The Prince’s Charities Foundation registered charity number 1127255
Contact Details The Prince’s Charities’ International Sustainability Unit Clarence House London SW1A 1BA 0207 024 2106
int e rnat io nal s u s tainabilit y uni t
what price resilience? towards sustainable and secure food systems
The stock this is produced on is Oxygen. Oxygen is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of uncoated, recycled papers, with an outstanding reputation for making products which meet the latest environmental standards. The manufacturing mill is in France and is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and FSC certified. Oxygen is made using 100% recycled pulp. A large percentage of which is de-inked, with up to 20-30% of the mills requirement being obtained from UK waste, thus reducing landfill. Oxygen is an FSC certified product, it also carries the NAPM 100% recycled mark. Aspect Press Limited holds Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain Of Custody C019720 and PEFC Chain Of Custody PEFC/16-33-1161 Typeset by Soapbox,
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