Study case Experimental Design

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BREAKDOWN it is a project for Experimental Design class.The project

was made for Christopher McClelland, GĂŠssica GarvizĂş and Josh Ferguson. Everyone had a important participation in all the process that will be explained in this study case.

Overview Creativity and technology were the important tools to create the project. The need of research of the new approaches in the technology was the first step to find some knowledge to create the interactive design. The initial idea it was invent something that with the touch of the user some information is deliver. The issue was what it will the best appliance to this idea?

Goal The objective it was produce a visual and interactive poster that could send an appealing message for the user.

Process After a long creative process we get in a common opinion of the concept of the poster. The concept was do an illustrated poster showing inside of the mind of a musician. The instruments inside of the song and how they sound separately. The illustration of the mind of the musician it was inspired on the movie Fantasia and was used some abstracts elements to express the world of imagination and dreams.

The illustration was made for Josh. The idea is like the musician is thinking or dreaming about a song. In his mind the instruments are represented with different colors and basics shapes. The colors is expressing the concept of the song.

The song used is Figure 8 by Ellie Goulding. The dismemberment of the song was made by Christopher. We use the different instruments of the song to play with the touch board. The technology used was the touch board by Bare Conductive because the alternative technology had the same function but it is more complicate to use it.



Challenges and Troubleshooting The conductive materials was the biggest problem so far. We had to find an alternative for the paint because the paint didn’t work. We used the aluminium foil but even with it we had some problems with the conduction.

Disappointments The time and the resources maybe it is the main problem with the project.

Feedback Jason Rotter “That’s really cool actually.Illustrations are effective should use real buttons”. Ty Martin “It’s cool that it’s auditory and tactile at the same time. Needs a hard back, should be sturdy. It’s a good idea overall.” James Pannafino “The button that plays the main song should be higher on the head.The head and the thought bubble should be curved. Fix proximity of buttons in relation to the objects. Should have an outline around the buttons. Presentation should be eye level. Buttons should be on a flat surface instead of carved inside. The keyboard color it’s so stark white and contrasted compared to the soft colors of everything else. “Consistency is key.” It’s a good idea conceptually. Have a title or something to read at the top that says what the project is.

Results During this project I learned an infinity of new things: How to work in group. How to express myself and give my opinions in another language and use a new technology. The world is evolving faster everyday with technology and we designers have to learn and experiment new things. For me this project was the first step to it.


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