1 A collection of architectural works by Gevo Aelian GEVO ARCHITECTUREAELIANPORTFOLIO 2013 - 2021
3 Contents Oakridge Centre - t he Living City a nte LO pe va LL ey C OLL ege Bus s t O p JakartaBiOMarinv erde ii the disp L aC ed agrarian LuM ines C en C e MO du L arity re .CO nne C t disthydraOrted rea L ities aC kn OWL edge M ents B iO 03 13 21 29 37 49 61 71 79 85 87
Oakridge— a vibrant, street oriented design that integrates nature and topography to create a variety of experiences for the public and provides places for people to live, shop, work, and play at a major transit node. Oakridge is an iconic property with transformative potential. it is a location of distinction and the home of one of Canada’s premier shopping centres. For this project, our team was committed to building upon Oakridge’s remarkable legacy as a vital part of vancouver’s social fabric and urban life. Oakridge will be a microcosm of the city of the future, a complete community offering a combination of retail, workspace, homes and amenities integrated with transit, fuelled by district energy, at once immersed in nature. t he project spans on a 28 acre property.
Oakridge Centre - The Living City

6 Site Plan PhaseExisting Phase 1 South Phase 1 North W 41st Ave. StreetCambie NewStreet W 45th Ave. P3 Level P2 Level P1 Level

7 + + + hilltop town section plan garden city plansection Radiant City Radiant City plansection Radiant City plansection= city city / nature = separated city + nature = integrated 1. From top to bottom: hilltop town + garden City + r adient City + urban street Wall = Oakridge 1 Ground Level Level 2 Level 3

Main Mall Entry Section Level for Main Mall Entry

View from the “Living Room” looking towards the main mall entry.

10 Section through main mall entry Ground Level

1. view from ground level looking towards “hudson Bay”
2. view from the exterior looking towards the main mall entry. 1 2
11 Level 2

12 Wall Section

13 1. s ection through main mall entry. 2. Wall section 3. Wall section 1 2 3

t he Bus stop at a ntelope valley College is located near the intersection of 30th West s treet and West ave J12. t he p roject weaves itself into the existing system by creating a new stop where it was not otherwise seen. it ties itself seamlessly into both the macro and micro framework of the transit system. it also connects itself to the existing campus by providing the students a means of transportation to different parts of the city. t he project not only integrates with its masterplan, but reflects its natural environment by using materials such as treated steel, concrete, and rammed earth.
Antelope Valley College Bus

16 Site Plan Enlarged site plan streetWest30th

17 North Elevation East WestSouthElevationElevationElevation

18 Floor Plan Roof Plan Concrete Benches

19 1. reflected ceiling plan 2. Cross section through bus stop 3. s ection through signage block 4. Long section through bus stop 1 2 3 4

20 1 2 3

21 1. d etail showing panel connection 2. typ. corner detail 3. d etail through structural post 4. d etail through gutter system 5. d etail showing panel joints 4 5

BioMarin p harmaceutical i nc. is an a merican biotechnology company headquartered in s an r afael, California. it has offices and facilities in the united s tates, s outh a merica, a sia, and europe. t his project aims to design their main headquarters located at 999 t hird s treet in s an Francisco. t he Building will consist of a two buildings with a 62 foot height restriction and a separate five story Whistlestop senior center and housing complex. t he design integrates itself to the main BioMarin campus by connecting itself through a series of crosswalks and bridges. it uses the concept of biology to further investigate the aesthetic of the building. BioMarin

24 3rd Street 2nd Street StreetLindaroStreetBrooks Site Plan 1 2

Birdseye view of the building
2. the concept uses biology to derive the aesthetic of the building. it showcases it in both its skin system and its form.
1. s ectional diagram that describes the height restrictions for the city.

26 Ground Floor TYP. Floor Top Floor

27 View at ground level showing skin system

Massing studies were explored to get a better understanding of spatial relationship to its context.


Jakarta Verde II
t he inspiration of verde t WO living is exemplified by symphony of european styling and i ndonesian craftsmanship by creating a modern luxury residence. t he site is located in i ndonesia in the business district. it branches out from two main roads; Jl. d r. s atrio and JL. h r asuna s ahid. t he development is situated along the cities conveniences such as office, retail and recreational amenities. it consists of two towers with approximately 312 units at 37 stories high and with over 4,200 square meters of exclusive indoor outdoor lifestyle amenities.

32 VIEW 2 VIEW 1 View 1 North elevation (east tower) East elevation (east tower) View 2 1. e xtracted surface showing a 3d view of perforation pattern. 2. typ. floor plan - perforation surface allocation 1 2

South elevation (east tower) West elevation (east tower) Rendering highlighting east tower

Enlarged elevations showing perf. patterns


1. enlarged elevation showing perf. pattern
2. plan showing surface a pattern allocation.

perforation detail TYP. panel horizontal detail TYP. panel vertical railing detail at roof Enlarged panel detail

a s the wings of the form begin to turn along with its system it begins to create programmatic and volumetric relationships. t he resulting spaces substitute for the agrarian ideal. Agrarian
The Displaced
t his project proposes a winery in an urban context by displacing wine production from its traditionally agrarian setting. it takes as its starting point a linear production line: harvesting the grapes, destemming, fermenting, aging, bottling, and storage. it examines how this linear system reacts in a compact urban condition, looping back over itself to create spatial opportunities not otherwise seen and experienced in a linear system.

2. Manifesting the logic behind the spinal organization –the modulation of the aBaB system became an extruded spinal organization system. the approach to the system was derived by splitting a grid in both the X and y axis and through a series of certain steps slowly creating deviations. the spinal organization creates multiple pavilions through a connected figure by branching in the X, y and Z axis. model: 24”x36” mixed media, hand made
1. the organizational system, used to cluster and define the program, is considered an aBaB system. this system is placed on the site according to the buildable area and is further manipulated to create a more differentiated rhythm between the aBaB. it is divided every 25 feet along a span of 250 feet. it offsets from two feet to four feet, to eight feet, doubling and increasing its integer. By doing this, the offset begins to generate a systemic grouping of shapes that are not near each other, creating an organizational method.
1 2

41 3. worms eye view axonometric of vaulting system 4. interior render of vaulting system, wine bar and mezzinine levels43

42 Ground floor plan

43 1 1 Crushing/ De-stemming 2 Fermentation 3 Barrel Room 4 Bottling 5 Aging in Bottles 2 3
spinal typology— the spinal typology uses vaulted combinations all throughout the structure and is repeated as one, cohesive system. When the form begins to bend and curve, it causes these vaults to deform, offering spatial conditions. repeated along the six corners of the building, this deformity creates mezzanines and pockets of outdoor space.
Formal deconstruction—the concept for this project was derived by observing the shape and structure of wine barrels and extracting elements from its form and construction. the experience of being within a barrel serves as the inspiration for the vaults.

44 exterior approach— the exterior experience reveals various types of gardens and vegetation, as well as revealing the aged feel of the exterior.


1. second floor plan— gives the user a walkthrough of the different squences in the wine production process.
2. axonometric showing the different functions— programmatic placement of the different functions of wine production

47 +6.70m -2.13m +9.75m +16.45m Drop off zone ConveyerstorageGrapeElevator belt Barrel WineOutdoorFermentationRoomseatingbar/LoungezonePickRestaurantDe-stemingCrusher/bottlesAgingBottlingGardensinupPublic Industrial 2

variation 1 Worm’s-eye view variation 2 variation 3
Spatial Fragments— This drawing represents different spatial fragments due to corner deformation, which offer various levels of interactions.

Cut away axonometric s ection

Luminescence Modularity
t his building is the headquarters for Zumbtobel Lighting, a company who focuses on creating radiant and luminescent lighting concepts. Lighting concepts are determined in terms of space. t he building consists of two zones, a kinetic sculpture garden and private offices. t herefore, order to achieve corporate transparency, both zones must coexist in the same space. t he formal breakdown of the building is through a modular system which is repeated to fill the given square footage to create a monolith. t he systematic repetition of the modules ends itself to various scalar shifts which then create four distinct public spaces: an open space, canopy space, pin - up space, and the show room. t he scalar shifts not only create opportunities for each space to be unique, but it also gives each of the aggregates a different treatment of light. using a panelized system from repetitive modules, the panels enable openings to filter natural light. t his allows it to have control over the blurred boundary between natural and artificial lighting throughout the day.

52 Exterior approach showing construction process 1

53 1. elevations 2. Formal breakdown- the design looks at three techniques; disection, re-surface, and addition. it begins to build off of these three simple techniques to generate various conditions throughout the building. 2

54 ground floor plan s econd floor plan roof plan

Light not only became a perimeter in the investigation, but also a generator of new ways in thinking about form. the investigation drove the concept towards modulation, which studied the surface as structure. the idea of modulation also pushed forward into a revolutionized thinking of mass production and when combined with light will create provocative spaces. the structural surface will allow different modulations of spaces to manifest various emotions dictated through light. these spaces will allow various light manipulations through the public, artists, and companies. these Light manipulations will then generate various spatial explorations and create ones understanding of form and light.

1. primitive deconstruction- the analytical drawing shows the breakdown between its primary layers. the relationship amongst the three is what allows them to co- exist as one whole system. the structure allows the form to react as an independent system that relies on itself for support. the skin allows the building to create an enclosed space which will allow the need for artificial lighting. Lastly the openings are what merge the system as a whole allowing natural light and artificial light to be blended together.
2. drainage system- the geometry and curvature of the building pushes water to the outside of the building. drainage channels then collect the water and bring it from the roof to the underground and connect it to the main drainage pipes underground.

57 1 2

58 vertical structure Flange plate connector horizontal structure structure Connection panel Connection

59 incorporating various systems in one - the building is a steel building and the panel system responds to the structure and the geometry. the panel connects itself to the structure. there are two types of panels created from the connection between the steel framing and the panel system. d epending on the curvature of the geometry the panels are either square panels or become triangulated to avoid steep curvature. imbedded in the panels are fixed windows for natural light and mechanical windows for natural ventilation. the panel system in the public zone is a thin layer of thermal metal sheets that peal up when it gets too hot outside. this process of the material acting in response towards the environment creates natural ventilation when the space gets too hot.

60 98765432110 1.751211 s oil / gravel 2. Water proof s eal 3. 1/4 “ C- Channel for drainage 4. eproxy seal to prevent bolts from moving 5. Concrete slab on grade 6. 1” bolt in radius bolted to steel 7. 1/2” steel channel ( C- channel) 8. 1/4” stainless steel cladding 9. negative cavity for insulation 10. W 2x12 hollow steel block ( 1/2 “ thick) 11. a/C units (ventilation) 12. 1/4” thick perferated steel 13. W 18 i Beam ( acts compositly with slab) 14. #5 rebar @ 16 “ O.C 15. reinforced concrete slab 16. 1/2 “ thick glass for railing 17. Operable glazing 18. Mechanical system 19. Fixed window 20. r adiant heating system 21. Corrugated steel ( C- Channels)

structural logic- the building geometry of the surface is based upon a ruled surface. ruled surface is the idea that every point is a straight line and when the lines are connected from end to end in a series they create the surface. the ruled surface not only creates the surface but when it is subdivided into smaller surfaces it creates a grid. the grid of the surface becomes its structure. the grid makes the structure more rigid, and allows it to resist lateral loads. since the lines derived from the subdivided surfaces are all straight lines the surface has no problem transferring loads from the various floors above. the structure provides an exoskeleton for mechanical, skin, and electrical systems to attach to.
61 654321789101112131415162120191817

62 a s neighboring countries, the united s tates and Mexico share a deep history that is characterized by a vivid mix of cultures constantly exchanging ideas, work, land, and people. Located at the epicenter of this ongoing cultural infusion is the border separating the two countries which acts as a semi permeable membrane allowing a limited amount of trade to occur across this threshold. t hrough the study of the controversial relationship the two countries have with one another, a relation to neuron systems was made specifically referencing the knowledge that neurons are able to zap messages to other neurons without physical interaction taking place. t he concept was implemented into the design of interior spaces which allow for two separate territories to inhabit one building with shared spaces and level changes that provoke indirect interactions. a blurring of the separation of the countries occurs on the site through interlocking program which makes the current border obsolete and presents an indistinguishable border, intertwining the countries instead of separating them. Re.Connect

64 1

1. s ections - express the inner connectivity of the atrium.
2. Formal breakdown- a pattern is extracted from a photo of a system of neurons. From there the form is created through selecting parts of the pattern with relation to the site. it is then distributed throughout the site, expanding and contracting and blending the two sides, creating a seamless border 2
65 N


1. spatial integration- to strengthen the initial concept of indirect communication, the project incorporates spaces that become manipulations of the border, allowing interaction to occur while still in the confinements of each country’s own territory. these spaces are created by varying floor heights and interlocking programs as well as outdoor atriums which incorporate a vertical connection linking the floors and their respective countries. atrium spaces such as the one shown illustrate an intimate environment in which both countries are allowed access to and can see each other through glass enclosures.
ground floor s econd floor third floor
hot air exits the atrium Cool air enters the space
u s double height spaces Mexico double height spaces
atrium - Behaves like a buffer zone between spaces cooling the building through natural ventilation
2. system in action- the atrium spaces are created to not only cause a connection between the u s and Mexico territories but it also acts as a natural ventilation system by allowing the cool air to enter the spaces and releasing the hot air out of the building.
67 dividing wall - the wall divides the territories of u s and Mexico but connects them through integrated spaces. double height spaces- the double height spaces are used as a connector for connecting the programs separated by the wall. By creating double height spaces individuals can be in the same space but on different levels.

68 a voronoi pattern was then imposed onto the site and through methods of deduction; a plan was formulated to determine where program, circulation, atrium spaces, and voids would occupy on the site. the shapes of programs were then limited to practicality, avoiding sharp angles or virtually unusable spaces. the circulation of the buildings allow for passage of Mexican citizens onto united states land via river overpass but their programs remain separate from that of the united states.


thickened structure- the structure is broken down into a thickened shell like design. Within the shell like structure all of the primary, secondary and tertiary structures work as one integrated system to distribute loads of forces evenly.
steel panel structure 2” steel panel 4” steel plate aboltsngled plates steel rods steel blocks

exterior steel panel steel plate steel rods steel blocks interior steel panel
Benifits of structure - the design of this structure aids in the understanding of how weather conditions in tijuana, Mexico relate to the concept of reconnection. since the climate of tijuana is dry and desert-like, the double bi-layer caused by the structure helps to regulate a cooler environment.
72 t he Bir tawil, located on the border between s udan and e gypt, is considered the most undesired territory of land in the world. s ince the land has no direct access to water, the surrounding countries, e gypt and s udan, do not want to claim it. For either of them to claim Bir tawil would be to relinquish their claim to the hala’ib triangle, an area of land closest to the r ed s ea. p roblems concerning this territory include: lack of access to water, vegetation, and dry, hot climate. Bir tawil is a land-locked area approximately 400 miles from the r ed s ea, the nearest body of water. its dry land consists of no vegetation or existing plant life, making it deemed useless. By creating a landscraper/skyscraper hybrid, our building, t he hyrdra, will enable a water filtration system connecting through the r ed s ea, in order to create a sustainable, living environment. By filtering water from the r ed s ea into fresh, drinkable water, this will allow life to exist in this area. Hydra

74 RRKSYSCAPE LAND SCRAPER Formal Concept RRKSYSCAPE LAND SCRAPER Formal Concept in order to achieve this synthesis between a sky scraper and a land scraper the building begins to bend. as this occurs it becomes one cohesive gesture. in the year 2050, the intervention that was manifested between egypt and sudan, will generate a new cohesive environment for both parties to benefit from. the connection between the red sea and Bir tawil, will become a monolithic water filtration skyscraper that will convert salt water into fresh water. the process of converting salt water to freshwater, will continuously provide many possibilities for humans to take charge. some of the possible impacts that will occur include creating source of life for vegetation around the site, increase in human activity around the space, and it will be used as a resource in the buildings. the water feature within the Bir tawil will become a tourist attraction. the tourists will generate revenue for both parties, giving egypt and sudan the economic needs to rebuild the countries’ infrastructures.

75 Red Sea Egypt Bir Tawil Sudan 1 2 3 Vegetation 4 5 Bir tawil is located between egypt and sudan. it is an unwanted, undesired area by both parties. the intervention is to connect the red s ea to Bir tawil and bring water towards the site through a land scraper. the landscaper will not only bring water to Bir tawil, but it will convert the salt water from the red s ea into fresh water. Once freshwater fills the site, it allows vegetation to grow. it gives individuals the opportunity to expand in greenscapes. as population of citizens rises, the demand for living will increase as well. Manifestations of roads, infrastructures, parks and everything that is essential for a city to thrive will take place. this gives the once abandoned site between egypt and sudan a compromising place of relaxation getaway. it will become a large tourist attraction for both parties, generating revenue for the two countries’ to expand their city. the border between egypt and sudan is blurred. it is thickened up and allows water to infiltrate through its path. as the border between egypt and sudan thickens, it formulates a connection between the red s ea and Bir tawil. Because of this, the border becomes a segway for water filtration to take place. as it reaches Bir tawil, it is filtered to fresh water. Interior space showing skin system and water tower 1 4 5 2 3

76 the hydra building, named for its ability to provide water and “hydrate” a desert oasis, functions similar to the human heart. Conceptually, its design was based off of the different valves and structure of a heart organ. similarly, the hydra pumps water to the different stations, just as a heart pumps water to the different systems throughout the human body. the building has openings that allow filtration of air and light; pores throughout the entire facade open and close when the climate is too warm. solar panels generate power within the infrastructure. since it is a sustainable space, which filters all of its fresh water supply, it allows vegetation to flourish. Connecting the Bir tawil to the red sea through an underground connection enables multiple towers to become linked together, creating a network of structures to allow a faster filtration process.

77 the building acts as a huge thermometer, providing cool temperatures from underwater. the concept of cooling is efficient since it uses the water as a resource in multiple ways. Locate specific seams within the design to create openings. the voids within the building depict it as one continuous space with several interlocking volumes. these volumes are split into different levels which then are connected towards a central interlocking space. Once seams have been located, they are pulled apart to create apertures within the building, connecting the individual and outside components. the towers connect together through a water piping system, thus creating a mega tower. together these linked towers work as a system and fill the site with fresh water at a much faster pace. as water from the red s ea gets filtered to freshwater, it rises up the building and becomes a central water core. this core in return is cooled and used throughout the building.
Cooling spacesVoidsSeamlessconceptexpansionandinterlocking
Tower connectivity s eams

78 Water valves- the water valves pump filtered water into a storage space, known as the freshwater lake. the valves are approximately 10 ft. in diameter and directly fill the site after filtration.
the skyscraper is constructed using hollow, concentric rings that contain punctured holes. these holes enable rods to be inserted and stitch the rings together, which form the structure. the concentric rings being the primary structure, rods act as the support secondary structure, and the substructure in between the rods, is the tertiary element.
Operable windows used for maitanence. Filters with 8 inch grinders on surface. 34

Once water from the red s ea has been filtered, water pumps transport the water to hydropneumatic tanks in vertical and horizontal directions to restaurants, office spaces, and residents, all throughout the building.
stage 3: the purifier the purifier, acts as a cleanser, using heat to generate freshwater. underneath the water, are giant heat pads, approximately 15’ in diameter. these heat pads generate warmth up to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the ideal boiling point of salt water. as the water begins to boil, it creates condensation, thus beginning the conversion process. Located above the water is a massive tray; when enough condensation occurs, it will allow freshwater to be filled. stage 4: the Cooler the Cooler uses the surface area of the container as a skin to cool the water. the components that wrap around the container cool the water down to 65-70 degrees. the degree set is vital because it will kill any growing bacteria within the water. the solar panels are arranged towards the south side where the most amount of light takes place. it acts as a generator, providing power for the entire building through sunlight.
1: the Collector the Collector accumulates all waste from the ocean. Wastes such as such as plastic bags, paper, bottles and other human waste may be found within the sea waters. aside from human waste, other things that may clog the pipe are seaweed and other sea plants. as these things get trapped within the pipe, it causes the water to become polluted. therefore, massive filters are placed in order to stop it from passing further down during the filtration process. Once enough waste has been gathered, researchers open the operable glass, located on the pipe, and remove it. the seaweed and plants may be used throughout the commercial part of the building. stage 2: the Filtrator the Filtrator, will further break down any particles that may cause the water to have a cloudy and discolored appearance. Located on the surface of the filtration valves, are multiple grinders that stretch 8 inches in diameter. as water passes through filter to filter, the grinders further strip away whatever minerals and sediments were further dragged through the water.
79 pumps located all throughout thebuildingstage

Distorted Realities
80 a fter researching consumer behavior, i began to notice that we as consumers are not aware of the journey or process of creating a product. t he parallel reality between where the product is being made, transported, and placed in a retail store for purchase is highlighted through this building space. By adding editions such as reflective panels, the space lends itself to become an exhibition space, creating a link between the consumer and the producer. t he mirrored panels also essentially create a distorted reality that is controlled by the producer. t hus, this building becomes more than a studio space, it becomes an experience.

Formal Generation
Extract elements from truss to implement into the design Extend the curve to form an exagerated Mirrorarc. the arc to form a complete circle Combine the triangle shape with the generated Manipulatecircle the triangles to work around center dowel for rotation.
extract elements from truss to implement into the edesignxtend the curve to form an exagerated arc Mirror the arc to form complete circle Combine the triangle shape with the generated circle Manipulate the triangle to work around the center dowel for rotation

Interior space showing the consumer to producer relationship. The mirrors above the studio spaces give the individuals a first hand experience as to how theyre product becomes executed.
Sections - express the rotational motion and the different manuevers of the panalized mirrors.

1. plan - shows the consumer to producer relationship as they walk across the elevated platform.
2. diagrams - study showing various reflectivity and panalization features of the mechanism above each studio space.

85 ReflectionofArtisanbelow ReflectionofConsumer(selfawareness) Self Realization Realization of oneself through infinite space 3 DimensionalArtisan Realization A A Section AA Realization of oneself through infinite space 3 Dimensional space with mirrors A A Section AA Realization of oneself through infinite space 3 Dimensional space with mirrors Self Realization Realization of oneself through infinite spaceArtisan Realization21

87 dispL aC ed agrarian Model photography by: Joshua White LuM ines C enC e MOdu L arity
In collaboration with: Chadi Hakim re .COnne C t
In collaboration with: Kelly Ta hydra In collaboration with: Omar Preciado editOria L design Co-designed with: Sareen Davidian
aelian’s design philosophy is driven from his passion for progressive architects such as: r em koolhaas, Bjarke i ngles, and Coy howard. a rchitecture is essentially a building. however, by making the space more personal and intimate, aelian attempts to create a lasting impression to the general public who experiences his work. “a rchitecture is an aesthetic experience which is created through ones interaction of sensory perception and personal values. a rchitecture is not just a building, but it is an experience.”
88 g evo aelian is an architecture graduate with a motivation for innovating social change by using available resources, knowledge, and technical skills. he designs spaces that encourage the progression of the human condition and influence the state of our environment. aelian aspires to create concepts that the common individual may relate to by making his designs and spaces more personalized and understandable. he strives to produce projects that are simple enough to where the overall concept can be illustrated diagrammatically; but complex enough to derive spatial depth as it shows an experience.
About the Designer