June tidings

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June 2017

We are a Faith Community committed to: Loving God and loving others, Serving Christ and sharing him, Transforming lives and making disciples.

Consistent Giving this Summer... and Through the Year Thank you for your financial support of Germantown United Methodist Church in 2017! If you are planning to be away at times this summer or if you have simply missed time in church for other reasons, please remember to continue your gifts – whether pledged or otherwise – to GUMC even when you are away. Even though our activity schedule officially “slows down” a bit during the summer, we continue to have the same expenses throughout the year. We count on your support to meet these expenses and continue our ministry all year long. And, we make it easy to give …no matter where you are! • You can contact Sharon Panis (spanis@germantownumc.org or 901-758-6522) to set up a direct debit or automatic draft from your bank account. • You can use our online payment system at www.germantownumc.org. This can be set up to make recurring payments through the summer …or through the year. • You can use your bank’s online bill paying service to send your gifts through the summer months or all the time. • You can mail a check to Germantown United Methodist Church, c/o Sharon Panis, 2331 S. Germantown Road, Germantown, TN 38138. • You may consider sending your pledges ahead of your time away. It would be a big help to us. In the future, we’ll be sending occasional, additional, reminders of your giving status and also the need for consistent giving, no matter the way in which the gift is given. We hope you’ll take advantage of the above ways to ensure consistent giving through the summer and through the year. And, again, thank you for your support …and have a great summer!

A Prayer of Summertime Gratitude We thank you, Loving God for birds, bugs, and butterflies for hot dogs, hamburgers, hiking, and home runs for lollipops, lemonade, lilacs, licorice, ladybugs, and love! We thank you, Loving God for sand, sunshine, and sprinklers, for popsicles, parks, and picnics, for family, friends, fun, and faith! We thank you, Loving God for all the gifts of summertime By Heidi Busse



Mary Groh mgroh@germantownumc.org 901-754-5093

Germantown United Methodist Church welcomed Josh Gwatney into membership on Sunday, April 23rd at the 9:40 worship service. He joined by Reaffirmation of Faith. Josh is married to GUMC member, Carolyn Gill.

Germantown United Methodist Church welcomed Ping-Mei Yu into membership on Sunday, May 7th. She joined by Profession of Faith and was baptized by Rev. Tim Carpenter. She is pictured here with her husband, ZhengMin Xi (Jack).

Germantown United Methodist Church welcomed Tina Pound into membership on Sunday, April 30th at the 9:40 worship service. She joined by Reaffirmation of Faith. She is pictured here with her husband, Charlie, and their daughters.

Natasha and Jeremy Simmons were welcomed into membership with Germantown United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 30th at the 8:30 worship service. They joined by Reaffirmation of Faith.

June Communion Offering

Germantown United Methodist Church welcomed Shellie and Eric Thompson into membership on Sunday, April 30th at the 8:30 worship service. They joined by transfer of their membership from a sister United Methodist Church in the Memphis area. 2

The communion offering for June will go to our Conference Connectional Ministries Team. The Connectional Ministries Team is where we house New Church startup funding and Congregational Development. As of this writing, we have three new church starts underway: Peace Tree in Collierville started by Kristopher Roof. New Generations in Memphis started by Russell Morrow. People of Hope in Jackson started by Gerry Campbell. With all the other items in that line, our total apportionment for the Connectional Ministries Team is $33,100 for 2017.

Adult Education Mary Groh mgroh@germantownumc.org 901-754-5093 Summer Bible Study for Women! Breathe – Making Room for Sabbath Wednesdays, June 21 – August 2, 9:45 – 11:45 AM Facilitated by Chesley Porteous chesleyporteous@gmail.com or 268-4884 One of the greatest challenges among women in our culture is taking time to stop and cease from all the activities and busyness and just breathe. We constantly strive to complete the limitless to-do lists that hinder us from experiencing all that God has for us. Sabbath was intended as a gift, and it is still a gift to us today. This 5-session, DVD-based study by Priscilla Shirer, is an opportunity to explore the concept of Sabbath in both the Old and New Testaments. The study includes a study journal for reflection and to help participants spend time alone with God and Scripture. If you are weary, worn out, and exhausted the concept of Sabbath will change your life! Childcare is available by reservation. Cost for the study is $13.00.

Monday Monthly Book Group Summertime "and the living is easy" and the perfect time to catch up on your reading! Join us on the 4th Monday of each month at 10:30 a.m. for a lively discussion! There is no need to register, just purchase the book (or check-out from the library). June 26 Etched in Sand Regina Calcaterra July 24 In the Kingdom of Ice Hampton Sides August 28 The Dove Keepers Alice Hoffman

Weekday Preschool Anne Elizabeth Hattier aehattier@germantownumc.org 901-753-3109 GUMP has wrapped up another great school year! All of our friends ended the school year by enjoying a visit from the Petting Farm – it was so fun to feed the sheep and goats, watch the turtle race, see Lily the Llama, pet the small animals and ride the train! Our older friends performed their spring music program for family and friends, singing songs of wonder and playing instruments to show our rhythm! GUMP’s summer hours are Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. We wish our families a safe and relaxing summer, and look forward to a new school year beginning August 14th. Please remember that GUMP’s new classroom for Children with Special Needs is available and continues to thrive in its first year. “G.R.A.C.E.” (GUMP Recognizes All Can Excel) serves children ages approximately 2-5 years of age, identified as having a disability, including developmental delay. Additionally, GUMP has added Before and After Care to our day, which has been very helpful to families. While maintaining our excellent school day from 9:30-2:30, parents/caregivers who need longer hours can enroll in their choice of before care, after care, or both. Before Care hours are 7:30-9:30 a.m. After Care hours are 2:305:30 p.m. Enrollment for the 2017.2018 school year is currently underway. An Enrollment Application, with options and fees, can be found on GUMP’s website at www.mygump.org. Families may choose a 2, 3 or 5 day option. Should you have any questions or wish to come visit GUMP, please call the preschool office at 901-753-3109. 3

Health and Recreation Judy Oros joros1234@aol.com 901-336-8639 What's Happening at the OLEC by Judy Oros

By the time you read this article, summer is upon us. The kids are out of school, the swimming pools have opened and summer vacations are near and far. I love summer because it gives me a chance to switch up my fall-winter-spring routine into the hot summer routine. Swimming is my number one love! Love to swim wherever and whenever I can. My favorite time is to swim at 5:30 am. After the hour is up (which by then its 6:30 am) the sun is up, the sky is clear and you feel so fabulous you can conquer anything that falls into your lap during the day. There are many places to swim that early in the morning, and some clubs offer summer rates, Master Swim Teams and water aerobics. Check out a swim club near you. The exercise benefits are amazing and you will trim and tone your body plus increase your flexibility, strength and stamina. Early morning swimming is also fabulous because the temperatures are lower and the water is not as hot. Remember, though, with swimming, even though you are in water, you still have to hydrate with your own water bottle on a continual basis throughout your time in the pool. You can still get dehydrated while working out in a pool. Sunscreen is a must even early in the morning. If outdoors or swimming is not your thing, there are many classes at the OLEC that are indoors. The two Judy’s take on Senior Fitness! Judy Oros offers Seniors on Strength on Mondays at 9:30 am. Everyone and all levels are welcome. We use weights, balls, and bands, work on balance, flexibility, and functional moves. If cardio is your thing, Judy Pearson offers some amazing WalkFit classes that meet at the OLEC on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11-12 am and on Fridays from 9:30-10:20 am. Other classes that are beneficial for seniors are Tai Chi, Gentle Yoga with Al Walton, and many other types of Regular Yoga with either Al or different instructors. Check out the schedule or pick one up in the main lobby of the OLEC. New on the schedule: Rise n’ Shine Boot camp at the OLEC at 6:30 am. And Just Lift on Thursdays, at 9:15 am. Anyone and all levels welcome!!! REMEMBER we have Childcare available for those who need it. Summer is a wonderful time to relax, have fun, and continue your exercise regime either safely outdoors or in the cool indoors! Hope to see you at the OLEC and have a wonderful and safe summer. Check out the OLEC fitness schedule for more new classes and personal training.

The Endowment Committee Providing Ministry Through the Ages


Germantown UMC has had an Endowment Fund since the mid-1990s. The Fund helps members and friends of GUMC continue supporting and expanding non-budgeted missions and ministries through gifts and bequests. The Fund disburses a restricted amount each year so as to keep its principal permanent. Meeting May 10th, the Committee charged with reviewing requests approved requests totaling $15,250. The requests were for 1) Three new AEDs in case of cardiac emergencies, they will be at the Hamilton Center Welcome Center, the Adult Education Building, and the Cottage; 2) Purchase of curriculum for a new Summer session College Sunday school class; 3) partial reconstruction of the Lindsey Preston Cabin At Mountain TOP; 4) a parenting workshop to be presented by the McVay Counseling Center of GUMC; 5) Continuing education for lay youth workers; 6) Support for Project Transformation; 7) Support for the Bishop’s 2017 Appeal to help build a shelter for women victims of war crimes in the eastern Congo. Grants from the Endowment fund may be made to any of five areas; Mission, GUMC property, Youth, Senior Ministries, General Ministry needs. Members and friends of GUMC may always make gifts or bequests to the Fund, including donor advised gifts. As always direction from estate planners, or legal counsel should be sought before making gifts or bequests.

Giving to GUMC Educates At Risk Children “As a reading coach at Belle Forest Elementary, I not only try to work through the pronunciation and meanings of the 1000 Fry words, but each visit offers me the opportunity to give my students a story or experience outside their small world of Memphis. All coaches are a window into the world for most of these students. Reading is fundamental to learning, but coupled with this opportunity, I feel we can make a difference in their lives. My inspiration is to show them the power of knowledge and give them the example of my many blessings to motivate them to want to reach high goals in life. This is not just about reading words.” Lynn Shipp, volunteer Because GUMC is here, because here we worship, study the Bible, and gather together for support and fellowship, volunteers, in return, give their time and spirit to those most at risk in modern society. If you haven’t kept your pledge up to date, please renew your efforts to stay current going forward.


Rev. Erin Beasley ebeasley@germantownumc.org 901-754-7216

Project Transformation Volunteer Opportunity! Project Transformation returns this summer, and GUMC continues as a "partner church". The objective is to transform lives through relationships, connecting the 3 Cs - Children, College Students and Churches. How it works: College students from around the nation invest in the lives of undeserved children while living in community, exploring their calling and developing as servant leaders. Children from low income neighborhoods improve their literacy, social, emotional and spiritual development through participating in high quality out of school programs led by college age young adults. Churches in undeserved communities host our out of school programs, reconnecting and building relationships with their neighbors. How can you help: Listed below are several opportunities to serve. Sign up details will be communicated over the coming weeks. If you have questions contact Tina (tvgregorylll@gmail.com, 854-0848) or John Gregory (jrgregorylll@gmail.com, 494-9168). 1. Read one-on-one with 3 different children from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. GUMC is to provide 12 volunteers each day for 4 days beginning Monday, July 24 through Thursday, July 27. The "site church" where we will serve is Centenary UMC, where we have already established a partnership in other areas of service. Data shows that children who do not read over the summer suffer a loss in reading level, negatively impacting their progression. Last year 188 Memphis children participated in the Project Transformation reading program and 99% either improved or maintained their reading level! 2. Provide a buffet dinner for the 17 interns at their CBU location. GUMC dates are Monday, July 10 and Wednesday July 19. 3. Provide new books or contribute money for Project Transformation to buy at quantity prices. 4. Provide snacks and/or supplies. A list of requested items is available. In summary, Project Transformation provides us an opportunity to live our mission of serving Christ and transforming lives. Join us for a great experience!


Older Adults Luci Cromer luci2@comcast.net 901-755-0803 Older Adult Programming to Resume in September Don’t forget—the next Brown Bag Lunch program will be September 1. XYZ programming will start in September, also. Your August Tidings will have information about these kick-off events. In the meantime, have a wonderful summer break.

Summer is Upon Us – Our Handy Helpers are Waiting for your Call... The Handy Helpers Ministry Team, sponsored by the Older Adult Council, lends a “helping hand” to older adults in our church who need assistance with small repair and maintenance jobs around the house.

What Type of Jobs Do Handy Helpers Do? •

Light maintenance and repairs including small carpentry jobs such as malfunctioning doors, locks or windows.

Minor electrical work such as replacing light switches and light bulbs.

Replacing smoke alarm batteries.

Minor plumbing work such as working on "running" toilets or leaky faucets.

Other miscellaneous jobs are considered on an individual basis.

Handy Helpers do not work on large or small appliances, roofs, home decorating, or on jobs requiring tall ladders.

What Does the Service Cost? The Handy Helpers service charges only for parts and materials used in the repair. There is NO charge for labor.

To Qualify for the Handy Helpers Service: You must be a member of Germantown United Methodist Church, have homeowner's liability insurance, and be over 60 years of age. To request assistance, please contact Charles Waters, 286-4823

Handy Helpers 6

Older Adults Luci Cromer luci2@comcast.net 901-755-0803 AARP Smart DriverTM Course Germantown United Methodist Church and AARP will present the “AARP Smart Driver™ Course”, the nation’s largest driving refresher course. This 8-hour course is scheduled for July 13 and 14, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Successful completion entitles participants to a discount on their auto insurance premiums for three years. There is no driving test or written exam. Register early because the class will be closed at 28 participants. The results of taking these classes have been proven—class participants have few accidents and tickets. WHERE: Room 339 (Fellowship Forum classroom) in the Ministry Center. WHEN: Thursday and Friday, July 13 & 14, 2017, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. COST: $15 fee for AARP members ($20 for non-members) payable to AARP RESERVATIONS: Call Jan Cameron at 366-2772 DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS: Reservations will be taken until class is full. The objectives of the course are to help you: • Be independent, safe, and confident while on the road • Keep up with changes so you don’t put yourself and others at risk • Learn state-specific information throughout the course • Focus on areas such as roundabouts, pavement markings, stop-sign compliance, red-light running, and safety issues such as speeding and seatbelt and turn-signal use Check your calendar and register now. Your check is your ticket to this class.

Golden Cross The Golden Cross Ministry of the Memphis Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church exists “to provide resources to enhance the day to day living and general well-being of elderly residents of the Wesley Living communities”.



Golden Cross does not receive funds from the Annual Conference apportionments. However, TM there are still many ways we can be involved SENIOR RESIDENTS FUND individually and as a church. Donations to assist a ministry of Wesley Senior Ministries Foundation senior residents with minimal incomes may be made to the church and designated for Golden Cross. One hundred percent of the donations directly benefit the residents of Wesley Living for matters ranging from rent assistance to food, furniture, medicine, or for programs and activities at the various communities. Small groups or individuals may assemble a Move-in Kit or a Bountiful Blessings Bag, or specific items can be donated for the daily needs of residents. A comprehensive list of those items is available at the Information Center as you enter Fellowship Hall or on-line. There is also a drawer under the counter in the Information Center designated Golden Cross Ministry for receipt of items you wish to donate. I would challenge you to determine a way you or you Sunday school class might assist this mission to the elder members of our community who are every bit as needy as those we help in a variety of other ways. If you would like more information, please contact Beverly Rhoads at 758-6513 or brhoads@germantownumc.org.

United Methodist Women Emily Moore ekmoore11@gmail.com Spring Bridge and Games Benefit - A Winner! On behalf of the GUMW team which led this year’s Spring Bridge and Games Benefit, we wish to thank everyone for the help given to this fundraiser. With your continued support, the “Benefit” was quite a success. Everyone enjoyed the day! We involved the community in our project, and more importantly we raised over $4,300 for the worthy missions of GUMW! In addition, “in kind” donations (from items left over from the rummage sale) were given to these organizations: Methodist Healthcare Auxiliary, Golden Cross, Goodwill, and National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI). Over 55 GUMC members (including our husbands) volunteered to stage this festive day. Whether you played games, modeled for the fashion show, cooked the delectable lunch, wrapped silverware, set up card tables, priced and hauled items for the ever-popular Unique Boutique, or helped in any way, your input was an essential part of this endeavor! We look forward to next year’s 11th annual Spring Bridge and Games Benefit!! Thank you, GUMC! Alice McMurray and Pat Gill Co-Chairs, Spring Bridge and Games Benefit Pat Gill and Alice McMurray

Fall/Winter Consignment Sale - August 25-26 Summer may have just begun, but it's never too early to think about shopping, saving, and serving at the next GUMW Children's Consignment Sale! Please mark your calendar for Friday, Aug 25 and Saturday, Aug. 26, when we will hold our fall/winter sale. Consigners, get a head start and clean out your clutter during the summer lull! For more info including dates, times, and guidelines, please visit www.gumwclothingsale.com.

All women are welcome to attend Germantown United Methodist Women events. If you are looking for the camaraderie of Christian women, fellowship while serving others, and the opportunity to make lifelong friends, consider joining one of GUMW's many Circles (small groups). For information, contact GUMW Membership Chair Yolanda Toney at ytoney@ germantownumc.org. 8

Youth Ministry Sue Hyland shyland@germantownumc.org 901-758-6516 In Case You Missed it... On Sunday, May 7th we got to honor all of our graduating seniors with a worship service, signed bibles by the congregation, and an evening banquet for the seniors and their families. It was a special day of celebration and sending them out into the world. These seniors hold a special place in our hearts and in this ministry. We will miss them dearly and wish them only the best on their future journeys. As a congregation, we would love for you to pray for each of these students. Pray that as they enter into this transitional season that they will always seek out God’s purpose for their lives. Listed below are our seniors and the schools that they will be attending in the fall. Wish the well on their journey! GUMC 2017 Seniors Tyler Anderson—Florida State University Molly Aslin—Mount Holyoke College Elizabeth Evans—Texas Christian University William Ford—University Of Memphis Ethan French—Chattanooga State Sally Gairhan—University of Arkansas Olivia Hooten—Mississippi State University Jordan Hornsby—Harding University Jesse Keck—Carnegie-Mellon University Cameron Meanwell—University of Alabama Kara Painter—University of Arkansas

Senior Reflection 2017 In the 9:40 service on May 7th, one of our seniors gave a lovely reflection. We wanted to make sure that each person got an opportunity to read her thoughts. Sally is such a gift to our youth program and to GUMC. “My name is Sally Gairhan, and I am a senior at Houston High School. My family and I have been attending Germantown United Methodist since I was about four. One of my first memories of life in Germantown is eating almost the entire plate of donut holes after joining the church along with my family. I danced down the halls of Grace Place to the most beloved prize: the snack rotation. I watched my mom leave her mark on this building by painting the biblical scenes still in the grace place classrooms. I sang my heart out in musicals about Jonah and the whale to the point that I still remember the words to this day in youth and Testimony choir. In sixth grade, I began my first transition into what I thought becoming a big kid was. I knelt in front of the congregation and was confirmed along with my peers as we passed another stepping-stone on into this place, this safe haven where I’ve learned to exist and grow the past six years. I’ve stood in the Trinity Worship center at six on Easter morning and spent many Sunday nights in the OLEC gym. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

Youth Ministry Sue Hyland shyland@germantownumc.org 901-758-6516 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9

“My time spent at GUMC is irreplaceable. I’ve been given opportunities to do tangible good like building roofs at SOS or a wheelchair ramp at Mountain T.O.P. But the things that have happened here can’t simply be seen in the pictures taken with some of my best friends. The people I know and places I’ve been because of this church have become so engrained in my story that it would be unrecognizable without them. I’ve come to realize that this physical place is not necessarily what I’ll be missing in three months when I move into my dorm at the University of Arkansas. A church, I’ve found out, is much more than the building where we go to worship, these physical walls that surround us. GUMC, this body of believers, is what has shaped me into the person I am today, and I am beyond grateful for my second home that has grown here. What I’m going to remember most might not be these milestones or big things I’ve checked off my list of what’s next. I think that the most important moments of my life so far have happened as I’m racing onto the next thing. They exist as I talk to Sue and Brian for hours after lights out at Crave and Discovery. They exist when I’ve dressed up as a bunch of grapes in the past three Edwin’s way 5k’s and convinced some of my friends to do the same. They exist from the conversations I’ve had with the older kids that have given me rides until I eventually found myself being that older kid, sitting in Julia Maxwell’s driveway for an hour, barely stopping long enough to take a breath. They exist at Tuesday morning prayer breakfast, when the high school girls tolerate my delusion at six in the morning. And they exist from the moments when I share a moment of transparency and find the middle school girls hugging me for hours. My clearest moments with God exist often in my messiest times because I’ve been given this church, these people to realize that we are called just as we are. All of you have shown me what it means to love radically, serve consistently, and live differently. All of you have been a part of what has pushed me to pursue what is good and righteous and holy. There are so many people that I’ve been able to do life together with simply because of this church. I met Sue Hyland when I was in eighth grade, and I am thankful to not only call her a dear role model of mine but also a great friend. I met Brian Richards as a scared fifth grader when he played Jesus in Godspell but looked more like the joker with a horrifying amount of face makeup. The past two years with Brian have been spent learning that he is indeed not scary but a man truly striving to walk like Jesus as he shares that with us. Jay Mckinney has patiently stayed with my grade since we were in Confirmation, and that if anything is a true testament to the love he has for the youth program. Mama Hopper has given the senior girls two years of small groups in the orange room that I will always remember by her desire to not just be someone older and wiser but someone who is always there for us. There is something rare and true and intentional about the people like these because they didn’t have to do this. I look back at the past fifteen years spent in this church and realize that the purest forms of radical love have been given to me here. “And so to all of you, thank you for everything. Thank you for your time, your prayers, your presence. This church has helped me find my own voice and shown me that it matters. I’ve found that we can do big things together, even when you’re only eighteen. This church has been a community, a support, and most importantly a home. I can’t look at this very day that I am in and imagine where I would be without GUMC, especially the youth group. The past fifteen years, I’ve always had one consistent place to go back and find what mattered. I am thankful to know that going to Fayetteville next year doesn’t mean leaving GUMC. This will always be a place that reminds me of the goodness of God and what He can do working in a place such as this.”

Confirmation Retreat May 5th and 6th we celebrated a wonderful year of Confirmation with our last retreat. This class has been such a joy and we are so thankful that we got to welcome them into the church on Sunday, May 21st. At this year’s retreat the students were able to attend a special Shabbat Confirmation service at Temple Israel. We then went on to Cosmic Bowling; everyone had a ball there! On Saturday we learned more about each other and about the commitment we make to the church when we become members of the body and declare Christ as our Lord and Savior. We concluded the day with a foot washing service in the Trinity Center, a picnic in McVay Gardens, and a pool party. It was a special weekend! Many thanks for the parents and volunteers that joined us. We would not have been able to hold such a meaningful retreat without you!


Children's Ministry Lisa Pierce lpierce@germantownumc.org 901-758-6512 VBS: Maker Fun Factory - Created by God, built for a purpose Vacation Bible School began May 31 with kick off of evening VBS. We begin our weekday VBS June 5 and will run through June 9. Please pray for our children, youth, and adults during this special time. Pray that the children will hear the message that they are uniquely created for an incredible purpose. Pray for the youth that they will mentor our younger ones as Christ would. Pray for our adults that they will present the message to our children with passion and compassion. Our Mission this year is Golden Cross, an organization that reaches low-income senior adults as they transition into assisted living. We will be collecting items for donation as well as accepting financial donations. Please join us this week as we pray and collect items/money specifically for this ministry.

Summers are on Fire in GUMC Children's Ministry! Look What's Happening: Movie Mondays: June 19, 26; July 17, 24; noon - 2:00 PM; the Huddle Get out of the hot summer heat and join some friends for lunch and a movie. We will meet in the Huddle each day and have a pizza lunch. Afterwards, we will flop in some beanbag chairs and enjoy some cool air conditioning and a fun movie. Online registration opens June 1st; please register to ensure enough food for all. $3 per person; you may pay either online or at the door. Mission Wednesdays: June 21, 28; July 19, 26; 1:30 -3:30 PM; the Cottage Children have an incredible heart for missions but no way to generate income to financially support them. Each Wednesday, we learn about different local, national, and international missions. We then create some high-quality crafts and then sacrificially donate them to be sold in the fall to generate money for a chosen mission. This event is free but registration is required. Online registration opens June 1. Space is limited, so please register early and only for the dates you are sure to attend. 5th and 6th Grade Mission Camp: July 10-14, 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM; the Huddle In this hands-on camp, we will explore three specific types of mission; inner-church mission, urban mission, and rural mission. The idea is that each child will have a chance to experience different types of work, hopefully creating an appetite for missional work. Some days will make our lunches and other days we will explore some Memphis eateries. We will finish each day with some seriously serious “capture the flag” or other games at McVay Gardens. This camp is only for rising fifth and sixth grade students. Space is limited; registration opens online May 1. Cost is $100 which includes all activities, transportation, food, and a T-shirt. Lakeshore Camp: July 17-22 We are taking a crew from GUMC to Lakeshore for this week of fun and fellowship. If you are interested in attending this week, please register through Lakeshore’s Website (https://lakeshorecamp.org/) and then drop an email to Lisa Pierce (Lpierce@germantownumc.org). New development: Lakeshore has agreed to allow Lisa to stay the entire week on site! If your child is having nervous feelings about going to camp for the first time (of if YOU are nervous), this is a great opportunity to transition to away camp. Lisa will be driving the church van, so transportation is not a problem. Poolapalooza: June 22, July 20, August 3 Transition to middle school is a fun, exciting, and somewhat frightening time for kids (and parents?). We have set aside these nights for our rising sixth graders to meet with each other, some older youth, and youth leaders to help ease that transition. These pool parties will be hosted by various rising sixth-grade families. Guests are welcome but must be entering the sixth grade. Please bring $5 to cover the cost of a lifeguard. Girls bring a snack food to share; guys bring individual prepackaged drinks. Modest bathing suits only, please. Registration opens online June 1. We will send you the location of each event after you have registered.


Germantown United Methodist Church 2331 South Germantown Road Germantown, TN 38138 www.germantownumc.org 901-754-7216 Editor’s Note: The deadline for submitting articles for Tidings is the 10th of the month prior. Submissions received after this deadline are not guaranteed to run.

One For All In 2016, we began a new initiative, One For All. It is a way for everyone to help meet the needs of our internal and external ministries and programs as well as get more involved in GUMC. Over the past 18 months we have helped in such areas as children’s ministry, GUMP and elder care just to name a few. From an outpouring of cheddar goldfish and Kleenex to grounds clean up and painting, the congregation has pulled together to ensure the church has what is needed to keep all our vital programs going strong. We grew from portable display boards to the permanent bulletin board outside the fellowship hall by the elevator. Don’t have time to stop by the bulletin board or shop? We’ve got a place for you to! Visit our Amazon wish list site and have your donation shipped directly to the church! www.germantownumc.org/one-for-all As we approach these summer months, please help us keep this project going by checking out our updated needs on the bulletin board and help where you can. There is something for everyone to help with! 12

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