German World Magazine / Summer 2017

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50 Years of City Friendship


Vineyard Hopping in Germany’s East


Eric Braeden Discover the real person behind CBS’s daytime star Victor Newman Der Privatmensch hinter CBS’ TV-Held Victor Newman

$3.50 / ISSUE | $12.95 / YEAR (USA) | ISBN 1558-7568


„Gedrucktes wird ernster genommen.“ – Buchwissenschaftler Adriaan van der Weel

“Printed matter is taken more seriously.” – Book Scientist Adriaan van der Weel

Photo: ©Barak Shrama


Liebe Leser,

Dear Reader,

als Herausgeberin eines Druckmagazins frage ich mich angesichts der vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, sich im Internet, über Apps auf dem Handy oder Tablet zu informieren, natürlich immer wieder, wie relevant gedruckte Medien noch in der Zukunft sein werden. Durch Zufall stieß ich auf einen Artikel auf der Website des Goethe-Instituts, der mich jedoch optimistisch stimmt. Nach Untersuchungen des Buchwissenschaftlers Adriaan van der Weel haben auf Papier gedruckte Inhalte immer noch mehr Gewicht und werden ernster genommen, als Texte, die man online liest. Auf das Lesen gedruckter Informationen könne man sich auch besser konzentrieren als auf Texte, die man online liest, da man weniger Ablenkung ausgesetzt ist, heisst es weiter.

As publisher of a print magazine, I have often asked myself how likely printed media is to survive in the future, considering the endless possibilities people now have to find and read content online. An article that I recently came across on the website of the Goethe-Institut made me feel a bit optimistic, since it stated that printed content still has more importance to people, even to younger ones, and is always taken more seriously. This is based on the findings of book scholar Adriaan van der Weel, who is quoted in that article.

Hinzu komme, so der Wissenschaftler, dass das Lesen eines Buches oder einer Zeitschrift die Entwicklung von Empathie und Disziplin, Konzentrationsfähigkeit und abstraktem Denkvermögen fördere und auch oft eine kleine Flucht böte, da man sich, losgelöst von seiner sozialen Umgebung, auf das Gedruckte mehr einlassen könne.

It is easier to concentrate on printed text since the reader is not prone to getting distracted as often happens on a digital platform explains van der Weel. Then, too, reading has other effects that we don’t deliberately choose: stimulation of the imagination, development of empathy and discipline, encouragement of the ability to concentrate and to think abstractly. With the help of literature, some readers even succeed in making a small escape from everyday life, it says in the article

In diesem Sinne lade ich Sie heute ein, sich von uns ein bisschen entführen zu lassen. In die Weingegend von Sachsen und Thüringen, zum Beispiel, nach Minnesota zu Dr. Joachim Reppmann oder in die Welt des beliebten Schauspielers Eric Braeden, dem wir die Titelstory gewidmet haben.

So, let German World Magazine take you on a small escape, for example, to the wine region of Thuringia and Saxony; to Minnesota and the world of the Forty-eighters; or into the exciting life of Eric Braeden, the beloved German-American actor featured in our cover story.

Und auch wenn wir Ihnen viele zusätzliche Inhalte auf unserer neu gestalteten Website oder in unserem monatlichen elektronischen Newsletter anbieten, so würden wir uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie als Abonnent auch unserem Magazin treu blieben. Einen schönen Sommer wünscht Ihnen,

And even if we do offer many additional stor ies on our newly designed website and in our monthly electronic newsletter, we would be very happy if you remain a loyal subscriber to German World Magazine as well. Have a wonderful summer,

Petra Schürmann Herausgeberin

Petra Schürmann Publisher

Visit Our Newly Designed Website! New Interactive Calendar, Latest News, Most Comprehensive German-American Directory!






14 - 17

Eric Braeden:

Fame, family and the great American spirit Über Erfolg, Familie und amerikanischen Optimismus


8 CURRENTS 8 - 13 18 - 19

News from Germany; International Politics Business News






Lift Every Voice: Jeffrey Kahane’s farewell gift to L.A.

Star couple Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov bring a rock concert vibe to the L A Opera



46 - 47 German TV in the U.S.: DW program preview for August 50 Subscription Information



41 Culinary: Recipes and more 44 - 45 In Memoriam: Michael Ballhaus, Bern E. Deichmann

Cultural highlights & upcoming events



Yogi Reppmann: Fearlessly fighting for the Forty-Eighters

26 - 27 30 - 31

24 - 25 42 - 42

Workplace Google: This is what you need to bring to the table Consul General Ritzinger: Returning to Vienna and revisiting her love for ragtime



32 - 33 36 - 39 40

Berlin, Berlin: The Los Angeles Turners visit Germany’s capital Vineyard Hopping in Eastern Germany Travel News





PUBLISHER Petra Schürmann EDITORIAL Editorial Director & Editor in Chief Petra Schürmann Senior Editor /English Language Editor Jenny Peters CONTRIBUTORS Carl Anderson, Sarah Burini, Scott Christiansen, Alexa Z. Constantine, Alexander Hast, Jenny Peters, Julia Kupper, Yogi Reppmann, Tshombe Sampson, Annette Schiller TRANSLATIONS Alexa Z. Constantine, Julia Kupper, Petra Schürmann


LAYOUT & DESIGN Art Director AMF Graphics | Anna-Maria Furlong DESIGN & PRODUCTION SUPPORT Daena Caligagan OFFICE MANAGEMENT & ADVERTISING Alexa Z. Constantine, Alexandra Schinko Phone: 323.876.5843 CONSULTANT AT LARGE Marianne Beland, Berlin


48 - 50

Dialects, language quiz and more

HOW TO REACH US Mailing Address, Inc. PO Box 3541 | Los Angeles, CA 90078 Phone: 323.876.5843 Subscriber Services Phone: 323.876.5843 GERMAN WORLD MAGAZINE is published quarterly by, Inc. Subscription rate: $12.95/year Single copy: $3.50/issue

POSTMASTER Send address changes to, Inc. PO Box 3541, Los Angeles, CA 90078 Entire contents © 2002-2017 by, Inc. unless otherwise noted on specific articles. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA by Southwest Offset Printing, Gardena, CA.

COVER Emmy and People’s Choice Award Winning Actor Eric Braeden PHOTO Courtesy CBS

CONTRIBUTORS & STAFF | Autoren & Redakteure



GRAPHIC DESIGN Anna-Maria Furlong

Jenny has covered the entertainment, lifestyle and travel worlds as a freelance journalist since 1989, with credits including Variety, USA Today Weekend, the Los Angeles Daily News, Scholastic, Cosmopolitan, Mademoiselle and many other domestic and international outlets.

Julia Kupper is a first-time contributor to German World Magazine. The German native from Apolda is a writer and managing editor, who has worked and studied in London, New York and Los Angeles for more than 10 years. She has directed many international content projects and has spiced up her career by studying “Forensic Linguistics”, which applies linguistic knowledge to criminal cases. As an aspiring Forensic Linguist, she is very passionate about linguistics and loves reading, especially Sherlock Holmes stories.

Anna-Maria was born and raised in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, and studied architecture/graphic design in Munich. After moving to the U.S. in 1988, she left her “prints” behind in Arizona, Washington, D.C., Nebraska and Missouri. Since 1998 she has called the southwestern Texas desert her home. She specializes in cultural and multilanguage publications.



GRAPHIC DESIGN Daena Caligagan

Starting out as a journalist in 1982 in Germany, Alexander was trained in photography, editing and reporting for print, TV and radio. He worked for SWF, Rhein-Zeitung, Stern, Spiegel, Südwestfilm, Infosat and many others. He moved to Los Angeles in 1997 where he lives today with his family. Alexander is the co-founder of Inc. and has his own company AHA Media, a website and eMarketing consulting business.

Born and raised in Southern California, Alexa just graduated from UCLA with a degree in piano performance. Alexa originally studied German at UCLA to strengthen her understanding of German piano scores and has since fallen in love with the language and culture. For this issue, Alexa served as a English language editor and copy editor. She also assists German World as Online Editor and Social Media Manager.

From developing cutting-edge advertising and packaging designs to creating the distinctive look of numerous luxury magazines, real estate publications, community newspapers and direct-mail catalogs, Daena has done it all in the world of graphic design. When the California native is not busy crafting beautiful visuals, she can be found advocating on behalf of rescue animals.

She was the Editor in Chief of both Brentwood and Scene magazines and is a voting member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association.





Nachrichten aus Deutschland

n Begrüßung wie ein Rockstar in Berlin Der ehemalige Präsident Obama kam zum Evangelischen Kirchentag

n A Rockstar-Welcome in Berlin Former President Obama drew a big crowd at Germany’s Protestant Church Assembly


ermany’s protestant church secured a major coup for its “Evangelischer Kirchentag” (Germany’s Protestant Church Assembly) this year: Former U.S. President Barack Obama had agreed to address the bi-annual assembly on May 25, 2017 as one of the celebrity keynote speakers to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, which is the featured topic of the Protestant Church in Germany this year. It was Obama’s first official visit since leaving the White House, receiving a rock-star welcome during his appearance with holding signs that read: “Welcome Home”, “You’re Looking Great” and “Du bist ein Berliner”. This coincided with President Trump’s first foreign trip as U.S. president in Brussels, offering contrasting views of the United States’ relationship with Europe.

Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke in front of tens of thousands of people before the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to discuss God, faith and the state of the world. “In this new world we live in, we can’t isolate ourselves. We cannot hide behind a wall” was one of the many, much applauded statements that Obama made in his speech. Obama’s high standing in Germany is largely shared across the continent. He also suggested that the deep religiousness of many Americans is positive, but can be misleading. “Each of us only sees a part of the truth”, said Obama. The real strength of faith, according to him, is to allow for other opinions: “I think it is always a good thing to doubt yourself a bit”. Obama also praised Merkel’s “outstanding work” and described her as one of his “favorite partners” during his eight years in office. He lauded Merkel’s handling of the refugee crisis, while at the same time reflected that he “didn’t always have the tools” to end the war in Syria. “Despite our best efforts, there is a vicious war,” the former U.S. President said. ¢ Text & Photos: ©Reuters Media Express/pool.



Nachrichten aus Deutschland


n Merkel:

Europe can no longer rely on the U.S. and Britain

Text: ©Reuters Media Express/pool. Deutsch von Julia C. Kupper.

(DW) German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Europe has to forge its own path forward, as the United States and Britain were no longer reliable partners. “The times when we could fully rely on others have passed us by a little bit, that’s what I’ve experienced in recent days,” she said while speaking at a campaign rally in Munich. Her reference was to the contentious G7 Summit meeting in Sicily, which ended on May 27 with the world’s democratic powers divided. Most notably they were split “six against one,” as Merkel Chancellor Merkel and President Trump described it Saturday, on the man-made threat posed by global warming. Even though Britain agreed with its European allies on the need to combat climate change, its decision to leave the European Union means it, too, will be going its own way on a range of issues. US President Donald Trump, who campaigned as a global-warming denier - calling it a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese - refused to go along with his six counterparts in reaffirming their support for the 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to limit the rise in global temperatures. “For that reason,” Merkel continued, “I can only say: We Europeans really have to take our fates in our own hands.” Of course, that must be done in a spirit of friendship with the United States and Britain, she said, “But we have to wage our own fight for our future, as Europeans, for our fate.” ¢ Text: ©Deutsche Welle –

Photos: Reuters Express Media/Pool


ie Evangelische Kirche Deutschlands hat in diesem Jahr einen besonderen Coup landen können: Es war ihr gelungen, den ehemaligen US-Präsidenten Barack Obama als einen der prominenten Gastredner beim Evangelischen Kirchentag, der am 25. Mai in Berlin stattfand, begrüßen zu können. Der Kirchentag wurdé dieses Jahr besonders festlich anlässlich des 500. Jubliäums der Reformation begangen. Es war Obamas erster öffentlicher Auftritt seit dem Ende seiner Präsidentschaft und er wurde in wie ein Rockstar von den Berlinern empfangen. Schilder wie „Willkommen zu Hause”, „Du siehst klasse aus” und „Du bist ein Berliner” waren in der Menge zu erkennen. Obamas Auftritt in Berlin koinzidierte mit der ersten Auslandsreise von Präsident Trump, die ihn nach Brüssel führte und wo er sehr gegensätzliche Ansichten zu den Beziehungen der Vereinigten Staaten zu Europa vertrat. Themen, die Barack Obama und die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel vor Zehntausenden vor dem Brandenburger Tor in Berlin ansprachen, waren Gott, der Glaube und die aktuelle Weltlage. „In dieser neuen Welt in der wir leben, können wir uns nicht isolieren. Wir können uns nicht hinter Mauern verstecken”, war eine der vielen Aussagen in Obamas Rede, die mit großem Beifall bedacht wurden. Das hohe Ansehen, dass der ehemalige Präsident in Deutschland genießt, wird ihm auch weitgehend in ganz Europa entgegen gebracht. Er erwähnte außerdem, dass die tiefen relgiösen Wurzeln der Amerikaner zwar positiv seien, aber auch fehlleitend sein können. „Jeder von uns sieht nur einen Teil der Wahrheit”, sagte Obama. „Ich denke immer, dass es eine gute Sache ist, wenn man immer ein bisschen selbstkritisch ist.” Obama lobte zudem Merkels „hervorragende Arbeit” und gestand, dass sie eine derjenigen sei, mit denen er während seiner achtjährigen Amtszeit am liebsten zusammen gearbeitet hätte. Er befürwortete auch Merkels Umgang mit der Flüchtlingskrise, während er gleichzeitig bekannt gab, dass er „nicht immer die nötigen Mittel” gehabt habe, um den Krieg in Syrien zu beenden. „Trotz aller Bemühungen gibt es (immer noch) einen grausamen Krieg”, sagte der ehemalige US-Präsident. ¢

n Angela Merkel:

Europa kann sich nicht mehr auf US und Großbritannien verlassen (DW) Bei einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung in München im Juni äußerte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel unter anderem, dass Europa seinen eigenen Weg gehen müsse, da die USA und Großbritannien keine zuverlässigen Partner mehr seien. „Die Zeiten, in denen wir uns voll und ganz auf andere verlassen konnten, sind in den letzten Tagen untergegangen”, so Merkel. Damit wies sie auf das umstrittene G7-Gipfeltreffen in Sizilien hin, British Prime Minister Theresa May welches am 27. Mai 2017 mit Uneinigkeit unter and Chancellor Merkel in November 2016. den demokratischen Weltmächten endete. Vor allem waren die Meinungen „sechs gegen eins”, wie Merkel es später beschrieb, als es um die von Menschen verursachte globale Erderwärmung ging. Obwohl Großbritannien sich mit seinen europäischen Partnern über die Notwendigkeit, den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen, einig ist, wird das Land aufgrund des Ausstiegs aus der Europäischen Union einige Entscheidungen allein treffen müssen. US-Präsident Donald Trump, welcher die globale Erderwärmung immer als von den Chinesen erfundenen Schwindel bezeichnet, weigerte sich mit seinen sechs Amtskollegen zusammenzuarbeiten und das Pariser Klimaabkommen von 2015 weiter anzuerkennen. Dieses hat zum Ziel, die Treibhausgasemissionen zu senken, um damit den weiteren Anstieg der Erderwärmung zu reduzieren. „Aus diesem Grund”, fuhr Merkel in ihrer Rede fort, „kann ich nur sagen: Wir Europäer müssen unser Schicksal in unsere eigenen Hände nehmen.” Natürlich müsse dies im Geist der Freundschaft mit den USA und Großbritannien geschehen. Aber wir müssen unseren eigenen Kampf für unsere Zukunft, als Europäer, und für unser Schicksal führen”. ¢ – ©Deutsche Welle / Deutsch von Julia C. Kupper – SUMMER 2017 WWW.GERMAN-WORLD.COM




n IVANKA TRUMP IN BERLIN Gemischte Reaktionen auf die Teilnahme der „First Daughter” beim W20 Frauengipfel in Deutschland Von Michelle Martin Ivanka Trump erhielt recht negative Reaktionen von Presse und Publikum als sie beim W20 Frauengipfel am 25. April in Berlin ihren Vater verteidigte und sagte, dass sie sehr stolz auf ihn sei, da er sich für Familien stark gemacht hat. Ihre Rolle als erstgeborene Tochter und Beraterin des US-Präsidenten wolle sie noch weiter ausbauen, so Ivanka weiter. Ivanka Trump, 35, gilt als eine der wichtigsten Figuren im Zirkel von Donald Trump, und gab beim W20 (Women20) - ein Frauengipfel, welcher von den 20 größten Volkswirtschaften in der deutschen Hauptstadt organisiert wurde - bekannt, dass sie ihren Einfluss nutzen wollte, um Frauen zu ermächtigen. Auf die Frage, ob sie den Präsidenten, das amerikanische Volk oder ihr Geschäft als erste Tochter vertrat, gab sie zur Antwort: „Nun, sicherlich nicht das letztere, da ich mit der Rolle noch nicht vertraut bin. Es waren bis jetzt weniger als 100 Tage, aber eine bemerkenswerte und unglaubliche Reise”. Ivankas Ernennung zur Beraterin mit Zugang zu klassifizierten Informationen war sehr ungewöhnlich für die Tochter eines Präsidenten. Um Interessenkonflikten aus dem Weg zu gehen, sagte sie letzten Monat, dass ihre Rolle im Weißen Haus unbezahlt und informell sei. In Berlin diskutierte sie unter anderem über die Förderung von Frauen in der Arbeitswelt mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und der Chefin des Internationalen Währungsfonds Christine Lagarde. „Ich bin hier, um zu lernen und Ideen mit nach Amerika zu nehmen. Ich hoffe, ich kann Veränderung bringen”, sagte sie während der Podiumsdiskussion. „Ich suche Rat von informierten Frauen und Männern und bin wirklich bemüht, darüber nachzudenken, wie man die Rolle der Frau in der Wirtschaft stärken kann, sowohl im Inland als auch auf der ganzen Welt”. Im Verlauf des Gesprächs musste sich Trump aus dem Publikum Buhrufe anhören, vor allem als sie ihren Vater verteidigte und sagte, dass sie sehr stolz auf ihn sei, da er sich für Familien stark gemacht hat. Der



n IVANKA TRUMP IN BERLIN Mixed Reactions to First Daughter’s Participation in Global Women Summit of 20 By Michelle Martin Ivanka Trump received mixed reactions from the audience and members of the press when she attended the G20 Summit in Berlin on April 25, 2017 – especially when she described her father Donald as a “tremendous champion of supporting families”. She also said that she was still fine-tuning her role as first daughter and informal White House adviser. Trump, 35, who is seen as an increasingly important influence on her father, told a women’s summit organised by the Group of 20 major economies in the German capital that she wanted to use her influence to help empower women. Asked whether she represented the president, the American people or her business as first daughter, she replied: “Well certainly not the latter, and I am rather unfamiliar with this role ... it has been a little under 100 days but it has just been a remarkable and incredible journey.” Ivanka Trump’s appointment as an adviser, with access to classified information, was highly unusual for the daughter of a president. Seeking to allay ethics concerns, she said last month she would serve in the White House in an unpaid, informal role. In Berlin, she discussed support for women entrepreneurs with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde among others. “I’m listening, I’m learning, I’m defining the ways in which I think that I’ll be able to have impact,” she told the panel discussion. “I’m seeking the counsel… of informed and thoughtful women and men and I’m really striving to think about how best to empower women in the economy, both domestically and across the globe.”



Moderator war gezwungen, das Thema der Diskussion unter einem Chor von Buhrufen zu wechseln. Donald Trump fand sich im Zentrum einer wütenden Kontroverse während seiner Präsidentschaftskampagne, als ein Video auftauchte, in dem er über das Anpacken von weiblichen Genitalien prahlte. Auf die Frage, ob sich einige der von ihrem Vater geäußerten Einstellungen Zweifel über sein Engagement für die Ermächtigung von Frauen aufstelle, sagte Ivanka Trump, dass ihre Erfahrung und die Tausenden von Frauen, die für ihn gearbeitet haben, zeigen, dass er an das Potential von Frauen glaubt. „Ich bin in einem Haus aufgewachsen, in dem mein Vater mich dazu ermutigt hat, als Frau Karriere zu machen … Es gab keinen Unterschied für mich und meine Brüder und ich denke, dass man das als Geschäftsführer bei ihm sehen konnte und man es als Präsident definitiv sehen wird”, sagte sie. Während der Diskussion in Berlin twitterte Trump einen Link zu einem Artikel in der Financial Times, den Ivanka mit dem Präsidenten der Weltbank, Jim Yong, über Investitionen in Frauen zusammen geschrieben hatte und gab bekannt, dass er auf seine Tochter „stolz sei”, dass sie sich an „solchen wichtigen Problematiken” beteiligt. Der Besuch von Ivanka Trump erhielt in den deutschen Medien gemischte Reaktionen. Die Berliner Zeitung, welche sie als „die Präsidentenflüsterin” bezeichnet hatte, schrieb, dass deutsche Funktionäre hoffen, dass „die Tochter des Präsidenten ein positives Bild von Deutschland an ihren Vater vermitteln wird”. Der Tagesspiegel war etwas mehr naserümpfend über ihre Referenzen und schrieb, dass Trumps Abhängigkeit von seinen Familienmitgliedern auch von Ivankas Ehemann Jared Kushner,ein Hauptpräsidentschaftsberater - wie eine „Stimme von fehlendem Selbstvertrauen” für alle, die ihn umgeben, ist. ¢

But the audience was unsympathetic when she called her father a “tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive”, with the moderator moving the discussion on amid a chorus of boos. Donald Trump found himself at the center of a furious controversy during the presidential campaign when a video surfaced in which he boasted about grabbing women’s genitals. Asked whether some of the attitudes expressed by her father raised questions over his commitment to empowering women, Ivanka Trump said her experience and that of thousands of women who had worked for him showed he believed in women’s potential. “I grew up in a house where there were no barriers to what I could accomplish ... there was no difference for me and my brothers and I think as a business leader you saw that and as a president you’ll absolutely see that,” she said. During the Berlin discussion, Donald Trump tweeted a link to a Financial Times editorial Ivanka co-authored with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim on investment in women and said he was “proud” of his daughter for “her leadership on these important issues”. Ivanka Trump’s visit has received a mixed response in German media. The newspaper Berliner Zeitung, which has described her as “the president’s whisperer”, said German officials would “certainly be hoping that the president’s daughter will convey a positive image of Germany to her father”. Another paper, Tagesspiegel, was more sniffy about her credentials, opening that Trump’s dependence on family members - also including her husband Jared Kushner, a chief presidential adviser - was like a “vote of no confidence” in everyone else he was surrounded by. ¢ SUMMER 2017 WWW.GERMAN-WORLD.COM


IN MEMORIAM | Helmut Kohl Former U.S. President Bill Clinton giving his eulogy in Strasbourg.

Official Memorial Service at the European Parlament in Strasbourg

The remains of a great European are being brought in by French and German soldiers.

Helmut Kohl Remembered

Merkel bows her head in front of the coffin or her predecessor at the memorial service in Strasbourg.

Germany and all of Europe is mourning the loss of a great statesman, visionary and fearless fighter for a united Europe, as Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl died at the age of 87 on June 16, 2017, at his Oggersheim home near Ludwigshafen, south of Frankfurt. On hearing the news during a visit to Rome, Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Helmut Kohl realized that he had a “historic chance” to overcome Germany’s decades-long division – and he seized it. As Germany’s longest-serving chancellor, who governed the country between 1982 and 1998, he will always be remembered as the chancellor of Germany’s Reunification and of the European integration. Kohl even gave his name to an entire generation – the “Kohl Generation.” Kohl has been referred to by many names: Unifier Kohl, Chancellor of German Unity, Giant, German Patriot and Great European, Architect of Germany’s Reunification and many more.

Germany’s former chancellor makes history once again even after his death Kohl’s coffin is carried out of the Cathedral of Speyer.

The book of condolences at the European Parlament in Strasbourg.

“The European Union has paid homage to former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl in the first-ever European ceremony of its kind,”

In many aspects, Helmut Kohl was larger than life. And so were his funeral proceedings. The official memorial service was held in Strasbourg on July 1, 2017, not in Berlin – a fitting tribute to a man whose legacy extended beyond Germany’s borders. Wrapped in the European flag, the coffin was placed in the center of the assembly hall of the European Parliament, as 14 leaders of EU nations, as well as the Federal Cabinet of Germany, the German president, numerous members of the European and German Parliament surrounded it, all paying their last respects. The occasion almost felt like a small EU summit.


Ines Pohl, Bureau Chief of Deutsche Welle in Washington D.C.

1 Helmut Kohl had a good sense of humor. His last name means “cabbage” in German. 2 Kohl and Mitterand remained friends throughout their lives. 3 The architects of the German Reunification. 4 Making history: François Mitterand and Helmut Kohl in Verdun 5 Kohl’s last visit to the Cathedral of Speyer with his wife on December 20, 2015. 6 Helmut Kohl in 2015.










Helmut Kohl | IN MEMORIAM

Former President Clinton and Helmut Kohl’s widow Maike Richter-Kohl at the memorial service in Speyer.

Memorial Service at the Cathedral of Speyer

Helmut Kohl wanted a European Germany, not a German Europe. This was a theme touched on by all the funeral orators, including Chancellor Merkel, at the memorial service. At Kohl’s request, politicians including former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez and former U.S. President Bill Clinton also gave personal farewell messages. “He did not build on divisions, but instead on unity,” Clinton said, adding that today, the opposite trend could be seen in the world. Together, the funeral guests sang the German national anthem and listened to the anthem of Europe performed by the orchestra of the University of Strasbourg. Then the coffin holding Kohl’s mortal remains was carried out of the hall by German and French soldiers and flown to the southwestern German city of Ludwigshafen by the German Federal Police. Kohl’s remains were then taken to the Speyer Cathedral, where 1,500 mourners had the chance to pay their last respects at a service in the cathedral. At the requiem mass, which was also attended by numerous active and former heads of state, including German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Bishop Karl-Heinz Wiesemann praised the former chancellor as a “truly great statesman.” Kohl’s remains were later interred at a ceremony for family and friends in the cemetery of the cathedral. “The European Union has paid homage to former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl in the first-ever European ceremony of its kind,” commented Ines Pohl, Bureau Chief of Deutsche Welle in Washington, D.C. “And it was former U.S. President Clinton who made it clear to all what was actually happening at the ceremony: that Helmut Kohl was making history once more, at that very moment – during a phase that is so dangerous for Kohl’s great lifetime achievement, a united Europe. There, in Strasbourg, over the coffin of Helmut Kohl, the spirit of the European Union suddenly reappeared: the call to achieve a harmony based on mutual respect, in which a war on European soil is never again possible,” Pohl writes on “Helmut Kohl returned to life once more. Bidding farewell became an act of self-validation that is full of future hope.This is the kind of energy that Europe needs. It was a historic moment that Helmut Kohl would have liked.”  Helmut’s Kohl grave in Speyer

Remembering a Great European and a German Patriot




ERIC BRAEDEN Wer ist die wirkliche Person hinter dem CBS TV-Star Victor Newman?

© Lesley Bohm Photography

COVER | Titelgeschichte

Von Jenny Peters | Deutsch von Petra Schürmann „Die meiste Zeit bekomme ich die Rolle des Bösewichts angeboten,”schmunzelt der bekannte deutsch-amerikanische Schauspieler Eric Braeden, „aber den Zuschauern scheint klar zu sein, dass die Personen, die ich darstelle, nichts mit mir selbst zu tun haben.” Und das ist ein Glück, denn Eric Braeden kommt seit mehr als fünfunddreißig Jahren täglich als der machthungrige, manipulierende Millionär Victor Newman, Star der CBS’ Hitserie “The Young and the Restless”, in die amerikanischen Wohnzimmer und zu Zuschauern in aller Welt. Diese Rolle hat er anfangs nur sehr widerstrebend angenommen, wie er in seinen im Februar erschienenen Memoiren “I’ll Be Damned: How My Young and Restless Life Led Me to America’s #1 Daytime Drama” gesteht. „Ich wollte diese Rolle ursprünglich nicht annehmen. Ich wollte einfach nicht in einer Vormittagsserie spielen. Eric Braeden relaxing in the cozy living room of his beautiful appointed home in Pacific Palisades, near Los Angeles Damit glaubte ich mich zu sehr zu limitieren,” so Braeden in seiner Autobiografie, die Doch zahlreiche Auszeichnungen - darunter ein seit Erscheinen ein Bestseller in den USA ist. Emmy Award und acht Emmy Nominierungen, ein People’s Choice Award, drei Soap Opera Tatsache, dass Eric Braeden eine große Leidenschaft DIE Digest Awards und neun Nominierungen sowie für Shakespeares Werke hegt und selbst auch ein andie Aufnahme in die German-American Hall of erkannter Shakespeare und Broadway Schauspieler, MEISTE Fame im Juni 2017 beweisen, dass seine Entscheiwar sein anfängliches Zögern nur zu verständlich. ZEIT dung, die Rolle des ruchlosen, intriganten FrauenIn einem Interview mit American Senior Magazine heldes in Y&R letztendlich doch anzunehmen, gesteht Braeden, dass die Figur des Victor Newman MUSS goldrichtig und auch finanziell für Braeden sehr ihn nie bis in den Traum verfolgt hat, obwohl er seit erfolgreich war. Und trotz dieses festen Engagefast 37 Jahren mehrmals die Woche in dessen Haut ICH DEN ments spielte Braeden auch noch andere Rollen, schlüpft. Aber als er die Shakespeare Monologues für BÖSEWICHT wie zum Beispiel die des Jakob Astors in James einen Auftritt probte, vierzehn Monologe, sah er sich Cameron’s “Titanic” oder beim jährlichen als Richard III., Hamlet oder Macbeth in so manSPIELEN BritWeek Festival in Los Angeles. chem Traum. „Die schönste und tiefgründigste Form der englischen Sprache findet man bei Shakespeare. Jeder, der Eric Braeden im wirklichen Leben Was für ein Genie! Einfach unglaublich. Das Sprachkennenlernt, wird auch sofort feststellen, dass der gefüge ist einfach phantastisch, doch bedauerlicherUnterschied zwischen dem Charakter des Victor weise versteht man Shakespeare eigentlich nur richtig Newmann und Eric Braeden nicht größer sein als Schauspieler, Regisseur oder Sprachwissenschaftler,” könnte. erklärt Braeden.




With son Christian and wife Dale.


© Jean Nelson /

© Jean Nelson /

Titelgeschichte | COVER

Discover the Real Person Behind CBS Daytime Star Victor Newman By Jenny Peters “I play a bastard most of the time,” chuckles the famed German-American actor Eric Braeden. “But people seem to understand that my characters are not me.” That’s a fortunate thing, as Braeden has spent more than 35 years coming into people’s living rooms around the world every weekday as the power-hungry, manipulating millionaire Victor Newman on CBS Television’s hit daytime series “The Young and the Restless.” It’s a role that he was somewhat hesitant to play, as he revealed in his recently released best-selling memoir “I’ll Be Damned: How My Young and Restless Life Led Me to America’s #1 Daytime Drama.” “Initially, I didn’t want to do the role. I thought, ‘I don’t want to do daytime.’ I thought it was too confining,” he writes.


Enjoying his star on the Walk of Fame in 2007 with his son.

The language is just extraordinary but the sad thing about Shakespeare is that only as an actor, a director or an academic, do you really, really understand it,” explains Braeden. However, an Emmy Award (and eight more nominations), People’s Choice Award, three Soap Opera Digest Awards (and nine more nominations there) and, most recently, his 2017 induction into the German-American Hall of Fame (GAMHOF) all prove that his decision to take on the nefarious, conniving, womanizing character in a daytime -TV series was a solid (and very successful) one. Besides, there have been other roles along the way, including Jakob Astor in James Cameron’s “Titanic” and appearing in a Shakespeare piece during the annual BritWeek in Los Angeles.

Winning the Emmy in 1998.

And, as is obvious to anyone who meets Eric Braeden, Victor Newman is a man who couldn’t be more different than Braeden in real life. For while the 76-year-old star does enjoy the perks of his success, as he jokingly told German World with a laugh and a bit of channeling of Victor, “The best thing about becoming famous is the money. And the rest of it is bullshit!” Of course, then the man originally known as HansJörg Gudegast, who was born in the midst of World War Two in Kiel, Germany, clarified. “Well, that’s not really true,” he chuckles. “I must say the very nice aspect of fame is that you are treated with a smile everywhere you go, no


s s s

Given the fact that Eric Braeden has always had a strong passion for Shakespearian and is an accomplished Shakespeare stage actor (as well as a successful Broadway thespian), his hesitation was understandable. In an interview with American Senior Magazine, Braeden admits that he has never had a dream about being Victor Newman, even after 37 years of living with the character as his alter ego. But when preparing for a presentation of fourteen Shakespearean monologues, the actor’s nights were filled with dreams that he was actually Richard III, Hamlet and Macbeth. “The most beautiful, profound language is by Shakespeare. It’s just incredible. What a genius.



Braeden with his son Christian Gudegast and granddaugher Tatiana visiting Niagara Falls.


Allerdings genießt der 76-jährige Star auch seinen Erfolg in vollen Zügen, denn, wie er im German World Interview lachend und in wahrer Victor-Newman-Manier äußerte:„Das Beste am Erfolg ist das Geld. Und alles andere ist schierer Unsinn.” Doch dann korrigiert sich der Schaupspieler, der 1941 als Hans-Jörg Gudegast mitten in den Wirren des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Kiel geboren wurde, schnell: „Nun, das ist doch nicht ganz richtig. Der wirklich nette Aspekt, wenn man bekannt ist, ist, dass man mit einem Lächeln begrüßt wird, egal, ob man in Paris, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Toronto oder New York ist.Und das ist wirklich etwas Wunderbares. Mit fällt gerade nichts Negatives in diesem Zusammenhang ein. Es ist ein wirkliches Privileg, bekannt zu sein und überall freundlich empfangen zu werden.” Der Privatmensch Eric Braeden könnte auch in puncto Familienleben nicht unterschiedlicher als seine Rolle, die er in “The Young and the Restless” spielt, sein. Während die Figur in dieser bewegten TV-Serie jahrzehntelang ein rechter Schwerenöter ist, so ist Braeden selbst seit über 50 Jahren mit Dale Russell Gudegast verheiratet. Die beiden sind stolze Eltern von Regisseur und Drehbuchautor Christian Gudegast und glückliche Großeltern von Christians drei Töchtern. Der Schauspieler verrät uns auch das Geheimnis einer solchen langen und erfolgreichen Ehe: „Vergeben können und Geduld.” „Außerdem,” so fährt er fort, „ist es wichtig, dass einem die Familie, in die man einheiratet, sympathisch ist. Man muss seine Schwiegereltern mögen. Daher mein Rat, immer schnellstmöglich auch die Eltern des Partners kennenzulernen und herauszufinden, welche Konflikte noch zwischen den Eltern und der Tochter oder dem Sohn bestehen. Das ist sehr wichtig, denn für uns alle ist es sehr schwierig, uns von den Menschen, den vorgelebten Werten und den Familiendynamiken, mit denen wir aufwuchsen, zu lösen.” „Und ,” so rät Braeden weiter, „abgesehen vom Verliebtsein muss man seinen Partner auch wirklich als Mensch mögen und absolut respektieren. Das sind Dinge, die eine Ehe zusammenhält, wenn die Zeit sie auf die Probe stellt.“ Für Eric Braeden war es das Streben nach dem sprichwörtlichen amerikanischen Traum, worin er sein berufliches wie auch privates Glück begründet sieht: „Man hat das Gefühl, dass Amerika regelrecht zum Neuanfang ermuntert. Dieser




Photo: © Kathy Hutchins /

Photo: Courtesy of Eric Braeden

COVER | Titelgeschichte

Eric Braeden with his TV family: YnR cast members at the “YnR Celebrates CBS 30 Years at #1” Event on November 10, 2016 in Beverly Hills, CA


matter if it is in Paris, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Toronto or New York. That’s a really a wonderful thing. I would say it is almost all positive. I cannot think of a negative thing right now. I mean, the privilege of going almost anywhere and encountering people that know you and give you a smile, it’s so nice.” Braeden also differs radically from the man he portrays on “The Young and the Restless” when it comes to his family life, for while his character on that steamy soap opera has been quite the philanderer over the decades, Braeden himself has been happily married for over 50 years to Dale Russell Gudegast and the couple are the proud parents of director/screenwriter Christian Gudegast and grandparents to his three little girls. The actor revealed the secret of such a long and successful marriage to us, with three words. “Forgiveness, and patience,” he says, then adds his other keys to marital bliss. “I would say from the outset that you have to like the family into which you marry. You have to like the in laws as well, and be very careful about that. Always meet the mother and the dad and always find out what sort of conflicts existed between your prospective partner and his or her parents. It’s of vital importance, I think. Because it is difficult for us to escape how we grew up and with whom we grew up and what psychodynamics we grew up with. And you must like the person as well, beyond being in love. What it comes down to, eventually, is do you like the person? Do you respect them? Because that is the glue that keeps it together. And time will test you.”

Titelgeschichte | COVER

Und getreu seiner Angewohnheit das Unmögliche zu ignorieren und immer wieder neue Herausforderungen anzunehmen, wie zum Beispiel eine erfolgreiche Karriere im Buchgeschäft in einem Alter zu beginnnen, in dem die meisten Menschen schon längst im Ruhestand sind, scheint Eric Braeden doch ein bisschen mehr mit Victor Newman gemein zu haben, als es auf den ersten Blick scheint. Und ironischerweise ist dies in mancher Hinsicht gut so. 

As for his personal bliss, Braeden credits his pursuit of the American dream as being a key part of his lifetime of success, both in his career and personally.


“America has the feeling of being tolerant of new beginnings. I think that is something that has formed the opinions of most immigrants who have come here, and of a lot of people who are still overseas who hear about America. And it’s true.You’re not prejudged,” explains the German immigrant who became an American citizen many years ago. “America gives you this feeling of being applauded for a new start. And no one comes down on you critically for that, tells you it is impossible.” With his habit of ignoring the impossible and constantly taking on new challenges – like jumping into the publishing arena and succeeding brilliantly at an age when most people are already retired – Eric Braeden might just have a bit more in common with Victor Newman than at first glance. Ironically, for some aspects of his life, that’s a good thing. 

Hollywood Talk Shop and book signing event at the Goethe-Institut L.A. with Eric Braeden who was congratulated by Michelle K. Brooks (top, r.) and Petra Schürmann as well as Daniel Chaffey (l.) and Nicholas Jaksic.

Photos: ©Tshombe Sampson

Meinung sind auch die meisten, die in die USA ausgewandert sind, und diejenigen, die in anderen Ländern von Amerika hören.” „Und es ist wahr,” wie Braeden, der vor vielen Jahren Amerikaner wurde, als deutschstämmiger Einwanderer aus eigener Erfahrung weiß. „Amerika belohnt Neuanfänge mit viel Anerkennung und Beifall, ohne kritisch zu sein oder zu sagen, dass etwas unmöglich ist.”





Kurz Notiert

n We Are The Champions! Borussia Dortmund wins the 2017 German Soccer Cup

n Buzzy Friends: America, Germany and France Join Together to Save the Bees

(Reuters) For the first time since 2012, Borussia Dortmund was able to secure its position as top team in the German Bundesliga again. On May 27 the Black and Yellows won the 2017 German Soccer Cup (DFB-Pokal) by beating Eintracht Frankfurt 2:1 in the Olympic Stadium in Berlin.

(Reuters) Whether we realize it or not, those friendly bees buzzing around us are doing us a huge favor. Nearly one-third of human crops are dependent on pollinators like bees, which means that our livelihood is linked to theirs. Bee populations have declined drastically in both North America and Europe in the past decade.This makes bee health a multilateral priority and focus of both the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the German Missions in the United States’ EU Open House, who founded their technical institute for bee conservation in 2016. The goal is to keep bee populations, both in Germany and around the world, fit and stable. The greatest risk and potential savior to bees is the agriculture industry. ¢

Ousmane Dembele gave the team an early lead before Ante Rebic scored a deserved equalizer for Frankfurt. Bundesliga top scorer Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang scored the winner from the penalty spot after goalkeeper Lukas Hradecky brought down Christian Pulisic in the box. With Julian Weigl injured after breaking his ankle in the penultimate Bundesliga game of the season, coach Thomas Tuchel opted for Matthias Ginter in defensive midfield instead of Nuri Sahin, justifying his decision by saying he expected long balls from a physical Frankfurt side. Making their first appearance in the cup final since 2006, Eintracht coach Niko Kovac handed Slobodan Medojevic his debut in place of Guillermo Varela after the Argentinian star from Manchester United was internally suspended for having a tattoo. ¢

n Wir sind die Besten! Borussia Dortmund gewinnt DFB-Pokal 2017 (Reuters) Zum ersten Mal seit 2012 konnte Borussia Dortmund seine Position als bestes Team in der deutschen Bundesliga sichern. Am 27. Mai gewannen die schwarz-gelben Borussen den Deutschen Fußball-Bund Pokal 2017 (DFB-Pokal), nachdem sie Eintracht Frankfurt mit 2:1 im Olympiastadion in Berlin besiegt hatten. Ousmane Dembele gab dem Team einen frühen Vorsprung, bevor Ante Rebic einen verdienten Ausgleich für Frankfurt erzielte. BundesligaTorschützenkönig Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang schoss den ersehnten Siegestreffer aus einem Strafstoß heraus, nachdem Torhüter Lukas Hradecky Christian Pulisic im Strafraum gefoult hatte. Nach der Verletzung von Julian Weigl, welcher seinen Knöchel im vorletzten Bundesligaspiel der Saison gebrochen hatte, entschied sich Trainer Thomas Tuchel für Matthias Ginter im defensiven Mittelfeld anstelle von Nuri Sahin und rechtfertigte seine Entscheidung damit, dass er lange Bälle von der Frankfurter Seite erwartete. Frankfurt Eintracht hatte seinen ersten Auftritt im Pokalfinale seit 2006 und Trainer Niko Kovac überreichte Slobodan Medojevic sein Debüt an Stelle von Guillermo Varela, nachdem der argentinische Star von Manchester United auf Grund einer Tätowierung entlassen wurde. ¢ 18


n Summende Freundschaft Amerika, Deutschland und Frankreich schließen sich zur Bienenrettung zusammen (Reuters) Ob wir es wollen oder nicht, die freundlichen Bienen, die um uns herum schwirren, tun uns einen großen Gefallen. Fast ein Drittel des menschlichen Ernteguts ist von Bestäubern wie Bienen abhängig, was bedeutet, dass unsere Existenzgrundlage mit ihnen verbunden ist. Die Zahl der Bienenbevölkerungen sind in den letzten zehn Jahren sowohl in Nordamerika als auch in Europa drastisch zurückgegangen. Das macht die Bienengesundheit zu einer multilateralen Priorität und Fokus des deutschen Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) und der deutschen Missionen im EU-Open-House der Vereinigten Staaten, die im Jahr 2016 ihr technisches Institut für die Bienenerhaltung gründeten. Das Ziel ist, Bienenpopulationen sowohl in Deutschland als auch auf der ganzen Welt fit und stabil zu halten. Das größte Risiko und der potenzielle Retter für Bienen ist die Landwirtschaft. ¢

n Germany establishes its first Holocaust Studies professorship (dw) The historian and renowned researcher Sybille Steinbacher will take on the first professorship for Holocaust Studies at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Although Germany has been actively researching the Holocaust since the 1960s, it did not have any specific research professorships until now. Steinbacher was professor for Dictatorship,Violence and Genocide Comparative Studies at the Vienna University until recently. She has been the director of the Fritz Bauer Institute of the Frankfurt University since May 2017. ¢

n Deutschland gründet seine erste Holocaust-Studien-Professur (dw) Die Historikerin und renommierte Forscherin Sybille Steinbacher wird die erste Professur für Holocaust-Studien an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt übernehmen. Obwohl Deutschland seit den 1960er den Holocaust aktiv erforscht hat, hatte es bislang noch keine spezifischen Forschungsprofessuren gegeben. Steinbacher war bis vor kurzem Professorin für Diktatur, Gewalt und Genozid-vergleichenden Studien an der Universität Wien. Seit Mai 2017 ist sie Direktorin des Fritz-Bauer-Instituts der Universität Frankfurt. ¢

Fokus Kalifornien



Automakers want California to revise VW’s electric auto charging station plan By David Shepardson (Reuters) Major automakers and other groups are raising objections to the way Volkswagen AG wants to spend $2 billion on electric vehicle infrastructure and projects, as part of the German automaker’s atonement for diesel emissions cheating. Volkswagen plans to install hundreds of EV charging stations nationwide as part of the 10-year plan. About $800 million of the total will be spent in California as part of a settlement with the government after the German automaker admitted to secretly installing cheating software in 580,000 diesel vehicles allowing them to emit excess pollution. The California Air Resources Board is considering whether to approve the $200 million spending plan for the first 30 months and is reviewing the 120 comments submitted, said spokesman Dave Clegern. In December 2016,Volkswagen already agreed to add three additional electric vehicle models in California by 2020 and must sell an average of 5,000 electric vehicles annually through 2025 in the state. Automakers object to the proposed locations of some charging stations in areas that already have many electric vehicles and have concerns about competitive advantages VW could get from the program. An environmental group said more of the stations should be built in low-income areas. Also, Toyota Motor Corp, Honda Motor Co and Hyundai Motor Co wrote a joint letter urging California to require Volkswagen to spend a “significant portion” of the money on hydrogen fuel cell fueling stations, saying the current commitment by California to get 100 such stations in place by 2020 is “not on track.” However, these three automakers are also trying to sell fuel cell vehicles of their own brand.

In its initial California spending plan, Volkswagen wants to allocate $120 million to build more than 400 highway and community EV charging stations by 2019 in high-traffic areas. Several automakers said in their comments that they would prefer that the new charging stations be installed instead in areas that have little electric vehicle traffic. Ford Motor Co said it “has reservations about having a key electrification driver dependent on and ultimately controlled by one automotive competitor.” Ford added VW should target areas where “demonstrated market interest does not already exist.” BMW AG said Volkswagen “should not be afforded an implicit comparative advantage through its ability to control day-to-day operations of consumer charging events” such as waiting times, pricing and billing. Under the agreement with California and the Justice Department, funds spent on education and outreach must be brand-neutral and cannot feature Volkswagen vehicles. Charging stations must be accessible to all vehicles. The Sierra Club in a letter to California urged VW to “rethink its infrastructure proposal to include more investments in community-based charging in disadvantaged communities.” Volkswagen said its goal is to “make it easy for as many (zero emission vehicle) drivers as possible to enjoy the collective charging networks available.” In April 2017, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved VW’s initial $300 million spending plan for EV projects outside California through 2019, including having 450 charging stations in place by then. VW will also launch a $44 million “Green City” initiative to pilot future concepts. It expects the city to be Sacramento. ¢ Text and photo: ©Reuters Media Express/Pool

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All photos: Courtesy © Dr. Joachim Reppmann

HISTORY | Geschichte

Freiheitskämpfer in Minnesota Europäisch-Atlantische Konferenz erinnert an das Vermächtnis und Relevanz der Freiheitskämpfer von 1848 Von Scott C. Christiansen Deutsch von Petra Schürmann

Nach drei Tagen anregender Diskussionen, Präsentationen und informativer Ausstellungen ging die Konferenz “Das Vermächtnis von 1848” am 2. April in der lutherischen Johanneskirche in Northfield, Minnesota, zu Ende. Die Konferenz, die vom Stoltenberg Institute for German-American Forty-eighter Studies unterstützt und von den Historikern Dr. Joachim “Yogi” Reppmann und Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann organisiert worden war, hatte Teilnehmer und Experten aus ganz USA, Deutschland und Dänemark zusammen gebracht. Die Konferenz erinnerte an die vergeblichen Bemühungen der Freiheitskämpfer von 1848, die Demokratie in den deutschen Staaten einzuführen und an ihren späteren Einfluss auf die amerikanische Gesellschaft. Alle Vortragenden betonten, dass man sich immer wieder die Herausforderungen vor Augen führen sollte, die unsere Vorfahren meistern mussten; die Vorurteile, mit denen sie konfrontiert waren und wie man heute anhand ihres Beispiels lernen kann. Es sei wichtig, so war der allgemeine Tenor der Konferenz, dass man untersucht mit welchen Methoden man gemeinsam Vorurteile abbauen kann, damit eine Welt entsteht, in der kulturelle Unterschiede zelebriert und nicht als Bedrohung angesehen werden.

Left: Dr. Joachim “Yogi” Reppmann, Northfield, MN Top left:: Carl Schurz, the most famous Forty-Eighter in American history. Above: Eric Braeden discussed his “Thoughts on Being German” (f.l.t.r.): Dee Eicke, Eric Braeden, Yogi Reppmann, and Consul General Herbert Quelle


ie Konferenz wurde von Pastor Klaus Lemke-Paetznick aus Wilhelmshaven eröffnet, der zum Auftakt den Philosophen George Santayana zitierte: „Diejenigen, die aus der Geschichte nicht lernen, sind dazu verurteilt, sie zu wiederholen.” Das weitere Programm des ersten Tages, sehr engagiert moderiert von Dee Eicke, Pastor Lemke-Paetznick und Dr. Reppmann, befasste sich in erster Linie mit Themen rund um den Holocaust. Zu den Teilnehmern und Vortragenden gehörten Steve Hunegs, Geschäftsführer des “Jewish Community Relations Council for Minnesota and the Dakotas”, der deutsche Generalkonsul Herbert Quelle, Carol Kahn-Strauss vom Leo Baeck Institute, New York, Dr. Gabrielle Robinson, Jewish Federation in South Bend, Indiana, und Dr. R. Don Keysser von der deutsch-amerikanischen Handelskammer in Bloomington, Minnesota. Sehr persönliche Erlebnisse oder Familienschicksale waren oft Teil der Vorträge und Diskussionen und machten die Schrecken des Holocaust in erschütternder Weise nacherlebbar. Die Erzählungen von Dr. Peter Lubrecht, der als Deutsch-Amerikaner in New York City aufwuchs, machten nochmals deutlich, welche Auswirkungen der Holocaust auch bis nach Amerika hatte. Der deutsche Generalkonsul in Chicago, Herbert Quelle, setzte mit seiner Rede ein weiteres Highlight dieses Konferenztages, der mit der Weltpremiere von Stephan Witthoefts Dokumentarfilm “A Flensburg Perspective: Erna de Vries and the Holocaust Boxcar”, produziert von SALVE tv, Erfurt, endete. Dieser bewegende Film zeigt nicht nur den Horror des Holocaust, sondern dokumentiert auch die Anstrengungen, der es bedurfte, einen Holocaust Boxcar - ein Wagon der benutzt wurde, um deutsche Juden in die Konzentrationslager zu bringen – im Fagen Fighters World War II Museum in Granite Falls, Minnesota, auszustellen. Beim zweiten Tag der Konferenz drehte es sich alles um das Vermächtnis von einer der einflussreichsten Einwanderergruppen Amerikas: den Freiheitskämpfern von 1848. Die Beiträge von Dr. Peter Lubrecht, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller-Michaelis, Jan Jessen, Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann, Denny Warta, George Glotzbach, Terry Sveine und vielen anderen vermittelten neue Erkenntnisse und interessante Aspekte zu diesem Thema.





Left: German-American Friendship Award presented to Dr. Joachim Reppmann Above: St. John’s Lutheran Church in Northfield, Minn., where the conference took place Right: Don Heinrich Tolzmann coordinated a display of publications

Freedom Fighters in Minnesota

“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.”

Euro-Atlantic Conference revived the memory of the legacy of the Forty-Eighters and its relevance today By Scott C. Christiansen / Edited by Jenny Peters

After three days of stimulating and thought-provoking presentations, displays and discussions, the “Legacy of 1848” conference concluded at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Northfield, Minn., on April 2, 2017. Sponsored by the Stoltenberg Institute for German-American Forty-eighter Studies and organized by Drs. Joachim “Yogi” Reppmann and Don Heinrich Tolzmann, the conference attracted speakers, participants and guests from the United States, Germany and Denmark. Always educational and often highly emotional, the conference recalled the Forty-eighters’ thwarted attempt to bring democracy to Germany and the group’s later influence on American society. The various presenters encouraged everyone to reflect on the challenges that confronted our forebears, the prejudices they faced and how people today can learn from the collective legacy of those brave men and women. Acknowledging these trials and familiarizing ourselves with the methods used in combating them are indispensable in creating a world where cultural differences are celebrated, not vilified.

-- Philosopher George Santayana --


he conference opened with remarks by Pastor Klaus Lemke-Paetznick from Wilhelmshaven, Germany, who echoed philosopher George Santayana’s statement that “those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” The ensuing presentations of the first day, deftly moderated by Dee Eicke, Pastor Lemke-Paetznick and Dr. Reppmann, were primarily devoted to Holocaust education. Participants and presenters included Steve Hunegs (executive director, Jewish Community Relations Council for Minnesota and the Dakotas), Herbert Quelle (German Consul General, Chicago), Carol Kahn-Strauss (Leo Baeck Institute, NY), Dr. Gabrielle Robinson (Jewish Federation, South Bend, IN) and Dr. R. Don Keysser (GACC, Bloomington, MN). The presentations and discussions were peppered with personal and familial stories, which placed the stain of the Holocaust in a most moving context. Dr. Peter Lubrecht’s talk about growing up as a German-American in New York City drove home the point that the repercussions of the Holocaust often migrated across the Atlantic. After a top-notch keynote address delivered by German Consul General Herbert Quelle, the evening concluded with the world premiere of Stephan Witthoeft’s documentary “A Flensburg Perspective: Erna de Vries and the Holocaust Boxcar.” (SALVE tv, Erfurt) This moving film both highlighted the Holocaust’s horrors and documented the efforts to bring a Holocaust boxcar (used to transport German Jews to concentration camps) to the Fagen Fighters World War II Museum in Granite Falls, Minn. The second day of the conference was devoted to the legacy and significance of America’s most consequential immigrants, the Forty-eighters. Dr. Peter Lubrecht, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller-Michaelis, Jan Jessen, Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann, Denny Warta, George Glotzbach, Terry Sveine and many others gave enlightening and thought-provoking presentations. After a wonderful dinner, Carol Kahn-Strauss and Diane Fagen, president of the Fagen Fighters WWII Museum, were presented with the Carl Schurz Award. The award commemorates America’s most significant Forty-eighter, Carl Schurz. Later that evening, Consul General Quelle SUMMER 2017



HISTORY | Geschichte Nach einem vorzüglichen Abendessen wurden drei Anwesenden noch besondere Ehren zuteil: Carol Kahn-Strauss und Diane Fagen, Direktorin des Fagen Fighters WWII Museum, wurden mit dem Carl Schurz Preis geehrt. Diese Auszeichnung erinnert an den bedeutendsten Freiheitskämpfer von 1848 in den USA: an den früheren U.S. Senator und Staatsmann Carl Schurz.Wenig später überreichte Generalkonsul Quelle dem Co-Organisator der Konferenz, Dr. Reppmann, den Deutsch-Amerikanischen Freundschaftsorden als Dank für seine Verdienste um die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen. Die Konferenz schloss mit der Rede “Thoughts of Being German” von Hans Jörg Gudegast, aka Eric Braeden, der auch aus Schleswig-Holstein stammt. Sein ganzes Leben hindurch hat sich Braeden, der sich als Schauspieler, Philantroph und Aktivist einen Namen gemacht hat, dafür immer wieder eingesetzt, ein realitätsnahes und ausgewogenes Image der Deutsch-Amerikaner in den USA zu etablieren und den deutsch-jüdischen Dialog zu fördern. Als Mann von sehr klaren Überzeugungen ist Braeden immer der Ansicht gewesen, „dass Nazi-Deutschland nie existiert hätte, falls es damals eine Demokratie gegeben hätte. Falls Deutschland eine Demokratie geblieben wäre, so müssten wir heute gar nicht über den Holocaust und alles, was damit zusammen hängt, reden,” so Braeden, dessen Rede und tiefes Verständnis für die damalige und heutige Zeit einen sehr passenden Abschluss einer Konferenz bildete, die sich am ersten Tag dem Thema Holocaust widmete. 

presented conference co-organizer Dr. Reppmann with the Ger man-Amer ican Friendship Award for his contributions to Ger man-Amer ican relations. The conference concluded with “Thoughts on Being German,” a Charles Fodor, a Hungarian Holocaust survivor, and poignant and heart- Steve Hunegs at Fagen Fighters WW II Museum in May 2016. felt address delivered by Hans Jörg Gudegast, aka Eric Braeden, a native from Bredenbek, Schleswig-Holstein.Throughout his adult life, the actor, humanitarian and activist has worked hard in promoting a realistic and balanced image of German-Americans and in advancing German-Jewish dialogue. A man of strong convictions, Braeden believes that “Nazi Germany would not have existed had we had a democracy. Had Germany remained a democracy, we wouldn’t be talking about the Holocaust. We wouldn’t be talking about any of this.” Braeden’s experiences and deep understanding provided a fitting denouement for a conference whose first day emphasized the Holocaust. 

For more information visit:

Recommended Reading  Friedhelm Caspari and Joachim Reppmann “The Holocaust Boxcar – A A Powerful Admonition Against Anti-Semitism” Northfield, MN, 2016. (Printing on Demand:  Joachim Reppmann “Eric Braeden, From Bredenbek to Hollywood: The Legacy of 1848, Through Today” Northfield, MN und Flensburg, SH, 2016. (Printing on Demand:  Joachim (Yogi) Reppmann “Crossing the Ocean: German-American Friendships” Northfield, MN, 2017. (Printing on Demand:




Karriere | EDUCATION

Full House at the Goethe-Institut in Washington DC German Career Days a Big Hit With American Students For the second time, the Goethe-Institut in the U.S. is once again organizing Career Days for high school and college students in multiple cities throughout the U.S., often with local partners such as the German-American Institute in Missouri where the German Career Days took place in February, or the German Institute for the Southwest who held a career day on April 21 in Houston in cooperation with the Consulate General of Germany, the Goethe-Institut Chicago, the Zentralstelle für Auslandsschulwesen, the German- American Chamber of Commerce, local German businesses and universities.

All photos: Courtesy Goethe-Institut Washington DC

Business Law, simpLy On May 12, it was the turn of the Goethe-Institut in Washington DC to hold its second German Career Day Students had the possibility to participate in workshops and panel discussions or simply talk to attending representatives of German businesses, universities and foundations who set up several info booths, and had the latest information about study and career opportunities with German and in Germany. Contributing partners such as the German Academic Exchange Service, German Center for Research and Innovation, and the Representative of German Industry and Trade offered many diverse opportunities for information and exchange surrounding the topic of career opportunities. In the afternoon, the German Embassy together with the Goethe-Institut joined in a panel discussion “How German(y) Made My Career,” a program which was geared mostly towards college students and graduates by providing insight about the career opportunities that open up with German language proficiency.

Next career days

September 22, 2017 State College Pennsylvania State University Philadelphia, PA

October 4, 2017 Ohio State University Columbus, OH

Wirtschaftsrecht, einfach! Wir beraten Sie auch gern auf Deutsch!

About Carl A. Steinbrenner J.D., University of Notre Dame Law School B.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Goethe Institut, Germany Salzburg College, Austria Admitted to practice law in New York, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois Carl A. Steinbrenner, Esq. Steinbrenner Law Offices, LLC 104 Troup Street Rochester, NY 14608 (585) 730-7357

For more information visit -> Career Days SUMMER 2017




California | SPOTLIGHT

Exciting Summer Months with GABA By Petra Schürmann








f you are new in town or if you are looking for new business contacts or new friends from Europe, the events of the Ger manAmerican Business Association (GABA) are something you should check out. In addition to regular “Stammtisch” events, casual get-togethers at varying locations, they offer workshops, special tickets to top notch events, and business mixers. In Southern California, GABA members had the opportunity to join the GABA Board at the World Trade Week Kick Off Breakfast on May 4 in L.A. Shortly before the event, the surprise announcement was made that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair would attend as well and talk about trade relations between the U.K. and the U.S. With Master of Ceremonies David Ono of ABC 7 News, this was a true stellar event.


On June 20, the “Women in Business” networking group of GABA in SoCal which was recently relaunched under the new leadership of cochairs Barbara Kempen and Elke Miller, both successful German entrepreneurs, invited members and guests to a social media marketing workshop with Jennifer Wilson, owner of L.A. Social Karma. The event was graciously hosted by Elke Miller at Kigala Preschool.The use of Instagram was one of the hot topics that night.

1 Eric Garcetti at the kick-off event of the World Trade Week in L.A. 2 GABA Board members and staff in L.A. on May 4. 3 The Women in Business Event on June 20 4 The Board Members of the GABA Film Initiative with Roland Emmerich (2n.f.l.) 5 Tony Blair at the World Trade Week kick-off event; 6 Renate Craft and Anne Witzgall on June 20 7 German film talent at the Emmerich event.

Another memorable event took place on July 8, when the GABA Film Initiative invited members to an evening of networking at the private residence of famous German film producer Roland Emmerich. Emmerich, who had recently agreed to join the GABA Film Initiative as Honorary Chairman, and his sister Ute, executive co-producer of many of his movies, obviously enjoyed talking to the young film professionals gathered at the pool house of his beautiful estate in the Hollywood Hills. 

NEXT GABA EVENTS GABA Stammtisch San Diego

GABA Rising Star 2017

July 19, 2017 – 6 PM – 9 PM

August 24, 2017 – 6 PM | Bringing together the

Amplified Ale Works | San Diego, CA 92109

Start Up Community and celebrating the most compelling German-American start ups. Location: Thomas Fogarty Winery, Portola Valley, CA 94028

Orange County International Business Mixer July 26, 2017 – 6 PM – 8.30 PM Location: Strawberry Farms Golf Club 11 Strawberry Farms Rd, Irvine, California 92612

GABA Stammtisch in Sacramento August 17 – 7 PM | Location: Der Biergarten,

For more information visit

2332 K. Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 SUMMER 2017



CAREER | Karriere

TRAUM VOM JOB BEI GOOGLE ? Innovationschef Frederik G. Pferdt weiß worauf es ankommt Interview Von Patrick Dax

Ihre Berufsbezeichnung bei Google lautet „Chief Innovation Evangelist”. Was machen Sie eigentlich? Frederik G. Pferdt: Ich fördere den Erfindergeist bei Menschen. Das heißt, dass ich sie dabei unterstütze, neue Ideen nicht nur zu denken, sondern sie konkret in die Tat umzusetzen. Sie sollen mit neuen Ideen experimentieren, sie aber auch verwerfen können, wenn sie sehen, dass sie nicht den Bedürfnissen unserer Nutzer entsprechen. Was für Fähigkeiten müssen künftige Google-Mitarbeiter haben?

„Ich versuche Menschen Selbstvertrauen in ihre eigenen Ideen zu geben”, sagt Frederik G. Pferdt. Der 39-jährige gebürtige Deutsche ist bei Google Innovationschef und lehrt zudem an der Stanford University. In Deutschland hat er seinen Doktor der Staatswissenschaften an der Universität Paderborn erworben. In einem Interview erzählt Pferdt über Fortschritt beim Internetkonzern und darüber, welche Anforderungen GoogleMitarbeiter erfüllen müssen.




Darauf achten Sie auch bei Bewerbungen? FGP: Bei Google achten wir bei Bewerbungen auf drei Dinge. Da ist zum einen die Fähigkeit, Probleme analysieren und lösen zu können. Wir suchen auch nach dem, was wir „Emergent Leadership” nennen. Können die Bewerber Teams führen und - gleich wichtig - auch zurücktreten und anderen die Führung übergeben? Das Dritte ist die „Googleness”. Damit beschreiben wir Menschen, die Verantwortung übernehmen und Dinge vorantreiben wollen, vielleicht mit dem Anspruch, die Welt zu verbessern. Wie viele andere Tech-Unternehmen auch, bezieht Google-Nutzer bei der Entwicklung von Produkten sehr früh ein. Die Datenbrille Google Glass wurde etwa sehr früh von Nutzern getestet. Zuletzt war kaum noch etwas darüber zu hören. FGP: Google Glass war ein interessantes Experiment. Es hat auch viel damit zu tun, dass

wir Ideen loslassen müssen, wenn sie nicht funktionieren. Wir haben gelernt, dass Google Glass anders genutzt wurde, als wir es geplant haben. Wir haben dann die Entscheidung getroffen, dass sie etwa für Industrieanwendungen relevant ist. Welche Trends haben Sie momentan auf dem Radar? FGP: Wir lassen unseren Mitarbeitern sehr großen Freiraum. Das heißt, sie können sich Zeit nehmen, Trends zu erkennen, zu erforschen und dann zu schauen, wo sich eine kritische Masse bildet. Wir sehen in maschinellem Lernen und künstlicher Intelligenz ein sehr großes Potenzial. Bei Google Translate haben wir im vergangenen Jahr durch die Anwendung von „Machine Learning” so viel Fortschritt gemacht, wie in zehn Jahren zuvor. Wir können jetzt 108 Sprachen übersetzen, acht davon auf menschlichem Niveau.

Text: Auszüge aus dem Originalinterview von Patrick Dax publiziert auf am 26. Mai 2017. Nachdruck mit freundlicher Genehmigung von

All photos: ©

FGP: Für uns ist es wichtig, dass Menschen für neue Denkweisen offen sind. Dass man Dinge bejaht und versucht, sie größer, weiter und schneller zu denken. Offenheit gepaart mit Optimismus ist eine sehr gute Voraussetzung.

Karriere | CAREER

DREAMING ABOUT A JOB AT GOOGLE ? Chief of Innovations F. G. Pferdt knows what matters English by Julia C. Kupper

“I try to give people self-confidence in their own ideas,” says Frederik G. Pferdt. The 39-year-old German native is Google’s Chief of Innovations, as well as an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University. He earned his doctorate in political sciences at the University of Paderborn in Germany. In an interview with Patrick Dax for, Pferdt talks about innovation in the Google world and what kind of skills Google employees should have. Your job title at Google is “Chief Innovation Evangelist.” What are you doing exactly? Frederik G. Pferdt: I promote the inventor spirit in humans.This means that I support them not only in thinking about new ideas, but also in putting them into practice. They are supposed to experiment with new ideas, but they also need to know when to reject them if they see that they do not meet the needs of our users. What skills do future Google employees have? FGP: For us it is important that people are open minded to new ways of thinking – that things are affirmed and then thought about in a bigger, broader and faster way. Openness coupled with optimism is a very good prerequisite. Do you also pay attention to this in job applications? FGP: We pay attention to three things at Google. On one hand, the ability to analyze and solve problems is very important. We are also looking for what we call “emergent leadership.” Can the applicant lead teams and – equally important – step back and hand over the leadership to others? The third is the “Googleness.” With that we mean people who want to take on responsibility and push things forward, perhaps with the aspiration to improve the world.

Like many other tech companies, Google users are integrated in developing products early on. Users tested Google Glass at a very early stage, for example. Lately there has not been any more news about it. Why not? FGP: Google Glass was an interesting experiment. It also has a lot to do with the fact that we have to let go of ideas when they do not work. We have learned that Google Glass was used differently than we had planned. We then made the decision that it is more relevant for industrial applications, for example. What current trends do you have on your radar? FGP: We give our employees a lot of freedom. That means that they can take the time to recognize trends, explore them and then look at where a critical mass is formed.We see great potential in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Last year at Google Translate, we made so much progress through the application of machine learning as in the ten years before that. We can now translate 108 languages, eight of them at human level. 

The original interview in full length was published in German on © The excerpts from the original interview were translated by Julia C. Kupper for German World Magazine. Published with kind permission of © SUMMER 2017



germany in the




Who can help?

It can never be too early to plan your Oktoberfest fun! And with 2.5 million residents in Texas claiming German heritage, many will head to a Texas Oktoberfest in September or October 2017. So make sure to get your tickets now!

No matter if you are looking for a school with a German program for your kids, if you are an adult and want to continue your German studies or if you want to teach German, your best bet is to contact the Gernan Language Consultants (Deutschberater der Zentralstelle für Auslandschulwesen) in you area: 

Leeni Martinkari

(MI, IN, KY, OH) Columbus, OH Tel.: +1 614-284-2887

Natascha Milde

(AK, ID, MT, OR, WA, WY) Tel.: +1 425-502-8344  Irene Mrázek (IA, KS, MO, NE, CO) Tel.: +1 303-816-9523

 Michael Göttert (AL, GA, NC, SC, TN, FL) Georgia Department of Education Tel.: +1 305-588-1262

 Julia Ibold (AR, LA, MS, NM, OK, TX) Houston, TX Tel.: +1 310-293-4499

Anja Schmitt

(WI, MN, ND, SD, IL) Goethe-Institut Chicago Tel.: +1 312-263-0474 Fax: +1 312-263-0476 Sep 14 to Sep 17, 2017

Sep 22 to Sep 24, 2017

Addison Oktoberfest

McKinney Oktoberfest

Just north of Dallas, the Addison Conference Centre is turned into an authentic Munich beer hall with a Texas twist. It is considered one of the most authentic Oktoberfest celebrations in the U.S.

Family friendly event with German food, music, and a “beer garden” measuring14 blocks in the Historic Downtown square.

Sep 16, 2017

St. Joseph’s Oktoberfest St Joseph Catholic School hosts this one day annual festival thirty minutes south of Dallas. Kinderfest. Free admission and free parking. Location: Waxahachie Civic Center Sep 21 to Sep 23, 2017




Sep 30, 2017

Oktoberfest Houston Sep 30, 2017

Rahr Oktoberfest 5K 5k run/walk, live German polka and beer garden to benefit Fort Worth Police Officers’ Foundation. Location: 701 Galveston, Fort Worth, Texas

Oktoberfest Fort Worth at Panther Island Pavilion

Sep 30, 2017

You’ll find authentic German food, music, dancing, games, biergartens, dachshund races, as well as Spaten and other Oktoberfest craft beers from around the country.

All you can eat sausage and beer tasting event. Celebrate your German heritage in Central Texas with German beer and live music!


germany in the





August 7, 2017 – 12 PM

August 12, 2017 – 7.30 AM – 6.30 PM

July 21 – 23, 2017

Digital Concert Hall featuring Berliner Philharmoniker

Day Trip to Cedar Rapids: Chihuly Exhibit

Catholic Kolping Society Schützenfest 2017

Travel fellowship excursion with the 1st Presbyterian! The trip includes Chihuly Venetian Glass Exhibit, National Czech/Slovak Museum Admission, deluxe coach transport, and more! Pre-registration and payment required. Contact: - (563) 322-8844

Schützenfest, or Shooting Festival, is a tradition that has been observed for over 500 years by the Catholic Kolping Society of Cincinnati. Guests can enjoy the shoot-off, sample authentic German cuisine and beer, enjoy traditional music and dancing. Location: Kolping Center, 10235 Mill Rd, Cincinnati, OH | Information:

In 2017 the Goethe-Institut presents concerts from the Digital Concert Hall of the Berlin Philharmonic. The program on August 7 will feature a concert at Berlin’s Waldbühne with conductor Gustavo Dudamel. Works by Robert Schumann and Richard Wagner.. Location: Goethe-Institut, 150 N. Michigan Ave #200, Chicago Contact: July 24 - December 31, 2017

Exhibition Series: A Little Piece of Bauhaus The Goethe-Institut’s artist-in-residence, Christina Wildgrube will present her work-in-progress Siedlung Törten, daily at 4 PM in the foyer of the Goethe-Institut. The series will continued with artist Anke Loh (8/22), panel discussion on 9/20 and artist Doug Fogelson (10/27). Location: Goethe-Institut Chicago, 150 N. Michigan Ave #200, Chicago Contact:

Until November 4, 2017 Exhibition at the GAHC in Davenport

Houdini: Magic and Mystery Explore the man behind the illusions: Houdini! Location: German American Heritage Center & Museum, 712 W 2nd Avenue, Davenport, IA 52802 Contact: – (563) 322-8844

July 27, 2017 – 6 PM Sommerkino at the Goethe-Institut

My Friend Raffi Heartwarming movie by director Arend Agthe about eight-year-old Sammy who has lost his favourite pet, the hamster Raffi. He goes out in search of Raffi, which takes him across Hamburg. He has many adventures before he can finally hold Raffi in his hands again. Location: Goethe-Institut Chicago, 150 N. Michigan Ave #200, Chicago Contact:

INDIANA July 14 – 15, 2017

Oldenberg Freudenfest The Freudenfest, meaning fun day, is the Biggest Little German Festival in Indiana! Go on the beer slide, participate in the wine-tasting contest, watch dachshund races, and more! Location: Oldenberg, IN Information: August 3 – 6, 2017

Jasper Strassenfest 2017 Guests are welcome to participate in the many events and enjoy the awesome entertainment that has made Jasper Strassenfest (or the Jasper Street Festival) the funfilled celebration that is anticipated each year. Location: Downtown, Jasper, Indiana, IN 47546 Information: | (812) 482-6866 August 5, 6 PM – 10 PM, 2017

Sommerfest 2017 It’s that time of year again... join the Indianapolis Liederkranz at German Park for their annual Sommerfest! It’s a great time to celebrate summer, catch up with friends, and help support the club. Location: German Park, 8600 S Meridian St, Indianapolis, IN 46217 Information:

WISCONSIN Every Tuesday of the Month

German Stammtisch in Milwaukee. Locations vary. Please contact Petra Theurich for dates and locations: (414) 464-9444


July 28 – 30, 2017

Until May 5, 2018

Germanfest 2017 in Milwaukee

Exhibit: “Loyalty and Dissent”: Brown County World War I in Minnesota

Don’t miss the largest German festival in the U.S. Enjoy live music, dancing, great food and drinks, dachshund races or a ride with the aerial train over the festival grounds. Brush up your knowledge of German culture and history at the Cultural Tent. Entrance includes double admission to the thrilling lumberjack collegiate and pro competition! Location: Henry Maier Festival Park, 200 North Harbor Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Information: | (414) 464-9444

The new Brown County Historical Society exhibit “Loyalty and Dissent: Brown County and World War I” tells a local story with national implications. World War I, also known as the “Great War,” was a major dividing point in world history.When the United States declared war in April 1917, more than half of Brown County residents were first- or second-generation Germans. The German language could be heard in country schools, local stores, and around the county’s many saloons. Then, suddenly, Germany – their homeland – was the enemy, and young men and women were called to arms to fight against the “Huns.” The exhibit shares stories of soldiers, sailors, physicians and nurses from Brown County who served in the military. Location: Brown County Historical Society, 2 North Broadway, New Ulm, MN 56073

“It’s German Fest Time Again!” Come to Milwaukee for the best display of German culture in the U.S.!

July 29 and July 30, 2017, 10 AM MISSOURI July 16, 2017, 12 PM – 5 PM

Wiener N’ Schnitzel Dinner Join the German Cultural Society at their picnic fundraiser at Donau Park! Wieners and schnitzel served with traditional German side dishes, strudel and drink. Location: German Cultural Society, 3652 South Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118 Information: August 19, 2017

Hermann Jazz & Wine Festival Hermann teams up with St. Louis radio station Hip 96.3 HD-3 to bring a great line-up of jazz performances to the Amphitheater. Grab a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy the show! Location: Hermann Area Chamber of Commerce, 150 Market Street, Hermann MO 65041 Information:

German Heritage Walking Tours Join the guides of “Historic Milwaukee” for a walking tour during German Fest Weekend to learn more about the impact that German immigrants had in the area. Meeting point: Turner Hall at 1034 N. 4th St. Milwaukee, WI Information: Petra Theurich - (414) 464-9444 Until October 29, 2017 Exhibition – Paper Play:

Kindergarten to Contemporary Art Explore the innovative use of paper by contemporary artists. Froebel (German, 1782–1852), the inventor of kindergarten, believed such activities encouraged discovery in his students. Location: Milwaukee Art Museum, 700 N Art Museum Dr., Milwaukee,WI 53202 Information: – (414) 224-3200







Kunst & Kultur


“Dein ist mein ganzes Herz” All photos: GW/Petra Schürmann

The Loren L. Zachary Society has a big heart for young opera talents

2017 Finalists awaiting the results with Nedra Zachary (f.l.t.r.) : Sol Jin, Liv Redpath, Michelle Bradley, Maria Natale, Elizabeth Zharoff, conductor Frank Fetta, Sava Vemic; Back row (f.l.t.r.): Ben Lowe, John Matthew Meyers, Alasdair Kent, Piotr Buszewski.


t has become one of the most anticipated events among opera lovers in Southern California: The Grand Finale of the Annual Loren Left: Michelle Patzakis. Above (f.l.t.r): Nedra Zachary with winner Alasdair Kent; Finalists Michelle Bradley, L. Zachary National Vocal CompeBen Lowe and Maria Natale. tition for Young Opera Singers. For the 45th year, on May 21, 2017, the president of the Zachary Society, Nedra Zachary, presented a transatlantic airline ticket.” Today, 45 years later, the Zachary Society is the finalists of the society’s annual nationwide vocal competition at the able to award more than $50,000 in prize money to the ten finalists, an Ebell Theatre in L.A., in a competition to crown the top vocalists. Over incredible support to young singers, and all thanks to the support of the the years the society’s members have become used to enjoying some members and friends of the Zachary Society. Kudos to Nedra Zachary incredible opera talent, but this year more than half of the singers deserved and her dedicated committee members for continuing the legacy of her to come in first. late husband and for organizing those beautiful events every year! ¢ The program opened with an impeccable performance by Michelle INTERESTED? Bradley, who was very convincing in her professional presentation, SAVE THE DATE: her beautiful voice and artistic interpretation. She made me wonder Viennese Luncheon on October 29, 2017 at 11 a.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel in how anyone could top her. I had to wait until Alasdair Kent, the tenth Beverly Hills contestant, took the stage to find out who could. The 29-year-old tenor Grande Finale 2018 on May 20, 2018, at 2 p.m. at the Ebell Theatre in L.A. dazzled the audience (and eventually the jury) with his interpretation of  For updates and more information please visit “Je crois entendre encore” by Georges Bizet from the opera “Les Pêcheurs de Perles” (“The Pearl Fishers”), followed by Franz Lehar’s “Dein ist mein ganzes Herz” (“All My Heart Is Yours”). There was no doubt that he won the hearts of the audience (including mine) that afternoon. As a winner, Alasdair took home an award of $15,000, which will help him to cover expenses for traveling to future auditions, as well as the vocal The 2017 Finalists of the Loren L. Zachary and stage training he’ll need in order to advance his career. Annual Vocal Competition: Chatting with Michelle Patzakis, a former winner of the Loren L. Zachary Competition herself and producer of the entertainment program, First Prize ($15,000): ALASDAIR KENT, tenor at the annual Viennese Luncheon (the main fundraising event of the Second Prize ($10,000): SAVA VEMIC, bass Zachary Society), I learned that 45 years ago, it all started with an airline Third Prize ($8,000): SOL JIN, baritone ticket to Europe. “In those days,” Michelle, whose family has been one of Fourth Prize ($6,000): LIV REDPATH, soprano the most generous supporters over the years, explained to me, “the only Fifth Prize ($4,000): MICHELLE BRADLEY, soprano chance for American opera singers to advance in their field was to fly to Encouragement Prize ($3,000): PIOTR BUSZEWSKI, tenor Europe and get coaching over there. However, most of the young singers Finalist award of $2,000 each for BEN LOWE, baritone; JOHN MATTHEW could not even afford the airline ticket. That’s why Nedra, who had a MEYERS, tenor; MARIA NATALE, soprano; and ELIZABETH ZHAROFF, soprano travel agency, had the idea to award the winner of the competition with




germany in the

south east For more information about DW Deutsch+ call 1-877-963 9468.

DW (Deutsch+) available on Atlantic Broadband in Miami Beach Featuring twenty hours German and four hours English programming per day, DW (Deutsch+) has been available on Atlantic Broadband Florida since April 2017 and provides a mix of political & business coverage, entertainment & culture programs, travel & children’s shows and updates on Germany’s soccer league—all from a German and European viewpoint. “DW is excited to bring high quality German language programming to residents in the Miami Beach area with Atlantic Broadband,” said Sylvia Viljoen, Head of Distribution for the Americas. “DW (Deutsch+) offers highlights from staple channels ARD and ZDF, as well as exciting new cultural and entertainment programs that explore Europe from a German perspective.”

German speaking residents in Miami Beach, Florida can now add DW (Deutsch+) to any video service package or promotional bundle with Atlantic Broadband. It is available for $9.99 per month.

Programming on DW (Deutsch+) includes such highlights as: • Der Tag – What are the stories affecting Germany, Europe and the world? • Fokus Europa - What drives people in Europe? What are their views, hopes and fears? • Zu Tisch –This program visits farmers, wine-growers and chefs from across Europe, featuring typical food dishes from their regions. • Quarks & Co – Host Ranga Yogeshwar makes even the most dense scientific topic entertaining, taking viewers on exciting adventures of discovery.




Società Dante Alighieri 300, Coral Gables

Big German Career Day Mit Deutsch Karriere machen!

For Adults

Turn your classroom into a career fair!

2110 Ben Craig Drive, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28262

German American Social Club of Greater Miami Miami Dade College | German School of Ft. Lauderdale Deutsche Schule Tallahassee Florida International University in Miami Department of Modern Languages Deuxième Maison room 480 | www.fiu.ed University of South Florida, Tampa | Florida State University, Tallahassee




Spanning throughout October and November, the Goethe-Zentrum (German-Institute) will be visiting middle and high schools across Atlanta and the South East to talk to students about how important learning German is in their future careers. We’ll bring representatives from GermanAmerican companies who will provide information about specific training and career opportunities within the business world in our region – and, most importantly, describe their ideal candidate. Students will also receive information about university programs and scholarships for American students who want to study in Germany. Contact: Meredith Steinmetz at Goethe-Zentrum (German Institute), 1197 Peachtree Street NE, Colony Square, Plaza Level, Atlanta, GA

The Language Academy of The Carolinas

For Preschoolers and Elementary Schoolers Deutsche Schule Charlotte Highly awarded fully immersion German-English school. Location: British International School of Charlotte, 7000 Endhaven Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277

FOR MORE INFORMATION where to study German in the SouthEast visit -> DIRECTORY

germany in

florida / georgia




American Council on Germany

July 12, 2017, 6 PM to 10

July 31, 7:30 9:30 AM

The ACG is a private, nonprofit, national organization incorporated in New York in 1952. See map for their chapters in the area or visit 

3rd Atlanta Business and Education Summit

Monthly GABC Stammtisch Join the GABC Miami for their monthly German Stammtisch at Fritz & Franz Bierhaus. Every 2nd Wednesday of a month. Next dates: 8/9; 9/13; 10/11; 11/8; 12/13;  Location: Fritz & Franz Bierhaus, 60 Merrick Way, Coral Gables, FL 33134,

July 22, 5:30 -11 PM

Ms. Oktoberfest Pageant @ German American Social Club of Cape Coral (FL) Help the club choose its next Ms. Oktoberfest while enjoying German food and drinks.  Information:

Hosted by the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Atlanta, the Georgia Department of Education, the German American Chamber of Commerce, and the Goethe-Zentrum of Atlanta. Location: Goethe-Zentrum, 1197 Peachtree Street NE, Colony Square, Plaza Level, Atlanta, GA  Information: 404-892-2388

August 26, 2 – 7 PM

14th German Bierfest

From August onwards

German Language Classes @ German American Social Club of Greater Miami (FL) Classes are held in an open setting with a focus on conversational German. Marina Urban, a native German speaker with extensive teaching experience, is the teacher.  • Beginner classes: 6 - 7:30 PM • Advanced classes: 7:30-9 PM Information:

September 9

Winefest 2017 @ American-German Club, Lake Worth (FL) Enjoy a true German winegarten festival atmosphere, with tastings, appetizers, and a carefully selected menu to enjoy with your whites or reds. Music, sing-alongs, and most importantly, the wine!  Information:

@ Woodruff Park, Atlanta (GA) Atlanta’s German Bierfest was born out of the simple idea: have a day dedicated to enjoy German beer, food, and music. Starting out in 2003 in what felt like a backyard get together with 150 guests and a selection of 16 German beers, the Bierfest team moved on, inspired by the popularity of its guests. Over the past years the festival has grown and features now close to 50 German beers and a family-friendly festival.  Information:

European Business Council in Cape Coral The Cape Coral Economic Development Office is available to assist owners in establishing a successful business, provide information on incentives, property location and direction.  Location: Service Center, 1231 Lafayette Street Cape Coral, FL 33904 Information: – 239-645–4191

German American Business Chamber The GABC is a non-governmental and non-profit organization founded by local business people in Miami interested in fostering business relations between Germany and Florida.  Location: 10450 Doral Blvd, #200, Doral, FL 33178 Information: - 305-371-4282

German American Chamber of Commerce The German American Chambers of Commerce has three main locations: Atlanta, Chicago, and New York as well as many subsidiaries and local chapters. 


Quench your thirst with a German beer and enjoy lots of Gemütlichkeit Bayside – Bavaria Haus 401 Biscayne Blvd. Miami FL 33132

Fritz & Franz Bierhaus 60 Merrick Way Coral Gables, FL 33134

Hofbräu Beer Hall 943 Lincoln Road Miami Beach, Fl, 33139 www.

Hofbräuhaus St. Petersburg 123 4th Street S. St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Bavaria Haus in Miami




ARTS | Kunst & Kultur

Kunst & Kultur


A Match Made on Stage Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov brought the LA Opera audience to their feet

All photos: © Larry Ho/L.A. Opera

By Petra Schürmann

In total harmony: Anna Netrebko and husband Yusif Eyvazov


ne of the big advantages of living in a big city is certainly the easy access to amazing artists from all over the world. So, luck would have it that Los Angelenos were treated to a one-night performance on May 4, 2017, as world opera star Anna Netrebko and internationally renowned tenor Yusif Eyvazov, her partner in life and on stage, sang with the LA Opera.. The Russian-born soprano who is not only famous for her voice but for a sensuality that has drawn comparisons to Maria Callas, and who was most recently recognized by the International Opera Awards as best female singer of the year, presented a beautiful mix of opera arias, many of them by Giuseppe Verdi, with selections from “Otello,” “Macbeth” and “Il Trovatore.” The program’s second half focused on Italian operas in the exciting verismo tradition, with musical selections from Francesco Cilea’s “Adriana Lecouvreur,” Umberto Giordano’s “Andrea Chénier” and, as a special highlight at the end, Alfredo Catalani’s sentimental masterpiece “Ebben?” from “La Wally.” Netrebko, who had a child in 2009, has certainly benefited from motherhood. As many music critics and her fans have already noted, her voice has matured and now demonstrates a certain earthiness in the low register and, as one critic raves, “rainbow hues of her powerful top notes.” With her becoming a more dramatic soprano, she is also venturing into new roles like Lady Macbeth or Aida,which she will sing this year at the Salzburg Festival in August. After her split from her long-time partner, the Uruguyan tenor Erwin Schrott, she has also apparently found a wonderful relationship with Azerbaijanian tenor Yusif Eyvazov who, according to circles close to the singer, is doting incredibly on Netrebko and her son Tiago. Seeing the always glamorous Anna Netrebko on stage, it is hard to believe that the singer faced quite some challenges in her personal life: her son was diagnosed at the age of two with a mild form of autism, a fact about which the popular opera star has not remained silent. On the contrary, she encourages parents in interviews to not despair because of the many therapy options available. Netrebko, who became Austrian citizen in 2006 and has been one of the main attractions for many years at the Salzburger Festspiele (Salzburg Festival), found good therapists for her child in New York, one of the reasons she tries to spend as much time as possible there. It certainly paid off since Tiago is going to a regular school. 31


“Brava, Anna! Bravo, Yusi!” Thundering applause and standing ovations for Netrebko and Eyvazov at the L.A. Opera on May 4.

Conductor Jader Bignamini, Anna Netrebko andYusif Eyvazov in L.A. on May 4.

On May 4, however, none of the singer’s personal challenges emanated from the stage. In fact, the passionate soprano rather brought a rock festival atmosphere to the dignified halls of the LA Opera and brought the whole house to their feet. After three encores and many gracious thankyous towards the orchestra and the Italian conductor Jader Bignamini, Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov left the stage in Los Angeles. Hopefully, not for too long. ¢ NEXT PERFORMANCES BY ANNA NETREBKO: August 6, 9, 12, 16, 19, 2017 August 31, 2017

“Aida” (Aida) by Guiseppe Verdi at the Salzburg Festival in Austria

Concert at the Waldbühne, Berlin, Germany

September 4, 7, 10, 2017

“Il Trovatore” (Leonora) by Guiseppe Verdi at Vienna State Opera, Austria

April 21, 26, 30; May 4, 8, 12, 2018

“Tosca” (Tosca) by Puccini Metropolitan Opera, New York, NY



L.A.- Berlin


Great Sisters! L.A. and Berlin Celebrate 50 Years of Sister City Partnership


elebrating the 50th Anniversary of this transatlantic friendship, there will be numerous events in Berlin and in L..A. this year to mark the occasion. In L.A., the event series was kicked off on March 23, 2017, with a reception for policemen and firefighters from Berlin who had participated in the Sketchers Performance Los Angeles Marathon which started on March 19. Mayor Garcetti gave a warm welcome to the runners from L.A.’s sister city and the Conqur Endurance Group of the L.A. Marathon saluted eight Berlin firefighters and four Berlin police officers in the race, as a gesture of friendship. While in L.A., the Berliners also scheduled visits with the LAPD and the LAFD in order to exchange experiences in an informal way and to build new friendships. The reception was organized by the L.A. Berlin Sister City Committee lead by their president Rosemarie Reisch and generously hosted by Consul General Neumann at his residence. The Berliners were very thankful for the warm welcome and surprised the Consul General by presenting him with an official cap of the German Police in Berlin (Photo top right) and a friendship plaque for Rosemarie Reisch. The second event organized by the L.A. Berlin Sister City Committee took place on April 1, when the organization hosted an exclusive champagne reception at the Buffalo Club in Santa Monica. The reception followed a musical evening with a stellar performance by Max Raabe & Palast Orchester at The Broad Stage. Max Raabe joined the guests of the committee after his performance, underlining the meaningful friendship and cultural exchange established between the two sister cities. Consul General Neumann and Austrian Consul General Ulrike Ritzinger as well as many distinguished members of the German-American community were in attendance making these two events a great start into a year of exchange and transatlantic celebration. ¢ - GW/Petra Schürmann

 Find more photos online at -> Community





INTERNATIONALES DEUTSCHES TURNFEST IN BERLIN: Die Flagge der L.A. Turners wehte vorm Brandenburger Tor Von Petra Schürmann

80.000 Teilnehmer und 825.000 Besucher machten das Turnfest zu einem Riesen-Ereignis in der deutschen Hauptstadt – Die L.A. Turners waren mittendrin „Back to the roots“ lautete das Motto der Los Angeles Turners als sie beschlossen, Anfang Juni zum Internationalen Deutschen Turnfest nach Berlin zu reisen. Eine Reise, die für die fast 150 Jahre alte Organisation einen Jungbrunnen-Effekt haben sollte. Nach etlichen Jahren der Stagnation will der neue Vorstand wieder Dinge in L.A. bewegen und sich auf die deutschen Wurzeln der Organisation besinnen. Einer der ersten Meilensteine für die Neuorientierung war die Einrichtung eines MiniMuseums im Alpine Village in Torrance, das am 8. Oktober 2017 offiziell im Rahmen des jährlichen German American Day L.A. eröffnet wird. Ein weiterer Schritt war die Reise in die deutsche Hauptstadt, um auch von Seiten der Turners, deren historische Wurzeln in Berlin liegen, das 50. Jubiläumsjahr der Städtepartnerschaft zwischen L.A. und Berlin angemessen zu würdigen.

The L.A. Turners visiting the Jahn Monument at Hasenheide Park



Außer der 14-köpfigen Delegation aus L.A. waren auch noch 42 weitere American Turners angereist, die gemeinsam mit den Angelenos auch an der großen Eröffnungsparade des Turnfestes teilnahmen. Vorbei an Fernsehkameras, Fotografen und Zuschauern, ging es durch’s Brandenburger Tor. Ein einmaliges Erlebnis, die Flagge der Los Angeles Turners gleich neben der Flagge der USA vor Berlins Wahrzeichen wehen zu sehen. Die U.S. Turners, deren Abordnung von Petra Croneigh aus Chicago organisiert und geleitet wurde, und die Turner aus L.A. hatten ein volles Programm. Das Hauptinteresse der Kalifornier lag dabei auf der Partnerstadt von L.A. und auf dem Thema „Deutsche Turner-Geschichte von 1811 bis heute.“ Eine wunderbare Überraschung war das Wiedersehen mit den ehemaligen Generalkonsulen Dr. Bernd Fischer und seinem Vorgänger Wolfgang Drautz, die Präsident Alexander Hast, Schatzmeister Harald Niehenke und Ehrenpräsident Dennis Fredricks am ersten Tag willkommen hießen. Aber die L.A. Turners wollten auch die Sportler in Berlin über die Anfänge der Turnerbewegung in den USA informieren. Dank der sehr kooperativen Turnfestorganisatoren war es den L.A. Turners möglich, eine Ausstellung zu diesem Thema in der Turnfest Akademie auf dem Messegelände auszustellen. Um den Wurzeln der Turnbewegung in Deutschland nachzuspüren, muss man bis ins Jahr 1811 zurückgehen, als Friedrich Ludwig Jahn auf der Berliner Hasenheide junge Männer um sich sammelte, um sie zu motivieren und sie auf den nächsten Krieg vorzubereiten. Jahn war Lehrer und hatte als Soldat die Schlacht von Jena-Auerstedt miterlebt. Die von ihm erfahrene Erniedrigung Deutschlands veranlasste ihn, jungen Leuten neuen Lebensmut geben zu wollen, und er erdachte die Turnbewegung. Jahn erfand die Turngeräte Barren, Ringe und Reck, und seine Anhänger brachten das Turnen unter anderem in den Jahren um 1848 nach Amerika, wo dann die American Turners gegründet wurden.



INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF GYMNASTICS IN BERLIN Flying the flag of the L.A. Turners in front of the Brandenburger Tor More than 80,000 participants and 825,000 visitors made the Gymnastics Festival in the German capital of Berlin an event to remember – and the L.A. Turners were right there in the midst of the action. “Back to the roots” was the motto of the Los Angeles Turners when they decided to travel with a delegation to the International Gymnastics Festival to Berlin. It was a journey that would have quite a rejuvenerating effect on the almost-150-year-old organization whose name, “Turners,” derives from the German word “turnen,” meaning “doing gymnastics.” After several years of stagnation, the newly elected board decided to shake things up at the L.A. Turners, putting more emphasis on the

The delegation of the American Turners getting ready for the Opening Parade

German roots of the organization. One of the first steps was the creation of a mini-museum at Alpine Village in Torrance, which will officially open on October 8, 2017, on the occasion of the annual German-American Day L.A. The visit to the German capital was another step, since the historic roots of the L.A. Turners and their umbrella organization, the American Turners, are found in Berlin. Perfect timing, too, since the two cities celebrate the 50-year anniversary of their sister-city partnership this year. The Berlin visit also meant meeting 42 other American Turners groups who had come from Denver, New York and Chicago; all joined the L.A. Turners in the opening parade, a four-hour extravaganza of colorfully dressed gymnasts. Passing TV cameras, photographers and thousands of onlookers lining the parade route, the Turners marched through the Brandenburg Gate. Flying the L.A. Turners and American flags in front of the German capital’s most iconic building was a truly unforgettable Above: A. Hast, P. Schuermann moment for the Turners. and Ellen Neu meeting Andreas During their four-day stay in Berlin, the Geisel (2nd f.r.), Berlin’s Senator of the Interior and Sports, at Turners had a packed sightseeing schedule, Berlin’s Olympic Stadium. much of it organized by Petra Croneigh from Left: A true Berlin-L.A. ConnecChicago, who also guided the non-Califortion: Dennis Fredricks, Wolfgang nian delegation. For the Angelenos, the focus Drautz, Alexander Hast, Dr. Bernd Fischer, and Harald Niehenke was on the sister-city partnership and the his(f.l.t.r.) tory of the Turners from 1811 to present time. SUMMER 2017 WWW.GERMAN-WORLD.COM




Somit gehören viele der Turners auch zu den sogenannten „Forty-eighters“, die deutschen Freiheitskämpfer von 1848. Ein Denkmal von Friedrich Jahn im Volkspark Hasenheide erinnert noch heute an diesen einflussreichen Berliner und stand natürlich auch als Ausflugsziel auf dem Programm. In den nächsten Tagen der Berlinreise jagte ein Highlight das andere. So stand ein Besuch des Reichstags, Sitz des deutschen Parlaments, an und ein Treffen mit Esther Keller in der Senatskanzlei im Roten Rathaus, um neue Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit zu besprechen. Keller, zuständig für Berliner Städtepartnerschaften, wird anlässlich des 50. Jubiläums auch der Berliner Delegation angehören, die Anfang Oktober nach L.A. reist. Esther Keller konnte sogar noch ein Treffen und mit dem Berliner Innensenator Andreas Geisel vor dem Olympiastadium arrangieren. Dort fand der krönende Abschluss des Berlinbesuches der AmericanTurners statt: die Stadiongala, an der auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel teilnahm. „Dieses Turnfest hat die Erwartungen der Sportmetropole Berlin deutlich übertroffen“, erklärte Andreas Geisel in seiner Ansprache. „Es war ein Fest der Superlative, das als solches in Erinnerung bleiben wird.“ Dem konnten die L.A. Turners nur zustimmen: „Berlin hat eine ganz besondere Atmosphäre,“ so Präsident Hast. „Der Besuch unserer Partnerstadt lässt uns mit neuen Ideen und Kontakten wieder nach L.A. fahren.“ ¢

The delegation of the American Turners after the parade



Above: Unforgettable: The Gala at the Olympic Stadium Left: Dennis Fredricks posing in front of the official Turnfest Banner Below: Meeting Esther Keller (l.) at the Senate Chancellery

As a wonderful surprise, Dr. Bernd Fischer, the former Consul General in L.A., and his predessor Wolfgang Drautz, who both live in Berlin, came to visit the event. They warmly welcomed L.A. Turners’ President Alexander Hast, Treasurer Harald Niehenke and Honorary President Dennis Fredricks shortly after their arrival in Berlin. Besides discovering the city, the L.A. Turners had the opportunity to inform the German festival participants about the beginnings of the German gymnasts‘ movement in the U.S. Thanks to a very cooperative festival team, the L.A. Turners were able to set up an exhibit about this topic at the “Turnfest Akademie” at Berlin’s convention center. The roots of the German gymnasts’ movement date back to 1811, when the teacher Friedrich Ludwig Jahn summoned young people to the Haseheide park in order to motivate them and prepare them for the next war. Jahn had fought in the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt and the shameful experience of losing against Napoleon’s troops prompted him to develop a program that would raise young people’s spirit. The idea to do physical exercise in big groups was born. Jahn also invented gymnastic equipment, including the parallel bars, the rings and the high bar. When many people left Germany after 1848, many of them were not only the so-called “Forty-eighters,” but also fans of this type of exercise.They eventually founded the American Turners. Today there is a monument to Friedrich Jahn in the Hasenheide Park honoring this influential Berliner. Needless to say, it was also part of the L.A. Turners’ sightseeing tour. The trip continued with other highlights – visiting the Reichstag (the seat of the German parliament), and meeting Esther Keller, the liaison officer for the sister-city partnership with L.A., at Berlin’s Senate Chancellery in order to discuss future cooperation opportunities. Keller will also be part of the official delegation that will visit L.A. in October to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the sister cities. She even managed to organize a photo op for the group with the Senator of the Interior of Berlin, Andreas Geisel, in front of Berlin’s Olympic Stadium. That’s where the final highlight of the L.A. Turners‘ visit took place – attending The Stadium Gala of the International Gymnastics Festival, also attended by Chancellor Angela Merkel. “This festival has surpassed all expectations of the sports mecca Berlin,” said Geisel in his welcome address. “It was a festival of superlatives which will be remembered as such forever.”The L.A. Turners could not agree more. “Berlin has a very special atmosphere,” stated L.A. Turners’ President Hast. “During our visit we made new contacts and got fresh ideas which will we take home to L.A.” ¢

Reisen | TRAVEL

Eine unendliche Geschichte:

Berlins neuer Flughafen BER


A Neverending Story:

eutschland mag zwar weltweit für seine Präzisionsarbeit im Ingenieurswesen und seine Pünktlichkeit bekannt sein, doch die bereits lang herausgezögerte Inbetriebnahme des neuen Großflughafens Berlin-Brandenburg (BER) hat auf jeden Fall diesem Ruf schon beträchtlich geschadet und die deutsche Hauptstadt zur Zielscheibe allgemeinen Spotts gemacht. Ursprünglich war die offizielle Eröffnung für Oktober 2011 geplant, doch seither sind mehr als ein halbes Dutzend Daten genannt und wieder verworfen worden. Zur Zeit heißt es, dass der Flughafen irgenwann 2018 eingeweiht werden solle, doch niemand schenkt dem so recht Glauben.

Germany has a hard-earned reputation for precision engineering and punctuality, but Berlin’s long-delayed Berlin-Brandenburg Airport (BER) is besmirching that good name and turning the capital into a laughingstock.

Was ist denn da nur alles schief gelaufen? Die ersten Probleme wurden bekannt, als eine Eröffnungsfeier 2012 nur wenige Tage vorher abgesagt werden musste, da die Feuermelder und das Rauchabzugssystem nicht richtig funktionierten. Seither gibt es einen ganzen Katalog von erheblichen technischen Mängeln die entdeckt wurden.

So where has it all gone wrong? Problems first started to arise in 2012 when an opening ceremony had to be cancelled with just a few days notice due to a fault with the fire alarms and smoke extractors. Since then the airport has been waylaid by a catalogue of major technical faults.

Nach Informationen von Deutsche Welle (DW) wurden 90 Kilometer Kabel unsachgemäß installiert, 4000 Türen falsch numeriert, und die Rolltreppen als zu kurz befunden. Auch die Notrufleitung zur Feuerwehr funktioniere nicht einwandfrei. Auch soll das Dach des Flughafens doppelt soviel wiegen wie die Vorschriften es erlauben. Laut DW liegt auch der Verdacht der Bestechung vor. Der Hauptbauleiter des Flughafens soll noch nicht einmal ein richtiger Ingenieur gewesen sein. Köpfe mussten rollen. So war auch der frühere Regierende Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit gezwungen, von seinem Amt zurückzutreten, unter anderem aufgrund des Flughafenfiaskos. In der Zwischenzeit sind Baufirmen, Taxifirmen und Inhaber der Flughafenshops aufgrund der anhaltenden Verzögerungen pleite gegangen. Laut DW kostet dies dem deutschen Steuerzahler eine Million Euro pro Tag. Der neue Großflughafen Berlin-Brandenburg soll die kleineren Berliner Flughäfen Tegel und Schönefeld ersetzen, aber dies sieht zur Zeit aufgrund der dauernden Terminverschiebungen sehr unwahrscheinlich aus.

What’s the latest on BER?

Originally scheduled to open in October 2011, half-a-dozen dates have been given for the grand opening since then, but so far all have been missed. A ribbon-cutting ceremony is now scheduled for an as-yetunknown date in 2018.

According to Deutsche Welle (DW), 90km of cables were incorrectly installed; 4,000 doors were incorrectly numbered; the escalators were too short; and the emergency line to the fire department was faulty. It has also been reported that the airport’s roof was twice the authorized weight. And there have been allegations of corruption – DW claims that the airport’s planner-in-chief was “not an engineer but an imposter.” Heads have rolled. The former Berlin mayor, Klaus Wowereit, was forced to resign from his post, in part because of the airport fiasco. Meanwhile, construction companies, taxi firms and shops have gone into bankruptcy due to the ongoing delays, which, DW claims, are costing the taxpayer €1 million ($1.2 million) every day. BER was supposed to replace Schoenefeld and Tegel, but given the continued delays those airports seem unlikely to be superseded anytime soon. Berliners have become the butt of many jokes in Germany due to the BER debacle. The latest came from the football club, Darmstadt, whose loss to Hertha Berlin in May sent them to the league below. However, Darmstadt had the last laugh: “We landed in League 2,” said the team on Twitter. “But you are still landing at Tegel.” 

Die Berliner müssen sich wegen Flughafenblamage viele Witze gefallen lassen. Erst kürzlich kam ein Seitenhieb vom Fußballverein SV Darmstadt 98, der in der 1. Bundesliga gegen BER – The New Tourist Attraction Hertha BSC verloren hatte und damit in die 2. Although they cannot take a flight to or from BER, tourists are coming anyway to the Bundesliga abstieg. Doch die Darmstädter hatten still-unopened airport – as part of a sightseeing tour, that is. There are various options die Lacher auf ihrer Seite, als sie auf Twitter schrieavailable to visitors, including bike tours, which wend their way around the apron, passing ben: „Wir sind in der Zweitliga gelandet, aber ihr empty terminal buildings and gates. landet immer noch in Tegel.”  Group tours are also available to see the ghostly terminals and check-

English text: Deutsche Welle – Deutsch von Petra Schürmann

and the

in areas. Dubbed the “BER Experience” these tours last two hours and cost €200 for a group of eight. Those who sign up are currently closest thing the airport has to passengers. SUMMER 2017



Photos: Courtesy Ombiasy PR

TRAVEL | Reisen



ntdecken Sie in unserer neuen Serie “Weinreisen durch Deutschland und Österreich” weniger bekannte Weingegenden wie zum Beispiel die Regionen Saale-Unstrut und Sachsen in Mitteldeutschland. Diese werden auch oft als intellektuelle und kulturelle Wiege Deutschlands bezeichnet. Mit ca. 250.000 Hektar Weinanbaugebiet gehört Deutschland im weltweiten Vergleich zu den kleineren Weinanbaugebieten. Allerdings hat der Weinanbau in Deutschland eine lange, fast zweitausendjährige Tradition, die bis in die Römerzeit zurückreicht. Im 19. Jahrhundert trug der technische Fortschritt entschieden dazu bei, die Qualität des deutschen Weins erheblich zu steigern, besonders in den berühmten Weinregionen Mosel, Rheingau und Pfalz. Heute produzieren alle dreizehn existierenden Weinregionen Deutschlands hervorragenden Wein. Die weniger bekannten Anbaugebiete, Saale-Unstrut und Sachsen, hatten allerdings einiges nachzuholen, da hier die Weinproduktion zu DDR-Zeiten verstaatlicht war und daher ohne moderne Anbau- und Keltermethoden auskommen musste. Der größte Teil des hier massenproduzierten Weins erreichte damals nur mittelmäßige Qualitätsstandards. Nach Öffnung des Eisernen Vorhangs entstanden viele Familienbetriebe, welche die Qualitätssteigerung des von ihnen produzierten Weins seither mit größter Entschlossenheit verfolgen. Eine Reise durch diese wunderschöne Gegend in der Nähe von Leipzig und Dresden ist ein Traum für jeden Weinliebhaber. In Zusammenarbeit mit Annette Schiller von Ombiasy PR, eine auf exklusive Weintouren spezialisierte Agentur in Virginia, stellen wir Ihnen nun einige Weingüter, Restaurants und Hotels dieser Region vor, damit auch Sie bald diese erstklassigenWeine für sich entdecken. Gehen Sie auf Entdeckungstour mit uns! Weltklasse-Weine erwarten Sie.




View from the Schloss Proschwitz vineyards towards the Albrechtsburg Castle in Meissen

Reisen |



 Barrel tasting in the Saale-Unstrut

WINERY PAWIS (VDP) IN FREYBURG-ZSCHEIPLITZ, SAALE-UNSTRUT inery Pawis is located close to Freyburg in the historic Zscheiplitz Estate, established in the 12th century as a convent. Owned and run by Bernhard Pawis, it is a gorgeous place that Bernhard has been restoring since the Iron Curtain fell. In 2001 he received the highest reward for his efforts when he was invited to join the VDP, Germany’s Association of Premium Winemakers with only about 200 members.

W The Saale-Unstrut wine region - Schweigenberg in Freyburg and Toskana - Schlösschen


iscover Germany’s lesser-known wine regions and Germany’s intellectual and cultural cradle in “Mitteldeutschland” in our new quarterly travel wine series “Vineyard Hopping in Germany and Austria”.

Germany, with its roughly 250,000 acres under vine, belongs to one of the smaller wine-producing countries in the world. However, viticulture in Germany has a long tradition, going back to Roman times 2,000 years ago. In the 19th century, technological progress fostered a tremendous improvement in the quality of German wines, particularly from the famed Mosel, Rheingau and Pfalz regions. Today, all 13 wine regions in Germany produce outstanding wines. But two of the lesser-known wine regions, Saale-Unstrut and Sachsen, had a lot of catching up to do, as during the communist times (1945-1989) as part of East Germany (GDR), wine production there was nationalized, and the winemaking process was deprived of modern farming and cellar techniques. The majority of the mass-produced wine there was of mediocre quality. After the Iron Curtain came down, family wineries were founded and the winemakers pursued quality with a vengeance. Visiting this gorgeous area located near Leipzig and Dresden is an oenophile’s dream; with the help of German-owned boutique wine tour operator Ombiasy PR, we’ve put together a vineyard-hopping trip to help you discover these two world-class regions, complete with culinary tips and hotel suggestions.

 WINERY LÜTZKENDORF (VDP) IN NAUMBURG, SAALE-UNSTRUT he Winery Lützkendorf was founded at the dawn of the 19th century and existed until 1959, when the GDR authorities nationalized the property and integrated the estate into the government-run Agricultural Cooperative. In 1991, after the reunification of the two German States, the vineyards were returned to the family. Uwe Lützkendorf reestablished the winery, revamped the vineyards and built new production facilities in Bad Kösen. In 1996 the winery Lützkendorf was the first estate in the Saale-Unstrut region to become a member of the prestigious VDP, the Association of Germany’s Premium Winemakers. Visit the winery in Bad Kösen to taste Riesling, Silvaner, Pinot Blanc and more.


WINERY LANDESWEINGUT KLOSTER PFORTA, SAALE-UNSTRUT IN NAUMBURG his winery is owned by the State of Sachsen-Anhalt. Its origins date back to the Pforta Abbey, where in 1154 Cistercian monks planted vines in the Pfortenser Köppelberg vineyard, which remains one of the six vineyards of the winery, producing excellent wines. After World War II, the winery became a socialist co-operative in the GDR. Now run by the state, the lovely winery still operates in the historic buildings, with a beautiful view across the Saale river and surroundings steeped in history.


Photo courtesy GNTO

© Deutsches Weininstitut GmbH (DWI)

By Jenny Peters

The wine region Saale-Unstrut in Germany’s lesser known East.

WINERY HEY IN NAUMBURG, SAALE-UNSTRUT his is an up-and-coming winery recognized for its stellar Rieslings and white-wine cuvees. It all started in 2001 – well after German reunification – when the Hey family bought a once-exquisite vineyard in the steep slope site “Naumburger Steinmeister.” With dedication, the totally overgrown vineyard was reclaimed by removing blackberry bushes that had almost suffocated the 80-year-old vines. The view from the highest point of the vineyard towards the 1000-yearold Naumburg Cathedral is breathtaking. The on-site wine tavern offers delicious food.





All photos: Courtesy of Ombiasy, PR

TRAVEL | Reisen


Wine and art at winery Klaus Zimmerling

This winery, officially inaugurated in 2005, is one of the youngest in all of Germany. Since the beginning great care was given to the quality of the wines and every year the portfolio gets high ratings in Germany’s wine-critic circles.Wine and art are closely intertwined at this estate. The beautiful historic rooms of the winery house a gallery of modern art as art and wine are perfectly celebrated here. There is also an on-site restaurant that serves exquisite food with organic, local ingredients.

Wine tasting with Georg Prinse zur Lippe, owner of winery Schloss Proschwitz 38


WINERY KLAUS ZIMMERLING (VDP) IN OBERPOYRITZ, SACHSEN In 1992, shortly after reunification, Klaus Zimmerling founded this winery with his wife, sculptor Malgorzata Chodakoska, whose graceful feminine figures serve as model for the bottle label of each particular vintage. This not-to-bemissed winery is a fascinating mix of wine and art, with Riesling being its major output.

WINERY SÄCHSISCHES STAATSWEINGUT SCHLOSS WACKERBARTH IN RADEBEUL, SACHSEN Built in 1727, the Baroque Wackerbarth Castle has had many lives. Nowadays, there is an ultra-modern winery there, owned by the State of Saxony, who took over the castle, grounds and vineyards after reunification. The Schloss Wackerbarth wines produced here benefit from very favorable climate conditions. The Elbe River dampens the harsh winters and the vineyards are on steep sun-kissed slopes. Be sure to taste the Schloss Wackerbarth’s famous Sekt, produced according to the Méthode Champenoise.

WINERY SCHLOSS PROSCHWITZ, PRINZ ZUR LIPPE (VDP) IN ZADEL, SACHSEN For more than 300 years, the family branch of Georg Prinz zur Lippe, owner of winery Schloss Proschwitz, lived in Sachsen and produced wine. But in 1945, the Russians occupied the eastern half of Germany and expelled the family. Immediately after Germany’s reunification, Georg Prinz zur Lippe started to buy back his family’s wine estate and ancestral residence, the Proschwitz castle. Since then he has restored the castle to its former glory, and created a state-of-the-art wine-producing estate. The estate is one of the larger wineries in Germany, where great care is given to sustainable techniques in the vineyard to enable future generations to continue to produce outstanding wines.

Hands-on experience in the Sachsen vineyards with Annette Schiller (center), Ombiasy PR


Reisen |



ENJOY A MEAL AT RESTAURANT ZUFRIEDENHEIT IN NAUMBURG Don’t miss this culinary gem in Naumburg. This brand-new restaurant, while not (yet) Michelinstarred, offers creative dishes sure to please your palate.

Schlosshotel Dresden Pillnitz Terrasse

WHERE TO STAY Hotel Zur Alten Schmiede in Naumburg, a 4-star, elegant and cozy hotel in a historic former blacksmith house, just around the corner from the famous cathedral.

Hotel INNSIDE in Leipzig, a 4-star ultra-modern hotel in a beautifully restored late 19th century building in the historic city center. Hotel INNSIDE in Dresden, a very stylish, modern 4-star hotel with innovative design in the heart of the city. Welcome Parkhotel in Meissen, a charming 4-star hotel built in 1870 in the art nouveau style with stunning views across the Elbe river to the Meissen cathedral, and the Albrechtsburg castle.

Photo: Exquisite meal at restaurant Zufriedenheit in Naumburg


DON’T MISS THE FANTASTIC SMALL DISHES WITH MATCHING WINES AT THE WEINZENTRALE IN DRESDEN-NEUSTADT Owners Silvio Nietzsche and sommelier Jens Pietzonka, both well-known personalities in the German wine scene, will beef up your knowledge of the wines of Sachsen and Saale-Unstrut and will pair the wines with bites that perfectly match the earthy profile of the wines.

Wine Regions in Germany with Saale-Unstrut and Saxony (Sachsen) in the East.

TREAT YOURSELF TO LUNCH AT THE RESTAURANT OF WINERY VINCENZ RICHTER IN MEISSEN This restaurant – belonging to a winery – was founded in 1873 and miraculously survived the GDR times. The cozy restaurant, decorated with artifacts from the last centuries, is in a beautiful 500-year-old, half-timbered building in the historic city center of Meissen, famous for its porcelain.


For more information about German wine regions visit



Photo: Wine-pairing lunch at winery and restaurant Vincenz Richter in Meissen

Be sure to dine at Castle Hotel Pillnitz, located in the massive Pillnitz Castle, which sits right on the banks of the Elbe River. Built in 1720, it is an incredible place to visit; after an excellent meal, have a stroll through the park, enjoying the castle, and castle grounds.


Photo: Schlosshotel Dresden Pillnitz dish

DON’T MISS A WINE PAIRING DINNER AT LIPPE’SCHES GUTSHAUS, SCHLOSS PROSCHWITZ The regional, fresh cuisine with a sophisticated twist (a perfect pairing with the Schloss Proschwitz wines) received the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs award in 2011.




TRAVEL | Reisen


Starting in May 2018, Condor will offer nonstop flights from Phoenix Sky Harbour to Frankfurt International Airport on Mondays and Fridays. Flights can be booked now. After starting its nonstop service from San Diego, New Orleans and San Francisco this year, Condor continues its expansion program in North America.

With companies including Covestro, Bosch, Bayer, Siemens, Aldi and others located in Pittsburgh, this seems to be a wise choice. Besides, the Pittsburgh area has a considerable number of residents who trace their ancestry to Germany, indicating a healthy leisure summer travel market for the flight. As a result of the flight, more investment by German businesses is expected by the local trade authorities. On the other coast, Condor started its first nonstop service from Seattle-Tacoma to Munich on June 21. The new, twice-weekly seasonal service is an extension to the existing year-round Frankfurt flights. Earlier this year, Condor became a mileage partner with Alaska Airlines, allowing passengers to earn and redeem with Alaska’s Mileage Plan.

Just recently, on June 23, the inaugural flight on Condor Airlines to Pittsburgh from Frankfurt, Germany, arrived carrying airport and community officials. Seasonal nonstop service from Pittsburg to Frankfurt on Condor will operate twice weekly (Mondays and Fridays) until September. The leisure airline will operate a Boeing 767-300ER with 259 seats. All Condor passengers receive compli- Perfect timing to get quickly and comfortably mentary checked baggage, beverages, meals and from Seattle to Oktoberfest, which runs from September 17 to October 3, 2017, in Munich. in-flight entertainment.






Fans from all over the world will meet on November 4, 2017, on board of the cruise ship Costa Favolosa to join David Hasselhoff on a 4-day cruise – for fans of the popular actor and singer it is certainly a once-in-a-lifetime event. According to the tour operator GEO Reisen in Germany, David Hasselhoff will sing all his hits during the cruise’s evening programs. The itinerary starts in Savona, Italy, and includes Rome, Barcelona, Marseille. Starting at 799 EUR per person. Booking and information:

Rezepte |

Wieder entdeckt:

Das schmeckt zum Barbecue:

Die Altbier-Bowle!

Bunter Sommersalat

The Beer Raspberry or Strawberry Cooler

Colorful Summer Salad


I remember this refreshing drink being very popular in the 80s in Germany. This cooler is made with a German dark beer, sparkling wine and raspberries or strawberries is perfect for hot summer days and your next BBQ party! I N G REDI EN T S 3 bottles of any dark beer (for example Franziskaner or Erdinger Dunkel) 1/2 bottle raspberry syrup 20 ounces of fresh or frozen raspberries or strawberries 1 bottle German sparkling wine Sekt I N S T RUC T I ON S 1. Mix fruit, syrup and beer in a big glass bowl. 2. When fruit is defrosted, add sparkling wine and serve.


Perfect with BBQ:

A stunning salad which is also delicious! The cucumbers and bell peppers provide crisp textures, the eggs give the salad great substance, the mushrooms add an earthy aroma and the fresh herbs provide wonderful flavor and depth. This recipe serves 4. I NG R E D I E NT S 4 eggs 2 bell peppers different colors 1 seedless cucumber 3-1/2 oz button mushrooms 1/3 lb cherry tomatoes 1 head lettuce 1 bunch fresh chives 2 sprigs fresh dill 6 tablespoons red wine vinegar 6 tablespoons cold-pressed rapeseed oil (canola oil), salt and pepper; sugar

I NST RU C T I O NS 1. Boil the eggs for about 10 minutes. Rinse them in cold water, peel and cut them in half. Wash the bell peppers and the cucumber. Cut the bell peppers into thin rings, the cucumber into thin slices. Clean the mushrooms and slice them thinly.Wash, trim and halve the tomatoes.Wash the lettuce and tear it into bite-size pieces. Gently mix the prepared ingredients in a large bowl. Arrange the egg halves on top. 2. For the vinaigrette wash the herbs. Cut the chives into small pieces and chop the dill. Combine the vinegar, oil and herbs. Season with salt, pepper and sugar to taste and drizzle the vinaigrette on the salad.

For more delicious recipes visit




CULINARY | Kulinarisches

? r e n ö D

What’s German about a

The recent opening of “Berlins – German Döner” restaurant in West Hollywood prompted us to look into the history behind Germany’s popular street food, which made its way to California about 10 years ago. In travel diaries from the 18th century, döner kebab is described as a dish from Anatolia, the eastern side of Turkey, consisting of mutton (lamb) grilled on horizontal rotating skewers. Traditionally, it was served on a plate with rice and a hot sauce. Today, döner kebab is typically served as a kind of sandwich or wrapped in a flatbread – which brings us to the German connection of döner: With the influx of many Turkish guest workers to Germany in the 60s, döner kebab was introduced to Germans.The döner kebab with salad and sauce served in bread was invented in Berlin in 1971 and has been the most popular fast-food dish in Germany since the 1980s. The first German-style döner place in L.A., Döner Spitz, was opened in 2006 by Bryce Rademan and his German partner Ralph Wicklund. Since then, they have expanded to locations in Studio City, Los Feliz, Eagle Rock, San Diego, Salt Lake City, Portland and even Minneapolis. Berlins – German Döner opened in Venice, Calif., first; the WeHo location is their second. For your next taste of döner visit: or or

California Places We Love In Summer Biergarten in San Francisco Run by the “Suppenküche” owners, this is the perfect hangout for a sunny summer day in Frisco. Ludwig’s German Table in San Jose Our most recent discovery in the Bay Area. Awesome food, very authentic Modern German cuisine. Gourmet Haus Staudt in Redwood City Known for its German specialty store, Staudt’s also offers a beer garden with 11 German beers on tap. Lugano Swiss Bistro in Carmel Excellent Swiss cuisine in the beautiful Barnyard Shopping Mall in Carmel.

Loreley on La Brea in L.A. The latest addition to the German culinary scene. A nicely sized Biergarten, free parking and Koelsch beer on tap are the draws. Wirtshaus L.A. Celebrating six years in business! Every first Saturday of the month is Bavarian Night. Brat & Bräu in Hermosa Beach Casual eatery with a huge variety of sausages and a big selection of German beers on tap. Our favorite: The Autobahn Beer Flight. Rasselbock in Long Beach Latest spinoff of the successful Wirtshaus L.A. A modern take on German traditional cuisine.

Happy Spring & Easter Greetings

Congratulations, Big fromJohn! Big John!

Tip Top Meats in Carlsbad celebrates its Get 50thHooked! Anniversary this year! While enjoying this accomplishment, founder and owner Top Choice Fish John Haedrich is not resting on his laurels. In fact, at the age of 81, Opens he even started a new business right next to Tip Top Meats: Top Choice Fish.The new place offers the freshest fish and made to order dishes. On your next trip to Legoland in Carlsbad, make sure to it check out, along with John’s excellent butcher shop and his well-stocked German supermarket. –





hile John Haedrich celebrates the 50th Anniversary of TipTopMeats this year, he also opens Top Choice Fish nex to his European Deli & Butcher Shop.

Von Rachmaninoff bis Ragtime, von L.A. nach Wien Unser Exklusiv-Interview mit Generalkonsulin Ulrike Ritzinger


Our Exclusive Interview with Consul General Ulrike Ritzinger

The Consul General with Wolfgang Puck … Photo: ©Clinton H. Wallace

Maria Shriver and Otmar Karas, VP of the European Parlament at the Special Olympics’ reception in 2015.

From Rachmaninoff to Ragtime, from L.A. to Vienna


t is time to say “Good-bye” for Ulrike s ist Zeit für Ulrike Ritzinger Ritzinger, the dynamic Consul General of Abschied zu nehmen von Austria in Los Angeles, who has held that Los Angeles, wo sie seit Novempost since November 2013. Ritzinger, who in ber 2013 als Generalkonsulin ihr that role was Austria’s official representative Heimatland Österreich in 16 Staaacross 16 Western U.S. States during the past ten im Westen der USA vertrat. Vor Congratulating Christoph Waltz on his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Quentin Tarantino on the left, Tom LaBonge on the right. four years, came to Los Angeles after working ihrer Versetzung nach Los Angeles hatte die junge Diplomatin fünf Jahre lang als stellvertretende diplo- for five years as the deputy diplomatic advisor to the Federal President of matische Beraterin des österreichischen Bundespräsidenten gearbeitet. Austria. In her earlier diplomatic career she held posts in China and Rome. In ihren ersten Jahren im diplomatischen Dienst Österreichs hatte sie Concluding her service in America, Consul General Ritzinger will now Posten in China und Rom innegehabt. Wie üblich im Auswärtigen Dienst wird Generalkonsulin Ulrike return to Vienna, where she will be assigned a position within the MinisRitzinger nun nach vier Jahren weiterziehen. In Wien wartet eine span- try of European Integration and Foreign Affairs. Her successor, Andreas nende Position im Ministerium für Europäische Integration und Aus- Launer is expected to arrive in L.A. on August 21, 2017. wärtige Angelegenheiten auf sie. Ihr Nachfolger Andreas Launer The charming Austrian representative will cerwird ab 21. August 2017 in Los Angeles erwartet. tainly be dearly missed by many of the people Die charmante Österreicherin, die sicherlich von vielen Menschen, mit she met during her four-year tenure in L.A. She denen sie zu tun hatte, vermisst werden wird, ist aber auch eine talen- is also an accomplished pianist and just released tierte Konzertpianistin und hat gerade ihr erstes Jazz-Album mit dem her first jazz recording, “Oh, Lady, Be Good!” Titel “Oh, Lady, Be Good!” herausgebracht. German World Magazine had the opportunity German World Magazine hatte noch die Gelegenheit, mit dem öster- to sit down with the Austrian multi-talent, in a Photo © Andrea Mais-Siffe rt/Cover design: Bernd Plank reichischen Multitalent ein Interview zu führen. Lesen Sie hier, was wir wide-ranging conversation about her L.A. exzu Themen wie Special Olympics, Arnold Schwarzenegger und Maria periences, from meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver during the Special Olympics in 2015 to her personal passions for RachShriver, sowie ihre Leidenschaft zur Musik erfahren haben: maninoff and Liszt as well as ragtime and jazz.




All photos courtesy of Ulrike Ritzinger unless noted otherwise.

SPOTLIGHT | Kalifornien

California | SPOTLIGHT

GW: Madam Consul General, when you look back on your four years here, what are your most memorable moments? Consul General Ritzinger: Oh, there are so many. I don’t even know where to start. Definitely, my first National Day Reception. I will never forget it. Maybe even all three National Day Receptions. Especially when you see how much your guests appreciate the program you set up. The same is true for the Special Olympics. The visit of 200 athletes, watching the opening at the coliseum and later the reception at the Austrian Residence with a delegation from Styria, and prominent guests such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver and Timothy Shriver, board president of the Special Olympics. I would say this was the most memorable moment. GW: You met Governor Schwarzenegger pretty early in your career. CGR: I met him actually in 2014, by coincidence, when I went out for my usual run in the morning. He lives quite close to the Residence. The first time I officially met him and worked on a project together was during the Special Olympics in L.A. in 2015. Everything needed to be coordinated between the Consulate General, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Styrian delegation and the organizers of the Special Olympics World Games in LA.. GW: How was it to welcome Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger for the kick-off reception in view of the Special Olympics Winter Games in Austria in March 2017? CGR: They did everything, both of them, to make sure the Special Olympics remained the center of everyone’s attention. They were very noble about it and managed very well. One thing is for sure, they seem to have a lot of respect for each other, still. GW: What is your personal impression of Arnold Schwarzenegger? CGR: He is very easygoing. Of course, it is not easy to get through to him but once you get to know him, he’s as “gemütlich” as an Austrian can be. Despite everything, he is down to earth and a good soul, very approachable, intelligent and a humble human being. I like him very much. GW: When you took over, what was your focus at the beginning? CGR: That’s a little difficult to say because my mission consists in three main chapters. One is to maintain the value of the property that Austria bought in 1971. The second chapter is to make sure that the Consulate General functions as a little company. The third chapter is content: outreach, consular work, political reports, Jewish relations, Austrians abroad, supporting the Austrian Trade Commission in deepening the economic ties between Austria and the Western U.S. and cultural

… with her office manager and cultural manager Simone Bliss … with Governor Schwarzenegger during the Special Olympics in 2015

… with Timothy Shriver, Chairman of Special Olympics

“Once you get to know him, he’s as “gemütlich” as an Austrian can be.” - Ulrike Ritzinger about Arnold Schwarzenegger -

work were on my agenda. I realized I couldn’t do everything in cultural work so I focused on music and film. Music because L.A. is one of the world centers for music, and because I know a little bit about music. And the second focus was film, because L.A. still is the world’s center for film, and Austria has a lot to offer in this regard.

neously just by hearing the harmonies. These are two different things, but if you combine them, you become a real musician, the full package, and only then. For now, I consider myself a pianist, but not yet a musician.

GW: Talking about music, you are also a very accomplished pianist and just published a jazz and ragtime CD. What was your earliest exposure to this kind of music?

GW: What prompted you to do this CD during your time in L.A.?

CGR: I started out as a classical pianist and I finished the conservatory in Graz when I was 17. I started at [age] five. My first contact with ragtime was actually when I started traveling at the age of 18. I couldn’t practice enough anymore to play the classical literature like Rachmaninoff and Liszt, which I like and for which you need a certain amount of practice in order to play it well. And when I realized this was not possible, I searched for shorter pieces and technically easier songs and that’s when I started with ragtime. GW: On the CD cover is says that JojaWendt really influenced you? CGR: Yes, that was much later. Through an Austrian friend, Richard Loidl, who organizes jazz festivals, I met Vince Weber, Joja Wendt, and other German boogie, jazz and blues artists. That’s where I knew that sooner or later I would be playing this. But it took me another 15 years before I finally started. GW: Did you study with Joja and did you have him listen to any recordings on your CD? CGR: No, I had my jazz teacher in Vienna listen to my pieces, Hannes Otahal, and my jazz teacher here, Stéphane Deriaureine. GW: What aspects of both classical and jazz do you prefer over the other? CGR: I have always loved the challenge, the technical challenge, and I have always been attracted to late romantic music, such as Liszt and Rachmaninoff. But when I heard Richard and Joja play, I thought I also want to be able to improvise and be able to accompany other musicians sponta-

CGR: Many, many ingredients. L.A. is the perfect fertile ground for musicians. It was the same for me. I met the right people. For example, through [saxophonist] Reinhold Schwarzwald I met the German sound master Michael Jost with whom I eventually did the recording. And Martin Brem, head of the music portofolio at the Red Bull media house, was very helpful. Besides, I could practice at the residence after work, late at night because I had no neighbors. GW: Was this the first early jazz CD that you did? Did you enjoy recording? CGR: Yes it was. And I enjoyed it very much. I worked with at least 10 different people. It took me a year to finish the whole thing. GW: Will you be recording any more CDs? CGR (laughs): Not for now, unless I give up my diplomatic career. It’s really a hassle. You cannot cut back on your work time, which is already much more than 40 hours a week, so you have to cut back on your sleep and your friends and family. But now I am very happy and proud. GW: Going back to Austria, in what function will you be working in Vienna? CGR: It will be a function within the Ministry of European Integration and Foreign Affairs. I am sure I will again have an interesting job. What is very important to me, after four years of not seeing my parents, my siblings, my brothers’ children, more than once or twice a year, I will, finally be close to them again.  Interview by Alexa Constantine and Petra Schürmann SUMMER 2017




Fokus Film


Famed German Cinematographer

Michael Ballhaus Remembered


hen famed German cinematographer Michael Ballhaus passed away at age 81 in April 2017, the whole world mourned for one of cinema’s greatest contributors was gone. Born in Berlin in 1935, the movies were in his blood. Ballhaus’ parents, Oskar Ballhaus and Lena Hutter, were both actors, as was his uncle Carl Ballhaus. His aunt, Hilde Wall, acted as well but it was her introduction to her husband, the acclaimed German director Max Ophüls, that sent Michael Ballhaus into the career path that would lead him to three Academy Award nominations and countless other accolades. On the set of “Lola Montes” in 1955, he met cinematographer Christian Matras, and the then 20-year-old Ballhaus found his calling. From 1959 to 2013, Ballhaus created indelible images for the silver screen, collaborating as the director of photography and cinematographer with some of the world’s best directors. From his longtime association with Rainer Werner Fassbinder on 15 movies, including the “The Marriage of Maria Braun”, to his epic collaborations with Martin Scorsese (“After Hours,” “The Color of Money,” “The Last Temptation

of Christ,” “The Age of Innocence,” “Goodfellas,” “Gangs of New York,” “The Departed”), Ballhaus’ work was incomparable. Add in films like “Broadcast News,” “Working Girl,” “Air Force One,” “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” and “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” working with directors ranging from Francis Ford Coppola to James Brooks and fellow German Wolfgang Petersen, and there is little doubt that Michael Ballhaus was a giant of world cinema and a man whose talents will be sorely missed. Ballhaus served as the head of jury competition for the Berlin Film Festival, and on the juries of the Cannes Film Festival and the Venice Film Festival. In 2016, he received a much-deserved homage and retrospective at the 66th Berlin Film Festival. He died in Berlin on April 11, 2017. ¢


Watch Leonardo DiCaprio’s Powerful Documentary “BEFORE THE FLOOD” TV-Tip by Petra Schürmann

Although it is summer and the thought of a flood might be far-fetched, watching Leonard DiCaprio’s thought-provoking and unsettling documentary “Before the Flood” is an excellent idea at all times. DiCaprio both produced and narrates this important film. And thanks to National Geographic you can even watch it for free. “I just wanted to know how far we’ve gone and if there’s anything we can do anything to stop it,” DiCaprio said once in an interview about his documentary, referring to the climate change issues tackled in the movie, which had its theatrical release in Los Angeles and New York on October 21, 2016. DiCaprio spans the globe to talk with politicians, scientists, activists — even Pope Francis — along with American dignitaries including former President Obama and former Secretary of State John Kerry. But America doesn’t get off lightly here, as DiCaprio notes, “The U.S. has been the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in history.” The film also cites that “half the people in office still don’t believe in climate change.” Fisher Stevens, who won the Documentary Feature Oscar for 2010’s “The Cove,” directs “Before The Flood,” which was written by Mark Monroe. Presented by National Geographic and RatPac Documentary Films and produced by DiCaprio’s Appian Way, it has been airing regularly since October 30, 2016, on the National Geographic Channel in 171 countries spanning 45 languages. So watch the documentary with your kids, your students or friends.Talk about the human impact on climate change, do your own research and consider how you could contribute to reducing global warming.We’re all in this together, as Leo DiCaprio wants us all to remember.  Film can be viewed in full length on the internet for free at 44


Washington, DC



Bernhard E. Deichmann *July 25, 1935 – June 22, 2017†


n June 22, 2017, the Foundation Board Member and President Emeritus of the German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA® (GAHF), Bernhard E. Deichmann, passed away surrounded by loved ones at his home in Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania. He was 81. Bern is survived by his wife Joan Deichmann, son Walter Deichmann, and daughters Holly Chacon, Evelynn Diabo, and Robin Estey. Bern Deichmann was born in Willoughby, Ohio, and spent his childhood in both Germany and the United States. He graduated from Princeton University with a BSME degree and went on to earn his MBA from Drexel University after serving a tour of duty as an officer in the US Army Artillery. He served in senior level positions at Transamerica-Delaval, Inc. and spent time in the Netherlands as Managing Director of Delaval-Stork, where he was in charge of a $40-million operation with over 300 employees. He later served as President and CEO of Schulmerich Carillons, Inc. until his retirement. Outside of his professional commitments, Deichmann was a Life Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and a member of the American Council on Germany in New York, the German-American Chamber of Commerce in Philadelphia, AMVETS, the Cannstatter Volksfest-Verein, along with many other German-American organizations. Bern Deichmann was President of the GAHF from 2002 to 2012 and later, as President Emeritus, served on the Board of Directors. Dedicated to the preservation and celebration of German-American heritage, he worked to ensure that the Foundation would have a permanent home and museum in the nation’s capital on 719 Sixth Street NW where friends of the Foundation and members of the public could visit and learn about the over 400 years of German-American history in the United States. In 2013, Bern Deichmann was honored as the *Distinguished German-American of theYear*™ by the GAHF for his accomplishments in business and on behalf of the Foundation, most notably the acquisition of Hockemeyer Hall. Established in 1987, the award recognizes Americans of German-speaking ancestry for leadership and achievement in business, the arts, education, science, poliAbove: Bern Deichmann with former German Ambassador Scharioth tics, and society. Deichmann received his award in Washington (right) and Senator Lugar at the museum opening in 2010. Right: GAHF President Marc Wheat congratulates Bern Deichmann on D.C. in the presence of German Ambassador Peter Ammon, being honored as Distinguished German-American of the Year in 2013. Austrian Ambassador Hans Peter Manz, and former U.S. Ambassador to Germany William Robert “Tim” Timken, Jr. In 2015, German Ambassador Peter Wittig presented Bern Deichmann with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesverdienstkreuz), an honor which was bestowed upon him by German President Joachim Gauck for his work at the Foundation. “Bern Deichmann will forever be remembered,” stated current GAHF President J. Marc Wheat in an official announcement on behalf of the Foundation, “for his tireless efforts to secure and restore the 19th-century rowhouse Hockemeyer Hall, which was built in 1888 by German immigrant John Hockemeyer and now serves as the Foundation headquarters. The GAHF is honored to have worked alongside Bern and extends its deepest sympathies to his family and friends.” ¢

About the German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA® The German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA® serves as the national membership association for German-American heritage. GAHF cultivates a greater awareness for German-American heritage and history through outreach efforts that deepen cultural understanding.

THE FOUNDATION IS COMMITTED TO: • Sharing a positive image of Americans of German-speaking heritage by focusing on their historical contributions to American society. • Strengthening the ethnic awareness and diversity of German-Americans. • Promoting the German language and culture. • Cultivating German American friendship and bonds. • Supporting cooperative efforts among German-Americans and their organizations. The German-American Heritage Museum of the USA found a home in the Hockemeyer Hall in DC.

UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday, July 29, 2017: Film screening of Casablanca (1942), 2:00PM - 4:00PM Saturday, August 5, 2017: Film screening of The NeverEnding Story (1984), 2:00PM - 4:00PM Wednesday, August 9, 2017: Stammtisch, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM  For more information visit SUMMER 2017 WWW.GERMAN-WORLD.COM


LANGUAGE | Sprache Der Duden, das bekannteste Rechtschreibwörterbuch der deutschen Sprache, nimmt nun endlich das Berliner Personalpronomen „Icke” (hochdeutsch: ich) auf. Damit folgt das Dialektwort umgangssprachlichen Phrasen wie z.B. „Moin, Moin” (das norddeutsche Pendant zu „Guten Morgen/Guten Tag/ Na, wie geht’s?) und „schlotzen” (Schwäbisch für schlürfen). Höchste Zeit auch unsere German World Leser ab sofort in Sachen Dialekte fit zu machen. Da es viele von Ihnen eventuell diesen Sommer zu den Martin-Luther-Stätten in Thüringen zieht, starten wir mit Thüringisch.


Von Bemme bis Mutschekiebchen Thüringisch gehört zu der linguistischen Klassifikation des Mitteldeutschen und wird hauptsächlich in Thüringen, dem grünen Herzen Deutschlands, aber auch in Teilen von Sachsen-Anhalt und Sachsen gesprochen. Untergruppen des Thüringischen sind z.B. Zentralthüringisch, Nordthüringisch und Ilmthüringisch. Die Ilm ist ein kleiner Nebenfluss der Saale und fließt beispielsweise an der Heimatstadt der Autorin Julia Kupper entlang.


Der Buchstabe „p” wird oft zum „b”, z.B. wird aus dem Substantiv „Polizei” die „Bolizei” Der Buchstabe „t” wird zum „d”, z.B. wird aus dem Substantiv „Tante” die „Dande” Der Buchstabe „k” wird manchmal zu einem „g”, z.B. wird aus dem Verb „kommen” dagegen „gommen” Der Buchstabe „b” wird ab und zu zum „w”, z.B. aus der Konjunktion „aber” wird oft „awer” Die Silbe „-tig” wird gerne zu einem „-sch”, z.B. wird aus dem Adjektiv „fertig” dann „fertsch” by Sarah Burrini




Mehr zu diesem Dialekt erfahren Sie im „Thüringischen Wörterbuch“ (, ein wissenschaftliches Projekt und wichtiges Nachschlagewerk für Sprachwissenschaftler von der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena, Thüringen.

Sprache | LANGUAGE


From “Bemme” to “Mutschekiebchen” The Thuringian dialect belongs to the linguistic classification of Central German and is mainly spoken in Thuringia, the green heart of Germany, but can also be found in parts of Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony. Subgroups of Thuringian include Central Thuringian, Northern Thuringian and Ilmthuringian. The Ilm is a small tributary of the river Saale and flows along the hometown of the author Julia Kupper.


The Duden, the most well-known spelling dictionary of the German language, will finally welcome the personal pronoun “Icke” from Berlin into their ranks. The dialectal word will thus follow colloquial phrases such as “Moin Moin” (expression frequently used in Northern Germany instead of “Good Morning”/ “Guten Morgen”) and “schlotzen” (Swabian expression for “schlürfen”; to drink something with pleasure). So, it is about time to get our readers more familiar with German dialects as well. And since many of you will probably visit some of the Martin-Luther-sites in Thuringia this summer, we chose the Thuringian dialect as a start.

THURINGIAN FOR BEGINNERS : Thuringian Bemme Flotter Otto

English translation Sandwich Diarrhea (Literally: Quick Otto) Betze Handtasche Handbag Mutschekiebchen Marienkäfer Ladybug geigeln Unsinn treiben Acting foolishly Blem blem Nicht ganz To be out of richtig im one’s mind Kopf sein Mach’s Niggi Steck Dein Tuck your t-shirt in de Buchse T-Shirt in in your pants. Deine Hose.

 Letter “p” is often referred to as “b”, so the noun “Polizei” (police) becomes “Bolizei”  Letter “t” is sometimes changed to “d”, for instance the noun “Tante” (aunt) becomes “Dande”  Letter “k” is occasionally converted to a “g”, so the verb “kommen” (to come) becomes “gommen”  Letter “b” is sometimes transformed into a “w”, so the conjunction “aber” (but) becomes “awer”  Syllable “-tig” is readily converted to “-sch”, for example the adjective “fertig” (finished) becomes “fertsch”

High German Brot Durchfall

You can find out more about this dialect in the “Thuringian Dictionary”, a scientific project and an important reference book for linguists from the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, Thuringia.

WIE GUT IST DEIN DEUTSCH? Kennst du die Bedeutung der folgenden Redewendungen? • Alles unter einen Hut bringen • Das Eis brechen • Ein dickes Fell haben • Den Gürtel enger schnallen • Eine Doktorarbeit aus etwas machen • Jemanden um den Finger wickeln • Einen Korb bekommen • Jemanden auf die Palme bringen • Da ist der Wurm drin • Auf Wolke sieben schweben

Answers on page 50

More examples on -> Deutsch Lernen




LANGUAGE | Sprache

Language Quiz

German World

Selected by Julia Kupper

HOW GOOD IS YOUR GERMAN? | WIE GUT IST DEIN DEUTSCH? Answers for Quiz on Page 49 | Auflösungen zum Quiz auf Seite 49

• Jemanden um den Finger wickeln

• Alles unter einen Hut bringen - Meaning in German: verschiedene Dinge in Einklang bringen - Literally: to bring every thing under one hat - Meaning in English: to accommodate a number of things

• Das Eis brechen

- Meaning in German: jemanden leicht beeinflussen können - Literally: to wrap somebody around one’s (little) finger - Meaning in English: to be able to influence someone easily

• Einen Korb bekommen - Meaning in German: zurückgewiesen werden - Literally: to get a basket - Meaning in English: to get turned down

- Meaning in German: sich sympathisch werden/etwas in Gang setzen - Literally: to break the ice - Meaning in English: to attempt to become acquainted with someone/to get something started

• Jemanden auf die Palme bringen

• Ein dickes Fell haben

• Da ist der Wurm drin - Meaning in German: etwas stimmt nicht/ es gibt Probleme mit etwas - Literally: there is a worm in there - Meaning in English: there is something wrong with it

- Meaning in German: widerstandsfähig/belastbar sein - Literally: to have thick fur - Meaning in English: to be thick-skinned

• Den Gürtel enger schnallen - Meaning in German: kürzer treten/sich zurückhalten oder bremsen - Literally: to tighten one’s belt - Meaning in English: to use less of something

• Eine Doktorarbeit aus etwas machen - Meaning in German: etwas schwieriger machen, als es eigentlich ist - Literally: to make a doctor thesis out of something - Meaning in English: to make a big deal out of something



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- Meaning in German: verliebt sein/extrem glücklich oder euphorisch sein - Literally: to float on cloud seven - Meaning in English: to be in seventh heaven

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• Auf Wolke sieben schweben



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