April 17, 2013 - GReport

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More Inside:  Child care center | 3  Student Government Association | 4  New sports logos | 6  Raft debate | 9

Volume 1 - No. 6 Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Georgia Regents University & Health System

From terror to triumph Alumni Weekend, to feature Newsman Woodward By Christine Deriso

Brand Guidelines

New guidelines help define university and health system brand By Adrian Greer

When you think about some of the most powerful and recognizable brands – Coke, Apple, Nike – you get an idea of what each company is about just through its brand image. This is what the GRU Office of Communications and Marketing is working toward for the university and health system: a recognizable and uniform brand that authentically conveys what GRU stands for. As brand recognition requires consistency and diligence, OCM has developed a set of Brand Guidelines to help position the university and health system in

the minds of key audiences. “We want to share the new brand with our internal and external communities,” said OCM Senior Vice President David Brond. “Our brand is really the perception of how people view the university and health system and how they view us – the people who work, study, conduct research, teach, and are treated here.” The process started with developing a logo, colors, and seal, and expanded into standards for everything from letterhead to email signatures. See Guidelines, page 8

GReport Office of Communications & Marketing Augusta, Georgia 30912

The irony isn’t lost on Lee Woodruff that the day before the bottom dropped out from under her world figuratively, it had dropped out literally. She and her four children were at Disney World in January 2006 repeatedly enjoying their favorite attraction, the Tower of Terror, featuring an elevator that drops so suddenly, “it almost sucks your diaphragm up into your throat,” Lee writes. “Right before the drop there is a moment where you are literally suspended in air, too stunned to scream. It feels as if speed, motion, light and time literally freeze.” It was early the next morning that Lee’s life froze. She received a call in her hotel room conveying the shattering news that her husband, Bob, had been critically wounded by a roadside bomb in Iraq while covering the war for ABC News. “By almost any measure, he should have died,” Lee relates seven years later. “He had a severe brain injury and was in a coma for five weeks.” “It’s been a long road,” Bob acknowledges with a hearty dose of pragmatism but not an ounce of self-pity.

Presented by

Alumni Weekend Signature Event Saturday, April 27 at 6 p.m. Imperial Theatre

Free for alumni, $10 for non-alumni Bob and Lee Woodruff will be the keynote speakers for Alumni Weekend at the Imperial Theater on April 27. He and his wife will discuss their journey as guest speakers See Woodruff, page 5

Call 706-737-1759 to reserve your tickets or register online at gru.edu/alumniweekend



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Georgia Regents University


News, events and more Intramural grants A new intramural funding opportunity is available for researchers: TUPP: Collaborative Proposal Preparation Awards. The maximum one-year award is $50,000, and applications are accepted year-round. The deadline for Pilot Study Research Program submissions is June 15. Applications for Extramural Success Awards (maximum one-year award: $25,000) are accepted year-round via email. To review revised submission guidelines for the latter two programs, visit www.gru.edu/SPA/mcgri/IGPmain. html. For more information about any of the programs, contact Wanda Price at 706721-6479 or waprince@gru.edu.

Membership special Receive a free fitness assessment from a GRU Wellness Center certified personal trainer with the purchase of any payroll, flex or 12-month membership package. Call 706-721-6800 for more information.


Adopt-a-spot will be held Saturday, May 4 (weather pending) on the Health Sciences Campus. Volunteers are needed to help out with seasonal color plantings. Students, faculty and staff may partner with the Landscaping and Grounds Department to enhance the campus landsape. Twelve flowerbed locations are available for adoption. For more information or to volunteer, contact Scott Davis at 706-7213661 or rdavis1@gru.edu. Or visit www. georgiahealth.edu/facilities/adopt-a-spot. html.

Voice Day

The Department of Otolaryngology Center for Voice, Airway and Swallowing Disorders and Institute of Regenerative Medicine will celebrate World Voice Day April 16 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. at OddFellows Gallery, 1036 Broad St., with “Tiny Worlds: Big Problem,” and art exhibition that includes patients’ art projects.

Lauderdale Championship Golf Tournament The 29th Annual Lauderdale Championship Golf Tournament will be held on April 19 at Forest Hills Golf Club. An 8:30 a.m. shotgun start for

women and seniors will be followed by a 1 p.m. start for the open division. For more information about registration or sponsorships, call 706-721-2699 or visit giving.gru.edu/Lauderdale.

Breast health screenings

A walk-in mammography clinic for employees worth $100 toward health savings accounts is held the first Friday of each month from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Breast Health Center on the first floor of Georgia Regents Medical Center.

Donate Life Month

GRU is celebrating Donate Life Month with a series of events. For more information call 706-721-2888. - The fourth annual Silent Auction, Bake-off & Bake Sale will be held on April 19 in the Medical Office Building back lobby and Moretz Library. The bake-off entry fee is $5, and proceeds will benefit the Transplant Patient Assistance Fund. - Buffalo Wild Wings Give-Back Day on April 22 will feature 15 percent of pretaxed food sales benefiting the Transplant Patient Assistance Fund. You must have a ticket for sales to count. - A Vendor Showcase will be held on April 26 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Moretz Library. Sales representatives from Oragami Owl, K&K Designs and Initials Inc. will showcase their product lines and a portion of sales will benefit the Transplant Patient Assistance Fund.

Research presentations

Five presentations on GRU Research: The Translation of Patient Information to Improve Patient Quality Care will be held on April 19 at 2 p.m. in Room 1222 of the Health Sciences Building on the Health Sciences Campus. The public is invited.

Retirement counseling

Individual, confidential counseling sessions on retirement will be held on both the Health Sciences Campus and Summerville Campus this spring. Fidelity will offer sessions on the Health Sciences Campus in room 1107 of Annex 1 April 16 and 17, May 28 and 29, and June 25 and 26 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fidelity will offer sessions on the Summerville Campus in the Skinner Conference Room on April 18 and June 6 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To schedule an appointment, visit fidelity. com/reserve or call 800-642-7131. TIAA-CREF will offer sessions on the Health Sciences Campus in room 1107 of Annex 1 April 16, May 23, and June 19 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. TIAA-CREF will offer sessions on the Summerville Campus in the Skinner Conference Room on April 17, May 24, and June 29 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call 800-732-8353 to schedule an appointment. VALIC representatives are available on each campus each day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to assist with retirement and complete financial planning needs. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact 706-722-4600 or erika.pracht@ valic.com

Military and Veterans Services office The office of Military and Veterans Services has moved to the second floor of Washington Hall. The department assists service members, veterans and affiliated family members. The office hours are weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call 706-729-2255.

Raft Debate

Representatives from the Medical College of Georgia Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Surgery will compete in the 11th annual Raft Debate at 6 p.m. Friday, April 19 in the GRU Wellness Center, Health Sciences Campus. The Wellness Earth Day Center will close at 5 p.m. on Friday for An Earth Day event will be held on April the debate and will re-open at 9 a.m. on 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the green Saturday, April 20. space adjacent to the student center on Laney Walker Boulevard. Vendors and organizations will be on hand to talk about earth-friendly solutions to everyday life. For more information, visit http://georgiahealth.edu/green/earthday/index.html. See Briefs, page 7

http://report.gru.edu/ Communications and Marketing Georgia Regents University Augusta, Georgia 30912

Direct news correspondence to: Adrian Greer, Editor greport@gru.edu AD-1102, 706-721-4410

The GReport is published biweekly by Aiken Communications, a private firm in no way connected with Georgia Regents University. Opinions expressed by the writers herein are their own and are not considered an official expression by Georgia Regents University. The appearance of advertisements in this publication, to include inserts, does not constitute an endorsement by Georgia Regents University of the products or services advertised. News and photos are provided by Communications and Marketing

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DEADLINES for May 1 issue - April 23 at noon for May 15 issue - May 7 at noon Georgia Regents University

Dr. Ricardo Azziz, President Christine Hurley Deriso, Publications Director

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Leading Georgia and the world to better health by providing excellence in biomedical education, discovery, and service.

Georgia Regents University GReport

University works closely with Child Care Center in many ways

By Adrian Greer

Provost Gretchen Caughman visited the GRU Child Care Center on April 2 to read Dr. Seuss’s “The Cat in the Hat,” to the children—a gesture that marks only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how the university works with the center. “’I know some good games we could play,’ said the cat. ‘I know some new tricks,’ said the Cat in the Hat. ‘A lot of good tricks. I will show them to you,’” Caughman read to the kids with an excited inflection and a smile. The children had made red and white paper “hats” inspired by the story and were mesmerized by the reading. At the end of the Adrian Greer photo story, they cheered. “Reading is one of my favorite Provost Gretchen Caughman reads to students at the Child Care things in life,” Caughman told Center. the children after the reading. early childhood education all “Thank you, I enjoyed that and actual child care service that we benefit from the laboratory, had a lot of fun.” provide that the students can take The center and university according to Webb. advantage of.” constantly interact, according For example, dental students Caughman agreed that the to the center’s Interim Director, teach the children about dental impact of the center is important Nancy Webb. health. This helps the dental for many reasons. “We really do function as a students get exposure to working “It is a real value to our family laboratory school,” Webb said. with children, and helps the at Georgia Regents,” Caughman “Students from the university children learn. said. “To have this available for visit and provide a large amount “We have about 500 to 700 both our educational efforts and of services for the students and students come in annually to do for our employees and students the school.” work for their programs, and on a personal level is wonderful.” GRU students studying it’s great for the children to get occupational therapy, pediatrics, this kind of attention,” Webb dentistry, nursing and, of course, said. “And of course, there is the

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Georgia Regents University

Donate Life events to fund A unique view on GRU iPad education program Student Government By Adrian Greer

By Adrian Greer

The Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program is planning events during Donate Life Month to help fund a new education program using iPads. To fund the program, three events will be held: • The fourth annual Silent Auction, Bake-off & Bake Sale will be held on April 19 in the Medical Office Building back lobby and Moretz Library (BI4080). The bake-off entry fee is $5. • Buffalo Wild Wings Give-Back Day on April 22 will feature 15 percent of preSubmitted image taxed food sales benefiting the program. You must have a The new iBook will enable those recovering from surgery to get information critical to their recovery in a media-friendly way. ticket (see image) for sales to count. • A Vendor Showcase will of medical terminology. the ability to create and print be held on April 26 from The iBooks include videos an individualized meal plan, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Moretz explaining procedures, according to Mastromonico. Library. Sales representatives graphics, a glossary and The document even includes from Origami Owl, K&K interactive elements like a quiz. Designs and Initials Inc. will anatomic diagrams you can “During testing, we had one showcase their product lines click on for more information. patient ask if they had to give and a portion of sales will The department asked the the transplant back if they benefit the program. Educational and Collaborative failed the quiz,” Blankenship The proceeds will help Technology Department to said with a smile. “No, it purchase iPads that will help, and Associate Director is purely for the patient’s use iBooks currently in Jeff Mastromonico designed information and allows them development to help kidney the iBook. to review any key points that and pancreas transplant “We wanted to make it they may have missed.” patients learn more about the really interactive to catch the The more patients process and recovery. patients’ attention. We also understand the rules and “Education is huge after a wanted to make it accessible follow them, she said, the transplant,” Business Manager to the families, both so that better their prognosis. Connie Blankenship said. they could understand it The fund will also cover “This allows the patients and and view it,” he said. “We any incidental funding that their families to look at all the developed the new document may arise, as well as special information in an interesting and included a lot of videos pillows for the patients. way, and they can view it on and many things the patient For more information about any Apple device.” could touch and interact the program or the events, In the past, the patients with.” contact Blankenship at 706received a large book, mostly They also included 721-8566. with dense text and a lot nutritional information and

The Student Government Association groups at GRU had to consolidate, like every other part of the new university, but one member had an insider’s advantage. Medical College of Georgia student Zachary Di Iulio serves on the Graduate Student Government Association and also served on the Augusta State University Student Government Association as an undergraduate. Even though the GRU SGA is one organization, it consists of two groups, the Undergraduate SGA and the Graduate SGA, much like how the U.S. Congress consists of a House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. “Now that I am in my first year of medical school at MCG and I am part of the Graduate SGA, I definitely see a huge number of differences between the two SGA bodies,” Di Iulio said. “One of the most obvious is the clear distinction between the needs and abilities of the two bodies and how the SGA approaches any problems or issues that are brought to them.” The Undergraduate SGA often gets much more involved in campus activities, because they meet weekly, according to Di Iulio. And of course, there is a natural difference as those he serves with now all are focused on health science degrees, while the other group had a large mix of different majors and career goals. Di Iulio originally became involved in student government to give back to the campus and to have a say in campus decisions. He and a fellow classmate founded the medical club at ASU and it grew from there. “I was encouraged by our Director of Student Activities, Eddie Howard, to become more involved because he thought that I would be a good addition to the SGA and the student voice as a whole,” he said. “The reason that I joined the Graduate SGA was because I wanted to continue my contribution to the student voice and be able to have my voice heard by the faculty and administration of the institution that I was now a part of.” And once he started, he was excited to give back and help. “From both SGA bodies I got the feeling that I was doing something more than if I were just a student getting by, but rather I was actually making a difference,” Di Iulio said. “I

Adrian Greer Photo Medical College of Georgia student Zachary Di Iulio served on the SGA while at Augusta State and now on the Graduate SGA at GRU. See more photos from the banquet on page 10.

felt this particularly strongly as a Senator in the ASU SGA because we were right in the middle of the consolidation and there was a lot that we contributed to throughout that process.” A highlight of his term at ASU was an event that he helped to organize for the Children’s Hospital of Georgia. “One of the events that I am particularly attached to was the benefit gala that was held for the Children’s College of Georgia by the Arsenal Society of Medical Studies, the medical club I founded with Amy Jackson, who was a classmate of mine,” he said. “We were able to raise over $3,000 for the hospital and it was just a great night that turned out better than I thought it would have.” Di Iulio hopes to continue to give back. “I am very excited about the upcoming year mostly because of all the changes that we are going to see, and already have started to see, as a result of the two campuses coming together,” he said. “It is going to be very interesting to watch the melding of these two institutions and the compromises and changes that have to be made by both sides to ensure that this consolidation is a success.” Many issues still need to be worked out in the new SGA, just as many other aspects of consolidation are still settling into place. Di Iulio said he looks forward to facing those issues head on and to charting a new path for the organization.

Georgia Regents University GReport

Woodruff...from page 1 for GRU’s Alumni Weekend, presented by HCCU, Signature Event at 6 p.m. April 27 at Augusta’s Imperial Theater. Faculty, staff, students, and the general public are all invited to this special event. Tickets are free for alumni and $10 for non-alumni. The 2013 Alumni Award recipients will also be honored during the Signature Event. “They will share what they learned about each other that made their relationship and their family stronger, while discussing the issue of traumatic brain injury among returning Iraq War veterans, as well as the millions of Americans who live with this often invisible but lifechanging affliction,” according to Associate Vice President for Alumni Affairs and Special Events Kristina Baggott. Each case of traumatic brain injury is unique, but the Woodruffs’ story offers amazing insight into the resilience of the human brain. For instance, Bob awoke from his coma speaking Mandarin, a language he learned as an adult. He recognized wife Lee immediately (“Where’ve you been?” he asked upon seeing her, oblivious to her weeks-

long bedside vigil) but didn’t recognize other loved ones and had to relearn countless functions. “A lot of the brain reboots on its own, but there was extensive rehabilitation involved,” Lee says. “Speech therapy has been very powerful, as well as other rehabilitation techniques,” Bob says. “And exercise is major— getting oxygen flowing through the brain.” Lee attributes her husband’s near-complete recovery to his strong will to live, excellent prior health, innate intelligence (“mental exercises like crossword puzzles really are important,” she notes) and topnotch health care. They acknowledge some lingering effects—“I still have some memory loss and fatigue,” Bob says—but they are thrilled to share their story in hopes it will inspire others to succeed in the face of overwhelming odds. And not a day goes by that they don’t accentuate the positive. “Don’t put things off; do as much as you can now,” Bob says. “Life is short.” Visit www.gru.edu/ alumniweekend/ for more information about this event and other events during Alumni Weekend, presented by HCCU.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


GRU to host events on wrongful convictions and solitary confinement By LaTina Emerson

The Georgia Regents University Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice and Social Work will host two events this month on the criminal justice system, “The Georgia Innocence Project: Wrongful Convictions and Life after Exoneration” on April 18 and “Solitary Confinement: Torture in Your Backyard” on April 23. “The Georgia Innocence Project: Wrongful Convictions and Life after Exoneration” will discuss the Georgia Innocence Project’s work to free inmates who are wrongfully convicted

and assist those who are exonerated of crimes after they are released from prison. The event, featuring Aimee Maxwell, Georgia Innocence Project Executive Director, and Clarence Harrison, GIP Exonoree, will be held April 18 from 2:30 to 4 p.m. in University Hall, Room 170 on the Summerville Campus. A student Q & A session will follow in the Jaguar Student Activities Center Skinner Room. Harrison, GIP’s first DNA exoneree, was exonerated after serving 17 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. The event is organized by

Dr. Allison J. Foley, GRU Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, and the Jaguar Criminal Justice Club, with funding support from the Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Social Work. “Less than a year ago, Damon Thibodeaux became the 300th person in the United States to be exonerated due to DNA evidence,” Foley said. “According to the Innocence Project, these individuals spent a combined total of over 4,000 years behind bars after wrongful convictions. Eighteen See Convictions, page


Wednesday, April 17 2013


Georgia Regents University

GRU Jaguar now on the hunt By Christen Carter

Spectators will see more than just great sports play in the 2013-14 Georgia Regents University Jaguars Athletics’ season; they’ll see a whole new look in team apparel. New athletics marks are now available incorporating the University’s blue and silver gray color palette, and includes an original Jaguar icon; the historic Augusta State University athletics typeface and numeral set; and the words “Georgia Regents University,” “Augusta,” and “Jaguars.” “The coaches and studentathletes are excited about the direction we’re headed and how we’ll begin to represent ourselves and the university to our competitors, along with current and prospective students,” said GRU Director of Athletics Clint Bryant. “Athletics will

have a look all its own – a look representative of each of our 14 men’s and women’s athletic teams and the student-athletes who compete. I’m really excited about our logos and our brand and I am sure it will serve us well for years to come.” The GRU Augusta athletics logos and word marks with the custom Jaguar artwork and historic typeface, as well as the popular “Jaguar Nation” phrase, will be used to brand apparel and other items that students, faculty, staff, alumni and the public will be able to purchase from the University’s bookstores, at Jaguars’ sporting events and through licensed retailers. In addition, in concert with the University’s coaches and their staff, the new athletics logo will appear

on soon to be redesigned intercollegiate team uniforms, helmets and other team gear. “The unveiling of the

new athletics logos is going to give us all something to rally around, if we so choose, and I am hopeful it will inspire continuity

and togetherness among our university community,” said Melissa Mullins, GRU Assistant Athletic Director for Student-Athlete Services and Head Softball Coach. “From what I have seen, the GRU studentathletes will look sharp and feel confident sporting uniforms with the new logos; and while change is always hard, and it may be sentimentally tough to hang up the old uniforms and logo, I look forward to seeing the possibilities with new uniforms.” “This is an exciting time for the Georgia Regents University Augusta Athletics Department and the unveiling comes at a perfect time for our golf program, leading up to our prestigious men’s invitational tournament and the Masters,” said GRU Men’s Golf Head

Coach Kevin McPherson. “GRU Augusta’s Office of Communications and Marketing has been very ‘open-minded’, presenting several branding options to each of the head coaches. It is important to note that we have all worked together in finding the ‘perfect fit’ to brand the new university’s athletic teams. I’m honored to be a part of those decisions and look forward to the future growth of GRU Augusta.” The logos are included as part of Georgia Regents University and Health System Brand Guidelines, a publication by the Office of Communications and Marketing that defines the GRU brand and how it is to be represented to internal and external audiences. The logos will debut on uniforms and other gear in the fall.

Georgia Regents University GReport

briefs...from page 2 Steampunk Civil War Dr. Thomas J. Brown, a Civil War historian and author, will present Steampunk Civil War at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 21 in Washington Hall on the Summerville Campus. The lecture will conclude the “GRU Augusta Viewpoints: Understanding the Civil War” lecture series, hosted by the Reese Library. The series commemorates the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War.

Eat for a good cause

Eat dinner at Carolina Ale House on Tuesday, May 14 and 25 percent of proceeds from 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. benefit patient transportation and other needs at the GRU Cancer Center. Email rbruni@gru.edu for additional information.

Family Fun Festival

The Wisteria Hill Plantation Family Fun Festival will be held April 28 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., featuring food and drinks, unlimited rides and inflatables for the kids, and live entertainment. The Swingin’ Medallions will perform from 3 to 6 p.m. Visit Wisteria Hill Festival on Facebook for more information.

Partial proceeds benefit SIDS research and patient education at the Children’s Hospital of Georgia.

Feldman Grand Rounds

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Trustees of Foundation to meet held Friday, April 19 at 7 p.m. in

The Board of Trustees for the Medical College of Georgia Physicians Practice Group Foundation and its Executive Committee will meet Monday, April 22. The committee will meet at 7 a.m. in the Medical Associates Conference Room, room 1491 of the Annex. The full board will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the Murphy Building Pathology Conference Room 103.

Dr. Arthur M. Feldman, Executive Dean of Temple University School of Medicine and Chief Academic Officer for the Temple University Health System in Philadelphia, will give the Sydenstricker Society Medicine Grand Rounds, Tuesday, April 30 at noon at the Medical College Artistic Talent Show of Georgia at Georgia Regents An Artistic Talent Show will be University.

recognition of Autism Awareness Month. The event is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Augusta Endowment Committee and Annie Blair, Infant Toddler Specialist with Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning. It will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Augusta, 3501 Walton Way Extension. Admission is $5 and open to the public. All proceeds will benefit Autism Speaks Georgia Community. For more information, visit the Autism Speaks: ARTis-


tic Talent Show Facebook page or email us at valc.consulting@ gmail.com.

IPSO Open House

The International and Postdoctoral Services Office, which now includes the J-1 and F-1 visa programs, has joined the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and will hold an Open House on April 18 from 2 to 4 p.m. in Room 2211 of Pavilion III. See More Briefss, page 16



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Guidelines...from page 1 “With our brand, we have something that represents us and something that differentiates us,” Brond said. “We took elements from history, like common fonts and colors, but also used some original artwork to create something new.” The project, which began last November, has yielded a 60-page guide, available online, broken down into three major sections: logos and seal, brand elements, and application. The logo and seal section deals with how to use what logo when, examples of how to properly use it, and examples of incorrect applications of the logo. It covers logos for the university, health system, and athletics. The brand elements section focuses on style elements like typeface for official documents, acceptable colors, photography guidelines, and editorial style. The application section looks at how all these elements come together in common use, with examples of correspondence for the university and health system, email signatures, PowerPoint presentations, research posters, and licensing.

Multimedia Operations Manager Tricia Perea, who helped develop the guidelines, said the guide answers frequently asked questions about the logos, colors, and branding. “This is meant to be a tool to help people use and communicate our brand,” she said. “And it clearly illustrates some examples of how to use the brand elements and how not to use them.” In the end, the brand comes down how people perceive our organization, and the care and hard work that the faculty, staff, students, and volunteers put in every day. “How we interact with people and how they interact with us, that is what builds the brand ultimately,” Brond said. “You can look at any number of examples of iconic brands that people are loyal to and everyone knows what they stand for. It is the people and the products at that company that built that brand.” That process is just getting started and these guidelines will evolve as the brand grows, according to Brond. To view the Brand Guidelines, visit gru.edu/ocm/brand.

Brand Guidelines The guidelines address usage of:

• Logos and seal • Color palettes • Typefaces • Correspondence • PowerPoint templates • Research posters • Athletic logos • Photography • Trademarks and licensing • Editorial standards See the full guide at gru.edu/ocm/brand

Georgia Regents University

Georgia Regents University GReport

Who is the most valuable doctor? Find out in the Raft Debate By Jennifer Hilliard Scott

The fate of an internist, pediatrician and surgeon is in the hands of Georgia Regents University medical students. All three are aboard a sinking ship, and their only escape is a one-person raft. Who should be saved? Representatives from the Medical College of Georgia Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics and Surgery will try to sway medical students during this hypothetical debate at the 11th annual Raft Debate at 6 p.m. Friday, April 19 in the GRU Wellness Center, Health Sciences Campus. Hosted by the MCG Alumni Association, representatives will debate which specialty is most important and would help the most people if saved. Physicians aboard the ship

Dr. Paul Wallach, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, will make opening remarks. A dinner reception will follow at 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m. The program was initiated in 2003 by Dr. Paul Dainer, Friday, April 19 Associate Professor of Medicine, and Dr. Elizabeth Holt, Class GRU Wellness of 2005. Dr. Dainer had seen a Center, Health similar format pitting a social scientist, natural scientist and Sciences Campus humanities professor while earning his undergraduate degree at the College of William include Dr. Matthew Diamond, & Mary. After arriving at MCG, Assistant Professor of Medicine; he wanted medical students to Dr. Colleen McDonough, enjoy a similar experience. Assistant Professor of Pediatrics; For more information about the and Dr. Steve Holsten, Associate event or for reservations, contact Professor of Surgery. GRU Mary Beth Gable in the Division Provost Gretchen Caughman will of Advancement and Community moderate the debate. Dr. Michael Relations, 706-667-4894 or Brands, Professor of Physiology mgable@gru.edu. and Graduate Studies, will serve as devil’s advocate.

Raft Debate

Temple Executive Dean gives Sydenstricker Grand Rounds April 30 By Toni Baker

Dr. Arthur M. Feldman, Executive Dean of Temple University School of Medicine and Chief Academic Officer for the Temple University Health System in Philadelphia, will give the Sydenstricker Society Medicine Grand Rounds, Tuesday, April 30 at noon at the Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University. Feldman, a cardiologist and cardiovascular researcher specializing in heart failure, will discuss “The Genetics of Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Is it Time for Personalized Heart Failure Therapy?” in the Natalie and Lansing B. Lee Jr. Auditorium of the GRU Auditoria Center on the Health Sciences Campus. The Sydenstricker Society was founded in 1971 to honor the late Dr. Virgil P. Sydenstricker, a physician and researcher specializing in nutritional

deficiency disease, who chaired the MCG Department of Medicine from 1922-57. The society supports collegiality among former and present members of the Department of Medicine, fosters collaboration with the Augusta community and provides educational opportunities, including the annual lecture and funding for MCG medical residents to present their research at major national and regional meetings. Feldman is Past President of the Heart Failure Society of America and the Association of Professors of Cardiology. He served as Director of the Belfer Laboratory for Molecular Biology of Heart Failure and the Heart Failure Research Program at Johns Hopkins University and later as Chief of the Division of Cardiology and Director of the Cardiovascular Institute of the University of Pittsburgh Medical

Dr. Arthur M. Feldman Center and Health System. He is a graduate of Louisiana State University School of Medicine. The lecture is designated for continuing medical education credit.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

SGA holds first joint banquet The GRU Student Government Association held its first joint banquet for the Graduate and Undergraduate SGA organizations on April 2 at the Kroc Center. Gen. Jeff Foley was the keynote speaker and discussed leadership. Then awards were given out for the 2012-2013 SGA class. That was followed by the swearing in of the 2013-2014 Graduate SGA class. Adrian Greer photos


Georgia Regents University

Georgia Regents University GReport

Writer visits GRU Acclaimed detective fiction writer Sara Paretsky visited students on March 29 to talk about writing, her life and answer any questions they might have. Paretsky, known for her books featuring the character V.I. Warshawski, discussed how she came up with the unique character and how changes in the world and workplace influenced her writing and life. Adrian Greer photos

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Georgia Regents University

Georgia Regents University GReport

Phil Jones photo

New look for Golf Club A ribbon-cutting was held for the grand re-opening of the recently renovated club house at Forest Hills Golf Club. Ceremony participants includes Dr. Ricardo Azziz, President of Georgia Regents University; Dan Elliott, General Manager of Forest Hills Golf Club; Don Grantham, Chair of the Forest Hills Golf Club Planning Committee; and Stovall Walker, President of the Augusta Golf Association. Forest Hills Golf Club is home to the Augusta State Jaguars men’s and women’s golf teams. The renovation is the first of a two-part improvement project at Forest Hills Golf Club and included exterior upgrades to the club house. Included in the upgrades are a new covered entrance at the front of the building; repaved front and side parking lots; and more trees, plant beds and grassy areas. Interior renovations will be completed in the second phase of the project, now underway, and include plans for the incorporation of Georgia Regents University Augusta and Augusta State Jaguar’s men’s golf memorabilia in the club house Grill Room.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013




Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Georgia Regents University

GRU to host Earth Day celebration April 19 By LaTina Emerson

Georgia Regents University will partner with Paine College to celebrate Earth Day Friday, April 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the courtyard beside the GRU Wellness Center on the university’s Health Sciences Campus. The GRU Green Team is also coordinating a “Bike to GRU/Paine College Day” on April 19. Everyone is encouraged to ride with others along one of three routes: the North Augusta Greeneway, the Augusta Canal and down the “Hill area.” Riders will leave from Savannah Rapids Pavilion at 6:45 a.m., North Augusta at 7 a.m. and Daniel Village at 7:30 a.m.; or cyclers can join the routes at other points. When bikers arrive on campus, they will receive juice, pastries and raffle tickets for gift certificates from local bike shops and Earth Day goodies. This year’s theme is “Think Green, Live Green, Work Green.” The event

GRU’s Earth Day celebration will include a live performance by The Henrys and Deveran. is designed to inspire the GRU, Paine College and Augusta community to help the planet by “going green” every day, not just on Earth Day. GRU’s Earth Day celebration will

feature music by disc jockey Bryan Mitchell and a live performance by The Henrys and Deveran. Door prize drawings will be held throughout the event. The program will also include

an award for a “green employee” and educational exhibits from area organizations and businesses about ways to care for our planet. Tree seedlings and other small indoor and outdoor plants will be given away, while supplies last, as well as recycled items and recycled Styrofoam coolers. Attendees are also encouraged to drop off items to recycle at collection points. “We want people to bring items to recycle, including used eyeglasses, cell phones, writing instruments, such as pens, pencils and highlighters, and printer cartridges,” said Linda Saunders, event organizer. Vendors, who will demonstrate how they are helping to go green, will open booths at 10 a.m. Food vendors, including Crums and Brown Bag Augusta, will also be on-site during lunch. Tables will be available, in

addition to Student Center dining. Southern Swiss Dairy will have ice cream for sale. The Health Sciences campus launched the Green Initiative in 2011 to encourage faculty, staff and students to adopt environmentally responsible practices. In case of rain, the event will move to the Wellness Center. Parking is available at Kroger on 15th Street and the Laney High School Stadium. Shuttles between the Summerville campus and Laney-Walker Boulevard will be available. For details about the Bike to GRU/ Paine College Day, visit the “Bike to GRU” Facebook page or contact Alan Saul at asaul@gru.edu or 706-7210695. For information about the GRU Earth Day event, visit www.gru.edu/ green.

Georgia Regents University GReport

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


convictions...from page 5 of these persons, including Damon Thibodeaux, had received the death penalty. Relatedly, states across the country have decreased their use of the death penalty in recent years and some state governments, such as California, have proposed to do away with this ultimate punishment.” “Solitary Confinement: Torture in Your Backyard” will feature a film screening and panel discussion on the topic of solitary confinement and the National Religious Campaign against Torture’s short film: “Solitary Confinement: Torture in Your Backyard.” Panelists will include Foley, whose teaching and research focuses on institutional corrections, and Lorraine Barlett, who served as defense counsel to inmates confined at Guantanamo Bay through her military service. The event, presented by the Central Savannah River Area Peace Alliance, Foley and the Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice and Social Work, will be held April 23

from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Jaguar Student Activities Center Hardy Room. In solitary confinement, inmates are held in a 60-square-foot space with no human contact for 23 hours per day, for weeks or years. “The use of solitary confinement within prisons remains a consistent practice in most states despite concern over possible detrimental effects, particularly when used for extended periods of time,” Foley said. “This timely event occurs just after the murder of Colorado Department of Corrections chief Tom Clements by a man who spent a significant amount of time in solitary confinement directly before being released. In addition, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has recently launched an investigation of the use of solitary confinement of immigrants in federal facilities. Together, these events consider two of our country’s most pressing criminal justice issues.”

Criminal Justice events • The Georgia Innocence Project: Wrongful Convictions and Life after Exoneration - April 18 from 2:30 to 4 p.m. in University Hall, Room 170 on the Summerville Campus • Solitary Confinement: Torture in Your Backyard April 23 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Jaguar Student Activities Center Hardy Room

Rachael Stenger



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

More briefs...from page 7 Join EII

The GRU Educational Innovation Institute meets at noon on the second Wednesday of each month in the Pavillion III CJ 3302 to discuss health professions education and educational research. The institute provides refreshments and participants may bring their lunch. For more information, contact EDI@gru.edu.

or 706-721-1634 or visit georgiahealth. org.

Trauma support

A support group for those impacted by trauma meets the third Wednesday of every month from noon to 1 p.m. in the fourth-floor west conference room of the Georgia Health Sciences Health Center. For more information, call 706-721-4633 or 706-721-3264 or visit georgiahealth.org.

of every month from 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the Cancer Center Community Room. Pre-registration is mandatory. RSVP by calling 706-721-0466 or visit georgiahealth.org.

Breast cancer support

Georgia Regents University

Volunteers needed

Pressure study

Schizophrenia study

Adults age 55 and older with high blood pressure are needed for a GRU study. Participants, who will be paid and receive free blood pressure medication, will have blood pressure readings and provide blood samples. Contact Heather Anderson at 706-7219684.

Adults age 18-50 with a history of schizophrenia are needed for a psychiatry medication study consisting of five visits. Participants will be paid. Contact Courtney Caulder at 706-7213048.

A support group for women and families affected by breast cancer meets on the second Thursday of each month from 12:30-2 p.m. in the Cancer Psych study Adults age 18-70 with either a history Center Community Room. Call 706Artwork request 721-4109 for more information or visit of or no history of mental illness are Artwork for young children is needneeded for a psychiatry study. Pargeorgiahealth.org. Gyn cancer support ed for a grant awarded to GRU and ticipants will be interviewed and give The CSRA Gyn Cancer Support the Richmond County School System blood/urine samples. Participants will Group meets the third Monday of each Moms’ connection to develop digital games based on be paid. Contact Courtney Caulder at A support group for new moms nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Needs month from 6-7:30 p.m. at Augusta 706-721-3048. meets Tuesdays from 1-2 p.m. in Oncology Associates, 3696 Wheeler include 100 simple cartoonish word Building 1010C at 1225 Walton Way. Road. Call 706-721-5557 for more pictures (chair, dog, hat, pie, apple, For more information, call ext. 1-9351 Diabetes study pumpkin, etc.) at $25 each; 100 simple information. Women age 18-50 with Type II or visit georgiahealth.org. narrative pictures for the games’ story elements at $25 each; color digitally diabetes are needed for a GRU study. Prostate cancer support added to 125 existing black and white Autism support Participants will be asked to complete A support group for loved ones of A support group for those with pros- an anonymous questionnaire. Call pages $12 per page; and 25 color illustrations for selected stories at $50 children with autism spectrum disortate cancer meets the third Tuesday 706-721-0084. each. For more information, contact ders meets the first Tuesday of every of each month from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Walter Evans at wevans1@gru.edu or month from 6-7 p.m. in the Patient and Cancer Center Community Room. For 706-729-2167. Family Resource Library on the eighth more information, call 706-721-0550 floor of Georgia Health Sciences or visit georgiahealth.org. Medical Center. For more information, SUPPORT GROUPS call 706-721-6838 or email ddrakele@ Talk cancer gru.edu. Blood cancer/BMT support Let’s Talk Cancer support group A blood cancer support group meets meets the second Tuesday of each Look good… feel better on the third Wednesday of every month from 5:30-7 p.m. in the Cancer A workshop about appearancemonth from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Center Community Room. For more Cancer Center Community Room. For related side effects for women with information, call 706-721-0550, or visit cancer is held the second Wednesday georgiahealth.org. more information, call 706-721-9134

Georgia Regents University GReport

Long-term care benefits offered Staff reports

Georgia Regents University has updated the Long Term Care (LTC) benefits plan being offered to our benefits-eligible employees. “These types of LTC plans, where coverage is offered to employees with no medical underwriting, are becoming harder and harder to find,” Director of Benefits and Faculty Support Services Patricia Riley said. “So we’re excited to be able to continue to offer this program, and to give our employees the opportunity to enroll now in this newly designed LTC benefits plan on a guaranteed issue basis.” Long Term Care Insurance differs from medical and disability programs, according to Riley. Medical programs pay for hospitalization and medically necessary expenses, but not for many long term care services. Long Term Disability (LTD) programs replace wages if employees cannot work. LTD covers expenses like food and housing, but is probably not enough to pay for long-term care. Long Term Care insurance is specifically designed to cover the services necessary to maintain an individual’s level of independent functioning. It incorporates anything from services administered by a registered nurse to help with meal preparation and housekeeping. Care can be provided in a number of settings - in the home, in communitybased facilities like adult day care or assisted living, or in a nursing home. The new LTC plan pays for actual long term care expenses, up to a daily and lifetime maximum amount. You choose the daily facility care maximum of $100, $150, $200 or $250, and the lifetime maximum of three years or five years. Even if you don’t enroll, this coverage is available to your spouse/domestic partner, as well as your parents and grandparents or your spouse’s parents and grandparents. They can apply at any time, but they’ll be required to provide proof of good health. Coverage is not guaranteed for

family members. Participation in the LTC plan is totally voluntary and paid for by you, the employee. Premiums for you and/or your spouse/domestic partner are deducted from your paycheck on an after-tax basis. Premiums for all other enrolled family members are billed directly by CNA, the insurance carrier. Georgia Regents University will be holding an Open Enrollment Period April 15 through May 3, for those who

wish to enroll in the new LTC plan. During that period the Human Resources Department will be hosting informational meetings presented by our longterm care insurance provider where you can learn more about long-term care insurance and the benefits provided under our new LTC plan. The department will provide more information on how to enroll in this new LTC Plan in the near future.

Long Term Care Meetings • April 24 – 9 a.m. – Summerville Campus – Butler Meeting Room 227 – Jaguar Student Activities Center • April 24 – 2 p.m. – Health Sciences Campus - Room EC1218 – Health Sciences Building • April 25 – 9 a.m. – Health Sciences Campus - Room EC1218 – Health Sciences Building • April 25 – 2 p.m. – Summerville Campus – Butler Meeting Room 227 – Jaguar Student Activities Center

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Money management tips HCCU will offer free classes at the Greenblatt Library. Each session will be from noon to 1 p.m. • May 2 - Managing a Budget

• June 5 - What is Your Credit Score? • Aug. 7 - Buying a Car.

Sign up to attend at www.webinservice.com/GeorgiaHealthSvc.

April is Financial Literacy Month Submitted article

Anytime is a good time to improve your financial knowledge particularly since April has been declared Financial Literacy Month. Most people are not born with the knowledge of how to manage their money, and many people find it difficult to distinguish between a “need” and a “want”. USA Today reports in the March 21 issue that according to the Census Bureau more Americans are paying off debt compared with 2000, however, those saddled with debit owe about 40 percent more. Unfortunately, many Americans are retiring with debt due to the help they provide their adult children and grandchildren in coping with divorce, unemployment, and education according to the March 21 issue of The Wall Street Journal. Here are some tips for managing your debt regardless of your age: • Know what you owe – if you don’t, this could be a sign of too much debt. • Use credit wisely - only charge

as much as you can pay off in full each month. • Power pay your way out of debt – make a list of all your debts along with the interest rates respectively and pay off the most expensive ones first. Be sure to make at least the minimum payments on everything else. • Avoid expensive forms of credit – steer clear of high-cost payday loans, advance fee loans, highinterest debt consolidation and debtsettlement. • Find extra money to pay off debt faster – Plug spending leaks, establish a budget, adjust your withholding, add extra income, or liquidate some assets. For some additional money management tips, HCCU will offer free classes at the Greenblatt Library. Each session will be from noon to 1 p.m. Topics include: May 2, Managing a Budget; June 5, What is Your Credit Score?; and August 7, Buying a Car. Sign up to attend at www.webinservice.com/ GeorgiaHealthSvc.



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Georgia Regents University

New research report: urinary tract infections 29 times more likely in schizophrenia relapse By Toni Baker

Schizophrenia patients experiencing relapse are 29 times more likely than healthy individuals to have a urinary tract infection, researchers report. Urinary tract infections, which can cause painful and frequent urination, are common but patients hospitalized for schizophrenia are even more likely to have a UTI than healthy individuals or even others whose illness is under control, said Dr. Brian J. Miller, psychiatrist and schizophrenia expert at the Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University. The study comparing UTI rates in 57 relapsed hospitalized patients , 40 stable outpatients and 39 healthy controls showed that 35 percent of the relapsed patients had UTIs versus 5 and 3 percent, respectively, of the other groups. While it’s too early to know which comes first, the UTI or acute schizophrenia relapse, the association means relapsed patients should be tested for a UTI, said Miller, corresponding author of the study in Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Relapse can produce delusions and symptoms that can impede good hygiene and adequate hydration, increasing the risk of UTIs. However Miller, who pursued the study because he’s seen improvement in patients’ psychiatric condition simply by treating them with antibiotics for a UTI, said UTIs could be the trigger. This seemingly odd association between infection and relapse of a brain disorder also has surfaced in dementia, in which a significant percentage of patients with worsening aggressive behavior and psychotic symptoms have a UTI that, when treated, improves dementia-related problems. “The questions we are asking is, ‘Does that same phenomena seem to take place in patients with schizophrenia?” and we are finding evidence that it does,” Miller said. It’s clear that the immune system is a player in the heterogeneous

disorder, which affects about 1 percent of the population, causing hallucinations, depression and impaired thinking and social behavior. Babies born to mothers who develop a severe infection, such as influenza or pneumonia, during pregnancy have a significantly increased risk of schizophrenia. Miller and others suspect that the mother’s infection somehow reprograms the baby’s immune system so its reactions are more extreme – more aggressive at times, more passive at others – leaving the individual vulnerable to both infections and autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, where the body’s immune system attacks itself. Schizophrenia patients die on average 15-20 years earlier than the general population, have an eight-fold increased risk of death from pneumonia and nearly five percent increased risk of death from all infectious diseases. The study included reviewing charts of patients with acute illness relapses that required hospitalization and actively recruiting clinically stable outpatients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. Urine cultures, which identify specific bacterium causing the urinary tract infection, were not available for most of the acutely ill patients. However, urinalysis, a broader screening test for disease or UTIs, were available. Miller has already completed a similar study in a larger number of patients that found comparable correlations of UTIs in relapsed patients. He is pursuing prospective studies of acutely ill patients where urine cultures are obtained and wants to also look at giving antibiotics to prevent UTIs in those with a history to see if that also reduces their incidence of schizophrenia relapse. He’s in the midst of a related, National Institute of Mental Health-funded study looking at blood levels of interleukin 6, a protein that helps regulate inflammation, to see if they are a red flag for relapse in

some schizophrenia patients. Miller and his colleagues note in the published study that some older antipsychotic medications reduce urination, which can increase the risk of UTIs, although most of the patients were on newer drugs. About 34 percent of adults over age 20 say they have had least one UTI and 1 in 5 women develop UTIs over their lifetime, according to the Kidney and Urology Foundation of America. About 82 percent of patients with schizophrenia experience relapse within five years of their first episode, making them more treatment-resistant and further impairing their ability to think and function.

Phil Jones photo

Dr. Brian J. Miller

Georgia Regents University GReport

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

GRU upcoming home games Baseball April 27 - UNCP April 28 - UNCP May 1 - Flagler Men’s Golf NCAA Regionals on May 9 and 10 Women’s Golf NCAA Regionals on May 9 and 10 Men’s & Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Peach Bealt Conference Championships, April 19 and 20 For more information, visit: http://www.jaguarsroar.com




Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Georgia Regents University

Scholarships given to third-year MCG students learning in Southwest Georgia By Toni Baker

Scholarships are being provided for up to 20 students at the Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University who opt to spend their clinically intensive third and fourth years of medical school living and learning in Southwest Georgia. “We believe these scholarships will be an additional incentive to our students to focus on the most medically underserved area of our state during their education and, hopefully, in their future practice,” said Dr. Linda Boyd, Associate Dean for Regional Campus Coordination at the Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University. The scholarships are in keeping with a medical college admissions’ priority to recruit more students from rural areas, Boyd said. MCG officials opted to focus scholarships on Southwest Georgia because the entire region is considered medically underserved and has some of the lowest overall health indicators in the state and nation, Boyd

said. The $4,000 one-time scholarship will be available for third-year students who start at the Southwest Campus in July. The scholarships are funded through the MCG Office of the Dean. Other funding sources are being pursued so scholarships also will be available for fourth-year students, Boyd said. The Southwest Campus, based at Phoebe Putney Health System in Albany, was established in 2005 as MCG’s first regional clinical campus in support of the public medical school’s mission to provide more physicians for the state. In 2010, the campus received residential status that enables up to 20 students to remain in the region for their third and fourth years. Currently there are 15 and 14 students, respectively. “Our students love southwest Georgia,” Boyd said. “In addition to getting a great education, they feel really welcome in the physician practices and hospitals. Our hospital

Arts Schedule GRU Jazz Ensemble

April 18, 7:30 PM • Maxwell Theatre

The Millennium Brass

(Harry Jacobs Chamber Music Society) April 19, 7:30 PM • Maxwell Theatre

The Clothesline Project

April 22 - April 26, All Day • Maxwell Theatre, front lawn Display of T-shirts decorated by survivors of sexual assaults, or decorated by their loved ones.

Conservatory Jazz Band April 23, 7:30 PM

GRU Theatre “Students Caught in the Act” April 27, 7:30 PM and April 28, 3:00 PM Maxwell Theatre

partners are particularly gracious and generous. They see the students as the future of medicine in Georgia, which, of course, they are.” MCG students have clinical training opportunities in approximately 135 sites across the state to experience the full spectrum of medicine, from tertiary/quaternary hospital

care to small-town solo practices. Additional clinical campuses include the Southeast Campus based at St. Joseph’s/Candler Health System in Savannah and the Southeast Georgia Health System in Brunswick as well as the Northwest Campus, based in Rome, which will be fully operational this year. A second, four-year campus

in Athens, the GHSU/UGA Medical Partnership, in cooperation with the University of Georgia, enabled class growth from 190 to 230 students in 2010. In 2014, GRU plans to open the J. Harold Harrison, M.D., Education Commons to accommodate a medical school class size of 300.

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