July Tidings

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July 2017

A Message from Tim We celebrate with Erin Beasley, who was ordained an Elder at the Mississippi Annual Conference in Jackson, MS on June 9. Elders are ordained to a ministry of Word, Sacrament, Order, and Service. This means Elders preach and teach the Word of God, provide pastoral care and counsel, administer the sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion, and order the life of the church for service in mission and ministry. The servant leadership of the elder takes place both in parish ministry as well as in extension ministries, like chaplaincy. Elders also itinerate, which means they serve in ministry settings (appointments) where the bishop assigns them. This ordination signifies the culmination of years of education and training, and marks the beginning of a new chapter in Erin's ministry for many years to come.

Erin (1st row, third from left) with other ordinands

Blessings, Tim

Connected Action Being United Methodist means being connected. The United Methodist Church is a worldwide church, and each UMC congregation is connected in ministry, resources, and spirit in the overall mission to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ. Each year, an Annual Conference meets in which the churches of a Conference gather to celebrate its ministries, take care of business matters, and take time for fellowship and worship. On June 4-6, the Memphis Annual Conference met at Collierville UMC. We had fourteen delegates from our church who were a part of the Conference. Many of our delegates met following the conference and discussed action points that we might place before our church in response to the spirit which was present at Conference. The Delegates concluded with five action points that it recommends for Germantown UMC to adapt: 1. Community Presence of Blessing Our delegates suggest that we look at ways to be a presence of blessing to community events such as the Charity Horseshow, FedEx St. Jude Golf Tournament, the Germantown Festival, etc.) 2. Conversation/Bible study on Dealing with Disagreement How can we learn as a church and a culture to deal with disagreement with Prayer and Patience, not anger and fear? 3. Youth to Conference Bishop McAlilly issued a challenge for the congregants to send 250 youth to Annual Conference next year. The delegation wishes to fully support that effort as much as possible. 4. Assisting a Sister UMC Congregation Funding the Conference budget will be by congregational tithing and no longer by apportionments. This means a decrease for most congregations, but an increase in some. The Conference adapted wording that asked congregations who benefited from the change to voluntarily help a congregation who are adversely affected by the new method. Our delegation asks our congregation to be a leader in this effort. 5. Conference Committees The delegates wish for our congregation to work towards placing members of Germantown UMC on conference committees in order to support and guide our connection. These action points were presented to and adapted by the Pastor’s Council, and will now be taken to the next Church Board meeting. Please be in prayer for the ministries of the UMC, the Memphis Annual Conference, and Germantown UMC. Remember our mission statement: “We are a faith community committed to loving God and loving others; Serving 1 Christ and sharing Him; transforming lives and making disciples.�

July Communion Offering


Our July communion offering will go to our apportionment support for Historic Black Colleges and Universities supported by the United Methodist Church. Our outstanding balance on the missional apportionment is $3,888.86. The Black College Fund benefits the 11 Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the southern United States. These schools make values-centered learning a priority and work toward building up leaders and nurturing spiritual growth. Our gifts help to fortify the foundation of these institutions by contributing to operating costs and renovations and supporting faculty and staff, which includes keeping the student-to-faculty ratio low. When we give to the Black College Fund through our apportionments, we support opportunities for students to attend college who might not have been able to otherwise.


Mary Groh mgroh@germantownumc.org 901-754-5093

Margaret Coblentz and daughter, Maggie, were welcomed into membership with Germantown Unitied Methodist Church on Sunday, May 21st at the 9:40 worship service. They joined by Profession of Faith.

Rev. Erin Beasley ebeasley@germantownumc.org 901-754-7216

Weekend Food Program The Weekend Food Program at Memphis Scholars/Caldwell Guthrie has just completed its fourth year of providing childfriendly, nutritious food to children at the school who are termed “food-insecure”. Children who are food-insecure are children who cannot be sure that there will be food available to them at their home on the weekend. At school, they are provided with breakfast and lunch each day, but the weekend can be a stressful break for them in terms of hunger. It has been proven that the hungry child, especially on Monday mornings, cannot focus and can often have trouble concentrating and behaving. While coaching with our reading program, Team Read, the Lord put it on my heart that these children were at risk in many ways. They live in the neighborhoods around the school, and they are hungry! They do not live on the other side of the world but approximately, one half hour from our beautiful church and community!! I needed to do something! The Lord supplied my need and surrounded me with great persons who have helped me get the program off the ground. These folks dedicated themselves to faithfully drive every other week to the Mid-South Food Bank to pack the food; and they, along with church members and friends sponsored one or more children at a cost of $300 each year! One of the persons that has helped me from the beginning, Jane Kirchoff, told me, “Working with the Weekend Food Program has been one of the joys in my life after retirement. I get to pack boxes of food for children in need. My hands put the items in the boxes and a while later in another location, a child’s hands take these items out of that box. We are connected through this process! One small act on my part sends the love of God in a tangible way from this child of God to another child of God. I am so thankful for this opportunity!” Thanks to the generosity of so many who are committed to eradicating childhood hunger, the program finished this past year feeding 250 children each week. The goal, of course, is to add to that number in the next school year. We need more sponsors to do this work. Please consider sponsoring a child-be part of the solution! Come help us pack the boxes! We have fun too!!! Checks can be put in the offering plate, made to GUMC with the memo line: Weekend Food Program. Questions: Barbara Schanson or barcons@comcast.net. 2

Adult Education Mary Groh mgroh@germantownumc.org 901-754-5093 DISCIPLE Fast Track So you’ve heard about DISCIPLE Bible Study for years but have never had the time to participate or you took DISCIPLE years ago and want a refresher – you’re in luck!! Starting September 10th we will be offering DISCIPLE Fast Track on Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings. DISCIPLE Bible Study provides participants with a working knowledge of the Bible in a small group that becomes an experience in Christian community. The discussion format creates an opportunity for people from varied perspective to wrestle with their questions and to share the way the Bible speaks to them. DISCIPLE Fast Track is a 24-week overview of the Bible, beginning with Genesis and ending with Revelation, emphasizes the wholeness of the Bible as the revelation of God. Fast Track maintains the integrity and principles of the DISCIPLE program, but class time and homework have been adjusted for busy lifestyles. This fall we will be offering two sections of DISCIPLE Fast Track on Sundays to choose from: 9:30-10:45 am, September 10 – April 15, 2018 (breaks to be determined by the class) Facilitators: Mary Groh and the Asbury Sunday School Class; or 5:00-6:30 pm, September 10 – March 25, 2018 (breaks to be determined by the class) Facilitators: Yolanda and Gerald Toney. For more than 25 years, DISCIPLE Bible Study has been the #1 choice for some of the most vibrant congregations in the world – including ours – transforming the lives of more than two million participants worldwide! DISCIPLE Fast Track is a very special journey for Bible students on all levels. Cost for the study is $40. Childcare is available by reservation. Registration will open on August 1st. For more information contact Mary Groh at mgroh@germantownumc.org. We welcome you to experience the life-changing impact of DISCIPLE Bible Study!

Weekday Preschool Anne Elizabeth Hattier aehattier@germantownumc.org 901-753-3109 Are you thinking about the upcoming school year? Here at G.U.M.P., we are! G.U.M.P. (a weekday preschool program at GUMC) is now enrolling for the 2017-2018 school year beginning in August. GUMP’s core school day is from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. HOWEVER, we have great additional options for the upcoming school year, including optional Before and After Care for working families, plus a classroom for children with special needs (“G.R.A.C.E.”). Each weekday our preschool provides a loving, nurturing, and developmentally appropriate learning environment for children (ages 9 months to 5 years) to grow to their fullest potential emotionally, socially, spiritually, physically, and cognitively. For more information, visit www.mygump.org. To schedule a visit, email preschool@germantownumc.org, or call 753.3109. 3

Older Adults Luci Cromer luci2@comcast.net 901-755-0803 Older Adult Programming to Resume in September Don’t forget—the next Brown Bag Lunch program will be September 1. XYZ programming will start in September, also. Your August Tidings will have information about these kick-off events. In the meantime, have a wonderful summer break.

Summer is Upon Us – Our Handy Helpers are Waiting for your Call... The Handy Helpers Ministry Team, sponsored by the Older Adult Council, lends a “helping hand” to older adults in our church who need assistance with small repair and maintenance jobs around the house.

What Type of Jobs Do Handy Helpers Do? •

Light maintenance and repairs including small carpentry jobs such as malfunctioning doors, locks or windows.

Minor electrical work such as replacing light switches and light bulbs.

Replacing smoke alarm batteries.

Minor plumbing work such as working on "running" toilets or leaky faucets.

Other miscellaneous jobs are considered on an individual basis.

Handy Helpers do not work on large or small appliances, roofs, home decorating, or on jobs requiring tall ladders.

What Does the Service Cost? The Handy Helpers service charges only for parts and materials used in the repair. There is NO charge for labor.

To Qualify for the Handy Helpers Service: You must be a member of Germantown United Methodist Church, have homeowner's liability insurance, and be over 60 years of age. To request assistance, please contact Charles Waters, 286-4823

Handy Helpers 4

Older Adults Luci Cromer luci2@comcast.net 901-755-0803 AARP Smart DriverTM Course Germantown United Methodist Church and AARP will present the “AARP Smart Driver™ Course”, the nation’s largest driving refresher course. This 8-hour course is scheduled for July 13 and 14, from 9 a.m.1 p.m. Successful completion entitles participants to a discount on their auto insurance premiums for three years. There is no driving test or written exam. Register early because the class will be closed at 28 participants. The results of taking these classes have been proven—class participants have few accidents and tickets. WHERE: Room 339 (Fellowship Forum classroom) in the Ministry Center. WHEN: Thursday and Friday, July 13 & 14, 2017, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. COST: $15 fee for AARP members ($20 for non-members) payable to AARP RESERVATIONS: Call Jan Cameron at 366-2772 DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS: Reservations will be taken until class is full. The objectives of the course are to help you: • Be independent, safe, and confident while on the road • Keep up with changes so you don’t put yourself and others at risk • Learn state-specific information throughout the course • Focus on areas such as roundabouts, pavement markings, stop-sign compliance, red-light running, and safety issues such as speeding and seatbelt and turn-signal use Check your calendar and register now. Your check is your ticket to this class.

Columbarium Management of the McVay Gardens Columbarium is now done by a re-formed committee chaired by David Jackson and coordinated by Don Rhoads. This is to assure the completion of the first of four eventual quadrants and provide expanded capacity and financial stability into the future. The immediate goal is to increase enrollments in order to add the final niche bank to the existing quadrant. The (1-2 person) Niche Enrollment Fee has not increased since September, 2013 and an increase is needed. To encourage enrollments now, the committee will enroll the next 20 enrollees at the current fee of $2,200.00. Thereafter, a significant fee increase will occur. The fee includes 1 niche (1-2 persons), 1-2 engraved urns, double engraving for the granite plate, lifetime maintenance, 24/7 accessibility, a buy-back option and an interment service(s) officiated by and/or overseen by our pastoral staff. For members who have planned to enroll and for those who need to plan for themselves or loved ones …now is a good time to take advantage of current pricing and help achieve needed goals. The McVay Gardens Columbarium offers a wonderful way to extend a personal church relationship into perpetuity. To enroll or obtain information, email, text or call Don Rhoads for an appointment. Don’s contact information is (h) 901-755-4376, © 901-210-6099, donald.rhoads1@att.net. You may also contact David Jackson, Beverly Rhoads or any member of the Columbarium Committee. Members are: David, Don, John Pearson, Janie Jackson, Mike Hopper, Bettye Speake, Lyle Muller, Bob Stoudt, Jim and Jan Corkern, Beth Blodgett and Nancy Cofield.


United Methodist Women Anna Graunke women@germantownumc.org Germantown United Methodist Women (GUMW) is the women’s group at Germantown United Methodist Church. We are women of all ages: women who work, stay-at-home moms, empty nesters, and women who are retired and starting a new season of life. We encourage one another to grow spiritually, to engage in service, to develop our gifts and talents, and to use them for the support of others in need. We also enjoy an incredible community of fellowship. GUMW offers numerous activities throughout the year that all women are invited to participate in. We host: • The annual Lent by Candlelight event which prepares us for the season of Lent • 5 speaker events each year where we enjoy a delicious meal and uplifting and encouraging speakers • 4 major fundraisers each year to raise money for local missions • The Spring Bridge and Games Benefit • The Children’s Consignment Sales (Spring and Fall) • The Cinnamon Roll Bake • The Christmas Cookie Shoppe While GUMW allows us to network and fellowship with our entire community of women, we also offer smaller groups called circles where women can engage in more relationally impactful groups. GUMW offers nine circles ranging anywhere from twelve to forty members. Circle members enjoy camaraderie and mutual support through sharing in devotions and programs, service projects, and fellowship. Each circle also adopts a variety of mission projects to support throughout the year. All women of the church are encouraged to join a circle, especially if you have not yet found that small circle of friends that can be so important in your Christian walk. If you are interested in joining a circle or learning more about Germantown United Methodist Women, please contact Membership Chair Yolanda Toney: ytoney@ germantownumc.org or 754-7216 or President Anna Graunke: women@germantownumc.org. Name of Circle

Mission Focus Circle Chair


Church Women United and Golden Cross

Nancy Wood

Eliora Dress for Success Katie McNeal Faith Campus Ministries Lauren Boswell Friends Alturas Ministry Jan Davis Grace Room in the Inn Memphis Christina Tempel Hope

United Methodist Neighborhood Center (UMNC)

Stephanie Adams

Joy Memphis Business Academy Tammye Christian More Friends

Miriam Day Care @ UMNC

Kate Blanton


Urban Ministry Initiative and Weekend Food Program

Brenda Anderson

All women are welcome to attend Germantown United Methodist Women events. If you are looking for the camaraderie of Christian women, fellowship while serving others, and the opportunity to make lifelong friends, consider joining one of GUMW's many Circles (small groups). For information, contact GUMW Membership Chair Yolanda Toney at ytoney@ germantownumc.org. 6

United Methodist Women Anna Graunke women@germantownumc.org Fall/Winter GUMW Children's Consignment Sale Shop Friday and Saturday, August 25th and 26th It's that time of year again! Clean out the closets, rummage through the attic, and sort through the garage for clothing, furniture, toys, baby equipment, and more. GUMW Children's Consignment Sale preparation is underway! Visit gumwclothingsale.com to review guidelines and details about consigning. Consignors receive 70% of the sales price, and GUMW receives 30% which they donate to GUMW supported missions. We also need volunteer help and have many shifts available! Our consignment sale serves as a wonderful outreach to the community, attracting people from all over the Mid-South and bringing them into our church as consignors, shoppers, and volunteers. Please note that volunteers who work at least four hours can shop early at the Thursday pre-sale event. Join us and help make a difference. Please email info@gumwclothingsale.com to sign up to serve. Thank you for your support! Important Dates Consignor registration deadline/inventory entry is Tuesday, August 22, at midnight. Refer to the website for complete information about accepted merchandise and consignment instructions. Drop off: Wednesday, Aug. 23, 5-8 p.m. and Thursday, Aug. 24, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Pre-sale: Thursday, Aug. 24, 5:30-8 p.m. Volunteers who work 8 or more hours may shop at 5:30 p.m. Those who volunteer 4 or more hours may shop at 6 p.m. Consignors may shop at 6:30 p.m. Public Sale: Friday, Aug. 25, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Public Half-price Sale: Friday, Aug. 25, 5-7 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 26, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Pick-up: Sunday, Aug. 27, 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.

GUMW September Luncheon All women are invited to attend our GUMW Luncheon, September 12 at 11:30 am in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. Please come enjoy fabulous food and fellowship, as well as a message from our speaker, Rev. Trina Morrison, Executive Director of Hannah's Hope. We will be collecting baby wipes and diapers for Hannah's Hope at the luncheon. In addition, our annual Blessing of the Babies will take place at this luncheon where babies born since last September will be blessed by Rev. Erin Beasley. If you wish to have your baby, grandbaby or greatgrandbaby blessed, please be sure and contact Chesley Porteous at chesleyporteous@gmail.com. Cost for this delicious catered luncheon is $10. Childcare is free; please indicate need for childcare and names and ages of children when registering. Please make reservations at germantownumc.org by noon on Sept. 7. Luncheon and Blessing of the Babies info: Email chesleyporteous@gmail.com. 7

Children's Ministry Lisa Pierce lpierce@germantownumc.org 901-758-6512 VBS: Maker Fun Factory - Recap We are praising God for another incredible vacation Bible school! Often, we are asked how many children we had present. Simply put, we had over 300 children attend our evening VBS and our four daytime VBSs. We had youth and adult volunteers covering this campus like ants on a hill. The better question, though, is WHO was present? Whom did we meet? Whom did we serve during this event? That answer is much, much more interesting! We had about 30% of our children come from outside our congregation. Included in this are our friends from St. Matthews UMC who joined us for the entire week. These children came from the Orange Mound area every day bringing smiles, joy, and an incredible presence. Another 9-year-old visited us having never stepped inside a church before in her life. These children, while receiving ministry, were deliverers of it even more. The children of our congregation made new friends and heard of different life experiences. Our visiting friends were a blessing, especially during a week where we focused on being uniquely made for an incredible purpose. Our children heard the Bible story each day and followed that with music, science, crafts, games, and daily life application video that applied to the daily lesson. We wiggled and giggled, prayed and praised, and learned a lot about how we are each created in God’s image. As with all ministry, there are layers to VBS. While it may appear that the event is to minister to children, the hidden ministry is to the youth. VBS offers an opportunity for our incredible youth to practice evangelism and leadership with our younger kids. Let it be known‌our youth showed up! They were energetic, fun, engaging, and demonstrated Christ-like love with ease. Our kids just love our youth; what great role models they have! Our adult station leaders and crew leaders were phenomenal this year as well! They took ownership of their stations and children and just poured their hearts out. It was a pure joy share this experience with you! Another layer we added this year was outreach by the Middle. At both our evening VBS and our daytime VBS, they offered an opportunity to meet and greet the parents of our participants. Many showed, and the Middle had a moment to show off and let others know their mission. We had two big pleas in prepping for VBS. First, we needed junk! We received many delightful phone calls from older men wondering if we really DID want their junk. It was great to have their involvement. Take a peek at the pictures to see the beautiful selfportraits we made with a bunch of junk! Secondly, we needed to cut out about 400 teddy bears from fabric. 8

Children's Ministry Lisa Pierce lpierce@germantownumc.org 901-758-6512 Many ladies helped in this incredible endeavor, and we thank you. Our children used these to create unique and wonderfully imperfect bears. It was a great lesson! To those who helped decorate, who made papers chains galore, painted frame-worthy paintings, we thank you! Please continue praying for our children and youth as they move into this summertime. Pray that they will ponder our lessons from this past week, and that they may realize how uniquely and wonderfully made they each are. Pray they will discover ways to use their talents to serve God and that they will continue growing into true disciples.


Children's Ministry Lisa Pierce lpierce@germantownumc.org 901-758-6512 Volunteers With school beginning in just a few short weeks, summer will quickly come to an end. We are planning our programming for children this upcoming school year and want you to consider how you can work with us to create a vibrant ministry. There are a number of volunteer opportunities. Please read through these and find a place you feel your talents can best be used. We would love to see all families represented in our ministry. Just like most ministry, you will find you get much more back than you could ever give. Please prayerfully consider your role. Sunday Morning Kids Quest Mentor: This crucial role is on the front lines of ministry with children. These individuals come each Sunday, building relationship with the children and sharing the Good News. Mentors use lessons to follow up the main lesson taught in large group. All lessons and materials are provided; you only need to bring a servant’s heart and love for God and children. Men, we need YOU to lead our boy groups. Time requirement includes 1 hour 15 minutes on Sunday morning and about 15 minutes of prep each week. We understand work and travel and will have substitutes for these occasions. Please contact Lisa Pierce if you are interested in this role. Sunday Morning Kids Quest Host: These individuals assist mentors with lessons and kid control each week. This is a month-long commitment and is incredibly important to the success of each lesson. Please register online using Signupgenius. (Consider signing up for more than one month.) Sunday Morning Stepping Stones Teachers: These individuals present the weekly small-group lesson in the preschool classes. After large group time, each group will return to their classroom for the small group lesson. All lessons and materials are provided. The length of commitment is one month. Please contact Kristin Dickerson to volunteer for this ministry. Grace Class Leader: Grace is our class designed for elementary-aged children with special needs. We need teachers for this class as well as shadows to go with children if they chose to enter the KidsQuest program. Volunteers can either serve for one month or once a month for the school year; commitment is about one hour 15 minutes each week. All materials and training are provided. Elementary Expedition Small Group Leader: These individuals will join us on Wednesday nights for dinner, worship, and small group. We will begin at 5:30 with dinner in the Huddle, move to the chapel for worship, and then break into small groups and games. We will end at 7:15. All lessons and materials are provided. This is a semester commitment running for 10 weeks (excluding fall break and ending at Thanksgiving for the semester). We will resume in January and run up to spring break. Please contact Lisa Pierce if you are interested in helping with this ministry. (If you are not able to make it in time for the dinner, you are welcome to join us at 6:00 for the rest of the evening.) Elementary Expedition Food Prep: These individuals purchase and prepare the meal for Elementary Expedition (Wednesday night) each week. The meals are very “kid-friendly� including favorites such as chicken nuggets, pizza, hot dogs, etc. No big-time cooking is necessary, just heating and serving. Time commitment each week is approximately one hour for purchase of food and two hours for preparing/serving/cleaning up. This job could be divided if multiple people work together. This is also a wonderful way for a Sunday school class to serve. Please contact Lisa Pierce if you are interested in serving in this ministry area. 10

Children's Ministry Lisa Pierce lpierce@germantownumc.org 901-758-6512 Kids Quest Band Leader: This person needs to be willing to organize and rehearse with a group of youth each week (scheduled at your convenience). The band will present two songs each week and will include a guitar, drums, and vocalist (minimally). This person does not need to serve on Sunday mornings. Please contact Lisa Pierce if you are interested in working in this ministry area. Kids Quest Environment Prep Team: Our curriculum has monthly themes which require environment changes and props. This team will develop the environment each month for our theme as well as assemble props for the weekly stories. This will require about five hours a month and is not a Sunday morning commitment. Please contact Lisa Pierce or Callie Beaver if you are interested in helping in this ministry area. Kids Quest Lesson Prep Team: This group will gather once a month to prepare the lesson materials for the next month. Time commitment will be approximately two hours a month, depending on the size of the team. Please contact Callie Beaver if you are interested in this ministry area. Special Events Team: This team works seasonally for special events such as Fall Festival, Advent Workshop, Milk and Muffins, etc. Please contact Callie Beaver if you are interested in this ministry area. 1 Corinthians 10:31 “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Please prayerfully consider where you can serve in our children’s ministry, doing it all for the glory of God.

Stewardship: A Biblical Look As your Stewardship Committee begins preparing for the annual stewardship campaign, we want to revisit the meaning of the word stewardship. Though budgets and capital assets funding are important, we also want to consider the meaning of biblical stewardship. Bill Peel of The High Calling explores the tenets of biblical stewardship in his article entitled Leadership Is Stewardship, and Hugh Whelchel of the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics expounds upon these in his e-book, Monday Morning Success: How Biblical Stewardship Transforms Your Work. We will highlight each of the four tenets in this and following issues of The Tidings leading up to our Commitment Sundays in November. The first tenet is ownership. Psalms 24:1 NIV tells us, “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;” Peel reminds us that God gives us the ability to produce wealth (Deut. 8:18) and that we are not our own, but bought at a price and are to honor God with our bodies (1Cor. 6:19-20). No matter how we define ourselves, we are His. How great is that! Next month, we will highlight the second tenet of biblical stewardship: responsibility.

Highlighting Prayer "The most precious moments of our morning worship are the moments we spend with the Risen Lord. We cannot see His form, but we can feel His presence. He knows all about you-your hidden perplexity, your secret shame. He waits by appointment, anxious to speak to you reassuringly, comfortingly, forgivingly. You may tell Him your needs now in your own way." -Peter Marshall, 1902-1949, Minister, Chaplain of the United States Senate 11

Germantown United Methodist Church 2331 South Germantown Road Germantown, TN 38138 www.germantownumc.org 901-754-7216 Editor’s Note: The deadline for submitting articles for Tidings is the 10th of the month prior. Submissions received after this deadline are not guaranteed to run.

SAVE THE DATE! Join us on Wednesday, August 30, 5:30-6:30 PM in the OLEC gym to “Kick-Off” our fall programming! Plan to decorate your table with your favorite team colors. We’ll have hot dogs and hamburgers and we would like you to bring a tail-gate dish to share. Watch for more information later this summer! 12



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