November 2016
Table of Contents 4-6 GUMC Life 7
Older Adults
Adult Education
Health & Recreation
Ministry Contacts Children’s Ministry Lisa Pierce - Director of Children’s Ministry 758-6512 • Kristin Dickerson - Associate Director 754-7216 • Callie Beaver - Associate Director 758-6525 • Older Adults Beverly Rhoads - Elder Care Health Ministry Coordinator 758-6513 • Luci Cromer • 755-0803 •
Adult Education Mary Groh - Director of Adult Education and Membership 754-5093 • Youth Ministry Sue Hyland - Youth & Confirmation Director 758-6516 • Brian Richards - Associate Youth Director 758-6515 • Health and Recreation Tiffany Griffin - Director of Health & Recreation 753-3100 • See full staff listing at
Stewardship Message
November Sermons
- By Conrad Schanson Growing up in a family who regularly attended church, I was introduced to “giving” at a very early age. My Sunday School offering envelope contained 10 cents for my church and 2 cents for mission work. Although this was many years back, I did wonder how 2 cents would make a difference in the world. Fast forward to the present and the realization that my family’s giving alone is not going to correct or solve all the world’s needs. However, when combined with the giving of many others, the impact can and will be significant. GUMC recently announced that we will experience a change in senior pastoral leadership while also advising the congregation of the need to repair and/or replace vital components of our church campus. Rev. Gabriel’s article in the August Tidings explained the importance of the GUMC campus in our growth and development as followers of Christ. Although announcements such as this could very well disrupt congregational giving, it may also be that God is presenting to us an opportunity that requires our full attention. As recorded in Esther 4:14 “for such a time as this” . . . perhaps God is letting us know that now is the perfect time for each and all to make the financial commitment to fund the building of God’s kingdom through GUMC. We as United Methodists give because God gave first to us, His son Jesus Christ. We give because we love God and, together, we can do what no one individual or congregation can do separately. Many, many individuals giving “2 cents” can make mission and ministry happen!
November 6 Communion “The Church We Want To Be” Matthew 16:13-19 November 13 “Living Joyfully” Psalm 100 November 20 Rev. Brad Gabriel “Christ is King” Luke 1:68-79 November 27 Advent I “Why Jesus? Because He Fulfills God’s Promise” Isaiah 35:1-7
!! SPECIAL NOTE !! The wooden floor in the Owings Life Enrichment Center was damaged in recent rains. The damage caused to the floor is a potential safety hazard for recreational and church events. The floor will be undergoing repairs in the coming weeks. Please understand that events held in the OLEC will need to be moved or canceled to accommodate the repairs. We are sorry for the inconvenience this causes our members.
Stewardship 2016 This year’s Stewardship theme is “For Such a Time as This.” God has brought you into the outpost of God’s kingdom called Germantown United Methodist Church. “For such a time as this,” we commit to live the Gospel, to love the world with Holy action, to see that God’s purposes are resourced with our prayers and deeds, and with our money as well.
Visit the pledge page online to: Make your pledge for 2017 Read about the church finances
Explore different ways to give Learn more about this year’s theme Download the theme song music
November 6 & 13
Welcome New Members!
Jennifer and Preston Thompson, October 2
Joyce and Bill Miles, October 16
Leland and Joseph Fox, October 2
Amanda and John Sullivan, September 1
Paula and Bill Bucy, October 2
GUMC Life A Conversation on Race and Racial Tensions Tuesday, November 1, 6:30–8 p.m. New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church 7786 Poplar Pike, Germantown, Tennessee Sponsored by New Bethel Missionary Baptist and Germantown United Methodist Led by Dr. Andre Johnson, University of Memphis and Memphis Theological Seminary (pictured). Dr. Johnson is Assistant Professor of Communications Studies at the University of Memphis and Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Religion and African American Studies at Memphis Theological Seminary. He won in 2013 the Outstanding Book Award from the National Communication Association for his work, “The Forgotten Prophet: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the African-American Prophetic Tradition.” In this session, Dr. Johnson will speak about the reality of racism and the racial divide in our culture and society. We are all aware of current racial tensions, of police and African-American shootings. We need to have more open and honest conversations about what is going on in our country, the different feelings and perspectives persons have, and discern what we as people of religious faith and commitment can do to make a constructive and positive difference for justice, reconciliation, and healing. Following Dr. Johnson’s presentation, there will be a time for questions and open discussion. The evening will conclude with a time of prayer and commitment, led by Dr. Donald Ester, Pastor of New Bethel, and Rev. Richard Smith, Pastor of Germantown Methodist. This important conversation is open to the community!
SOLOs LADIES! SOLOS invites you to bring your favorite dish and enjoy a delicious potluck dinner in Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall on Monday, November 21 at 5:30 p.m. Our speaker will be Betty Duke who will talk about Stephen Ministry, a one-to-one lay caring ministry. SOLOS is a fellowship group for ladies 55+. For more information contact Kay Lindamood at 754-6033.
The Arcade at St. George’s Episcopal Church | Antiques, Home & Garden Show November 4-6 | Friday 10 am – 6:00 pm Saturday 10 am - 5 pm | Sunday 12 - 4 pm 3 day ticket to the show and sale - $10. Benefiting MIFA, Church Health Center, and Emmanuel Center The Arcade at St. George’s is “Celebrating Vintage” for it’s 45th year. Come see the wares of our outstanding dealers from the Midwest and Southeast, and lunch with friends at our renowned Arcade Cafe. Preview Party: Join us for our Preview Party from 6:00 - 10:00 pm on Thursday, November 3. Tickets $60, good for all 3 days For a more relaxed atmosphere and a chance to talk to the dealers, enjoy food truck fare and a taste of local craft beer come to our new event, Trucks and Treasures, 5:30 – 7:30 pm on Friday, November 4 (tickets $15). Saturday from 1-3 pm, Greg Campbell, owner and creative director of Garden District will be demonstrating table design using dealer’s wares and floral arrangements. Sunday admission FREE with a Church Bulletin, come for lunch and stay and shop. For more information, visit
Finding Time to Pray Christians all know that we need to make time or find time to pray to our Lord and Savior. We realize that it enriches our lives, giving us strength, assurance, direction and meaning. Sometimes our prayers, seemingly go unanswered, but God has His own, and best plan for us. We are well aware that the power of prayer is magnificently beyond comprehension. God has promised to bless us with this power, by filling us with His Holy Spirit. Therefore, shouldn’t we be in a perpetual prayer spirit, not just when we take time to pray, but all day long. A spirit that demonstrates by our actions, Jesus and God’s love, in all that we think, do and say. A prayer spirit that shows empathy, care and concern for others. If we choose, each of us can live a prayer-filled life every day. Bless others and God will bless us. God has promised daily abundant life on earth to those who are filled with His Holy Spirit. God Bless all of you. Dr. D.L. (Bud) Mormon, Seekers Class, GUMC
Advent Advent and Christmas 2016 Events, Music and Worship Schedule Advent Sermon Series – Why Jesus? Advent begins on Sunday, November 27, and moves through December 23 toward Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. In this series we will be probing the reasons Jesus is God’s answer to the dilemmas, needs, and yearnings of humanity for all time. We people of the Christian faith move through this most holy season ever mindful that Jesus really is the reason for the season. Please note that on Christmas Day itself we will have only one worship service, at 10:30 a.m. November 27 – Because He Fulfills God’s Promise December 4 – Because He Reveals God’s Affirmation of Humanity December 11 – Because He Brings Light Into the Darkness December 18 – Because He Embodies the Power of Love December 24 – Because God Wants a Redeemed World December 24 – Because There is a Witness for the Future December 4 | Children’s Alternative Christmas | 9:40 and 11 a.m. | Children’s Wing Children will learn the value of free trade and then have the opportunity to shop a free-trade market for special gifts. Complete details can be found in the Children's Ministry section of the Tidings. December 4 | Plum Pudding Festival | 5 p.m. The children’s choirs combine to present a concert of Christmas carols followed by the parade of the “choir dads” with the flaming plum puddings. We follow the plum puddings to the Fellowship Hall to enjoy refreshments. December 6 | Blue Christmas | 6:30 p.m. | Chapel On this night, we remember those for whom the holidays are not joyful; who are lonely, or in mourning, feeling alienated and cast apart from family celebrations. They are experiencing sadness and yet are often compelled to deny their true feelings, especially during the holidays. December 10 | Milk and Muffins | 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. | Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall Milk and Muffins is a longstanding Advent tradition at GUMC. Families create memories while enjoying breakfast treats, making crafts, hearing the Christmas story, and visiting with the Jolly Guy himself! Bring your camera to capture the joy (or screams) as your child shares his/her wish list with Santa. December 10 | Christmas Cookie Shoppe | 9 a.m. - Noon | Nursery/Preschool Area It is a great opportunity for church members and friends to buy festive and beautiful homemade cookies and candies to enjoy or give as gifts during the Christmas holidays. The funds raised will be given to the missions supported by the United Methodist Women of our church. December 11 | Lessons and Carols | 5 p.m. The Chancel Choir, Matins Bell Choir and GUMC Brass Ensemble present a festival of Lessons and Carols. Join us for the singing of the traditional carols, listening to special presentations by the choirs and the scripture lessons from Old and New Testaments reminding us that “Emmanuel” God With Us. December 24 | Christmas Eve Services • 3 and 4 p.m. – Services for Families with Young Children • 6 p.m. – Service of Holy Communion with music led by our Ancient-Modern Praise Team • 7:30 p.m. – Service of Holy Communion with music led by the Chancel Choir. • 10:30 p.m. – Music for the Holy Night: an extended prelude of Christmas music; Jim Thrash, organ • 11 p.m. – Service of Holy Communion – “From Darkness to Light” The final service for the day will take place in candlelight. As the service proceeds from darkness to light, worshipers will have an opportunity to take the light with them as Christmas day begins and we return home. Christmas Day | Service of Worship | 10:30 a.m. New Year’s Day | Services | 9:40 and 11 a.m.
Children’s Alternative Christmas: Sunday, December 4, in the Market Room (rm. 260) of the children’s wing during the 9:40 and 11:00 Kids Quest hours. Children will learn the value of free trade and then have the opportunity to shop a free-trade market for special gifts. Each gift is $5. Your child may purchase up to four gifts – bring a list of names and $5 for each gift. The gifts are pre-wrapped and will be tagged for your child before leaving. This event is a gift of love from the missions committee to our children and is a treasured tradition for our young ones. To allow for Christmas morning surprises, parents are not permitted in the shopping area. If you have a preschool child who would like to shop, we will have adult “shopping guides” available to assist. Preschoolers are invited to shop between worship hours, either before the 9:40 hour or before the 11:00 hour. Elementary children will shop during their Sunday school hour. If there are extra gifts to be purchased, we will have these available on Sunday, December 11 in the children’s wing hallway.
Begin the Advent season with your family by creating a new Advent wreath or refurbishing an old one. This cherished GUMC event is a wonderful way to jump start this season of preparation. Children and parents will have a chance to make wreaths, Christmas decorations, hear the Christmas story, and nibble on cookies and punch. All are welcome to attend this event. There is no fee and no registration is necessary.
Kids Quest Holiday Schedule We will not be having Kids Quest on Sunday, December 25 or Sunday, January 1. We will be having childcare for preschoolaged children. We encourage families to take this time to worship together. We will resume Kids Quest on Sunday, January 8.
Germantown United Methodist Preschool Germantown United Methodist Preschool GUMP Happenings Fall is in the air at GUMP! As our friends have learned about the wonders of fall–cool breeze, leaves falling, pumpkins, and taste of delicious apples—we have relished in the beauty of God’s design with the vibrant colors and the cool weather He brings this time of year! Our friends have enjoyed exploring the science around them, using their imaginations as they dressed for fall harvest parties, raked leaves on our playground, played games with friends, heard special stories of the season, and shared special snacks with one another. GUMP is grateful for this time of year, especially as we prepare to be with family and friends; celebrating traditions and counting our blessings. God is so good. GUMP would also like to express our thankfulness for each individual who has contributed to our weekday preschool by sending in items from the “All for One” board. Each purchase, big or small, helps GUMP serve our little friends and their families, as well as support our teachers and staff. We are grateful each time you think of us!
For more information, visit 9
Older Adult Ministry Don’t Forget the November Brown Bag Lunch Program! Jimmy Ogle, Shelby County historian, will tell us why “Midtown is Memphis.” This presentation will be Friday, November 4, in the Fellowship Hall. The program starts at 11 a.m. with lunch at noon. Bring your own sack lunch; the church will supply the beverages. Call Luci Cromer, 7550803, for more information. No reservations are needed. There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking.
The Nativity Lady Will Display Nativities from Around the World at December Brown Bag Lunch! Cornelia Swain, with a collection of over 1,670 sets, has one of the largest collections of Nativities in the country. It covers walls, tables, the top of her grand piano, and shelves on walls and in bookcases and curio cabinets in her East Memphis home. They are made of a variety of materials and come from 110 countries. She is going to bring sets from some of those countries and tell us about them at the December Brown Bag Lunch Series, an adventure in learning sponsored by the Older Adult Council. Topic: “Nativity Sets Around the World” Speaker: Cornelia Swain, The Nativity Lady Where: Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall When: December 2. Program starts at 11 a.m.; lunch is at noon. Cost: FREE—the church will supply beverages. Reservations: No reservations are needed. Just bring your sack lunch and enjoy the program and the fellowship. Questions: Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, or Beverly Rhoads, 754-7216, ext. 107. There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking.
Older Adult Ministry XYZs See National Parks Adventure in January! Our 400+ National Parks belong to no one and belong to us all, and they have for over 100 years. This film, narrated by Robert Redford, offers not only a sweeping overview of the national parks’ history but is equal parts adventure-pumping odyssey and soulful reflection of what the wilderness means to us all. We will follow a team of modern-day explorers on the ultimate off-trail adventure into America’s great outdoors to see awe-inspiring, heart-stopping, jaw-dropping places that fill you with a reverence for what nature can do. After the movie, we will have lunch at Patrick’s restaurant on Park Avenue. Where: CTI Giant 3D Theater and Patrick’s Restaurant When: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Cost: $7 per person plus lunch on your own Departure: 9:45 a.m. from OLEC parking lot. (Be there by 9:30 a.m.) Reservations: Call Nancy Arnold, 754-6326, Gretchen Blair, 7550797, or Luci Cromer, 755-0803. You must make your reservation before paying. Deadline for Money and Reservations: Wednesday, December 14
It’s Fall - Our Handy Helpers are Waiting for Your Call The Handy Helpers Ministry Team, sponsored by the Older Adult Council, lends a “helping hand” to older adults in our church who need assistance with small repair and maintenance jobs around the house. WHAT TYPE OF JOBS DO HANDY HELPERS DO? • Light maintenance and repairs including small carpentry jobs such as malfunctioning doors, locks or windows. • Minor electrical work such as replacing light switches and light bulbs. • Replacing smoke alarm batteries. • Minor plumbing work such as working on “running” toilets or leaky faucets. • Other miscellaneous jobs are considered on an individual basis. Handy Helpers do not work on large or small appliances, roofs, home decorating, or on jobs requiring tall ladders. WHAT DOES THIS SERVICE COST? The Handy Helpers service charges only for parts and materials used in the repair. There is NO charge for labor. TO QUALIFY FOR THE HANDY HELPERS SERVICE: You must be a member of Germantown United Methodist Church, have homeowner’s liability insurance, and be over 60 years of age. To request assistance, please contact Charles Waters, 286-4823.
Adult Education 2017 Women’s Retreat Theme
The Fruit of the Spirit February 3-4 at Pinecrest Conference & Retreat Center - Refresh and recharge in the perfect setting - Create new friendships and strengthen existing relationships - Hear and discuss a message created just for you! Join us for an overnight retreat with keynote speaker, Dr. Pokey Stanford, a Methodist minister’s wife, mother of three daughters, community activist and an Associate Professor of Education. With delicious, home-cooked meals, cozy fireplaces, rocking chairs, and comfortable accommodations, this retreat is the perfect setting for a time of fellowship, worship, learning, and is a respite from the events of everyday life. Leave the chores and demands of home behind and focus on self-reflection and open your ears to hear God’s message to you. The Women’s Retreat provides an experience that allows women to slow down and savor time with God and each other. It feels like a cozy day at your favorite coffee shop—where women can find rest, laugh, share stories, and grow closer to each other and God. For more information visit or pick up a brochure in the church kiosks. Register soon. We are limited to 80 participants!
United Methodist Women Annual Christmas Cookie Shoppe
Saturday, December 10 | 9 a.m. - Noon | Nursery/Preschool Area Plans have been set for the annual Christmas Cookie Shoppe! It is a great opportunity for church members and friends to buy festive and beautiful homemade cookies and candies to enjoy or give as gifts during the Christmas holidays. The funds raised will be given to the missions supported by the United Methodist Women of our church. Those attending the Cookie Shoppe will receive a bakery box and will be able to choose from over 100 different cookies and candies. The boxes will be weighed and sold for $8.00 per pound. Credit Cards will be accepted this year. Pre-orders of boxed cookies can be made; a form will be provided with payment required at the time of order. We need your help to raise significant funds for so many worthy causes! Last year’s Christmas Cookie Shoppe was a big hit. This year we know that with more participation we can make it even more wonderful! Let’s start baking! You do not have to be active in a UMW Circle—all GUMC women are members of the United Methodist Women! Get creative! We want cookies that are made from scratch and out of the ordinary so that we can offer our family and friends very special holiday treats. (PLEASE, NO CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES! ) Is fudge your specialty? Please make some fudge!
Guidelines for Cookie Bakers: • Bake 12 dozen of ONE KIND of cookie (may be frozen if wrapped properly). • Cookies must be delivered to the church on Friday, December 9 before 3 p.m. • Please deliver to the Nursery area, yellow room to the left. Please label them for Cookie Shoppe. • Include a 3x5 card with your name and type of cookie • Bring your cookies in DISPOSABLE containers. We will be placing them in decorated trays. It would be very helpful if you plan on baking cookies let us know by using our sign-up genius found at For more information contact chairpersons: Ronnie Pruitt at, or Barbara Schanson at
United Methodist Women GUMW Christmas Brunch Tuesday, December 13, 10:30 a.m. Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall Come and enjoy! Take time from all the hustle and bustle and refocus on the reason for the season. Enjoy a delicious brunch and the fellowship of women at Germantown United Methodist Church. Entertainment will be provided that will lift your spirits with the sounds of the season. We will also be awarding our annual Recognition Pins and installing our new 2017 officers. Free childcare is available. Reserve your spot by registering online or by check. Checks should be made to GUMW and “Dec Brunch” should be written on the memo line. Checks may be placed in the silver box outside the Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions, contact Yolanda Toney at or Anna Graunke at
November Luncheon November 8, 11:30 a.m. Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall You don’t want to miss hearing Debbie Alexander’s powerful witness and also enjoy a fabulous lunch. Debbie’s amazing story has been featured in the national news and on Oprah. Don’t delay. You must pay in advance to attend. All women are invited to attend. Bring a friend! Cost is $10. The deadline to register is November 3 at 1 p.m. There are no refunds and seating will be limited to 125 people. • To pay by credit card: go to • To pay by check: Make check out to GUMW, write GUMW Nov. luncheon in memo line, place in drop box in the Welcome Center • For luncheon information email Yolanda Toney at
Childcare is available at no cost and will be located in the main campus nursery. • Indicate if you need childcare when registering online or by writing “Need Childcare” on your check. • Email names and ages of children to Yolanda Toney. You will receive an email confirming your request. All women are welcome to attend Germantown United Methodist Women events. If you are looking for the camaraderie of Christian women, fellowship while serving others in need, and the opportunity to make lifelong friends, consider joining one of GUMW’s many Circles (small groups). For information, contact GUMW President Anna Graunke at or Yolanda Toney at
Dr. Scott Morris, CEO and founder of the Church Health Center, Speaking Nov 20 Dr. Scott Morris, CEO and founder of the Church Health Center, will be speaking in the Fellowship Hall at GUMC on Sunday November 20, during the 9:40 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday School hours. Dr. Morris, a family practice physician and ordained Methodist minister, founded the Church Health Center in 1987 to provide quality, affordable healthcare for working, uninsured people and their families. Thanks to a broad base of financial support from the faith community and the volunteer help of doctors, nurses, dentists, and others, Church Health has grown to become the largest faith-based healthcare organization of its type in the country. Church Health has grown to handle more than 44,000 patient visits at its clinic each year without relying on government funding. Dr. Morris’ presentation is titled “The Church Health Center―Transition and Progress.” In 2017, Church Health Center is relocating into the new Crosstown Concourse and changing its name to “Church Health.” The move will allow Church Health to consolidate from 14 buildings where services are now provided into one 150,000 square-foot space. GUMC and its Missions Committee have been long-time supporters of Church Health, as have many of our individual members.
Dr. Morris has an undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia, a Master of Divinity degree from Yale University, and M.D. from Emory University. He is a board-certified family practice physician and an ordained Methodist minister. He has written a book God Health & Happiness and numerous articles.
United Methodist Men “And it shall come to pass…your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions.” Joel 2:28 United Methodist Men have traditionally been men of vision and purpose. Join us and help UMM develop methods to accomplish our goals and make our dreams become reality!
United Methodist Men November Breakfast Our November Breakfast on Saturday, November 12 at 8 a.m. in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall will be a farewell tribute to Rev. Richard Smith. You will want to be present to express your appreciation to Richard for his devoted ministry among us. He will share his thoughts about his ministry here and in the future. The cost of the breakfast is $5 (payable at the door). For reservations, call 754-7216 by Wednesday, November 9. See you on November 12.