Medical College of Georgia Faculty Senate Annual State of the College Address May 1, 2014
First Lung surgery in US by Milton Antony
First hysterectomy surgery by Paul Eve
Dugas sign for shoulder dislocation
MCG's First (and only) Lasker Awardee, discovery led to drugs for hypertension 1948
First report of Sickle Cell disease by Virgil Sydenstricker
First open heart bypass surgery in GA by Robert Ellison
Three Faces of Eve by Cleckley and Thigpen
Oral contraceptive pill, Robert Greenblatt
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
Class of 2014: Match Day
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
J. Harold Harrison, MD Education Commons:
Our New Home
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
Our Educational Portfolio: A Statewide ‘Hub & Spoke’ Model, Providing Care to Georgia Citizens
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
Highlights • Department of Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine established • Glen E. Garrison MD Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine established • Vision Discovery Institute’s Visionary Warriors • Partnership with Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation • MCG Spring Phonathon
Department of Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine
Roosevelt Warm Springs
• Successful ACGME Clinical Learning Environment Review • Korean health officials visit GRU to learn about disaster preparedness • 2013 Radiothon raised $189,000 for our Children’s Hospital of Georgia • Physician observerships for colleagues from China’s Jiangsu Province
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
Outstanding Accomplishments
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
MCG Strategic Plan
Our Mission
To lead Georgia and the nation to better health through excellence in biomedical education, discovery, patient care, and service.
Our Vision
MCG will be a nationally recognized leader in medicine, delivering patientcentered and technologically advanced medical education, transformative research, and exceptional clinical and preventive care, leading to healthier communities.
Our Values Collegiality: collaboration, partnership, sense of community, and teamwork. Compassion: caring, empathy, and social responsibility. Excellence: distinction, effectiveness, efficiency, passion, quality, and impact. Inclusivity: diversity, equality, fairness, impartiality, and respect. Innovation: creativity, originality, discovery, exploration, and experimentation. Integrity: accountability, ethical behavior, honesty, and reliability. Leadership: courage, honor, professionalism, transparency, and vision. Loyalty: mutuality of commitment between employee and institution.
Strategic Planning MUST Be Inclusive
MCG’s 185-Year Legacy & Future: People Make the Place
Six Strategic Priorities • Provide exceptional future-oriented learning experiences for physicians in training and other advanced-degree health sciences professionals. • Generate outstanding transdisciplinary, translational, basic, clinical, population, and community-based research. • Develop an efficient health care system of quality and value with enhanced access to complex care. • Create a diverse, inclusive environment that supports the needs and opportunities of faculty, students, residents, and staff. • Maximize our leadership capacity at all levels through professional growth.
• Engage our alumni and community by advancing philanthropy and MCG growth.
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
Strategic Priority 1:
Provide exceptional future-oriented learning experiences for physiciansin-training and other advanced-degree health sciences professionals.
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
Strategic Priority 2:
Generate outstanding transdisciplinary, translational, basic, clinical, population, and community-based research.
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
Strategic Priority 3:
Develop an efficient health care system of quality and value with enhanced access to complex care.
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
Strategic Priority 4: People & Process Excellence Maximize our leadership capacity at all levels through professional growth.
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
Strategic Priority 5: Cultural Transformation & Diversity Create a diverse, inclusive environment that supports the needs and opportunities of faculty, students, residents, and staff.
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
Strategic Priority 6:
External Affairs Engage our alumni and community by advancing MCG growth through philanthropy and communications.
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
MCG’s 185-Year Legacy & Future: People Make the Place Barbara Robinson Albasheer, Ahmad Alee, Ralph Alleyne, Cargill Baker, Toni Balotin, Jeanette Bedenbaugh, Lesie Bella, Beverly Bertling, Carlyn Bhatia, Jatinder Bogorad, David Bollag, Wendy Bonham, Christopher Boyd, Buffi Brisco, Bennie Buckley, Peter Caldwell, William Callaway, Kelly Cartledge, Kerry Castresana, Manuel Covar, Joel Daglis, Joanna Dallas, Albert Dellsperger, Kevin DeRossi, Scott
Diamond, Michael Dong, Zheng Duncan, Gina ElLaissi, Fathy Elstad, Christin Erickson, Nikia Fagan, Susan Fulton, David Gambill, Ann Ganapathy, Vadivel Gillies, Ralph Goodman, Rev. Dr. Charles Griner, Richard Guion, W. Kent Halbur, Kimberly Harris, Ruth Harris, Ryan Henson, Scott Hess, David Hobbs, Joseph Howell, Charles Hughes, Anthony Hunter, Monte
Jack Yu Jackson, Steven Johnson, Cedric Kamath, Vinayak Khleif, Samir Kong, Feng-Ming Kornegay, Denise Lambert, Nevin Lane, Natalie Lazari, George Leggio, Lisa Lever, Sharon Levins, Patricia Lewis, Mark Lewkowiez, Eric Little, Lee Litwin, Sheldon Looney, Stephen Madaio, Michael Mallon, William Maria, Bernard Marint, kathryn Martin, Pamela Masoumy, Mohamad McCall, W. Vaughn
Mei, Lin Merchen, Todd Mercier, Ian Mims, Michelle Mobley, Sandra Moore, Walter Mulloy, Anthony Mulloy, Laura Munroe, Janet Nixon, Karyn Nuss, Shelley Nussbaum, Julian Osborne, Jim Pace, Betty Pantano, Justin Perry, Teri Rao, Satish Rawson, James Reeves, Leonard Reinstatler, Lael Ricci, Joseph Richardson, Scott Richwine, Samuel Rixe, Olivier
Robinson, Anthony Rosenquist, Peter Schecter, Michael Schuster, Barbara Schwartz, Richard Scott, Steven Shaurette, Nicholas She, Jin-Xiong Shultz, Amy Simmons, Granville Smith, Franklin Smith, Sylvia Stephens, Jacqueline Steyer, Terry Sutton, Connie Terris, David Thomas, Andria Thomas, Bobby Thornton, Joe Tuttle, Cindy Wallach, Paul Weinberger, Paul Weintraub, Neal White, Chris
Great doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828
MCG Hooding Ceremony Guest Speaker
Darrell G. Kirch, MD
President and CEO Association of American Medical Colleges
Thursday, May 8, 2:00 pm Bell Auditorium
Medical College of Georgia Faculty Senate Annual State of the College Address May 1, 2014