Georgia District News Summer 2013
Volume 12, Number 3
Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ
Georgia District Family Camp, July 17-19
Georgia District A.L.J.C. Nathan Carrell Superintendent 120 Oak Ridge Monroe, GA 30655 Donald Wineinger Assistant Superintendent 1174 Elberton Road Lexington, GA 30648 Barry Dotson Secretary 580 Butterfly Lane, Blairsville, GA 30512 Jeremy Causey World Missions Director 70 Carters Way Forsyth, GA 31029 Ashley Vaughn Missions America Director 1211 Experiment Station Rd. Watkinsville, GA 30677 Jason Hagwood Apostolic Crusaders President 1732 Barnett Shoals Rd. Watkinsville, GA 30677 Blake Smith MENistry President 11 Lauri Lane Crawford, GA 30630 Sandra Wineinger Women’s Esprit President 1174 Elberton Road Lexington, GA 30648 Deadline for submission of articles for next issue of Georgia District News is October 1, 2013 Please email your articles to
From The Superintendent We have passed the halfway point of 2013. It reminds us that time is passing swiftly. It seems that there is not enough time to do everything that needs to be done. Hopefully, we are being sure that we take care of the things of God because that is the only truly lasting thing. We have just returned from General Ministry Conference 2013. What a great conference with the Lord speaking to us by His spirit and through His word. The theme for the conference was “After God’s Heart.” Surely, the Lord tried through His word and by His spirit to remind us that the greatest thing in life is to be people “After God’s Heart.” The Lord spoke to us about the things that are dear to His heart: our relationship to Him, our relationship to our families, our relationship to His church and our relationship to lost souls. I urge all of you to order the CDs and the DVDs and allow the Lord speak to you about the things closest to His heart. This year was election year. Bro. Kenny Carpenter of Maryville, TN was elected as General Superintendent. I ask you to pray for Bro. Carpenter that the Lord would give him direction as he leads us to be all that we can be for the Lord and for His kingdom. I want to express on behalf of the Georgia District our thanks to Bro. Robert Martin for his service and leadership for the past six years. The other new officers that were elected or appointed are: Bro. Josh Wilson - Apostolic Crusaders’ President Bro. James Chessor - Menistry Director Sis. Karen Rhinehart - Women’s Esprit President Sis. Dorcas Hammond - Women’s Esprit Vice-President Let me encourage you to support all of the departments of the ALJC so that we may effectively reach our world. On July 17-19 we will be having our first family camp at Legacy Retreat Center in Commerce, Georgia. Bro. John Willis of North Vernon, Indiana will be our night speaker and Bro. Matt Perdue of New Castle, Indiana will be our day speaker for the youth camp part of family camp. Sis. Maren Perdue will be directing the KidsQuest service each night. Plenty of activities are planned for youth and children during the day. I urge everyone from the Georgia District to come and participate in Family Camp and receive a great blessing. Be praying for the camp as well as attend it. The events of the past few weeks remind us that the coming of the Lord is very near. With the U. S. Supreme Court once again thumbing their nose at the principles of the Word of God by ruling in favor of gay marriage we know the end is very near. The words of the Apostle Paul should ring loudly in our ears, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:16. Let’s be aware of the swiftly passing of time and be about the Father’s business for in the words of Jesus, “The night comes and no man can work.” Bro. Nathan Carrell
Georgia District News is published quarterly and depends on Georgia District Churches to submit news events and articles. All articles must be submitted to the contact in your local church. Georgia District News reserves the right to edit articles for grammar and space. For advertising rates and information call 800-828-0093 or Email -
Georgia District News
The Church in Smyrna
Continuing the series I started in the last Georgia District News Magazine on the 7 churches of Revelation, I would now like to write about the church in Smyrna, which I was privileged to visit on Monday, March 25, 2013 in the land of Turkey.
Smyrna is located about 35 miles north of Ephesus on the west coast of Asia on the Aegean Sea. In New Testament times, Smyrna was one of the chief cities of Asia, second only to Ephesus. It was one of the best planned cities of the ancient world and served as the trading center for the fertile Hermus Valley. Smyrna is now known by its Turkish name, Izmir. Scripture does not record the founding of the church in Smyrna, nor is the city mentioned in Acts. All that we know is revealed in this letter, which is the shor test letter to any of the 7 churches of Revelation.
Jesus also knew the “poverty” of those in the Church in Smyrna. The word “poverty” comes from a Greek word which meant abject poverty or destitution – someone with no resources whatsoever. Smyrna was not a materially wealthy church. They had nothing. However, when Jesus described the church in Smyrna, he said they were rich. They were rich spiritually. Their treasure was in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-20), not on this Earth. Finally, Jesus knew that blasphemous words were being spoken against the church in Smyrna. The Greek word for “blasphemy” refers to “speech that will injure.” Not only did the Christians at Smyrna have to endure tribulation and poverty, but they had enemies who lied
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Jesus knew their “works.” He knew what they were doing. Obviously, what they were doing was acceptable because the Church in Smyrna was one of only two churches among the seven to which no reproof was given. Secondly, Jesus knew the “tribulation” that they were facing. The word “tribulation” comes from a Greek word that refers to the “grinding of grapes by a millstone.” It essentially means “to be pressed.” The church in Smyrna faced intense pressure because of their faithfulness to Jesus Christ.
Pastor Nathan Cash
The figure of speech “ten days” means that there would be a time limit on their tribulation period. It was a specific notation. The tribulation would have a beginning and it would have an ending. In other words, God was not going to give Satan a free hand. But, He was going to limit the length of Satan’s tribulation on that local church to a brief period of time. (See 1 Corinthians 10:13) Jesus also says in this verse to be “faithful unto death.” When the pressure comes, we want to run. But, serving God is not an escape from the realities of life. Rather, it is a call to be faithful regardless of what life has to offer, even if it is death.
“And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things said the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive.” (Revelation 2:8) The message to the Church in S my r n a c o m e s from the one who “was dead, and is alive.” This could only be a reference to Jesus Christ. So, the message to the church in Smyrna was from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Devil would cast some of them into prison, and some would even be put to death. However, if they remained faithful to the end, a crown of life awaited them in Eternity.
Jesus then closes this verse with some final words of encouragement. Those who remain faithful to the Lord unto death will receive as their reward the crown of life. So to speak, they will be “crowned” with Eternal life.
about them and accused them of crimes such as being disloyal to the emperor. Jesus knew what the Christians in the Church in Smyrna were going through. Nothing escapes the vision of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. But, even though He knew what they were going through, it is important to point out that Jesus did not promise to deliver them out of their present situation. Instead, notice what Jesus went on to say about their future: “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10) Jesus let them know that things were about to get worse! He predicted that the
Georgia District News
“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.” (Revelation 2:11) According to (Revelation 20:10,14-15), the “second death” is the lake of fire in Eternity. It is the final eternal separation from the presence of a holy and just God. But, thank God we can avoid the “second death” by being an over comer! Although the church in Smyrna was under a daily load of pressure, poverty and persecution, they remained faithful to God unto the very end. May we also exemplify this same faithfulness as we go through this pressure filled world so that one day we may hear the Lord say to us the following words: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” (Matthew 25:21)
Miracle Mikey – 1 year later Staff Writer Kim Jarrett Rome News Tribune used by permission
One year after his near-fatal accident, 3-year-old Mikey Williams is playing with toys and communicating.
The last time Daniel Scipper saw 3-yearold Mikey Williams, the toddler was blue and not breathing. The Mikey that the Cedartown firefighter saw Monday was waving, repeating words and eating cake. Mikey’s greetings and smiles to the first responders at the Cedartown Fire Department on Monday afternoon did not come because he recognized the men and women who helped save his life one year ago today. There was Candace Guttery, the 911 dispatcher who took the call and sent help. Renee Blackburn, a nurse from Redmond Regional Medical Center who did chest compressions on Mikey, carried him around the fire station Monday, showing him the truck and watching him eat the cake the group had bought for him. And there was Capt. Scott Jackson with the CFD, John Ross Branch, an RRMC paramedic; Walker Mann, a paramedic with RRMC; Lance Green, a fireman and EMT with the CFD; David Smith with the CFD; and Lucas Green, also with the CFD, working on that late spring day to save Mikey’s life. Like Scipper, none of the other responders had seen Mikey since that day, even though some were following his progress on the Facebook page “Pray for Mikey,” created by Mikey’s mother, Janna Williams. The little boy has come a long way since he nearly lost his life, earning the name “Miracle Mikey.” Looking back A family friend was watching Mikey and his four sisters, Justice, Khaya, Leiah and Makenna the day the accident happened. They were swimming in a private pool and as the family recalled last year, Mikey wouldn’t
Mikey Williams meets some of the first responders who helped save his life one year ago today.
get into the pool. But when they girls were getting dressed, they noticed Mikey was not with them. The found him in the pool.
Michael and Janna Williams, right, with their pastor and his wife, Rev. Gary Livingston and Brenda Livingston
a tube in his stomach, but he is trying food, including a basketball ice cream cake provided by the first responders on Monday. He is learning his colors.
Janna’s oldest daughter, Justice, called her mother and told her what had happened and emergency responders rushed to the home.
And he is communicating. He waves when someone greets him. When asked his name, he can say “Mikey.”
On Monday, Scipper confirmed to Janna what she had been told for the past 12 months — Mikey wasn’t breathing and didn’t have a pulse when firefighters arrived.
He repeats words other people say and often grins after he does so.
On Monday, Janna got to ask Scipper what she had been told for the past year about Mikey’s condition when they got to the pool. “Was he dead?” she asked. “Yes,” Scipper said. “I’d been told that but I actually waned to hear it from someone who was actually there and saw him,” Williams said. Later, Scipper said, “He was blue, he didn’t look good,” Scipper said. “He was revived.” Janna and her husband, Michael, were rushing to Cedartown but were redirected to Floyd Medical Center. It was the beginning of a long journey for the young parents. Miracle Mikey In the year since the accident, Mikey has defied everything, according to Janna. In an interview last year, Michael said,“They basically said that he was dead, that basically he would be a vegetable for life.” The doctors were wrong. Mikey’s trying to walk and can hold someone’s hand when he is wearing his braces. He still gets most of his nutrients through
Georgia District News
“He’s working on getting it out,” Janna said. “He talks a lot.” Like other 3-year-olds, he plays with toys. “He knows how to throw a ball,” Janna said. He interacts with his sisters and he now has another little brother, five-month old Noel. With five other siblings, Mikey has just fit right into family’s routine. “We have a pretty strict schedule and routine,” Janna said.“Everything is done in order everyday. It’s just part of life where we just do it.” Their faith and support from their church, First Apostolic Church of Rome and the community. Michael has had great support from his employer, Home Depot of Cartersville since Mikey’s accident, he said. “If I didn’t have faith, I don’t think he will be here,” Janna said Sunday night.“I teach Sunday School and today our lesson was on “Peace of Mind.” I am not going to say we were happy all the time, especially when we were in the hospital in the beginning. But I knew he was going to be okay. And the young mother knows her son will be okay in the future. “I know it will all come back,” Janna said. “The doctors won’t tell you that but I will tell you that.”
To Be or Not To Be... Alycia Causey
I have always been a bit of a Grammar nerd, and enjoyed studying parts of speech and anything in the subject of English in school was one of my favorites. I only wish that joy extended to math and physics. However, I have always found that God speaks to every individual in terms and ways that fit specifically to our hearts and desires. After all, He formed us and knows our hearts and minds like no one else could ever know. ( Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;…) So I shouldn’t have been surprised at all that as I was in my daily reading that the Lord began to speak to me as I read these scriptures. Mark 7:10 For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: 11 But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 12 And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; 13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye. As I pondered these scriptures it struck me how the religious leaders of that day tried to take something that God had meant to be an action, a verb if you will and turn it into a thing, a noun. When Moses commanded the people to honor their parents he instructed them to regard or treat with honor, esteem, or respect, to revere, to treat with deference and submission. As children we are taught to distinguish the difference between a noun and a verb as a noun being a person, place, or thing and verb as being the action. However, the religious leaders of that day changed the meaning of the word honor to a noun by making it a thing. Instead of making honoring their fathers and mothers a part of their daily lives they instead made up a way, Corban, to make into a thing, a gift. After this “gift” or thing was given they felt no longer obligated to provide for or show their attention to their parents. It was a onetime thing. I continued to mull the meaning and significance of what the Lord was showing me in the scriptures and as I continued on in my daily reading I came to the book of Luke who describes one of the most beautiful and sincerest displays of worship ever penned. In Luke 7:36-48, the writer begins to tell the story of a woman who interrupted a dinner of some of the most highly dignified leaders of the time. Her worship was not affected or deterred by their stares and condescension and because of her overwhelming display she received all that she had been searching for, forgiveness.
hairs of her head. 45 Thou gavest me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet. 46 My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment. 47 Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. 48 And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven. In this incredibly moving passage what stood out to me the most on that morning was verse 47. Jesus said “Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much.” My Bible has a little translation indicator at the word “loved” and says that it can be translated to mean she showed her love. The word love, just like the word honor, can be used as a noun or as a verb. We can make it a thing or an action depending on how we use it a sentence. However, she wasn’t rewarded for saying “Jesus, I love you” she was rewarded for showing her love. My point that I am trying to make is this, we will never be rewarded by God for the things that we say, the scripture never bares that out, but we will always be rewarded by the things that we do! James said it best, James 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Our God is a God of action and he requires a life of action from His people. Why are we surprised that the first thing the devil wants to attack is our worship. It is how we show the Lord and everyone else around us how much we love Him! The Lord never called anyone to sit on what he/she was blessed with the ability to do. Abraham obeyed, Moses lead, Joshua conquered, Jacob wrestled, and we know all of these things because their actions show everything that they believed. So that is the question to you and to me. What do our actions say about what we believe? Can someone from across the pew or across the cubicle or even the classroom tell what you believe? Yes they can, but do your actions line up with what you profess? If you can’t be Pentecostal in your worship at church than what are you when you are at home? My prayer for all of us today, Lord don’t let us be known for who we are, I want to be known for what I did! I loved, I served, I gave, I worshipped! I hope this encourages you to be the verb and not the noun. I think that must be what the Lord meant in the scripture that talks about having a form of godliness but denying the power. I don’t want to just look like a servant of the most High God, the power lies in what we do.
Luke 7:44 And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou this woman? I entered into thine house, thou gavest me no water for my feet: but she hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the
Praise Report by Madelyn Causey Hi! I want to tell you the story about when I got the Holy Ghost. Well when we were on our way to KidzQuest I told Mommy “I think I’ll get the Holy Ghost,” and Mommy said “well let’s find out!” As soon as we were in the room there was a new person at the front and he was doing silly stuff. Marshall and I joined in. Then Bro. Roberts came up.
He does illusions, but most importantly what changed my life was when he asked the question,“What is blocking you?” I thought that’s simple. What was blocking me was being scared and embarrassed. I pushed that out of the way and it was simple, Jesus gave me the Holy Ghost! And now I know!
Georgia District News
Watkinsville New Life Apostolic Church Deesha Hagwood, Reporter have been able to teach English to students, minister in the local church, as well as be a part of outreach efforts in local cities. We are thankful these ladies answered the call God placed in their life to be a part of this mission opportunity!
Summer is in full swing, and New Life continues to be wonderfully busy for the work of the Lord! N e w L i fe Pre s c h o o l opened in April, and we are so excited about the outreach opportunities this branch of ministry will bring. We are currently accepting children ages 1-4, and are able to offer an engaging and interactive Christian learning environment.
Our Dash Student Ministry is looking forward to Stronghold Family Camp and all that God is going to do there. We hope to see each of our fellow churches there and look forward to enjoying great fellowship!
In May, we were proud to host a graduation party for three of our youth and their families. Congratulations to Blake Mitchell, Bridgette Self and Richard Whiddon! We are also so proud of three of our young ladies who left at the beginning of June for a mission trip to Russia. Kristina Donansky, Kendall Ogletree and Jenna Norton joined several others from across the United States to assist the Stumbo family in their efforts to evangelize the people of Russia for one month. We have received so many wonderful reports of what God is doing through their efforts, and pray for a mighty revival to spread in that nation! Among other things, these young ladies
Our church family was blessed to have Bro. and Sis. Carpenter in service with us recently. Bro. Carpenter delivered a powerful and timely message, and God moved in a mighty way. We continue to have visitors in every service and our prayer is for God to allow us to reach into our local community for those in need of Him. We pray each of you are blessed, and that in every season the goodness of the Lord shines upon you!
Birthdays Jason Hagwood, Youth President
As the summer months begin to wind down and school gets ready to start back up, students, lets not get distracted in our walk with God. We've made it too far along in the race to give up now. God has great things planned for each and every one of you. We don't have time to get distracted or be a distraction to someone else. As you return to school in a few weeks, remember that you are the salt of the earth & light of the world. Matthew 5:16 says: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
You are here for a purpose. Be a friend to the one that sits in the lunchroom by themselves. Are they a little different or even a little strange? Maybe, but God loves them and you should too! Proverbs 11:30 says: The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. When's the last time you invited one of your friends to a youth service or a youth outing? If you ask them, you may be surprised by their answer. As I write this article, we are excited and anticipating an awesome youth camp. I will give you an update in the next Georgia District News about the great things that God did for us in our camp.
July Bro. Samuel Hurst.........................................7/3- IN MEMORY Bro. Gary Livingston................................................................7/9 Bro. Terry Newsome.............................................................7/24 August Bishop G.H. Hammond...............................8/3- IN MEMORY Bro. Alan Hulett........................................................................8/5 Betty Speer (Norway).........................................................8/12 Missionary Harold Fuentes...............................................8/16 Linda Potter (Ireland)..........................................................8/28 Bro. William Clark........................................8/30- IN MEMORY September Joshua Fuentes (Chile)...........................................................9/1 Brandon Speer (Norway)......................................................9/7 Bro. Nathan Carrell..................................................................9/5 Bro. Ernest Walker.................................................................9/12 Bro. Montana Birt..................................................................9/28
Georgia District News
Helena Apostolic Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Kay Rawlins, Reporter Hello from Helena! Our Lord is wonderful and greatly to be praised for all His many blessings on us. We have been meeting on Monday night at 7pm-8pm to pray. For the ones who cannot make it to church they pray at home during that time. We receive many requests to pray for needs of people outside our church who live in our county and surrounding towns. Many prayer cloths have been anointed with oil and sent out. It is so exciting to hear the news of healings and the positive changes that come about because someone took the time to pray. WHEN WE CALL ON JESUS HE DOES SHOW US GREAT AND MIGHTY THINGS. We are excited about our growing number of little children who are in our Sunday School Class. We have nine, and one on the way! Praise the Lord!! Bro. Edward & Sis. Tiffany Hulett are expecting a new baby in January! Little Paisley is excited that she is going to be a big sister. It warms the heart to see the little ones worshipping the Lord, because their worship is pure without reluctance. They sing, shout, run, raise and clap their hands, and without hesitation lay hands on and pray for needs of ones who go to the altar for prayer. We were blessed to have Bro. Phillip Young and Bro. Allen Hulett come and preach to us in May. Sis. Crowe taught a great message about praying called MY APPROACH TO GOD. Bro. Crowe is blessed to have dedicated men to help him; Bro. Lane Moubray, Bro. Dawin Logue, Bro. Edward Hulett, Bro. Eddie Cole, Bro. Billy Johns and Bro Eric Williams.
In June we were grateful to welcome Missionaries Bro. Rick & Sis. Suzanne Barnett from Papua, New Guinea. We learned a lot from them about the culture there. Slides were shown about their ministry. They now have 60 licensed preachers helping them. The property headquarters where people can come to receive Jesus started out with a space of 48x36 having expanded to the space of 70x100 feet and expanding. Please pray for the Barnett’s and their work in Papua, New Guinea! Bro. Justin Johns, nephew of Bro. Billy Johns, from Fitzgerald GA was recently baptized. We really do miss Bro. Lane & Sis. Irene Moubray when they are away from us. They are a great blessing to our church. We always look forward to hearing Bro. Lane preach, and feeling the love that radiates from them both towards us. At present they are in Calcutta, India teaching a conference. We look forward to their return to be told of the great things God did in that impoverished third world country. God has His hand on a special young lady who has a beautiful anointed voice. She is Sis. Lexie Logue. We are looking forward to seeing the results of a burning fire that God has started.
Greetings Brethren in Jesus Name! I pray this letter finds you all doing well. I want to send this last reminder for you men to make plans to attend our National Menistry Conference September 13 & 14. It will be held at FAC Maryville. Please, I urge you all once again to make plans now to attend this life changing conference. You will be greatly blessed! Bro. Blake Smith
Special Music Ministry LARRY CARTER
We welcome your comments and letters. Georgia District News
Declair His Identity to the World! Jeremy Causey
It is a great time to be a part of the kingdom of God! This year at General Ministry Conference I had the privilege once again to receive the top World Missions award for giving in our category on behalf of the Georgia District. In spite of an economy that seems to take from everyone we are a district that continues to give for souls to be won around the world. I commend you for the sacrifices you make each day! So many things are happening around the world that I would take up too much space in our magazine to tell them all to you. Be sure to read the articles that fill the Apostolic Witness each month that chronicle the exploits of our God far and wide. I will, however, share with you one story that has stayed with me following GMC this year. Missionary Tony Adams was sharing with the World Missions Board some of the things that have been happening in Poland. He shared that the city of Krakow has been infected with a love for gospel choir music. Each year a large festival is held where choirs from around the city perform and it has become a city-wide phenomenon. However, what struck me was when he talked about the fact that the overwhelming majority of those participating and listening do not know why they like the music. People everywhere are flocking to these concerts but it’s largely not to worship God, or at least in a very true sense. They are simply being drawn to the music without an understanding of why it’s drawing them.
inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. (Acts 17:23) What a door for God to open! In a nation largely devoid of the truth that is so familiar to us, God has began to draw people to music that worships Him. Can it be a coincidence that at the same time they feel this unexplainable attraction to a God that they only know through catechism and ceremony that a family has been sent by God to declare His identity to them? The reality is that souls are always seeking God, but they simply do not know Him. Just a few verses later… And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: (Acts 17:26-27) Whether it is in Poland, Papua New Guinea, India, Monroe, Blairsville, or Anywhere, USA, it is up to us to declare His identity to the world! The God that they so desperately need; the one thing that will fill the gaping hole in their soul that all the lust of the world never has. The God that they’re mysteriously attracted to but do not know Him. He is none other than the God we serve. He is none other than the Jesus that lives in our souls! Pray for missions! Give to missions! Go on a mission in your home, your city, and your world! Declare to the world that you know Him!
But then I recently had a scripture come to mind: For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this
Georgia District Women’s Esprit I cannot express how much your thoughtfulness means to us. When we went to purchase the wash and dryer it felt like Christmas! For the past 4 years, we have washed our clothes by hand, in a bucket, in our shower. The hardest part of that is wringing out the big items (sheets and towels). Also, the rainy season here is 6 months long, meaning that on many days, we either can’t hang our laundry out to dry, or we have to chance it, hoping the clothes will dry before the showers come. Having a dryer means, no more mad dashes to the clothes line at the first hint of rain, and no more half dry laundry hanging everywhere inside the house!
us! Your generosity and love mean the world to Bro Naimy and me. I know that God will truly bless you all in return. Thank you! Sister Debra Naimy Missionary to the Philipians
Right now, the washer and dryer is with us, still in boxes, in the little guest quarters we’ve been living in for the past year. Words cannot express the how much I am looking forward to using the washer and dryer. We’re hoping that in 4-6 weeks our house will be done and I can to start using them! We want to thank the ladies of the GA district for thinking of Sis. Sandra Wineinger-W.E. President
Sis. Shay Dotson-W.E. Vice-President
Georgia District News
Sis. Linda Vaughn-W.E. Secretary/Treasurer
Forsyth Apostolic Church Alycia Causey, Reporter Home Missions as they led this event. We also held our Homecoming services and we so blessed to have Evangelist Jonathon Fortner, for the first time, minister the Word on Saturday and Pastor Donald Wineinger ministered on Sunday. They both preached heartfelt messages and we were so blessed by their ministry! It’s not Homecoming without food and a wonderful banquet was prepared by the best church people ever! So thankful for the Saints of FAC!
We greet you this wonderful summer day in the lovely name of Jesus. I love our Georgia summers and this one has been especially kind to us. We have received an abundance of rain and cooler than normal temperatures. My family just returned from the ALJC General Ministry Conference that was held in Little Rock, Arkansas and the temperatures were in the triple digits! We definitely had GA on our minds while we were there. The temperatures on the outside made us feel like we were standing near a flame but the Holy Ghost fire that fell in the services of GMC set off an everlasting fire in our souls! I am so thankful for the opportunity to attend such an outstanding conference. Our family was also incredibly blessed by the presence of God as our daughter Madelyn was filled with the Holy Ghost at KidzQuest led by Bro Nathan Roberts. We are overjoyed and encourage all to take part in this wonderful event, there is no greater gift you can give to your family than to surround them with the people of God.
FAC was blessed in June by the ministry of our Missionaries to Papa New Guinea, Bro and Sis Barnett. They just poured out their hearts as they led us in worship PNG style and laid their burden for this wonderful country at our feet. Continue to keep this wonderful work in your prayers and prayerfully consider supporting this work with a monthly donation. We know the Lord will bless those that bless others!
Forsyth Apostolic Church had a wonderful spring with some big trips for our youth! In April we were blessed to be able to take 7 young ladies to Princess Within Conference in Knoxville, TN. They were dressed liked princesses and treated accordingly. FAC Knoxville once again put on an amazing conference and I know our girls were given an incredible road map to life and their walk with God as they discover “The Real You.”
We are feeling blessed to announce that FAC purchased almost 12 acres of land as a future home! The land is on a major highway and neighbors a newly built elementary school. We desire your prayers as we navigate being able to build and that the Lord would prosper and multiply our efforts! Forsyth Apostolic Church has had a wonderful start to summer and we are anxiously awaiting July and Family Camp! We pray that the Lord will bless and greatly multiply all of the Georgia District as we seek out the lost and win them for Jesus Christ!
In May, we loaded up the church van with 15 children and adults travelling to Dublin, GA on a rainy Saturday for a Home Missions Rally. In spite of the weather, there was an amazing turn out and we were blessed to be able to help in any way. Pastor and Sis Hightower did an amazing job and our Missions America Director, Bro and Sis Vaughn, really showed their heart for
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40th Pastoral Anniversary Service Friday, May 17, 2013, was a time of celebration as friends of Pastor Nathan and Jane Carrell gathered to honor them for 40 years of Pastoral Ministry. Pastor Nathan Carrell received his call to the ministry at the age of thirteen but did not yield to this call until he was eighteen. In remarks at the service, Pastor Carrell honored his mother, Sister Mary Carrell and his in-laws Charles and Melba Miles. He also gave honor to his wife and family. Brother Carrell was baptized, at the age of eleven, by Pastor Leo Upton. Pastor Samuel Hurst baptized Sister Carrell and performed the Carrell’s wedding ceremony. In August of 1967, the Carrells moved to Mississippi so Brother Carrell could attend Pentecostal Bible Institute. While in college, the Carrells attended the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in Myrtle, Mississippi, pastored by Brother Raymond Bishop. Upon graduation from college in 1971, Bro. Carrell was installed as associate pastor in the church at Myrtle. Pastor Carrell gave honor to Pastor and Sis. Raymond Bishop for their guidance during this time. It was during this time that that Carrells felt led to move to Carlsbad, NM to pastor.
Fool’s day. The Carrells pastored in Carlsbad for 16 years before coming to Monroe, GA in May, 1989, where they have labored for the past 24 years. Brother Tony and Sister Martha Carson ministered in song and comments in the special celebration service. Brother Carson delivered a wonderful message “A Call to Remembrance” taken from Paul’s second letter to Timothy (2 Tim 1) where Paul talked about Timothy’s faith that was first in his grandmother and mother. Brother Carson talked about Brother Carrell’s grandmother, Sister Elizabeth Wilson, and his mother, Sister Mary Carrell. Following the service, a reception, with refreshments, was held in Fuller Hall. The Carsons also ministered in the Sunday services. In addition to pastoring, Brother Carrell has served in several national and district offices of the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ. He served as National Youth Secretary, Foreign Missions Director, Foreign Missions Secretary, Texas District Superintendent, Evangelist Director, Georgia District Assistant Superintendent, Georgia District Secretary and is currently serving as Georgia District Superintendent.
Brother Carrell’s first service as pastor was April 1, 1973, in Carlsbad, NM. He has often joked about his pastoral ministry beginning on April
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First Apostolic Church of Rome Sis Livingston, Reporter We have exciting news to share!!! Greater Hope Ministries with Pastor Greg Livingston merged with FAC Rome! We combined our resources to build His Kingdom. Our first service was June 30. What an awesome move of God! Bro. Greg Livingston brought a heart stirring message “The Source of Life”. Our church was filled not only with people but with the presence of God. After service we hosted a luncheon to ‘Meet and Greet’ our new members! We welcome these families to our family. We are looking forward to great things! We Praise God!
Greetings Georgia District! Summer is officially here, the kids are out of school and our summer events have started. Youth Blast is in full swing. This is a time that our youth, along with some of us older ones, meet for basketball, volleyball and board games. Our concession stand “Cafe FAC” is open during the Blast. It is a great time of fellowship. Last month, Bro. Livingston and I left about 10:45 and the kids were going strong. This is an outreach to give our youth and their friends a place to “hangout” on Friday night. God is blessing us with wonderful services and anointed preaching. Sis. Brenda Smith and Sis. Crystal Streetman were recently baptized in the wonderful name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our Sunday School Awards and Promotion Sunday was May 26 where all classes were recognized for their achievements. We have an excellent Sunday School Staff and we commend them for their dedication and hard work. Thank you, Teachers! Lunch bunch is growing. In May, we had over 40 in attendance. Our ladies along with some from the community enjoy this special time together. The fellowship along with the devotion and prayer is always encouraging to each of us. We will be having a Lunch Bunch Cookout in July!
I ’m s u re most of you anxiously await an update on our Little Mikey. It has been over a year since his accident and God is still performing miracles! He is trying to walk and has become very mobile! He’s hard to keep up with. He is known throughout Rome and surrounding cities as “Miracle Mikey”.There have been several articles written about him. Rome New Tribune came to our church to interview his family. He has defied all odds and we give God all the Praise! We are looking forward to seeing you at our Family Camp in July! Until next time….God Bless
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Monroe Apostolic Church Faith V. Head, Reporter Praise the Lord. I hope everyone is having a great Summer so far enjoying all of God’s wonderful blessings. In April the Carrells celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary and then in May we celebrated the pastoral anniversary of Bro. Nathan & Sis. Jane Carrell. He has been pastoring for 40 years with Sis. Carrell by his side. As he even stated he could not have done it without her. They are such a great couple and God has used to them to touch so many lives across not only the U.S. but the world. So many preachers, saints and missionaries honor them for all they have done. May 11 all the ladies went to Tokyo Japanese restaurant for the Mother & Children banquet. We had a great time and a lot of great food. On May 12 we celebrated Mother’s Day with gifts for all the mothers. In June we were blessed to have the Barnetts with us.(Missionaries to Papua New Guinea) They not only presented us with a slide show and wonderful stories of the blessings that God has sent to the people of Papua New Guinea, but Bro. Barnett also preached a great spirit filled message that I know God had given him for us that evening. In June we also had a little celebration for Sis. Carrell’s birthday. I will not share her age like Bro. Carrell did, but just to let you know he will be 65 in just a couple of months.
the church. Bro. Carrell performed the service and it was such a beautiful ceremony. Brittany has been a part of our church her whole life. She is such a blessing to the youth and just a great person all around. Josh has been coming now for a little over a year and he has been such a big help with the sound and with anything else that is asked of him at the church. I know God has so much in store for them both; such an awesome couple. On June 23 we had our monthly youth service and the power of God fell in that service. It is such a blessing to see the kids at the altar praying and seeking God, especially when one of those is my own. It just makes my heart swell with pride. The message that Bro. Scott Landers preached at that services was titled “Are You Serious About God?” What a powerful message. Even if it was meant for the youth that night, I know I got a blessing out of it. We all need to be serious about God and about our walk with Him. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed rest of the Summer. Just remember to keep God first in all you do and He will bless you beyond measure.
On June 28 Brittany Mobley and Joshua Abernathy were married at
New Beginnings Apostolic Church Lagrange Sherah Cash, Reporter Nathan Cash was elected as the Pastor of New Beginning Apostolic Church in Lagrange, Georgia on Sunday, June 9, 2013. On Sunday, June 30, 2013, the former Pastor, L.T. Hogan, and his wife, June, were honored with a plaque in appreciation for their years of service to the church. On Sunday, July 7, 2013, we were privileged to have the ALJC Georgia District Superintendant, Nathan Carrell, and his wife, Jane, with us in service to preach and sing. We covet your prayers as we begin this ministry in Lagrange, Georgia and we trust that many souls will be saved there as a result of the preaching of the Apostles gospel.
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Apostolic Church of Winder Nicole Cannon, Reporter Praise the Lord from ACW! “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Galatians 5:2223. God is so good and we have just been over flowing with God’s blessing! April 26 I.R.O.C. attended a Jesus Culture Concert. It is so wonderful that we can feel the Holy Ghost wherever we go! We all had a great time of worship and refreshing. What a great God we serve!
June 7 was our I.R.O.C Chapel Night, this was the kick-off to starting the process of our very own I.R.O.C.Youth Chapel! We are so excited and want to thank all that came out to work with us as we start this long awaited process. We appreciate your time and support. June 13-15 was ACW’s annual Father/ Son camping trip; 26 Men and children we able to attend from the church.What a great turnout this year! We will forever remember all the stories that were told from these trips! Making memories is what it’s all about.
April 27 we had a “Stuffed Animal Scavenger Hunt” with our J.R.O.C bunch. They had a blast using clues and searching for these furry friends! The best part was they got to keep a couple stuffed animals after it was over. Every m o t h e r ’s w i s h … . another stuffed toy to clutter the house. You’re Welcome!
We were so honored to have Rev. and Sis. Barnett, missionaries from Papua New Guinea, join us for a special missionary service. What a burden these two have and what a blessing they were as they spoke to us about their ministry. God bless them as they continue to do the work of the Lord.
April 30, ACW was honored to host a Blood Drive. Thanks to all those who came out to help and who came out to support and give blood to this wonderful and needful cause. May 4 we had our “Mom and Me” Mother’s Day Banquet. We had a great turnout and a really good time with our mothers and children. We had yummy food, quite a few laughs, and spent some quality time with each other. Looking forward to the next one!
June 22 J.R.O.C. went to Bear Hollow Zoo and Park. What a fun filled day! Looking forward to going back with a larger group! June 30 was our 5th Sunday Fellowship, Freedom Sunday, and Pastor Baker’s Birthday! What a wonderful Spirit of the Holy Ghost we felt. What a wonderful busy Sunday! Thanks to all who had a part in this special service and all who participated in Bro. Baker’s “Special Offering” of fishing gear and tackle. Happy Birthday Bro. Baker! We love you!
May 10 was Relay for Life and we’re excited to say we were able to be a part of it again this year. What a huge honor! We had a wonderful time together for a great cause. Thanks Bro. Ken for doing an amazing job playing the trumpet during the luminary service again this year and Extreme Praise for their awesome drama. Thanks to Sis. Pam, Sis. Jessica, and to all the team members who had a huge part in helping with Relay. Looking forward to being a part again next year.
We are so excited to say Bro. Jaime was baptized in the precious name of Jesus! Keep it up Bro. Jaime and God will continue to bless your life.
June 1 we had a family day at Tribble Mill Park along with our I.R.O.C walk-a-thon; a day full of grilling, fishing, playing ball and
fellowshipping with our family and church family. What a beautiful day!
God Bless You all!
Georgia District News
Missions America Ashley Vaughn there. Truly, God is doing a work in Blairsville! From the youngest to the oldest, everyone is finding their place in the work. In the
Greetings Georgia District. We are excited about the good things that God is doing in our district. Since our last article many great things have happened for the Missions America Department. We are very grateful for our two home missions churches in our district ; The Rock church in Blairsville, Pastor Dotson, and Ambassadors Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in Dublin, Pastor Hightower. These two churches have many great things going on.
Spring, the church was able to acquire an additional store front unit to be used as a youth center. From the time that Pastor Dotson shared his vision, this endeavor has prospered. The children and youth have capitalized on this new space, hosting several events and drawing the people of their community in for fellowship. God has truly blessed The Rock Church and given them favor with the people of Blairsville! We are thrilled with what God has in store for them ahead!
In May, we were able to sponsor a Missions America Blitz in the city of Dublin. On Saturday, May 4, we put on a full day of activities. Despite the rain, which pushed all of our events indoors, we had a great time. The community turned out to visit and fellowship during this event. There were games and activities for all ages and, of course, we had lots of food. Bro. Samuel Vaughn helped organize and coordinate our live music and singing. It was a blessing to the event. It provided opportunity for the guests to worship and experience true anointed singing. We also gave out many prizes and gifts to those in attendance. To Bro. and Sis. Hightower, we say thanks for petitioning many of the local businesses for donations in the form of gifts and prizes. If you ask, you will receive. On Sunday, we had a great time of fellowship in the morning service. At the conclusion of the service, the two grand prizes were given. The Dublin church was full of excitement on that weekend. Thanks to all of our district pastors and churches that helped in this event. We had many wonderful people there that helped make this a great success! Since the event, we have begun sending ministry to help on a monthly basis. Thanks to Bro. Brandon and Sis. Amanda Shanks who ministered in song and the Word in the month of May. Bro. and Sis. Hightower and their family truly have their heart in the work of the Lord in Dublin!
Please help encourage our Home Missions works. As always, please remember them in your prayers. It is a labor of love. Also, feel free to contact them and let them know that you are thinking and praying for them. If you ever have a chance to visit with these churches, you will be blessed as well as them. Ambassadors Church of the Lord Jesus Christ 600 Telfair St. Dublin GA 31021 478-278-5462 Ambassadors4JesusChrist. The Rock Church 620 Shoe Factory Rd, Ste 6 Blairsville GA 30512
At The Rock Church in Blairsville, there are many great things going on. Several times this year, we have been able to visit with the church
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Photo by John Glaeser Photo by John Glaeser
Photo by John Glaeser
Georgia District News PO Box 75 Crawford, GA 30630