The mission of the Recreation and Parks Department is to provide quality yearround recreational activities, facilities and services that are safe, fun and enhance the quality of life for all.
Sammy Tostensen, District 1
Bob Duncan, District 2
Wayne Neal, District 3
David Sweat, District 4
Allen Booker, District 5
Thomas “Bo” Clark, Jr., At-Large Post 1
Walter Rafolski, At-Large Post 2
General Business Hours:
Monday-Friday ............................. 8am-5pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed
Extended hours during Youth Sport Registration
New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day
Your suggestions, comments, and questions are important to us! Please email us at glynnrec@glynncounty-ga.gov with your input.
In the event of inclement weather, the most up-to-date information can be found on our Weather Hotline at 912-554-7781.
The information contained in this recreation guide is subject to change without advanced notice.
Ballard Park
Blythe Island Regional Park**
Blythe Island Regional Park Marina
Mallery Park
Neptune Park Pool*
Neptune Mini Golf
Selden Park
Selden Park Pool*
Community Building Rental Info
323 Old Jesup Road
6616 Blythe Island Highway
6616 Blythe Island Highway
601 Mallery Street
550 Beachview Drive
550 Beachview Drive
100 Genoa Martin Drive
100 Genoa Martin Drive
323 Old Jesup Road
*Glynn County Pools are open daily from Memorial Day weekend to early August and weekends mid-August through September 1st. Please visit our website for specific days/times.
**Blythe Island Regional Park Campground office is open Monday-Saturday. Hours vary by season.
Participants in our programs experience the positive values of youth athletics, including sportsmanship, teamwork, cooperation, and competition.
County Recreation and Parks
Refund Guidelines and Procedures have been established to allow customers to request a refund of registration fees during specified time periods. Requests for refunds minus a $5 processing fee for youth athletic leagues, adult athletic leagues, camps, and instructional programs, clinics, or classes must be made prior to the first class meeting or first game of the season. Summer pool passes are non-refundable and non-transferable. Late registration fees are non-refundable. To request a refund, email glynnrec@glynncounty-ga.gov or call 912-554-7780.
We are always looking for volunteer coaches. If you are interested in coaching a team, contact us at glynnrec@glynncountyga.gov, 912-554-7780 (mainland office) or 912-279-2836 (St. Simons office).
Volunteers must successfully pass the Criminal Background Screening and complete a free online Concussion Awareness Training class.
GCRPD will refund the participant registration fee paid by a parent/legal guardian who successfully serves as a volunteer head coach for his/her child’s youth athletic team organized by GCRPD in accordance with the Volunteer Head Coach Refund Policy and Procedures. The Parent or Parent’s spouse must register and pay his/her child’s sport registration fee during the established GCRPD registration period. The Parent must apply and be selected by GCRPD to serve as a volunteer head coach and have completed all required training and paperwork.
All activities are filled on a first come, first serve basis. Many of our programs have limited enrollment, so register early! We offer 3 convenient ways for you to register: 1. ONLINE: www.glynncounty.org/ recreation; follow the link to Online Registration*
2. IN PERSON: Visit a park office during business hours to register in person.
3. MAIL: Mail a completed registration card to Ballard Park
323 Old Jesup Road Brunswick, GA 31520
*Online Registration is not available for all programs
*Georgia Sales Tax applies to all GCRPD registration and rental fees.
Late Registration Fee: If space is available after the registration deadline for any given activity, late registration will be available. A $25 late registration fee will apply.
Team Sponsorships are available. Email us at glynnrec@glynncounty-ga.gov for info.
Glynn County Recreation and Parks Department (“GCRPD”) strives to offer quality and accessible programs, parks, and services to all residents. The support of Glynn County Board of Commissioners and the community is critical in achieving this goal. Contact GCRPD or visit our website at www.glynncounty.org/ recreation for information on how your family can enjoy and benefit from our programs, parks, and services.
The County began working on the development of a comprehensive master plan for the Recreation and Parks Department. The plan will be created with the input of citizens, appointed and elected officials, staff, and stakeholders, and will help guide future enhancements to and development of parks, programs, and services for the next ten years.
A pier rehabilitation project is scheduled in 2025. A sod replacement project is expected to begin in Fall 2025.
The SPLOST 2022 Mallery Park project to improve parking and drainage on the exterior of the park began in Fall 2024.
The SPLOST 2022 Demere Park project to construct a pavilion with restrooms and enhance other park amenities was completed in April 2024.
The SPLOST 2022 Ballard Park project to replace the athletic field fence and demo the old tennis courts was completed in Summer 2024.
Various restroom/bathhouse upgrades were completed in 2024 to make these amenities nicer for park patrons. A new fully inclusive playground for children of all ages and abilities opened May 7, 2024 near Lake Cindee.
Projects underway at Selden Park include fence replacement at the baseball field and swimming pool. In March and April, the gymnasium and activity room will be closed to public use for the gym floor replacement project. Planning has begun for the SPLOST 2022 Selden Park project to construct a historical walking trail in the park to tell the story of the park’s evolution from an educational institute established in 1903 to the thriving recreational destination it is today.
Glynn County Recreation and Parks
A new shade structure over the spectator area at the Kings Park Pickleball courts will be added in Fiscal Year 2025.
Congratulations to the following employees for their 2024 Years of Service awards. These dedicated employees help make Glynn County a great place to live, work, and play!
A new playground was installed in Fall 2024.
The park renovation project began in late 2024 and will continue through 2025.
Plans are underway to add wayfinding signage on Highway 341 to guide visitors to this scenic park adjacent to the Altamaha River.
Courts 1-6 were resurfaced in August 2024 as part of a park improvement project funded in part by United States Tennis Association grants. New player benches were also added.
Parks Services Division Chief Ray Cason received the 2024 GRPA District 2 James A. Colley “Distinguished Professional Award.” This award recognizes a District 2 member who exemplifies excellence in the recreation field. Ray began his career at Glynn County Recreation and Parks in 1999. He oversees the day-to-day operations of parks, maintenance, facilities, and assigned personnel. Congratulations, Ray!
5 YEARS: Sheldon Crews-Park Specialist II, Blythe Island Regional Park
Kane Olson-Maintenance Worker I, Parks Maintenance (SSI)
Paris Wyland-Recreation Program Manager, Beach Operations/Athletics
10 YEARS: Chris Brown-Maintenance Worker, Sports Facilities (Ballard Park)
Harold “Dean” Drake-Crew Leader I, Parks Maintenance (SSI)
15 YEARS: Ken Doss, CPO-Park Coordinator, Sports Facilities
Tom Ellis-Recreation Site Attendant, Mallery Park
20 YEARS: Tiffany Brain, CYSA, CPORecreation Services Division Chief
25 YEARS: Ray Cason, CPSI-Parks Services Division Chief
34 YEARS: James Burns-Maintenance Worker II, Selden Park
51 YEARS: Andrew “Pee Wee” MosesMechanic II, Parks Maintenance (SSI)
On December 7, 2023, Pee Wee was recognized by the Glynn County Board of
Commissioners for 50 years of dedicated service to the County.
Front Row, l. to r.: Bobby Pennamon, Malachi Morrell, Chase Battle, Kayden Anderson, and Jayden Anderson.
Second Row, l. to r.: Shaun Seals, Ben Savage, Joshua McMillon, Garrett Thomas, and Jensen Hagfors.
Third Row, l. to r.: Seth Jefferson, Zian Foster, Tyreon Foster, Kayden Palmer, and Owen Wiggins.
Fourth Row, l. to r.: Kensley Jackson, Ayden Edwards, Jamie Cooper, Dallas Senior, and Cadrien Brown.
Fifth Row, l. to r.: Brenden Cochran, Charlie McDonald, Christian Prescott, Isaiah Johnson, and Jayceon Monday.
Back Row, l. to r.: Coaches Davis Hoyt, Dominique Patterson, and Josh McDonald.
Not pictured: Wyatt Thomas and Coaches Calvin Moore and Jerrel Monday.
Congratulations to the GCPRD 10U All-Star Football Team, also known as the “Bulldogs,” for winning the 2023 Georgia Recreation and Park Association State Championship title in December 2023. The Glynn County Board of Commissioners recognized the team at the January 4, 2024 meeting and proclaimed the day as Glynn County 10U Bulldog Football Championship Celebration Day. We are very proud of the players, coaches, and parents!
On October 29, 2024, Roy Gentry, longtime volunteer football coach for Glynn County Recreation and Parks Department, coached his last youth game at North Glynn. It was a bittersweet occasion as many of his former players, family, friends, cheerleaders, and staff cheered Coach Roy and the 8U Sharks from the sidelines, knowing that, sadly, all good things do come to an end. As retirement from coaching loomed for Coach Roy, the Sharks stepped up and gave him a career-ending win. Coach Roy has been the face of the Sharks and an integral part of the Department’s youth football program for the past 25 years. Coach Roy: We appreciate the positive impact you have had on the lives of hundreds and hundreds of young people in our community and we wish you a well-deserved retirement!
In cooperation with the Coastal Resources Division of DNR, we offer free beach/water safety programs and environmental/ marine life programs to educate and inform residents and visitors about the unique and fascinating features of our coastal environment. Join us and learn what it means to be BEach SAFE! In case of inclement weather on a scheduled program date, call 912-554-7780 to find out the status of the program.
DAYS: Wednesdays
June 15/12pm
July 13/12pm
INFO: 912-554-7780
Glynn County utilizes the United Lifesaving Associatio notify beachgoers of potential water hazards. Seasonal beach lifeguards fly the flags while they are on duty from 11am to 6pm Memorial Day weekend through early August, and on weekends mid-August through Labor Day. Understanding and heeding these colored flags keeps you safe and helps you enjoy your trip to the beach.
RED: High Hazard – high surf and/or strong currents
YELLOW: Medium Hazard – moderate surf and/or currents
GREEN: Low Hazard – calm conditions, exercise caution
PURPLE: Dangerous Marine Life
Follow us on our Recreation FB page to stay informed of current event happenings in Recreation and Parks!
Glynn County Pools are a great place to visit on a hot summer day! Daily admission and pool passes for individuals and families are available at each location. Visit our website in April for details on pool passes, daily admission fees, events, and more!
Neptune Park Fun Zone
912-279-2836 or 912-279-3720
Selden Park:
912-279-2800 or 912-279-2824
– May 24 - August 3
Back to School Hours – August 4 – September 1
Glynn County Recreation and Parks
Summer Hours – May 24 - August 3
Monday - Wednesday - Friday 11am-5:30pm Tuesday Closed Saturday 11am-6pm Sunday 1pm-5:30pm
Back to School Hours – August 4 – September 1 Saturday 11am-6pm
1pm-5:30pm Labor Day (Monday) 11am-5:30pm
NOTE: Neptune Park Fun Zone Concession Stand opens ½ hour after pool opens and closes when the pool closes.
American Red Cross swim lessons are conducted Tuesday through Friday.
SESSION 1: June 3-13
SESSION 2: June 17-27
SESSION 3: July 8-18
GUPPIES (AGE 3-5): Three fun levels teach basic aquatic safety skills to increase children’s comfort level in the water.
MINNOWS (AGE 6 & Up): Four progressive levels help swimmers of varying ages and abilities develop their water safety and swim skills.
COST: $30/session
PRIVATE LESSONS: Some swimmers may benefit from one-on-one lessons. The days and times for Private Lessons at Selden Park vary. Contact the pool for more information. Fee: $15/30mins/person
DAYS/DATES/TIMES: Tuesday-Friday/June 3-August
1/8:15am-9am (excluding County holidays)
COST: $3/person or $40/individual season pass
Guppies, Level 1 3-5 10am & 5:45pm 10am Guppies, Level 2 3-5 10:30am 10:30am Guppies, Level 3 3-5 11am 11am
Minnows, Level 1 6 & up 10am & 6:15pm 10am Minnows, Level 2 6 & up 10:30am 10:30am
Minnows, Level 3 6 & up 11am 11am
Minnows, Level 4 6 & up 9am & 9:30am 9am & 9:30am
American Red Cross swim lessons are held Monday-Thursday. Rain makeups are on Fridays. Each session has eight 30-minute lessons.
SESSION 1: June 2-12
SESSION 2: June 16-26
SESSION 3: July 7-17
YEARS): Instructors teach parents how to work with their children to learn and practice basic water and safety skills. A parent or guardian must be present in the water with each child. Class maximum is 10 students.
SEA TURTLES (AGES 3-5): Students progress through 3 levels of competency for their age group. Parents are not allowed in the water. Class maximum is 6 students.
SHARKS (AGES 6 & UP): Students progress through 4 levels of competency learning various swimming and water safety skills.
COST: $45/session
INSTRUCTOR: American Red Cross Instructors
PRIVATE LESSONS: One-on-one lessons are available throughout the summer. These lessons are 30 minutes long and are taught by our Red Cross Instructors. Schedules and times depend on availability. Private lessons must be scheduled in person at the Neptune Pool. Fee: $30/30mins/person.
Sea Turtles 1 3-5 8am & 9am
Sea Turtles 2 3-5 8:30am & 9:30am
Sea Turtles 3 3-5 8:30am
Glynn County Recreation and Parks Department is seeking energetic and enthusiastic candidates to apply for summer pool lifeguard positions for Neptune Park and Selden Park. Lifeguards have one of the most important jobs in our parks and that is keeping our residents and visitors safe in and around the water! Meaningful work and great pay! All seasonal pool guards are eligible for a $500 signing bonus. Certain eligibility requirements apply. Guards must be available to work mid-May through Labor Day. Apply online at www.glynncounty.org
Glynn County Recreation and Parks Department is seeking energetic and enthusiastic candidates to apply for summer Recreation Site Attendant positions for Neptune Park and Selden Park pools. Site Attendants perform duties including collecting daily admission, selling pool passes, monitoring facilities, enforcing rules and regulations, performing light janitorial maintenance, and assisting in concessions operations. Applicants must be at least 15 years of age and able to work mid-May through Labor Day. Apply online at www.glynncounty.org.
Toddlers will have a blast participating in various structured games, activities, and obstacle courses to build motor skills, character skills, social skills, and self-confidence. Parents/guardians are encouraged to be active in the classes. Class is limited to 20 participants so register early!
DAYS/TIME: Fridays/10:30am-11:30am
WINTER SESSION: January 17-February 21
FALL SESSION: September 12-October 17
LOCATION: Selden Park Gym
INFO: 912-279-2800
Homeschool students will participate in an hour of fun games, various sports, obstacle courses and more to encourage and boost social skills, fitness, communication skills, and leadership skills. Class is limited to 20 participants so register early!
DAYS/TIME: Fridays/10:30am-11:30am
WINTER SESSION: January 17-February 21
FALL SESSION: September 12-October 17
LOCATION: Selden Park Gym
INFO: 912-279-2800
Sessions are held each month from September through early May.
Tuesdays: Ages 4-6/3:45pm-4:30pm Ages 7-12/4:30pm-5:30pm
Thursdays: Ages 4-7/3:45pm-4:30pm Ages 8-14/4:30pm-5:30pm
Class dates are subject to change based on school and County holidays
LOCATION: Epworth Park (St. Simons Island)
COST PER MONTH: $60 (forty-five minute classes); $70 (one-hour classes)
INFO: 912-279-2836
Waves Volleyball will offer Developmental as well as position specific classes this Spring.
March- Developmental Volleyball Class (Mondays and Wednesdays)
April- Setter Clinic, Hitters Clinic, Libero Clinic (1 Day Saturday class for each clinic)
May- Volleyball Development Class (Mondays and Wednesdays)
TIMES: 5pm-7:30pm
LOCATION: Ballard Gym
COST: $120 per session
INFO: 912-554-7780
Sign up for one or more sessions!
SESSION 1: June 2-4
SESSION 2: June 9-11
SESSION 3: June 23-25
SESSION 4: July 14-16
SESSION 5: July 21-23
TIMES/COST: Ages 4-6/8:30am-9:30am/$60 session
Ages 7-15/9:30am-11:30am/$90 session
LOCATION: Epworth Park (St. Simons Island)
INFO: 912-279-2836
Sign up for one or both sessions!
SESSION 1: June 16-19
SESSION 2: June 23-26
TIMES/COST: 8:30am-11:30am/$80 session
LOCATION: North Glynn Recreation Complex
INSTRUCTOR: Robert Brown
INFO: 912-554-7780
Remember how much fun you had playing kickball during school recess? Were you the king or queen of the kickball field? Here is your chance to experience it all again! Gather your friends and join our adult co-ed kickball league! Don’t miss the opportunity to act like a kid again! A team roster must be completed to participate.
SEASON: Monday & Wednesday nights
COST: $350 per team
LOCATION: Selden Park or Mallery Park
INFO: 912-279-2800 or 912-279-2836
This low-impact cardio class is guaranteed to make you sweat, but not over-exert yourself. Workouts include cardio, step, abs, weights, toning, and stretching. Each class leaves you with plenty of energy to carry on with your evening activities. This is an ongoing program except for County holidays. Class will be suspended temporarily in March/ April due to the Selden Park gym floor replacement project.
DAYS/TIME: Monday-Thursday/5:30pm-6:30pm
COST: $10 Monthly/$2 Daily
LOCATION: Selden Park Gym
INSTRUCTOR: Rhonda Jaudon
INFO: 912-279-2800
Do you have what it takes to be the Hole-inOne Champ? Get a partner and join us for an awesome time. Teams are comprised of 2 people.
SEASON: Thursdays/6pm-8pm
COST: $50 per team
LOCATION: Neptune Fun Zone, SSI
INFO: 912-279-2836
Grab some friends for a fun-filled whiffleball tournament and a chance to win cool prizes! Team registration begins October 1st. Games will be played in the evenings. DATES: November 24-25
COST: $100 per team
LOCATION: Mallery Park
INFO: 912-279-2836
Pickleball clinics for Beginners and Intermediate players are held at various times throughout the year. Learn the basics with Beginners and perfect your skills with Intermediates. Two-day clinics are held each month.
COST: $25 per clinic
LOCATION: North Glynn Recreation Complex
INSTRUCTOR: Teresa Peeples INFO: 912-554-7780
Golden Isles Horseshoe Club – Sterling Park
INFO: 912-282-7588
Open Gym Basketball – Selden Park INFO: 912-279-2800
Open Gym Volleyball – Selden Park INFO: 912-279-2800
Table Tennis – Selden Park INFO: 912-279-2800
Disc Golf (10-hole course) – Gascoigne Bluff Park INFO: 912-279-2836
Disc Golf (18-hole course) – North Glynn Complex INFO: 912-554-7780
Pickleball – Various locations INFO: 912-554-7780
Tennis – Various location INFO: 912-554-7780
Fishing/Kayaking/Camping – Blythe Island Regional Park
INFO: 912-279-2812
Yoga Classes – Selden Park INFO: 912-279-2800
Adult Dodgeball -- Selden Park INFO: 912-279-2800
Become a certified lifeguard! Must meet minimum requirements plus completion of a swim test. Class size is limited. Register early!
SESSION 1: March 31-April 4/8am-5pm each day/In Person Only
SESSION 2: April 24-27/Thursday & Friday 6pm-8pm Saturday & Sunday 9am-5pm-Blended PLUS COST: $175
LOCATION: Neptune Fun Zone INFO: 912-279-2836
Are you ready to brave the icy cold waters and take a winter plunge in the Neptune Park pool? Join the Polar Plunge team and experience the thrill with friends and neighbors! There will be a prize for the best costume!
DAY/DATE/TIME: Saturday/January 4/12pm
COST: Free
LOCATION: Neptune Pool INFO: 912-279-2836
Fee includes handbook, emergency reference guide with CD-ROM and CPR mask. Class limited to 10 participants.
DAY/DATE/TIME: Saturday/February 1/9am-5pm Saturday/October 4/9am-5pm COST: $55/person
LOCATION: St. Simons Mallery Office INFO: 912-279-2836
Junior Lifeguard class will provide participants the opportunity to experience some aspects of what it takes to be a certified Lifeguard. Participants will complete a condensed version of the Lifeguard Test, experiment with lifesaving equipment used by guards and discuss safety in the water. All participants will be required to have a signed waiver by a parent/guardian. Participants need to bring their lunch.
DAY/DATE/TIME: Saturday/ May 3/9am-4pm
COST: $20/person (Includes Junior Lifeguard t-shirt)
LOCATION: Neptune Park Pool INFO: 912-279-2836
Take a break from the summer heat and enjoy a family friendly movie at the Casino! Movies will be announced in the spring on our Facebook page.
DATES: June 11, June 25, July 9, July 30
SHOWINGS: 11am, 1pm, and 3pm each day
COST: $2/person; concession items starting at $1 (Cash only please!)
LOCATION: Neptune Park – Casino Theater INFO: 912-554-7780
Glynn County students are invited to our Splash Party featuring fun, festivities, and food. Activities in the gym and at the pool include games, music, and much more. Gym activities are free. Pool admission will be discounted for students.
DAY/DATE/TIME: Sunday/July 27/1pm-5pm
COST: Pool Admission is $1 for ages 3-13 /$2 for ages 14-17
LOCATION: Selden Park INFO: 912-279-2800
Bring your pooch and enjoy a dip in the pool! All pups receive a treat!
DAY/DATE/TIME: Saturday/September 13/10am-1pm
COST: $2/dog
LOCATION: Neptune Park Pool INFO: 912-279-2836
Keep the little ones busy with a movie on the big screen! Seating is limited, so come early.
DAY/DATE: November 26
SHOWINGS: 11am, 1pm, 3pm
This popular summer activity is back in June 2025 with even more fun planned! Led by County Manager Bill Fallon with assistance from County employees from various departments, Hoops provide youth with a safe and supervised environment to play pick-up basketball games with friends. Through the generosity of local businesses, participants receive t-shirts and refreshments. This is a free program, but participants must pre-register by the close of business Wednesday prior to each date.
DAY/TIME: Friday/7pm-9pm
DATE: June 6, 13, 20, & 27
INFO: 912-554-7780
Our popular Video Game Tournaments are back for 2025! Games will be played on Nintendo Switch. Players will be separated by age. Prizes are given to winners. Limited concessions will be available for purchase. Registration begins one month before each tournament. Space is limited.
TOURNAMENT 1: Thursday/April 3
TOURNAMENT 2: Monday/November 10
TOURNAMENT 3: Monday/December 22
TIME: 5pm
LOCATION: St. Simons Casino Room 108
COST: Free
INFO: 912-279-2836
COST: $2/person; concession items starting at $1 (Cash only please!)
LOCATION: Neptune Park – Casino Theater
INFO: 912-554-7780
Santa’s elves will install magical mailboxes at Glynn County Recreation and Parks offices for children to mail letters to Santa! Santa’s letter forms will be available at all locations and online at www.glynncounty. org/recreation by November 18. Santa will respond to children who send letters by December 13th.
DATES: November 17-December 12
MAILBOX LOCATIONS: Ballard Park, Mallery Park, Selden Park, Blythe Island Regional Park INFO: 912-554-7780
Get a jump start on your holiday card! You and your pup(s) can be photographed with Santa! Pups must be current on all vaccines. We will accept food, blanket, and toy donations for shelter dogs.
DAY/DATE/TIME: Thursday/December 4/3pm-5:30pm
COST: Free
LOCATION: St. Simons Casino
INFO: 912-554-7780
Each child will visit with Santa and enjoy hot chocolate and cookies. Parents will have the opportunity to take photos and Santa will have a special gift for each child. A Christmas classic will be shown every half hour in the theater. Don’t forget to write or drop off your letter to Santa!
DAY/DATE/TIME: Friday/December 5/6pm-8pm
COST: $3/person (Cash only please!)
LOCATION: St. Simons Casino INFO: 912-554-7780
Space in youth athletic leagues is limited per age group. Register early! Don’t delay!
VOLUNTEERS: Interested in applying for a volunteer coaching opportunity? Please contact us at glynnrec@glynncounty-ga. gov for an application. All volunteers must successfully complete the County’s criminal background check prior to being assigned to a team.
POLICY: GCRPD will refund the participant registration fee paid by a parent/legal guardian who successfully serves as a volunteer head coach for his/her child’s youth athletic team organized by GCRPD in accordance with the Volunteer Coach Refund Policy and Procedures. The Parent or Parent’s spouse must register and pay his/her child’s sport registration fee during the established GCRPD registration period. The Parent must apply and be selected by GCRPD to serve as a volunteer head coach and have completed all required training and paperwork.
TEAM SPONSORSHIPS: Glynn County Recreation and Parks encourages local businesses to sponsor a team! For more information, please contact us at glynnrec@ glynncounty-ga.gov
3-4 Blastball, Co-Ed
5-6 T-Ball, Co-Ed
7-8 Farm
9-10 Mites
11-12 Midgets
13-15 Juniors
Glynn County Recreation and Parks
This program is for residents of the City of Brunswick and unincorporated Glynn County who meet defined eligibility criteria to apply for available funding to offset youth athletic league registration fees charged to participants in designated programs. For more information and to see if you qualify, call 912-554-7780 or email us at glynnrec@ glynncounty-ga.gov.
Age prior to September 1 determines league placement.
REGISTRATION: January 1-31
PRACTICES BEGIN: Week of March 3/Baseball
Week of February 10/T-Ball & Blastball
GAMES BEGIN: Week of March 24/Baseball Week of February 25/T-Ball & Blastball
SSI OPENING DAY: Saturday/March 22/ 9:30am parade; 10am ceremony
NORTH GLYNN CLOSING FESTIVITIES: Thursday/ May 15/5:30pm-8:30pm
INFO: 912-5547780 or 912-279-2836
North Glynn or Mallery
North Glynn or Mallery Park
North Glynn or Mallery Park
North Glynn or Mallery Park
North Glynn or Mallery Park
or North Glynn
Softball is offered on the mainland and St. Simons Island.
REGISTRATION: January 1-31
PRACTICES BEGIN: Week of March 3
GAMES BEGIN: Week of March 24
SSI OPENING DAY: Saturday/March 22/9:30am parade; 10am ceremony
NORTH GLYNN CLOSING FESTIVITIES: Thursday/ May 15/5:30pm-8:30pm INFO: 912-554-7780 or 912-279-2836
Spring leagues focus on player development and fundamentals with small-sided games.
REGISTRATION: January 1-31
PRACTICES BEGIN: Week of February 18
GAMES BEGINS: Week of March 17
LOCATION: North Glynn
NORTH GLYNN CLOSING FESTIVITIES: Thursday/ May 15/5:30pm-8:30pm INFO: 912-554-7780
GAMES BEGIN: Mid-September INFO: 912-554-7780 (Mainland) or 912-279-2836 (St. Simons Island)
REGISTRATION: October 1-31
GAMES BEGIN: Second week of January INFO: 912-554-7780 (Mainland) or 912-279-2836 (St. Simons Island)
*Mini-Hoopers and Instructional Leagues will begin in November.
Selden Park staff will lead participants in drills focused on basketball basics and fundamentals. Clinics include skill evaluations, conditioning, shooting, passing, dribbling, educating, and character building. Parents should provide their child with plenty of fluids, lunch, and a light snack. Participants will be separated by age and/or skill level. Clinic is limited to 30 participants, so register early!
SESSION DATE: December 22-23
DAYS/TIMES: Monday-Tuesday/9am-3pm
COST: $30
LOCATION: Selden Park INFO: 912-279-2800
3-4 Little Kickers
GAMES BEGIN: Mid-September
INFO: 912-554-7780
Participants learn motion, jumps, cheers, and dance, and have fun working on body movement, listening skills, coordination, and teamwork. All skills levels and abilities are encouraged!
GAMES BEGIN: Mid-September INFO: 912-279-7780
$20 North Glynn, SSI
5-6 Instructional $55 North Glynn, SSI
7-8 American
9-10 National
$55 North Glynn, SSI
$55 North Glynn, SSI
11-12 International $55 North Glynn
13-14 Golden Isles
$55 North Glynn
15-17 Glynn $55 North Glynn
3-4 Mini-Hoopers, Co-Ed* $20 Selden Park
5-6 Instructional, Co-Ed* $55 Selden Park (Bwk); TBD (SSI)
7-8 Little Bits - Boys $55
9-10 Mite - Boys $55
7-9 Mite - Girls $55
Selden or Ballard (Bwk); TBD (SSI)
Selden or Ballard (Bwk); TBD (SSI)
Selden or Ballard (Bwk); TBD (SSI)
11-12 Midget – Boys $55 Selden or Ballard Gym
10-12 Glynn – Girls $55 Selden or Ballard Gym
13-14 Junior – Boys $55 Selden or Ballard Gym
*Mini-Hoopers and Instructional Leagues will begin in November.