2022 Music Education Catalog

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General Music • Featured New Releases First Steps with Hansel and Gretel (Book + DVD) An Adventure with Arioso

Lillie Feierabend The purpose of Arioso, one of the eight parts of John Feierabend’s First Steps in Music curriculum, is to provide children with the opportunity to spontaneously create their own tunes. To do this, the catalyst must be inviting and accessible. The opera Hansel and Gretel provides the perfect opportunity while also introducing students, even very young ones, to the wonderful world of opera. In addition to creating Arioso, children will be able to sing some of the more accessible songs. This opera comes to life when children are invited to actively participate, to become each character and sing their songs, and to create Arioso to convey their thoughts and feelings. Lillie Feierabend has presented Hansel and Gretel for over twenty years to the delight of her entire school community. Join her as she guides the first, second, and third grade students of the Indianapolis Children’s Choir as they sing songs from the opera and create Arioso for each character. Also included on this DVD: •

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A voiceover track with John and Lillie Feierabend discussing the songs and Arioso opportunities in each scene Complete storyline with ideas for implementation Parent engagement as they interact and create Arioso with their children

Lillie Feierabend is known for her work with young children and instilling a love of music within them. She has been a general music teacher in Connecticut for thirty years and a director of the Connecticut Children’s Chorus for seventeen. She is a frequent clinician at local, state, national, and international conferences, speaking on many aspects of early childhood music. Dr. John Feierabend is considered one of the leading authorities on child development in music and movement. He is a Professor Emeritus and former Director of Music Education at the University of Hartford’s The Hartt School and is a past President of the Organization of American Kodály Educators (OAKE).

G-10493 Book + DVD Combo, 2 Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95

(*Purchase comes with a unique code to access DVD content online) GIA Publications, Inc. • 1.800.GIA.1358 or 708.496.3800 • www.giamusic.com 23

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