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August 2018

A Message from Tim In a Name The last Sunday of July, I preached on a passage from Ephesians concerning a prayer from the Apostle Paul. In Ephesians 3:14-15, Paul wrote: “For this cause, I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in Heaven and earth is named.” It is an interesting phrase to me, “of whom the whole family in Heaven and earth is named.” Throughout history, a name can be helpful. In our country, if your name is DuPont, Forbes, Astor, Vanderbilt, Roosevelt, Kennedy, then you have a family name that gives you quite an advantage from the moment you are born. The schools you attend, the jobs you work, the access to the political process is made much easier if you have the right family connection. Paul is saying that we have the name of God as our family name. In Greek the word for father is Pater, and the word for family is patria. We belong to the Father and we bear his name in Jesus Christ. Because we have access to the Father, we can discern His will. When you begin your prayers, begin with the understanding that you are talking to your Father. As we enter the month of August, our church welcomes and celebrates our new director of Music Ministry, Todd Wilson and his family. Children will soon start back to school. At the end of the month we will kick off our Wednesday night programming. We will also begin our emphasis on Stewardship. August is a month of many changes and lots of activity, and through it all we do well to remember that we are family in Christ. As a family, we belong to one another. And most importantly, let us take strength in that we belong to God.

Blood Drive Germantown United Methodist Church in conjunction with Lifeblood is sponsoring a blood drive on Sunday, August 5, 2018. The mobile unit will be parked in the west parking lot from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. All church members above the age of 16 are eligible to donate. The actual donation process is brief, about 10 minutes. It is advised that you drink fluids before the donation, and refreshments will be provided after the donation. It involves one small prick and is a very easy process. You can contact Pat Smith at 758-6513, or Leanne Bailey to register and to ask any questions. This critical donation will help save lives! We are called upon to help one another, and this is the ultimate gift we can give – the gift of life to a person in need. Please seriously consider participating in this drive, and sign up online at www.ClubLifeblood.us. Sponsor code is QGUMC.



dinner WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29TH, 6:00 - 7:00 PM OWINGS LIFE ENRICHMENT CENTER SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! KIDS. TEENS. ADULTS. The GUMC Kickoff dinner is all about YOU! How can GUMC help you Connect, Worship, Grow, and Serve this Fall? At this Family-Fun event, you will get the chance to learn about our children, youth, and adult ministries, our music and choir programs, upcoming church events and activities, and learn more about serving opportunities. Join us for dinner on Wednesday, August 29th to kick-off our Fall season for children, youth, and adults. Dinner will be potluck at 6:00 in the OLEC. Some of our men will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers, drinks will be provided by the church, and you are asked to bring your favorite tailgate dishes to share. Invite your relatives, friends, and neighbors to kick-off the Fall with us at GUMC! We are looking for table hosts for our football themed dinner. Please volunteer to decorate a table to show spirit for your favorite football team (tablecloths, plates, and utensils provided). Come show your support for your most loved high school, college, or professional football team (you might find that there are others in the church who love your team too!) If you are willing to decorate a table, please contact Karen Richards at Krichardstn@gmail.com or call her at 901-756-4127. There is NO COST for this event, but we do ask you to register by August 27. It does help us to be good stewards of the food we prepare by knowing how many are planning to attend. There is no need for you to have a ticket at the door or print anything. Please just RSVP so we know how many to expect. To register please go to germantownumc.org and show up on August 29th at 6:00 p.m. wearing your favorite team colors! Whether you are brand new to GUMC or have been part of our church family for a while, Family Fall Kickoff Dinner is our invitation to you, to connect with a loving and supportive community, as together we learn what it means to follow Jesus and grow deeper in the faith. Don’t miss this special event! We look forward to seeing you there!


Stewardship 2018 Upcoming Stewardship Emphasis Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity One of Jesus’ great teaching parables involves a sower who cast seed along the ground. Some seeds produced a great harvest. Other seeds fell among thorns and were quickly choked out. Jesus said the thorns were “the cares of the world and the lure of wealth” (Matthew 13:22) In a culture where having “enough” seems to have become a never-ending pursuit, Jesus’ parable remains incredibly relevant. Many of us are chasing the American dream in ways that lead to stress, anxiety, and fear – thorns that can rob us of the ability to enjoy the abundant lives of purpose that God intended for us. Time, talent, and treasure are all first given to us by God’s grace. How we employ time, talent, and treasure in every stage of life reveals our relationship with God. Through the gifts of Germantown UMC’s members’ time and talent and treasure, the gifts that members and friends so generously share, we are able to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. Join us these upcoming Sundays as we look at how we can manage our financial resources and truly experience simplicity, generosity, and joy. Our schedule is: August 26

“When Dreams Become Nightmares”

September 9

“Wisdom, Finance, and Avoiding the Traps”

September 16

“Cultivating Contentment”

September 23

“Defined by Generosity”

September 30

Celebration Sunday and Churchwide Brunch

More information will follow.

Dear Beloved in Christ, When you want to share the blessings you’ve experienced with others, how do you do that? When those issues that plague all of us at one time or another come along, where do you go for support, care, prayer, and unconditional love? As a member of Germantown United Methodist Church, you naturally turn to Germantown United Methodist Church, your Sunday school class, Bible study group, coffee friends, or clergy. Why? Because you know that here you will find a community of faith friends. You know that you’ll be greeted like a friend, loved like a brother or sister and cared for as one of God’s infinitely valuable children. Your joys will find extra rejoicing and your concerns will be taken with utmost attention and concern. Letter continued on next page 3

Stewardship 2018 continued You make this and more available to members, visitors, and others far away by your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Germantown UMC is present in the lives of thousands upon thousands of people from the smallest infant in our nursery to the oldest member of our church family, to the person most in need a continent away. Germantown UMC carries ministries, missions, spiritual formation, Christian education, and more because of what you give. You. Giving to others and to yourself for the glory of God. Your monetary gifts are especially important because they provide support that we often aren’t able to provide any other way. Your monetary gifts offer immediate resources that are directed to current ministry, physical plant, and mission needs and opportunities of Germantown UMC. Keeping your pledge up-to-date during the summer is especially important because the monetary costs of GUMC’s ministries not only continue, they increase in the summer. Your pledge, your gift, make an immediate impact. Everyone involved in all of Germantown UMC’s ministries – everyone who works here, serves here or worships here thanks you for your generous support, steady service, and constant prayers. Allow me to encourage you to bring your 2018 pledge up-to-date this month. If that is not a possibility, then I encourage you to treat August as a fresh start and simply begin your giving now. At the July Finance Committee meeting, we noted that both budgeted income and budgeted expenses are right at a 50% mark through June. What that means is that your regular, weekly or monthly giving is essential to complete the second half of 2018 with all your missions and ministries fully operating. As you continue your support, your church, Germantown UMC, remains here and projects your witness around the world, to serve, to teach, “...to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12-13) Please help continue to make this possible with your financial support. Thank you so much. Blessings, Brad Gabriel Executive Minister (My thanks to all those who offered words and ideas to this letter)

Missions Update on the Weekend Food Program “for I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35 A recent article in the Commercial Appeal was titled, “Tennessee has the nation’s fattest kids. Why?” Apparently, 38% of Tennessee children are either overweight or obese, a higher percentage then the rest of the states and Washington D.C. with the national average at 31%. Poverty has much to do with these statistics! In Shelby County, 34% of the children live in poverty - one half hour from our church doors!! 4

Missions continued These children live in “food deserts”, places where supermarkets are scarce, and convenience stores and fast food joints are plentiful, far from places where fresh fruits and vegetables are available. To compound the issue these children fall into the category called “food-insecure”, since they cannot be sure that they will have food at home on the weekend. School provides breakfast and lunch during the school week, but the long weekend can be a struggle for a child living with a single-mother, or in a family with many siblings or other issues. Lacking proper nutrition can cause all kinds of problems at school and home. Fortunately, the Mid-south Food Bank is a resource that can provide 6 nutritious meals for the weekends. The meals consist of child-friendly containers of fruits, vegetables, milk, and proteins. A committed group of church members has been packing boxes of this nutritious food for 350 deserving children! You can sponsor one or more children at a cost of $300 per child. We can also use help packing the boxes! The goal for this coming year is to increase the number of children served. Checks are payable to GUMC, memo line Weekend Food. Contact Barbara Schanson at barcons@comcast.net for more information.

Marquis and His Friends Need You Marquis should never have been in Team Read for second graders, but he needed help. He couldn’t read words kindergarteners have mastered. Worse, his bad behavior escalated until his teacher wanted to pull him out of Team Read. Marquis asked one of his coaches, “What day do you come? I’ll be good that day.” And he was – most of the time. Team Read teaches the most frequently used reading words, but it’s also about mentoring children. You hear stories of shots in the night or moving from place to place. You see excitement at getting a new book – or finding you at their classroom door. Coaches take pride in words students master in a year. Team Read students gain an average 200-250 words. A noncoached student learns 100 words. Started by GUMC volunteers and the professionals at Caldwell-Guthrie in 2011, Team Read trains volunteers to work one-on-one with second graders using things like flash cards, games, crayons, and word lists. Volunteers give an hour a week from mid-September to mid-April. Besides regular coaches, we need substitutes. Subs fill in as their schedules allow. We also welcome partnerships, where two people coach every other week. While our GUMC adopted school is Scholars Academy at Caldwell-Guthrie, we work with Emmanuel United Methodist Church to support Belle Forest Community School’s Team Read. Plus, this year five GUMC volunteers will guide Team Reads at schools across the city. If one school’s coaching schedule doesn’t suit you, there are other choices. More than 1,200 volunteers worked in Team Read in 51 Shelby County Schools last year – and there are programs in Selmer, Jackson, Covington, and Huntsville, Alabama. To volunteer email Jackie Flaum at jrflaum@yahoo.com. To volunteer from Caldwell-Guthrie contact Head Coach David Forell at dforrell@comcast.net 5

A Special Thank You From Sozo Children’s Choir

Dear Germantown United Methodist Church, Thank you again for your support of the 2018 Sozo Children’s Choir Tour. Your warmness, hospitality, and love was deeply felt by our kids and the Sozo team. We want to share a few quotes of how God worked in the lives of the Sozo children during their time in the U.S. on tour. “I was able to lead people in worship and see them come to Christ.” “I loved being hosted in people’s homes and tasting good new food.” “I enjoyed being able to share my story.” “I learned to love myself more instead of looking down on myself.” “I gained confidence in God and learned to express myself before other people.” “I learned to pray and talk to God as a friend.” “I learned how to tell people about God and preach the Gospel.” “I was able to learn how to forgive and let go.” “I made friends with all the hosts and the hosts’ children.” “I loved when the host family shared with us scripture every morning.” We are already looking forward to and making plans for the 2020 Choir Tour! We are grateful for your support and ask for your continued prayer to see All Children Thriving, All Communities Transformed, All for God’s Glory! Blessings,

Suzanne Owens Chief Executive Officer

Health and Recreation Todd Hinton - thinton@germantownumc.org




Co-Ed Teams for all 4 Year Olds!

Contact joros@germantownumc.org for more information.




Contact joros@germantownumc.org for more information. 6


Older Adults Luci Cromer - luci2@comcast.net - 901-755-0803 Jimmy Ogle Will Show Us Historic Homes at the September Brown Bag Lunch! Always a favorite and full of historical knowledge, Jimmy Ogle is coming to us with a new presentation – this time about some of the historic homes in Memphis and Shelby County. Using Perre Magness’ book, Good Abode, as a guideline, he will focus on homes that date to the nineteenth century. Covering both humble and opulent homes, he is going to tell us their history as well as the background of the families that built them at the September Brown Bag Lunch Series, an adventure in learning sponsored by the Older Adult Council. Join us as we kick off our fourteenth season. TOPIC: “Historic Homes of Memphis and Shelby County” SPEAKER: Jimmy Ogle, Shelby County Historian WHERE: Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall WHEN: September 7, 2018. Program starts at 11 a.m.; lunch is at Noon. COST: FREE – the church will supply beverages. RESERVATIONS: No reservations are needed. Just bring your sack lunch and enjoy the program and the fellowship. QUESTIONS? Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, or Pat Smith, 754-7216, ext. 107. **There will be a crossing guard on West Street to help with overflow parking.**

XYZ’s Learn About Johnny Cash and Farming in Arkansas in October! Come with us for a day of history just across the Mississippi River. The Southern Tenant Farmers Museum in Tyronza focuses on the tenant farming systems of agriculture in the South and the farm labor movement that arose. Next, we will learn about the Dyess Colony that provided a fresh start for nearly 500 impoverished Arkansas farm families, including the family of music legend Johnny Cash and tour his boyhood home. We will have lunch at the Wilson Café in the town of Wilson, which started as a company town in 1886. After lunch, there will be time to browse or shop at White’s Mercantile, housed in the old town gas station across the street from the restaurant. Be sure to sign up now for this fun trip – seating is limited. WHERE: Tyronza, Dyess, and Wilson, Arkansas WHEN: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 COST: $55 per person includes deluxe motor coach, transportation, guided tours, and lunch. This trip is being subsidized by a generous donation to the XYZ’s. DEPARTURE: 8 a.m. from OLEC parking lot. (Be there by 7:45 a.m.) This is an all-day trip. RESERVATIONS: Call Luci Cromer, 755-0803, Gretchen Blair, 755-0797, or Garnet Brenneman, 754-3711. You must make your reservation before paying. DEADLINE FOR MONEY and RESERVATIONS: Monday, September 17. Space is limited so make your reservation early.

Our events are open to all adults age 55 and older, singles and couples, regardless of church membership. Mark your calendar and make your reservations for these events today! 7

United Methodist Women Chesley Porteous - women@germantownumc.org Fall/Winter GUMW Children’s Consignment Sale Shop Friday and Saturday, August 24-25! It’s that time of year! Clean out the closet clutter, rummage through the attic, and sort through the garage for children’s clothing, furniture, toys, baby equipment, and more. GUMW Children’s Consignment Sale registration is now open! Visit gumwclothingsale.com to review guidelines and details. All proceeds from this sale benefit GUMW missions. It’s a 29-year tradition of community outreach! Can’t consign? We love donations! Coordinate with us in advance of the sale to donate your gently used items. We will price and tag each item, with 100% of the sale price going to local missions! You receive an early consignor shopping pass in return, along with a thank you letter as your receipt for tax purposes. Please be sure your donated items have an approximate value of more than $40. Email info@gumwclothingsale.com for more information. We also need volunteer help and have many shifts available! Volunteers who work at least four hours get to shop early at the Thursday pre-sale event. Sign up online at gumwclothingsale. com. Our consignment sale serves as a wonderful outreach to the community, attracting people from all over the Mid-South and bringing them into our church as consignors, shoppers, and volunteers. Join us and help make a difference. Thank you for your support!

Important Dates: Consignor registration deadline/inventory entry is Tuesday, August 21, at midnight. Refer to the website for complete information about accepted merchandise and consignor instructions. Drop off: Wednesday, August 22, 5-8 p.m. and Thursday, August 23, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Pre-sale: Thursday, August 23, 5:30-8 p.m. Volunteers who work 8 or more hours may shop at 5:30 p.m. Those who volunteer 4 or more hours may shop at 6 p.m. Consignors may shop at 6:30 p.m. Public Sale: Friday, August 24, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Public Half-price Sale: Friday, August 24, 5-8 p.m. and Saturday, August 25, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Pick-up: Sunday, August 26, 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. 8

United Methodist Women continued Chesley Porteous - women@germantownumc.org GUMW September Luncheon September 11, 2018, at 11:30 a.m. in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall Please join us for our Annual Blessing of the Babies as well as a catered luncheon, fellowship, and inspirational message from two La Limye representatives at our September Luncheon on September 11, 2018, at 11:30 a.m., in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. Ellen Humerickhouse and Anna Nicol serve as director/founder of La Limye and marketing/communications director of La Limye, respectively. La Limye, which means “The Light” in Haitian Creole, not only houses eleven young girls but also provides water, food, clothing, classes, and education to the local village at large. Haiti is continuing to struggle to recover from the 2010 earthquake that killed tens of thousands of people and left many more homeless and destitute. La Limye was founded because of the hearts of those Haitians, who despite having lost everything, having little to no food, and obtaining water from a ditch, still continued to share the love of Jesus Christ. Inspired by three girls with special needs, La Limye broke ground last spring on one of Haiti’s only schools for children and adults with special needs. Ellen Humerickhouse felt the call of God at age 19, and she spent years in the mission field in the United States, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Mexico. However, a trip to Arcahaie, Haiti, changed her life, and in 2013, Ellen, after much prayer and consideration, bought land in the Haitian village of Guiton to build a children’s home. While Ellen pondered what difference she, as only one person, could make, she now has a thriving ministry, La Limye, and is “Mommy Ellie” to eleven beautiful young ladies. Ellen’s sister, Anna Nicol, serves La Limye as the primary marketing and communications director. Anna graduated from the University of Memphis, and currently enjoys her time at GUMC by participating in the Chancel Choir, Wesley 2.0 Sunday School Class, and by helping chair the Children’s Consignment Sale. She also helps run her family’s restaurant, The Silver Caboose. She and her husband, Ben, have two beautiful children, Will and Maggie. Please join GUMW for our beloved and cherished Blessing of the Babies as well as an inspiring message about La Limye fulfilling the Great Commission by sharing the love of Jesus Christ and being blessed to be a blessing. Ellen, Anna, and La Limye are blessing the children and adults of Haiti in abundance. Cost: $10 Register by Noon, September 6 Two Methods to Register: • Check to GUMW, “GUMW September Luncheon” in memo line, placed in UMW drop box outside Fellowship Hall. • Credit Card online at germantownumc.org Childcare is free. Indicate a need for childcare when registering online or by writing “Need Childcare” on your check. 9

United Methodist Women continued Chesley Porteous - women@germantownumc.org GUMW Meet and Greet September 16, 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. | Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall You are invited to drop by and visit with us in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall on Sunday, Sept. 16, between 9:00 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Come enjoy some delicious treats and meet ladies from our Circles (small groups). You may ask questions about what we do, or simply visit. Germantown United Methodist Women is a unit of the national United Methodist Women organization in the United Methodist Church. We encourage one another to grow spiritually, to engage in service, to develop our gifts and talents, and to use them for the support of others in need. We also enjoy an incredible community of fellowship. Our Circles allow everyone to find a group where they can feel at home. We host five luncheons each year. They give us an opportunity to hear local speakers who inform and inspire us while also allowing us the opportunity to share our faith community. We also host five major fundraisers: two Children’s Consignment Sales, the Cinnamon Roll Bake, the Christmas Cookie Shoppe, and the Spring Bridge and Games Benefit and Unique Boutique. We also sponsor the annual women’s event Lent by Candlelight, and we do so much more. Come fellowship and see if Germantown United Methodist Women is an organization where you can cultivate and grow your faith. We would love to have you! For more information email Chesley Porteous at chesleyporteous@ gmail.com or Yolanda Toney at ytoney@germantownumc.org.

“I will bless you... so that you will be a blessing.” Genesis 12:2 ESV

All women are welcome to attend Germantown United Methodist Women events. If you are looking for the camaraderie of Christian women, fellowship while serving others, and the opportunity to make lifelong friends, consider joining one of GUMW's many Circles (small groups). For information, contact GUMW Membership Chair Yolanda Toney at ytoney@ germantownumc.org. 10

Adult Education Mary Groh - mgroh@germantownumc.org - 901-754-5093 Germantown Historian Will Talk About Vision for McVay Gardens Cemetery During Sunday School Hour on August 5! Founded by Germantown Methodist Episcopal Church in 1840, this Germantown cemetery served the whole community for 125 years. A stone fragment dated 1843 marks the earliest known burial spot, and approximately 164 souls are laid to rest in the grounds. The Germantown Museum in conjunction with The Germantown Historical Commission has developed a vision, mission and goals for the restoration of this most important city landmark. Andy Pouncey is going to discuss these with us and will give us an update and show us what has been accomplished so far. Sponsored by the Fellowship Forum Class, all church members are invited to hear this fascinating presentation. TOPIC: “Telling the Story of McVay Gardens Cemetery” SPEAKER: Andy Pouncey, Germantown City Historian WHERE: Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall WHEN: Sunday, August 5 at 9:40 a.m.

Fall Bible Study Classes Starting Soon! The Adult Education Ministry is excited to announce our fall course line-up! Below you will find a list of classes starting soon. A complete list of all fall classes, descriptions, cost, and information is available online at germantownumc.org and in our Adult Studies brochures available at the Welcome Center kiosks on August 19th. 1 Peter – A Living Hope in Christ A study of the First Letter of Peter which is addressed to Christ-communities in Asia Minor, helping readers discover what it means to experience the living hope in Christ. Wednesdays, Sept. 5-Nov. 7, 9:45-11:45 a.m. Facilitator: Chesley Porteous Jesus: His Culture and Times A visual and biblical study of the cultural, political, and religious background of the ministry of Jesus. Wednesdays, Sept. 5 - Oct. 10, 6:00-7:00 Rev. Tim Carpenter Fresh Expressions A New Kind of Methodist Church for People Not in Church Wednesdays, Sept. 5 - Oct. 10, 6:30-7:30 p.m. or Thursdays, Sept. 6 - Oct. 11, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Rev. Dr. Brad Gabriel The Other Jesus: Stories from World Religions A fresh exploration of Jesus based on the writings of other religions. Thursdays, Sept. 6-27, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Rev. Erin Beasley

Disciple Fast Track - Into the Word, Into the World A 24-session, in-depth study of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts. Sept. 9-March 31, 2019, 5:00-6:30 p.m. Facilitated by Yolanda and Gerald Toney Love & Respect for a Lifetime A 10-session DVD marriage enrichment study. Sundays, Sept. 9-Nov. 18, 5:00-6:30 Facilitated by Mary and Josh Jacobs Short Stories by Jesus A look at Jesus’ parables in the way his original audience heard and understood them. Tuesdays, Sept. 18-Oct. 30, 9:30-11:00 a.m. Facilitated by Mary Groh A New Reformation - From Luther’s World to Ours The life of Martin Luther and two important themes of the Reformation he sparked: the centrality of scripture and the power of God’s grace. Tuesdays, Sept. 18-Oct. 30, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Facilitated by Terry Aust


Children's Ministry Lisa Pierce - lpierce@germantownumc.org - 901-758-6512 Vacation Bible School Our kids have been working and playing hard this summer! We kicked off our summer with two opportunities for Vacation Bible School – evening and daytime. Our evening program (from May 30-June 1) allowed kids who typically go to day camp or daycare a chance to participate in VBS. This year we had over 40 children participate! Our daytime VBS was the following week (June 4-8) when about 260 children participated. During these two weeks, we had a fantastic time singing, dancing, making friends, and learning about God’s incredible love for us. We were so excited to partner with out brothers and sisters at El Redentor, a local Guatemalan congregation. We were also able to share this time with our long-time friends at St. Matthews. Making new friends and being with old friends is such a fun part of VBS! It is always amazing to watch people jump in to help and serve, but this year was even a little more amazing. Our church was able to use our buses to gather the children from El Redentor each day. On the return trip home, we were able to provide lunch for each child to eat during the ride. There were over 20 volunteers who made this happen! Thank you! There were also over 100 adult and youth volunteers who worked either before or during the two weeks of VBS. Thank you! Our church is filled with talented people who share their gifts freely. The kids from GUMC, El Redentor, and St. Matthews extend a huge “thank you” to all of you!

Mission and Movie Mondays Our children have been meeting on select Mondays through the summer to learn about missions and produce some crafts to sell in support of missions. Please see the wall outside the Huddle to purchase some of these beautiful crafts. The money we raise will be given to the Kenya Mission Team and the children of La Limye orphanage in Haiti.

Dodgeball Children entering grades 4-6 have been meeting on select Wednesdays to throw balls at each other and enjoy some great fellowship in our OLEC. Our group grows in number each time – kids who have come bring friends when they return. It has been great to meet kids from all around Germantown!

Mission Camp We just completed our fourth annual Love in Action Mission Camp. 23 children came together to explore their love for service. The week was packed full of activities to learn about different missional opportunities available to kids now (and as they grow). The hope is that each child will have experienced a way to serve that really “scratches the itch” their heart has to serve. Some of the things we did this week:


Made two picnic tables to have at the Prescott House.

Made two porch swings to have at the Prescott House.

Made a step for the east side of the deck of the Prescott House and tightened down the railing on the deck.

Heard of the incredible work of La Limye orphanage in Haiti and learned about international missions.

Children's Ministry continued Lisa Pierce - lpierce@germantownumc.org - 901-758-6512 •

Served popsicles at SOS.

Made tie-dyed shirts to sell and raise money of missions.

Learned about Memphis Athletic Ministries and played games with kids in the program.

Learned about Porter Leath and played with/read to preschool children there.

Packed bags of groceries and loaded them into cars at on-site Memphis Foodbank location in Hickory Hill. Over 400 families received food this day.

Explored how to serve those who are asking for help on street corners and sidewalks around Memphis. We went to Dollar Tree and each spent $5 to pack a box that we will then give to a person in need. Most interesting purchase: duct tape.

Created and rode a water slide at the McVay Gardens Park.

Played hours of “Capture the Flag” and “Hide and Go Seek” around the church campus.

Learned to make our own lunch and explored fun Memphis eateries.

Our children responded in a beautiful way to each of these opportunities. They embraced each mission with open arms and pushed through a lot of discomfort as they shared the love of God. Many have already shared plans they have to serve God in the future!

Promotion Sunday is August 12 Kindergarteners will move to the Huddle and 6th graders will move to Trek on this day. 13

Youth Ministry Sue Hyland shyland@germantownumc.org - 901-758-6516 GUMC Celebrates 40 Years of Service with Mountain T.O.P. This summer our youth group celebrated 40 years of serving and partnering with Mountain T.O.P. Our youth served children at Day Camp and families with construction needs throughout Grundy county. It was, as always, a life changing week for our youth. Each summer brings new joys and challenges and we are thankful for both. Mountain T.O.P. pushes us to serve in creative ways and with people that we would not normally come into contact with or be in relationship with. One of the strongest parts of Mountain T.O.P.’s camp experience is the way that they form a new community by splitting each church up into separate Youth Renewal Groups. Through the experience of splitting into YRG’s adults and teenagers have the opportunity to get to know a new group of people. They get to share in experiences that are unlike any other. This week is always special for our youth that attend camp. We are proud of this partnership and look forward to continued service with Mountain T.O.P. An added joy of this year’s camp experience was being led by our own Kara Painter. Kara is a GUMC graduate and now attends the University of Arkansas. We are so proud of the work she has done with the Day Camp program at Mountain T.O.P. Kara brings life and JOY in to everything that she touches. One camper said that Kara had to be “made of pixie dust” and we could not agree more. Seeing our youth and a former youth serve together, what an added bonus to our 40th Summer with Mountain T.O.P.

TREK Fall 2018 Trek got a facelift this summer and we are very excited to announce that we will continue having Trek in the gym and in the Prescott House this Fall. We hope that you will join us each Sunday as we have snacks, games, small group time, and worship. We will also have a few new teachers throughout the semester that we cannot wait for you to meet. Come hang out, play basketball, play ping pong, eat snacks, and learn more about God. We cannot wait to have you!


Youth Ministry continued Sue Hyland shyland@germantownumc.org - 901-758-6516 Color Wars Element Kick-Off 2018 Sunday, August 19th from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the OLEC Are you ready to see who’s grade will be Color Wars Champs this year?! We sure are. This year COLOR WARS will be bigger and better than ever. We’ll see which team can climb a Rock Wall the fastest, have a Gaga Tournament, have a Taco Bell eating contest, and see who can take down Brian in Mario Kart on the big screen. We’ll also have dinner and sweet treats! Wear your team colors, come meet your small group, and see who will become our 2018 Color Wars Champs! This event is a $10 event and open to any 6th through 12th grader. Bring friends too! Have questions? Contact Sue or Brian for more details. Team Colors: 6th - Green 7th- Yellow 8th - Red 9th & 10th Blue 11th & 12th - Orange

Confirmation 2018 Confirmation will officially begin with a retreat on August 11th at Camp Lake Stephens in Oxford. We are excited to kick-off with this team building retreat so that each student will feel connected to their community and ready to love, serve, and learn about the Lord. Confirmation Orientation will take place on Wednesday, August 8th at 6:30. This year will be a bit different from previous years. We hope every 6th grade family will join us for an amazing year of spiritual growth and renewal. Please contact Sue Hyland at shyland@germantownumc.org if you have any questions or would like to join in on the Confirmation process.


Germantown United Methodist Church 2331 South Germantown Road Germantown, TN 38138 www.germantownumc.org 901-754-7216 Editor’s Note: The deadline for submitting articles for Tidings is the 10th of the month prior. Submissions received after this deadline are not guaranteed to run.

United Methodist Men’s Monthly Breakfast United Methodist Men will begin their monthly breakfasts for 2018-2019 on Saturday, September 8 at 8:00 a.m. in the Mike Wilson Fellowship Hall. Our guest speaker is Steve Ragsdale, President of Metro United Methodist Men. Annual memberships will be available for $50, which includes 8 breakfasts and a donation of $10 to the UMM mission project. All men of the church are urged to attend.

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