February 24th, 2017 Newsletter

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Thoughtful Empowered Connected Granger High School Lancers, Parents, and Staff;

Granger High

Announcements! ATTENTION!!! The ACT is Tuesday, February 28th. Juniors need to arrive on time. If they are late, they will not be admitted to take the ACT. Students need to be here early enough to find their designated classrooms and be physically there by 7:25 a.m. Testing will begin promptly at 7:30 a.m. Students need to bring a picture ID in order to be allowed into a testing room. There will be a free breakfast in the cafeteria for all Juniors at 7:00 a.m. CELL PHONES ARE PROHIBITED DURING THE ENTIRE TESTING TIME! Students can and should bring a calculator, but no cell phones. If you have a cell phone, it needs to be in your bag and turned completely off. If at any time a cell phone is seen or heard, that person will be dismissed from the test. There will be one lunch for all students at 11:30 a.m. Class will begin at 12:15 p.m. Freshman, Sophomores and Seniors are prohibited from being in the building until testing is over and lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. Please be aware of the time schedule and prepare accordingly, as it is very important for the Juniors to do well on this test! Granger Theatre’s 2nd Main Stage Production Ticket for Billy Budd are now on sale! Tickets are $6 in advance and $7 at the door. Tickets can be bought from a cast member, at Granger High School, or online www.grangertheatre.com The show will be on March 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th at 7:00 p.m. Open Gyms for anyone interested in trying out for Drill Team or Dance Company are February 28th and March 7th in the Dance Room, from 5:00-6:30 p.m.

Drill Clinics and Tryouts are March 8th through the 10th from 3:15-5:30 p.m. in the main gym. Dance Company Auditions are May 2nd and 3rd from 3:15 – 5:30 p.m. in the main gym. Students interested in trying out for the Granger High School baseball team listen up. The first day of tryouts will be on Monday, February 27th at 3:00 PM on the baseball field. Please bring your own baseball equipment and dress in baseball attire. If you have any questions please see Coach Jaramillo in room H103. Don’t forget to buy a yearbook at jostensyearbooks.com​-- yearbooks are not included in the registration fees schedule, so it’s easy to forget to buy a yearbook. Message from Keys To Success “We are giving out FOUR ONE-YEAR FULL TUITION SCHOLARSHIPS to UVU through our Instagram account, @ktsutah!! Four high schools will be receiving this scholarship for their students!!” HOW DOES YOUR SCHOOL BECOME ONE OF THE FOUR????? -All you need to do is: +Have your students/faculty FOLLOW @ktsutah +Then LIKE the photo we will be posting tonight about UVU +COMMENT your name & high school +TAG friends/family/other students/teachers/principal/dogs More tags and comments, better the chance! EXAMPLE: Sally Jones. Keys To Success High School. @sarahsmith


Celebrations! We would like to recognize our Sterling Scholars, Nelson Lotz, Andrea Flores, and Nawres Al-saud as they will be competing in the state finals. We wish you all luck as you move forward. Granger High School would like to congratulate the following students for doing so well in Debate! In Declamation Jelena Dragicevic took 1st, Jose Mendoza tied for 2nd, and Diana Ruiz tied for 2nd. In the Interps Diana Ruiz took 1st, and Leila Mujic took 2nd. In Foreign Extemp Nelson Lotz took 1st. In Impromptu, Bran Hester took 3rd. In Oratory Leila Mujic took 1st, Jelena Dragicevic took 2nd, and Marian Figueroa took 3rd The team will be competing at region this saturday.

Also, congratulations to Diana Ruiz! She has qualified for DEBATE NATIONALS and as a FRESHMEN, she will be competing among vigorous contestants and we wish her good luck!

Lancer PRIDE Expectations This year our focus’s for Lancer Pride are to be Thoughtful, Empowered, and Connected in subjects such as;


We are thoughtful by respecting ourselves, peers, teachers and staff when we are in class on time and on task. We are empowered when we are aware of the daily bell schedule. We are connected to our school family and show school pride when we attend all classes, on time, every day.

Classroom Behavior We are thoughtful and respectful with our voices and the language we use. We are empowered by tracking and improving our academic progress. We are connected to our school family and show school pride by being prepared and participating in classroom activities regularly. Dress for Learning We are thoughtful and respectful of ourselves and others in our choice of dress, hairstyles, grooming and appearance to not be disruptive. We are empowered by creating a safe and educational environment by our choice of dress. We are connected to our school family and show school pride when we know and follow the appropriate dress and hygiene standards.

Saturday School

The remaining Saturday School Dates are February 25th, March 4th, April 1st, April 15th, and May 6th. Please make sure to watch GTV for more information or any changes.

Citizenship Makeup

We also have an opportunity for students to make up citizenship hours and receive credit towards attendance fines, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 2:30- 3:45 P.M. in room D-102.

FCCLa Formal wear rental

FCCLA is starting a formal wear rental and they are in need of donations! They are looking for formal dresses, suits, tuxedos, or cash donations to purchase materials. This is a great opportunity for you to clean out your closets and help our amazing students! You can drop your donations off to Ms. Mosher in K119 or Ms. Hodgson in J110. We would like to get this up and running in time for prom and senior ball, so the sooner we receive the donations the better!

Important Dates and Events February 28th ACT DAY! GOOD LUCK JUNIORS! March 1st ESL Classes in Career Center Lab (Room A125) 4-7 p.m. March 2nd Theatre’s 2nd Main Stage Production in Auditorium 7-9:30 p.m. March 3rd Theatre’s 2nd Main Stage Production in Auditorium 7-9:30 p.m. March 4th Dance State Festival @ UofU Theatre’s 2nd Main Stage Production in Auditorium 7-9:30 p.m. March 6th Theatre’s 2nd Main Stage Production in Auditorium 7-9:30 p.m. March 7th Wrestling Freestyle @Wrestling Room 2:10-4 p.m. March 8th Drill Tryouts @Main Gym 3-5 p.m. ESL Classes in Career Center Lab (Room A125) 4-7 p.m. March 9th Wrestling Freestyle @Wrestling Room 2:10-4 p.m. Drill Tryouts @Main Gym 3-5 p.m. Region Training Choir @ West 4 p.m. March 10th Talent Show Assembly Baseball vs. Grantsville & East @ Hurricane Drill Tryouts @Main Gym 3-5 p.m.

ESL Classes

We offer ESL classes for parents in our Career Center Lab (A125), They start at 4:00 p.m. and end at 7:00 p.m. This month they are February 1st, 8th, 15th and the 22nd! You can watch GTV and other videos we post on our youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzYcQUxK0q6O9NRNpxlna6g Remember that you can also stay connected with Granger High School by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, (@Grangerhs) where we often post announcements, videos, and other important/cool items!

___________________________________________________ Lancer Pride |Thoughtful|Empowered|Connected| Granger High School 3580 S 3600 W West Valley City, UT 84119 (385) 646-5320

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