October Tidings

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October 2016

Table of Contents 4-6 GUMC Life 7





Older Adults


Adult Education






Health & Recreation









Ministry Contacts Children’s Ministry Lisa Pierce - Director of Children’s Ministry 758-6512 • lpierce@germantownumc.org Kristin Dickerson - Associate Director 754-7216 • kdickerson@germantownumc.org Callie Beaver - Associate Director 758-6525 • cbeaver@germantownumc.org Older Adults Beverly Rhoads - Elder Care Health Ministry Coordinator 758-6513 • brhoads@germantownumc.org Luci Cromer • 755-0803 • luci2@comcast.net

Adult Education Mary Groh - Director of Adult Education and Membership 754-5093 • mgroh@germantownumc.org Youth Ministry Sue Hyland - Youth & Confirmation Director 758-6516 • shyland@germantownumc.org Brian Richards - Associate Youth Director 758-6515 • brichards@germantownumc.org Health and Recreation Tiffany Griffin - Director of Health & Recreation 753-3100 • tgriffin@germantownumc.org See full staff listing at www.germantownumc.org/staff


October Sermons

October 2 ”Healing Church” | Rev. Erin Beasley Lamentations 1:1-6 “Loving Discipline” | Rev. Brad Gabriel 2 Timothy 1:1-14 October 9 “On Being United Methodist, I” Isaiah 6:6-9; Philippians 4:8-9 October 16 “On Being United Methodist, II” Isaiah 6:6-9; John 1:14-18 October 23 “It Makes a Difference” | Rev. Brad Gabriel Matthew 25:14-30 October 30 “Indeed, Such A Time As This” Stewardship Message

from Richard As we move more steadily into the Fall ministry opportunities, I would ask you to give special attention to our forthcoming financial stewardship focus. The theme this year is For Such A Time As This. It is grounded in the moving story of Esther found in the Old Testament. Please note the information inside this Tidings, pay attention to the varied lay speakers in worship, and give careful consideration to all materials which come your way. Clearly, GUMC is going through a time of significant transition, but also a time in which we affirm God’s Spirit guiding and empowering toward a vibrant and exciting future; even amidst whatever challenges lie ahead. God is ever working toward much good and your faithful, sacrificial financial commitment will insure this good for the mission and ministry witness of GUMC.

Welcome New Members!

Libby Cross, August 21

Maggie and Danny Lyons, August 28


Stewardship 2016 The theme of this year’s Stewardship campaign is “For Such a Time as This.” It’s time to be in prayer—prayer of thanksgiving for all our blessings and prayer for guidance in serving God going forward. One of my favorite Bible verses is James 1:17: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.” God has given each of us special gifts for building His kingdom. He looks to each of us to be a faithful steward of our time, our talents and our treasure. At GUMC we are blessed with excellent clergy and staff, superb facilities, a multitude of programs, and extensive mission and outreach opportunities. It takes commitments from every member to support our local church as well as the broader human family. The mission of the church is to change hearts. The world around us is rapidly changing. This is the time to follow the call of Christ to take the Gospel into all the world. Individually our reach is limited but in combination we can accomplish far more than we sometimes realize. Please prayerfully consider what you will do as your commitment of time, talent and treasure for 2017. John Moore Stewardship Committee


November 6 & 13 4


Stewardship 2016 Methodist Money for Ministry “Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created.” – Psalm 148:5 You’ve heard the expression “busy as a bee.” As it turns out, busy bees are the reason 80 percent of pollination happens. Pollination is necessary for our crops to grow our food. Due to drought, loss of habitat and dangerous pesticides, the bee population has dropped significantly over the last several years. While we may be tempted to “mind our own beeswax,” we need the bees so that we can eat. Supporting these industrious bees is a no-brainer. The General Board of Church and Society, one of our United Methodist agencies, challenges the church to live out its faith in all areas of life, including the care for God’s creation. Our Social Principles encourage us to value water, air, soil, minerals, energy resources, plants, animal life and space because they are God’s creation, not only because they are useful to human beings. Whether modeling faithfulness to caring for God’s creation finds you planting trees or participating in a Festival of God’s Creation within your congregation, remember that God calls us to committed stewardship of the world around us. Giving to the World Service Fund lets each of us play a part in doing God’s work, whether we’re saving the earth, building new churches, paying missionary salaries or expanding Bible studies. Our faithful apportioned gifts provide a financial lifeline to a long list of Christina mission and ministry through the denomination. (copied) Through meeting our apportionment giving, we here at Germantown UMC participate in the promotion our Wesleyan expression of the faith in our neighborhood, our region of the country, and around the world. Lives are changed as people are introduced to the Christ, and the Gospel is lived. This is why we commit to meeting 100% of our annual apportionment amount. For 2016 that amount is $506,756 or just over 15% of our total budget here at GUMC. 5

Stewardship 2016 “For Such a Time as This” The Book of Esther and GUMC Stewardship Goals The United Methodist Church, along with most other Christian denominations, is in a time of significant transition. Growth of the number of “Nones” and “Dones” and changing attitudes among church members, and more, means that the next few years will see a church that looks different from the one we know. We’ve faced such changes before. In light of all that is going on, the Stewardship Committee this year looked at the story of Esther in the Bible and decided that the prophetic words found in Esther 4:14 can well apply to us this year. The Book of Esther begins with the Jews in Exile in Persia. The Persian King selects Esther, who is secretly a Jew, to be Queen. All is not well in Persia. An evil counselor of the King devises a plot to have the king kill all the Jewish exiles. The king doesn’t know that this genocide will take his own Queen! Esther, meanwhile, fears to go to the King and reveal her faith, lest she, too, be put to death. Mordecai, Esther’s cousin talks to her and says, in effect, “If you stay quiet, if you do not take action, God will find another way to save His people. You and your family, though, may well be lost in the process. Who knows? Perhaps it is “For such a Time as This” that God brought you to where you are with the resources that you have. Act or don’t. God still will act. Don’t you want to be on the right side of God’s actions?” Esther acts. God’s people are saved. A new course is set. On November 6 and 13, GUMC members will pledge financial resources to fund our missions and ministries and administration in 2017. Over the past several years the GUMC budget has stayed at about $3,300,000. That amount provides for:

• Maintenance of the GUMC campus of seven buildings containing 110,515 square feet valued at $19,000,000, spread over 14 acres.

• Salaries and related staff costs.

• Missions beginning across the street from the Sanctuary and extending around the world.

• Seven-days-a-week ministries from the sanctuary where we worship to the pre-school and the Owings Life Enrichment Center, from the McVay Counseling Center at the end of Second Street to the Cottage on South Germantown Rd. that houses recovery groups, Sunday School, and the homeless 80 nights a year in the winter, and more.

• Savings in case of severe, nation-wide economic problems.


Stewardship 2016

2016 continued a trend begun a few years back that saw members of GUMC taking on work on the campus and in ministry, meaning that we did more with:

• Fewer housekeeping and maintenance staff

• A smaller clergy staff than in previous years

• Fewer support staff

• Reviewed and re-negotiated contracts that should reduce the 2017 operating costs by close to $36,000, which is one percent of our current budget.

Still, the projection for 2017 is that GUMC will need 15% more than our current budget, or $3,800,000. Or, all of us who make up Germantown United Methodist Church, are asked to consider increasing our pledge, our financial commitment by 15% or as much as we can. Why the increase? The increase will, first, provide our continuing needs. The extra 15% will address:

• replacement of worn out major equipment such as HVAC, church vans, parking lot re-pavement, and more

• meeting our UMC related ministries from Memphis to around the world through our Apportionments for missions, ministries and administration

• retirement of our East campus debt

$3,800,000 is our goal. What happens if we don’t reach that goal? We will have to reduce some dreams. Perhaps we will defer maintenance for another time. Perhaps we will defer 100% payment of our fair share of mission and ministry and administration of the United Methodist Church for another time. Perhaps we will keep our debt for another time. Or, it may be that we will see that it is “For such a Time as This” that God brought us to this place, this church, this colony of heaven on earth, Germantown United Methodist Church.



Do you know that some adults need a whooping cough immunization? Do you know what medical tests are recommended and the frequency of those tests as you age? Do you know what a Columbarium is or that we have one here at GUMC? For answers to these questions and more, please come to an educational event in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall, October 23 at 9:40 a.m. There are new guidelines for adult immunizations and medical tests and the frequency of need as we age. The event is open to all Sunday School classes and the church at large to acquaint you with the most current information. For more information, please contact Beverly Rhoads at 758-6513 or at brhoads@germantownumc.org.

PRAY FOR FRIENDSHIP Friends are a gift from God. Friendship provides a trusting bond. Friends help us navigate the ups and downs of life. Friendship improves happiness. Give thanks for your friends and the many rewards these valued relationships bring to us on a consistent basis. Say a prayer to help protect an existing friendship. Pray for a close connection that is broken to be restored. Ask God to continue to bless your friends.

“Love each other like the members of your family. Be the best at showing honor to each other.� Romans 12:10 (Common English Bible) Marsha Strickland, Prayer and Spiritual Formation Ministry Team


GUMC Life Evangelism Just recently at my United Methodist Women’s Circle meeting, I heard a most moving testimonial about one woman’s failure to evangelize. The story was from our Bible study 12 Women of the Bible, the session, Mary of Bethany: Putting Our Faith Into Action (Mark 14:1-9), the presenter, Elisa Morgan. Morgan told about having new neighbors move in next door to her. She tells us that right from the beginning she judged her new neighbors. She judged their yard, how their children were allowed to run around with fudgesicle faces, etc. Finally one day, the families met. The new neighbors apologized to Morgan and her husband for not introducing themselves sooner. They told them their family had been faced with a family crisis during the move so they had to search for a church immediately. Morgan was stunned and so ashamed that she had not gone over earlier, and introduced herself. She could have invited the family to church, been praying for and with them. She was a Christian after all. How many times do we fail to extend God’s hand of fellowship and love to our neighbors? We can’t go back, but we can learn and change just like the author. God doesn’t expect perfection, just effort. To God be the glory! Yolanda Toney, Chair of the Evangelism Committee

SOLOS for Single Women SOLOS has planned a fun evening on Monday, October 17 at 5:30 p.m. in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. Please come and bring a favorite dish for the potluck dinner and enjoy a presentation on flower arranging. Barbara Pendergrast will be the speaker. For more information, contact Kay Lindamood at 754-6033.




Germantown United Methodist Preschool Germantown United Methodist Preschool GUMP Happenings GUMP continues to be off to wonderful start, and has had many exciting things happen this past month! Our Marvelous Monkeys and Buzz’s Bears class had a wonderful time at their “getting to know you” family picnic at C.O. Franklin Park! Our Freddie’s Friends class headed to Germantown High School to hear the marching band and learn about instruments! Brightsong, Inc. conducted Speech and Language Screenings for our 3’s, 4’s and 5’s! MATRIX Rehab offered Physical Therapy Screenings to all of GUMP’s friends! Shannon Lenoir Portraits came to take individual photos of all our friends to capture those moments in time. Such precious, and silly, portraits were made! AND, specialty classes began— music with Ms. Karen, GYM with Ms. Anne Elizabeth, and Chapel with Ms. Lisa (GUMC’s Children’s Ministry Director). If you would like to come visit, please stop by anytime and see all that’s going on at GUMP!

For more information, visit www.mygump.org. 11


Kudos to Seekers Sunday School Class! Elementary Expedition is the Children’s Ministry version of “youth group” which meets on Wednesday evenings. We begin our evening together by eating, sharing a time of fellowship (and simplifying the evening for families of young children). Our dinner is followed by an evening of worship and small groups. In late summer, Children’s Ministry sent out a request to the congregation for help serving dinner to our children on Wednesday nights. The Seekers Sunday School Class responded in an overwhelming way; they agreed to provide the entire semester of meals! Each small group in their class is covering one week, with one small group covering two weeks. This is an excellent example of many hands making light work. Thank you, Seekers, for your enthusiastic support for this ministry! We have been incredibly blessed by your service!


Children Germantown United Methodist Preschool

Third Grade Bibles It has been an exciting month for our third graders! We presented 28 children with their Bibles on Sunday, September 25. This presentation came on the heels of a Friday night retreat where third graders played games and learned songs to help them understand their Bibles. These children are also participating in a semester-long course on Wednesday nights where they are learning to use the tools in their Bible. It is our prayer that these young disciples will fill their hearts and minds with the all the treasures of their very own Bibles.

Third Graders That Received Bibles: Elizabeth Adams

Drew Davis

Mary May Luton

Hannah Frances Athow

Hugh Ronald Elrod II

Lila Sparks McClain

Ella Eve Beaver

John David Fontana

Layla Grace Nagem

Sophie Boyatt

Louis Winston Frankel

Mary Ellis Sayle

Isabella Brown

Katherine Louise Gunnell

Riley Kate Stooksbury

Robert Hudson Burns

Austin William Harris

Jack Turek

Avery Grace Casteel

Dawson Michael Hopping

Avery Elizabeth Umsted

Caroline Blair Cochran

Martha Kate Jessop

Dallas Eric Patrick Younger

Mary Clark Consolo

Kyle David Jolly

Michael Davis Younker

Ethan McNiel Crews

Isabella Maria Langridge


Older Adult Ministry Don’t Forget the October Brown Bag Lunch Program! Scott Sanders, Chief Inspector, Tactical Operations Division, U.S. Marshals Office, will invite us to “Meet Your U.S. Marshal.” This presentation will be Friday, October 7, 2016, in the Fellowship Hall. The program starts at 11 a.m. with lunch at noon. Bring your own sack lunch; the church will supply the beverages. Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, for more information. No reservations are needed. There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking.

Jimmy Ogle Will Talk about Midtown at November Brown Bag Lunch! There are five neighborhoods that make up Midtown: Overton Square, Broad Avenue, Crosstown, Cooper Young, and Overton Park. It has survived ups and downs through the years and now is experiencing yet another revival. Jimmy Ogle, Shelby County Historian, is going to lead us on Midtown’s journey from 1895 to the present in all of the 5 neighborhoods and show us why Midtown is Memphis at the November Brown Bag Lunch Series, an adventure in learning sponsored by the Older Adult Council.

WHERE: Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall

TOPIC: “Midtown is Memphis”

There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking.

SPEAKER: Jimmy Ogle, Community Engagement Manager, Riverfront Development Corporation, and Shelby County Historian

WHEN: November 4. Program starts at 11 a.m.; lunch is at noon. COST: FREE—the church will supply beverages. RESERVATIONS: No reservations are needed. Just bring your sack lunch and enjoy the program and the fellowship. QUESTIONS? Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, or Beverly Rhoads, 754-7216, ext. 107.

XYZs Celebrate Christmas at the Peabody! Come with us for a Memphis tradition—Christmas at the Peabody. We will see this grand hotel decorated for Christmas, listen to a presentation by the Duck Master, watch the ducks march, and listen to live Christmas music in the lobby. After the duck march, we will be given our own private history tour of the hotel and then enjoy lunch at the Capriccio Grill Restaurant. There will even be some time left for a little Christmas shopping in the shops in the hotel. You are bound to be in a holiday mood after this trip.

WHERE: Peabody Hotel and Capriccio Grill Restaurant

Waiting list availability only.



WHEN: Thursday, December 8, 2016 COST: $25 per person cost includes tour and lunch DEPARTURE: 9:15 a.m. from OLEC parking lot. (Be there by 9 a.m.) RESERVATIONS: Call Nancy Arnold, 754-6326, Gretchen Blair, 755-0797, or Luci Cromer, 755-0803. You must make your reservation before paying.

Older Adult Ministry

AARP Smart Driver™ Course Germantown United Methodist Church and AARP will present the “AARP Smart Driver™ Course”, the nation’s largest driving refresher course. This 8-hour course is scheduled for October 13 and 14 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Successful completion entitles participants to a discount on their auto insurance premiums for three years. There is no driving test or written exam. Register early because the class will be closed at 28 participants. The results of taking these classes have been proven—class participants have few accidents and tickets.

XYZs See Pam Tillis in November!

DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS: Reservations will be taken until class is full.

The daughter of Music City royalty, Pam Tillis has made her way in the music business to become a CMA Vocalist of the Year, GRAMMY winner, and a member of The Grand Ole Opry. She is a singersongwriter, with her music spanning country, jazz, rock, and contemporary country. Even though she grew up in Nashville, she has written songs for some of the top singers in and beyond Nashville and performed on Broadway. Whether it’s on the elaborate stages of the Grand Ole Opry or in the intimate setting of Nashville’s Bluebird Cafe, you will experience that feeling of delight that comes from Pam Tillis singing exactly what she is meant to sing at that moment. Join us for a memorable evening at the new Halloran Centre downtown.

The objectives of the course are to help you:

WHERE: Halloran Centre

• Be independent, safe, and confident while on the road

WHEN: Thursday, November 10, 2016

WHERE: Room 339 (Fellowship Forum classroom) in the Ministry Center WHEN: Thursday and Friday, October 13 and 14, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. COST: $15 fee for AARP members ($20 for nonmembers) payable to AARP RESERVATIONS: Call Jan Cameron at 366-2772.

• Keep up with changes so you don’t put yourself and others at risk • Learn state-specific information throughout the course • Focus on areas such as roundabouts, pavement markings, stop-sign compliance, red-light running, and safety issues such as speeding and seatbelt and turn-signal use.

COST: $30 per person includes transportation and reserved seat. DEPARTURE: 6:15 p.m. from OLEC parking lot. (Be there by 6 p.m.) RESERVATIONS: Call Nancy Arnold, 754-6326, Gretchen Blair, 755-0797, or Luci Cromer, 7550803. You must make your reservation before paying. DEADLINE FOR MONEY and RESERVATIONS: Friday, October 7


Adult Education Invitation: An Overnight Getaway! Occasion: Women’s Retreat Theme: The Fruit of the Spirit Where: As far from city lights as possible When: February 3 and 4, 2017 It is with great pleasure that we invite you to join us for our Women’s Retreat at Pinecrest Conference and Retreat Center! Step out of your routine and take time for yourself. Let go of your to-do list. Relinquish your roles from work and home. Embrace nature’s beauty. Be part of a loving vibrant community of women. Be nourished by delicious, home-cooked meals. Connect with God through inspired talks by Dr. Pokey Stanford, a United Methodist minister’s wife, mother of three daughters, and Professor of Education. This retreat will be an opportunity to strengthen your faith, renew yourself spiritually, and build and grow friendships with some great women!

There are two attendance options: Overnight: • Check in between 3-6 p.m. on Friday, February 3. • $75 – includes three meals and snacks Saturday Only: • Check in by 8:15 a.m. on Saturday, February 4. • $40 – includes 2 meals and a mid-morning snack Check out by 5 p.m. on Saturday Don’t miss this opportunity for an uplifting and fulfilling experience! This could be the best gift you give yourself! Registration opens October 1! We are limited to 80 participants. Pick up a brochure at our kiosk or register online at germantownumc. org. Questions? Email Mary Groh at mgroh@ germantownumc.org.

Attention Sunday School Presidents and Program Chairs There will be in In-Service Training on Monday, October 3, from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall for all Sunday School Presidents and Program Chairs. If you can’t to attend, please send a representative. It’s important to have at least one representative from each class at this meeting. Additionally, it would be an asset to your class if two or three people could attend! Items to be discussed include: Sunday School officers and their duties; the purposes of Sunday School, and the various ways those purposes can be (and are) accomplished by different classes; curriculum resources; and a teacher/speaker list for class bookings. For additional information please contact Mary Groh at mgroh@germantownumc.org or 754-5093.


Adult Education

Bible Studies Starting in October Our ministers will be leading small group studies starting in October. Complete information is available online at germantownumc.org and in our Adult Studies Brochure available at the Welcome Center kiosks. Free childcare is available (with reservation) for all studies. Living a Prayerful Life Tuesdays, Oct. 11–Nov. 15, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Clothed With Power Oct. 12 – Nov. 16, 9:45-11:45 AM, Room 339

While many understand prayer as a beautiful gift that links us closer to God, others see prayer as mysterious and perhaps even intimidating. Using Henri Nouwen’s prayer journal, The Only Necessary Thing, Rev. Erin Beasley will examine the concept of prayer to help you nurture a deeper understanding and develop an unbreakable confidence in your prayers.

When it comes to clothing ourselves with the Spirit, one size does not fit all! Exploring how the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives, best-selling author, Jennifer Kennedy Dean’s 6-week interactive study uses the symbolism of the Old Testament priests’ garments to show how the Spirit’s customized indwelling enhances our best features and diminishes our weaknesses. Dean helps you explore how the Holy Spirit is at work in every area of your life and is making you fit for heaven’s work here on earth. Free childcare available by reservation. Cost of the study is $20.00

Journey with Jesus Thursdays, Oct. 13–Dec. 8, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Join Rev. Richard Smith for an intentional walk with the person, Jesus of Nazareth, from his birth through his developing years and into his preaching, teaching, and healing ministry. In particular, the study will seek to find the proper biblical and theological balance between Jesus the man and Jesus the Son of God. The intent of this study is for participants to be more aware of, and come closer to, this Jesus, that he might truly be our Lord and Master.

. . . . . and continuing in October is Prayers Found in the Bible on Wednesday evenings, 6:30-7:30 in Room 339. Join Rev. Brad Gabriel as he looks at some incredible, interesting, powerful prayers in the Bible and some very remarkable people who prayed them. No need to register for this class, just bring your Bible and your friends!


United Methodist Women Cinnamon Roll Bake Sale October 25 - 27 - We Bake, You Take! Fresh Cinnamon Rolls! Delicious cinnamon rolls are coming soon! Don’t miss your chance to enjoy our sweet and gooey, cinnamon-filled bites of bliss before it’s too late! We will be taking PRE-ORDERS ONLY due to the limited number of rolls we will be baking. Pre-orders with payment will be taken in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays, October 16 and 23 following each service. ($8/dozen- check or cash only). Proceeds will benefit the many missions of Germantown United Methodist Women. Our annual GUMW Cinnamon Roll Bake will be on Tuesday, October 25 through Thursday, October 27. This is a wonderful time of fellowship and fun as we prepare the rolls for baking. Anyone is welcome to help! No task is too difficult! We start early each morning with the making of the dough, then set it aside to rise. When it has risen, each pan of rolls is divided into 12 sections that are dipped in warm butter and dredged in cinnamon. Then they are knotted into the delicious rolls and baked. Yummy!! Pick-up for freshly baked rolls will be in the OLEC gym according to your scheduled pick up time and date between 12 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., October 25, 26, 27. You will be notified by email or phone of the specific date and time to pick up your order. The rolls can be frozen then reheated for a wonderful treat! Here is a quote from Wilma Ridner, the “Grand Dame” of Cinnamon Rolls: “As most everyone knows we have been baking the Methodist cinnamon rolls for 42 years. At first we had 6 able women hand mixing the dough. Now the commercial electric mixer does it. The original recipe comes from Kings Daughters Home in Midland, Michigan. One batch made 20 dozen and we usually did 6 batches. One


year we made 830 dozen in a 6-day period and froze them so we could roll them at the UMW Bazaar. If you would like to be a part of the fun and sample a fresh out-of-the-oven hot cinnamon roll, sign up!” (Now we make around 100 orders a day; that’s why we have to limit the number we can sell.) Thank you again for your support! The proceeds from your purchases of our Cinnamon Rolls will help the many missions our GUMW serve. If you would like to volunteer to work a shift during our baking days, October 25,26, or 27, please contact Stephanie Adams at 488-4748 or monacodog@aol.com. Questions about ordering, please contact Nancy Cofield at 233-8223 or cofieldm@bellsouth.com.

United Methodist Women November Luncheon November 8 | 11:30 a.m. | Owings Life Enrichment Center (OLEC) All women are invited to attend. Bring a friend! Cost is $10.00. The deadline to register is November 3 at 1:00 p.m. There are no refunds. *T o pay by credit card: go to www.germantownumc.org *T o pay by check: make check out to GUMW, write GUMW Nov. luncheon in memo line, place in drop box in the Welcome Center *F or luncheon information: email Yolanda Toney, ytoney@germantownumc.org Childcare is available at no cost and will be located in the OLEC nursery. * I ndicate if you need childcare when registering online or by writing “Need Childcare” on your check.

We welcome Debbie Alexander, our speaker for the November Germantown United Methodist Women’s Luncheon, on Tuesday, November 8th at 11:30 a.m. in the Owings Life Enrichment Center (OLEC). Come and hear Debbie Alexander’s powerful witness and story of how she and husband David answered God’s call to give six children a home. Their story is amazing and clearly reveals the presence of God’s hand in our lives. Their story has been featured in the national news – even on Oprah! (http://www.oprah. com/relationships/North-Carolina-Families-AdoptLiberian -Orphans) Debbie has been leading, teaching and discipling other women for nearly two decades. She is the mother of eight children, the youngest of whom lost both parents in Liberia’s civil war. Debbie and her husband David, the CEO of TruGreen, recently celebrated their fortieth anniversary.

*E mail names and ages of children to Yolanda Toney. You will receive an email confirming your request. ytoney@germantownumc.org All women are welcome to attend Germantown United Methodist Women events. If you are looking for the camaraderie of Christian women, fellowship while serving others in need, and the opportunity to make lifelong friends, consider joining one of GUMW’s many Circles (small groups). For information, contact GUMW President

The Celebration Circle will be preparing the lunch, so you are in for a treat, as their creations rival any gourmet restaurant! You won’t want to miss it!


United Methodist Women Thank You GUMW wishes to thank everyone who helped support our August Fall Children’s Consignment Sale. For each item sold at our sale, 30% goes towards our UMW missions. We had a fantastic sale! We sold 7016 items and we raised a record amount for missions—over $9,400! We also donated to several missions the left over items which are designated by the consignor to be donated if they do not sell. The amount of these donatable items was well over $8,000! Many worthwhile organizations were able to collect all sorts of needed items for their ministry: hundreds of children’s clothes, books, toys, baby furniture, and so much more.


The GUMW Children’s Consignment Sale has benefited our community since 1989 by offering the opportunity for families to buy and sell gently worn children’s items while at the same time, helping the larger community through a generous donation that we can then make to GUMW missions. Our sale, however, would not be possible without the help of our many volunteers! Thank you to all who worked a shift (or two or three)! Thank you also for those who made or purchased food for our committee, consigned items, or shopped the sale.

United Methodist Women

All of you made our sale possible and allowed us to make a donation to each of the following missions and ministries: Alturas Caldwell Guthrie Church Women United Dress for Success Forest Spence Fund Golden Cross GUMC Hamilton Nursery GUMC OLEC Nursery Reelfoot Rural Ministries Room in the Inn One by One Ministry Methodist Healthcare Auxiliary Miriam Day Care @ United Methodist Neighborhood Center Memphis Business Academy Starfish Ministry & Weekend Food Program United Methodist Neighborhood Center 21

Youth Germantown United Methodist Youth Ministry GUMCYOUTHMIN GUMCYOUTHMIN

THANK YOU!! Germantown Festival Fundraising Update Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support during the Germantown Festival. Over the weekend we sold lots and lots of parking spots and raised $2,874.10. A very special thanks to the United Methodist Men’s Breakfast; they donated over $100 to youth missions! We are so thankful for the support of our church family, youth families, and youth. Check out our table in the Fellowship Hall each week in October to see how you can continue support our Youth Ministry and Youth Missions.

Confirmation “Team Building” Retreat We had a great time as a confirmation class on our first retreat together! On Saturday, September 24th we gathered at the church and headed out for a day full of activities. We started the day with Gibson’s Donuts. After filling are tanks with tons of sugar we headed straight to the Memphis Zoo where we split into teams for a scavenger hunt. Each group was led by and adult and two older youth. We explored the new Zambezi Hippo Camp as well as the African Veldt. The girls loved the zoo but after a picnic lunch at Shelby Farms we knew we had to do something the boys would enjoy too. We headed to Battlefront Laser tag following our picnic for some outdoor laser tag. They boys loved it, and most of the girls did too! Overall our day was fun, exciting, and very hot! A big thank you goes out to Tina Pound for chaperoning as well as Sally, Scott, Fall, Kyle, Bradley, and Elizabeth for helping lead our teams. The goal of this retreat was for the confirmation class to bond together as a team and to get to know some older youth who would be helping to shape them through their confirmation year. We know that on Saturday we achieved just that!



CRAVE 2016: November 4-6, Victory Ranch, Bolivar, TN Join us November 4-6 for the BEST retreat we have in the FALL. Each year, we head to Victory Ranch in Bolivar, TN for worship, small groups, games, high ropes, rock walls, and so much more. This year, Dwight Johnson aka Bo Bo, will return for his second year as our speaker. BoBo is passionate, caring, and one of the most gifted speakers that we know. This years theme is “Set Apart”. We’ll be digging into scripture and searching for what it truly means to live a “Set Apart” life. Have questions? Email Sue or Brian. Register online beginning October 7!


YOUTH K-12 | COST: $120


Practice details and registration:




United Methodist Men “And it shall come to pass…your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions.” Joel 2:28 United Methodist Men have traditionally been men of vision and purpose. Join us and help UMM develop methods to accomplish our goals and make our dreams become reality!

United Methodist Men October Breakfast The Reverend Mark Matheny, Director of United Methodist Neighborhood Ministry, will be our guest speaker for our October Breakfast on Saturday, October 8 at 8 a.m. in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. The cost of the breakfast is $5 (payable at the door). For reservations, call the church office at 7547216 by Wednesday, October 5. Annual members need only call in regrets.



Room In The Inn: Ministry to the Homeless Room In The Inn (RITI) is a local mission GUMC partners with to provide homeless individuals safe, warm overnight shelter and a meal during the cold winter months, November through March. The Cottage will be the site for RITI every Wednesday through Saturday night. Each night, 14 homeless guests are picked up from a designated location downtown. We serve and share a hot meal with them. After dinner, we offer our guests a shower and there is time for more fellowship. Guests receive a breakfast before they are driven back downtown in the morning. This year, GUMC members have committed to staff this mission every Friday and every fourth Thursday. You can help fulfill our mission by

volunteering and/or donating supplies to RITI. Each night, volunteers are needed to prepare and serve dinner and take away breakfasts and fill various roles, such as spending the night in the Cottage. Other volunteers are needed to wash linens or stock the Cottage with supplies. Individuals or groups who want to help in this mission are encouraged to contact Alise Davis at 496-6402 or alisedavis4@gmail.com. Monetary donations can be given to GUMC with Room in the Inn on the memo line of your check. For a list of needed supplies, follow this link to the RITI Wish list:www.germantownumc.org/ riti-wishlist. Find more information about RITI Memphis at roomintheinn-memphis.org.


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