November 10th, 2017 Newsletter

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November 10th, 2017 Honor Roll Students If you made it on the honor roll, which is 3.5 and above and you would like a printed certificate, head over to the career center to sign up for your honor roll card. In addition, we are rewarding all of our honor roll students for 1st quarter with a free taco. The taco stand will be here on November 16th and will be located in the front of the school. To get your taco, see Mrs. Petty in the career center for a ticket. Announcement for 2nd quarter rewards: Our 2nd quarter reward will be for all students who have three tardies or less AND nothing lower than a “B� grade on your report card.

Community Council The school community council meets the second Tuesday of every month promptly at 3:30P.M. in the GHS Alumni Room. Minutes and recordings of the meetings are available upon request. All patrons of the school are invited to attend meetings, but if they would like to speak they need to be put on the agenda one week in advance. Please call 385-6465320 for further information. For more information on how to get involved: Principal Dr. Dunn Chair Jennifer Olsen Vice-Chair Nicole Olsen Secretary Michelle Asay Member Brian Fuller Member Laurel Takashima Member Holly Hennessy Member Rebecca Hall Member Angie Rosier Member Sheree Allison For scheduled meeting times, or any other information please visit our website @ FAFSA Seniors and parents/guardians of seniors, Granger High School is hosting a FAFSA Completion Open House for you to get expert help completing your Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Please join us on Wednesday, November 15th from 5 to 8 PM and you’ll be eligible to apply for a FAFSA Completion Scholarship through UHEAA / StepUp Utah. More details on the scholarship can be found on StepUp Utah’s Facebook page @ UCAW Utah College Application week continues through next week November 14-16 in Senior English Classes. Students will be applying to college and then applying for financial aid and/or scholarships. Citizenship Make-Up Seniors, Citizenship make-up occurs at Granger every day. In order to walk at Graduation, students must have a minimum 2.0 CPA to graduate. Citizenship is earned based on your attendance to classes. If you are below a 2.0 in CPA, you must complete hours to improve your CPA. Visit our website to find out more information at: GHS Food Pantry Here at Granger we are lucky enough to have a food pantry. It is available to students who may not have any food at home. If you or someone you know is in need of food, please go to the counseling center.

Buy a 2017-18 yearbook for $40 at -- be sure to select Granger High in West Valley City, UT Fall Musical Into the woods! Nov 16-20th at 7pm! Tickets are now on sale for Into the Woods! $6 in advance or $7 at the door. Buy them at Granger or from a cast member or online at Spring Musical Auditions Auditions for our spring musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat are coming up on December 5th and 7th. Be prepared with 16 bars (about 30 seconds) of a Broadway or Disney song! Sign ups will be online at or by the black box door starting Nov 27th! Drama Social There will be a Drama Social (open to all students, not just club members) on Tuesday, November 28th at 6-8pm! ITS FREE!! Hope to see you all there! Master of the Cannibal Coaster Mr. Bob Pinkerton has officially rode the Cannibal (Roller coaster at Lagoon) 100 times! Make sure you ask him about it the next time you see him!

PARENT INVOLVEMENT Parents and Community Members,

We have implemented a new system to help our students know and practice our monthly Lancer Pride Expectations. We have many resources available for our teachers and students to accomplish this. With a combination of monthly infographics and episodes of The Harbor by Jostens Renaissance we hope that our students will know and practice each monthly expectation. These expectations will help them to be college and career ready! If you’d like to know more about The Harbor by Jostens Renaissance, please visit their website: If you’d like to see the most recent video that students watched on Monday, November 6th, you can watch it using this link!


3580 SOUTH 3600 WEST WEST VALLEY CITY - UTAH 84119 TELEPHONE 385-646-5320 FAX 385-646-5336 Granger High School Land Trust Report Dear Patrons, Granger High School is pleased to report on how the school implemented the 2016-2017 school plan and how Granger benefited from Land Trust money. The areas which specifically benefited from Land Trust funds include graduation mentors, ACT preparation, AVID teachers and students, school PLCs, and Latinos in Action students. In support of our school goal to keep 9th-12th graders enrolled and on-track to graduate, Land Trust funds were used to employ graduation mentors. These mentors helped students in classroom settings by giving academic support. They also provided outreach to families of at-risk students. They did this by communicating with parents about student progress and concerns. In support of our school goal of improving ACT scores, the school employed a teacher to teach seven section of an ACT preparation class. The class was completed by 172 students. The school average ACT score increased this year from 16.8 to 16.9. In support of our school goals, Land Trust money sent 14 teachers and one administrator to San Diego to be trained in Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) strategies. Teachers learned AVID strategies and incorporated these strategies in their classrooms during the school year. These strategies benefit students during the course of their high school education and help them as they prepare for post-secondary education. Also, Land Trust money was used for AVID student activities and field trips to local colleges. In support of our school goal of ongoing PLC professional development, quarterly PLC trainings were held for all teachers. These trainings were led by administrators and school instructional coaches. This allowed teachers additional time to collaborate on literacy and instructional strategies to be used in their classrooms. Substitute teachers were paid for using Land Trust funds. In support of the school goal of continuing to offer Latinos in Action classes, the school employed a teacher to teach eight sections of LIA. The total number of students who were enrolled in LIA was 328, which is an increase of 96 students from the previous year. Meeting academic needs through the responsible disbursement of Land Trust funds is an important goal of the Granger High School Community Council. The diverse academic needs of Granger High School students will continue to be met through conscientious management of these funds. Sincerely, Dr. David Dunn


Nov 13th Blood Drive:

Alumni Room @ 7:00am - 2:30pm


Nov. 14th

Community Council Mtg @ 3:30pm - 5:00pm



Nov. 15th Nov. 16th

FAFSA Night: Career Center @ 5:00pm - 8:00pm

Wrestling Intra-Squad Dual Red vs Blue @ 6:00pm -


Nov. 17th

Into The Woods: Into The Woods: Auditorium Auditorium @ 7:00pm - 9:00pm

@ 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Football Finals @ UofU @ 7:00 pm


Nov 20th

Nov. 21st

Into The Woods: Swim vs Corner Auditorium @ 7:00pm - 9:00pm Canyon

@ 3:00pm 3:30pm

Nov. 22nd Nov. 23rd

Nov. 24th

NO SCHOOL! Thanksgiving Recess!

NO SCHOOL! Thanksgiving Recess!

NO SCHOOL! Thanksgiving Recess!

Wrestling Dual vs Northridge @ 6:00pm 6:30pm

Would you like to see our daily announcements? You can view every episode of GTV @ or on our youtube channel @ You can also stay up to date on the more detailed things going on here at Granger by seeing all our newspaper stories online! You can find them @

Remember that you can also stay connected with Granger High School by following us on all social media platforms, and checking our website where we often post announcements, videos, and other important/cool items!


Lancer Pride |Thoughtful|Empowered|Connected| Granger High School 3580 S 3600 W West Valley City, UT 84119 (385) 646-5320

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