4 minute read
It’s the VIBE of the thing
— by Krysten Davis —
Letter from Nicole

— Editor —
Love is in the air. Or is it?
For me, it’s been chaos in the air for 2023, as January blurs into February at record speed, and I’m still chasing my tail from the year before.
There’s been books and uniforms to organise, first days of secondary school to prepare for, getting back into work, and catching up on all of that washing from the family holidays.
That said, February is the month of love, and here at Get it, we’re focused on celebrating ALL types of love.
Like self-love – arguably the most important love of all. After all, if you don’t love yourself, how can you love anyone else.
Something I’ve learnt as a working mum with five kids to wrangle, is that burning the candle at both ends doesn’t serve anyone. It certainly doesn’t serve the ones you love.
Taking a bit of time to love yourself, can make all the difference to how well you love others. With nothing in the tank, you’re likely to become a frazzled, anxious, screaming banshee, with smudged eyeliner and a two-day old mum-bun... or maybe that’s just me.

So, this Valentine’s month, before you love your partner, your kids, your friends, or your dog – love yourself first.
Grab a glass of bubbles and our latest mag, and enjoy!
Nicole Madigan
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My daughter has been watching the UK version of ‘Love Island’.
For those not familiar it’s a show where you put 5 boys and 5 girls into a stunning villa somewhere beautiful and tropical. The girls pretty much wear nothing but skimpy bikinis and the boys spend their time flexing shirtless. They are on the island to find love and they do this by drinking copiously, snogging endlessly and talking ad nauseum about who they are ‘vibing’ with and who is ‘ticking all the boxes’.
The contestants ‘couple up’ and then periodically the whole place is shaken up by the introduction of new (even hotter) people to test the ‘commitment’ of the couples.
It is very entertaining in a cringe, cover your eyes, romantic train wreck kind of way. The contestants sincerely and earnestly discuss their desire for a life partner and that what they are interested in is the ‘inner person’ and their need to form a ‘connection’.
It’s truly an AMAZING coincidence that the vibe/ connection/box ticking always seems to form the best with the hottest person they can find. It makes me sound old but I think that most of my friends would prefer ‘love yourself island’: a place of books, wine, massages, yoga, good friends and no boys. There would be plenty of ‘vibing’ and ‘connecting’ and absolutely no snogging. Who wants a boy anyway. I think that’s what the people on the show don’t understand. Love, connection and commitment are incredible and they absolutely can stand the test of time. But you need to bring your most capable, loving, selfless, caring mature self to the table. When you need a shoulder to cry on, you need to feel held, safe and understood, not sliding off the oiled up muscular pec of a selfish man-boy.
I know that ‘reality tv’ is not reality and that people are cast for their cup size not their compassion. True connection comes from shared experience, shared values and a commitment to working through slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Love, sex and marriage are all made better by respect and patience. So, this Valentine’s Day, put on your skimpiest bikini, cover yourself in coconut oil, drink five strawberry daiquiris and find the hottest boy you can to snog. Or…appreciate the people who love you for you. Actually, maybe do both.

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