Portfolio english version

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Visual Identity created for a Branding Project. The proposal was to make a visual identity that could be used later as my personal brand. For the development of the brand , a questionnaire with several questions about myself was made and other people responded to help me with the concept. The idea was very interesting because I tween how you and how others see yourself. Many people said I was funny , creative , cheerful and friendly so I chose rounded and organic forms . The same people who said I was funny and creative also saw me as a serious and serene person regarding my professional and academic life. So I chose darker and sober colors to set as my serious side.


VARIATIONS Géssica Garvizú Designer ------------------------

Rua Capit.ao Romualdo de Barros, 535 Carvoeira, Florianópolis - Santa Catarina Brasil gessicagarvizu@gmail.com T: +5548 9616 9647 CEP: 88040 - 600

Géssica Garvizú


The Coffee maker

Accessio coffee maker was developed based on the results of research and direct studies with young coffee lovers who wanted more flexibility in the brewing process. Accessio focus on the user's needs and proposes freedom to brew the coffee directly in which container the user wants: a large mug, a small cup, a pot, the classic glass jar or a thermos.

The coffee maker has height adjustments, a timer, a pause function, options for amount of brewing in milliliters or cups, and temperature control of the heating plate. The coffee maker set also includes a mug and a thermos, which follow the same aesthetic and can be arranged separately on the market. The colors (yellow, sky blue, red, and white) were chosen by analysis of the target audience, modern young people in attune with market trends, and the competitors because there is a strong tendency around the use of colors in home appliances based on the 50's and 60's



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Created for the discipline of Infodesign. We were challenged to turn articles and social information into an infographic to show the main information of the scienI chose to do my research regarding domestic accidents with children.

Book Cover Illustration

GĂŠssica GarvizĂş - Disciplina Infodesign - EGR/CCE/UFSC -

The proposal was to draw up a cover book making use of Photoshop techniques covered in class. Based on an already existing book, a preliminary study of the visual elements, as well as their agreement with the book, was carried out to later development of the illustration. The chosen book was The Little Prince.



First attempt to make a realistic digital painting by using a photo as reference. The reference for this piece was a photo of the actress who plays Sansa Stark in The Game of Thrones, which is a TV show. In the process, a variety of brushes and colors were used to create contrast and texture to the painting. The other illustrations are also digital paintings. The first and second were made in Photoshop and the third in Illustrator.




Through field research, interviews and analysis of people's behavior, the Trends Project guided us to find, to understand and to have the ability to discover trends. The macro trend that my group detected was the "Time Lapse" because we live in a post-modern society, in which technology, living standards and points of view have changed. These changes also bring great benefits to human thought. Certain roles are "reversed", and today, some seniors are "enjoying life" while some young people chose to stay home, to be homeschooled and are quieter. After this analysis we realized that age is in the mind, and what is important is to be yourself.

Aqueles que buscam mostrar que "não se importam em mostrar", aqueles que querem ousar sem ofender, aqueles que querem apenas viver seus dias sem pensar nas consequências do amanhã. Idade não é limite, por isso não há faixa etária, sexo não é importante, por isso não há limitação quanto a gênero, tempo e espaço não interferem no objetivo final, por isso o principal produto é uma ideia, um conceito, um estilo de vida.


o tema "quem é você?" foi escolhido por ser uma pergunta sobre a identidade dos usuários, fazendo cada um analisar e descobrir sua própria personalidade e assim poder expressá-la através de sua bicicleta.


We chose the micro trend "Be yourself" from the macro trend, in which you can customize and express who you really are everyday. The product chosen to express the micro trend was a website of customizable bikes that allowed the users to choose accessories, gadgets and colors to express who they are.


Nossa marca aparece em todas as cores vinculadas à nossa identidade de modo a expressar o caráter mutável e cambiante de nossos produtos, bem como suas particularidades e sua personalidade única.

Little Joy





Polka Dots

Escolhidas para serem as combinações perfeitas para a paleta de cores, as texturas seguem a mesma linha de pensamento e aplicação. Polka Dots é suave e feminina, delicada e tranquila, aplicável a superfícies que venham a entrar em contato com o corpo (selim e manetas) tornando a pegada mais confortável e suave. Chevron é o completo oposto, agressiva e Morrocan surge para mediar as sensações cheia de movimento, passa sensação de dinamismo, velocidade e impacto. e sentimentos, movimentos suaves mas que aplicados a cor correta podem ser mais dinâmicos e movimentados. A densidade de linhas quando aplicada em grande quantidade cria um sentimento de tranquilidade e leve movimentação.

Assim como o público alvo, as cores pretendem atender a todos os gostos. A seleção foi feita pensando na facilidade de combinações e associações. A suavidade de Home Sick e Litlle Joy agradam aqueles que procuram uma combinação mais tranquila, que transmita simplicidade e delicadeza. Já Explorer e Dreamer trazem nos seus nomes os conceitos que pretendem passar, cores vivas e impactantes, que vão levantar sua auto-estima e impulsionar sua vontade de viver. Serenity ocupa uma posição mediana na escala de cores porque, dependendo da combinação, pode oferecer suporte a um look mais agressivo e energético, ou mais sereno e delicado. 30




Internal Marketing

Controle de Ordens de Serviรงo (COS) Control of Service Order in English - was a new software for the BADESC (state bank) officials. This software was developed to control the service orders by the technology department. Most of the bank's officials were not used to technology, so the technology department wanted something to explain and and show the benefits of the new software.


The illustration was developed for the Experimental Design class with Halloween as a theme.

Social Justice

In Intro in Computer Art class, we had a project about Social Justice. The concept used was old school tattoos to approach the domestic violence. Old school tattoos always showcase woman illustrations and guns because sailors and tattoos were the first to get tattoos.


The final project to Intro Web, Eperience/ Interaction Design was to create a website from a kickstarter project. The project was Plato, a playful light system.

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