KSU Cares 1990

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Holton Hall Manhattan,Kansas66506-1303 913-5324432

€f,DA4E rnfivER€tTg October



ciancarlo Filartiga 414 Poyntz Ave.. #608 Manhattan, KS 66502 Dear elancarlo3 Thank you for volunteerlng to help lrlth the K-State progran. CareE Calling lle successfully contacted 48t of those students called. I realize hov occupied you are at Xstate, perEon who nakeg the but it is alwayE the involved bes! volunteer. A6 you knov, attrition for the new studen; is nost proqratn lE severe during the first six rrreeks, Our calling philosophy structured around a hunan-centered nanely, personal concern fron a peer student. the purpose of the calllng script i6 a recognition of the stressful transltion often experienced by entering students. Personal contact through each call nay nean the difference between dropping or persisting, Your part in aII of this nay bring a new Etudent nuch needed success. I appreciate the hard work and the tine you dedicated. It r,rould be ny pleasure to work vith you again next year, if you choae to volunteer. Thank you again for reinforcing a positive undergraduate experience. slncerely,

Annita Huff coordinator, AH/dav





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