February 3rd, 2017 Newsletter

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Thoughtful Empowered Connected Granger High School Lancers, Parents, and Staff; Parent Teacher Conferences are on February 14th, and 15th from 4:30-7:30 p.m. followed by no school on Friday, February 17th as well as Monday, February 20th! Please take note of these important dates!

Granger Celebrations!

Our Sterling Scholars have been selected for this year. These students have excelled in a specific subject and have made Granger High School very proud with all of their hard work! If you’d like to see which students were chosen you can see them on our website. http://schools.graniteschools.org/grangerhigh/2017/02/02/ghs-sterling-scholars/ We would like to congratulate our Granger High School Cheerleaders on winning 1st place at the Utah Region and State competitions! If you’d like to see a video of their performance you can find it here! https://youtu.be/9JPdGq4Sjsw At the Wrestling Division Tournament, Ryno Tavai takes 2nd, Luke Wamsley upsets the number 2 seed to take 5th Place, Bubba Tabile takes 7th, and Brayden Knowlden takes 8th! State wrestling championships will be February 8th and 9th. We would also like to congratulate former football player and Granger Alumni, Khyiris Tonga who signed with BYU on February 1st. We’d also like to recognize Sommy Achebo, who played on our football team and signed with Southern Utah. You can check out his signing video on Athletes Corner! https://youtu.be/9kXEcpi22tM

GHS would like to give a shout out to former GTV Anchor and Granger Lancer, Lesslie Fabela for landing her own entertainment segment on Telemundo less than one year after graduating from Granger!

Saturday School

Our next Saturday School Days will be February 4th and 25th from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Students can work off attendance fines as well a citizenship hours. Because of weather conditions we will only be doing study hall sessions, but will offer $100 credit towards attendance fines for the full time instead of the usual $60 credit!

Citizenship Makeup

We also have an opportunity for students to make up citizenship hours and receive credit towards attendance fines, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 2:30 P.M. in room D-102.

Granger Night at Zupa’s

Do you want to have an excuse to eat out AND help our school earn money? Tuesday, February 7th is GRANGER NIGHT AT ZUPA’S! Go to the Zupa’s at Valley Fair Mall between 5.00 PM and 9.00 PM. Tell your cashier that you are there to support Granger High and we will get a portion of the proceeds.

Blackbox Production

This year our Advanced Theatre Presents: “Shuddersome – Tales of Poe”. This performance takes 5 of Edgar Allen Poe’s famous poems and turns then into a play. The show will be performed February 2-6th at 7 p.m. Tickets are $4 in advance and $5 at the door. VIP Passes available. Buy 4 for 1 night and get the 5th free! This production is done in the black box and seating is limited so get your tickets today!!

Important Dates and Events

February 4th State Comp (Drill) @USU Black Box Theatre Show 7-9 p.m. February 5th Black Box Theatre Show 7-9 p.m. February 6th Blood Drive (Alumni Room) 7:30 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. Black Box Theatre Show 7-9 p.m. February 7th Basketball vs. Davis (Boys @ home|Girls away) Instrumental Music Concert in Auditorium 7:00-7:30 p.m. February 8th ESL classes at Career Center lab (A125) 4-7 p.m. State Wrestling Tournament

February 9th Swim 5A State Championship @ BYU State Wrestling Tournament AVID parent night (Commons area) 6-8 p.m. February 10th Truancy pre-court hearing (Alumni Room) 9:00-9:30 a.m. Basketball vs. West (Girls @ home|Boys away) Swim 5A State Championship @ BYU February 11th Sweethearts Dance (Commons) 7-10 p.m. ESL Classes We offer ESL classes for parents in our Career Center Lab (A125), They start at 4:00 p.m. and end at 7:00 p.m. This month they are February 1st, 8th, 15th and the 22nd! Remember that you can also stay connected with Granger High School by following us on Facebook and Twitter, (@Grangerhs) where we often post announcements, videos, and other important/cool items!

___________________________________________________ Lancer Pride |Thoughtful|Empowered|Connected| Granger High School

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