Colour Legacy Art Portfolio

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by: George Frederick Nash

by: George Frederick Nash

I Gather to learn from legacy.

D e d i c a t i o n

I honor God He created me to be creative. Without His guidance, truth will not be revealed.

Artist Statement:

This art series is featured in my poetry book “The Gathering of My Leaves”. It is a series of compositions that is inspired by the leaf. This work is a journey through the emotions of my spirit.

Copyright © 2013 George Frederick Nash . All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Table of contents: The Guide.....................................




Pure Vessel...................................


Strange Cargo...............................


Family Tree...................................




Gorgeous Star...............................


Tag Your It.....................................


Butterfly Flow................................


Piano Leaves.................................


Warrior’s Groove...........................


Relevant Rhythm...........................


Title: The Guide Medium: Mixed Media

Composition Two Three By: George Frederick Nash

In the field of plush green grass The guide protects the herd Leading them to the cool waters of the lake While listening to the reviving song of the birds Directing them down the right path That their ancestors once marched Walking where the river stood Fearing nothing in the dark Reaching the place of bountiful crops With wolves standing there only to see The shepherd placing great value upon their heads Releasing the herd in an environment to be free

Title: evolution Medium: Mixed Media

Planted By The Water By: George Frederick Nash

Down by the river Where the sun kisses the water And the water hugs the ground A seed is planted, Blessed with a glorious Crown. Planted in such rich fertilized soil, That its legacy has planned it to become royal. As this seed grows and takes strong root, It experiments with life's textures and rhythms Looking for the spirit of truth. These veins of life have stated purpose, Beginning to reveal its thick trunk above the surface. The large stature that has appeared to some Has allowed them to think that they know the beat of his drum. A powerful body reaching for the sky, Looking for things that won't leave his skin dry. Branching out so far and wide, Providing shade and relief for those who wish to ride. Bearing fruit of beautiful inspiration, That feed legacy's future foundation. Feeding those who have not been fed, Giving life to those things that once were dead. Down by the river Where the sun kisses the water, And the water hugs the ground, A tree has grown Revealing its powerful Crown. This is His evolution, An evolution that can not be read, The evolution of Fred.

Title: Pure vessel Medium: Mixed Media

The Vessel Of Purpose By: George Frederick Nash

I am a vessel of purpose Ministering with Godly tools Of color, texture, rhythm, and rhyme Broadcasting the pure message Of the Shepherd kind.

Title: Strange cargo Medium: Mixed Media

Alien Color Man By: George Frederick Nash

The ship has landed to deliver its cargo. Packages with great economic value That generate new power and money in an infant land. This strange cargo, with no voice Is picked over like a farmer picks his land. Examining their dark rich color. Feeling their powerful firm muscles. All the while not knowing that this alien package Is taking in all that it can view. Plotting the escape from a land It never wanted to see.

Title: family tree Medium: Mixed Media


By: George Frederick Nash In the rich fertilized genius, A seed Unknowingly planted Take root in the wealthy black soil. Broken and plowed Seeds are cultivated, Planning to become royal. Bringing forth the strong root Of unbreakable knowledge Giving witness to this budding tree. The genesis of this genius growth Is not seen Is not heard But is felt Hoping to be set free.

Title: N-word

Medium: Mixed Media

That Word

By: George Frederick Nash That word Has been moving through time Uninhibited Free to kill yours and mine. That word Has raped God given names Rewritten society to make an economic claim. That word Is the foundation of social depression. Stilling graves where whole cultures have no reflection. That word Is cannibalizing humanity's beautiful mind Causing so many to become mentally blind. That word Has assassinated youthful glory Creating an allusion of published poetry That word Objective is to create a worthless condition Devaluing the principles of love and compassion. That word With its aggressive attitude, Pulls down the soul's wonderful high aptitude. That word Has rooted itself so deeply in our culture, That it is out-growing our fragile future. That word Has mis-educated us, Convinced so many to return to the back of the bus.

Title: gorgeous star Medium: Mixed Media

Abstract Mind

By: George Frederick Nash To be Abstract Is to seek revolution Learning everyday How to step outside Normal confusion. Battling with a world that is torn A world that is trying so hard To get you to conform. The abstract nature of your gorgeous star Yearns to fly high to Get you out of this worldly jar. The abstract mind is never in a common place It frustrates people because It won't stay in a normal space. Watching everything To find interpretation To connect with things That generate mental inflation. This abstract revolution Has rebirthed a commitment to glory Shining a light on HIStory. This movement Will not be televised It is only for those who Don't have the wool over their eyes. An abstract lesson With an eloquent voice Transcending the world's view To make a freedom choice. Be Abstract!

Title: Tag your it Medium: Mixed Media

At The Fence

By: George Frederick Nash At the fence Cultures meet To treat Each other with No respect. A heated conversation Marked by media sensation Careless Is their voice. Rude words are exchanged Between the same People Sharing the same evil. The ignorance of not knowing The fear of growing To love each other Like a child loves Her mother and father. At the fence The whole world can see How a child climbs the fence to be With her friend She sees no difference in. How can they not make a fuss? And play in the dust? Have no concern About where they come from. Stand at the fence And watch them say, "Tag you're it. Now, lets go play."

Title: butterfly flow Medium: Mixed Media

Organic Design By: George Frederick Nash

The natural flow of color and rhythm Can be seen in the earthly design Trees dancing with the wind Rain playing at the right time. The rich texture of the farmer's land Provides the under-base of the grand composition A strong soil foundation For green life to keep their position. All the elements of this glorious painting Supplies the soul with wonderful praise Heavenly strokes for all to embrace Filling their life with beautiful days.

Title: Piano Leaves Medium: Mixed Media

Senior Choir

By: George Frederick Nash "Do Re Mi Do" Is what the senior choir would do To get everybody in the same key. From the back a loud bass voice would yell, "Sing!" Then the choir will begin to sound so heavenly. As they sing the first verse, The church joins the glory band. The words are so moving That some members have to stand. When they reach the chorus, It is obvious that the Holy Ghost is at work. Blessing the people and freeing Them from all hurt. At the end of the chorus, The senior choir sings these words... "Where I can just hear the angels sing And shake Jesus' hand." You can't help but think The Lord is building me a cabin in the corner of Gloryland.

Title: warrior’s Groove Medium: Mixed Media

The Upliftment Of Cool By: George Frederick Nash

The birth of this unique attitude Can only be seen by the romantic eye Sounds and shapes built with great fortitude Work together to save the fragile cry. Taking the chance to experience The wealth of knowledge in that moment Breathing in the dance of consciousness Feeling the triumphant wind of movement. I say to you my brothers and sisters Stand in the space of rhythm and rhyme Helping to keep them from ungodly slaughters Marching to the vigorous beat of the drummer's kind. In the deep valley of restricted temperament The genius child is searching to find where the textures preach A wild journey of such aggressive advertisement Pulls the veil over the romantic eye to keep it from seeing those who teach. Elevate your powerful mind And begin to see things through your romantic eye This is the time For you to apply. Uplift your composed virtue Let the world see your true rule Illustrate your formidable aptitude Experience the birth of your own cool.

Title: relevant rhythm Medium: Mixed Media

The Beat Of The Drum By: George Frederick Nash

The raw texture of leather tones Moves smoothly through the open plane Making strong distinctive marks, Teaching the lovers' game. A bottom note followed by a high cry Catches the eye of the bold groove. Sending the message It's time to move, The relevant rhythm of flavored bars Walks with the emancipated joints of the silky rhyme Serving the world a hot dish Filled with all the right ingredients of the time. That music is heard so far and deep It causes the body to dance in a unique form Moving their feet, clapping their hands, and shaking their hips Are emotions that the soul has transformed. Beats played so loud and clear, That the world has to set up and take note Listening to a sweet song That provides a measure of hope.

George Frederick Nash

artistic intellectual

Fred is an artistic intellectual that is passionate about creative expression. He uses art, design and poetry to share is creative point-of-view. Fred is always looking for that one line, stroke or idea that sparks artistic inspiration. He believes that inspiration is found in the beauty of God’s creation. publishing my sparks of inspiration AR T





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