AUTUMN 2019 u p d a t in g a n d in f o rmin g t h e Gre a t e r E a st Ta ma ki b usin e ss co mmu n it y
Editor: Jane Tongatule gm@getba.org.nz Advertising: comms@getba.org.nz
From the Chair
PO Box 58260 Botany Auckland 2163 09 273 6274
Welcome to the Autumn issue of our GETBA Focus magazine. The only certainty in life is change and what a period of change we are going through. Firstly, I’d like to personally thank Richard Poole for his years of service as GETBA Chair, hard boots to fill! I would also like to welcome Andrew Turner, Managing Director of Nautech Electronics, onto the GETBA Committee as our replacement member.
Upcoming events 16 April Small Business Owners Interest Group 30 April Business Showcase: Quest Highbrook and Waipuna Conference Suites Highbrook 6 May St John: First Aid Level 1 8 May People Essentials: Setting Employees up for Success 17 May St John: First on the Scene 21 May Small Business Owners Interest Group 23 May Business Owners Forum: Sustainability 12 June People Essentials: Undertaking Performance Reviews that Work 19 June Property Owners Forum
We started my first chaired GETBA meeting with a minute’s silence recognising the tragedy of Friday 15th March terrorist attack, resulting in the deaths of so many innocent New Zealanders. The social commentary is turning from “they are us” to the “this is us” reality and the challenges we still face as a nation on issues of diversity. Great to see we have gun law change already on the agenda, and as business people we need to lead the way on change in our cultures to support tolerance and diversity. As we embark on our new year, we have seen business confidence upturn in the last quarter, however we are now presented with new uncertainty over Capital Gains Tax proposals and the way forward the Government may choose. I was lucky enough to attend a presentation by a member of the Tax Working Group, Joanne Hodge, organised by one of GETBA’s sponsors, RSM New Zealand. The main outcome of that was don’t do anything yet… we need to wait and see exactly what’s going to happen before changing structures, and that the law will be advised well in advance, for execution from the tax year April 2021. GETBA has submitted input to the Auckland Council budget process and continues to campaign on our behalf on transport issues. Our focus this year, and that of this magazine issue, continues on the sustainability pathway, and we will be leading awareness in the areas of waste management and energy efficiency as we prepare businesses for our carbon zero future environment. Our website is undergoing change, but as always, we recommend you visit regularly to keep abreast of Council submissions and everything happening in East Tamaki business. BRENDAN KELLY CHAIRMAN, GETBA
THE BUSINESS CASE FOR SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to businesses’ long-term strategies, their customers and other stakeholders.
Climate action: 10 tips for reducing emissions It can be hard to know where to start to reduce greenhouse gas emissions especially for small businesses, so the Climate Leaders Coalition has provided a list and examples of practical things that businesses can start doing.
Being more sustainable will help a business become more efficient, cut operational costs, provide a platform for innovation and managing risk, improve brand value and reputation making the business more attractive to customers/clients and help attract and retain staff. Environmentally conscious businesses also tend to achieve a better bottom-line.
Ways to become more sustainable and where to go for help Cutting down your energy consumption is one of the easiest ways to save money and reduce your environmental impact. From simple solutions such as turning off lights, making recycling easy and printing less, to more substantial initiatives such as alternative fuel systems, renewable energy sources and building a sustainable supply chain, there are organisations and resources available to assist. EECA Business: information and resources for saving energy and reducing energy costs eecabusiness.govt.nz Sustainable Business Commission: six steps to develop a sustainable supply chain sbcvaluechain.org.nz Sustainable Business Network: sustainability tools, resources and initiatives sustainable.org.nz
Environmental certifications and labels If your business has actively adopted environmentally friendly practices, there’s value in applying for certification or an ecolabel. Enviro-Mark Solutions, a subsidiary of the crown research institute Landcare Research, provides three types of environmental programmes and certifications. • Carbon programmes and certification – for businesses committed to reducing their greenhouse gas footprint. • Environmental management programme and certification – for businesses with a planned approach to reducing their environmental impact. • Energy programme and certification – for businesses systematically working to become more energy efficient. enviro-mark.com Environmental Choice is New Zealand’s official ecolabel, a sign or seal used to indicate that a product has met certain environmental or social standards. environmentalchoice.org.nz
1. The first tip is to start somewhere! Map your carbon footprint using one of the available tools to work out where you can make reductions. 2. Convert your company cars to electric vehicles. 3. Reduce air travel by using video-conferencing and flexible working arrangements and offsetting unavoidable air travel. 4. Tackle transportation of goods by improving the utilisation of shipping containers and trucks, and by using hybrid or electric vehicles and rail where possible. 5. Divert waste from landfill into recycling and composting. 6. Tackle your supply chain with procurement expectations. 7. Switch your lighting to LEDs and using natural light. 8. Reduce your premises’ power consumption with energy efficient refrigerants and systems. 9. Partner with suppliers and like-minded businesses to find low carbon solutions. 10. See it as an opportunity!
Source: MBIE https://www.business.govt.nz/getting-started/businessplanning-tools-and-tips/how-to-be-environmentallysustainable/
For more info and case studies: climateleaderscoalition. org.nz/action
“Doing the right thing around sustainability leads to good business decisions.” Photo: Julie Roberts and Kevin Obern
“Making sure we behave in the right way and the commerciality of that is important,” says Managing Director Kevin Obern. He calls the feel- good factor of being socially responsible and the commercial benefit a double win, asking, “Why wouldn’t you do it?” Traditionally an office products provider with roots in New Zealand tracing back to as early as 1871, OfficeMax has evolved into a provider of business needs. With paper products being a large part of the business, it became important to the company to do the right thing and be seen doing the right thing to lead change in sustainable behaviour in the business community.
Standards and certification Eager to become an industry leader, OfficeMax worked with the Ministry for the Environment to decide what were the important criteria for indicating a product is eco-friendly as there are no single or universally accepted standards. They decided that paper materials needed to come from managed sources and having a credible chain of custody was important. They soon developed their EcoMax sustainable products catalogue to help customers make better choices. Products for this range were selected if they had either a minimum of 30%
recycled content, were made from recyclable plastics or included at least one of the many environmental labels such as PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification. Commitment to sustainability goes beyond selling eco-friendly products. OfficeMax has committed to running the company as sustainably as possible. They obtained Enviro-Mark NZ Gold certification in 2007 which was subsequently upgraded to Enviro-Mark NZ Diamond in 2009. In 2011 they gained ISO 14001 Environmental accreditation which they have maintained. They developed their own unique Environmental Management System (EMS) designed to control documentation and help understand the impact operations and activities have on the environment. A Sustainability Report was produced for the 2015 -17 period, focusing on their people, communication, dealing with waste, freight efficiency, delivery of an ethical supply chain, and customer service. Their 2018 Sustainability Report is soon to be released.
Championing sustainability “It’s a progressive journey, you don’t just go from zero to hero in one leap,” says Kevin. He believes it needs to be led from the top. They formalised a Health, Safety & Environment work programme in 2001 and appointed a Sustainability Manager, Julie Roberts. Each member of the executive leadership team approves strategic plans to enable their business to achieve its sustainability objectives and
“People were getting more invested, they are part of it, and they get it.” they also have approximately 40 champions driving the message through the business. Kevin is passionate about sustainability which he says helps as the business leader, though he cautions that you have to keep momentum. “I think it’s fair to say, in the middle somewhere we lost our way a bit.” Kevin explains that they launched a lot of initiatives and then slowed down as they focused on embedding it into the culture of the company. He likens it to rolling a heavy ball up a hill, if you slow for a moment it’s hard to get going again.
Changing the company culture They started small with initiatives such as ‘Hit it Off’ whereby staff switch off their computers, photocopiers and other electronics before going home at night. They monitored electricity usage and added motion sensors to control lights. Julie explains the importance of understanding people’s value sets and how the company can align with them while instilling sustainability into the culture. Staff were included in developing the initiatives and given a sense of empowerment. They didn’t just turn their lights off but requested to trial other ideas to reduce electricity consumption. “The aim is to have it culturally as just the way we do stuff, this is the way we think now. You can talk to anyone at any level of the business and they will understand what to do. People know their part in the journey and how they can help us be better,” says Kevin. “I’d like to think how we feed this culture changes, how our people behave at home. We don’t see sustainability as just a work behaviour, we see it as a life behaviour.” Julie admits there were challenges and that it was important to explain to staff why they wanted to do it and why it was important to them. She refers to the process of removing rubbish bins from desks to encourage people to find the right pathway for their waste. They set a 21-day challenge and had a formal complaint process to track sentiment. Instead of complaints, they received feedback on repositioning recycling
bins and better explaining which bins take what materials. “People were getting more invested, they are part of it, and they get it.”
Fuel efficiency One major initiative was their fuel programme which took three years to get right. A painful journey, but one they learned from and share with their clients. With 150 mobile staff, fuel efficiency became important for reducing both cost and greenhouse gases. OfficeMax included these two factors when preparing tender documentation for new fleet vehicles which are also fitted with low friction Ecopia tyres to further extend their sustainable efficiency. All vehicles are fitted with GPS for both safety and efficiency reasons. This means driving behaviour can be tracked by their designated team and if, for example, drivers regularly take corners too fast or brake suddenly it can be evidenced. Julie explains, “We talked really openly with everybody about why we were tracking vehicles and I think that has been one of the successes of all of our programmes that we have been implementing – it’s been really clear what the purpose is.” The staff were shown the reporting generated by the programme so they could understand what information was being tracked and that there were no privacy issues. OfficeMax monitors fuel consumption, setting an annual goal and measuring themselves against it. The next step is to change to electrical vehicles where possible. They have already commenced this with a select group who travel short distances locally and are able to charge the cars at the company premises overnight.
“Let’s not be shy, sustainability does have a public face,” admits Kevin. He calls the EVs a great investment – although at a greater cost than petrol or diesel vehicles – as they are branded and their visibility around town has been applauded by the public. He also assigns responsibility to industry to lead the way as business can better absorb the cost of making progress with EVs saying, “this is the journey we need to be on, let’s demonstrate what we are doing.”
Minimising waste Managing waste streams is important and OfficeMax recycles more than 269 tons of cardboard each year. The team does weekly audits to make sure the correct pathways are being used for waste and whatever can be reused, is. There are ongoing projects to find ways of reducing the waste stream further or reusing materials. They also work with suppliers and customers to help them manage the waste that gets passed onto them through the supply chain.
Employer of choice A further unexpected benefit from the sustainability efforts has been in recruitment. Kevin explains when a company has an ecofriendly brand and a positive reputation like OfficeMax, quality applicants surface, who in turn help drive the focus on the values of the business. He says when you are in the right space, people will come to you. “We’ve travelled a long way on our sustainability journey now but you can never say you’ve fully got there.” officemax.co.nz A U T U M N 2 0 1 9 FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY
LEADING THE CHARGE Energy efficiency in action!
TransNet NZ Limited is a 100% privately owned New Zealand business, founded in East Tamaki in July 2000. Having worked in the electricity industry for a long time firstly on the tools and then sales, Managing Director Spencer Winn had a solid understanding of what was missing. From humble beginnings in a tiny unit, TransNet has grown to a company with 62 employees
and offices in China, Australia, Tonga and New Zealand. They recently expanded into a purpose-built facility which houses their warehouse and office and has been designed to allow for expansion. TransNet offers a wide range of products and is one of the largest suppliers in Australasia to the Electrical Distribution, Transmission, Rail, OEM and Wholesale Industry.
A greener future Spencer has led the company into a more sustainable future. He invested a large amount of money into the building of their new energy efficient facility and the solar micro grid, which has attained ISO 14001 and ISO 14064-1 certification. This illustrated Spencer’s commitment to the environment which filtered down to the staff and encouraged them to follow suit in doing what they can to help. Staff recycle everything they can in the office and also compost their kitchen waste which goes into the onsite vegetable garden. The team was particularly pleased with the glut of passionfruit it produced this year as well as the variety of other produce available to them as a result. It also serves as a peaceful lunch spot on sunny days, with a well-placed memorial bench seat and a grassy area alongside the solar farm. In addition to this, they are continuously
working with suppliers to reduce unnecessary packaging and changing any packaging they can to an environmentally responsible alternative.
The micro grid TransNet has a fully functioning micro grid made up of 70kW worth of solar panels (approx. 280 panels) mounted from the ground, with an additional 80kW worth of roof top solar due to be commissioned in April. The daily operation of the facility uses approximately 40kW and is nearly self-sufficient and, at times, TransNet sells excess power back to the grid. The extra 80kW of solar will increase the typical daily utilisation of battery and ultimately reduce the grid reliance to a very short window in the morning.
system. Vanadium is a metal and behaves as a battery and takes up energy from the sun through the solar panels, stores the energy and then releases it as needed. The smart technology controls the release and consumption of energy. The net effect of the solar/battery/load-shifting reduces their energy footprint drastically and managing the building load is an equally important part of that balance. The cost of solar panels has significantly reduced, what used to be US$ 6 is now 50 cents while the power generated has increased significantly making production much cheaper. It’s sensible for commercial properties to use solar power as business is in operation during the timeframe where the sun is out, compared to residential property in which people are normally home overnight and have different needs.
The 280-panel solar grid (shortly increasing to 544 panels) works with a smart battery storage system to best utilise the energy captured and power the premises. It is a vanadium redox technology storage
The Vanadium Redox Flow Technology Storage system was chosen for its environmental approvals and its contents posing little risk to the environment. The system boasts a 100% leak proof triple tank design, meaning if the first tank ruptures into the second it is contained and an alarm will sound so it can be repaired. Should the second tank rupture it is contained in the third tank. Because of this design its location next to the estuary was never a problem. TransNet also met with local iwi to ensure they were respecting the cultural importance of the location.
Electric vehicles Glenn Inskter, Head of TransNet’s E-Mobility Division, is a strong advocate for the electric vehicle (EV). He says, “People are fairly divided over EVs but once you start driving one, you will never go back to petrol. Every car manufacturer is now producing them, and they are becoming very user friendly.” Glenn believes EVs are to the next ten years what smartphones were to the last, that soon everyone will be driving them, and they will be more advanced than ever.
Electric forklifts are charged over the weekend to be ready by Monday morning.
Operating efficiently Electric forklifts are used in the warehouse and need charging once a week. They have been assessed to know how much energy they require to fully charge. TransNet plug them in on Friday afternoons and leave them to charge over the weekend. The storage system waits until it is fully charged itself before dispensing energy to the forklifts. It assesses the solar capabilities and if by Sunday afternoon the weather has been poor and it won’t be possible to charge the forklifts from solar energy, it will switch over to the grid to ensure the forklifts are fully charged by Monday morning.
Before smartphone devices, our mobile phone batteries would last many of us a week and we would charge to 100% after running it flat. These days we would be lucky to go a full day without charging our smartphones and would normally plug them in at the computer desk or bedside overnight. We also use our smartphones very differently to how we used earlier mobiles. Glenn explains that we need to look at EVs in comparison to petrol vehicles in a similar fashion; while we might fill our car with petrol when the light comes on – or a few k’s after – we need to charge EVs at equally appropriate times such as overnight or while sitting in the carpark. EVs run differently to petrol vehicles and with some adjustments to our mindset, we will easily manage the charging requirements.
tank far from a petrol station and can be mitigated with equal ease. Similarly, to how society adjusted to the different needs of smartphones, we can adjust to the needs of an EV. Glenn explains, “If people drive an average of 30km on a workday, an overnight charge would see them with enough battery to drive that route many times over. Furthermore, the technology is developing and within a few years, charging stations will become increasingly accessible.” TransNet have recently installed seven Wallbox charging stations in the new Sylvia Park carpark. These will easily be expanded when necessary up to 75 charging stations, and the stations are ‘smart’. They have built-in load sharing and monitor charging sessions. This is key as EVs use a lot of energy so managing how they charge can prevent overloading by exceeding available current. When an EV is added to or taken off charge while others remain, the station can self-manage safely spreading the load.
Charging infrastructure
For company vehicles, home chargers can be installed that easily track charge session costs so they can be reimbursed to the employee. TransNet’s smart charging stations can be set to charge at specific times which reduces the risk of overdrawing on energy. With overnight charging, which would come with off-peak rates, there is less strain on the network as well, and it is better for the environment. The stations are easily updated with software upgrades so they will sustain advances in technology.
Range anxiety, the worry that one might end up with a flat battery and far from a charging station, is equally as worrying as ending up with an empty
TransNet are introducing EVs to their fleet as quickly as they can. It’s important to understand how the vehicle will be used before choosing the right car to fit the user.
The roof of the office captures 25,000L of rainwater in underground tanks for use in irrigation and flushing toilets. This makes a significant difference to the volume of mains-water supply the building uses. Every light is LED, most of which are controlled by motion or light sensors to use the minimum amount of power possible and saves approximately 80% of energy usage (compared with standard lighting options). The LED lights are TransNet’s very own brand ECOLight, established 10 years ago. They have scheduled hot water and delay the fresh air fan to start later in the day in winter. Window shades are used to keep the building cool in summer which relieves some of the work required of the air conditioning unit. By adjusting where possible, and with no detrimental effect on comfort, TransNet save a large amount on energy consumption. 8
GETBA held a business showcase at TransNet on 20 March 2019. Attendees had the opportunity to see the future of vehicles and charging infrastructure in action.
East Tamaki moving forward East Tamaki is expanding rapidly and increasing the pressure on the power supply to the area. With the introduction and fast uptake of EV, there will be an increasing strain on the electricity supply which could result in more fossil fuels being used to generate the supply for those bigger peaks harming the environment, and costing everyone more. Businesses in the area all need to be more energy efficient to relieve this strain. This will allow East Tamaki to take advantage of the renewable energy sources instead, both benefiting the environment and aligning with New Zealand values, as well as saving money. The team at TransNet stress the importance of taking the time to better understand how your company uses power, and how much your properties need. ď ľ transnet.co.nz
Spicers Head Office building in Highbrook
Spicers is walking the talk on sustainability. From providing the highest standard, certified eco-friendly paper products to responsible environmental management, this company certainly deserves their Enviro-Mark Gold certification. Paper merchant Spicers has traditionally serviced the commercial print market, but over recent years have diversified through acquisitions and growth. With four branches across the country, they have operations as distributors of paper products and industrial packaging at their core. Spicers manage over 16,000 square metres of warehouse space and deliver over 37,000 tonnes of product each year.
≠ Bad
Despite common misconceptions, Spicers General Manager Mark Lee, asserts that paper is a sustainable product. Certifications from organisations such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) of which Spicers have both, indicate that a product has satisfied rigorous checks and has been fully audited. Every step of the way in the chain of custody, each company is benchmarked against the same guidelines. Mark likens 10
sustainable forestry to mowing your lawn; the trees grow, are cut down and made into paper, then more trees are grown. “We view our certified paper products as sustainable and environmentally friendly,” he says. There is a stringent process around the environment; the trees are sourced through certified forestry. The water used in the manufacturing process to turn trees into pulp is reused throughout production. It is then cleaned to higher quality standards and returned to the rivers, better than when it came out. These certifications are important to Spicers because there is systematic proof that they are environmentally-produced products. End users can be certain that products with the certification logos, have gone through the strict processes to meet the guidelines. Veronica Pettigrew, Compliance Manager, explains, “We have the option to purchase from mills that aren’t certified, but we choose to purchase from mills that are, so we are assured they have
met the standards and we can provide that product to our customers.”
Compostable range Kylie Taylor, National Manager of Industrial Packaging, cites the environmental good Spicers are doing with the paper side of the business as being the driving force behind finding alternatives for some of their packaging. They have bought in a new range of compostable bin liners and are working to increase their eco-friendly range in as many ways as possible. One of the larger barriers to overcome is public perception and knowledge of compostable products. Spicers are taking care with how they launch and are focusing a lot of time and energy on getting the story out about compostables. They want consumers to understand the benefits and the difference between plastics and compostables. Kylie says, “People want to make a difference, they just don’t understand the differences between all options. Why am I paying more and is there a benefit? Yes, there is.” Kylie further explains that while there are commercial compost facilities, it is difficult getting the products there. “People can simply bury them in the garden, it doesn’t have to be in a compost bin. Their bin liners
will compost within 90 days and even quicker in ideal conditions. Even if it goes to landfill, it’s still going to break down. It will just take a bit longer. It also won’t leave anything behind, whereas some degradables will.” Spicers are working to develop more compostable products with a point of difference while being better for the environment. Mark believes that while there are some compostable products out there, there is still opportunity in that space. “The sky is the limit,” he says, “if you look at anything plastic, such as pallet wrap and food containers, you can make something similar as a compostable version. It all comes down to achieving a viable cost.” From left to right: Mark Lee, Kylie Taylor and Veronica Pettigrew
Reducing environmental impacts Spicers were the first paper merchant in New Zealand to have Enviro-Mark Gold Certification, which signifies they have a robust environmental management system in place. It relates to operations from a business point of view and not to products sold. “Anything we have an influence over, the aspects we create, we want to have control over the impact it has,” explains Veronica. One aspect is a large amount of packaging waste. Spicers work with service providers to whom they sell back their paper waste and also take back a waste stream they have passed on to customers. Transport solutions are another area of focus. Spicers prefer to use sea freight and trains rather than trucks when they need to transport product across the country. This has given them a cost saving but also significantly reduced their carbon footprint.
says Veronica. “It turns into a culture.” Everyone eats together in the same lunchroom and if someone is seen putting their rubbish in the wrong place, they are told where the recycling bin is, “It’s not a telling off, it’s a friendly comment.” An hourlong environmental session is included in the induction process with new staff, so they are aware of expectations from the beginning. Spicers have found success by making it easy for staff to do the right thing. There are no rubbish bins under desks and staff have been trained to use central recycling bins. As a result, everyone now recycles their
waste because they just have to. Paper-only bins are under each desk. “We give them the ability to do the recycling, we don’t make it difficult for them,” says Veronica. Spicers have also implemented a food waste composting system to compliment other recycling in the office. “We try very hard to walk the talk,” says Kylie. One of New Zealand’s largest paper merchants, Spicers have been in New Zealand for over 100 years and are located at 1 Lady Fisher Drive, Highbrook Business Park. spicersnz.co.nz
In their premises, the company is in the process of changing energy sources. Switching to LED lights dropped their power usage by 40%. They are looking forward to having a high standard of sustainable fit out.
Getting staff on-board Management found that by putting systems in place and communicating them well, it wasn’t a struggle to engage the whole team. It did take time for everyone to understand what they were supposed to do. However, Spicers have a high rate of staff retention and their systems have become intrinsic behaviour. Mark explains that it is also important to talk about it across the team, not just among managers, “It needs to be consistent across the business at all levels and locations.” “People coming on board copy that behaviour; it’s just how we do it,” A U T U M N 2 0 1 9 FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY
GETBA FREE WASTE ADVISORY SERVICE GETBA has received funding from Auckland Council’s Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund to provide a free site-specific waste minimisation advisory service to East Tamaki businesses during 2019.
of Auckland landfill is made up of commercial waste The government has signalled that waste disposal costs will rise considerably in the future. In addition to doing your bit for the environment, this is a great opportunity to tackle your waste before costs increase.
We have contracted Wilkinson Environmental Ltd to deliver this programme. The consultant, accompanied by GETBA’s Operations Manager Karen Hadley, will visit interested businesses that have significant waste streams and undertake a basic waste assessment. Businesses will receive a report outlining the current tonnes of waste going to landfill, current tonnes of recycling, estimated composition of waste going to landfill, potential tonnes that could be diverted and recommendations for waste minimisation and diversion. The recommendations include details of solutions and relevant service providers and where possible an estimate of potential costs and savings. It’s also an opportunity to identify trends and problematic waste streams and consider collaborative solutions to waste issues that East Tamaki businesses may have in common.
goes to Auckland landfill 8% paper 8% plastics
19% organics
4.7% metals 2.1% glass 4% textiles 3% nappies/sanitary 9% rubble/concrete
15% timber 0.9% rubber
25% potentially hazardous
Commercial waste disposal costs:
The true cost of waste to a business is up to 10x that when factoring purchase and processing costs
We fill an area as big as Eden Park and twice as high as the Sky Tower every year
“Every waste stream coming out of your business represents lost value in terms of resources and lost time and effort dealing with them. Taking responsibility for waste is really basic supply chain management. And in our age of the conscious consumer and conscious worker it demonstrates your business is on purpose and part of making a better world.” Sustainable Business Network
TACKLE YOUR WASTE 3. Install sytems
1. Measure Ask for data from your waste company. Run a basic waste audit or simply look through your bins once a month. You need to understand your waste before you can start to really tackle it.
Make recycling systems simple and easy for staff to use. Use good, clean bins and plenty of signage to let people know what goes where. Download NZ recycling symbols here: www.wasteminz.org.nz/pubs/ronz-symbols/
2. Identify solutions Follow the steps outline in the graph below to systematically look for ways to reduce your waste.
4. Raise awareness It is important staff are engaged in waste reduction efforts. Talk to them about why it is important to reduce waste. Show them the results of their efforts through a graph or poster on the wall.
Avoid producing the waste in the first place
$$$$ RE-USE
Use items as many times as possible
Minimise the amount of waste you produce
$$$ $$
If your business has significant waste streams, contact Operations Manager Karen Hadley to arrange a free waste assessment
09 273 6274 operations@getba.org.nz
Recycle what you can only after you have re-used it
Dispose of what’s left in a responsible way
This programme is funded by the Auckland Council Waste Minimisation Fund and delivered by GETBA and Wilkinson Environmental Ltd.
Photographs by Grant Southam, grant@southam.co.nz
WITH GARDEN TO TABLE The East Tamaki Primary School (ETPS) garden, at 196 Preston Road, Otara, is buzzing on a Tuesday morning with Years 5 and 6 students hard at work maintaining the 40 - 50 edible fruits, vegetables and herbs that are growing at any one time.
The decile 1 school is part of the Garden to Table programme that runs throughout the country. The programme teaches students how to grow, harvest, cook and share produce from their own garden with the help of peers, volunteers and teachers.
Munday. Wilkinson, who has been running the garden for seven years, says “The positivity keeps me coming back, and what everyone gets out of it.”
The organic garden started small and in the 10 years since the programme began at ETPS, has grown to fill 120 square metres, even converting the old swimming pool into garden space. With 14 varieties of fruit trees, they certainly need the space.
Students get their hands dirty as they become involved in all aspects of gardening, from composting and preparing soil, planting and weeding, to the harvesting of ripened produce. They learn all the skills involved in gardening and, in their spare time, have been overheard discussing the best way to manage fruit flies.
Years 5 and 6 classes spend four weeks in the garden and kitchen each term. The programme is run by two ladies who the kids refer to affectionately as the ‘Two Fionas’, Garden Specialist Fiona Wilkinson and Kitchen Specialist Fiona
It doesn’t end in the garden. What is harvested is sent to the kitchen where students learn to prepare the produce and cook lunch for the class to share at the end of the lesson. Learning opportunities are endless in the kitchen as the staff
incorporate technical knowledge of science and maths into the cooking process along with cultural information, which country the food originates from and the like. There is no absenteeism during a class’s rotation through the program, and it is often mentioned as the highlight of the year on student’s reflection forms. “The kids really shine,” explains Munday, “students who may find learning challenging in the classroom really come into their own in the garden and kitchen. It’s hands-on and they really enjoy it.” Students behave themselves well and respect the tools and people involved. Before eating at the table set with beautiful Pasifika tablecloths, the students give thanks in both English and Māori to the staff before singing a waiata and saying a prayer. Only then do they carefully pass the food to one another, making sure everyone gets a fair share. Learning to share and enjoy a meal together is an important part of the programme and quite special to watch. Principal Sarah Mirams calls the programme a great success on many levels. She considers it lifelong learning for students and says, “Even if they are not taking the skills home yet, perhaps when
How can you help: While the students grow most of the ingredients, there are still costs involved in running the kitchen. Financial donations or donations of suitable equipment would be much appreciated. Or, if you or someone you know would like to volunteer your time, the programme runs on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, 9am-11am. You can choose to help on a regular basis or intermittently. Contact the school on (09) 274 9246 or email principal@easttamaki.school.nz
they are in their thirties and forties with a home and family of their own, they will say to themselves ‘I do know how to cook, I do know how to garden’.” The two Fionas are the only paid staff involved and they rely heavily on volunteers to keep the programme running. While the Garden to Table organisation assists in the set-up of the facilities and the implementation of the programme, from thereon the school is responsibile for funding and staffing. Parents are often working and unable to help, so volunteers are needed to keep the programme running. Jenny, a volunteer of six years running, admits that although people often commend her for ‘doing a good deed’, she says she gets more out of it than what she puts in. easttamaki.school.nz A U T U M N 2 0 1 9 FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY
Key features of AMETI Eastern Busway
Construction starting soon on AMETI Eastern Busway Stage 1
• 7km of walking and cycling connections
Construction work on Stage 1 of AMETI Eastern Busway between Panmure and Pakuranga will start on 19 April and take approximately two years to complete. The $1.4b project from Panmure to Botany is funded by the New Zealand Government, Auckland Council and the Regional Fuel Tax. The Stage 1 work will involve transforming the Panmure roundabout into a more efficient, signalised intersection, widening of Lagoon Drive and Pakuranga Road to enable construction of the dedicated busway and supporting cycling and walking connections, a new bridge across Tamaki River and streetscape upgrades, urban design enhancements (including new public spaces and integration of Mahi Toi into the landscape). Initial work over the Easter period from 19 April will be focused around the 18
Panmure roundabout and will involve some restrictions to traffic movements and road closures off the roundabout. Auckland Transport is taking advantage of the lower traffic volumes over this holiday period to ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum. There will be periods of traffic disruption throughout the two-year construction period and Auckland Transport are advising people who live, work and travel through this area to account for potential delays and plan their journeys in advance. More information about how you can plan your journey can be found at at.govt.nz/travelplaneast
Auckland Transport is also offering businesses the opportunity to have employee journey plans developed. To take advantage of this, please email ameti@at.govt.nz and one of the team will be in touch.
• New signalised intersection in Panmure • 7km busway between Panmure and Botany
• 2 new stations in Pakuranga and Botany • 2 new bridges across Tamaki River and Pakuranga Creek • New flyover connecting Pakuranga Road with South Eastern Highway • Safety improvements and key intersections
Stages 2, 3 and 4 Designs for stages 2, 3 and 4 between Pakuranga and Botany, including the Reeves Road flyover, are currently being reviewed following a public consultation process in 2018. Once this review is complete, Auckland Transport will release the revised designs for public viewing in preparation for the consenting and designation process.
Speed limit reduction proposed for Highbrook Drive
are that fewer and more recognisable speed categories are easier for people to understand and recall.
GETBA’s response GETBA’s view is that the section of Highbrook Drive identified by Auckland Transport does not warrant a reduction in the speed limit. We put forward the following rationale in our submission: 1. Highbrook Drive is a key arterial route for the movement of both freight and people in and out of this significant business and employment hub. Highbrook Drive links the area to the airport, port, CBD and other business areas within the region.
Auckland Transport is introducing a new Speed Limits Bylaw 2019 which proposes to reduce the speed limit on Highbrook Drive between the Southern Motorway interchange and the intersection with Business Parade South from 70kph to 60 kph. Auckland Transport’s rationale for reducing this 70kph limit to 60kph is that there should be a greater differentiation between levels of the speed limit hierarchy – specifically 20kph increments. Auckland Transport maintains that at higher travel speeds people have trouble differentiating speed limit differences of just 10kph, and that the advantage of using 20kph increments between 60kph and 100 kph
2. It is a safe dual carriageway - with two lanes of traffic travelling in each direction with a significant dividing strip separating the traffic travelling in different directions. 3. The national speed limit for a dual carriageway is 70kph. 4. Goodman Property, the ownermanagers of Highbrook Business
Proposed Airport to Botany Rapid Transit
Onehunga - Otahuhu
Mangere Puhinui
Auckland Airport
Auckland Transport is currently developing a business case for the proposed Airport to Botany Rapid Transit, which with accompanying public transport linkages, should have connectivity benefits for the East Tamaki / Highbrook employment and freight hub. This is one of three transport projects making up the Southwest Gateway
programme – a partnership between Auckland Transport, the New Zealand Transport Agency and Auckland Airport to improve access and travel choices in the south east and south west of Auckland.
Park, have undertaken new property developments along the south eastern side of Highbrook Drive in the last 12 months but there have been NO additional access road / junctions. 5. The traffic is self-regulating at peak times when it becomes congested. 6. There would only be a 10kph increment between this section of Highbrook Drive and the rest of Highbrook Drive, which goes against Auckland Transport’s own rationale regarding 20kph increments. GETBA’s submission recommended the speed limit for this section of such a vital freight route should be increased to 80kph. At the very least we feel that the speed limit should be retained at the current 70kph. While it is not covered under the new proposed Bylaw, we would also like to see the speed limit of 50kph on the rest of Highbrook Drive from the Business Parade South intersection, along Allens Road to the Harris/Allens/Smales Road intersection, changed to 60kph so that the speed limit along the whole of this section of the arterial route is a consistent 60kph.
Heightened security requirements for ATFs Concerned importers have advised that Approved Transitional Facilities (ATFs) would have to have a fully fenced (1.8m high) and gated area for holding and devanning uncleared risk goods,which includes containers, by 1 September 2019. There are 384 Approved Transitional Facilities in East Tamaki. Some are situated in multi-unit blocks which make this latest requirement more difficult, and costly. Some have already made their concerns known and the Minister for Primary Industries has since commissioned a review of ATFs and advised importers of low risk goods only that they can put heightened security requirements on hold until following the review mid-year. GETBA has teamed up with other business precincts across Auckland to survey ATFs to gather further information and advocate on behalf of affected businesses.
GETBA supports the A2B project as improved access for employees to East Tamaki’s significant employment hub can only be beneficial. A U T U M N 2 0 1 9 FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY
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TAP INTO NEW ZEALAND’S FASTEST GROWING CONSUMERS New Zealand companies are wanting to tap into the growing Asian markets, both locally and internationally. So how big are the local markets for Asian and wider ethnic communities? The latest research, coupled with the latest census information, highlights the size and the buying power of the Asian markets and also the growth of often-overlooked Pacific markets in Auckland.
Influence of non-English media per ethnicity Chinese • Chinese print publications have the highest penetration • Most listened-to radio station was Chinese
European Asian
• Most visited website was Chinese • WeChat is the most used social media platform
• 81% consume half or more of their media in Chinese
• 83% prefer their advertising in Chinese Indian
0 1996
Projections are available for four broad and overlapping ethnic groups. People who identify with more than one ethnic group are included in each group. These projections are not predictions. Source: Statistics NZ (2015), https://insights.nzherald.co.nz/article/aucklands-stratified-diversity/
This research completed in conjunction with the New Zealand Government and Auckland Council highlights the importance of these markets and the different media consumption habits of each community sampled.
The markets Statistics NZ shows that ethnic markets have been the fastest growing group of consumers in New Zealand for more than a decade now. The Asian community presents the largest percentage of business owners, yet these businesses and markets are largely untapped by Kiwi business and marketers. Combined non-European communities and business owners, now make up over 50% of the Auckland population, so it’s vital that Kiwi business owners and their marketing departments are more aware of, and are tapping into, these markets more effectively in Auckland. Kiwi business owners that fail to develop good communication strategies, are ignoring over 50% of the market in 22
Auckland and some of the wealthiest consumers in New Zealand today. These consumers account for a large percentage of high end vehicle purchases, jewellery, real estate and fine dining amongst other sectors. Anecdotally, a walk down Queen Street, will provide you with a quick update on the changes occuring in Auckland’s population today. The research commissioned and funded by Niche Media, the same company that manages the Bureau of Ethnic Communication for the New Zealand Government, was designed to provide Government agencies and corporates with independent advice on the most effective media channels for each demographic, into each community. The Bureau works with more than 80 ethnic media companies including; TV, radio, print, online and digital communications into the Asian, Pacific and Māori communities. It specialises in providing complete ethnic marketing solutions, based on independent research. Some of the highlights of the research for each group are listed next.
• An Indian print publication has the highest penetration. • 86% of people exclusively listen to Indian radio • One of the Indian TV stations was the most watched • 82% follow at least one New Zealand-based Indian media outlet on Facebook Pacific • 74% follow at least one New Zealand-based Pacific media outlet on Facebook • Pacific print media has a penetration of 68% • 74% exclusively listen to Pacific radio • Pacific Island websites have a penetration of 66%
For more information on the research findings, or for help in reaching these markets, please contact Niche Media: info@nichemedia.co.nz nichemedia.co.nz
Truck batteries and tools targeted Tools and heavy-duty batteries remain popular targets for thieves across east and south Auckland and Counties Manukau police continue to report incidences of this type of theft from both building / industrial sites and residential addresses. Tools are particularly highly sought-after by offenders. Local hardware suppliers have partnered with police to hold events where tradespeople can have their tools engraved with unique markers – keep an eye out for these events in your area.
Several of our members’ businesses have been hit by the theft of truck batteries in recent months. Truck batteries are expensive items and when multiple vehicles are targeted, replacement is a costly exercise.
Police suggest using a unique identifier, maybe your driver’s licence number.
Apart from ensuring your trucks are parked in as secure an environment as possible,
there are also other measures you can take to make battery theft impossible or difficult.
Two local protection measures Local business owners have been installing metal covers on their batteries. One company has installed the covers pictured left and secured them with a closed shank padlock so it can’t be cut off. The padlock also has a dust cover over the key hole to stop it filling up with road grime. This has been the perfect solution for this business as they have not had any batteries stolen since introducing this initiative. Another business chose to built sealed metal covers for their vehicles. While these need to be cut open and a new one installed when the battery needs replacing, this cost is low compared to the cost of replacing a stolen battery. Whilst these two solutions may not stop a determined thief, they will effectively slow them down.
Proudly supporting
East Tamaki Industrial Market Update With vacancy rates across East Tamaki commercial and industrial precinct having held at historically low levels across 2018, demand for space outpaced new development. Our view for 2019 is much the same according to Scott Campbell, National Director at Bayleys Commercial & Industrial. Tenant and investor enquiry remain extremely high with limited opportunity causing competitive tensions across all asset classes. East Tamaki, Auckland’s largest industrial precinct saw the vacancy rate falling by approximately half from 1.7% to 0.9% in part due to the lease and redevelopment of ex Lion Breweries site in Springs Road. Owners Stride are well underway with redevelopment of the site which include the demolition of the existing site structures to make way for a huge purpose-built industrial facility for Waste Management.
The Reserve Bank (RBNZ), has repeatedly confirmed that interest rates may remain static for a considerable period. Most economic commentators take this to mean that the official cash rate (OCR) will remain on hold until late 2019. If this is the case then investment property yields will hold at close to current levels over the short to medium term, however it remains to be seen what if any effect Capital Gains Tax (CGT) may have on the market, our view is that this shall remain strong in 2019. ď ľ bayleys.co.nz
the medium term is due to tight vacancy and increasing construction costs. We expect to see 3-5% growth across all classes of property. Prime industrial rents are now above $130 per sqm for warehouse and $275 per sqm for office. Property values remain strong with median market yields compressing further across the region. Low vacancies are causing some tenants to become owner occupiers.
Goodman and Synergy added over 35,000sqm of new industrial and 6,000sqm of commercial space which in most has been leased to the likes of Move Logistics, Goliath Games, FDM & Plytech. Availability of both commercial and industrial land continues to be highly sought after and remains tight says Campbell, however we are seeing increased consent activity albeit still below pre GFC levels that may ease vacancy levels. Future recycling of inner-city industrial areas to mixed use in the upcoming years will prove to be the highest and best use for a growing number of traditional inner-city industrial areas, particularly sites close to rail-bus links. As residential usage continues the attraction of East Tamaki as a business hub will increase, with the majority of new occupiers relocating from outside the GETBA catchment, which is no surprise considering the amenity and infrastructure improvements in recent months. Rental growth continued across the precinct which is expected to continue for 24
Check East Tamaki commercial and industrial property listings
NEW WAREHOUSE FACILITIES TO MEET AUCKLAND DEMAND Goodman Property’s industrial development programme has been accelerated over the past 18 months to meet growing demand across Auckland. Goodman’s build-to-lease programme is proving popular among businesses in the distribution sector, as well as logistics operators looking for well-located and efficient warehouse facilities. The strong demand has led Goodman to announce six new projects to be commenced in the next 12 to 18 months. The developments will provide around 28,000 sqm of high quality space. John Dakin, Chief Executive of Goodman (NZ) Limited, says development is intense at sought-after locations such as Highbrook Business Park and the fastgrowing freight handling precinct at Savill Drive in Otahuhu. “At Highbrook, we have seven construction projects nearing completion,” he says. Highbrook Business Park is Goodman’s flagship estate, located just off State Highway 1 at East Tamaki, 18 kilometres from downtown Auckland. The estate covers 107 hectares and is already home to more than 80 businesses and 5,000 workers. Goodman is developing the estate with a mix of warehousing and distribution facilities, commercial offices, cool stores, light manufacturing businesses, showrooms and retail. It has also developed Highbrook Crossing, an
amenity hub featuring cafes, a gym, childcare and conference facilities. Goodman’s recent construction projects at Highbrook have included small and mid-sized warehouse facilities, ranging from 500 to 5,000 sqm. The majority were leased prior to completion, but there are still a few available which are suitable for a wide variety of businesses, generally with high studs, flexible configuration options and incorporating modern offices. Many also have prominent locations within the Highbrook precinct, with plenty of street appeal. At Savill Link at Otahuhu, a brand new 8,500 sqm warehouse facility is available for lease. The site neighbours a designbuilt facility currently under development for Australian packaging specialist NCI. Neighbours include Toll Logistics, Coda Group and Mainstream Logistics. The well-established Savill Link estate is zoned for light and heavy industrial use and has access to both State Highway 1 and 20. Meanwhile, some of Goodman’s existing customers have moved to larger premises within Goodman’s portfolio, freeing up some popular locations and spaces. A large 10,000 sqm complex at the M20 Business Estate, next to State Highways 1 and 20 at Wiri, has become available for lease. Another available from July is an awardwinning, energy-efficient facility built in 2009 for Schneider Electric at Highbrook. The building features high specification glass, daylight harvesting to reduce the need for lighting and automated blinds to reduce the need for airconditioning. Energy use is optimised through an integrated building management system. As well as speeding up its development programme, Goodman continues to purchase property
The Parade Units at Highbrook, fully leased on completion to Kaikaha, Sakura Filters, Techtronic Industries, Heartland Bank, Uniline, NSK and KiwiHarvest
in strategic locations across Auckland to complement its industrial portfolio. Goodman is always looking for properties that offer future opportunity through intensification of use or redevelopment. One recent example is its purchase of the Foodstuffs Distribution Centre at Roma Road in Mount Roskill. Mr Dakin says: “Warehouse space in the area is already supply constrained and the surrounding consumer catchment makes it an ideal future location for fulfillment and logistics companies.” The $93 million Roma Road property covers 13.1 hectares, currently less than 30% occupied by a warehouse and office space of nearly 37,000 sqm. “It is one of Auckland’s best industrial opportunities,” says Mr Dakin. “It is positioned at the northern end of State Highway 20, close to the central business district and the airport.” “The population within a 20-minute delivery truck radius is estimated at nearly 700,000 people, with purchasing power of approximately $21.3 billion.” The existing facilities will be refurbished and reconfigured on expiry of Foodstuffs’ lease in 2021. Another recent purchase by Goodman is a strategic Mangere property for $29 million. The property comprises three adjoining sites over seven hectares in Favona Road. It is currently used as a market garden, with a 2,279 sqm warehouse and a 41,790 sqm glasshouse, together with offices and cool stores. It is leased until June 2023 and could eventually house another 30,000 sqm of warehouse space. Goodman has recently sold an industrial estate in Henderson after adding significant value in the past two years. The Concourse in Henderson was sold for $35 million after Goodman reconfigured the layout, created additional yard space and acquired new leases. “We’ll be able to invest in new opportunities elsewhere in Auckland as a result,” says Mr Dakin. goodmanproperty.co.nz
Last two Gateway warehouses available 3,339 and 3,637 sqm
G Leased
B 3,339 sqm AVAILABLE
A 3,637 sqm AVAILABLE
3,339 − 3,637sqm
Excellent signage opportunities • Direct access to SH1 • AVAILABLE NOW
400 − 453 sqm
500 sqm
563 − 786 sqm
Prominent signage placement
3,629 sqm warehouse
• 128 car parks
1,990sqm office
• Open office facade to street
warehouse office
• Close to SH1
163 sqm mezzanine
482 sqm canopy
1,334 sqm yard
7,030 sqm hardstand
AVAILABLE MAY 2019 This document has been prepared by Goodman Property Services (NZ) Limited and has been prepared for general information purposes. Whilst every care has been taken in relation to its accuracy, no warranty is given or implied. Further, you should obtain your own independent advice before making any decisions about any of the products and/or properties referred to in this documents. All values are expressed in New Zealand currency unless stated otherwise.
F Leased
E Leased
D Leased C Leased
With industrial vacancy in Auckland at historic lows, Goodman has undertaken new large scale projects offering various facilities for lease. Located next to SH1 in Auckland, Highbrook is 107 hectares of meticulously planned business park. The range of sizes of these new warehouse facilities provide flexible space suitable for a variety of business types. Only two Gateway Warehouses benefiting from a highprofile location on Highbrook Drive are available for lease .
• • • •
232 sqm 620 sqm showroom
High profile on Highbrook Drive 19 car parks Direct access to SH1 AVAILABLE NOW
first floor office
• • • •
Join Kia and Schneider Electric Surrounded by cafés and services High profile on Highbrook Drive AVAILABLE NOW
For more information on these developments and leasing opportunities contact:
ground floor office
High profile on Highbrook Drive Good car parking available Fit-out included AVAILABLE NOW
1,000 sqm
• • • •
227 sqm
559 sqm
level one office
Robyn Barfoot
021 428 446
• • • •
15 sqm balcony Good car parking available Fit-out included AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER or earlier Evan Sanders
021 826 462
EAST TAMAKI A great place to do business
PO Box 58 260 Botany Auckland 2163 P 09 273 6274 E gm@getba.org.nz