, Sept. 18, anytime between 9:00am and 12:15pm. Each circle will have members represented who you can visit with and learn about the many opportunities available for fellowship and service. There is a circle waiting for you to join! For more information see our web page at or email Anna Graunke at

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...” 2 Peter 3:18 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…” – 2 Peter 3:18


United Methodist Women GUMW Circles | Times and Locations Celebration:

1st Tuesday

10:00 a.m.

Room 338

Mertice Foster

1st Tuesday

10:30 a.m.

Room 232

More Friends

1st Tuesday

1:00 p.m.

Room 338


1st Wednesday

10:00 a.m.

Room 240


1st Thursday

11:30 a.m.

Homes of Members


1st Thursday

7:00 a.m.

Room 342


1st Friday

9:45 a.m.

Room 339


2nd Tuesday

9:30 a.m.

Room 339


3rd Tuesday

7:00 p.m.

Homes of Members

September Luncheon September 13 | 11:30 a.m. | Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall Our September speaker is our new associate pastor, Rev. Erin Beasley. Please welcome her and join us at the luncheon a as she shares her story with us. The luncheon begins promptly at 11:30 a.m. and the cost is $10. You must register and pay in advance. Registration closes Thursday, September 8 at 1 p.m. Registration and payment may either be done online at or with a personal check. If registering by check, please make your check payable to GUMW with “GUMW Sept. Luncheon” in the memo. Check can be placed in the collection plate or in the drop box outside the Fellowship Hall. There is no cost for childcare, but please indicate if you need childcare when registering online or by writing “Need Childcare” on your check. The annual Blessing of the Babies will be conducted at this luncheon. If you have had a baby, grandchild, or great-grandchild born since September of 2015, we would love to include your precious baby in this celebration. Dr. Rev. Brad Gabriel will bless the babies and a small honorarium will be made to GUMW missions in honor of each baby. You may bring the baby or the baby’s picture with you to the luncheon. Contact Anna at to register your baby.


Bring donation items to the luncheon for More Friends Circle’s mission, Miriam Day Care of the United Methodist Neighborhood Center, and let’s shower the children with blessings. Miriam Day Care serves the inner-city families of Shelby County. Please bring the following items to donate: Cleaning supplies: paper towels, laundry detergent, hand sanitizer For children: infant diapers, wet wipes, bibs, pacifiers, socks, onesies, and plain colored children’s shirts size 2-4. All women are invited to GUMW Luncheons! We hope to see you September 13! • To pay by credit card: go to • To pay by check: make to GUMW/ in memo write Sept. Luncheon/ leave in drop box @ Welcome Center • Luncheon information email Yolanda Toney: *T o learn about circles email Anna Graunke:

United Methodist Women United Methodist Women Circles Can be a Place of JOY In the complicated world we live in, staying spiritually grounded is important as we face the weekly, daily, and even hourly challenges of life. Having a small group of people to encourage and support us along the way can make all the difference. Fortunately, there are many small group options at GUMC to choose from. These include Sunday School classes, Bible studies, book clubs, mission projects, and United Methodist Women. United Methodist Women is celebrated as the women’s ministry of The United Methodist Church. UMW is a supportive, inclusive Christian membership organization where women can grow spiritually, develop as leaders, and serve and work to create a world in which all women, children and youth thrive. You do not have to be a United Methodist or meet an age requirement to be a member. Circles are small group gatherings of women who enjoy camaraderie and mutual support through devotions and programs. Each circle adopts a variety of mission projects to work on during the year. The Germantown unit of UMW is blessed to offer a wide variety of circles meeting both during the day and in the evening. If you’re looking for a circle during the weekday, Joy Circle might be for you. Founded in 2002, this circle has grown into one of the largest with nearly 40 members. Joy Circle brings together women who wish to share in Christian fellowship and grow in their faith. Joy members gather in either the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall or in members’ homes on the first Thursday of each month September through May, where they enjoy a potluck lunch, devotional, brief meeting, and program.

grades. Throughout the school year, Joy members support MBA with academic incentive programs, teacher prayer cards and appreciation events and student birthday recognition. They also serve as reading tutors and collect donated blazers and band instruments. Many find that the act of serving brings people together for a common purpose and strengthens relationships through that connection. Ask any circle member and they will tell you that camaraderie and mutual support is such an important aspect of the small group experience. “God uses the people around us to provide the encouragement and love we need,” states Lauren Boswell, chairman of Joy Circle. “Christians were not meant to face the world alone. We are to be in community. Over the years, our members have experienced wonderful celebrations and tragic loss. No matter what it is, you know these women will be there for whatever you need.” For information about Joy Circle contact: Lauren Boswell, Joy Circle Chair, at laurenboswell@

Joy Circle’s mission is Memphis Business Academy (MBA), a Memphis charter school located in the inner-city community of Frayser. Since the charter school opened its doors in 2005, they have experienced tremendous growth, now serving over 1,100 students in kindergarten through 12th


Youth Volunteer Needs As you all know, it takes a village to raise children and teenagers and we are so honored that you let us be a part of your village. We are in hopes that we can add more people to this village this August. Please prayerfully consider where you might plug in as a parent volunteer or simply as a volunteer church member. It is so valuable for our students to get to know people in all different phases of life. Some volunteer openings are listed below. Contact Sue Hyland or Brian Richards if you’d be interested in fulfilling one of these roles!


Small Group Leader Sunday Nights, August-May


Small Group Leader Sunday Mornings, August-May


Small Group Leader Wednesday Nights, SeptemberMay

Confirmation in August Another season of Confirmation will begin this August with an orientation meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, August 10. We are encouraging all parents of 5th graders to attend this meeting and start out our Confirmation year on the right foot. We cannot wait to have this class join our youth ministry and look forward to a fantastic year! Please contact Sue Hyland at



t? new youth paren a u yo re A ? C M U Do Are you new to G ms old and new? ra g ro p r u o t u o ab g Are you curious ple will be learnin o e p r u yo at h w w C you want to kno ? Are you a GUM C M U G at e m ti those throughout their “YES!” to and of d re e sw an u yo ave Youth Parent? If for you. We will h is g n ti e e M t n re h questions our Pa that hopefully eac so g n ti e e m is th ugust two options for et Wednesday, A e m ill w e W . d n st at of you could atte nday, August 21 u S d an ks ac sn t our Youth 17 at 6 with ligh ng we will look at ti e e m is th In . might Noon for lunch well as how you as ar ye e th r fo about Programming er. We’ll also chat te n lu vo a as in es to continue be able to plug m o h r u yo in s u h tner wit how you can par ide of our church ts u o e lif d an h it out fa event. conversations ab ill join us for this w u yo f o h ac e e walls. We hop (No Cost) Register online!


Youth Social Media Checkout our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Highlights Email to stay up to date on all things that are happening in Youth Ministry and beyond!

Germantown United Methodist Youth Ministry

Element Color Wars Fall Kick-Off!


August 14, 6-8 p.m. | OLEC 2323 West Street


$5 for Moe’s for dinner! Prizes: Custom Chaco gift certificate, Chick-fil-A Gift Cards, and more! Dress up in the color of your team! 6th grade - Green 7th grade - Yellow 8th grade - Red 9th & 10th grade - Blue 11th & 12th grade - Orange

Summer is in full swing, but it isn’t too early to start planning out what you’ll do in August. Below are some keys dates for our youth ministry. Mark your calendars now for lots of exciting events coming up in August!

TREK FALL KICK-OFF Join us Sunday, August 14th for our Fall Trek Kickoff. Come hang with us for worship, games, snacks, and to meet your small group leaders for the semester! Trek meets downstairs across from the Chapel. This is our Youth Ministries time of Sunday School and small groups study, with a sweet spin for everyone to enjoy! Come connect on Sunday mornings at 9:40 or 11 a.m.

August 5, 6 Worship Band Retreat August 10 Confirmation Orientation at 6 p.m.


August 14 Element Color Wars Kick-Off Trek Kick-Off


August 20 Confirmation Retreat August 27 Geyser Falls


Health & Recreation OLEC Instructor Uses Zumba® to Bring Laughter and Joy at Guatemala Children’s Home - By Jessica Walters Recently, I had the privilege to lead a mission trip to New Life Children’s Home in Villa Nueava, Guatemala. This is a children’s home for orphaned, abandoned, abused, and neglected children. The children go to school from January–October in Guatemala, but they had a one week “Spring Break” while we were there so our mission team had many opportunities to interact with them. We provided a variety of devotionals and also led many activities during the week. Almost all of the children there have abuse and deep trauma in their past. They are understandably reserved and it usually takes a while for them to open up and trust outsiders. Our liaison at the children’s home wanted us to focus on activities that could engage the children and hopefully help break down those walls quickly. For the girls, one of those activities was Zumba® Fitness classes. Although I was originally expecting to be teaching Zumba® to the 15-22 year old girls, the children’s home decided to bring all the young girls to my class too. The younger ones had fun standing on the stage and helping me cue the moves to the older girls. It was such a blessing to see how the Lord could use music and dance to melt down the barriers and the walls in the hearts of the young ladies at NLCH. Several of the housemothers at the orphanage also came to the Zumba® classes that I


offered, and it was wonderful to be able to provide some much needed stress-relief to the ladies who care for these precious children on a daily basis. I love teaching Zumba® and it was such a blessing to allow the Lord to use those classes to bring laughter, joy, and relief to His people in Guatemala.

Jessica Walters teaches Zumba on Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m.

Save the Date


Promotion Sunday AUGUST 21

Sunday School Celebration Sunday AUGUST 25-27

UMW Children’s Clothing Sale



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