GUMC September Tidings

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September 2017

A Message from Tim "Bring It" I once heard a story of a street artist who was drawing a landscape with pencils. A crowd had gathered to watch, and a child moved closer to see. The child was drinking a soda, and accidentally spilled a drop on the drawing, causing a stain. The people gasped, but the artist simply began to draw around the stain, and with her talent incorporated the stain into the picture as part of a waterfall. Matthew 14:13-21 tells of Jesus feeding the 5000. In the story, Jesus tells the disciples to feed the crowd, but the disciples announce they only have five loaves and two fish. In verse 18, Jesus says, "Bring them to me". He blessed the loaves and fishes, and the people were more than fed. It was not the only time Jesus said something like that. Once, a demon possessed man could not be healed by the disciples and Jesus said, "Bring him to me". The man was healed. Another time, children were kept from coming to Jesus and Jesus commanded for them to be brought to him. He blessed them. In the hands of Jesus, blessing occurs. Like the artist who takes the mistakes, the accidents, the "spills" and blends them into the beauty of the picture, so Jesus does with our lives. Whether a mistake, a failing, a sin in your life; or a concern for someone else, heed the call of Christ. "Bring it to me," he constantly told his disciples. When we take it to Christ, we will find blessing.

September Communion Offering Since 1968, the Ministerial Education Fund has helped thousands of men and women become pastoral leaders in The United Methodist Church. It is nurtured and funded by United Methodists to provide: •

Needed scholarships through annual conferences

Funding for the support of our fifteen United Methodist seminaries in the United States: (Boston University School of Theology, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Claremont School of Theology, Drew Theological School, Duke Divinity School, Gammon Theological Seminary, GarrettEvangelical Theological Seminary, Iliff School of Theology, Methodist Theological School in Ohio, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Saint Paul School of Theology, United Theological Seminary, Wesley Theological Seminary)

Programs that encourage men and women to respond to the call to ordained ministry

Continuing-education opportunities for pastors across the connection

Course-of-study education for local pastors

Through the Ministerial Education Fund, leaders in The United Methodist Church are being sent into the world to serve Jesus Christ and his church.

Evangelism Yolanda Toney - - 901-378-3412 September 17th Bring A Friend To Church Sunday! Our family visited a restaurant on a regular basis when we lived in another state. Matt soon became our favorite waiter. Within a short amount of time, Matt knew what we all wanted before we ordered, and he took the time to hear all the extras the kids wanted. He did everything with a big smile on his face. After we got to know Matt, we found out he was far away from home and had no family around. We invited Matt to church, and he came. Matt did not join our church, but I am certain, our small act of inviting him to church made a difference to him. How can I be sure? He told me so. As evangelists, our job is simply to invite. Everything else belongs with the Holy Spirit. According to Charles Arn a renowned researcher, the one specific reason visitors come to church is "the friendship factor". After interviewing more than 50,000 people the majority of them said, "I began attending because someone invited me." In an earlier study from The Inviting Church, the following factors were identified: • 2% Advertisement • 6% Pastoral invitation • 6% by organized evangelism campaign • 86% by friends or relatives

Who do you invite? This may require thinking out of the box. Here are some suggestions to get started. 1. Pray for potential guests 2. Pray for an opportunity to invite them to Church 3. Pray for the courage to invite them 4. Pray for the Holy Spirit to intercede so they will accept the invitation 5. Pray they will follow through and come 6. Pray that the church will welcome them 7. Pray that the message and worship will be awe-inspiring 8. Pray that they will hear the message and grow one step closer to God. Go ahead, get started…begin your list of persons you may invite. Try to invite at least one-person … one family. If you need help, please contact Pastor Erin or me, Yolanda Toney.

Are You Looking For Ways To Serve? There is always a need for people to visit our first time visitors on Monday evenings as well as Greeters for every hour of our Sunday service. If you are interested in Monday night visitations, contact Sue Myers; Greeting, contact Lee Harber. You may also email

Stewardship Tiffanie Fittes , Stewardship Chair - - 901-754-7216 In June we began looking at the tenets of biblical stewardship. We learned that ownership is the first tenet and were reminded that we are not our own, but God's, as is everything in the world. (Psalms 24:1) Continuing to use the works of Bill Peel and Hugh Whelchel to guide us, we see that responsibility is the second tenant of biblical stewardship. Timothy 6:17 tells us that God richly provides us with everything to enjoy. As His stewards, we have a responsibility to care for and manage God's assets. Like the servants in the Parable of the Talents, we are to invest and multiply that which belongs to God in order to further His purposes. "For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance." (Matthew 25:29 ESV) Tiffanie Fittes, Stewardship Chair 2

Pictorial Directory A new GUMC pictorial directory is in the works and you may schedule your appointment for a photography session now. There are two ways to schedule an appointment: 1. Go to our website:, click on this link and follow the prompts: 2. Beginning September 3rd, we will have tables set up outside the fellowship hall to assist you in scheduling an appointment. Photography Dates: October 22nd – October 26th November 1st – November 5th Times: Sunday: 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday: 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday: 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Record your place in history at GUMC! You will receive a complimentary 8 X 10, a pictorial directory and a mobile directory. Various coupons and discounts are available. Contact Garnet Brenneman at 901-754-3711 if you have any questions.

Membership Leanne Bailey joined GUMC on Sunday, July 30th by transfer of her membership from Huntingdon First UMC in Huntingdon, TN.

Alex Lammi joined GUMC on Sunday, August 13th at the 8:30 worship service by transfer of his membership from Fort Dix Protestant Chapel in Fort Dix, NJ.

Linda and Don McAnally joined GUMC on Sunday, August 20th at the 8:30 worship service by transfer of their membership from Smyrna First United Methodist Church, Smyrna, TN.

Anna and Ben Nicol joined GUMC on Sunday August 13th at the 8:30 worship service. Anna joined by transfer of her membership from a sister United Methodist Church in the Memphis area and Ben joined by Reaffirmation of Faith. 3

Adult Education Mary Groh - - 901-754-5093 Fall Bible Study Classes Starting in September The Adult Education Ministry is excited to announce our Fall course line-up! Below you will find a list of classes starting in September. A complete list of all Fall classes, descriptions, cost, and info is available online at and in our Adult Studies brochure available at the Welcome Center kiosks. Free childcare is available for all of our studies with reservation.

Christian Believer - Knowing God with Heart and Mind Sundays | Sept. 10 - May 6 | 5:30-7:30 p.m. Facilitated by Dr. John Adams | 756-9746 Christian Believer concentrates on the classical doctrines of the Christian faith (those that emerged in early Christianity as it struggled to understand its Scripture and its experience of Jesus) that have remained central to church teaching through the centuries. Participants will examine the writings of ancient and modern Christian commentators and view video presentations by leading Bible scholars, gaining a sense that Christians before us have wrestled with some of the same issues of belief Christians wrestle with today.

Lessons of the Promised Land Wednesdays | Sept.13 - Oct. 11 | 6:30-7:30 p.m. Rev. Tim Carpenter This five-session DVD Bible study explores how God guided his people to a specific place to impact the world both in ancient times and today. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals unique insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.

DISCIPLE Fast Track - Bible Study for Busy Lives Sundays | Sept. 10 - Mar. 25 | 9:30-10:45 a.m. Facilitated by Mary Groh and hosted by Asbury Sunday School Class or Sundays | September 10 - March 25 5:00-6:30 p.m. Facilitated by Yolanda and Gerald Toney Classes meet for a total of 24 sessions, studying the Old and New Testaments, beginning with Genesis and continuing through Revelation. The study emphasizes the wholeness of the Bible as the revelation of God. Through personal study and meeting together, you will deepen connections with fellow participants and grow in your relationship with God. 4

MOSES – In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet Tuesdays | Sept. 19 - Oct. 31 (skipping Oct. 10) 9:30-11:00 a.m. Facilitated by Mary Groh

In this DVD study we will join author Adam Hamilton as he travels from Egypt to Mt. Sinai, the Nile, the Red Sea, and the wilderness, exploring the sites of Moses' life and sharing historical information, archaeological data, and biblical text. We will examine the significant challenges facing Moses and how God shaped his character and life in powerful ways.

Vital Conversations on Racism and the U.S. Churches Tuesdays | Sept. 5 - Oct. 24 | 6:00-7:30 p.m. Facilitated by Rev. Erin Beasley | 754-7216 Join Rev. Beasley for an eight-session DVD study featuring pastors, theologians, activists, authors, and scholars who share their stories, insights, and expertise on issues related to faith, culture, and fighting oppression in the church and world today. Through this study, you are invited to engage in relevant and real conversations.

"The Story" Bible Study – Part 2 (of 3) Wednesdays | Sept. 6 - Oct. 11 | 6:30-7:30 p.m. (skipping Oct. 4 & 11) | 6:30-7:30 p.m. or Thursdays | Sept. 7-Nov. 9 (skipping Oct. 5 & 12) | 10:30-11:30 a.m. Rev. Brad Gabriel The Story is an innovative, video-based, small-group Bible study that presents Scripture as a continuous narrative in chronological order. Join Rev. Gabriel for this semester's study that will cover the prophets, the divided kingdom, exile in Babylon, the return home, and the rebuilding of the temple (922-397 B.C.).

Parenting "Generation Z": Navigating Parental Roles in the Age of Social Media/Internet Three-session workshop: Sept. 6, 10, 17 6:00-8:00 p.m. Britt Palmer, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor This workshop addresses the concerns that parents and caregivers have regarding social media, access to the internet, and time spent using electronics. We will explore real life issues such as the experience of a child getting her first smart phone, a teenager who spends hours playing video games, and what research says about the impact these activities have on brain development in young people.

Adult Education Mary Groh - - 901-754-5093 SAVE THE DATE!!

2018 Women’s Retreat One night – 24 hours – Just for women When: January 26-27 Where: St. Columba Conference Center ( Theme: Something Out Of Nothing Keynote Speaker: GUMC Member, Melissa Bosserman Cost: $100 for overnight (includes 3 meals and snacks), $40 for Saturday only (includes 2 meals and snacks) St. Columba is about 17 miles from GUMC. Dining room, meeting room, and bedrooms are all in one lodge. Bedrooms have either 2 or 3 twin beds in each and share a “jack & jill style” bathroom with another room. All bed linens, towels, and soap are provided – just bring your PJs, toiletries, and a change of clothes! Seems like a long time from now, but we wanted to get this on your calendar. The Women’s Retreat is a fun and relaxing 24 hours away with the purpose of connecting more intimately with God and each other. Registration opens October 1st.

Edwin's Way 5K Join us for the 8th Annual Edwin's Way 5K Sunday, October 1, 2017 | 3:00 p.m. Race participants will enjoy the shady & scenic path provided by the greenbelt, starting and ending in Nashoba Park adjacent to 8000 Wolf River Blvd., Germantown. This race will promote wellness in our faith community while honoring the memory of our friend, Edwin Smith. Funds raised will support Endowment Grants for requests which utilize the Trinity Centre at McVay Gardens. Pre-registration is $20. On-site registration is $25 and will begin at 2:00 p.m. No rain date. Register at:


United Methodist Women Anna Graunke - That's a wrap! A very heartfelt thank you to our hundreds of consignors, shoppers, volunteers who helped to make the fall/winter GUMW Children's Consignment Sale another success. Your prayers, support, and hard work are much appreciated and truly help make a difference to our community. Be sure to save the date for our Spring 2018 sale, which is set for March 23-24! Thank you again.

October is GUMW Cinnamon Roll Time! We Bake, You Take! Fresh Cinnamon Rolls! Three easy steps: First, you pre-order the rolls, then we bake the rolls, then you pick up the rolls... • PRE-ORDERS: Sundays, October 15 and 22 | Hallway outside Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. We will be taking PRE-ORDERS ONLY due to limited number of rolls that we will be baking (that means no walk-in purchases the days we are baking). Rolls are $10/dozen (check or cash only) due at time of pre-order. If you would like to purchase rolls and cannot make it on those Sundays, please contact Laurie Whitely at 378-2999 or • BAKING DAYS: October 24, 25, and 26 | Owings Life Enrichment Center Volunteers are needed to help prepare the rolls for baking! It is a wonderful time of fun and fellowship. If you want to be able to sample a fresh out-of-the-oven cinnamon roll, sign up to volunteer by contacting Stephanie Adams at 488-4748 or • ROLL PICK UP: designated when you pre-order | Owings Life Enrichment Center Rolls will be available for pick up in the OLEC gym according to your scheduled time and date: from 2:00 5:00 p.m., October 24, 25, or 26. You will be notified by email (or phone, if email is not an option) with the date and time to pick up your rolls. The Cinnamon Roll Bake is a loving ministry of Germantown United Methodist Women. The proceeds are given to the missions that GUMW supports. Each person who works the Roll Bake and who purchases rolls is serving as God's hands and feet through this service. Anyone is welcome to help! We love our volunteers and no task is too difficult. On baking days, we start early each morning and make the dough from scratch, then set it aside to rise. When it has risen, each pan of rolls is divided into 12 sections of dough that are then dipped in warm butter and dredged in cinnamon. They are then knotted and shaped into the delicious rolls and baked. The rolls can also be frozen then reheated for a wonderful treat! The proceeds from your purchase of our Cinnamon Rolls will benefit these GUMW missions: Church Women United

Dress for Success

Alturas Ministry

Room in the Inn Memphis

Golden Cross

Miriam Day Care at UMNC

Urban Ministry Initiative

Memphis Business Academy

Reelfoot Rural Ministries

Weekend Food Program

United Methodist Neighborhood Center

The women of GUMW thank you for your support! All women are welcome to attend Germantown United Methodist Women events. If you are looking for the camaraderie of Christian women, fellowship while serving others, and the opportunity to make lifelong friends, consider joining one of GUMW's many Circles (small groups). For information, contact GUMW Membership Chair Yolanda Toney at ytoney@ 6

United Methodist Women Anna Graunke - GUMW Meet and Greet | September 17, 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. | Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall You are invited to drop by and visit with us in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall on Sunday, Sept. 17, between 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Come enjoy some delicious treats and meet ladies from our Circles (small groups). You may ask questions about what we do or simply visit.

Germantown United Methodist Women is a unit of the national United Methodist Women organization in the United Methodist Church. We encourage one another to grow spiritually, to engage in service, to develop our gifts and talents, and to use them for the support of others in need. We also enjoy an incredible community of fellowship. Our Circles allow everyone to find a group where they can feel at home.

We host five luncheons each year. They give us an opportunity to hear local speakers who inform and inspire us while also allowing us the opportunity to share our faith community. We also host five major fundraisers: two Children’s Consignment Sales, the Cinnamon Roll Bake, the Christmas Cookie Shoppe, and the Bridge Benefit and Unique Boutique. We also sponsor the annual women’s event Lent by Candlelight and we do so much more.

“They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.” - Isaiah 61:3 NIV

GUMW September Luncheon

All women are invited to attend our GUMW Luncheon September 12 at 11:30 a.m. in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. Please come enjoy fabulous food and fellowship, as well as a message from our speaker, Rev. Trina Morrison, Executive Director of Hannah's Hope. We will be collecting baby wipes and diapers for Hannah's Hope at the luncheon. In addition, our annual Blessing of the Babies will take place at this luncheon where babies born since last September will be blessed by Rev. Erin Beasley. If you wish to have your baby, grandbaby or great grandbaby blessed, then be sure and contact Chesley Porteous at Cost for this delicious catered luncheon is $10. Childcare is free; please indicate need for childcare and names and ages of children when registering. Please make reservations at by noon on Sept. 7. Luncheon and Blessing of the Babies info: email 7

Children's Ministry Lisa Pierce - - 901-758-6512 KidMin Summer Children’s Ministry had an incredible summer! We started our summer with Vacation Bible School held in both the evening and the daytime. We relaxed together during movie Mondays and worked together during Mission Wednesdays. We learned how rewarding hard work is during Mission Camp and then the next week scooted off to Lakeshore where we played, made new friends, and took another step in our faith journey. We said farewell to our rising sixth graders at Poolpalooza as we bridged them to the youth program. We are excited to welcome our new kindergarteners and look forward to an exciting year where we learn how much God loves us and how we can serve Him by loving one another.

Elementary Expedition We are looking forward to beginning Elementary Expedition again on September 6th. This is our Wednesday night programming that is the equivalent of children’s youth group. We begin at 5:30 in the Huddle with a kid-friendly meal. Afterwards, we move to the chapel where we worship together with youth and any adults who would like to join us. This worship is designed to directly engage children – it is very relaxed with some alternative-type responses designed with children in mind. At about 6:30, we move to small groups in the children’s wing hallway where we dig a little deeper into the lesson, play a few games, and possibly complete a craft or two. We group by age; K-2nd graders and 4th–5th graders. Our third graders use this fall session in a class “Learning to Use My Bible” which corresponds with them receiving their Bibles in September. This fall, we will design our curriculum around the book If I Could Ask God Anything by Kathryn Slattery. It is a book about all those tricky questions that inquisitive children stay up at night wondering. This should be a fun and challenging curriculum for all! We meet on Wednesdays, September 6th – November 8th (excluding October 11th for fall break). Registration is only necessary for the meal (so we can prepare enough food). You may pay $3 at the door or online. Kids are welcome to skip the meal and join us in the chapel at 6:00 if that works better for your schedule.

Third Grade Bibles We have mailed information regarding third grade Bibles to all third graders we have registered in our program. If we have missed you or someone you know, it is only an accident. We would LOVE to present Bibles to any third grader who would like one. If you have not received this information, please contact Callie Beaver ( as soon as possible. We are having an onsite retreat Friday, September 15th and we will be presenting the Bibles during worship on Sunday, September 17th. We want to make sure all third graders are included!

New Staff Member The GUMC staff welcomed Natasha Simmons on board August 22. Natasha serves as Administrative Assistant to Lisa Pierce, Director of Children’s Ministry, and Sue Hyland, Director of Youth Ministry. She also serves as the Welcome Center Coordinator. Natasha and her husband, Jeremy, recently joined our GUMC Family in April 2017. Welcome Natasha! 8

Youth Ministry Sue Hyland - 901-758-6516 Youth Summer Missions—THANK YOU!!! We had another GREAT summer with our youth and youth families! This year we participated in 3 mission trips and partnered with 2 local mission opportunities during the week. Our first trip was to Big Stuf, our second Mountain T.O.P., and our last S.O.S. Each week was great and each week was a bit different. We had lots of youth and adults participate in trips with us and over 20 youth participate in local missions with us! We are so thankful for the work that God did this summer and are prayerful for the work that he continues to do in the communities that we served. Summer trips would not be possible without the help of willing adults. The adults listed below each attended a week long mission trip this summer. We are so thankful for their partnership with us and the way that they loved each of our students. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Mountain T.O.P.

Big Stuf


Steven Soloman Doug Lamb Melissa Smith Christian Lopes

Lisa Pierce Anne Bush Christian Lopes Kelsea Johns

Alise Davis Kirstin Ford Becca Keel Kyle Harlan

Germantown Festival Parking Youth Fundraiser September 9th & 10th Come on out and park with us for Germantown Festival! If you are attending the festival this year we would love for you to park at GUMC. Youth and youth families will be selling parking spots for $5 a space and you get a free bottle of water. All proceeds raised will go to fund Youth Missions for 2018 and Youth Ministry Events. Each student that works the fundraiser will receive a portion of the proceeds for their youth account. This means that it will help families pay for retreats, mission trips, and other special events. What to volunteer for Germantown Fest? Email Sue.

Congratulations to all of the 2017 College Scholarship Recipients!! This May three seniors were awarded three $500 scholarships for their upcoming Freshmen year. The recipients are listed below along with the scholarship that they received and the school they are attending. Please be in prayer for these seniors and all of our college students as they begin a new year and a new season! Kara Painter, University of Arkansas, The Jim Roberts Scholarship Parker Ford, University of Memphis, Youth Book Scholarship Sally Gairhan, University of Arkansas, The Mike Wilson Scholarship Thank you to all of the donors that make giving these scholarships a possibility. We are so grateful as a ministry and as a church. 9

Older Adults Luci Cromer - - 901-755-0803 AARP Smart DriverTM Course Germantown United Methodist Church and AARP will present the “AARP Smart Driver™ Course”, the nation’s largest driving refresher course. This 8-hour course is scheduled for October 12 & 13, from 9 a.m.1 p.m. Successful completion entitles participants to a discount on their auto insurance premiums for three years. There is no driving test or written exam. Register early because the class will be closed at 28 participants. The results of taking these classes have been proven—class participants have few accidents and tickets. WHERE: Room 339 (Fellowship Forum classroom) in the Ministry Center. WHEN: Thursday and Friday, October 12 & 13, 2017, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. COST: $15 fee for AARP members ($20 for nonmembers) payable to AARP RESERVATIONS: Call Jan Cameron at 366-2772 DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS: Reservations will be taken until class is full. The objectives of the course are to help you: • Be independent, safe, and confident while on

the road • Keep up with changes so you don’t put yourself

and others at risk • Learn state-specific information throughout the

course • Focus on areas such as roundabouts, pavement

markings, stop-sign compliance, red-light running, and safety issues such as speeding and seatbelt and turn-signal use Check your calendar and register now. Your check is your ticket to this class.

Don’t Forget the September Brown Bag Lunch Program! Nancy Crawford, Director of Marketing & Communications, Better Business Bureau of the Mid-South, will tell us about the latest “Scams against Seniors.” This presentation will be Friday, September 1, 2017, in the Fellowship Hall. The program starts at 11 AM with lunch at Noon. Bring your own sack lunch; the church will supply the beverages. Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, for more information. No reservations are needed. There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking.

Willy Bearden Will Discuss Elmwood Cemetery at the October Brown Bag Lunch! Elmwood Cemetery was founded in August, 1852 by 50 prominent Memphians who resolved to create a new burial site just 2 ½ miles outside the city limits. It has survived wars, military occupation, epidemic disease, and the bankruptcy and near collapse of Memphis, only to emerge as one of the premier outdoor museums in the United States. Willy Bearden is going to show us Elmwood and share the stories of some of those resting there at the October Brown Bag Lunch Series, an adventure in learning sponsored by the Older Adult Council. He will be bringing his new book about Elmwood with him and have copies to sell. TOPIC: “Elmwood Cemetery” SPEAKER: Willy Bearden, Memphis Film Maker and Author WHERE: Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall WHEN: October 6, 2017. Program starts at 11 AM; lunch is at Noon. COST: FREE—the church will supply beverages. RESERVATIONS: No reservations are needed. Just bring your sack lunch and enjoy the program and the fellowship. QUESTIONS? Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, or Beverly Rhoads, 754-7216, ext. 107. There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking.

Our events are open to all adults age 55 and older, singles and couples, regardless of church membership. Mark your calendar and make your reservations for these events today! 10

Older Adults, cont. Luci Cromer - - 901-755-0803 XYZs Travel to Newly Renovated Clinton Library in October! Take a day to discover history and learn about the institution of the presidency. Located on the banks of the Arkansas River, the Clinton Presidential Center houses the largest archival collection in American presidential history and is the nation’s 12th presidential library. We will first eat lunch at Forty-Two, the Presidential Center’s award-winning restaurant. Then, we will have our own guided tour of the library, plus time on our own to browse exhibits or shop at the Clinton Museum Store. Be sure to sign up now for this amazing experience—seating is limited. WHERE: William J. Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, Arkansas WHEN: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 COST: $60 includes deluxe motor coach transportation, guided tour, and lunch. DEPARTURE: 8 a.m. from OLEC parking lot. (Be on the bus by 7:45 a.m.) This is an all-day trip. RESERVATIONS: Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, Gretchen Blair, 755-0797, or Garnet Brenneman, 7543711. You must make your reservation before paying. DEADLINE FOR MONEY and RESERVATIONS: Thursday, October 5. Space is limited so make your reservation early.

XYZs Hear U.S. Naval Academy Glee Clubs in November! Celebrate America with the stirring voices of the U.S. Naval Academy Men’s and Women’s Glee Clubs in concert backed by the Memphis Symphony Orchestra. A tribute to America’s heroes, this performance will consist of patriotic anthems, Broadway hits, choir classics, and more! The Men’s Glee Club has achieved national prominence as one of America’s premier men’s choral ensembles, and the Women’s Glee Club has garnered international acclaim through its diverse repertoire and elegant sound. Join us for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. WHERE: Germantown Performing Arts Centre WHEN: November 12, 2017 COST: $41 per person cost includes reserved seat DEPARTURE: Drive yourself. Doors open at 2 p.m. for a 2:30 p.m. concert. RESERVATIONS: Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, Gretchen Blair, 755-0797, or Garnet Brenneman, 7543711. You must make your reservation before paying. DEADLINE FOR MONEY and RESERVATIONS: Thursday, October 12


GUMP Ann Hattier - The 2017-2018 school year has begun! GUMP is up and running for the new school year and we are off to a great start! New beginnings are so exciting and we welcome our friends and families, both returning and new, back to GUMP with much joy and enthusiasm! We have said good-bye to our dear friend and teacher Ms. Anne Elizabeth. She has begun a new journey with Union University in Enrollment and Admissions, helping “big kids” adjust to school. Although she will be dearly missed, we are excited for her new adventure! We welcome on board Ms. Angela Ervin as a part time Assistant Director. She brings a wealth of knowledge and support in Classroom and Behavior Management, as well as Administration. Please welcome her! GUMP is happy to begin our fourth year in partnership with LeBonheur's LEAD Program. GUMP excels at meeting the needs of all children at all developmental levels. GUMP partners with the Lead Program, serving children identified with developmental delay, providing classroom support and intervention. We are honored to have this relationship and are grateful for their support. GUMP has the highest number of children served by LEAD in a preschool setting in this community. This means that GUMP is doing a great job of meeting the needs of families and children. Please come visit us at GUMP and see all the wonderful things we are doing for young children and their families. GUMP’s enrollment for the 2017-2018 school year is the highest it has been in many years! Please continue to spread the word of our great work and service. Information can be found at, or by calling the preschool office at 901.753.3109.

Worship Amy Tuggle 901-651-0432 Acolyte Training Session! There will be a training session on September 24 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary for all children in grades 4-6 who wish to serve as acolytes. Acolytes are an important part of our Sunday morning worship services as they carry the light of Christ into the sanctuary. A parent should attend the training with his/her child. Contact Amy Tuggle (901-651-0432 or with any questions.

Youth Basketball Registration: August 1 through October 23. Who can play? • Ages Kindergarten - 12th grade • Kindergarten teams are co-ed • 1st - 12th grade teams are divided by gender. Cost Fee: $120; after October 23 – $150. Season dates:

• • • •

Games begin Saturday, December 9 for U16 & U18. All other age groups begin Saturday, January 6. Kindergarten games begin Sunday, January 7. Season ends March 3 Please see our website for details and to register:


Columbarium Donald Rhoads - McVay Gardens Columbarium Update Over the past several months, church members have been encouraged to enroll in the McVay Gardens Columbarium to take advantage of the current fee and help the committee complete the columbarium’s first quadrant and begin future planning. The committee says “THANK YOU” for such a wonderful response, and the first quadrant will be completed during the first week of October, with an on-site Tour scheduled for October 15th. Beginning on November 1st, the enrollment fee for the columbarium will increase from $2,200.00 to $3,000.00. For those who have not seen the McVay Gardens Columbarium and/or who are still considering enrolling under the current fee, the upcoming Tour will offer a great opportunity to visit with committee members at the facility, have questions answered and perhaps arrange for enrollment prior to the fee increase. We hope to see you there!

Rutherford Prayer Group Dan Moore - - 901-827-8006 The Rutherford Prayer Group began as a small group over 30 years ago. They have met every Wednesday morning since that early beginning. Originally called the Wednesday Morning Intercessory Prayer Group, the group changed their name in 2015 to honor Gary Rutherford for his 25 continuous years of leadership. The ministry is growing, currently averaging around 40 men on Wednesday mornings. The group recently relocated to the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall which allows ample room for continued growth. The prayer group is open to GUMC men of all ages who believe in the power of prayer and are interested in a mid-week time of fellowship, scripture, study, and intercessory prayer. Wednesday morning meetings begin promptly at 6:30 a.m. and adjourn by 7:00 a.m. Coffee is provided. The format for most meetings includes: • Scripture reading and devotion from Disciplines, A Book of

Daily Devotions • Leader’s commentary on the scripture and devotion • Prayers for those on the Congregational Prayer List • Prayers for friends, families, and others within and beyond GUMC • Close with a prayer circle and the Lord’s Prayer The group occasionally invites guest speakers to share updates on ministries the group supports. They recently welcomed Amy Speake, who shared her work with Christ for the City International in Costa Rica, and they look forward to annual visits from Chelsea Hogan who is with Sozo Children in Uganda. The Sozo Children’s Choir will be making their second trip to perform at GUMC this January with sponsorship from the Rutherford Prayer Group. The prayer group sends a card to each person on their prayer list. They send prayers and cards of support to GUMC college freshmen. They get involved in service projects at GUMC and in our community. And they support each other through times of triumph and trials. The Rutherford Prayer Group has a time-honored tradition and it remains a vibrant and vital ministry of GUMC. For more information about the group or to submit a prayer request, please contact Jimmy Wright ( or Randy Lewis (


Germantown United Methodist Church 2331 South Germantown Road Germantown, TN 38138 901-754-7216 Editor’s Note: The deadline for submitting articles for Tidings is the 10th of the month prior. Submissions received after this deadline are not guaranteed to run.

13th Annual GUMC Family Picnic Sunday, October 8, 2017 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Golf and Games Family Park 5484 Summer Ave Everyone is invited to a FREE picnic at Golf & Games Family Park! Come to the private GUMC pavilion from 1-3 p.m. for wristbands. Wristbands are good until 6 p.m. for go-karts, Putt-Putt, bumper boats, ropes course, Lasertron, batting cages, & children’s rides. Free drinks will be served by the Seekers Sunday School class from 1-2. Pick up flyer from the information center for more details.

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