Gluten Free Canada Magazine 2020 Issue

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2020 gluten-free canada | 2020

04 The Secret Celiac Benefit of Vegan Restaurants 08 7 Ways to Evaluate the Quality of Gluten-free Certifications 12 Oh! Naturals: Do what you love and love what you do 14 Hemp Seeds 16 Seven Best Gluten-Free Snacks for College Students 34 A Meetup Group for Children Living With Celiac Disease 36 Celiac Support Groups are an Important Part of the Healing Process. 38 Delicious & Refreshing Green Smoothie Bowl Recipe

2019 Product of the Year 22 Baked Goods & Pastries



26 Health and Wellness AR

28 Pantry Items



24 Breads




32 Snack Foods



30 Prepared Food



The Secret Celiac Benefit of Vegan Restaurants Tamir Barzilai CEO & CO-FOUNDER OF HONEYCOMB.AI

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My prediction, September 30 th 2019: By December 31st 2020, Celiac restaurant goers will know exactly which restaurants are “gluten-faux”, 100% gluten-free, or restaurants with dedicated gluten-free food preparation methods. Furthermore, they will be able to discover this information within seconds of searching for a restaurant on the web. Allow me to explain.

THE ELUSIVE CELIAC-NIRVANA You’ve made plans since Tuesday. Finally, Friday comes along and you can’t wait to meet with your friends who you haven’t seen for at least two months. Work has been stressful and all you can think about is the restaurant you’re going to tonight. Good friends. Good food. Good times. But there’s a lingering anxiety that you’ve forgotten about until now. Work has been so busy that you didn’t have a chance to double check the restaurant’s menu. It should be fine – I mean, your friend said they looked at the menu and they have tons of gluten free options. What could go wrong… Let’s take a step back for a second. This can go a couple ways. The first scenario: we get to the restaurant, view the menu, find a gluten-free tagliatelle pasta option, and when we place our order with the server and double check regarding cross

contamination procedures, he looks at you like a deer in headlights. The second scenario goes the same, except when you ask your server about their gluten-free preparation methods, they explain to you that they serve Celiac customers often and take special measures to prepare food separately. The first scenario plays like a bad dream, and unfortunately, it’s a dream that makes up many of the restaurant experiences you have – you’ve gambled with glutenroulette before and lived to tell the tale. The second scenario is music to your years. When staff is educated on the severity of Celiac gluten restriction, life is bliss. You have achieved what I like to call “Celiac nirvana”- the emotional and physical detachment from fear, anxiety, and worry…at least for 30 minutes while you gobble down that tagliatelle.


A BY-PRODUCT OF THE RISE OF VEGANISM So, you might ask, how do achieve this elusive “Celiac nirvana” at more restaurants? Keep reading below. At my company Honeycomb, we work with restaurants every single day to educate them on the differences between simply serving “gluten-free” items (which really should be called “gluten-faux”) and “celiac friendly” items (which require their respective food preparation methods). You can’t serve “gluten-free” fish and chips if you’re using the exact same deep fryer for flour-battered fish and chips. The truth is, we’re seeing more 100% gluten-free restaurants opening lately than ever before. While it is unfortunate that auto-immune conditions like Celiac disease are on the rise, it is promising to see entrepreneurs and businesses becoming more tuned in to customer needs and demands. However, you might ask yourself, why would restaurants care? In terms of size, diagnosed Celiac customers are an insignificant portion of the population. You’d be right to think this. There’s a not-so secret force driving this change. Vegans. What if I told you that adding Beyond Burgers and Daiya Cheese to menus actually increase the likelihood of restaurants becoming more accommodating to Celiacs? Honeycomb is currently preparing a market report that suggests this exact trend. Customers are not only demanding plant-based options, they also want to know the ingredients and allergens of every dish. A by-product of becoming a vegan restaurant results in attracting customers with severe egg, dairy, and shellfish allergies to name a few.

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There’s a not-so secret force driving this change: Vegans.

Many vegan restaurants are becoming beacons for those with dietary issues and restrictions, which includes Celiacs. In Vancouver, Honeycomb already helps restaurants display their dietary information by automating menu item recommendations based on customer requests. You can try it for yourself by clicking “Filter menu by Diet” on Tractor Foods, Virtuous Pie, or Gobble websites. We also work with the BC chapter of the CCA, creating a celiac-friendly restaurant directory for their members to browse.

As mentioned above, my prediction is that by December 31 st 2020, it won’t be so hard to go out to eat as a Celiac anymore. We specialize in the classification of restaurants, food preparation methods, and ingredients. Restaurants and customers are clearly interested in making this information transparent, and having that information available digitally will transform the way we search for food. In the not too distant future, all you’ll have to do is ask Alexa or Siri the next time you want to go out to eat. In the meantime, download the Honeycomb app on the App Store or Google Play to find Celiac-friendly restaurants near you. ◆

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7 Ways to Evaluate the Quality of Gluten-free Certifications Laura K. Allred PH.D., REGULATORY MANAGER, GLUTEN INTOLERANCE GROUP

Take a trip down the health food aisle of most grocery stores and you’re sure to find products labeled as certified gluten-free. What you may not realize is that there’s a world of difference in the meaning behind those product labels. The Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) regularly gets questions from consumers and manufacturers wanting to know what to look for in a gluten-free certification. This knowledge is essential because the quality and approach to certification vary widely and the consequences of contamination can be devastating for consumers and food manufacturers alike. Most developed countries have some kind of gluten-free regulations, but there’s no centralized way to certify something that’s gluten-free. This has led to a few different approaches. For example, one method certifies the management system of the manufacturing plant. This method

places emphasis on documentation and record-keeping. A second method not only certifies the management system, it also certifies a manufacturer’s products or services. Under this approach, the certification includes testing of products and, in some cases, ingredients. Another critical difference in certifications has to do with the standards an organization uses to evaluate food manufacturers. Some certifications follow the model set by the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), which is looking at catching issues before the food leaves the plant. Other certifications adopt standards that are more in line with the Food Safety Manufacturing Act (FSMA) where the approach is about prevention. Last but not least, there’s the issue of accreditation of the certifying organization. Certification bodies that certify management systems only will pursue ISO 17021 accreditation. Organizations that certify the actual products in addition to management systems will be accredited to ISO 17065.


If all these distinctions are making your head spin, keeping the following pointers in mind will help you understand the differences in gluten-free certification:


Look for a consumer-focused certification. A certification that hasn’t built consumer trust has little value. For consumers, look for a

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certification that is run by a consumer support organization that has a history of advocating for the gluten-free community. For manufacturers, earning consumer trust is one of the main reasons behind getting certified, so work with an organization that has years of trust built up with consumers.

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Get independent confirmation. Manufacturers have leeway when it comes to designing food labels, and some will advertise their products as certified gluten-free without ever going through an audit by an independent assessor. Relying on a certification organization that is accredited by a third party is critical. Beware of systems where food manufacturers pay a certifying organization to use their logo without having to do any kind of site-based assessment or product testing.

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Put the product first. Go for a certification that tests the products over those that solely look at management systems. Productbased certifications not only look at documentation and record-keeping, but also entail retail surveillance and testing. By opting for a product approach to certification, you’re getting the best of both worlds.


Accreditation type makes a difference. If you really want a quality gluten-free certification that you can trust, look for one that is ISO 17065 accredited. You want that ISO 17065 accreditation because it’s the only framework that requires certification programs to perform regular surveillance (testing) of their certified products. Additionally, ISO 17065 accredited certification programs are being checked


that they certify all products using the same criteria, whether they are produced by a small mom-and-pop business or a corporate enterprise. When you are looking at certifications that are ISO 17065 accredited, you can make apples to apples comparisons of products.

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Be proactive. Catching contaminated gluten-free products before they hit the shelves is good, but preventing contamination from occurring in the first place is even better. When evaluating certifications, look for a standard with a proactive approach to preventing gluten contamination.


Prove it with testing. Certifications can evaluate processes all day long, but unless they’re requiring manufacturers to test equipment, ingredients and products, along with doing their own retail surveillance, you’re basically taking someone’s word that food products are gluten-free.


Experience makes a difference. For manufacturers, creating an environment that minimizes the potential for gluten contamination can be a challenge. Obtaining expert guidance can make the difference between having truly gluten-free products and enduring the financial and reputational damage of a recall. Look for a certification scheme developed by an organization with a lot

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of experience with gluten free consumer needs, and many years of auditing gluten free manufacturers. Evaluating certifications can be a challenge even when you know what to look for. A lot of certifications don’t publish their standards online, so your best bet may be to contact the certifying organization or the food manufacturer. Knowing what to look for and doing due diligence will go a long way to ensuring that the “certified gluten-free” labels on your food products are worth more than the paper they’re printed on.

Laura Allred is the regulatory manager for the nonprofit Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG). Allred’s experience includes a background in immunology and eight years of directing a food testing laboratory and test kit manufacturing operation. GIG’s food safety certification programs, the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO) and Gluten-Free Food Services (GFFS), have been recognized leaders in the gluten-free community for more than 20 years. The GFCO certification logo is the symbol of trust for the gluten-free community, with more than 40,000 products certified worldwide. For more information, visit ◆`


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Rhonda Goldberg is the founder of Oh! Naturals Flavoured Snacks Inc. — specializing in Flavoured Banana chips and Flavoured Sweet Potatoes. Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, she is a branding expert who helps companies craft their brands and turning their visions into reality. All brands start with a story, says Rhonda, and her job is to help tell them. Over the years, she has pioneered many companies’ brands to market, and in the past 8 years, she decided to create her own product to give lend credence to what she does for others. To this end she developed a fruit and vegetable snack company called Oh! Naturals! She saw the need for a healthy, vegan, and naturally healthy snack food in the Canadian market, and within 24 months Oh! Naturals flavoured banana chips and

flavoured Sweet Potato fries can be found in major national and international retail locations across Canada. In 2019 Oh! Naturals expanded their snacks into Japan, Korea and working on expansion into Europe. As a result of her successes, she has the honour of sitting on the board on the Health Advisory board at SAIT to help guide students towards a healthy future. Making a difference in people’s lives from both a business and customer perspective is what drives Rhonda forward. Growing up as child who was sick eating became a challenge. Today she has made Oh! Naturals Flavoured Banana chips and flavoured Sweet Potato fries that satisfy your crunch and hunger. Offering healthier snacks turn into healthier lives. Learn more at ◆ 13

Hemp Seeds Jess Pirnek


Hemp seeds have officially made their mainstream supermarket debut over the last few years, and as super as they are, they historically have not been safe for people with celiac disease or anyone intolerant to gluten‌until now!

ingredients themselves do not contain gluten, Hemp Yeah! Plant Protein Blend cannot currently be certified gluten free due to the potential for very low levels of foreign seed contamination (ex. wheat kernels) from the field where these crops were grown.

Manitoba Harvest What are hemp seeds? Hemp Hearts are now Hemp seeds come gluten-free! Back in A great source of from the industrial November of 2018 hemp plant. However, Fresh Hemp Foods Ltd. omega 3 & omega 6 this hemp plant will released a statement not affect the brain fatty acids. claiming that their like other types of facilities have met all cannabis plants as it has the requirements of the been bred to contain Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP) low levels (0.3%) of THC, which is the and that selected products (Hemp hearts, prohibited and active component of Hemp protein powders, and Hemp seed marijuana. So, you can enjoy hemp seeds oil) have all been tested for gluten. At just like any other seed or nut. this point in time, Hemp hearts are the only product with a certified gluten free It is time to jump on the hemp heart claim. While hemp, peas, and the other train! Hemp hearts are a great source of gluten-free canada

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the anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acid and they also contain a special omega 6 fatty acid called gamma-linoleic acid, or GLA. GLA is special because it is both anti-inflammatory and thought to be beneficial for women’s health. Hemp seeds are also jam-packed with protein — just three tablespoons of hemp seeds have about 10 grams of protein. Hemp seeds are also packed with minerals that are often lacking in a hyper-processed diet, like magnesium. Magnesium is a calming mineral and important for the relaxation of smooth muscle, making it an important part of keeping your blood pressure healthy in addition to supporting blood sugar balance. As part of their heart healthy benefits, hemp hearts also contain plant sterols which help lower cholesterol. Hemp seeds also contain a reasonable amount of iron and energizing manganese. Not only are hemp seeds great for our health but they are also great for the planet! Hemp can be grown in a variety of climates and soil types and we are lucky to have it grown right here in Canada. As it grows quickly and like a “weed”, this decreases the need for most pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides and also means hemp requires less water compared to most other crops. So by eating hemp, you are gaining your nutrition from an efficient, eco-friendly source and most likely supporting Canadian farmers when you do so! If you are looking for a good source of protein to add to your morning smoothies, then hemp hearts are for you. Try adding 3 tablespoons of hemp hearts which can provide almost as much protein as two eggs. Or sprinkle hemp seeds into your next salad dressing or even in your hummus! ◆


Seven Best Gluten Free Snacks for College Students gluten-free canada

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When you’re a college student, you have so much going on during the day. It’s hard enough to keep up with your schedule and all the studying, let alone take care of what you eat. Eating a healthy diet is not a top priority for most college students. However, for those who have celiac disease or are gluten intolerant, thinking about what they eat is a must.


Since snacking is one of many students’ favorite activities, it would be great to have gluten-free snack available nonstop. The snacks you buy aren’t the worst idea, but there are also simple snack ideas you can make yourself. If you’re in need of some inspiration or are curious to learn about healthy snack options, just keep reading.

Popcorn is a great snack you can eat as much as you like. The best way to eat it is a snack is to combine it with some gluten-free add is such as:

Here are 7 best gluten-free snacks college students can buy or prepare quickly and easily. 1. SWEET POTATO CHIPS Who doesn’t like potatoes? And sweet potato chips can be an excellent snack for those days when you’re super exhausted and don’t think you can keep up any longer. Sweet potatoes are:

• gluten-f ree

For most people sensitive to gluten, popcorn is completely harmless since it’s made of corn and corn doesn’t contain any gluten. However, be careful about which brand you choose to avoid cross-contaminated products.

• dried f ruit • dark chocolate • f resh herbs such as basil or garlic • cinnamon • f resh bananas Create your own popcorn fantasy snack and enjoy it as much as you like. 3. EGG SANDWICH AND FRESH SALAD A quick and healthy snack can be nutritious and needs to help you last until your next meal. Eggs are extremely nutritious and great for those moments you need a quick fixer. You can make a great egg sandwich snack in less than 10 minutes:

• nutritious

• boil two eggs

• rich in vitamin A

• slice them up

• great for blood pressure

• put them on a couple of pieces of gluten-f ree bread

• low in calories You can bake them in the oven and make a healthy salad or gluten-free sauce on the side. It’s easy to make and it makes you full.

• add some cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, paprika or any other f resh salad you like You’ll have no trouble preparing this snack and it may become one of your favorites. 17

4. OATMEAL AND WHAT NOT When produced, packed and transported properly, oats are completely gluten-free. This means you need to be careful about choosing a reliable brand of gluten-free oats.

butter granola bars. Make a batch and eat it the entire week. The ingredients you’ll need are simple:

• peanut butter • oats

Instant oats are great as a snack for students because they are: •

rich in phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamin B1 & B5


rich in antioxidants

improve blood sugar control

• oat flour • honey • brown sugar • add-ins and extracts

In addition, you can always make a new version of your oatmeal snack by adding different gluten-free ingredients such as:

Go for a no-bake recipe and see how little time you’ll need for something so yummy and fun. 6. CAPRESE SALAD

• Greek yogurt

If you feel like going for something really healthy then a Caprese salad is the way to go.

• nuts

All you need is the three basic ingredients:

• f resh or dried f ruit

• seeds

• tomato

• herbs

• basil

• spices

• mozzarella cheese

It’s an endless source of inspiration and pleasure and a tasty snack for every occasion. 5. PEANUT BUTTER GRANOLA BARS Energy is important. Science projects, college academic writing or exam preparation can be exhausting. That’s why you need something strong and nutritious as a snack. If you don’t have the time to make snacks very often, go for the good old peanut

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Try out different types of tomatoes and cheese until you find your own perfect Caprese recipe. Keep in mind that tomatoes are great because they: •

protect the blood vessels

protect from cardiovascular diseases

are a source of antioxidants

You’ll be able to enjoy and do go for your body, at the same time.

7. APPLE CRISPS Preparing a snack doesn’t go any easier than apple crisps. This one-ingredient gluten-free snack is a life-saver for the hungry students who don’t have the time or the will to spend more than 5 minutes in the kitchen. All you have to do to prepare this snack is to:

• slice the apples into thin slices • arrange them on a baking tray • heat the oven • bake Naturally, you can combine these snack with a cup of hot tea or coffee, cinnamon, sugar or other kinds of dried fruit. FINAL THOUGHTS Students need to keep their minds focused on their studies, projects, lessons, and homework. Preparing complicated snacks is definitely not an option. The recipes above are perfectly manageable regardless of your experience in the kitchen. Use these ideas to prepare a healthy, simple, and delicious gluten-free snack for yourself or your fellow students. Eat healthily and keep your mind sharp and your body energized. ◆













2019 PRODUCT OF THE YEAR gluten-free canada

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• Baked Goods & Pastries • Breads • Health & Wellness • Pantry Items • Prepared Food • Snack Foods BY BENJAMIN YONG


Duinkerken Foods: Cheddar Cheese Biscuit Mix CATEGORY: Baked Goods & Pastries, (Non-Bread) COMPANY NAME: Duinkerken Foods PRODUCT: Cheddar Cheese Biscuit

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There’s no shortage of gluten free breads, pastas and pastries on the market today, which is great news for people sensitive or allergic to the controversial protein. Many of the aforementioned, however, often miss the mark when attempting to recreate the texture and mouth feel of the so-called “real thing.” Fortunately, Duinkerken Foods has discovered the secret formula. Hailing all the way from Prince Edward Island, the company is family owned and specializes in allergen free baking mixes. Established in 2005, everything started when president and CEO Brenda van Duinkerken, an avid baker, was diagnosed with celiac disease a decade earlier. Not loving the selection of gluten-free items available at the time, she spent the next several years developing the wide range of healthy and great-tasting recipes now sold across the country. The Cheddar Cheese Biscuit Mix is a perfect example. Almost everything needed is included in the box except


four tablespoons of oil, half a O F TH E cup of cheddar cheese and a YE AR little butter and water. Simply combine all the ingredients, bake for 20-22 minutes and out of the oven come golden, fluffy biscuits that are crunchy on the outside and soft and crumbly on the inside. All of Duinkerken’s offerings — like cake, cookie, muffin, pizza mixes and more — are made in a dedicated gluten, wheat, nut, and soy free facility so no matter the dietary restriction, those affected can breath easy. In addition, the non-GMO ingredients contain zero preservatives, artificial colours or flavours and are enriched with essential vitamins and minerals. Look for its products at major stores and retailers like Amazon, IGA, Safeway, and Walmart. Duinkerken also provides commercial services to places like restaurants and hotels, and private label opportunities. More info can found be on the website at ◆


Promise Gluten Free: Rustic White Sourdough Loaf

CATEGORY: Breads COMPANY NAME: Promise Gluten Free PRODUCT: Rustic White Sourdough Loaf

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The fact that Promise Gluten Free has made the trek all the way to North America from Ireland, should say a thing or two about the quality of its baked goods.


One of the most popular items to grace local shores is the fresh Rustic White Sourdough. No, this is not a typo — the loaf isn’t found in the frozen section of the supermarket like most competitors, but rather shipped to store in a special oven-safe bag where the baking process is finished, and then put out to be sold like traditional bread. The result is a crispy crust and a fluffy middle that doesn’t taste like cardboard. Furthermore, because the bag stays sealed throughout, consumers need not worry about cross contamination with neighbouring foods while in the bakery. There are two additional fresh varieties as well: 7-Seed (brown linseed, chia, golden millet, poppy, pumpkin, quinoa, sunflower) Sourdough and Rosemary & Olive Oil Sourdough. Promise only made the jump here and to the US in early 2019, although the Irish brand has been in business for half a century and also exports to the UK and Australia. Boasting the tagline, “The impossibly good gluten-free bakery,” it lays claim to creating the world’s first gluten-free brioche. Other products carried include buns, bagels, rolls, cakes, and muffins. All the breads are wheat, dairy, soy, nut and lactose free, and are high in fibre and low in fat, calories and sugar. Currently in Canada, Promise Gluten Free is available in Sobeys and Metro. Still have questions? Learn more at or email ◆ 25

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Honey Stinger: Organic Energy Chews Fruit Smoothie


CATEGORY: Health & Wellness COMPANY NAME: Honey Stinger PRODUCT: Organic Energy Chews Fruit Smoothie

Chewable energy gummies are nothing new in the supplement market, but finding a truly organic one like Honey Stinger’s, is. Their most popular flavour, Fruit Smoothie, includes real cherry, orange and berry, and is sweetened using organic honey and tapioca syrup rather than sugars made in a lab.

Recommended for use before, during and after physical activity — examples on the packaging cite weightlifting, surfing, running, bull riding and wood chopping as examples — simply tear the easy-open top or bottom of the packet and pop a couple of the yummy chews when warming up, on the go or cooling down.

In fact, 95 per cent of the ingredients are USDA-certified. And why honey? Well the reasons are many, among them deep company roots in beekeeping. The wholesome golden liquid provides a natural form of energy and source of antioxidants.

Consumers will notice that unlike many competitors, Honey Stingers aren’t sticky to the touch (no syrupy fingers!) or overly sweet, but most importantly, taste great without any artificial aftertaste. And they’re gluten, nut, soy and dairy free for everyone to enjoy.

A little more on the history of the Steamboat Springs, Colorado-based business: originally founded in 1954 as ENR-G Foods by Ralph and Luella Gamber (“EN” for energy, “R” for Ralph and “G” for Gamber), one of their first products was a two-ounce packet of honey popular with collegiate wrestlers. EN-R-G was reestablished in 2001 under its new name, Honey Stinger.

Other than Fruit Smoothie, there are several other flavours such as Strawberry, Pomegranate Passionfruit, Cherry Blossom Pink Lemonade, and for a little bit of an extra kick, Caffeinated Cherry Cola containing 32 milligrams of caffeine from white tea. Visit for more information. ◆


San-J: Organic Teriyaki Sauce

CATEGORY: Pantry Items COMPANY NAME: San-J PRODUCT: Organic Teriyaki Sauce

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For the gluten averse, traditional soy sauce is a no-no as one of its ingredients is actually wheat. And the salty condiment isn’t just found in a packet with your takeout sushi, but also in fried rice, chow mein, stews and countless other dishes. San-J Tamari sauces, however, are brewed with 100% soybeans and certified gluten free, kosher and vegan. The Teriyaki flavour is the perfect complement to almost any Asian-inspired recipe. Balancing the rich taste of Tamari with a mild sweetness and a hint of plum juice, ginger and garlic, use a few splashes to provide some instant zing to a stir-fry or even a hamburger or sandwich. Or, as the labelling suggest, it makes an excellent marinade. Before sautéing, steaming or barbecuing, pour into a bowl over meat or seafood and let sit for at least 30 minutes to allow proper absorption. Then cook as desired. A healthier alternative to other off-the-shelf

varieties, there’s no MSG and almost half the sodium of conventional soy sauces. To create this unique gluten-free product, the San-J brewing process is a bit different than the usual as well. First, soybeans are soaked in water and put in large cylindrical steam cookers. They’re then placed in temperature and humidity controlled chambers, followed by salt and water tanks for fermentation over four to six months resulting in “moromi”. Wrapped between layers of cloth, the moromi is pressed, pasteurized, filtered and finally bottled. If you’d like ideas on how to incorporate Teriyaki sauce into future meals, many recipes are conveniently listed at You can even upload your own discoveries on how to use the sauce on the site. There’s also a full listing of the brand’s offerings that included Tamari-flavoured soups and brown rice crackers. ◆ 29

Wholly Veggie! Cauliflower Margherita Pizza CATEGORY: Prepared Foods COMPANY NAME: Wholly Veggie! PRODUCT: Cauliflower Margherita Pizza

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While pizza is — let’s face it — delicious, it can also be a minefield for those with dietary restrictions or who are trying to stay in shape. The good news is in 2020 many companies like Wholly Veggie! exist offering alternatives that taste awfully close to the real thing. Established three years ago by two friends in Toronto, David and John, who say they’re “really into vegetables,” one of their most popular products is a vegan pizza. No, you won’t find any soy masquerading as pepperoni here, but rather just a wholesome pie featuring a crunchy and vitamin C rich cauliflowerbased crust. The Margherita is a fun take on the classic Neapolitan-style pizza, swapping in Earth Island vegan cheese for traditional mozzarella. The pieces melt easily, possess a similar creamy consistency and are made from bamboo fibre, rice flour, corn and potato starch and other natural lactose and casein-free ingredients.


A simple trifecta of tomatoes O F TH E and sauce, white onions and YE AR basil comprise the rest of the toppings. Preparation couldn’t be easier: pop open the box and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes and it’s ready to eat. So why did the two founders create Wholly Veggie!, that in addition to pizzas sell vegan hamburger patties in various sizes? The duo wanted to solve the ageold problem of how to get people averse to the act of peeling, chopping and boiling to eat more vegetables. David was also a new parent at the time and wanted to help create a world with a sustainable food future for the next generation. Aside from Margherita, there is a Kale & Hemp flavour, and for the DIY’ers they can pick up a two-pack of plain crusts to experiment on their own. For a list of retailers, and recipes, check out the website at ◆


Ross Chocolates Milk Chocolate with Quinoa CATEGORY: Snack Foods COMPANY NAME: Ross Chocolates PRODUCT: Milk Chocolate with Quinoa

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Chocolates are a guilty pleasure the world over. But what if there was an option that was still tasty, but didn’t make you feel quite as bad for indulging in one? Enter Ross Chocolates.


The mission of the Coquitlam-based business is to create premium no-sugaradded chocolate for people with diabetes or striving to eliminate sugars from their lives. Products such as Ross’ Stevia Milk with Quinoa Milk Chocolate Bar are nonGMO, gluten-free and made with the natural plant-derived sweetener stevia. There’s up to 17 per cent less calories than comparable conventional treats, and won’t spike blood glucose levels making it suitable for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. Don’t be mistaken — this is not intended as a sub-par substitute for the real thing. Take a bite and savour the smooth, rich flavours of cocoa, coffee and vanilla. The creaminess is offset by the crunchiness from the bits of quinoa sprinkled in. Bob Ross, a chocolate lover diagnosed with diabetes, founded Ross Chocolates in 1995. He spent three years in the kitchen of his Scotch Creek, B.C. home perfecting the recipe before bringing his bars to market. Selling millions over the next 17 years, a new management took over and relocated the production facility to the Lower Mainland in 2015, and since has continued to innovate and grow the brand to this day. In addition to stevia, the company also uses maltitol, a sugar alcohol, in certain items like its Maltitol Dark Almond Chocolate Bar and Maltitol Milk.

Look for the Stevia Milk with Quinoa Milk Chocolate Bar in stores like PriceSmart Foods, Save-On Foods, Whole Foods (B.C.), Shoppers Drug Mart and many other independent grocers, health food stores and specialty chocolate retailers. They’re also available online on More info at: ◆ 33


I am often asked to talk about the celiac kids meetup group that I initiated this year. Why did I do this? Well, when my daughter Alexandra was diagnosed just over two years ago, there were little, to no, resources for children. Immediately following Alexandra’s diagnosis, we took the time we needed to focus on her physical well-being. We also shifted to a gluten-free household, learned how to read labels, figured out ways to keep her as safe as possible at school, etc. During that time, I was aware that paying attention to her mental health was a big part of the picture as well. The burden of living celiac disease is something that is not often openly talked about; however, I strongly feel that it should not be overlooked. At certain times of life, this burden may be felt more strongly that others. I began to ask myself how living with celiac disease might impact a child? It turns out I didn’t have to search for answers for too long because my daughter started to share her feelings about this with

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me. Alexandra is the only student at her school who is living with celiac disease. There is no question that because of her diagnosis, she grew up faster than she otherwise would have had to. She learned early on what it feels like to be the kid who always brings her own food to birthday parties, the school cafeteria, special lunch days, etc. I imagined her experiences and feelings were not that different from what other children were facing and I asked myself if there was something I could do to help her and other children living with celiac disease. I believe we all look to find our people: people who reflect something about ourselves back to us, people who we feel we have something in common with and people who are like us. So, it became clear that for her and for other children living with celiac disease, it would be an uplifting and positive experience to meet and over time, get to know each other. While the kids meetup group is not a support group, it does offer children living with celiac disease the opportunity to connect with each other and it does

Authentically made organic cheese and butter See the mention «Gluten free» on the back of our packaging Certified Organic by : OCQV

therefore support them in this way. It is also lovely for parents to come together to support these very positive experiences for our children. I would love nothing more than to see this group grow over time. The more children who attend, the stronger the group will be and the more impact it will have. I have reached out to other meetup groups in Canada and in the United States. Every group has started small. And most start out just like this one. If

we continue to come out and support each other, we can add more resources and help more children who are growing up with celiac disease feel less isolated and part of a greater community of peers who support each other through positive peer interactions. We would love for every child to come out to our quarterly meetups and we look forward to seeing you there! Look for our announcements on social media, in our emails, in facebook groups, etc. Please feel free to email me at ◆



Celiac disease is life changing, and with that many questions arise. The Canadian Celiac Association, British Columbia. is here to provide support to anyone impacted by Celiac Disease and/ or gluten sensitivity. Our Celiac support groups consist of people with similar experiences and concerns. And these support groups provide individuals with a safe place to discuss their condition, as well as ask questions they may have and also gain knowledge on their condition. The support groups were created to encourage, support and comfort those living with the disease, allowing them to recognize that they are not alone and that there are people here to help.

gluten-free canada

| 2020

Celiac support groups are an important part of the healing process Benefits of joining our support group:

1. The group gives you the opportunity to share personal experiences and feelings including your story, your fears and your successes 2. Realization that you’re not alone. Individuals often feel encouraged to gain control of their disease, and learn how to best live with it. It is comforting to be in a room and know that others share the same challenges, and that they understand what you are facing. 3. A platform to express your feelings: Sharing emotions and life circumstances with the group create a feeling of comfort. No-one is judgmental, and others in the group will listen and praise you for your courage and openness. 4. Knowledge: We offer a lot of tips and resources for those living with celiac disease. Answers to questions like, what to do and what not to do? What to eat and what not to? Things to look for when going shopping, how to manage the kitchen when sharing with family members who are not living gluten free.

5. Hope: It’s powerful when you see others in the group who are further along their road to feeling better and healthier. Success stories have a positive impact on our lifestyle. 6. Increase self-understanding: As you learn more effective ways to manage, transitioning into a GF lifestyle becomes easier, you’ll feel more confident and this is a positive sign of progress being made. 7. Support others: Help others who are newly diagnosed in the group to grow and make progress, giving back the support that you received when you first joined. Others will be positively affected by hearing about your successes and your kind, caring nature. You’ll also notice you feel better when you are able to help someone else. Overall, the support group is an enjoyable and rewarding experience, and should definitely be considered as an important part of ones healing process. ◆


Delicious & Refreshing Green Smoothie Bowl Recipe INGREDIENTS

• 1 cup of spinach or kale • ½ cup of frozen mango pieces • ½ cup of frozen pineapple chunks • 1 banana (frozen or not), in pieces • 1 orange, peeled and quartered • 4 cubes of Evive’s Yogi Smoothie • ¼ cup of shelled hemp seeds (must be certified gluten-free to reduce risk of cross contamination) • fresh mint leaves (optional) • 2-3 pieces of fresh ginger (optional) • ½ to 1 cup of plant-based milk (depending on the desired texture)

gluten-free canada

| 2020

It’s the beginning of March, and we’re finally starting to feel Spring approaching in the snowy city of Montreal. The sun shines a little longer each day, the ice and snow are slowly melting, and we may be feeling more energized. If you’re like many of the people in our community, you may be trying to transition your eating habits from the heavy winter foods towards lighter, nutritious meals that incorporate lots of fruits and vegetables. This delicious and refreshing green smoothie bowl recipe is such a great breakfast or lunch since it’s wellbalanced. You’ll enjoy the high dose of vitamins from the green veggies, as well as the good amount of protein found in the hemp seeds. Top it all off with your favourite toppings and get nourished! Find more delicious vegan recipes at ◆


1. In a blender, add the spinach and the rest of the ingredients. Start with ½ cup vegetable milk and adjust if necessary. 2. If you’re only using frozen fruits (mango, pineapple, banana), wait 5-10 minutes before mixing everything in order to let the fruit thaw slightly. 3. If necessary, scrape the edges of the blender with a spatula and blend again. 4. Pour into a bowl and garnish with our favourite toppings (granola, fresh fruit, seeds, nuts, fresh mint, etc.) Fun Fact: Did you know that Yogi flavour is one of the very first 3 flavours ever created by Evive? Bursting with its sweet taste of bananas and pears, it’s no wonder why it’s a fan favourite!


Gluten Free Hasn’t Tasted This Good Low Carb


High Fibre



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