GW FALL 2017
How Germany Celebrates its Greatest Reformer Martin Luther
Berlin Weeks in L.A.
Wieder ganz oben!
Roger Federer
His Amazing Comeback FALL 2017 WWW.GERMAN-WORLD.COM 1 $3.50 / ISSUE | $12.95 / YEAR (USA) | ISBN 1558-7568
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FALL 2017 11/5/17 9:41 AM
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Dear Readers,
die Herbstsaison mit dem Beginn von vielen Oktoberfesten sowie den Feierlichkeiten zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit (3. Oktober) und des österreichischen Nationalfeiertages (26. Oktober) ist immer sehr ereignisreich, doch dieses Jahr kamen noch besondere Jubiläen hinzu, die den Herbst sehr turbulent machten.
The Fall Season is always a very busy one in GermanAmerican circles in the U.S. due to Oktoberfest, the celebration of German National Day (October 3) and Austrian National Day (October 26), but this year brought some additional excitement thanks to a few very special anniversaries.
Ob 100 Jahre ARRI, 60 Jahre Steuben Parade New York, 50 Jahre Städtepartnerschaft L.A. Berlin oder 50 Jahre Goethe-Institut San Francisco – das German World Team war für Sie dabei! Persönlich hatte ich mich besonders auf die Berlin-Wochen in L.A. gefreut, die anlässlich der 50-jährigen Freundschaft zwischen diesen zwei großartigen Städten gefeiert werden sollte, doch die meisten Veranstaltungen blieben hinter meinen Erwartungen zurück. Mehr dazu auf Seite 20 bis 21. Alle Erwartungen übertroffen hat dieses Jahr jedoch der Tennis-Profi Roger Federer. 2016 noch von Verletzungen geplagt, die ihm sogar die Teilnahme an den Olympischen Spielen unmöglich machten, gelang dem sympathischen Schweizer und vierfachen Vater dieses Jahr ein fulminantes Comeback gekrönt von einem achten Wimbledon-Sieg. In unserer Titelgeschichte erfahren Sie, was sein Erfolgsgeheimnis ist. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude beim Lesen, ein friedliches und harmonisches Thanksgiving sowie eine schöne Advents- und Weihnachtszeit.
Photo: Kramer/Photoatelier-Brune
No matter if it was ARRI’s 100th Birthday Bash, the 60th anniversary of the Steuben Parade in New York or 50 years of sister city partnership between L.A. and Berlin as well as the 50th birthday of the Goethe-Institut in San Francisco, the German World team was there for you. On a personal note, I had been looking forward to the Berlin weeks in L.A. with great anticipation but what I experienced in the end was mostly disappointment. More about it on pages 20 – 21. However, disappointment does not come to mind when talking about tennis pro Roger Federer. While 2016 was a year during which the personable Swiss tennis star and father of four struggled with a knee injury that made him even miss the Olympic Games, 2017 brought him a mind-boggling comeback crowned by his 8th victory at Wimbledon. You’ll learn more about the secret to his success in our title story. We wish you an enjoyable time reading this latest issue, a peaceful Thanksgiving and a beautiful Advent- and Holiday Season.
Petra Schürmann Herausgeberin
Petra Schurmann Publisher
14 - 17
Roger Federer:
King of the Court Wieder ganz oben.
6 BUSINESS & POLITICS 6 - 11 12 - 13
News from Germany ARRI’s 100th Birthday Bash in Munich and L. A.
17 REGIONAL NEWS 17 - 18 27 - 29 30
31 32
Spotlight California
Spotlight New York: “Ich bin Expat Fair” & Other Events Spotlight Texas
Spotlight Midwest
Spotlight Florida & Georgia
REGULARS 44 - 45 Legal Tips: Immigration in Trump Times
20 - 21
47 - 49 German TV in the U.S.: Program Tips
22 - 23 24 - 26 34 - 36 40 - 41 43
Berlin Weeks in L. A.
From the Red Carpet: Film Festival GERMAN CURRENTS in L. A. 60th Steuben Parade a Great Success
500 Years of Reformation: Germany Pays Tribute to Martin Luther Bigger Crowd Than Ever: German-American Day L. A. Big Honor for Austrian American Council West
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Career Spotlight
Language & Dialects: Bairisch vs. Bayerisch
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PUBLISHER Petra Schürmann EDITORIAL Editorial Director & Editor in Chief Petra Schürmann Senior Editor /English Language Editor Jenny Peters CONTRIBUTORS Alexa Z. Constantine, Alexander Hast, Jenny Peters, Julia Kupper, Tshombe Sampson
LAYOUT & DESIGN Art Director AMF Graphics | Anna-Maria Furlong OFFICE MANAGEMENT & ADVERTISING Alexa Z. Constantine, Alexandra Schinko Phone: 323.876.5843 CONSULTANT AT LARGE Marianne Beland, Berlin
TRANSLATIONS Alexa Z. Constantine, Julia Kupper, Petra Schürmann
38 - 39
Pretzel Details: How much do you know about the popular staple from Germany?
HOW TO REACH US Mailing Address, Inc. PO Box 3541 | Los Angeles, CA 90078 Phone: 323.876.5843 Subscriber Services Phone: 323.876.5843 GERMAN WORLD MAGAZINE is published quarterly by, Inc. Subscription rate: $12.95/year Single copy: $3.50/issue
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COVER Roger Federer of Switzerland happy about winning the Men’s singles Semifinal match against Juan-Martin Del Potro of Argentina on day seven of 2017 ATP Shanghai Rolex Masters at Qizhong Stadium on October 14, 2017 in Shanghai, China. PHOTO Lintao Zhang/ Getty Images
Thank Goodness for Underberg For All Your Upcoming Festivities!
NEWS | Nachrichten
HAT ENTSCHIEDEN: Bundeswahlsieg für Angela Merkel, doch mit enttäuschendem Ergebnis für die CDU (dw) Angela Merkel wird ihre vierte Amtszeit als Bundeskanzlerin antreten, aber die offiziellen Ergebnisse der Bundestagswahl lassen ahnen, dass die Verhandlungen mit möglichen Koaliationspartnern schwierig sein werden. Während die CDU auch weiterhin die stärkste Partei im Bundestag geblieben ist, wird die rechtspopulistische Partei AfD die drittgrößte politische Kraft. DAS ERGEBNIS DER BUNDESTAGSWAHLEN 2017 IN DEUTSCHLAND
Nachdem die Stimmen aller 299 Wahlkreise bei der Bundestagswahl in Deutschland am 24. September 2017 gezählt waren, stand fest, dass die Partei von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, die Christlich Demokratische Union (CDU), und ihre bayrische Schwesterpartei CSU insgesamt 33 Prozent der Wähler für sich gewinnen konnten. Der Hauptgegner, die Sozialdemokratische Partei mit Spitzenkandidat Martin Schulz, erreichte nur schlappe 20,5 Prozent, während Die Grünen mit 8,9 Prozent und die Linkspartei mit 9,2 Prozent ungefähr das Niveau der Wahlen von 2013 erreichten. Einen richtigen Erfolg in dieser Wahlnacht konnnten einerseits die FDP mit 10,7 Prozent und die rechts-konservative „Alternative für Deutschland” (AfD) mit 12,6 Prozent feiern. Damit sitzt nach mehr als 50 Jahren das erste Mal wieder eine rechtspopulistische Partei im Deutschen Bundestag. Auch wenn die CDU weiterhin Deutschlands stärkste Partei bleibt, so bedeuten die 33 Prozent der Stimmen doch einen herben Verlust für die Konservativen, die 2013 noch 41,5 Prozent erreichten. Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach wird eine Regierungskoalition aus drei Parteien gebildet werden, um eine Minderheitsregierung zu vermeiden. Doch damit hat Angela Merkel eine weitaus weniger stabile Regierung als während ihrer anderen drei Amtszeiten. „Wir hatten uns natürlich ein besseres Ergebnis erhofft,” sagte Angela Merkel ihren verhaltend applaudierenden Parteimitgliedern, die in der Wahlnacht im CDU Hauptquartier in Berlin anwesend waren, und fuhr fort, dass harte Wochen vor der CDU lägen. Und sie versprach, dass man die CDU-Wähler, die man an die AfD verloren hat, wieder zurück gewinnen werde. Mehr zu der Tatsache, dass die CDU unter ihrer Leitung immer weiter in die Mitte des Parteienspektrums gerückt ist, sagte Merkel nicht. Sie sei allerdings optimistisch, dass Deutschland bis Weihnachten eine neue Regierung habe. n
FALL 2017 FALL 2017
Nachrichten | NEWS
Disappointing victory for Angela Merkel and her party CDU (dw) Angela Merkel has won a fourth term, but official results have shown she’ll have a “tough road” for coalition talks. While the CDU remains the largest party, the far-right AfD will be the third biggest political force. With all 299 constituencies reporting, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party the CSU came out ahead in Germany’s national election on Sunday, September 24, 2017, with 33 percent of the vote. Rival Social Democrats (SPD) led by Martin Schulz tumbled to a mere 20.5 percent, while the Green and Left parties remained about the same as they did in 2013, each with 8.9 and 9.2 percent, respectively. The only real success stories of the night were for the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) and far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD). After failing to make the 5-percent hurdle to enter the Bundestag last time around, the FDP managed a 10.7 percent to cement its comeback. As for the populist AfD, a remarkable showing of 12.6 percent means that Germany will have a far-right party in parliament for the first time in more than half a century. Although these results mean the CDU will remain Germany’s largest party, it still represents a substantial loss for the conservatives, who managed 41.5 percent in 2013.With a three-way coalition looking to be the likely solution to avoid a minority government, Merkel is about to begin a far less stable administration than in her past three terms. “We had hoped for a better result,” Merkel told a clapping but subdued crowd at party headquarters in Berlin. Later, she spoke of the “tough weeks ahead,” for the CDU, and promised to recover votes lost to the AfD — the closest she came to mentioning the slide of the CDU toward the center of the political spectrum under her leadership. Merkel said she was “confident,” however, that Germany would have a new government by Christmas.
POLITICS | Politik
– ALTERNATIVE FÜR DEUTSCHLAND What you need to know about Germany’s far-right party
Faces of Germany’s far-right (f.l.t.r.): Jörg Meuthen, Alexander Gauland, Alice Weidel and Frauke Petry.
In this article, Deutsche Welle (DW) looks at the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, entering the Bundestag as the third largest party. Its main appeal is its opposition to Angela Merkel’s opendoor policy toward migrants. (dw) When it was formed in 2013, the AfD’s main thrust was its opposition to bailouts of indebted European Union member states like Greece. But over time, it has become, first and foremost, an anti-immigration party. A recent study by the prestigious Bertelsmann Foundation concluded that this issue is the only one on which the party possesses significant appeal. The AfD completely rejects Chancellor Angela Merkel’s welcoming policy toward refugees, particularly from the Arab world, which has seen more than 1.5 million migrants arrive in Germany since 2015. The party wants to change Germany’s constitution to get rid of the right to an individual hearing in asylum cases and would seek to immediately deport all those whose applications to remain in Germany are rejected, regardless of whether the countries to which deportees are sent back are safe or not. It also advocates foreigners who commit crimes in Germany being sentenced to prisons outside the country and treating minors as young as 12 as adults for certain offenses. The AfD wants to seal the EU’s borders, institute rigorous identity checks along Germany’s national borders and set up holding camps abroad to prevent migrants from leaving for Germany in the first place. It also argues that Germany is being “Islamified” and portrays itself as a bulwark for traditional Christian values. The party is generally regarded to be split between “moderate” and “farright” wings, the latter of which shades over into ethnic and even racist nationalism. On September 24, the AfD took over 13 percent of the national vote in the general election in Germany, to become the third largest force in German politics winning 94 seats in the Bundestag. 8 8
FALL 2017 FALL 2017
The party’s lead candidates are a study in opposites. Representing the “far-right” faction is 76-year-old Alexander Gauland, a lawyer and journalist who was a member of Merkel’s conservative CDU for 40 years. The “mode-rate” faction is personified by 38-year-old economist Alice Weidel, who lives at least part-time in Switzerland with her female partner and two children. The AfD is often accused of pursuing a strategy whereby one of the “far-right” members breaks a social taboo with an outlandish, offensive statement only for a “moderate” member to qualify his or her colleague’s remarks. Gauland, in particular, is known for pushing verbal boundaries, calling for the government’s integration commissioner, a Turkish-German born in Hamburg, to be “disposed of ” in Anatolia. There is no absolute consensus about how to describe the AfD as a political phenomenon, other than as a party well to the right of the CDU and their Bavarian sister party, the CSU, after Merkel moved the conservatives significantly toward the center. It appeals both to the right-wing extremist fringe and to people dissatisfied with the status quo who may or may not have previously participated in the electoral system. Some commentators see the rise of the party as part of the same populist international trend that saw voters in the UK approve the Brexit referendum and Americans elect Donald Trump as president of the United States. The official AfD platform says that the party supports direct democracy, separation of state powers and the rule of law and order, but throughout its short history, critics have accused individual members of promoting neo-Nazi ideas and using neo-Nazi language. Nonetheless, the Interior Ministry has said it doesn’t regard the AfD as unconstitutional, and the party does not kept under constant surveillance by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Germany’s domestic intelligence agency.
Politik | POLITICS AfD Side Note
Text: Deutsche Welle –
AfD’s Frauke Petry (l.) and Alexander Gauland at a rally in Berlin.
The AfD is often conflated in the public mind with the anti-immigration Pegida movement, which holds regular demonstrations in Dresden. While there is no doubt that there is considerable overlap in terms of political attitudes and supporters, Pediga is a citizens’ initiative, not a party, and the AfD has always viewed it with unease. Like Donald Trump and Brexit leader Nigel Farage, the leaders of the AfD display a conspicuous hostility toward the mainstream media.The AfD favors doing away with the licensing fees that underwrite Germany’s public television and radio stations, and journalists are regularly excluded from party events. Reporters who call the press hotline at the party’s headquarters to request information often get a pre-recorded message telling them to “try again later.”
Right-wing AfD Bundestag Parliamentarian Convicted of Soccer Hooliganism Incoming Bundestag deputy Sebastian Münzenmaier of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) has been fined 10,000 euros ($12,000) and handed a six-month suspended sentence for his involvement in an attack by Kaiserslautern supporters on soccer fans of local rivals Mainz five years ago. A court in Mainz found that the attack, which took place at Kaiserslautern’s soccer stadium on March 18, 2012, was planned with Münzenmaier’s “knowledge and approval.” Münzenmaier did not take part in the violence himself, but the court found him complicit in it because he communicated with members of the Kaiserslautern hooligan scene on the day of the attack and brought some of the ultras from a gas station to the stadium. Münzenmaier was the AfD’s lead candidate for the state of Rhineland Palatinate during Germany’s national election last month and earned a seat in parliament. Münzenmaier will be allowed to take up his Bundestag mandate because being an accessory to assault is classified as a minor criminal offense (a Vergehen) and not a major crime (a Verbrechen) in Germany.
SCIENCE | Innovation
Munich Team wins SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition in California WARR Hyperloop from the Technical University of Munich created the fastest pod traveling at 324 km/h; Swissloop from ETH Zurich came in third SpaceX, rocket company in suburban Los Angeles, held its second Hyperloop Pod Competition on August 27, 2017, drawing more than 600 engineering students from 24 universities around the world, among them a team from the Technical University in Munich and from the ETH Zurich. The ambitious teams vied to see which could achieve the highest speed in shooting their prototype vehicles through a 1.25-kilometer tube adjacent to the SpaceX factory in Hawthorne, California. A similar competition took place in January. The WARR Hyperloop team, from the Technical University of Munich, claimed the top prize by sending its vehicle through the nearly airless tube at a top speed of 324 kilometers per hour. The pod from Munich weighed in at a mere 80kg and ran on a 50kw motor. The speed was more than triple of the speed reached by runner-up Paradigm Hyperloop, a Canadian-U.S. team that attained 102 kph in the lengthy tube, while the Swissloop team from the ETH in Zurich made the third place. “Congratulations to the WARR team,” Elon Musk said as the crowd of students, journalists and tech fans applauded. “That was an amazing job. That pod just went 324km/h, over 200mph. The Hyperloop is Elon Musk’s brainchild. The billionaire industrialist and founder of Tesla, introduced the concept in 2013 and invited the world’s innovators to help him make it a reality. When the pods launch successfully, like the German WARR pod, the whizzing capsules make a surreal “whish” sound. Manfred Schwarz, of the winning German team, said it had opted not to levitate its pod because it was focused on maximum speed in this competition. He thinks the world’s first working Hyperloop with passengers is just five to ten years away, with cargo is likely to come first if and when the systems are created. – GW/ps
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Clockwise from top: WARR Hyperloop student initiative from the Technical University of Munich, Germany, celebrate. Elon Musk, founder, CEO and lead designer at SpaceX and co-founder of Tesla Elon Musk watches the Swissloop team’s Hyperpod
Reception at the residence of Swiss Consul General Peter Hafner (r.) in August to honor the Swiss success at SpaceX and to congratulate the German team represented by Manfred Schwarz.
Nachrichten aus Deutschland | NEWS FROM GERMANY
Gay Couple Becomes First in Germany to Adopt a Child Two men in Berlin have become the first same-sex couple in Germany to adopt a child, a gay rights organization said Tuesday. Michael and Kai Korok married a day after gay marriage became legal in Germany on October 1. The German parliament approved gay marriage in June, giving same-sex couples the same tax advantages and adoption rights as other couples. The Koroks have been the foster parents of 2-year-old Maximilian since his birth, and applied to officially adopt him shortly after their marriage. A court in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district approved their application, making the men Maximilian’s joint legal guardians. >> Read the full story on
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Haribo Under Harsh Criticism
Gummy bear ingredients made under conditions of modern slavery
10,000 Protesters Gather in Berlin to Condemn Racism On October 22, 2017, two days before the new Bundestag convenes, protesters called on the German government not to tolerate right-wing hatred. In an attempt to set the tone before the Alternative for Germany party (AfD) takes its seats in the Bundestag, at least 10,000 demonstrators turned out in front of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, holding signs reading “My Heart Beats for Diversity,” “No AfD” and — playing on calls to cap the numbers of refugees allowed into the country —”Upper Limits on Nazis.” >> Read the full story on
As part of the film, ARD also aired footage recorded by the animal rights group Tierretter in pig farms in northern Germany. In response to the ARD’s documentary, the Bonn-based company offered a statement saying that they were not aware of a “violation of our guidelines” but that it would “proactively” pursue the issues with its suppliers. “We are a company that wants to bring joy to children and adults,” the Haribo’s statement added. “We can therefore not accept the disregard of social and ethical standards.” Haribo pledged to examine conditions along its entire supply chain in an effort to uncover abuses. According to the Global Slavery Index, 40.3 million people live in modern slavery around the world today.
Germany’s global candymaker Haribo was forced on the defensive on October 19, 2017, after a documentary by public broadcaster ARD revealed horrifying conditions for both the animals and humans responsible for the manufacture of key ingredients of the much-loved gummy bears and other Haribo products. The 45-minute documentary Markencheck (“brand check”) examined both the health and production issues of Haribo products, which are sold all over the world, and found failures of oversight in the production of carnauba wax and animal gelatin that left some of the poorest workers in Brazil, and pigs in industrial farms in Germany, suffering in horrific conditions. >> Read the full story on (Keyword: Haribo)
BUSINESS | Wirtschaft
Das Filmtechnikunternehmen ARRI feiert mit Geburtstagspartys auf der ganzen Welt Es ist für mich immer wieder faszinierend, in der Geschichte von großen, internationalen Unternehmen mit Wurzeln in Deutschland zu stöbern, und oftmals zu entdecken, dass sie in ganz bescheidenem Rahmen gestartet wurde. Arnold & Richter Cine Technik (ARRI), der Filmtechnikgigant mit Sitz in München, ist eines der besten Beispiele dafür. ARRI, heute weltweit der führende Hersteller und Verleiher von Filmtechnologie, feiert dieses Jahr seinen 100. Geburtstag.
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lles begann im September 1917 in einem ehemaligen Schustergeschäft in der Türkenstraße in München, wo die zwei Freunde August Arnold und Robert Richter unter dem Namen ARRI, hergeleitet von den zwei Anfangsbuchstaben ihrer Nachnamen, eine Filmtechnologiefirma aufmachen. Anfangs stellen sie nur ein Produkt her, eine Filmkopiermaschine, die sie auf Basis einer Druckpresse bauen, die Richter von seinen Eltern als Weihnachtsgeschenk erhalten hatte. Auch heute ist hier noch der ARRI Hauptfirmensitz. Der Erfolg lässt nicht lange auf sich warten und die Jungunternehmer verkaufen mehrere Kopiermaschinen. Gleichzeitig arbeiten sie anfangs als freischaffende Kameramänner an anderen Filmprojekten mit, wodurch sie sich ein enormes technisches Wissen aneignen. Im September 1918 starten sie erfolgreich ihre erste eigene Filmproduktion, „Black Jack”, ein Western, der unter Regie von Fred Stanz im Isartal gedreht wird. Sie produzieren in den ersten
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1 Celebrating ARRI’s 100 year anniversary at the ASC Clubhouse in Los Angeles: Jörg Pohlman, ARRI, Christof Stahl, Owner of ARRI, Kees van Oostrum, ASC President, and Franz Kraus, ARRI. 2 Franz Kraus (l) and Jörg Pohlman, ARRI’s co-managing directors 3 Celebration in Munich: Franz Kraus, Bavaria’s Minister of Media Ilse Aigner, Mayor of Munich Josef Schmid, moderator Nina Eichinger and Dr. Joerg Pohlman. Photo: ARRI/Bernd Wackenbauer 4 ARRI bash in Hollywood: Franz Wieser, ARRI VP Marketing USA, with director/dp Svetlana Cvetko 5 ARRI founder Robert Richter (l) and August Arnold in 1917. 6 Otto Nemenz (center) at the ARRI gala in Hollywood 7 Celebration in Munich: Trauninger and Bennett pose with the Arri 765 65mm camera which Trauninger designed. Photo: Courtesy of Bill Bennett, ASC 8 A mobile generator used by ARRI in the 1920s 8 The circular Kinarri camera, the first model offered by Arri, in 1924. Photo: Courtesy of Bill Bennett, ASC All photos: Courtesy of ARRI Inc. unless noted otherwise.
Jahren noch mehr als hundert Filme, meistens Western, die in den 20er Jahren sehr populär sind.
hundert Persönlichkeiten aus der weltweiten Filmindustrie willkommen.
In den frühen 20er Jahren, wenn sie nicht gerade an eigenen Filmem oder als Kameramänner arbeiteten, starteten sie auch mit dem Verleih ihrer Kameras und bauten damit eine neue wichtige Einnahmequelle auf. Das Verleihgeschäft ist bis heute eines der wichtigsten Standbeine der ARRI Gruppe und hat ein Dutzend Niederlassungen in Europa und in den USA.
„Mit dieser besonderen Jubiläumsfeier möchten wir Ihnen für die langjährige, intensive und sehr gute Zusammenarbeit danken “, erklärte Franz Kraus, Technikvorstand der ARRI Gruppe, bei seiner Begrüßung. „ARRI legt seit Anbeginn großen Wert auf enge Beziehungen zu den Kreativen. Schließlich wollen wir Ihnen genau die Technologien bieten, die Sie für die Umsetzung Ihrer Ideen benötigen.“
Die Feierlichkeiten zum 100. Geburtstag von ARRI begannen bereits im Juli 2017 mit zwei großen Jubiläumspartys in der Münchner Türkenstraße für Kunden und Mitarbeiter aus aller Welt. Dann, auf den Tag genau 100 Jahre nach der Gründung von ARRI, am 12. September 2017, veranstaltete das Filmtechnikunternehmen im Isarforum am Deutschen Museum in München eine kleine, exklusive Jubiläumsfeier für ausgewählte Gäste. Dort hießen der Vorstand von ARRI und Mitglieder der Eigentümerfamilie Stahl rund
Unter den Gratulanten befanden sich auch bekannte Persönlichkeiten aus der Politik, darunter Bayerns Medienministerin und stellvertretende Ministerpräsidentin llse Aigner und Münchens Zweiter Bürgermeister Josef Schmid, der in seiner Ansprache erklärte: „Fast kein Kinofilm auf der Welt wird heute gedreht, bei dem ARRI nicht auf irgendeine Art und Weise beteiligt ist. Als Münchner können wir stolz auf dieses Traditionsunternehmen sein!“n
Wirtschaft | BUSINESS
HAPPY 100! Film technology company ARRI celebrates its centennial with events around the globe By Petra Schürmann It always fascinates me reading about the often humble beginnings of an internationally successful enterprise with roots in Germany. Arnold & Richter Cine Technik (ARRI), the film technology giant with headquarters in Munich, is one of the best examples. ARRI, who just celebrated its centennial on September 12, 2017, is today the world’s leading manufacturer and distributor of professional film equipment.
n September 1917, however, it all began on a very small scale. Two friends, August Arnold and Robert Richter, who had met at school and were both fascinated by the medium of film, set up shop in a small, former shoemaker’s store on Türkenstrasse in Munich as a film technology firm. Under the name of ARRI, which derives from the first two letters of their last names, they started with just one original product: a film copying machine which they built on a lathe that Richter had received as a Christmas present from his parents. Today, the international headquarter of ARRI is still at the same location but on a much grander scale. It was not long before Arnold and Richter had their first official success, with the sale of several printers. At the same time, they were still working as freelance cameramen for “VIRTUALLY NO other companies in the early years, gaining an extraordinary amount of FEATURE FILM technical knowledge and expertise. IS MADE IN THE WORLD TODAY WITHOUT ARRI BEING INVOLVED SOMEHOW.”
Josef Schmid, Deputy Mayor of Munich.
In September 1918, under the direction of Fred Stanz, Arnold and Richter made a successful first foray into the world of motion pictures with the Western-style feature film Black Jack, shot near Munich in the Isar Valley. They continued to shoot feature films in the early years, making over 100 in total—many of them Westerns, a popular genre at that time.
In the early 1920s, when they weren’t shooting their own films or working as freelance cameramen, they started renting out their cameras to other Munich-based filmmakers, establishing a lending pool and a new source of income. Equipment rental has remained a vital strand of ARRI’s diverse business, and today the ARRI Rental Group has well over a dozen facilities across Europe and the United States. Just as in the early days, ARRI Rental learns what filmmakers need on set by working with them directly. ARRI’s centenary celebrations began in July 2017 with two grand anniversary parties at the headquarters for partners, customers, and employees from around the world.Then, exactly 100 years to the day after ARRI’s inception, ARRI’s Executive Board and members of the Stahl family, owners of ARRI, held an exclusive celebration for select guests at the Isarforum of Munich’s famed Deutsches Museum on September 12, 2017. “We wish to thank you all for the many years of intense and outstanding collaboration,” said Franz Kraus, executive board member, in his welcoming address. “Since day one, ARRI has placed great importance on close relationships with creatives [in the film industry],” he continued. “Because ultimately, our goal is to offer you exactly the technologies you need to make your film-making dreams come true.” Among the well-wishers were also prominent figures such as Bavaria’s Media Minister and Deputy State Premier llse Aigner and Munich’s Deputy Mayor Josef Schmid who stated: “Virtually no feature film is made in the world today without ARRI being involved somehow. As Munich natives, we can be proud that this company produce many produces right here in the heart of Munich, thus creating and keeping important jobs and training positions in our state.”
ARRI Trivia As a student, film director Edgar Reitz was asked by “old” mister Arnold to dismantle an ARRI camera and then put it back together again. Arnold told Reitz that if he completed the task successfully, he would be able to use the ARRI camera for free. Reitz, the son of a watchmaker, succeeded. ARRI’s Special Gift to Film Enthusiasts Around the World: The Filmmaker’s View The Filmmaker’s View is a series of more than 250 interviews which were shot by a team of ARRI over a period of one and a half years with industry professionals around the globe. Renowned filmmakers like Ang Lee, Francis Ford Coppola, Wim Wenders, and Tom Tykwer tell how technology has changed their artistic work. The interviews can be watched at and a book titled The Filmmaker’s View has also been published for the occasion.
About ARRI: The ARRI Group consists of five business units: Camera Systems, Lighting, Media, Rental, and Medical. ARRI is a leading designer and manufacturer of camera and lighting systems for the film and broadcast industry, with a worldwide distribution and service network. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has recognized ARRI’s engineers and their contributions to the industry so far with 19 Scientific and Technical Awards. On September 28, 2017, ARRI was awarded The Emmy® for Best Engineering. ARRI is also an integrated media service provider in the fields of film post- and coproduction and international sales as well as equipment rental, supplying camera, lighting, and grip packages to professional productions. ARRI Medical focuses on the use of core imaging technologies for surgical applications. The ARRI Academy offers unique training possibilities for industry professionals. And only recently, ARRI launched “The International Support Program” to actively support unique film projects with selected ARRI packages comprising elements such as camera, lighting, grip, postproduction, co-production, and international sales. FALL 2017 WWW.GERMAN-WORLD.COM WWW.GERMAN-WORLD.COM FALL 2017
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COVER | Titelgeschichte
s war ein historischer Sonntag, der 16. Juli 2017. Roger Federer gewann das Finale gegen den Kroaten Marin Čilić 6:3, 6:1, 6:4 im Eiltempo und im gesamten Turnierverlauf ohne Satzverlust. Der 36-Jährige ist damit der älteste männliche Wimbledon-Champion aller Zeiten und der erfolgreichste Spieler in der Geschichte des Profitennis. Mit seinem Erfolg in nur 1:41 Stunden schrieb Federer ein weiteres Kapitel in seiner Karriere der Superlative. Er überflügelte die siebenmaligen Turniersieger William Renshaw und Pete Sampras und sicherte sich Grand-Slam-Titel Nummer 19. Damit setzte sich Roger Federers Erfolgswelle nach den Siegen bei den Australian Open, beim Indian Wells Masters Turnier und den Siegen beim Miami Open und Halle Open fort. Und nach Wimbledon konnte er die Wettkämpfe beim Shanghai Masters und Swiss Indoors in seiner Heimatstadt Basel auch für sich entscheiden. Damit kehrt Federer, der noch zu Saisonbeginn auf Rang 17 lag, an die Weltspitze des Tennis zurück und liegt derzeit hinter Rafael Nadal auf Rang 2 der ATP World Tour. (Stand: 30.10.2017). Dies ist besonders bemerkenswert, da Roger Federer noch im letzten Jahr aufgrund einer Meniskusverletzung, die nur mit einer Knieoperation behoben werden konnte, und wegen Rückenproblemen die Hälfte der Saison von 2016 hatte aussetzen müssen. Auch an den Olympischen Spielen 2016 konnte der Silbermedaillengewinner von 2012 nicht teilnehmen. Das sei auch für ihn persönlich eine besonders herbe Enttäuschung, sein Schweizer Heimatland nicht in Rio vertreten zu können, äußerte Federer damals in einer Erklärung im Juni 2016. So waren auch die Erwartungen zu Saisonbeginn bei den diesjährigen Austrialian Open im Januar sehr verhalten als der attraktive Schweizer nach sechsmonatiger Pause das erste Mal wieder auf dem Platz stand. In seiner ersten Partie gegen Daniel Evans beim Hopman-Cup in Perth zeigte der Schweizer dann all das, was 2016 häufig vermisst wurde: unberechenbare Angriffsschläge, gefühlvolle Volleys und ein sogenannter “Slam Dunk”-Schmetterball, den Pete
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Titelgeschichte | COVER
t was a historical day: Sunday, July 16, 2017. Roger Federer quickly beat the Croatian Marin Čilić with 6:3, 6:1, 6:4 without losing a single set during the tournament. This victory made the 36-year-old tennis pro the oldest male Wimbledon Champion of all time and the most successful player in the history of professional tennis. The fact that he won Wimbledon in a match of only one hour and 41 minutes makes another chapter in his career of superlatives. He surpassed even William Renshaw and Pete Sampras, who both won the prestigious tournament seven times during their careers, and thus garnered his 19th Grand Slam Title. Wimbledon was a continuation of a very successful season for Roger Federer, which had started with winning the Australian Open in January, followed by victories at the Indian Wells Masters, the Miami Open and Halle Open. Even after Wimbledon, his streak of success continued at the Shanghai Masters and the Swiss Indoors in his hometown of Basle.This meant a return to the top ranks of professional tennis for Roger Federer, who had started out this season as rank 17. Currently he holds rank 2 of the ATP world tour behind Rafael Nadal. (status: 10/30/2017).
Roger Federer was named GQ’s Most Stylish Man of 2016 and the first active player on the ATP to reach 200 Top10 wins during the 2017 Australian Open. Opposite page: Roger Federer is also a brand ambassador for Rolex. and was named as the highest-earning tennis player off court for nine years straight by Forbes between 2007 and 2015. Photo: Courtesy of Rolex.
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Federer’s achievements this year are especially noteworthy considering how he was only able to play half a season last year due to an injury to his meniscus and recurring back pain. He took a break of six months and even missed the Olympic Games in Rio. As he declared in a statement in June 2016, the winner of Olympic Silver in 2012 personally regretted it very much that he could not represent his home country Switzerland at the 2017 Olympic Games. Not surprisingly, the international tennis world did not expect too much from the handsome Swiss athlete when he played his first match after a 6-month break this January at the Australian Open. In his first match against Daniel Evans at the Homan Cup in Perth, Federer delivered everything that his audience had missed in his 2016 matches: unexpected attacks, soft volleys and the so-called slam dunk hit that even Pete Sampras could not have done better during the height of his career. The organizers of the Austrialian Open matches were happy, too, since Federer brought more people to the Center Court where he trained than anybody else. None of the other top tennis players in the world have the ability to mobilize the masses like Roger Federer.
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COVER | Titelgeschichte A heart for children: The Roger Federer Foundation was founded in 2003 and has invested over 28.5 million in educational programs in Africa and Switzerland, reaching out to 650,000 children.
Started playing tennis at the age of eight
Swiss of the Year in 2003
Founded the Roger Federer Foundation in
2003 which has invested over 28.5 million in
educational programs in Africa and Switzerland, reaching out to 650,000 children
Roger Federer’s wife Mirka Vavrinec.
Married wife, Mirka Vavrinec, in 2009
Has four children -- two sets of twins -Myla and Charlene born July 23, 2009 and Leo and Lenny born May 6, 2014
Holds the record for most Grand Slam Men’s Singles Championships with 19 titles and has been in 29 finals
Sampras in seinen Glanzzeiten nicht besser hätte spielen können. Auch die Veranstalter waren froh, denn mehr als 8000 Menschen waren zum Center Court gepilgert, wo Federer trainierte. Kein anderer der derzeitigen Top-Spieler der Tennis-Weltrangliste mobilisiert die Massen in diesen Größenordnungen. WAS IST SEIN ERFOLGSGEHEIMNIS? “Die Zwangspause letztes Jahr war wichtig für mich,“ so Roger Federer beim traditionellen Fotoshooting der Australian Open im Januar 2017. “Es macht den Geist frei.” Federer, der schon immer eher „denkender Igel denn rennender Hase war“, wie es Der Spiegel einmal formulierte, und seine Kräfte wohl dosierte, ging mit Mitte 30, die schwindenden Kräfte vor Augen, plötzlich neue Wege. Die Taktik von Federer ist seither, mit möglichst wenig Kraftaufwand schnell eine Entscheidung im Turnier herbeizuführen. “Meister der Antizipation” nennt er sich selbst. Federer spurtet nun wieder häufiger ans Netz, lauert beim zweiten Aufschlag des Gegners schon mal weit vorgerückt auf den Return und streut riskante Stopps ein. Im Vergleich zu den drei anderen großen Spielern seiner Zeit - Nadal, Andy Murray, Novak Djokovic - legt er auf dem Court deutlich weniger Meter pro Punkt zurück, wie Studien bewiesen haben. “Ich spiele auch nicht mehr, um irgendjemandem einen Gefallen zu tun,“ erklärte Federer im Juni 2017 im Hinblick auf seine Entscheidung, dieses Jahr nicht an den French Open teilzunehmen. Federer nahm nochmals eine Wettkampfpause von 10 Wochen, trainierte auf Rasen und trat dann gegen Tommy Haas in Stuttgart an. Wenige Wochen später gelingt ihm, was noch im Januar 2017 unmöglich schien: er gewinnt zum achten Mal Wimbledon. Damit rückt er in die Nähe der Tennisgrößen Ivan Lendl und Jimmy Connor und ist auf dem besten Weg schon jetzt eine Tennislegende zu werden. 16 16
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Voted Fan Favorite for a record 14 consecutive years from 2003 to 2016
Has spent a record of 302 weeks at No. 1; first reached No. 1 in 2004 after winning the Australian Open
WHAT IS HIS SECRET? “Taking a break from competing as I was forced to do last year was very important to me,” explained Roger Federer at the traditional photo shoot of the Australian Open in January 2017. “It frees the mind.” (“Es macht den Geist frei.”)
Tied with Jimmy Connors for the 2nd most years at No. 1; Pete Sampras currently holds the record Finished 14 straight seasons in the Top 10 of the ATP from 2002-2015 which is the 2nd longest record; Jimmy Connors holds the No. 1 spot with 16 straight seasons in the Top 10 Has 95 Singles titles, which is the 2nd most in the Open Era just behind Jimmy Connors (who has 109 titles) and just ahead of Ivan Lendl (who has 94 titles)
Federer, who has been once described as more of “a thinking hedgehog [rather] than a racing rabbit” by the news magazine Der Spiegel, started a new approach to training and competing when he hit his mid-30s. Since then, Federer’s strategy is to win a point with the least effort possible and to decide a tournament (in his favor) as quickly as possible. He calls himself a “master of anticipation.”
With 8 Wimbledon titles, he holds the record for most Wimbledon Championships won
As a result, Federer sprints less often to the net, awaits the return close to the net after the second serving of his opponent and risks a few hard stops here and there. In comparison to three other world class tennis players – Nadal, Andy Murray, Novak Djokovic – he covers considerably less distances for each point, as studies have shown.
“I do not compete anymore just to please somebody,“ declared Federer in June 2017 with regards to his decision not to participate in the French Open. Instead, Federer took another break of 10 weeks and practiced on grass courts. He then competed against Tommy Haas in Stuttgart. A few weeks later he accomplished what still seemed to be totally impossible at the beginning of this year: he won Wimbledon for the eighth time.This incredible achievement puts him in the same league as tennis super stars Ivan Lendl and Jimmy Connor. In fact, Roger Federer is already on his way to becoming a living legend in professional tennis history.
Tied for the most US Open titles with Jimmy Connors and Pete Sampras at five
Earned a Doubles Olympic Gold Medal in 2008 at the Beijing Games with Stanislas Wawrinka; won a Singles Olympic Silver Medal at the London Games in 2012
Swiss Athlete of the Year SIX times, 20032004, 2006-2007, 2012, 2014
Named the first active player on the ATP to reach 200 Top 10 wins during the 2017 Australian Open
Named by Forbes as the highest-earning tennis player off-court for nine years straight by Forbes between 2007 and 2015
With a brand value of $37 million a year, he was named the top global athlete brand in Forbes Fab 40 in 2016 making him the world’s most valuable sport brand Ranked No. 2 on the Reputation Institute’s 2011 study of the World’s most respected, admired and trusted personalities just behind Nelson Mandela but ahead of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey and Bono
Meeting of Two Talk Show Kings
California | SPOTLIGHT
Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce in L.A. honors Larry King By Petra Schürmann The chance of having the esteemed American radio and TV talk show host Larry King attend an event in L.A. is very slim, just as is the chance of spending an evening with a German TV star like Thomas Gottschalk in Los Angeles. The Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce (SACC) in L.A., however, managed to achieve even both: on October 12, the SACC hosted an elegant dinner at the Beverly Hills Hotel honoring Larry King and also welcomed Thomas Gottschalk, a longtime friend of the SACC’s Chairman Emeritus Roger Wacker, at the event. Larry King’s work has been recognized with awards including two Peabodys and 10 Cable American Cinema Editors (ACE) Awards. He began as a local Florida journalist and radio interviewer in the 1950s and 1960s and became prominent as an all-night national radio broadcaster starting in 1978. From 1985 to 2010, he hosted the nightly interview television program Larry King Live on CNN. He currently hosts Larry King Now on Hulu and RT America during the week, and on Thursdays he hosts Politicking with Larry King.
SACC Chairman Emeritus Roger Wacker (3rd f. l.) and his wife Angelle with Larry King, Thomas Gottschalk (3rd. f.r.) and SACC Board Members.
Larry King was born on November 19, 1933 in Brooklyn as Lawrence Harvey Ziegler. He has been married to Shawn Ora Engermann since 1997 and they have two children. His parents were both Jewish immigrants and he changed his name from Ziegler to King when he was doing acting work. Larry King claimed to “never prepare for an interview.” The reasoning is that the average audience member knows little or nothing about a given show guest, so he prefers to begin as they would begin, and learn about the guest during the course of the show. The delightful evening was certainly this year’s event highlight for the SACC which had already hosted a well-attended gathering on August 1 at Nespresso in Beverly Hills on the occasion of Swiss National Day. In his welcoming remarks on August 1, Roger Wacker pointed out that Switzerland was mostly known for its mountains, cuckoo clocks, and chocolate. Little known, however,Wacker continued, was the fact that Switzerland creates more American net jobs than China!* That’s 370,000 net jobs in America’s favor according to the latest figures. Globally, Switzerland ranks second only to Japan in the net jobs it creates for the US.
Top: Paige Rothe, Shea Kaplan, Ann Dequire and Jeffrey Evans (f.l.t.r.) Left: SACC Chairman Emeritus Roger Wacker (l.) and his wife Angelle (front).
Mr. Wacker’s welcome address in full length is available on / Keyword: Swiss National Day L.A. *(Based on net figures: employment in the US by foreign companies minus US-created jobs in that country.)
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In 1967, while the images of the Summer of Love go around the world and make history, the Goethe-Institut opened its doors in San Francisco and started to promote contemporary German culture and the study of German language in this exciting environment. 50 years later, the Goethe-Institut in San Francisco has developed into a well-known and highly regarded member of the cultural scene in the Bay Area. This could be experienced first-hand when the Goethe-Institut kicked off its 50-Year-Anniversary celebration with an Open House Event on August 26, 2017, attracting more than 300 guests to their premises on Bush Street.
In her welcoming address, Goethe-Institut director Sigrid Savelsberg highlighted the particular importance of the German-American friendship, which the institute would continue to actively support in the coming years and decades.The institute has cooperated closely with various American and European partner institutions throughout the years and has promoted multilingualism by offering internationally renowned language courses and exams. One of the certainly most famous cultural event is the Berlin & Beyond film festival, a brainchild of former Goethe-Institut program coordinator Dr. Ingrid Eggers, which was started 21 years ago and has attracted more than 10,000 visitors each year. It is considered one of the most important festivals of German cinema abroad. Nina Hagen and Nena performed at the institute, Heinrich Böll and Werner Herzog also visited the hotspot of German culture in the heart of San Francisco. I particularly enjoyed the great mix of program during the Open House. After rediscovering many of my favorite traditional German poems in the Poetry Room, I was totally touched by the poetry slam performance by Julia Engelmann and Mike McGee. Kudos to the GISSV for their concert performance which included introductions in English and German given by the students themselves. During the Open House, which was sponsored by the ALTO School and Cornelsen Verlag, among others, guests also had the chance to meet the new Consul General of Germany, Mr. Hans-Ulrich Südbeck. For me, the day ended kicking back in the “beer garden” enjoying a real rarity: A Störtebecker Bier from Lübeck. Thank you, Goethe-Institut, for an event well done and for keeping us in touch with German culture! 18 18
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Open House on Aug. 26 at the Goethe-Institut in S.F. brought many guests to its location on Bush Street. Poetry slam star Julia Engelmann. Katharina Glaser of Alto School sitting behind her. Sigrid Savelsberg (l.) and her outstanding team. German Consul General Hans-Ulrich Südbeck enjoying the students’ performance. Director Sigrid Savelsberg (r.) with the first employee of the Goethe-Institut in San Francisco. (f. top l. to bottom r.)
NOVEMBER 9 – 11, 2017
The program includes the interactive film event “The Verdict,” the exhilarating Berlin film “Tiger Girl,” a night dedicated to Fritz Lang, a special encore screening of Stefan Zweig’s “Farewell to Europe,” and Switzerland’s 2018 Academy Awards® entry “The Divine Order.” FOR DETAILS VISIT
All photos: Barak Shrama Photography
Cultural highlights were the poetry slam performances of Julia Engelmann and Mighty Mike McGee.The concerts of the SFJAZZ High School All-Stars ensemble and the Senior Orchestra of the German International School Silicon Valley also delighted the audience. Art workshops, “Brecht for Kids,” the Poetry Room and the Beer Garden where guests could sample unique handcrafted beers from Germany presented by Claudia Müller and Steve King of GERMAN BEERS completed the program.
California | SPOTLIGHT
Art With Purpose Young Austrian artist in Beverly Hills dedicates his talents to breast cancer research By Petra Schürmann
Little did I know that a very special surprise would be in store for me and my friend Tanya Stawski (right photo, l.) when we accepted an invitation from Austrian Trade Commissioner Rudolf Thaler on August 20 to join him at his son’s Art With Purpose event in Beverly Hills. 23-year old Marc Thaler, who had also volunteered for a project of Maria Shriver’s The Women’s Alzheimer’s MovementTM, had organized this event in order to raise funds for the Phase One Foundation for Breast Cancer Research at City of Hope – a cause that is very dear to his heart since his mother had suffered from breast cancer. Being a very talented designer and artist, Marc Thaler created his streetwear-inspired label “Art With Purpose”, offering hoodies, denim jackets, and more. The Los Angeles-based line is manufactured completely locally ranging in price from approximately 30 USD to 300 USD. It was an evening of live music, art, fashion, wine and good food at The Cellar in Beverly Hills. All funds raised that night were doubled by Apple and more than 200 guests had followed Marc’s invitation, including Maria Shriver and her daughters Katherine and Christina. So far, Marc Thaler has raised more than 40,000 USD through events and sales.
FALL 2017
SPOTLIGHT | Los Angeles - Berlin
Two Great Sisters Berlin and Los Angeles celebrate their 50th Sister City Partnership with events on both sides of the Atlantic By Petra Schürmann
The 50th anniversary of the friendship between the two vibrant metropoles Los Angeles and Berlin served as the theme for many events in Los Angeles throughout this year. After kicking off the celebration with a reception at the Buffalo Club organized by the L.A. Berlin Sister City Committee with celebrity guest Max Raabe and his Palastorchester on April 1 (see German World article in our summer 2017 edition), the outstanding exhibit “Berlin/Los Angeles: Space for Music” at the Getty Center in L. A. opened on April 25.The exhibition that ran until July 30, 2017 and was organized by the Getty Research Institute explored the architectural connections between two iconic buildings: Hans Scharoun’s Berlin Philharmonic (Berliner Philharmonie, built 1960– 1963) and Frank Gehy’s Walt Disney Hall (built 1999–2003).The exhibition drew on the Getty Research Institute’s archival holdings on Frank Gehry and borrowed material on Hans Scharoun from the Academy of the Arts in Berlin. Focusing on the buildings’ extraordinary interiors and exteriors, “Berlin/Los Angeles: Space for Music” brought together original drawings, sketches, prints, photographs, and models to convey the architects’ design processes. The exhibition also included a model of Pierre Boulez Hall, a concert hall designed by Gehry that opened in Berlin in 2017 in the Mitte district, the historic center of Berlin. The next anniversary celebration did not take place on June 27, the date of the signing of the sister-city-partnership agreement 50 years ago, but at the beginning of July in Berlin when Los Angeles’ Mayor Eric Garcetti traveled with a delegation to the German capital upon invitation of Berlin’s Governing Mayor Michael Mueller to participate in the traditional Hoffest and meet counterparts from business, trade and culture. On July 6, 2017, the Aspen Institute Germany hosted an exclusive ‘Kennedy Breakfast’ with Mayor Garcetti at Schöneberg’s city hall. In a conversation with Annette Riedel, Senior Editor at Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Mayor Garcetti discussed the role of mayors on the national and international level, the importance of the digital and creative sectors for his city, and the pioneering role cities play in preventing climate change and fostering sustainability. Garcetti, himself has a very personal connection to Berlin: he spent a few days of his honeymoon in the vibrant German capital and has been a fan since then. Garcetti is also responsible for initiating a whole new strategy with regards to the Sister Cities of Los Angeles. A new corporation, Sister Cities of Los Angeles Inc., was founded under the leadership of its Chairman of the Board Tom Gilmore and President & Executive Director Fabiola Vilchez. Unfortunately, the change was not clearly communicated to the public or to the members of the Los Angeles Berlin Sister City Committee (LABSCC) that has been successfully led by its president Rosemarie Reisch. 2 Walt Disney Concert Hall in L.A. by Frank Gehry Photo: © Carol Highsmith. Washington, D.C. Courtesy of Library of Congress 3 Berlin Philharmonic Building by Hans Scharoun Photo: Courtesy of © J. Paul Getty Trust
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The LABSCC, which has kept the cultural ties between the two cities alive and thriving for 50 years, was not consulted or involved in how the celebration of the anniversary should be rolled out in 2017. By press date, German World was not able to obtain any press release or statement from Sister Cities of Los Angeles Inc. on how the LABSCC will be integrated into the new organization’s activities. In Los Angeles, the special Berlin-focused event series continued on October 4 with the opening of DELPHI_Essentials, a solo exhibition at the renowned ACE Gallery presenting visual artist and former Villa Aurora fellow Philipp Lachenmann with works that are specific to LA and to Berlin. Lachenmann is considered one of the outstanding artists of his generation. The same day, the “Berlin Lab”was held at LOT 613 in the Downtown L.A. Arts District and promised to offer an immersive experience that celebrates the lineage and synergy between the sister cities with a unique cross-metropolis exchange. Unfortunately, the lab started at 11 AM and was therefore not very well attended in the morning. A panel about “100 Years of Bauhaus, 50 Years of L.A. – Berlin” was moderated by Alexandra v. Stosch, Bauhaus Council Berlin e.V., and demonstrated how the German exile culture, in particular at the West coast had a great impact on the cultural life in the US. The event was followed by a social evening at LOT 613 with Lange Tafel Berlin, live performances by a Berlin-based hip hop dance group, and with presentations by L.A.-based artists which drew a young and international crowd to that pretty bleak, but up-and-coming part of L.A.
On the same day, the Berlin-Brandenburg Energy Network in partnership with Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) and the Berlin Chamber of Commerce invited Los Angelenos to a SUSTAINABLE COMPANIES & CITIES event which was organized by Timon Meyer of T-Base Consulting GmbH. Even Berlin’s Governing Mayor Michael Mueller stopped by to greet the participants. (9) The definite highlight of the Berlin-week in L.A. was the premiere of two episodes of “Babylon Berlin” at the beautiful ACE Hotel in Downtown L.A. (14). Germany’s new glitzy TV Series is based on the hit novels of Volker Kutscher, and set at the peak of the Weimar Republic in Berlin in 1929 - the “City of Sin” in those times. Produced by Sky Germany in cooperation with Beta Film and ARD, “Babylon Berlin” is the most expensive non-English drama series ever made, reportedly costing €40 million to produce. It will be available in the U.S. on Netflix as of early 2018.
All photos: Courtesy Stephanie Muehlhausen
The premiere was attended by director Tom Tykwer (12, r.) and three of the lead actors Volker Bruch (12, l.), Liv Lisa Fries (10), and Bruno Kurth (11, l.) as as well as Mayor Michael Mueller and many officials from Berlin. It was a beautiful event at one of the most ornate vintage theaters in L.A. that perfectly matched the luxurious setting in the movie but where was L.A.’s Mayor Garcetti? Where were the Los Angelenos? L.A. was officially represented by Tom Gilmore (13) but other than that the event seemed more a celebration of Berliners in L.A. The Berlin-event series in October certainly tried to attract people from different walks of life but it neither managed to get noticed by the media nor did it create a broad public awareness among Americans in L.A. for its colorful sister in Germany and vice versa. The Berlin-theme continued through the month of October in L.A. with the film series “Achtung Berlin Goes LA” presented by the Goethe-Institut and coordinated by film consultant Anke Zwirner as well as at the film festival GERMAN CURRENTS to which we are taking you on the 18 following page.
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SPOTLIGHT | Los Angeles
Fans of European cinema flocked to Hollywood to catch up on the latest releases from Germany, Austria and Switzerland By Petra Schürmann
From October 13 to October 16, the film festival GERMAN CURRENTS once again welcomed Los Angelenos to experience young, exciting and ground-breaking new cinema from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. So far, 2017 has been a very successful year for German film: Maren Ade’s TONI ERDMANN was nominated for an Academy Award in February and Diane Kruger won Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival in May.German films also screened in all major film festivals like Berlin,Venice and Toronto as well as at the Golden Globes and the Oscars. The producers of GERMAN CURRENTS, the Goethe-Institut in L.A. and the American Cinematheque, had selected some of the most exciting films for the 11th edition of the festival.
The festivities began at the Egyptian Theater on Friday with a red-carpet event attended by some of German cinema’s most exciting young talent like Nina Rausch (1, l.), Narges Rashidi (3, r.), and Karola 2 Raimund. The festival jury is known for choosing thought-provoking and often unsettling movies for opening night and this year was no exception. The festival opened with TIGER GIRL by Jakob Lass, which had its successful debut at the Berlinale 2017.The movie, set in Berlin, features two very different women who become friends and take things in their own hands, not shying away from brutality and violence if necessary.While Lass’ third feature skillfully blends mostly improvised dialogue with documentary-like camera work and brings powerful, action-packed visuals to life, the audience’s reaction to this edgy “martial arthouse” film ranged from “unbearable,” and “last piece of sh…” to praises about the depicted empowerment of women. The four-day festivities continued on Saturday with the US Premiere of BEUYS by Andres Veiel, the US PREMIERE of TIGER MILK by Ute Wieland, and Fatih Akin’s coming-of-age film GOODBYE BERLIN (TSCHICK), which won numerous awards.
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Los Angeles | SPOTLIGHT
9 Saturday’s movie selection TIGER GIRL drew more festival guests than ever and, as a first, saw long lines in front of the ticket office. This Ute Wieland film, based on the best-selling novel by Stefanie De Velasco, became the most popular movie of the festival. My personal favorite was THE DIVINE ORDER, written and directed by Petra Volpe, who, just like Jakob Lass (11, 2nd f. l.) and Ute Wieland, (11, 3rd f. l) had found time to attend the festival. THE DIVINE ORDER, Switzerland’s submission for the Academy Awards Best Foreign Language Film, centers around the very little known fact that Swiss women were not granted the right to vote before 1971 and, in some areas like the canton of Appenzell, not before 1990!
Edward Goldman KCRW
The Austrian entry at the festival this year was Dieter Berner’s EGON SCHIELE: DEATH & THE MAIDEN which let the audience witness outstanding performances by the actors Noah Saavedra (Schiele) and Valerie Pachner (Wally) set in turn-of-the-century Vienna beautifully set in scene by cinematographer Carsten Thiele. The festival concluded on Monday with its traditional free children’s matinee for LA schools.This year’s kids movie THE PEPPERCORNS & THE CURSE OF THE BLACK KING brought almost 600 children from Orange County and Greater L.A. to the theater. (photos 5, 16-18) A special highlight this year was the Filmmaker Brunch which took place at the elegant Crystal Ballroom (9) of the historic Millennium Biltmore Hotel, a first-time supporter of the festival. First-time support came as well from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, whose board member Helen Hoehne (14) also moderated the Q&A on Friday and Saturday.
The festival organizers were very happy to see a 30-40 percent increase in visitor numbers for some of the movies. This gives hope that the much thought-after venue of the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood can be secured for a 4-day festival in the years to come. German Currents is produced and presented by the Goethe-Institut Los Angeles and the American Cinematheque in cooperation with the German Consulate General, the Austrian Consulate General and the Consulate General of Switzerland and with the support of German Films, Deutsche Welle (DW) and The Friends of Goethe. Long-time patrons also include the world-renowned camera manufacturer and distributor ARRI, Underberg Sales Group and Erdinger who were joined this year by the Austrian Tourist Office Austrian Tourist Office, the Hollywood Foreign Press,Warsteiner Bier, European Deli and Kigala Peschool. More photos on -> GERMAN CURRENTS
Marcus Lucas with Mandy Rahn, ARRI, Petra Schürmann and Alexa Constantine, GW. (f.l.t.r.)
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Happy Birthday The largest GermanAmerican parade in the U.S. celebrated its 60th anniversary
By Petra Schürmann “While people from all nations hold their marches and parades,” writes Gerhard Hirseland a native from Berlin and editor of German American Trade News until 1968, in the 1958 edition of the Steuben Parade Journal, “there has for decades been one exception: One of the largest immigrant groups, which has for almost three centuries helped build America, has never publicly shown their significance - the German-Americans.”
On September 20, 1958, however, 10,000 German-Americans marched in a long parade up Fifth Avenue, and about 150,000 spectators cheered for their countrymen of German descent. The Steuben Parade was born. Leading the parade as Grand Marshal was New York Mayor Robert Ferdinand Wagner, the son of an immigrant from Germany’s Palatinate region. By his side marched New York Governor Averell Harriman and New Jersey Governor Robert Baumle Meyner. Throughout the years, the parade has completely changed but some parade floats still echo motifs of the past. In 1958, the float of the New York Turners had four young men exercising on parallel bars. In recent years Johanna Quaas, a regular amateur competitor in Saxony, Germany, has performed her gymnast skills on a float. (see 2014 in timeline below) Many of the German-American groups like the Plattduetsche Volksfest Vereen who have been with the parade since the beginning are still participating. The 86th Street Restaurant Association, however, is gone as are most of the establishments it once represented. Heidelberg Restaurant and Schaller & Weber are the last surviving witnesses of the German-American days of Yorkville.
Steuben Parade
Over the Years 1982
Early Days
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2007 2001
Steuben Parade New York! While some German businesses have closed shop over the years, many new ones have opened and flourished. Nowadays, New York has more German restaurants than it has had for the past two decades. Many of these businesses actively support the parade and the German-American Friendship Month. Over the past six decades, many of the highest-ranking politicians have marched in the parade. Among them were Germany’s Presidents Walter Scheel and Richard von Weizsäcker as well as former German Secretary of State Hans-Dietrich Genscher and his American counterpart Dr. Henry Kissinger.
This year, the parade welcomed Admiral Manfred Nielson (1, r), of the German Armed Forces, and Heinz Buck (1, center), Former President of The German-American Committee of Greater New York, as Grand Marshals of the 60th Steuben Parade. Admiral Nielson (3, with long-time parade supporter Norbert Wirsching) was born in Dorsten and joined the German Navy as a reserve officer candidate. He graduated in 1978 and completed underwater weapons specialist training in 1981. In March 2016, he assumed duties as Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Transformation in Norfolk,Virginia.
All photos: Bob Radske, Charles Ruppmann
Heinz Buck was born in Armstorf-Horn, Lower Saxony. After his father died in Russia in 1942, the family eventually emigrated to the U.S. in 1950. Buck became an aircraft mechanic and began his civilian career in 1959 with Pan American World Airways. His last position was Director of Maintenance at Atlas Air. Heinz Buck has been actively involved in the German-American community for many decades. He serves as the director of the German American Committee of Greater New York and served as its president from 2005-2012. This year, over 300 participating groups from NY, NJ, CA, CT, IL, MA, MD, PA, TX and WI attended the 60th jubilee alongside 24 groups from Germany and Austria and 23 floats.The parade was led off with the Bundeswehr Heeresmusikkorps Neu-Brandenburg, Germany, and the West Point U.S. Military Marching Band.
The bulk of the credit for the success of the Steuben Parade for six decades goes to the thousands of volunteers who have worked tirelessly throughout the years. Currently, the parade committee is led by Steuben Parade Chairman Robert Radske who, supported by his wife Anita and his two daughters Nicole and Stephanie (4), does a wonderful job. Here’s to the next 60 Years!
2013 2015 2014
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SPOTLIGHT | New York A Steuben Parade Exclusive:
Interview with Robert Radske, Chairman of the Steuben Parade Committee of Greater New York By Petra Schürmann GW: Bob, congratulations again on another, very successful Steuben Parade in New York which celebrated its 60th anniversary this year. How did you get first involved with the Parade? Robert Radske: It all began in 2006 when my daughter Nicole was crowned Miss GermanAmerica. Afterwards, we all travelled to Europe and spent four weeks in Germany and Austria where Nicole had some official commitments for the Steuben Parade Committee. The trip reconnected my wife Anita who is from Klagenfurt, Austria, and me with our heritage. Back in New York, I became a supporter of the Parade as its official photographer, then float manager and eventually I was elected Chairman of the Board. GW: I know that you were born in New York but that your parents are from today’s Slovenia and Austria. Do you and your family still speak German? RR: Yes, we do. I spoke German with my parents at home and later I happened to be stationed in Bad Mergentheim. Anita is a native German speaker and our daughters attended the German School in New York.They have also been involved since their youth with the Enzian Schuhplattler and attended many events at the Gottscheer Hall.
Robert Radske and his wife Anita with Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen. Photo: Charles Ruppmann
GW: Who are your main supporters for organizing a successful gala, parade and Oktoberfest with more than 5,000 people year after year? RR: First of all, my wife Anita and my daughters support me tremendously. We are all volunteers and have other full-time jobs but we try to manage the event organization as professionally as possible. Then Herb Seef,Vice Chair, is a key supporter to me, as well as the other committee members. In past years, Lenny Coyne was our wonderful and talented PR manager who brought a lot of publicity to the parade. It was his biggest wish to attend this year’s parade and Oktoberfest at least as a guest but his severe illness had already weakened him too much so that he was not able to attend anymore. He is deeply missed. GW: During some of the past Steuben Parade Weekends, the top of the Empire State Building was lit in the German national colors but not for the 60th anniversary. How come? RR: The Empire State Building is under private
ownership and each year it is up to the discretion of the Canadian owner whose colors will be put on display. Unfortunately, even the intervention of the Consulate General of Germany did not help. We will keep trying. GW: How many marchers and spectators did attend this year? RR: We had 24 groups marching, among them 900 people from Germany, and 3,000 people marching in total. My estimate is that about 25,000 people were watching the parade and we had over 2,000 viewers of our live cast of the parade in 600 cities and ten countries. GW: That is a wonderful success for the 60th edition of the Steuben Parade New York! Congratulations to you and your team. And here’s to Freundschaft & Gemütlichkeit! Note: The interview is not a literal transcript of our phone conversation with Bob Radske but summarizes a few of his answers
It is with deep sadness and regret that we announce the passing of
Lenny Coyne
(† September 24, 2017)
Lenny Coyne was the Director and Steuben Parade Executive Committee Member in New York. He served for many years as the parade’s PR Manager. He was instrumental to create a greater public awareness in New York for the Steuben Parade and German-American events. He also created one of the most popular events at the Steuben Parade Oktoberfest in New York, the Maßkrugstemmen (beer stein lifting competition). German World had the great pleasure of working with Lenny for many years. He was a wonderful man. Being of Puerto Rican and Irish descent, he was a proud supporter of the German culture in the U.S. Our heart goes out to his wife Barbara, his loved ones, the Steuben Parade Committee Members and his friends. The mass and burial service was held on September 28, 2017. He found his final resting place at the Holy Rood Cemetery in Westbury, New York.
Rest in Peace, dear Friend! In lieu of flowers the family suggested donations to be made in Lenny’s name to The German American Committee of Greater NY, 117 Meadow Street, Garden City NY 11530 or to The Lustgarten Foundation, 415 Crossways Park Drive, Suite D Woodbury, NY 11797. 26 26
FALL 2017 FALL 2017
Fritz Ascher, Two Sunflowers © Bianca Stock
Berlin, Potsdam, Leipzig and Ismaning) and will be seen at the Grey Art Gallery, N.Y.U., New York, January 9 - April 6, 2019. Oct 23 - Dec 3, 2017 Co-presented by the Consulate General of Germany, this exhibition is curated by Karen Exhibit: “Beauteous Strivings”: Wilkin and organized in collaboration with The Fritz Ascher Society. Fritz Ascher, Works Location: New York Studio School, on Paper 8 W 8th St, New York, NY 10011 For the first time in the Information: United States, this exhibition presents works on paper by the German Expressionist Fritz Ascher Nov 9, 2017, 6 PM - Dec 15, 2017 Exhibit: Elias Wessel: History of Touches (1893-1970). Born 1893 in Berlin, Ascher showed talent early. At the age of 16, he studied with Max Liebermann The Consulate General of Germany in New York and Lovis Corinth in Berlin. In contact with such is presenting the exhibition “History of Touches” artists as Emil Nolde and Edvard Munch, Ascher dedicated to the photographic work of the artist developed an expressionist pictorial language and Elias Wessel. History of Touches brings together smaller formats of Wessels On- and B/W Series of his created powerful figural compositions. After 1933, the Jewish-born Ascher was not latest work cycle Die Summe meiner Daten / Histoallowed to produce, exhibit or sell his art. He ry of Touches, 2017. survived the Nazi regime mostly in hiding, Born in Bonn, Germany, the artist has been based writing poetry. He continued to live in Berlin in New York City since 2008. His works are inafter 1945 and resumed painting, mainly in cluded in the AXA Art Collection in Cologne and have been exhibited at museums and institusolemn solitude. The first complete Fritz Ascher Retrospective of tions including the Museum of Contemporary Art – paintings, drawings, and works on paper is now MOCA Taipei, Museum and the Goethe Institutes traveling in Germany (Osnabrück, Chemnitz, in Prague and Frankfurt am Main.
More information: Location: German Consulate General, 871 United Nations Plaza, New York Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM – 5 PM.
Francesca Zambello © Clair McAdams
Nov 13, 2017, 7:30 PM & Dec 8, 2017 7:30 PM Ring Cycle Programs at the Liederkranz
November and December bring two programs of the Wagner Society of New York related to Wagner’s celebrated Ring operas. Holloway, University of London, will speak on The Disillusionment of Revolutionaries:Wagner, Frank Castorf and the Ring, on Nov. 13. On Dec. 8 at 7:30 pm, Francesca Zambello will discuss Shining the Ring: Revisiting It as a Director. She is the artistic and general director of the Glimmerglass Festival and artistic director of the Washington National Opera; her Ring cycle production will be revived at the San Francisco Opera in three cycles in June 2018. Location: The Liederkranz Foundation, 6 East 87th St., New York, NY 10128 Information:
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New York City is known as one of the most ethnically diverse metropoles in the world. However, have you ever thought about looking for Swiss culture in New York? With the help of CityKinder New York, we found a few very interesting Swiss hot spots in the Big Apple.
Swiss National Day Celebration On the occasion of Swiss National Day, which is observed on August 1, the Swiss Society of New York, together with the Swiss Benevolent Society of New York, Swiss Soccer Club of New York, and Swiss Ski Club of New York, held the annual Swiss National Day Celebration at Studio Square Beer Garden in Long Island City on July 29, 2017. In the NYC-Area the Swiss National Day Celebration is one of the most popular events. Every year, hundreds of families and individuals come to enjoy fine Swiss food and drinks, distinctly Swiss entertainment, and activities for people of all ages. The Swiss National Day Celebration also hosted the Swiss Village, which features other Swiss non-profit organizations, clubs, and vendors presenting uniquely Swiss items. Swiss National Day is held under the patronage of the Consulate General of Switzerland in New York. The Swiss National Day in New York City is a yearly event, held on or around Switzerland’s official August 1st National Day, commemorating the founding of the Swiss Confederation in 1291. More information:
Rella’s Spielhaus
Day Care in Harlem, Manhattan
Swiss-born Barbara Rellstab, founder and head of Rella’s Spielhaus, came to New York to follow her dream to perform on Broadway after a successful career as an actress and singer back in Switzerland and Germany. In an interview with CityKinder New York she speaks about her journey from being a musical performer to working for the Swiss Consulate and as a real estate broker to opening her own German immersion day care. Read more on
Swiss Institute Swiss Institute is an independent non-profit contemporary art institution dedicated to promoting forward-thinking and experimental art making through innovative exhibitions and programs. Committed to the highest standards of curatorial and educational excellence, Swiss Institute serves as a platform for emerging artists, catalyzes new contexts for celebrated work, and fosters appreciation for under-recognized positions. Open to public. No admission.
Swiss Consulate General in New York 633 Third Avenue, 30th floor New York, NY 10017-6706 General inquiries: Phone +1 212 599 5700 Visa: 28 28
FALL FALL 2017 2017
Swiss Society New York The Swiss Society of New York is the leading cultural organization and since its beginnings in 1882, it serves as the platform for the Swiss community and their American friends in the tri-state area. Throughout the year they offer a variety of cultural meetings, performances, presentations, and lectures in art, music, literature, science, and matters of general interest. One of its signature events is the annual Swiss Ball at the Hotel Pierre.
German International School New York
Pre-K to Grade 12 International School in White Plains, NY
The German International School New York in White Plains, Westchester, is not only a great option for Swiss children but also for children of all backgrounds due to its bilingual approach. There is also the Swiss Parents Association (SPA) connecting Swiss families and a special after-school program for Swiss children. The SPA at GISCNY is even celebrating their 30th anniversary this year. For Swiss students in kindergarten through 5th grade, the SPA organizes an after-school program in Schwyzerdütsch, which covers Swiss geography, history, and engages students in cultural projects. Each semester, students in 6th through 12th grades are led on corporate trips that give them an opportunity to speak in Schwyzderdütsch on Swiss related topics. And for the wider school community, the SPA organizes and supports fundraising activities, such as the popular ‘Raclette Stube’ at GISNY’s annual Weihnachtsbazar.
Rosita Fugarino - Swiss Teacher at GISNY Swiss-born Rosita Fugarino has been working as a primary school teacher at the German International School New York (GISNY) in White Plains for 22 years. She trained as a teacher in Zurich where she worked for a few years before she followed her calling abroad.
Washington, DC | SPOTLIGHT
The German-American Heritage Foundation will honor Robert M. Hitt III, Secretary of Commerce of South Carolina, with this distinctive award
obert “Bobby” M. Hitt III was appointed by Governor Nikki Haley to serve as Secretary of Commerce in January 2011. Hitt offers a wealth of economic development experience to the South Carolina Department of Commerce as he was the previous manager of corporate affairs at the BMW Manufacturing Company in Spartanburg, South Carolina and has worked closely with the previous five commerce secretaries. Robert M. Hitt III
Hitt is a native of Charleston, South Carolina and is of German descent. His ancestor, Peter (Heite) Hitt, was born in 1683 in Siegen, Germany and subsequently emigrated to Germanna, Virginia where he was a silver and iron miner. In 1714, Peter Hitt was one among the twelve pioneer families in the first colony from Siegen to Germanna. In this process, it is believed that Peter anglicized his name from Heite to Hitt. Robert M. Hitt III is a graduate of the University of South Carolina. In 1987, Hitt received the prestigious Nieman Fellowship for journalists, which enabled him to study for a year at Harvard University where he specialized in management and law. Hitt served as the director of planning and development for the Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough law firm and worked at The State and The Columbia Record newspapers for 17 years. He served as managing editor of both publications. Prior to his position as Secretary of Commerce, Hitt was the previous manager of corporate affairs at the BMW Manufacturing Company in Spartanburg for 18 years. Hitt was involved in bringing the BMW Plant to the Upstate, which has proven to be one of South Carolina’s largest success stories regarding economic development and job creation. During his time at BMW, Robert M. Hitt III was chairman of the South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance and board member of the Upstate SC Alliance, a regional economic development organization. As Secretary of Commerce, Hitt has proven to be a leader in economic development for the state of South Carolina. He has recruited more than $23 billion in capital investments and 86,000 new jobs to the state. During Hitt’s tenure, South Carolina has consistently ranked number one in the export of both completed passenger motor vehicles and tires. Moreover, South Carolina has also led the nation in jobs created from foreign direct investment ABOUT THE AWARD per capita, in three of The Council of 1000 Award and Fundthe last four years. n raising Gala is a tradition that was started 30 years ago to raise awareness and financial support for the GermanAmerican Heritage Foundation of the USA® (GAHF). It is the signature event of our Foundation. During our Council of 1000 Gala, every year since 1987, GAHF has recognized outstanding leaderHonored as DGA of the Year ship and achievements by an American 2016: The entrepreneur of German-speaking ancestry in busiPhilip F. Anschutz. ness, the arts, education, science, politics and society through Distinguished German-American of the Year Award™.
November 3, 2017 31ST COUNCIL OF 1000 AWARD AND FUNDRAISING GALA OF THE GAHF Schedule: 6 PM (Reception), 7 PM (Dinner) – 8.45 PM (Award Ceremony) Location: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Hall of Flags, 1652 NW H St,Washington DC 20062 Information:
Through April 15, 2018 EXHIBIT: MARLENE DIETRICH - DRESSED FOR THE IMAGE The first exhibition to showcase the life and influence of Marlene Dietrich features more than 45 objects, including photographs, correspondence and film clips of the German-born star, who became an American citizen, remains a symbol of anti-Nazism, a fashion icon and an influential figure of the LGBT community. Location: Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC FALL2017 2017 WWW.GERMAN-WORLD.COM WWW.GERMAN-WORLD.COM FALL
HISTORY | Traditions
Ich geh’ mit meiner Laterne, meine Laterne geht mit mir …
How St. Martin’s Day is celebrated in Germany St. Martin’s Day (Martinstag) on November 11 is a religious observance in Germany that is particularly popular with children. It is dedicated to St. Martin of Tours and celebrates modesty and altruism - both values commonly associated with the Saint. As the holiday was traditionally followed by a fast that lasted until Christmas, many traditions on St. Martin’s Day center on food.
Lantern processions are held all around Germany on St. Martin’s Day. Saint Martin cuts a piece of his cloak - painting in Tours Cathedral ©
n observance of St. Martin’s Day, many children build their own lanterns in the run-up to November 11. In the evening on St. Martin’s Day there are lantern processions (Martinsumzüge or Laternenumzüge) in towns and cities all over Germany. Often they are led by an actor impersonating the Saint, usually dressed up as a Roman soldier riding on a horse. At the end of the procession people gather around a large bonfire to sing songs dedicated to St. Martin, eat sweet pastries and drink mulled wine (Glühwein). Many Germans celebrate St. Martin’s Day with a festive meal where roasted goose or duck (Martinsgans) is traditionally served as the main course.
Historical Background
aint Martin of Tours (316 - 297 CE) initially worked as a Roman legionary but was later appointed the third Bishop of Tours. According to lore, he was a modest and altruistic man. The legend about his saving a homeless person from freezing to death by giving him half of his cloak is known to children in all parts of Germany. The tradition to eat a goose (today often replaced by a duck) on St. Martin’s Day is thought to be based on the medieval tax system. November 11 was pay day, and often the tax debt was paid with a goose. It is believed that this is also the reason why geese play such an important role in legends Note: about the Saint. Another popular stoSt. Martin’s Day is not a public ry is about a flock of geese who beholiday in Germany. Offices, trayed Martin’s hiding place as he banks, schools and business was trying to hide from the people are open as usual. Public of Tours when they wanted to make transport runs on a normal him a bishop. schedule. The lantern processions may cause minor delays.
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FALL 2017 SUMMER 2017
The Midwest | SPOTLIGHT
Better Than Ever All photos courtesy Petra Theurich
By Petra Schurmann
erman Fest, one of many ethnic celebrations in Milwaukee, honors the city’s rich German cultural heritage. Germans began settling in Wisconsin in 1839 and eventually gave the state its beer and brats identity, according to Mark Louden, a UW-Madison professor of German. When the Germans came here, they put down roots, he said.They wanted to build stone houses and barns, some of which still exist. Germans and Native Americans were quite friendly, according to Louden, and the Native Americans picked up bread-making from them. Many of the Germans came to Wisconsin by water. They came to New York, then up the Hudson River and to the Great Lakes by way of the Erie Canal. The Germans changed education first in Wisconsin, and brought physical education, science and technical training to public schools in Milwaukee. The progressives who started arriving in Milwaukee after the failed revolution in Germany also brought changes to the political system by electing socialist politicians. The last was Frank Zeidler, who was first elected mayor of Milwaukee in 1948 and stepped down in 1960. While some of the Germans who came to Wisconsin had political reasons, the vast majority came for economic reasons.
1 More than 35 years ago, then-Milwaukee mayor Henry Maier challenged the city’s local German groups to create a German gathering akin to other ethnic festivals being organized at the time. As a result German Fest was formed and the first festival was held in 1981. Their primary goal was to promote German culture and it has drawn crowds from around the world ever since. Authentic German food, costumes, music, and dancing demonstrations are featured each year; and the “Kulturzelt,” the cultural heritage tent, provides visitors with varying displays of German traditions and customs. I have been to German Fest myself and I was amazed at the degree of authenticity with which certain aspects of German culture was presented.
One of the all-time favorite is the Dachshund races which have been organized by Wisconsin native Petra Theurich (photo 1 and 6) for many years. Petra has been one of the most active members of the German community in the Milwaukee area. Thanks to her, news about Germans in Wisconsin get published, invitations to German Stammtisch gatherings are promoted and from time to time she even organizes a group trip to the New York Steuben Parade.
Chicago Brauhaus Closed After 42 Years Chicago has lost one of its most beloved and oldest German restaurants, the Chicago Brauhaus. The owners, Harry and Guenter Kempf, decided that 42 years of running a restaurant were enough. Both have reached retirement age a few years ago. Unfortunately, they could not find any family member to keep the restaurant going. On October 31, 2017, Chicago Brauhaus closed for good. We wish Harry and Guenter all the best and thank them very much for their patronage. They were one of our first advertisers and have supported German World Magazine continuously over the past 10 year.
Vielen Dank, alles Gute & auf Wiedersehen!
His beer pouring skills were called a ‘work of art.’ But in Miami, they have known that for years.
arald Neuweg, owner of Coral Gables brew hub Fritz & Franz, has Jedi Master level beer pouring skills. Don’t believe us? The Austrian native won the Warsteiner Perfect Pour Off competition for the second year in a row. This time, he won an all-expenses-paid trip to Berlin which includes a trip to the Warsteiner Brewery located in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. How did he win? First he finished in the top three of the online competition. That won him a spot in the Perfect Pour finals in Las Vegas. The contest in Vegas was made up of three rounds. The first two were judged on cleanliness and technique of the pour.
UPCOMING EVENTS November 3, 2017. 6 PM – 8 PM ST. MARTIN LATERN PARADE CRAFTING Location: Fellowship Hall, United Church of Christ, 3010 De Soto Ave, Cape Coral Information:
October 6 – December 12, 2017 EXHIBITION: MIAMI HIGH RISE Exhibition is curated by Eric Firley, German Assistant Professor at UM School of Architecture Location: Miami Center for Architecture Design, 100 NE 1st Ave, Miami
November 8, 2017, 6 PM – 7.30 PM ST. MARTIN LATERN PARADE Location: Sanctuary United Church of Christ, 3010 De Soto Ave, Cape Coral Information:
November 12, 2018 – 4 PM ST. MARTIN LATERN FESTIVAL
November 4, 2017 at 4 PM ST. MARTIN PARADE This great German tradition with latern walk and potluck is organized by the German-American School of Ft. Lauderdale. Location: Hortt Park Community Center, 1700 SW 14th Court, Fort Lauderdale Information: 954-288 7599
Organized by the German Learning Center. potluck and parade. Location: Emerald Estates Park, 16400 Emerald Estates Drive, Weston Information:
For more events visit
Ø -> GW Calendar & Events or sign up for our monthly newsletter GW eNews by contacting us 32 32
FALL 2017 FALL 2017
Using the handle only three times is one of the contest rules. Then, for the third and final pour they had to wow a room of invited guests.That’s when Neuweg brought on the charm. Brian Reames, VP Marketing of Warsteiner USA, declared that Neuweg’s final pour of the night “was a work of art.” Neuweg knows the Warsteiner brand well. He serves several types of Warsteiner brews at Fritz & Franz Bierhaus, which he opened in 2003 (named after that Saturday Night Live sketch) as an homage to the beer halls of Munich.n
GERMAN HOTSPOTS IN FLORIDA Consulate General of Germany 100 N. Biscayne Blvd. Ste. 2200, Miami, FL 33132, Ph: (305) 358 0290 Email:
Martina’s German Cuisine 9277 Seminole Blvd., Seminole Cafe Vienna 5625 4th St North, St. Petersburg
German-American Business Council (GABC)
Chapters in Miami & Naples,
German American Social Club of Greater Miami 11919 S.W. 56th St, Miami, FL 33165 (305) 552 5123
RESTAURANTS Bauern-Stube 8015 South Orange Ave, Orlando Checkers Old München 2209 E. Atlantic Blvd., Pompano Beach Cypress Nook Restaurant 201 E McNab Rd, Pompano Beach Fritz &Franz Bierhaus |Coral Gables Hofbräu Miami Beerhall |Miami Beach Hofbräu Beer Garden | Panama City
German American Club of Fort Lauderdale 325 S.W. 26 St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 (954) 764-5926 or (954) 981-5635 American-German Club of the Palm Beaches 5111 Lantana Rd, Lake Worth, FL 33463 (561) 967-6475
Hollerbach’s Willow Tree Café 205 East First Street, Sanford
German School of Ft. Lauderdale Svenja Iglesias
Heinrich’s German Grill 8420 Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota
German Language School & Services Naples
FALL 2017
Endlich war der große Geburtstag da:
Deutschland feierte den 500. Jahrestag der Reformation Von Petra Schürmann
er 31. Oktober 2017 war sicherlich ein Datum, dem viele Menschen in Deutschland und Protestanten in aller Welt mit Spannung entgegen gesehen haben. Schon vor zehn Jahren begann man sich in Deutschland auf diesen Tag vorzubereiten, um einen der berühmtesten Landsmänner und einer der einflussreichsten Persönlichkeiten der Weltgeschichte, Martin Luther, gebührend zu ehren. Denn es ist genau 500 Jahre her, dass ein damals noch ganz unbekannter katholischer Mönch, der den Praktiken der Katholischen Kirche sehr kritisch gegegenüber stand, seinen Unmut öffentlich machte und 95 Punkte, heute als 95 Thesen bekannt, am Tor der Schlosskirche zu Wittenberg anbrachte. Es war damals in erster Linie Martin Luthers Ziel, die Kirchenpraktiken zu verbessern und zu reformieren, besonders im Hinblick auf die Ablasszahlungen, mit denen man angeblich seine Sünden verringern können sollte. Luther ahnte nicht im Entferntesten, dass er es sein würde, der damit eine Welle des Protestes gegen die Katholische Kirche in ganz Mitteleuropa ins Rollen brachte - eine Welle, die letztendlich zur Reform der Katholischen Kirche führte und zur Gründung der Protestantischen Kirche. In Deutschland leben heute ca. 29,6 Millionen Protestanten. Weltweit sind es rund 560 Millionen, was einem Drittel aller Christen weltweit entspricht. Die Verbreitung des Protestantismus in Europa, die nach Martin Luthers Reformaufruf startete, ging nicht ohne Schwierigkeiten und Gewalt vonstatten. Die Verfolgung durch die Katholische Kirche veranlasste viele protestantische Christen, ihr europäisches Heimatland zu verlassen und nach Amerika zu emigrieren, wo sie ihren Glauben frei und ohne Angst ausüben konnten. Ich war zur Zeit des 500. Jahrestages der Reformation in Deutschland. Zum ersten Mal wurde der 31. Oktober zum bundesweiten Feiertag erklärt, was sicherlich Martin Luther jedermann in Erinnerung brachte. Doch trotz einer Serie von speziellen Veranstaltungen, Ausstellungen, Vorlesungen und der Veröffentlichung von vielen Büchern und Abhandlungen über Martin Luther konnte es immer noch passieren, dass manche zuerst an Halloween dachten, wenn sie gefragt wurden, warum am 31.10. dieses Jahr ein Feiertag sei.
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Was bedeutet Martin Luther heute für Sie? Für mich wird Martin Luther immer die Symbolfigur für Mut, Zivilcourage und Widerstand sein sowie eine Inspiration, den Mut zu haben, sich auch mit den Mächtigsten anzulegen, wenn diese gesetzeswidrig oder unethisch handeln. Außerdem finde ich es auch noch sehr wichtig, nicht zu vergessen, dass Martin Luther nicht nur für den Beginn einer Bewegung, die man seither als Reformation kennt, verantwortlich ist, sondern dank seiner Übersetzung der Bibel vom Lateinischen ins Deutsche, hat Luther auch einen großen Beitrag dazu geleistet, die allgemeine Alphabetisierung des Volkes voran zu bringen. So war das Studieren der Bibel nicht nur mehr den Reichen und Gebildeten vorbehalten. Zum ersten Mal hatte jeder direkten Zugang zur Bibel und war nicht mehr auf die Hilfe eines Priesters angewiesen. Zufällig entstand Luthers Übersetzung in der gleichen Zeit als die Druckmaschine von Gutenberg erfunden wurde, welche nun den Druck von Schriftstücken in großer Auflage möglich machte. Luthers deutsche Bibelfassung war das erste Massenprodukt, das gedruckt wurde und wurde der erste Bestseller der Geschichte. Die ersten 3000 Ausgaben waren im Nu vergriffen. Martin Luther kämpfte auch für das Recht auf Ausbildung für alle, ungeachtet des sozialen Status oder Geschlechtes. In den Tagen vor dem 500. Jahrestag versuchten die deutschen Medien in zahllosen Interviews und Berichten zu analysieren, welches Ergebnis und welchen Effekt nun die zehnjährige Vorbereitungszeit dieses großen Reformationsjubiläums für Deutschland und für die Protestantische Kirche hatte. Die speziellen Programme, die für Touristen in den Städten, in denen Luther gelebt und gewirkt hat, entwickelt worden waren, sind sehr positiv von den Besuchern angenommen worden. Auch die Besucherzahlen der zahlreichen exzellenten Ausstellungen, die im ganzen Land organisiert worden waren, übertrafen alle Erwartungen.
Geschichte | HISTORY
It’s Finally Here: th
The 500 Birthday of Protestantism By Petra Schürmann
ctober 31, 2017, has certainly been a much-anticipated date in Germany and beyond, an important day for Protestants in many parts of the world. For the past 10 years, Germany has been paying tribute to one of its most celebrated sons and one of the most influential people in world history, Martin Luther, as this seminal anniversary approached. For it was five hundred years ago, on October 31, 1517, that the then-unknown Catholic monk, who was very critical of many practices of the Catholic authorities, made his disdain public by listing 95 topics, known today as the 95 theses, and displayed those on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. Martin Luther’s goal was to improve and reform church practices, especially their practice of selling indulgences to the people, promising them that this would lessen their sins. Little did he know that he would actually spark a wave of protest against the Catholic Church in Central Europe, which would eventually lead to the Reformation resulting in a revamp of the Catholic Church as well as the creation of the Protestant Church. Protestantism today counts 29.6 million members in Germany and 560 million members worldwide, making up a third of the world’s Christians. The development and rise of Protestantism in Europe that followed Martin Luther’s call for reforms was a difficult and often violent process. Catholic persecution prompted many Protestant Christians to leave their European home country and emigrate to America, where they could practice their faith without fear.
What does Martin Luther mean for you today? For me, Martin Luther will always be a symbol of courage and resistance as well as an inspiration to protest against the dictate of unlawfully operating authorities, no matter how powerful they might be. Furthermore, I’d like to point out that Martin Luther did not only spark the beginning of what is known today as the Reformation, but thanks to translating the Bible from Latin into German, Luther furthered general literacy and made the teachings of the Bible available beyond the wealthy classes, to commoners as well. For the first time, people had The Gutenberg press direct access to the Bible and did not need to rely on the help or interpretation of a priest. Luther’s translation of the Bible coincided with the invention of the Gutenberg press, which created the possibility of printing documents in high volumes. Luther’s German version of the Bible was the first publication to be printed for the masses and it became the first “bestseller” in history. The first 3000 copies were sold in no time. Martin Luther also fought for education for everyone, disregarding social status or gender. For days leading up to the 500th anniversary, the German media published countless interviews and reports trying to analyze the effect and final results that a decade of Luther-themed events in Germany has had. On the positive side, the special tourist programs offered by cities where Luther was born and died (Eisleben), lived (Mansfeld, Magdeburg, Eisenach), studied (Erfurt) and worked as a teacher and reformer (Wittenberg) were very well received. Plus, the number of visitors attending the many outstanding exhibits throughout the country exceeded expectations. On the other hand, the German Evangelical Church Convention in May in Berlin and Wittenberg, as well as “Kirchentag on the Way” in Leipzig, did not draw crowds of participants as expected.
I was in Germany experiencing the 500th Birthday of the Reformation firsthand. In celebration of the historic anniversary, October 31, 2017, was declared a national holiday in all of Germany, which certainly has brought Martin Luther to almost everyone’s mind. However, despite a decade-long series of events, exhibits, lectures and the publication of many new books
and essays on Martin Luther, it still happens that people who were asked in the streets what special anniversary we were celebrating on October 31, 2017, would sometimes still answer, “I don’t know. Halloween?”
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HISTORY | Geschichte
New edition of Luther’s Bible by TASCHEN
Martin Luther’s birthplace in Eisleben
Auf der anderen Seite war der Evangelische Kirchentag im Mai 2017, der in Berlin und Wittenberg stattfand, sowie die Aktion “Kirchentag auf dem Weg” in Leipzig weniger besucht als gehofft. Kritiker der Kampagnen beklagten auch, dass vor lauter Marketingmaßnahmen und Veranstaltungsorganisationen der protestantische Glaube und wofür die Evangelische Kirche steht zu wenig im Zentrum aller Aktionen gestanden hat. Und falls die Führungsriege der Protestantischen Kirche gehofft hatten, dass durch die diversen Kampagnen neue Kirchenmitglieder gewonnen werden würden, so wurden sie sicherlich enttäuscht. Kritiker des Lutherjahres Dr. Benjamin Hasselhorn, wissenschaftlicher Assistant der Luther-Stiftung in Sachsen-Anhalt und Kurator einer Sonderausstellung in Wittenberg, hätte auch lieber eine mehr theologische Auseinandersetzung und mehr Fokus auf die Frage, was es bedeutet, sich zum evangelischen Glauben zu bekennen, gesehen. So äußerte er sich in einer ZDF Talk Show mit Peter Hahne. Nach Hasselhorns Ansicht sei das 500. Jubiläum der Reformation eine einzigartige Chance für die Protestantische Kirche, die mehr und mehr Mitglieder verliert, gewesen, den Kontakt mit den Menschen wieder neu zu beleben und Interesse an Luthers Lehren und an der Bibel selbst wieder neu zu entfachen. Am 31.10. 2017 jedoch wurde gefeiert. Überall im Land hatten die Kirchengemeinden Konzerte, Open Air Veranstaltungen und festliche Kirchengottesdienste veranstaltet. In vielen Regionen Deutschlands sind die Luther-Ausstellungen noch bis Ende des Jahres, manche sogar noch bis nächstes Jahr April zu sehen. Mehr Informationen dazu auf -> Luther
-- LUTHER BOOK TIPS -Martin Luther’s Travel Guide | 500 Years of the 95 Theses: On the Trail of the Reformation in Germany | By Cornelia Dömer Offering a chance to visit key places connected to Martin Luther, this guide brings readers to each town, castle, and church where the famed German preached, spoke, or fought. Travelers will find information on the historic towns of Dresden, Eisleben, Erfurt, Gotha, Leipzig, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Weimar, and Worms. The book also includes stories about Luther’s life and work as well as maps, timelines, full color pictures, hotel and restaurant tips as well as useful addresses. Fascinating and insightful. By Cornelia Dömer.Paperback. $13.93. Available on
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FALL 2017 FALL 2017
Critics also lament that, in the craze of marketing hundreds of events for months, the Protestant faith itself has not been enough of a focal point. If the leaders of the Protestant Church had hoped for a surge in new church members and more people turning toward the Protestant (Evangelical) faith, they must certainly be disappointed. “Message of the Small Steps” (Botschaft der kleinen Schritte) is the summary of the decade-long campaign published in the newspaper “Unsere Kirche” in Westphalia. The church has displayed an image of openness and liveliness, the article explains, however the work on the scripture itself needs to go further. Luther-year critic Dr. Benjamin Hasselhorn, scientific assistant at the Luther Memorial Foundation in Saxony-Anhalt and curator of a special exhibit in Wittenberg, would have preferred more theological discussion and more focus on what it means to be of Evangelical (Protestant) faith, as he mentioned in a TV talk show with Peter Hahne on ZDF recently. In Hasselhorn’s opinion, the 500-year anniversary would have been a unique chance for the Protestant Church, which has been losing members in Germany continuously, to reconnect with the people and familiarize them again with the teachings of Luther and the Bible itself. However, on the day of the actual anniversary, it was all about celebration. All over Germany, church communities had organized concerts, open-air festivals and festive church services. In many parts of Germany, Luther-themed exhibits and events will continue to the end of the year or even into Spring 2018. More information on -> Luther
Luther – Lehrmeister des Widerstand | Von Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto Ausgerechnet zum 500-jährigen Reformationsjubiläum suhlen sich Theologen und Publizisten in dem Klischee, dass Martin Luthers Zwei-Reiche-Lehre die Deutschen zu obrigkeitsduseligen Duckmäusern gemacht habe. Damit sei er 400 Jahre nach seinem Tod zum Wegbereiter Hitlers geworden. In «Luther – Lehrmeister des Widerstands» weist der Author Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto mit historischen, theologischen und religionssoziologischen Argumenten das genaue Gegenteil nach. Er erinnert an Luthers fast vergessene Widerstandslehre und zeigt, wie sie Hitlers Gegnern den Rücken gestärkt hat, darunter Dietrich Bonhoeffer und Carl Goerdeler.Vorwort von Peter L. Berger. Taschenbuch. 15,99 Euro. Availabe only in German on
Ausbildung | EDUCATION
Text: Courtesy Bucerius USA
Scholar Profile: Julia von Turk
Julia von Turk was the recipient of the AFB 2016 Travel Stipend for her semester as part of the International Exchange Program at Bucerius Law School. Julia was pursuing her JD at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Law. She is from New York and will be returning after graduation to join Latham & Watkins. Why did you decide to study abroad at Bucerius? I studied abroad because the International Exchange Program at Bucerius offers a unique combination of international business law courses and opportunities to interact with both German and other international students. As a dual German-American citizen, I was particularly interested in getting to know German legal culture.
Was there anything about studying at Bucerius that Did you do any traveling during your stay? Yes, to Berlin, Lübeck, St. Gallen in Switzerland, was different from your expectations? Professors were super accessible, which was a Düsseldorf, and Dortmund. pleasant surprise. One practitioner who taught a What were the highlights of your experience abroad? class even spent over an hour outside of class time Canoeing on the Alster with friends, attending meeting with some of my classmates and me to the Academic Ceremony at the Hamburg Cham- talk about how to be successful at a law firm. I ber of Commerce, going to the Bucerius Ad- really felt like a part of the Bucerius community, ventskonzert, sipping Glühwein at the Christmas and I have already signed up to join the alumni markets, getting a tour of the Davidwache, visiting organization! a prison, getting a tour of the Rathaus, meeting with a member of Hamburg parliament, and En- What will you miss most about your time here? I will miss being surrounded by the other interergy Law Day on Campus. national students who all have such interesting Those all sound like amazing experiences! Is there backgrounds.We learned so much from each othone that stands out to you the most? er.The same goes for the German students, whom I attended the election night party at Bucerius I really enjoyed getting to know. n Law School that was co-sponsored by the U.S. Consulate. The mood was celebratory at first as If you are planning to attend we were treated to a performance by the Bucerius Bucerius Law School’s study abroad program, Big Band and took photos with friends. Some of or would like to support future scholars, you my classmates were interviewed by radio and telecan get more information by emailing us at vision stations.The mood shifted as the night wore on. I think I will always remember that night as a! turning point for America and the rest of the world.
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CULINARY | Kulinarisches
The 10 Most Interesting Facts About the Famous Pretzel Lore
Did you know there is a Brez’n Day? It is celebrated on May 1st in Bavaria. And, of course, this delicious bread piece with a twist is one of the must-haves during Oktoberfest Season.
Wussten Sie, dass es einen “Brezn Tag” in Bayern gibt? Er wird am 1. Mai gefeiert. Und natürlich darf die Brezn auch nicht beim traditionellen Oktoberfest Schmaus fehlen.
But how much do you know about Brez’n? Here are the 10 most interesting facts even the biggest pretzel lovers don’t know:
Aber wieviel wissen Sie über Brezn? Wir stellen Ihnen zehn der interessantesten Tatsachen hier vor:
How did the Brez’n (Pretzel) come to be?
ccording to one legend, the pretzel was invented by a local baker from Bad Urach who was sentenced to death by his regional lord for stealing. However, because the baker had provided good service in the past, his lord thought he should be given a second chance. “Back linen Kuchen, limber Freund, durch den die Sonne dreimal scheint, dann wirst du nicht gehenkt, dein Leben sei dir frei geschenkt.” (Bake a cake dear friend, by whom the sun appears three times, then you will not be hanged and your life will be spared.) The baker set to work and invented a bread with three windows. The baker’s cat suddenly jumped on the table and the Brez’n dough fell into a pot of hot lye water used to season and tenderize meat. The baker didn’t have time to make new dough, so he went ahead and baked the wet dough... the result from the salty lye wash was delicious. Brez’n were invented and the baker’s life was spared.
The shape of the Brez’n First of all, local differences in the shape are evident. The fat arms of the Bavarian Brez’n lie further at the top. With the Swabian pretzels the thin arms sit deeper.
Bayrische Breze
gerissene Oberfläche
3% Fettanteil
Schwäbische Breze
dicker Bauch mit Schnitt
dicke Ärmchen dünne Ärmchen
3-10% Fettanteil
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Kulinarisches | CULINARY
Who is the Breznreiter (Pretzel Rider)? A Brez’n is painted on the ceiling fresco of the Heilig-Geist-Kirche. The painting shows a man dressed in blue with a Brez’n in his hand. The portrait illustrates the so-called Breznspende (donation of pretzels): in the 14th century a charitable “Breznreiter” supplied the tasty lye dipped pastry once a year to the poorest citizens of Munich.
The Breznbrauch (Pretzel custom) on the Eve of May 1st On the night before the 1st of May, in earlier times, young men would hang a pretzel on the door or barn of their secret beloved. It could be a dear attestation of love for the girl if hung the right direction, or if hung upside-down - a disappointment for the girl.
Where does the word “Breze” originate? The term is descended from the Old High German “brezitella,” as well as from the Latin word brachium. Both mean “arm” and refer to the shape of the pretzel.
Is the Brez’n only found in Germany? Of course not. But nothing tastes as good as the original. In Germany pretzels are soft in the center, crisp on the outside and eaten split in half with butter. In the USA Pretzels are consumed dipped in mustard or cheese.They are much softer and are baked with more sugar and coated in salt. In the Russian city Vyborg there is a pretzel variant which is designated as a Viipurinrinkeli.
A Brez’n has 380 calories. The biggest Brez’n of the world It was not produced in Germany, but in San Salvador in El Salvador it weighed 783.81 kilograms. After baking the masterpiece, it was shared with all the Brez’n fans and consumed.
Why, actually, with salt? True lye pastry is always salty, because the raw dough is dipped in salted water lye before baking. The small amount of salt crystals served on the top are really just decorative.
The oldest pretzel in the world Archaeologists in Regensburg have excavated a historic snack - the oldest known pretzel. Charred remains from the 18th century have been found in the Donaumarkt excavation of the cathedral city. FALL 2017 WWW.GERMAN-WORLD.COM WWW.GERMAN-WORLD.COM FALL 2017
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SPOTLIGHT | Los Angeles
German-American Day L.A.- einmal anders... More than 3,000 guests celebrated German heritage at Alpine Village By Petra Schürmann
It was an experiment that the Los Angeles Turners had taken upon themselves when volunteering to organize this year’s German-American Day in Los Angeles. Traditionally, this day, also known as German Day was organized by the German-American League of Los Angeles (DAV) but, this year, the DAV Board decided to just hold a picnic for its member clubs.
The Los Angeles Turners, the oldest member club and co-founder of the DAV in 1905, who recently opened a small museum at Alpine Village, felt, however, that German heritage in Southern California should be celebrated in a more prominent way than just holding a picnic. The Board of the L.A. Turners, under the leadership of President Alexander Hast (3) and CFO Harald Niehenke, came to an agreement with Alpine Village’s new executive director Robert Clarke to hold the German- American Day L.A. on October 8th and also include a part of their Oktoberfest celebration.
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The idea was to have activities at the village, in the club house, at the new Turners Museum, and in the Big Tent. It should be a day of family fun, culinary delights, an educational exhibit about 500 Years of Reformation (11, 12) provided by the Foreign Office of Germany, and cultural presentations other than only oompah music and Bavarian dances. Therefore, instead of just relying on the participation of DAV member clubs, the Los Angeles Turners spoke to the German Consulate General, under whose auspices the event was organized, and reached out to all German, Austrian and Swiss cultural institutions and organizations in the South Bay and asked them to join. Many of them followed the invitations, among them the Goethe-Institut L.A. represented by Daniel Chaffey (15, l.)and Stefan Kloo who sacrificed part of their weekend and organized a movie matinee for kids. Kigala Preschool (15) from
Los Angeles | SPOTLIGHT
Santa Monica who offers a multi-language education in German, English and Spanish, as well as the Goethe-International Charter School, the only school in Greater L.A. offering a German-English immersion program from K – 5th grade, manned a table and offered activities all day long. The Highland Hall High School from Northridge who offers an excellent German program, the German-American School Association, Ontario Reign (24) and the L.A. Galaxy Star Squad (6) set up shop as well and offered games for the children and lots of information about German-language education for adults. The L.A. Turners were also very happy to welcome Californian State Assemblyman Michael Anthony Gatto and his family (17, l.) as well as Consul General Hans Jörg Neumann (19, center) and his Swiss counterpart Peter Hafner (5) for the official opening at 11 AM in the Big Tent. TV star Eric Braeden (4) and Sigi Schmid (2, center), the new head coach of L.A. Galaxy, also made time in their busy schedule and participated in the official opening ceremony of German-American Day. While Eric Braeden presented his famous speech of “Thoughts on being German”, Sigi Schmid, whose father Fritz (2, r.) is member of the DAV, was interviewed by Alexander Hast on stage about his new role at the L.A. Galaxy.Visitors later had the opportunity to meet Eric Braeden in person at the L.A. Turners Museum and get an autographed copy of his book “I’ll Be Damned.” (4)
Photos: Elke Miller, Tshombe Sampson, Silvia Spross
Musical entertainment during the German-American Day L.A. was provided by The Fabulous BlueBirds, Christina Linhardt (16) who presented her fun “Musical Journey to Berlin” and the GASA Children’s Choir with Hector Mireles. More than 700 people participated in the official part of the German-American Day celebration and over 2,000 people were counted in the Big Tent alone by 3 PM. During the day, over 3,000 people had flocked to Alpine Village to stock up on German products at the supermarket, enjoy an authentic Döner Kebab by EatsBerlin (9), Currywurst, Berliner Buletten and German pastry at the club house or join the Oktoberfest fun with the Haderlumpen at the Big Tent in the afternoon.
Kudos to the Board Members of the L.A. Turners, most of all to Alexander Hast, Harald Niehenke, and Lisa Schmitt (21) who did an outstanding job and dedicated much of their personal time for months to the preparation of this event. They were supported by L.A. Turners member Rita Reiff who organized the kids’ village, Honorary President Dennis Fredricks (19, r.) who moderated the event in his usual charming and professional manner, Klaus Schmitt (21, l.), who single-handedly remodeled the interior of the L.A. Turners Museum and did an outstanding job, Irma Hast and Adrian Niehenke as well as many other volunteers.
More information, photos and videos on
24 FALL 2017
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LANGUAGE | Dialects
Der bairische Dialekt Von Julia C. Kupper
ls bairisch (aufpassen - nicht bayrisch!) werden mehrere Dialekte im deutschen nSüdosten zusammengefasst. In der Sprachwissenschaft wird die Schreibweise Bairisch verwendet, da sich Bayrisch ausschließlich auf ein politisches Territorium bezieht, den Freistaat Bayern, aber die bairischen Dialekte sich nicht nur auf Bayern beschränken. Die bairischen Dialekte werden vor allem im Bundesland Bayern gesprochen, allerdings auch in kleinen Teilen von Baden-Württemberg, Sachsen, Österreich, der Schweiz, Italien, Ungarn und Tschechien. Man unterscheidet generell zwischen Nordbairisch, Mittelbairisch und Südbairisch.
Merkmale des bairischen Dialekts:
Bairisch für Anfänger:
Der Buchstabe „o” wird in manchen Teilen zu einem dumpfen „a” / zum offenen „o”, z.B. wird aus dem Verb „(ich) habe” dann „(i) hoab”
Fia, foa
nerven, belästigen
heimlich schimpfen
Der Buchstabe „e” wird zum Umlaut „ä”, z.B. wird aus dem Adjektiv „nett” meistens „nätt” Der Buchstabe „u” wird zum „uà”, z.B. wird aus dem Substantiv „Kuh” dann die „Kuà” Der Doppellaut „eu” wird oft zum „ai” oder „ei”, z.B. wird aus dem Substantiv „Leute” die „Laid” Der Doppellaut „ei” wird zum „oa”, z.B. wird aus dem Verb „(ich) weiß” dann „(i) woaß”
I frag enk, obds eß ich frage euch, ob ihr heid a nu epps heute auch noch was deats unternehmt
Wenn Sie mehr über den bairischen Dialekt entdecken wollen, besuchen Sie die Webseite des bayerischen Wörterbuches (, eine Sammlung bairischer Mundart-Begriffe und Redewendungen.
The Bavarian Dialect By Julia C. Kupper
he Bavarian dialect “Bairisch” is a combination of several dialects spoken in the southeast of Germany. Linguistically speaking, in the German language the spelling bairisch [Bavarian] is used in contrast to bayrisch. Bayrisch exclusively refers to a political territory, the Free State of Bavaria, but the Bavarian dialects are not only spoken in Bavaria, but also in small parts of Baden-Württemberg, Saxony, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The dialect is generally divided into North Bavarian, Middle Bavarian and South Bavarian.
Characteristics of the Bavarian dialect:
Bavarian for beginners:
Letter “o” becomes a dull “a” / open “o” in some parts, so the verb “(ich) habe” (I have) becomes “(i) hoab”
Fia, foa
Letter “e” is converted to the umlaut “ä”, for example the adjective “nett” (nice) becomes “nätt”
to annoy
just now
Letter “u” is changed to “uà”, so the noun “Kuh” (cow) becomes “Kuà”
secretly scolding
The diphthong “eu” is often referred to as “ai” or “ei”, for instance the noun “Leute” (people) becomes “Laid”
I frag enk, obds I ask (you) whether (or eß heid a nu epps not) you are still doing deats something today
The diphthong “ei” is changed to “oa”, so the verb “(ich) weiß” (I know) becomes “(i) woaß”
If you want to discover more about this dialect, visit the website of the Bavarian Dictionary (, a collection of Bavarian dialectal terms and phrases. 42 42
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California | SPOTLIGHT
Two Austrians Honored by Los Angeles Charity By Dennis Fredricks, Esq
he annual “Forget Me Not” luncheon of the Good Shepherd Center for Homeless Women and Children did not forget the Austrian organization and the two leaders who chair it, giving its annual Community Partner Award to Veronika Reinelt, President, and Lilliana Popov-Alexander, Executive Vice President of the Austrian-American Council West, for their two decades of support to the Los Angeles-based charity. Consul General Andreas Launer and some 40 members of the Austrian-American Council were among the more than 200 guests attending the September 30 event at the historic Wilshire Country Club. “This award is especially meaningful to us at this time, because this week we are commemorating
4 the 20th anniversary of the Austrian-American Day,” said Ms. Reinelt, referring to the 1997 designation of a day of Austrian-American friendship proclaimed by then-President Bill Clinton. Good Shepherd Center Director Sr. Anne Lanh Tran expressed her appreciation for the AustrianAmerican Council never forgetting her Center, to which Ms. Popov-Alexander replied, “It has been a joy for us because we have always admired the work that Good Shepherd does.” Founded in 1984 as an emergency shelter and drop-in center for women, the mission of Good Shepherd Center today is to assist homeless women and children acquire the skills and resources to attain self-sufficiency through housing and em-
1 Sister Anne Lanh Tran, Good Shepherd Center Director and Veronika Reinelt, AACW President 2 Sister Anne Lanh Tran, Good Shepherd Center Director, Lilliana Popov-Alexander, AACW Executive Vice President and Monsignor Frank Hicks 3 Andreas Launer, Austrian Consul General, Sister Anne Lanh Tran, Good Shepherd Center Director, Veronika Reinelt, AACW President, Fred R. Reinelt, AACW Treasurer, Lilliana Popov-Alexander, AACW Executive Vice President 4 some AACW sponsors
ployment. Ms. Reinelt recalled, “Exactly 20 years ago we celebrated the first Austrian Day with an opera performance at the Colburn School of music, and were able to hand on stage to Sister Julia Mary, the Council’s first donation to the Good Shepherd Center and we have been very pleased to support the important mission of the Center ever since.” Austrian-American Day 2017 was commemorated just as it had been 20 years earlier at its beginning, as a day of friendship, marked by local Austrians giving back to the American community that gave them so many opportunities. And the community did not forget.
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THE LEGAL COLUMN | Immigration
IMMIGRATION IN TRUMP TIMES Self-Sponsored U.S. Visa Options for German, Austrian and Swiss Nationals By Bernard Wolfsdorf and Joseph Barnett
n a short period of time, the Trump Administration has greatly changed U.S. immigration policies, despite no legislative acts by U.S. Congress, through the enactment of administrative directives within the U.S. Department of State (“DOS”) and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”) within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”). President Trump has also endorsed immigration proposed that would cut legal immigration levels to the U.S. by 50% over the next decade by eliminating certain family-based immigration and imposing a restrictive, “point-based” system that favor foreign nationals with high English proficiency, high education levels, and those who can create jobs or accept employment at a U.S. company with a high salary. While it has become tougher to obtain U.S. immigration benefits, there are still opportunities for foreign nationals who do not need to rely on a U.S. employer to sponsor his or her immigration. These “self-sponsored” U.S. visa options may be the best bet for German, Austrian, and Swiss citizens to immigrate to America.
German World readers are invited to call 1-800-VISA-LAW, email Bernard Wolfsdorf at, or email Joseph Barnett at Mention German World for a FREE initial consultation. Bernard Wolfsdorf
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Joseph Barnett
FALL 2017 FALL 2017
Immigration | THE LEGAL COLUMN
Green Card Options
Immigrant Investor
The U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act (the “INA”) provides entrepreneurs (and their spouses and unmarried children under 21) to apply for an EB-5 green card if they make the necessary investment in a U.S. commercial enterprise which plans to create 10 permanent full-time jobs for qualified U.S. workers. The U.S. business can be established by German, Austrian, or Swiss nationals, or foreign nationals can invest in an existing or new business owned by a U.S. person or entity. Foreign nationals are able to obtain full green card status upon demonstration that those jobs have been created.
Extraordinary Ability
The INA allows those in the arts, sciences, education, athletics, or business who are recognized as being at the very top of their field through sustained national or immigration acclaim and who are coming to the U.S. to continue working in that field to self-sponsor an EB-1 petition.
National Interest Waiver
The INA allows self-sponsorship for an EB-2 “National Interest Waiver” application for individuals with an advanced degree or with “exceptional ability” whose work has substantial merit, national importance, and would greatly benefit the U.S. such as improving the economy; increasing wages; improving education or healthcare; providing affordable housing; making more productive use of natural resources, and medical research. An applicant must demonstrate that he/she is well-positioned to advance this endeavor through prior professional accomplishments.
Nonimmigrant Visa Options
E-1 Treaty Trader or E-2 Treaty Investor
Work visas are available for German, Austrian, and Swiss nationals who seek to direct and develop and German-, Austrian-, or Swiss-owned enterprise (respectively) in the U.S. and who will work for one in a managerial, executive, or essential capacity. The U.S. enterprise must have the same nationality (e.g. majority ownership) as the visa applicant. E-1 trading enterprises must have at least 50% of their continuous and ongoing trade between the U.S. and the treaty country, while E-2 investment enterprises must be a real, operating business when the visa application is submitted. An E-2 visa applicant must also demonstrate that his/her investment in the enterprise is “substantial.”
L-1 Intracompany Transferee
While technically not a self-sponsored option because a company is petitioning the U.S. government on a beneficiary’s behalf, the L-1 intracompany transferee work visa provides opportunities for owners, executives, or managers in a foreign enterprise to expand their business’ operations to the U.S. An applicant must show a qualifying corporate relationship between a foreign company and a U.S. company and that the beneficiary has worked in a managerial or executive (L-1A) or specialized knowledge (L-1B) position for at least one continuous year in the three-year period prior to transferring to the U.S.
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